Shiloh Cemetery
Close to 2565 McHenry Road, Goshen Township
GPS : 39˚ 13.971 -84˚ 06.153
39.23285 -84.10255
take St. Rt. 28 out of Milford towards
Goshen. Pass through Goshen-stay on St. Rt.
28. After passing Cozaddale and
St. Rt. 132 Roads to Pleasant
Plain start looking for Shiloh Road on right. Turn right on
Shiloh Road. Turn left on McHenry Road.
Look for
2565 McHenry Road. This is a residential address but the
driveway to this cemetery connects to their driveway. Proceed
onto driveway. You will cross a bridge. Stay toward
your left. I parked right at the lane to the cemetery because
the terrain was
a little wet. I imagine vehicles
proceed further up to the cemetery on this hill. You will need to
climb a small hill and the terrain is
pretty good.
Pictures and additional inscriptions were taken by Pamela
Smith, member
and Debra J. Thomason, volunteer
in October of 2008. I
believe it was one of the most beautiful cemetery days we
had. A lot of the stones
were missing and we spent most of
the day probing and digging – with not much luck. We are not
sure if it
was vandalized and the stones were thrown in the creek to
wash away or the have just disappeared over time.
Stones we could not locate previously recorded:
Carder, Infant
Harker, Lulu
Harris, Charles
Harris, John W.
Harris, Nancy
Harris, Ore
Harris, Wheeler
Randall, Hannah
Royston, Jacob
Royston, Margaret
Pray, Abigail
Pray, Daniel
Schooley, Lydia
New inscriptions found:
Elizabeth wife of JS Royston, died Jul
31, 1845, aged 65y 3m 23ds
Soth David
Soth Nancy