Surnames: TOPE
Decedent: Jasper Ryland Tope
Date listed: Friday, August 30, 1901
(Submitted by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Jasper Ryland Tope, brother of the Bowerston Patriot editor, died
Wednesday. He was one of the afflicted and unfortunate, his reason
having been dethroned. While friends are sad at his final passing away
they rejoice his sufferings are ended and his mind restored in his
eternal home.
Surnames: SMELTZ
Decedent: Lewis F. Smeltz
Date listed: Friday, September 13, 1901
(Copied by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Lewis F. Smeltz, living in Union township, two miles southeast of
Carrollton, died Wednesday at noon. He had been afflicted with heart
trouble and unable to lie down and death was a kind relief. His age was
about 67. He was born in Union township, near where he died, and was
one of three brothers. He was married to Miss Buck and their two
sons--John E. and Wm. L.--survive his death. He has served the people
as infirmary director from 1889 to 1895. Mr. Smeltz was a kindly
disposed man and had a wide circle of friends.
Surnames: SMELTZ
Decedent: Lewis F. Smeltz
Date listed: Thursday, September 19, 1901
(Copied by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Lewis F. Smeltz, whose critical condition we referred to in our last
issue, departed this life at his Union township home on the 11th of
September,1901. Some several years ago he was injured and partially
disabled at a barn raising, from which be never fully recovered. Which,
with increasing infirmities at the age of 63 years, 10 months and 23
days, he was called borne to the spirit world. Lewis was one of three
brothers sons of Lewis Smeltz, with two sisters, reared in the same
locality, all of whom are deceased, except John, a resident farmer of
the same neighborhood. Was married November 10, 1859, to Miss Margaret
Buck, of which union three children were born, William and John E.,
with the widow, still surviving. For many years a member of the U. P.
church. Served as Infirmary Director. Was an industrious careful farmer
and secured an ample competence for himself and family. Had the
confidence of his neighbors.
Funeral obseques on September 13, 1901. A very large concourse of
relatives and citizens followed his remains to the family lot, in
Grandview cemetery, in which he was interred. Rev. J. G. Madge, his
pastor, assisted by Rev. I. Rothenberger, officiating ministers.
Surnames: SMELTZ
Decedent: Lewis F. Smeltz
Date listed: Thursday, September 19, 1901
(Copied by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Bert Smeltz, of Union township, who has been employed as guide at the
Pan-American, arrived home Friday evening. He was called home on
account of the death of his grandfather, L. F. Smeltz, but arrived too
late for the funeral. Mr. S. was in the building and was very close by
at the time President McKinley was shot.
Surnames: RAY
Decedent: daughter Ray
Date listed: Friday, September 20, 1901
(Copied by Don Kear,
[email protected])
A 12-year old daughter of Joshua Ray died of diphtheria Thursday at her home in Norristown.
Decedent: Ann Rainsberger
Date listed: Friday, October 11, 1901
(Copied by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Ann Rainsberger of Leavittsville died Thursday of pneumonia-aged 73 years. Remains interred Sunday at 10 o'clock.
Decedent: Anna Rainsberger
Date listed: Thursday, October 17, 1901
(Copied by Don Kear,
[email protected])
On the morning of the 11th of October, 1901, that life-long Christian
worker, in Sunday School and M. E. church of Leavittsville, after her
short illness, of a few days, Mrs. Anna Rainsberger, widow of David
Rainsberger, deceased, was called to her rest eternal, by the rapid
work of that arch enemy of the race, pneumonia. The church lost in her
demise a faithful worker, the Sabbath School a true and tried friend,
and the community a valuable member. Her age about 74 years. She leaves
one son, Huston Rainsberger, of Cleveland, Ohio, her survivor, to mourn
his loss. Peace to her ashes, whilst her honored memory remains green
in the hearts of scores of citizens.
Surnames: ALLEN
Decedent: Mary Allen
Date listed: Friday, November 15, 1901
(Submitted by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Mrs. Mary Allen, widow of Jacob Allen who died about 8 years ago, died
Sunday evening after a long illness. She had nearly completed her 76th
year. She passed the remnant of her days with a married grand daughter.
She was a sister of Dr. Jasper Tope and Geo. B. Tope. She reared a
large family; D. L. D. and Jacob Allen of Amsterdam; Rev. S. T. Allen
of Muskingum county; J. W. Allen of Montana; James Allen of Union
township, William Allen, and Mrs. A. J. McCauley survive to cherish her
memory. Her remains were interred Tuesday at Mt. Pleasant by the side
of her husband. She was a member of the M. P. church and Rev. C. S.
McGrath conducted the funeral.
Decedent: Samuel Robertson
Date listed: Thursday, December 19, 1901
(Copied by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Died. in Scott township, Mahaska county, Iowa. Nov. 10, 1901, Samuel
Robertson aged 93 years and 21 days. Samuel Robertson was born
Cannonsburg, Washington county Pa., Oct. 19, 18O8. Then there was but
seventeen states in the Union and Thomas Jefferson was President of the
United States. His parents then moved to Westmoreland county, Pa., when
he was quite young. They lived there 12 years and then moved to Carroll
county. Ohio. He was married to Miss Mary Jane Semple, Sepr. 15, 1837,
who departed this life March 26, 1887. To this union was born five sons
and three daughters, of whom two sons and two daughters still survive
In the fall of 1863 with his then young family, he moved from Carroll
county, Ohio, to Iowa, then the far west, by wagon, there being no
railroads, in the west in those early times, and settled Mahaska
county, ten miles northwest of Oskaloosa, then a very small place. He
located on a farm in Scott township where he has continually resided
for 48 years. In his early manhood he joined the Presbyterian church of
Waynesburg. Ohio, and when he moved west he connected himself with the
same church at Olivet near his home, in which faith he lived and died.
In his youthful manhood he was Whig politically and in the year of 1861
he became a Lincoln Republican; in that party he voted as long as he
By the death of Mr. Robertson this neighborhood loses a kind neighbor
and a good citizen and his family is left to mourn the loss of a kind
father, the church a faithful and devoted member, all a trustworthy
friend in whose integrity none ever had a cause to doubt. --By J. Moody
Surnames: RUSSELL
Decedent: Lavina Russel
Date listed: Friday, December 27, 1901
(Copied by Don Kear,
[email protected]
Lavina Russell of Canton, ,wife of William Russell who is employed as
baggageman at the Ft. Wayne depot, died Sunday last after a lingering
illness with cancer. She had undergone thee or four operations which
only gave her temporary relief, and the suffering was so great that it
somewhat affected her mind the last few weeks of her life. Her age was
about 56 years. Remains were interred at Canton Tuesday. The family
were originally from Dellroy and a number of friends from that town
attended the funeral.
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