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Take St. Rt. 50 from Milford to the
Village of Owensville. In the heart of the Village turn right on St.
Rt. 132.
Before you come to the fork of St. Rt. 132 and St. Rt. 276, cemetery is
on your left. I would turn around and come
back in the opposite direction. There is a pull off for a few cars.
Easy access.
Pictures and additional
inscriptions taken by Pamela Smith, CCGS member and volunteer, Vera
on December 4, 2006. The cemetery is well cared for, but a lot of the
stones are missing. We were
able to dig up a few new stones but because of the location being in
the middle of a busy intersection,
it became very uncomfortable digging with our shovels- as the passing
cars checked us out. The
Carpenters stones were about 10 inches deep. At first we thought it
was a vault, as one stone was
so very large. This was very uncomfortable and we almost stopped a few
Total images: 122 | Last update: 12/29/06 9:32 PM | Generated by JAlbum 6.5 & Chameleon skin | Help |