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Belmont County TidBits
Ohio is called the "Mother of U.S. Presidents"
��William Henry Harrison
��9th President, 1841. Born VA
��Ulysses Simpson Grant
��18th President, 1869-1877
��Rutherford Birchard Hayes
��19th President, 1877-1881
��James Abram Garfield
��20th President, 1881
��Benjamin Harrison
��23rd President, 1889-1893
��William McKinley
��25th President, 1897-1901
��William Howard Taft
��27th President, 1909-1913
��Warren Gamaliel Harding
��29th President, 1921-1923
Belmont County's Highest Named Summits���
Galloway Knob1,397 feet
Chappel Hill1,370 feet
Clark Hill1,360 feet
Hawthorn Hill1,335 feet
Kanzigg Hill1,310 feet
Horsemill Hill1,290 feet
Cool Hill1,290 feet
Belmont County - Ohio River Crests���
1810 - Nov. 1048.0 feet
1832 - Feb. 1048.1
1852 - April 3048.0
1860 - April 1348.0
1861 - Sept. 3042.2
1862 - April 2337.0
1865 - March 1941.0
1873 - Dec. 1540.8
1874 - Jan. 938.8
1878 - Dec. 1236.9
1881 - June 2140.9
1883 - Feb. 1939.5
1884 - Feb. 452.4
1891 - Feb. 1844.1
1891 - Feb. 2437.9
1898 - March 2444.6
1901 - April 2241.9
1902 - May 243.3
1904 - Jan. 2442.2
1904 - March 439.3
1905 - March 2242.7
1907 - March 1550.1
1908 - Jan. 1942.8
1910 - March 337.5
1912 - March 2238.6
1913 - Jan. 944.2
1913 - March 2851.0
1914 - March 3140.6
1927 - Jan. 2341.1
1927 - Dec. 1540.9
1933 - March 1641.8
1936 - March 2638.1
1937 - Jan. 2346.2
1937 - Jan. 2648.7
1937 - March 2845.8
1942 - Dec. 3151.5
1945 - Feb. 2737.2
1945 - March 536.6
1945 - March 847.3
1948 - April 1544.2
1950 - Dec. 644.0
1952 - Jan. 2744.0
1954 - Oct. 1744.7
1956 - March 1038.3
1959 - Jan. 2344.0
1960 - March 3143.3
1963 - March 637.3
1963 - March 2137.7
1964 - March 737.2
1964 - March 1247.0
1966 - Feb. 1540.4
<>Gunning's Hall-Warfield's Hall.
Do you know Barnesville, Ohio?�
Q:What Foundry manufactured the bell that is in from of the School?
Answer:McShane and Co., Baltimore, MD.
Q:What glass company manufactured glassware of different grades and styles here in Barnesville?
Answer:Lotus Glass.
Elisha Gray was famous in Barnesville for his invention of the telephone, even though the United State Patent Office gave the honor to someone else.
Q:A very large snake was sighted about 87 years ago at what location?
Answer:Leatherwood (Bailey's Mills).
Q:Old Clay Pike was originally called by what other two names?
Answer:Pultney Road; Grade Road
The first social club in Barnesville was the Tourist Club.
Q:The Belmont County Children's Home opened in what year?
Answer:1880. It housed 37 children.
Q:In what year was the first Boy Scout Troop started in Barnesville?
The city park was previously called the fairgrounds.
Q:What man was known as the Double Miracle Man of Barnesville?

Colonel Frank Askew. In a Civil War Battle in which the 15th Ohio, led by Askew attacked a Confederate position, Askew in the lead was struck by a bullet in the chest and went down. After being carried to the rear, one of his men noticed the absence of any visible would. Investigation showed that the bullet had struck a leather diary which was in his breast pocket and had inflicted only a bruising wound.

In a few days Colonel Askew returned to duty. At the battle of Overton Hill, the last battle of the war in the central west sector and only five months after the other incident Colonel Askew was in the lead of his troops when another bullet hit him in the chest.

After being removed from the field, however the Colonel sprang erect. The astounded men many of whom had been with Askew when the other bullet hit him, found that bullet had struck a large button in front of his overcoat, tearing its way through and then had struck a smaller coat button inside. Again, Colonel Askew escaped with only a bruise, and was dubbed the double miracle man.

Q:When was the first Girl Scout Troop started in Barnesville? Who was the Captain?
Answer:1929, Miss Gladys Schafer.
Q:The Halon Company published what paper from 1833 until 1897?
Answer:The Barnesville Republican.
Q:What cool, sweet business was started in 1855 on Arch Street?
Answer:Damsel Ice Cream Company.
The first funeral service to take place in Barnesville was in 1808. It was the funeral of a boy named Daniel Davis.
The first piano to come to Barnesville was originally owned by George Washington. It was imported from England during Revolutionary times.
Miss Lou Lawrence was a novelist from Barnesville. She wrote The Confessions of An Old Maid.
Q:What was the name of the first Barnesville man to make the supreme sacrifice in actual service?
Answer:Robert Cross
Q:Where was the first public skating rink in Barnesville?
A visitor brought the first automobile to Barnesville in 1900. The first person here to own one was Shirley Vines.
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