Surnames: STEMPLE
Decedent: Milton Stemple
Date listed: Wednesday, March 20, 1901
(Submitted by Barbara Ann Smith,
[email protected])
Martin Stemple
This well known and respected citizen died at the home of his son,
Milton Stemple, Tuesday, March 12, 1901, of the infirmities of old age.
Mr. Stemple had been in feeble health for several years, but for the
last year had been confined to the house. He was born in Washington
township, Carroll Co, January 6, 1822, on the old Stemple farm now
owned by James Tripp. Was one of a family of 11 children of whom four
survive., Jacob of Ada, Ohio, Levi of Wellington, O., Milton of
Indianapolis, Ind., and Mrs. Barbara Dumbleton of Carrollton. He was
married to Rebecca Harsh August 31, 1848, to whom eight children were
born, three of whom, with the widow, survive him, viz: Mrs. Emma
Robbinson of Ada, Ohio, Mrs. Carrie Shultz and Milton Stemple of this
place. It was with the latter that he made his home. Was a lifelong and
consistent member of the Lutheran church. The funeral was held Thursday
afternoon, his pastor, Rev. Arnholt, officiating.
Surnames: SEMPLE
Decedent: Edward Semple
Date listed: Wednesday, April 17, 1901
(Submitted by Barbara Ann Smith,
[email protected])
Killed by the Cars: Edward Semple
Monday morning Shober Semple received a telegram that his brother
Edward, a fireman on the Pan-handle, had been killed a few hours
before, in the yards at Colliers, West Va. Shober took the first train
for Colliers. Deceased was assisting in making a switch when the train
struck him, throwing him under the wheels, causing instant death. (He
was a son of Robert Semple, deceased, of Monroe township, aged about 30
years. Leaves a wife and two children twins, girl and boy, two years
old, to mourn his sad death, also several brothers. Buried today at 10
o'clock in Cleveland. His brothers, Guy, Shober, Samuel and Howard
attended the funeral.
Surnames: KESSLER
Decedent: Anthony J. Kessler
Date listed: Wednesday, May 1, 1901
(Submitted by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Anthony J. Kessler died at his home in Cleveland of heart trouble He
was found dead in bed Saturday morning last. Mr. Kessler was formerly a
resident of New Harrisburgh. He went to Cleveland over twenty years ago
and engaged in the dry goods business. Was connected with a wholesale
millinery house at the time of his death.
Surnames: KIRBY
Decedent: Frank M. Kirby
Date listed: Wednesday, May 1, 1901
(Submitted by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Dr. Frank M. Kirby, a practicing physician, located at Rockford, Mercer
county, Ohio, died in a Cincinnati hospital last week. Deceased was a
brother of H. W. Kirby of Lamartine. He leaves a wife and child.
Surnames: KESSLER
Decedent: Anthony J. Kessler
Date listed: Friday, May 3, 1901
(Submitted by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Anthony J. Kessler of Cleveland was found dead in bed Saturday morning
last. He was a son of the late Philip Kessler of New Harrisburg, and
went to Cleveland soon after the war where his father set him up in
business. He was connected with a wholesale millinery house at the time
of his death, although he had been a merchant and afterward conducted a
hotel. Michael Halter and wife attended the funeral.
Surnames: KELLY
Decedent: Mary Lydie Kelly
Date listed: Wednesday, May 8, 1901
(Submitted by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Mary Lydie Kelly died at her home in Oneida Saturday morning last of
conjestion (sic) of the liver-aged 54 years. She was the mother of 14
children and and 19 grand children, 11 of her children are living, all
of whom with 17 grand children were present at the funeral, Her husband
preceded her to the tomb three years ago. She was interred at Mt. Zion
cemetery on Monday.
Decedent: Mary Kelley
Date listed: Friday, May 10, 1901
(Submitted by Don Kear,
[email protected])
On Saturday morning the spirit of Mrs. Mary Kelley took its flight to
the great beyond. Monday afternoon her body was laid to rest in the
Mount Zion churchyard beside that of her husband who preceded her. Mrs.
Kelley was a very affectionate mother, a good kind neighbor and a
loving, sympathizing friend. She will be sadly missed not only by her
children but by all who knew her. The family have the sympathy of the
community in their sad bereavement.
Surnames: KELLEY
Decedent: Mary Kelley
Date listed: Friday, May 10, 1901
(Submitted by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Mrs. Mary Kelley of Oneida died Saturday morning of congestion of lungs
and liver. She had been sick in bed about ten days. She had a large
family of children-14 in all, 11 of whom are living, 8 girls and 3
boys-and her death is a hard blow to them as they will be left alone,
the father having died in the Pennsylvania oil field about four years
ago. Both parents now rest in Mt. Zion cemetery. All the children were
home for the funeral, except one, who was to sick too attend. Mrs.
Kelley's maiden name was Leyde, having been a sister of the late Wm.
Leyde of Augusta. She was a woman greatly admired in a large circle of
Surnames: RUTLEDGE
Decedent: John Rutledge
Date listed: Friday, June 14, 1901
(Copied by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Mrs. John Rutledge of Union township, relict of the late John Rutledge,
died Sunday night of dropsy. Interment Wednesday at the M. P. burying
ground, Rev. McGrath, her pastor, officiating. She was an aged lady,
and was held in high esteem by the community.
Surnames: REEDER
Decedent: Samuel Reeder
Date listed: Thursday, July 25, 1901
(Copied by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Samuel Reeder, a carpenter working on Thomas Patterson's barn near
Augusta, died suddenly of heart trouble Thursday last Mr. Reeder's home
was in Minerva.
Surnames: ROSS
Decedent: William Ross
Date listed: Thursday, July 25, 1901
(Copied by Don Kear,
[email protected])
William Ross, a respected citizen of Perrysville, died at his home on
Sunday, July 21, after a lingering illness with cancer of the stomach.
Deceased was a soldier of the Rebellion, and a blacksmith by trade. He
leaves a wife and five grown children to mourn his loss. Funeral was
held on Tuesday. His age was about 65 years.
Surnames: REEDER
Decedent: Samuel Reeder
Date listed: Friday, July 26, 1901
(Copied by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Samuel Reeder, while at work on the Patterson farm last Thursday
morning, fell dead from heart failure probably induced by excessive
heat. Mr. Reeder lived in Minerva, was about 50 years of age, and
leaves a widow and four children, He lived in Alliance until recently,
where he was employed as a molder. Remains interred Saturday at
Surnames: REEDER
Decedent: Samuel Reeder
Date listed: Friday, July 26, 1901
(Copied by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Last Thursday our people were much shocked and grieved at the sudden
death. of Mr. Samuel Reeder. He had left home Monday to do some work on
a barn near Pattersonville. While working on a scaffold. he became ill
and died in just a few minutes, heart failure causing death.
Surnames: ROSS
Decedent: Wm. Ross
Date listed: Friday, July 26, 1901
(Copied by Don Kear,
[email protected])
Wm. Ross died at home in Perrysville Sunday evening after a long
illness with cancer of the stomach-aged 65 years. A widow and five
children survive. By trade a smith and a veteran of the war.
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