Surnames: SEMPLE
Decedent: Della Semple
Date listed: Saturday, August 15, 1903
(Submitted by Barbara Ann Smith,
[email protected])
Della Semple -- August 1903. Della, one of the twin children of the
late Edward Semple, was killed instantly at their family home in
Cleveland, Tuesday at 5 p.m. A carpenter was at work in the mow of a
barn and was throwing down boards. The child, aged about four years,
had wandered out and was struck by a board on the head and a nail on it
pierced her brain. M. and Mrs. Shober Semple and David Semple attended
the funeral yesterday. The father was killed in a railroad accident in
Steubenville two years ago.
Decedent: Selilah Gilliland
Date listed: Thursday, December 31, 1903
(Submitted by Barbara Ann Smith,
[email protected])
Selilah Gilliland
Selilah Gilliland was born May 21, 1835; died December 30, 1903....
aged 68 years, 9 days. She was married to Robert Semple, Oct. 30, 1853,
who died July 4, 1899. To the union were born 8 sons and 4 daughters --
5 of whom preceded her in death in infancy and Edwin died April 15,
1901. She became a member of the M.E. church early in youth and
remained a consistent member until death, expressing her readiness to
go at her Master's call. Interment at Leavittsville, January 1, 1904.
Surnames: SCOTT
Decedent: Barnes Scott
Date listed: Friday, March 25, 1904
(Submitted by Jean Scarlott,
[email protected])
The death of Barnes Scott on Monday at the age of 83 has removed not
only an aged citizen but a historic character. To his first wife where
born a large family of children, the only survivor being C.B. Scott,
the hardware man and well-known auctioneer. He was again married to
Mrs. Rebecca Brooks, a daughter of Alex Long. The widow and one
daughter, Mrs. Will German, survive. He was a member of the M.P.
church. Interment at Union Valley Wednesday, the exercises being
conducted by Rev. C. S. McGrath.
Surnames: LEHMAN
Decedent: Mary M. Lehman
Date listed: Friday, March 25, 1904
(Submitted by Jean Scarlott,
[email protected])
Widow of Joseph Lehman.
Mrs. Mary M. Lehman, aged 81 years, is dead at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. E.L. Miller, 960 North McKinley Ave. Canton. She died
friday evening of old age. Mrs. Lehman leaves two children, Mrs. Miller
and A. Lehman of Buffalo, who is now en route to this city. A sister
died recently at the age of 83 years. Mrs. L. was a native of France.
Funeral services will be held Monday and the body will be taken to
Marges for burial.
Surnames: MILLER
Decedent: Clara Miller
Date listed: Friday, March 25, 1904
(Submitted by Jean Scarlott,
[email protected])
Clara Miller died Tuesday, March 15, at the home of her brother Andrew
Miller, a well known farmer who lives near Minerva. She had many
friends who esteemed her for her worth.
Decedent: Owen Stackhouse
Date listed: Friday, March 25, 1904
(Submitted by Jean Scarlott,
[email protected])
Owen Stackhouse, former deputy warden in the penitentiary under C.C. James, died in Minerva Wednesday of last week
Surnames: SHOOK
Decedent: Raymond Shook
Date listed: Friday, May 6, 1904
(Submitted by Jean Scarlott,
[email protected])
Raymond Shook, child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shook of Centre-tp., died
Friday night, aged eight months. Funeral Sunday, conducted by Rev. S. V. Rohrbaugh.
Surnames: RIGGLE
Decedent: Michael Riggle
Date listed: Friday, May 6, 1904
(Submitted by Jean Scarlott,
[email protected])
Michael Riggle died very suddenly Monday at the infirmary. His age was
about 75 years. His remains were taken to Kilgore for interment and
services were held in the M.E. Church.
Surnames: EARL
Decedent: Mrs. John Earl
Date listed: Friday, May 6, 1904
(Submitted by Jean Scarlott,
[email protected])
Mrs. John Earl of Salineville died Thursday at the age of 79 years. A
husband, two daughters and four son survive. One of the latter is
Thomas Earl of Fox township. Funeral service was held Sunday conducted
by the pastor of the Presbyterian church of which deceased had been a
lifelong member.
Surnames: BORING
Decedent: Mary Boring
Date listed: Friday, May 6, 1904
(Submitted by Jean Scarlott,
[email protected])
Mrs. Mary Boring, widow of Wm. Boring, died at her home in Fox-tp.,
Sunday morning. Her age was 73 years. The Boring family is one of the
best known in Fox-tp. A large family survives-Messrs. Frank and James
Boring, Mesdames Eliza Twaddle, John Boyce and Wm. Detchon, and Misses
Ella and Della, twins. Remains were interred at Mechanicstown. Peace to
the ashes of the old pioneer!
Decedent: Rachel Smithyman
Date listed: Friday, May 6, 1904
(Submitted by Jean Scarlott,
[email protected])
The eyes of Rachel Smithyman were closed in death Friday last at 11
o'clock. She had been ill with cancer for a long time, suffering
intensely and being very much reduced in flesh. She was possessed of
great health and strength and tenacity of purpose, able to withstand
the ravages of disease, but all these gave way under the strain of her
disease. She was born June 27, 1844, and was married to L.D. Smithyman,
Aug. 16, 1888. A life of nearly 60 years was substantially spent in
Carrollton. When a young girl she united with the M.E. church, and all
her life she lived up to the golden rule. She was a woman of strong
friendship and was an example of domestic industry. Her husband is left
alone. She had two sister and one brother-Mrs. Stoneman of Carrollton,
Mrs. Elsie Miller of Kensington and George Champer of Clay County, Ind.
At 2 o'clock Tuesday her remains were laid to rest, the funeral service being conducted by Rev. S.V. Rohrbaugh.
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