Up John Bricker grave Slideshow

I was in Clermont County in August 2006 and went to Concord Cemetery near Williamsburg.  I saw on your Clermont County Cemetery Photo Project webpage for Concord Cemetery that it said that there had been headstones listed previously as there, but then in 2010 (?), when ya’ll went to take photos you could not find the headstone of John Bricker.  Well, Bricker is a last name in my Genealogy.  When I went to Concord in 2006, I took pictures of last names that might match my family.  I have included as an attachment the headstone of John Bricker.  As you can see it was lying down and broken.  I assume the cemetery caretakers just got rid of it after 2006.  I hope they don’t do that with other broken stones.  There were other parts of broken stones from headstone lying on the ground as well, but you could not read anything on them. (See attachment #3)  I was able to make a stop at the cemetery in May 2012 and all the broken stones I had seen lying around the large tree in the middle of the cemetery were gone.

 My relatives the Vanosdol’s and Deel’s head stones are close to that big old tree and a few are right up against the tree where the tree has enlarged and grown over the years.  I have to wonder what other headstones were near the tree and are now gone.

Picture – DSCN1779, is a picture of the cemetery and the big old tree.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Melissa Stangeland

John Bricker

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