Clermont County Genealogical Society
Indexed from microfilm volumes
1757 and 1758 by
Margie Thomas, Pam Smith and Jennie Marshall
According to a rule established in 1952. the U. S. Census Bureau could not
release data from the 1930 census for 72 years from the official census day. And, still,
when microfilm copies of those records were made available in April of 2002, there was
no name index to help locate an individual. The National Archives provided soundex for
only 12 southern states. For all remaining states, a researcher needed to locate his
ancestor's address using city directories and then use a microfilm tliat locates street
addresses by enumeration district. Once tlle enumeration district was determined, tlie
researcher still had to scan the entries in that district, page after page. to find the street
and then his ancestor. What a time-coiisuming process!
On 5 March, 2003, CCGS received their previously ordered and long awaited
microfilms of the 1930- census for Clermont County. After all that time and anticipation,
we were disappointed to find that they were not readable and had to be sent back. Again,we waited.
When the readable replacements arrived in the
summer, Margie Thomas and
Jennie Marsliall went to work. Using home
microfilm readers. Margie copied the head of
household name, page, and village or township.
Jennie checked all of Margie's work.
What they could not read, they took to the
library in Batavia to view on better microfilm .
readers. Over a year later, when they had copied
and proofread the entire county, they
checked it all again. Then. Pam Smith volunteered
to enter it all into a computer, and
alphabatize it. She finislied tlie 10,080
listings on 250 pages in a very sliort time!
Altliougli indexes have been put together by
subscription sites on the internet,
they were done quickly by people who are
unfamiliar with the county's residents. and
predictably. contain many inaccuracies. We are
fortutiate tliat Margie Tliomas, Jennie
Marshall, and Pam Smith are all three familiar
with Clermont County genealogy and
surnames. Sometimes the handwriting was so
difficult to read tliat all three studied the
names, compared their guesses against names in
other resources for the given area.
including a previous census. When any doubt
remained, the name was listed under
rnultiple possibilities.
We are deeply indebted to these three very
dedicated ladies. They have given
countless hours of tlieir own time to benefit
every Clermont County researcher. Thank
you, Margie, Jennie, and Pam. Your generosity and
commitment are inspirational!
Amy Sclineider, President (2004-2005)
Clermont County Genealogical Society.
Clermont County, Ohio Township /Village Abbreviations
Alphabetical Index To Heads of Household in Clermont County in 1930 Census |