Surnames: KAIL
Decedent: Florence Kail
Date listed: Thursday, August 24, 1922
(Submitted by Jean Scarlott,
[email protected])
Mrs. Florence Kail; the past six years the home at Minerva; died Thur
evening last following long illness, her age 62 years. Mrs. Kail's
maiden name was Dunlap, she having been born near Harlem Springs. Her
husband was the late Henry Kail, he dying 15 years ago. Surviving are
two children, Arthur Kail of Minerva and Charley Kail near Petersburg,
together with two brothers, William and Fred Dunlap of Harlem Springs,
and one sister, Mrs. Alice Kail of Scio. Burial made Mount Pleasant
Church Cemetery.
Surnames: MCGUIRE
Decedent: Jacob C. McGuire
Date listed: Thursday, November 1, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Jacob C. McGuire, 72, died Tuesday, October 30 at the home of J. J.
Maffett. He was a son of James and Nancy Champer McGuire, and the last
member of the family. Funeral services will be conducted by Rev. B. H.
Fisher at the Maffett home Friday at 2 o'clock. Interment will be made
at the Champer burial ground.
Surnames: LEWTON
Decedent: Caroline Lewton
Date listed: Thursday, November 1, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Mrs. Caroline Fishel Lewton, 73, died in her home in Malvern Wednesday
night, following a short illness. Mrs. Lewton is survived by her
mother, Mrs. Joseph Hishel, of Malvern, who is 93 years old, her
husband, N. A. Lewton; one sister, Mrs. Harry Haskey, of Malvern; one
daughter, Mrs. Hattie Brown, and on grandchild, both of Los Angeles, California.
Surnames: MILLER
Decedent: Louanna Miller
Date listed: Thursday, November 1, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Miss Louanna Miller, 62, of Bergholz, died at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Mary Hewitt, Bergholz, early Sunday morning, October 28. She had
been in ill health for some time. Surviving are her father of Miller
Ridge, one brother Fred of miller Ridge, and six sisters, Miss Carrie
Miller of Miller Ridge, Mrs. Mary Hewitt of Bergholz, Mrs. Ella Jackman
of Canton, Mrs. Nora White of Muncie, Ind., and Mrs. Frances McIntosh of Bayard.
Surnames: KURTZ
Decedent: Elmira Jane Kurtz
Date listed: Thursday, November 8, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected]) Elmira Jane Kurtz
Elmira Jane Kurtz, 95, of Minerva, died Saturday at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. John Hahn. She was born July 27, 1833 and spent her
entire life in the community. Besides Mrs. Hahn, she is survived by a
foster daughter, Harriet Stanley, of Minerva. Funeral services were
held Monday with Rev. J. W. Funk, pastor of the Christian church, in charge.
Surnames: HAWK
Decedent: Daniel Hawk
Date listed: Thursday, November 8, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Daniel Hawk, born in Carroll-co on September 23, 1837, died October 20
at Toledo, where he had made his home with a daughter since the death
of Mrs. Hawk, 19 years ago. Burial was made Friday at Jewett. Mr. Hawk
was married November 28, 1861, to Amanda E. Maple, and to them were
born the following children: Mrs. Mary Conway of Jewett, William and
Milo Hawk, deceased, Wesley Hawk of Dover, Kentucky and Mrs. W. A.
Johns of Toledo. He was a veteran of the civil war, serving in Company
-- [microfilm unreadable] -- with Sherman on his march to the sea. Mr.
Hawk joined the Disciple church when a young man in M___.
Surnames: GEORGE
Decedent: Mary Scott George
Date listed: Thursday, November 8, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Mary Scott George, 30, of Lock Port, N. Y., former resident of
Carrollton, died recently in the Wells hospital at Cambridge after
undergoing an operation for appendicitis. When taken ill she was
visiting at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Johnson. Services were conducted at the Presbyterian church by
Rev. York and interment was made at the Scott cemetery. Mrs. George is
survived by her husband, Walter; her mother, Mrs. Sarah Scott of
Cambridge; two sisters, Mrs. Earl Johnson and Mrs. William Cater of
Cambridge; and a brother, Thomas, of Brooklyn N. Y.
Surnames: DEFORD
Decedent: Walter Otis DeFord
Date listed: Thursday, November 8, 1928
Submitted by, Susan MANN,
[email protected])
Walter Otis DeFord, 54, prominent, prosperous and highly esteemed
citizen of Carrollton, died at 3:45 p. m. on Monday, November 5, at the
Aultman hospital in Canton. His last illness extended over a period of
ten days and death was due to septicaemia.
Mr. DeFord, son of John W. and Elivra (Croxton) De Ford, was born in
Augusta-tp on December 8, 1874. He was brought up on the home farm and
acquired his rudimentary education in the rural schools of his native
township. Later he attended the Carrollton high school under Prof. Ray,
afterward completing his early studies at Northern university at Ada.
He was subsequently telegraph operator at Malvern on the Cleveland and
Pittsburgh railroad for a time then accepted a position in the office
of his brother, U. C. DeFord, the probate judge. [Sentence lost to a
scratched microfilm.] … of the First National Bank, which on
June 1, 1906, was merged into the Cummings Trust company. In 1911 he
formed a partnership with R. E. Miller and together they had the first
agency in the county of the Ford and Dodge cars. In September, 1916,
the partnership was dissolved and Mr. DeFord retired. On October 14,
1903, Walter O. DeFord was united in marriage with Clara L. Byder, a
daughter of John G. and Margaret (Buck) Byder, at Cleveland. Two
children were born, Ethel P., of Columbus and Deane C., also of
Columbus. Mr. DeFord was one of the original members of the Carrollton
Band. A great lover of music, he took much interest in the band when it
was a unique organization. He acted as secretary, treasurer and
assistant director. He was a diligent student of the cornet and for
many years was recognized as an outstanding performer. His tone,
execution and technique were envied by many cornet players. For years
he was associated with the Thayer Military band of Canton on special
engagements. Mr. DeFord served three years' enlistment with the Fifth
regiment of the Ohio National Guard band of Cleveland. With this
organization he played an engagement at the St. Louis World's Fair in
1905. When a student at Ada he was active in the college band and
received much recognition for his efforts. This acquaintance he prized
highly, as many became professional men, and referred with pride to the
days when he was a member of the college band.
Fraternally Mr. DeFord was a member of the Al Koran shrine at Cleveland
and a Knight Templar. Since the organization of the Cummings Trust
Company he served faithfully and continuously on the board of
directors. For many years he was intimately associated with the
promotion of the financial and material prosperity of his home town and
after accomplishing satisfactory work he retired from active pursuits
and devoted his time and his energy to the management of his personal
affairs. Mr. DeFord was one of the wealthiest men in the community. He
is survived by his wife, Clara, a son, Deane, a daughter, Ethel and one
brother, U. C. DeFord of Youngstown. T. B. DeFord of Carrollton and Ed
DeFord of Canton are cousins of the deceased.
Funeral services were conducted at the home yesterday afternoon by Rev.
Earl Stainbrook of the Lutheran church. Burial was made in the
mausoleum at Grandview. Pallbearers were: Ira S. Moody, Will F. Specht,
Oscar Roudebush, Lawrence E. Guy, Charles Carr, R. E. Miller, Harvey
Young, and Howard Richards. Honorary pallbearers were: James B.
Fiedler, J. C. Ferrel, T. J. Saltsman, Robert Brothers, Harry
McLaughlin and John Whitcraft.
Decedent: Boda, Chipukaizer, Shearer
Date listed: Thursday, November 8, 1928
(Submitted by , Susan MANN,
[email protected])
Three Killed Going To Football Game
Three persons were killed and a fourth was seriously injured when the
automobile in which they were riding collided with a truck on the
highway between Newark and Granville last Saturday morning. The dead
are Dr. A. W. Boda, Enoch Chipukaizer and Frank A. Shearer of
Bowerston. Frank Bowers, also of Bowerston, is in the Newark City
hospital in a critical condition. The four men were on their way to the
Ohio State-Princeton game at Columbus. While rounding the Dugway curve,
half way between Newark and Granville, their machine met head-on with a
truck driven by Arthur Spence of Columbus.
Two of the victims, Dr. Boda and Chipukaizer, were instantly killed and
their bodies badly burned when fire caused by the explosion of the
gasoline tank, swept the car. Bowers and Shearer were rescued by the
driver of the truck and taken to the hospital. Shearer died before it
could be reached, but hope is held for the other's recovery. Boda and
Chipukaizer were burned beyond recognition and identification was made
only by the rings which they wore.
Doctor Boda has resided in Bowerston for the past three years and
enjoyed a successful practice. He established an office there after
completing his work at Ohio State University. Fraternally he was a
member of the Orange lodge at Leesville. Funeral services were held at
his home Sunday and burial ill be made at Mr. Vernon on Tuesday. He is
survived by his parents, wife and one four year old son. Frank Shearer
came to Bowerston over a year ago from Sherodsville. He is the owner of
the Buff Mountain Stone quarry and the Sherodsville Cut Stone company,
both located at Sherodsville. Mr. Shearer was a graduate of Oberlin
college. He was a prominent business man in the community. He is
survived by his wife, who is a teacher of music in the Bowerston
school, and one daughter.
Enoch Chipukaizer, a former Carroll-co boy and well known in Carrollton
was a graduate of the Orange-tp high school. He was a Mason and member
of the Grotto at Uhrichsville. Mr. Chipukaizer was the director of the
Bowerston band and often played with the Carrollton organization in
other years. He is survived by his wife and one son, aged 3, his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Chipukaizer, one sister Helen of Wheeling
W. Va., and two brothers, Frank of New Philadelphia and Benjamin of
Newton Falls. Mr. Bowers was associated with Mr. Chipukaizer in the
management of the Motor Service company and were both successful young men.
Surnames: GEORGE
Decedent: J. George Jr.
Date listed: Thursday, November 15, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
J. George Jr., the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. J. George, died last
Friday night, November 9, at the Mercy hospital. The child was five
days old. Burial was made Saturday at Grandview.
Surnames: WILCOXEN
Decedent: Mrs. William Wilcoxen
Date listed: Thursday, November 15, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Mrs. William Wilcoxen, 68, of Malvern, died Saturday, November 10, at 2
p.m. She had suffered with cancer of the stomach for over a year. She
is survived by her husband, William Wilcoxen; two sisters and five
children, Minnie Hannah and Arthur of the home and Mrs. Verne Thompson
of Middle Run and Ross Wilcoxen of Morges. Funeral services were
conducted by Rev. Snyder at the home on Tuesday. Interment was made at Bethlehem.
Surnames: SHAW
Decedent: Elizabeth Shaw
Date listed: Thursday, November 15, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Mrs. Elizabeth Shaw, 64, died Monday, November 12, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Hannah Allen, Third-st N. E., after a short illness of
heart trouble. Mrs. Shaw has resided in this county for eleven years.
She is survived by five children: Charles of Fredericktown, William of
Brownsville, Sherman of Zanesville, David of Bergholz and Mrs. Hannah
Allen of Carrollton. Funeral services were held at the home on Tuesday
evening with Rev. Stanley Johnson officiating. Burial was made at Antiock, Monroe co.
Surnames: BOWERS
Decedent: Mrs. Stanton Bowers
Date listed: Thursday, November 15, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Mrs. Stanton Bowers died at her home in Plum Run, Monday, November 12,
following an illness of five weeks. She is survived by a son, Oscar, at
home; two daughters, Mrs. Carrie Lennox of Dennison and Mrs. Ida
McCanley of Plum Run; six grandchildren; one brother, Joseph Firebaugh
of Conotton; and two sisters, Mrs. Emma Boor of Elyria and Mrs. Sadie
Watters of Bowerston. Her husband preceded her in death a year ago.
Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday with Rev. Henry C.
Burr of Bowerston in charge. Burial was made at Conotton.
Surnames: GRAHAM
Decedent: John H. Graham
Date listed: Thursday, November 15, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
John H. Graham, 78 died Thursday, November 8, at his home in Fox-tp. He
was born near Wattsville on the 22nd day of April, 1850, and spent his
entire life in the community. Mr. Graham was united in marriage to Miss
Lida Coventry on May 23, 1888 and to this union nine children were
born, eight of whom survive; Mrs. Orin A. Wallace of Malvern; Mrs.
Frank Bordenkircher of Cuyahoga Falls; Perry of Cleveland; Mrs. Roy
Rutledge of Union-tp; Belle, who resides at the home together with Roy
and Herbert; and Mrs. Irwin Hutson of Carrollton. He is also survived
by a sister, Jennie and fifteen grandchildren. A son, Duane, was killed in the World War.
Surnames: DAVIS
Decedent: Deliah Jane Davis
Date listed: Thursday, November 15, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Deliah Jane Davis, 79, daughter of Solomon and Rebecca Miller, died
Monday, November 12, at her home in Harrison-tp. She was the wife of
Isaac Davis, who preceded her in death several years ago. Early in life
Mrs. Davis united with the Pleasant Grove Methodist Episcopal church
and continued a faithful member until death. She is survived by one
daughter, Mrs. Etta Armstrong; two sons, Charles and Chase; and one
brother, William Miller of Malvern. Funeral services were held at the
Pleasant Grove church on Wednesday with Rev. Gilmore of Malvern and
Rev. Saunders of Dell Roy officiating. Burial was made at the Pleasant Grove cemetery.
Surnames: THOMPSON
Decedent: John M. Thompson
Date listed: Thursday, November 15, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
John M. Thompson, 51, died at his home in East-tp on Monday evening,
November 12, following an illness of a few days. He was born in Fox-tp
November 21, 1877, the son of James Reid Thompson and Nancy A.
Thompson. On October 12, 1901 he was married to Miss Molly Hardgrove
and to this union one daughter, Mrs. Florence Wilson was born. Mrs.
Thompson died in 1913. In 1918, Mr. Thompson married Mrs. Etta Hull
Frazey. Surviving are his wife and daughter; one grandson, John Charles
Wilson; three brothers, Addison and Oliver of East-tp and William of
Fox; and one sister, Mrs. Samuel Nelson of East-tp. Funeral services
were held Wednesday, November 14, at the Presbyterian church with Rev.
Reid of Scroggsfield and Rev. Nagle of Clarksville, Pa., officiating.
Burial will be made at Mechanicstown.
Surnames: SALTSMAN
Decedent: Benjamin E. Saltsman
Date listed: Thursday, November 15, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Benjamin E. Saltsman, 88, of Alliance, died last Tuesday afternoon
following an illness of 11 weeks. Mr. Saltsman was born in
Jefferson-co, October 19, 1840. He volunteered for service shortly
after the Civil war began and was a member of Company G, 52nd Ohio
Volunteer Infantry. For more than fifty years he was employed by the
Pennsylvania railroad company near Salineville. After his retirement 18
years ago, he came to Alliance where he has since resided. Surviving
are three daughters and two sons, Mrs. Frank Gamble, Miss Nancy
Saltsman and Mrs. Orin Brick of Alliance, J. D. Saltsman of
Salineville, W. H. Saltsman of Ravenna; three sisters and three
brothers, Mrs. W. G. Carlin and Mrs. Elizabeth Bell of Damascus, Mrs.
Harriet Russell of Hammondsville, Henry Saltsman of Richmond, Ezra of
Cleveland and Robert of Indianapolis, Ind. His wife, formerly Miss
Mellissa Dennis, died several years ago.
Surnames: HOWEY
Decedent: Robert H. Howey
Date listed: Thursday, November 15, 1928
(Submitted by , Susan MANN,
[email protected])
Well Known Educator Dies At Harlem Springs
Robert H. Howey, 86, son of Joshua and Julia Howey, died last Saturday,
November 10, at Harlem Springs after a brief illness. Mer. Howey was
born at Harlem on April 8, 1842. He received his early education there
and later graduated from the McNeily Normal school in Hopedale. From
here on his life is one long record of scholastic attainment. For three
years he served as president of Harlem Springs college 1867 to 1870; in
1874 he graduated from the Western Theological seminary and for five
years he preached the gospel at Unionville, Mo. Professor Howey then
taught in the Unionville public schools for two years, after which he
went to Helena, Montana, as the superintendent of the schools there. In
1927 he returned to his old home in Harlem where he remained. Mr. Howey
presented his entire collection of books, numbering nearly 2,000 to the
Carrollton high school a year ago. Professor Howey is the last of a
family of five children. He is survived by one nephew and two nieces:
T. Lee and Mrs. James Moore of Harlem Springs and Mrs. Charles Riggle
of Canton. Services were conducted by Rev. B. Yorke in the Harlem
Presbyterian church on Monday, November 12, Professor W. R. Bell paid
high tribute to the deceased for his kindness to the students of the
high school. Interment was made at the Harlem Springs cemetery.
Surnames: NEWELL
Decedent: Thomas Newell
Date listed: Thursday, November 22, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Former Carrollton Couple Killed At Crossing Crash
Children also die when car is struck by locomotive
Thomas Newell, his wife and their two small children were instantly
killed last Saturday night when the automobile in which they were
riding was struck by an engine on the Pennsylvania railroad at the
Fourth-st crossing in Canton. The family were returning to their home
at 411 Rowland-ave N. E., after a visit with Mr. Newell's mother and
stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. James Miller of Carrollton, who were guests of
Mrs. John Edie, 1826 Fourth-st N. E. Mrs. Edie is a sister of Mr. Newell.
Mr. Newell was driving a delivery truck owned by the Hoppsetter Baking
company, where he is employed, and it is believed that poor visibility
caused by accommodating the whole family in the small seat, was
responsible for the accident. The locomotive was a switch engine and
was returning after assisting a heavy train through the city tracks.
Three of the bodies were thrown clear of the wreckage but the fourth,
that of Mr. Newell, was found on the pilot of the engine. All were dead
when rescuers reached the scene. The tragedy occurred at 10:30.
Although the Fourth-st crossing is considered a dangerous one, no
watchman is on duty at night. Buildings obstruct the view on both
approaches to the tracks and street lights are at a considerable
distance from the intersection. Motorists have only the bell or whistle
of the locomotive to warn them of impending danger.
Mr. and Mrs. Newell were 23 years old. One of the children, Dorothy,
was 8 years of age and the other, Helen, 8 months of age. Besides his
mother Mr. Newell is survived by three brothers, Fred of Dell Roy; Earl
of Indianapolis and Chester of Canton and Mrs. Bert Parker of Sherodsville.
The bodies were brought here Monday evening to the home of Mr. and Mrs.
James Miller. Funeral services for the entire family were held Tuesday
afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Miller residence. Internment was made
in the Leavittsville cemetery.
Surnames: GROSSMAN
Decedent: Edward J. Grossman
Date listed: Thursday, November 22, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Edward J. Grossman Edward J. Grossman, 60, of Alliance died at his home
last Wednesday, November 14, after an illness of nearly a year. Mr.
Grossman was brother-in-law of Rev. E. G. Klotz.
Surnames: WORLEY
Decedent: Margaret Worley
Date listed: Thursday, November 22, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Margaret Worley Margaret Worley, 86, of Malvern, died last Wednesday
morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Emma Fitzsimmons. Mrs. Worley
was born in Rose-tp in 1842. She was the widow of Hoke Worley, a Civil
war veteran, who died several years ago. Mrs. Worley is survived by
another daughter, Mrs. Ella Rennie, of near Malvern.
Decedent: Sarah E. Kirkpatrick
Date listed: Thursday, November 22, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Following an illness of ten days, Mrs. Sarah E. Kirkpatrick, widow of
John C. Kirkpatrick, died Wednesday of last week at East Springfield.
She was born at Harlem Springs, and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Hayes. A sister, Mrs. Mary Richards and a brother, William Hayes,
both of Carrollton survive. Funeral services were held Saturday from
her late home at East Springfield.
Decedent: James Barnhouse
Date listed: Thursday, November 22, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
James Barnhouse, 70, who made his home in Perry-tp with Mrs. Amanda
Trushel, died Tuesday. Burial was made Wednesday afternoon in the
Methodist Episcopal cemetery at Perrysville. He was one of eleven
children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Barnhouse. Surviving are two
brothers and two sisters, Jason Barnhouse and Mrs. Ed Maple of
Carrollton, John of Perry-tp and a sister in the vicinity of Minerva.
Surnames: HIXSON
Decedent: Rosetta Hixson
Date listed: Thursday, November 22, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Mrs. Rosetta Hixson, 62, wife of Charles Hixson, died Sunday night in
her home near East Canton following an extended illness. Besides her
husband, she is survived by a son, Charles; a daughter, Mrs. Louis
Derby of Canton; four grandchildren and a brother, LeRoy Baker of
Amsterdam. Mrs. Hixson was a member of the Leesville Methodist
Episcopal church and had lived in the vicinity of East Canton for 20
years. She was a daughter of the late Abe Baker of Leesville and a
niece of Rev. Sheridan Baker.
Surnames: WOODWARD
Decedent: Edwin F. Woodward
Date listed: Thursday, November 22, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Edwin F. Woodward, 80, died Sunday, November 18, at his home in
Alliance. He was born at Frederick, Md. on April 24, 1848 and at the
age of five came to Carrollton with his father. In 1861 the family
moved to Alliance, then known as Mt. Union, where Mr. Woodward has
since remained. Mr. Woodward was employed by the Pennsylvania railroad
for fifty years and at the age of seventy he retired from active
service with the company. He is survived by his wife and the following
children: Louis and Clifford of Pittsburgh; George of Alliance, and a
daughter, Mrs. Herman Hawk of Cleveland; one grandson Elwood Patterson
of Pittsburgh; and the following brothers and sister: Harry of San
Francisco; Frank of Pittsburgh; Henry of Carrollton; and Mrs. Hattie
Lordan of Buffalo, N.Y.
Decedent: Daniel B. Hardgrove
Date listed: Thursday, November 22, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Daniel B. Hardgrove, 85, son of Washington and Priscilla Hardgrove,
died Saturday, November 17 from the infirmities of old age. He was born
in East-tp on the fifth of January, 1843. On April 11, 1872 he married
Miss Margaret Arthur, who died April 30, 1876. They were the parents of
one daughter, Mrs. Mary Priscilla Thompson, and her death occurred in
1913. Mr. Hardgrove married Miss Charlotte Thomas on February 27, 1878.
She died June 16, 1913. They were the parents of one daughter Mrs.
Leora Falloon, of near Salineville, at whose home Mr. Hardgrove died.
Besides the daughter he is survived by five grandchildren, two great
grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. George Ray of Washington-tp. Funeral
services were held at the Mechanicstown Presbyterian church on Monday,
November 19, by Rev. W. S. Martin, of Salineville. Pallbearers were:
John Harvey and Howard Hargrove; Lewis, Bert and Clayton Ray, all
nephews of the deceased. Interment was made in the Mechanicstown cemetery.
Surnames: MCMILLEN
Decedent: Ora Belle Rukenbrod McMillen
Date listed: Thursday, November 22, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Ora Belle Rukenbrod McMillen, 41, died at her home in Malvern, Thursday
afternoon, November 15, after an extended illness of three and a half
years. She was born in Brown-tp and spent her entire life there. Mrs.
McMillen was an assistant in the Malvern post office for several years,
serving under Post Masters R. T. Spratt and J. W. Gorrell. She was a
member of the Pythian Sisters of Malvern and the Christian church. Her
husband, Sylvanius McMillen, died ten years ago. She is survived by a
son, Evron, aged 15, five sisters and two brothers as follows: Mrs.
Lulu Vankirk of Minerva, Mrs. T. H. Westfall and Mrs. Wm. Penick of
Malvern, Mrs. Ethel Hewitt of Canton, Mrs. F. D. Loyd of Detroit,
Mich., Leas Rukenbrod of the home and Fred Rukenbrod of near Malvern.
Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon from the Christian church
at Malvern, Rev. Stebbins and Gorrell in charge. Burial was made in the Malvern cemetery.
Decedent: Robert Mitchell Donaldson
Date listed: Thursday, November 22, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Robert Mitchell Donaldson, 71, died at his home in Washington-tp
Wednesday afternoon, November 21, at one o'clock. He is survived by his
wife, Mary Alice Donaldson of Washington-tp and William Donaldson of
Scroggsfield, and one sister, Jennie Donaldson, of Carrollton. Funeral
services will be held in the Scroggsfield church Friday November 23, at
10 a.m. with Rev. A. B. Reid officiating. Burial will be made at Scroggsfield.
Surnames: GRECCO
Decedent: Ralph Grecco
Date listed: Thursday, November 29, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Ralph Grecco, 58, died Wednesday, November 21, at the home of his
daughter, Mrs. Nick LeParr, in Magnolia. He is survived by his wife,
Mrs. Tresa Grecco and three daughters, Stella and Nellie of the home, and Mrs. LeParr.
Surnames: DONNELL
Decedent: James O'Donnell
Date listed: Thursday, November 29, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Funeral services were held at the county home Sunday afternoon for
James O'Donnell, who died there early in the day. He was of Irish
descent and a native of Pennsylvania. His remains were interred in the
county cemetery Monday.
Surnames: WOODS
Decedent: Tidball Woods
Date listed: Thursday, November 29, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Following an illness of several months, Tidball Woods, 52, died at his
home near Malvern on Monday morning. He was a life-long residents of
Brown-tp. He is survived by his wife Catherine, two sons, John and
Robert, a brother Bart M. Woods of Alliance and a sister, Mrs. John
Dewell of Hibbetts.
Surnames: PALMER
Decedent: David J. Palmer
Date listed: Thursday, November 29, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Col. David J. Palmer, 89, died at Washington, Iowa, Monday November 19.
He was well known in this county, having spent his early youth in
Perry-tp. Col. Palmer was one of a commission appointed by the
government to examine the coast defences in 1912 and at one time served
as commander-in-chief of the G. A. G. Relatives who survive him in this
community are: The Robert Herron family of Harrison-tp; the David
Palmer family of Hibbetts; John Waggoner of Loudon-tp and Walter
Thompson of the county infirmary.
Surnames: PHILLIPS
Decedent: Elizabeth Phillips
Date listed: Thursday, November 29, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Mrs. Elizabeth Phillips died Thursday, November 22, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. E. O. Belat, near East Rochester. Besides this daughter
Mrs. Phillips is survived by two sons, Raymond of Minerva, and George
of Akron; two brothers, Frank Herrington of Alliance and Thomas
Herrington of Mechanicstown; and one sister, Mrs. Sarah Roby also of
Mechanicstown. Six grandchildren also survive. Funeral services were
held Saturday, November 24, in the Methodist Episcopal church at East
Rochester and burial was made at the Herrington cemetery.
Surnames: ECKLEY
Decedent: Harvey S. Eckley
Date listed: Thursday, November 29, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
The funeral of Harvey S. Eckley, 51, who died early last Tuesday
morning at his home in Malvern, was held from the Lutheran church there
on Thursday, November 22, with Rev. P. P. Wilt in charge of the
services. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Margaret Eckley, and one
grandchild, Elsie Eckley of Carrollton; four brothers, Charles of
Canton, Harry of Sebring, Joseph and Lee of Carrollton; four sisters,
Mrs. Heber Slates of Alliance, Mrs. Ross Dunlap of Carrollton, Mrs.
Charles Slates of Massillon and Mrs. Belle Fullerton of Alliance; and
his mother, Mrs. Jane Eckley of Carrollton.
Surnames: RUTLEDGE
Decedent: Rebecca Anne (Brackin) Rutledge
Date listed: Thursday, November 29, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Rebecca Anne (Brackin) Rutledge, 78, died Thursday, November 21,
following a stroke of paralysis which she suffered Sunday morning,
November 18. Mrs. Rutledge, the eldest daughter of Richard and Sarah
Brackin, was born in Union-tp, August 24, 1850. She was united in
marriage to Henry Rutledge of Union-tp on September 14, 1870 by Rev.
Cortright. To this union were born three children, Elva of Minerva,
Elmer of Carrollton and Loman of the home. In 1868 Mrs. Rutledge united
with the Pleasant Hill Methodist Episcopal church under the pastorate
of Rev. J. R. Roller. Mr. Rutledge died June 25, 1907. Besides her
three sons Mrs. Rutledge is survived by three sisters, Mrs. E. B.
Johnson of Bedford, Verne and Margaret Brackin of Union-tp; one
brother, D. E. Brackin of Dell Roy; and one adopted daughter, Mrs.
William Brackin of Marysville, Mo. She is also survived by eight
grandchildren, Margaret, Ruby, Richard, Kathryn and Betty Janet
Rutledge and Richard, Harold and Charles Brackin.
This closes the earthly career of one who gave without the thought of
return and whose influence and helpfulness is recorded in the hearts of
all who knew her. Those from out of town who attended the funeral were:
Mrs. E. B. Johnson, daughters Etta and Gertrude and Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Johnson of Bedford; Miss Lena Couch of Cleveland; Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Dye of Akron; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Pittinger, daughters Florence and
Martha, Mr. and Mrs. William Lappin, Mrs. Homer Riley and Ruby Amos of
Canton; Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Brackin of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. John
Staler and Rebecca Casidy of Augusta; Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Brones, Mrs.
H. W. Strayer. Oliver, Scott and Herbert Amos of Scio; Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hendricks, Mrs. Denton Shiltz and Mrs. John Swinehart of
Bowerston; Mrs. Clara Cole of Dennison and John Carroll of Sherodsville.
Surnames: NEWELL
Decedent: Thomas and Charlotte Newell family
Date listed: Thursday, November 29, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Family Thomas Archie, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Newell, was born May 2,
1906 at Leavittsville. Charlotte Beatrice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D.
A. Bowen was born December 25, 1905 at Canton. This couple were married
at Carrollton, December 25, 1924 and two daughters were born to them:
Dorothy Ilene, born July 19, 1925 and Helen Bernice born March 25,
1928. The entire family met a tragic death, November 17 at Canton. Mr.
Newell is survived by his mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. James
Miller of Carrollton; three brothers, Earl of Indianapolis, Ind; Fred
of Dell Roy and Chester of Canton; three sisters, Mrs. Charles Rabe of
Carrollton; Mrs. John Edie of Canton and Mrs. Bert Parker of
Leavittsville. Mrs. Newell is survived by her father and stepmother,
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Bowen of Canton; grandmother, Mrs. Fannie Bowen also
of Canton and her foster mother, Mrs. Florence Dray of Cleveland. Mr.
Newell was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Leavittsville,
but since they had been living in Canto they had been attending the
First Nazarene church and had their children enrolled in the Sunday
school there. They were laid to rest in one grave in the Leavittsville
cemetery, November 20, 1928.
Those from a distance attending the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. D. A.
Bowen, Ed Bowen and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bowen, Mrs. Fannie
Bowen, Mrs. Joseph Deaker and daughter, Norman Caudle, Mrs. Duell, Mrs.
Fisher, Mrs. James Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. M. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Anson
Moreland, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Poulton, daughter Pearl, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Poulton, Mr. and Mrs. John Edie and children, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Newell and children, Dr. and Mrs. B. B. Buck, all of Canton;
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Boyd and children of Bedford; Mr. and Mrs. A. M.
Truez, son Ralph and daughter Pauline of Gypsium; Mrs. John Roby,
daughters Mrs. James Lament and Miss Martha, sons Willard and Emmett of
Rushylvania; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Newell of Indianapolis, Ind; Mr.and Mrs.
R. S. Tidrick of Columbus; Mrs. J. S. Poulton of Lisbon; Mr. and Mrs.
John White of Uhrichsville; Mrs. Florence Dray of Cleveland and Miss
Eileen Lebus of Minerva.
Surnames: JOHNSON
Decedent: Elizabeth Johnson
Date listed: Thursday, November 29, 1928
(Submitted by Susan Mann,
[email protected])
Elizabeth Johnson, daughter of John and Susanna Briggs, was born in
Noble-co August 20, 1864 and died November 12, 1928, at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Hannah Allen, Third-st N. E. On February 2, 1884, she
was united in marriage to Oliver Bruce and to this union three sons
were born. After the death of Mr. Bruce she was married to John W.
Johnson in 1890 and to them a son and daughter were born. Early in life
Mrs. Johnson united with the Christian church at Antioch, Monroe-co and
remained in the Christian faith until death. She leaves to mourn her
loss four sons and one daughter, Charles, John William, Sherman Bruce,
David W. Johnson and Hannah Allen of Carrollton, together with thirteen
grandchildren and twin brothers, all living. Rev. Stanley Johnson
officiated at the burial which was made Wednesday, November 14, at
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