Stones I could not locate that were recorded by the DAR:
George Trump
Sarah A. Boutell
Additional transcriptions that I found:
“Mary” broke off (all that was left)
Broke: Died Apr 27, 18XX, in the 11 or 44 yr of her life.
Harvey Irwin, died Oct 7, 1887, 83yrs 7mos 2Xds
Lizzie Gertrude Irwin, dau. of D & S Irwin, 1868, 8 mos.
Additional notes:
Joseph H. Irwin age reads: 47yrs, 8mos, 9ds.
William D. White: Civil War Casualty -previous records state his grave was moved in 1960 to
Pennsylvania to be laid to rest with his family. (see photo-part of stone)
John Irwin – age is 73 not 78