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Plainview Cemetery , Clermont County, Ohio

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Reese, Linda K.
Reid, James and Rosalie
Reid, James Wilbur
Reid, Rosalie White
Reynolds, Allan Everett vet
Reynolds, Allan
Reynolds, Bertha M.
Reynolds, Dale R vet.
Reynolds, Dale R.
Reynolds, Louis E.
Reynolds, Mae
Reynolds, Marvin Earl
Reynolds, Velma M. Pride
Richards, Connie Sue
Richards, Mary Anne
Richardson, Leslie
Riggs, Donald
Riggs, Doris A.
Riggs, Elizabeth M.
Riggs, James T.
Riggs, Louise E.
Riggs, Phyllis
Riggs, Thurston H.
Riggs, Wiley Miller
Rigney, J. F.
Rigney, M. Elizabeth
Riley, Eugene
Riley, Gladys E.
Riley, Howard T.
Riley, Shirley Y. Carnahan
Roberts, Harry Clifford
Roberts, Rose Bickmore
Robinson, Mazie (2)
Robinson, Mazie
Rogers, Dow A.
Rogers, Emma M.
Roland, Edith M.
Rooks, Franklin H.
Rooks, Harrison
Rooks, Martha
Rooks, Zack
Rose, Florence G.
Ross, Arthur
Ross, Barbara
Ross, Carolyn Louise
Ross, Earnie
Ross, Joyce E.
Ross, Sam O. vet
Ross, Sam O.
Ross, Thelma Griffitts
Ross, William R.
Ross, William Ronald vet
Rothman, Charles and Miriam
Rothman, Charles M.
Rothman, Miriam E.
Roudebush, Bettie
Roudebush, Dale C.
Roudebush, Earl P.
Roudebush, Elizabeth C. marker
Roudebush, Elizabeth C.
Roudebush, George Milton footstone
Roudebush, George Milton
Roudebush, Ida A. marker
Roudebush, Ida A.
Roudebush, Ida B.
Roudebush, James M.
Roudebush, Rosalind P. marker
Roudebush, Rosalind P.
Roudebush, Rosalind
Roudebush, Veda
Roudebush, W. F. and Ida A. closeup
Roudebush, W. F.
Roudebush, William and Elizabeth closeup
Roudebush, William marker
Roudebush, William
Roudebuth, W. F. Wm Franklin marker
Rouster, Amy
Rouster, Edward
Rouster, George E.
Rouster, Mabel Deerwester
Roy, Kimberly J.
Royse, Christinie Lee
Rudisill, Beatrice V.
Rudisill, Robert L.
Runyan, Celina closeup
Runyan, Celina front
Runyan, David
Runyan, Mary Jane
Runyan, P. L. footstone
Runyan, Peter and Celina
Runyan, Peter L. closeup
Runyan, Peter. L. front
Rusk, Grace A.
Rusk, Wesley, Sr.
Russell, Barbara Miller
Russell, George Frederick
Rust, America
Rust, Fred E.
Rust, Frederick Eugene
Rust, Parry E.
Sapp, Celeste
Sapp, Elizabeth
Sapp, George H.
Sapp, George, Nancy, Celeste, Elizabeth
Sapp, N. Alberta

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