For the beginner...
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Here are some helpful hints for the beginner

  • Fill out an Ancestor Chart starting with yourself. An ancestor chart records the ancestors from whom you directly descend - those for whom you intend to compile a complete and correct family unit. It shows at a glance the progress you have made towards this goal and what remains to be done.

  • Fill out Family Group Sheets, one for each head of household on the Ancestor Chart and for each of their siblings.

  • Develop a system, whether using computer software or a paper syetem, for your own needs and to save time.

  • Free genealogy software may be found at the LDDS website.

  • Write dates properly to avoid confusion of too many numbers.
    Example: 29 Jun 1982

  • Black ink photocopies better than blue.

  • Note date, location, and type for each source you use.
    Example: 22 Jun 1980, Public Library, Barnesville, OH; microfilm.

  • Include title page when photocopying pages of any volume.

  • Include SASE with all correspondence. This is a courtesy, and many organizations and researchers will not respond if you fail to do this.

  • Be specific when requesting information.
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