Common Pleas Records

Clermont County Genealogical Society

Found in the Common Pleas Records of April 4, 1853

by Barb McCarthy

Poll book of the election held in the township of Goshen in the County of Clermont on the 4th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three. Joseph Roudcbush Elias Smith and Thomas Chancy Judges and Wm Yost and I. Mimer Clerks of said election were severally sworn as the law directs previous to their entering on the duties of their respective offices.

Preston Bishop

Peter Ringer

John Caudle

Dan Dougman

E. Plummer

Samuel Soonal

L.C. Smith

W. Fetter

Geo. Myers

Joe Hall

Saml Brown

D. Teeton

John Cramer

B. Smith

John Myers Sr

John Schuyler

E. Schooley

Robt Andrews

Inc Starkey

mo Williams

A.B. McNeall

Jno Myers Jr

Henry Daughman

Dan Reed

Burket Castle

David McMullin


E. Burger

Day Myers

Wm Reed Sr

Wm Reed Jr

Thos Chaney

Jno Pinewiler

las Turner

Chas Knipe

Wm Toman

Lewis Fry

Adam Miller

Em Bclot

Edw. Harris

Jac Fleaglc

Jam Masters

Wm Myers

Day Cumming

Jno Applegat.

J.W. Ferris

3 Ferroe

W. Schuyler

Jesse Schuyler

A. Snyder

E. Pruden

0. Brickman

Wm Leever

John Simonton

S. Starkey

los McMullin

Geo. Ramsey

S. Riggs

I. Harker

las Donally

Bennet Simonton

Geo Deerwester -

A. Dodd

las. Simonton

E. Burton

A. McNeall

Jonas Hill

H. Irvin

T.W. Brunson

Jno Masters

Jno Hughs

D. Phelps

I. Doughman

B. Lavaque

A. Beatty

las Snyder

los Morgan

Goorg Himer

R.B. McKinnic

Joe Donalds

R. Roudebush

W.H. Lecver

Day Fisher

John Jones

B.G. Tyrrill

Jonathan Schooley

Jno W Jones

M. Fryburger

Jonathan Ross

W.T. McMullin

mo E. Myers

Chas Wood

Wm Terwilleger

John Jones Jr

Jno Homes

Sam Renner

P Applegate

Oeo Shetterly

Robt Hill

lno Ringer

Thos Dewey

Peter McMillin

Dan Homes

A.I. Johnson

C.H. Vaughn

Peyton Smith

B. Smith

Lewis Terwilleger

Edw Whitsit

T. Thacker

las Stouder

N. Haywood

los Roudebush

Seth ~haney

Noah Cook

Joe Minic

Bliss Smith

Reeco W. Renner

Wm Yost

S. McLane

B. Ballard

O.S. McLelien

S. Eveland

A. Barr

Wm Haight

Lewis Leever

R. Belt

O.C. Leeper

Geo Lott

Thos Yost

Henry Jones

lac Myers

John Hall

B. Brown

Dan Bishop

laroci Haight

I. Milner

E. Vaughn

S. Hunt

B. Riggs

A. Losey

A. McMullin

lno Fryberger

R.T. Leever

Joe Merrill

Jno Merrili

S.C. Smith

A.W. Anshutz

Sam Deerwester -

Chas B. Thacker

It is hereby certified that the numbers of electors at this election amounts to one hundred and fifty one. Attest: Wm Yost, J. Milner,

Clk., I Roudebush, T. Chancy, Ellas Smith.

Names of persons voted and for what office containing the number of votes given for each candidate

Perrine Aplegate Justice of the Peace = 86. John Ringer Justice of the Peace = 65.

We do hereby certify that Perrine Applegate had eighty six votes for Justice of the Peace and John Ringer had sixty rwe votes for Justice of the Peace of Goshen Township Clermont County Ohio

I Reudebush T Chancy Elias Smith

Attest Wm Yost J. Milner Clk


Birth Records
Early Clermont Co. Births 1856-1857
First Presbyterian Churches of Monroe
At Nicholsville & Bantam
Baptisms of Children
Anderson Township Births 1906-1907
Old Bethel Church Baptisms
Old Bethel Church Baptisms 1894-1908
Early Births 1856
Early Marriages 1800 - 1808
 Marriage Book 13 1874-1876
Goshen M. E. Church

Funerals Conducted by Rev. Hezekiah Hill 1862-1908
The Old Village Graveyard

Deaths of Residents Over 75 in 1875

Infirmary Discharges That Mention a Burial Place

Death Dates from I.O.O.F. Lodge #313

Early Clermont Deaths from The Ohio Sun
Obituaries From the Clermont Sun 1890-1891

Early Deaths from Clermont Sun 1855
More Deaths 1857-1859
Stirling & Moore Funeral Records 1888
1880 Mortality Census
Goshen 1875 Quadrennial Census
Quadrennial Census, Batavia, 1847

Quadrennial Census, Batavia, 1855

Incidents in The Early History of Clermont County
Stonelick Historical Notes
Vacation of a Road in
Union Township

Brown and Clermont County Families Mentioned
in the 1880 Clinton County History
Day Book For Clarke & Frambes Mills 1838
Early Naturalizations from Common Pleas Minutes
Citizenship Papers 1844-1900
Names of New Found Naturalization Applicants
Veterans in Various Cemeterys
Revolutionary War Soldiers

Clermont Courier Ads November 18, 1863
Mexican War Veterans
Revolutionary War Veterans
Post Office
Post Marks of Clermont County
Clermont Postmasters 1800 - 1930
Early Unclaimed Letters

More Unclaimed Letters Unclaimed Letters 1855
Bible Records
Manning Bible
Banister Bible

Bible Records of James McKinnie 1830

Bible Records Index Volume Two

Bible Records Index Volume Three
Old Bethel Church and Cemetery

History of Old Bethel Church 1868

Calvary Church and Cemetery Washington Twp
Edenton Church 1861


Perin Mills in 1863
Goshen- Land Of Milk and Honey

First Settlers of Jackson Township

Legal Voters of Goshen Township 1855

Batavia in1847
Poll Book Goshen Township 1853
1840 Account Book, Laurel Ohio

Edenton School # 4 Pupils


Pensions 1890

More Pensions 1890
Indentures 1825 - 1831

Index To General Store Account Book 1816-1819

Vital Statistics From An Old Record Book

Items from Clermont Courier 1836
Clermont Pensioners 1883

Ohio Pioneers That Moved to Texas

Persons on the Petit Jury 1880

Jails and Sheriffs
Items From Early Clermont Courier 1852
Meeting of Patriarchs 1882
Surrender Records From Childrens Home
Gazetteer 1882

Articles From The Clermont Sun 1889
River Boatmen
Sale of Delinquent Lands