New Inscriptions Found

H    JBH    footstone
H    WH    footstone
Mohler    Nancy Jane    wife of Rev John Mohler, born Nov 3, 1830, died Oct 15, 1885, aged 54y 9m 12ds
Myers    Phebe    PM footstone found where her stone should be.
Shoe    Roselin    dau of A & M Shoe, died Oct 27, 1852 or 1862, aged 3m 26ds
Stouder    Lizie    dau of JXXX and Sarah Stouder
Stouder    unknown    died May 7, 1864, aged 6y 1m 13d
T    ET    Footstone
unknown    MA------    died Nov 27, 186X, aged 77y
unknown    William    
Weaver    Daniel    son of F & R Weaver, died Oct 25, 1832, aged 2y 1m 6d
Whitenack    Sarah    wife of X Whitenack, died Mar 9, 1886, aged 18y 6m 17d