Belmont County OHGenWeb obituaries
Submitted by:
John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 17 Aug 1905
Son of Aquilla & Susan BRYANT
The death of this well know citizen occurred at his home one mile north of town Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, aged 69 years. Since last December Mr. Bryant had been confined to his home suffering with valvular disease of the heart which was the cause of his death.
Deceased was the son of Aquilla Bryant who was one of the earlier settlers of this neighborhood and the families or member of it have resided at the old homestead for perhaps half a century.
John Bryant was known as a straight forward industrious and honorable man and during this earthly career had undergone his full share of misfortune, and in pursuit of his general occupation teaming and farming, had experienced many serious accidents which seriously crippled him for many years of his latter life.
Deceased was a bachelor and since the death of a sister several years ago had lived alone in the old home pretty much of the time. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and died in the firm belief of the better and happier life beyond the grave.
Mr. Bryant is survived by three sister, and they being Mrs. C.G. Smith, of this place; Mrs. Eli Ferguson, of near Lloydsville; and Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, of near Fairview.
Funeral services were held at the homestead Friday afternoon conducted by the Rev. P.U. Hawkins of the Second M.E. Church and the remains were interred in the Northern Cemetery.
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Submitted by:
John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 22 Apr 1954
James H. Bryant, age 73, a son of the late Jeremiah and Rebecca Robson Bryant died at his home in Belmont Friday at 11:35 a.m. He had been in failing health the past six years and seriously ill the past six weeks suffering from a heart condition.
He was born at St. Clairsville R.F.D. but had resided the past 36 years in Belmont. He was married to Myrtle Moore June 21, 1911 and was a member of the Belmont Methodist Church, and was an active member of the Belmont County Saddle Club having been one of the founders of the club. Mr. Bryant was a well known stock dealer and operated the Bryant Sale Barn at Belmont for many years.
Surviving are his wife of the home, two sisters, Mrs. Leona Higgenbotham of Bethesda and Miss Susan Bryant of Akron, one brother, Elmer Bryant of Deerfield, Ohio. Several nieces and nephews.
The body was taken to the Kelly-Kemp Funeral Home and was returned to the late home Saturday morning. Final services were held Monday afternoon at 2 p.m. in the Belmont Methodist Church by Rev. Forrest Hall. Interment was made in the Belmont Cemetery.
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Submitted by:
John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 16 Oct 1924
Wilson Scrapbook
Mrs. Bulger is Probably the Oldest Resident
of Our City--Book Closed on October 12
The death of Mrs. Mary E. Bulger occurred at the home of Mr. & Mrs. A.E. Kennard on North Chestnut Street, Sunday afternoon at 2:30, from pneumonia which she contracted only a few days previous. Mrs. Bulger had been seriously sick with congestion of the liver a few weeks ago, but so far recovered that she was able to be around the house. About one week ago she took a heavy cold which developed into pneumonia, and her reserve strength was not enough to overcome that fatal disease, and death was the result.
Mary Eleanor Bulger was born in Moundsville, W.Va., July 27, 1830, and when only three years of age came with her parents to Ohio, and they settled on a farm near Sewellsville. In 1851 she came to Barnesville and has lived here ever since. Her maiden name was Taylor, and when twenty-three years of age she was married to John B. Bulger, of Fairview, who passed away in 1898. To this union were born eight children, on son dying in infancy and four others preceding their mother in death several years leaving Mrs. Kennard with whom she made her home and Clyde C. Bulger of this place, and William Bulger, of Columbus, as her immediate survivors.
Besides her children, she is survived by one sister, Mrs. R.A. Dale, of Columbus who is eighty-four years of age, and the last of a family of ten children; also a number of grandchildren and several great-grandchildren.
The deceased was a life-long member of the Methodist denomination and was active in her religious duties until bereft of her hearing and strength. She then spent hours in sacred devotion and meditation. She was industrious and a great reader, and for a woman of her years had a bright mind. She was a member of the Woman's Relief Corps, which organization took part in the burial service.
Funeral services were conducted on Tuesday afternoon by her paster, Rev. C.W. Cooper, of the First Methodist Church, and burial was made in Greenmount.
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Submitted by:
John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 26 May 1893
Just as we are approaching the sabbath of the Nation and while we were weaving bright garlands of fragrant flowers for the graves of our heroic dead, another comrade has marched down to the silent river-given the last hand clasp to loved ones, and crossed over into the presence of the Great Commander.
On Monday night, after a long and painful illness, Mr. John Bulger died at his home on West Church St. Tender, loving hands of a faithful wife and devoted children had ministered to him filling the last hours of his life with comfort and sweetness. Mr. Bulger was a kind husband, an exemplary father, a true friend, and a noble christian man and for sixty-four years he faithfully discharged his duties, living a quiet, consistent life. His experience was deeply spiritual and his sick room was a good place to be because of the manifest presence of the Master. As long as strength of voice remained he joined in singing the old hymns he loved so long. And what a blessed heritage these children that gathered at his bedside is the memory of the unwavering trust in the promises of God which fell from his dying lips.
Mr. Bulger was born in Virginia, June 21, 1827, and came to Ohio with his parents when he was three years old, living in Fairview until 1850 he was married to Miss Mary E. Taylor and removed to this place which has ever since been his home. All through his life he has been honored by the community with places of trust. For sixteen years he was Deputy Sheriff of the county. For twenty-seven years he was Constable and Marshall. In October 1862, he enlisted in the 9th Ohio Cavalry and remained in service until the end of the war. He was a member of the Grand Army and every year found him in the veteran ranks on Memorial Day, paying tribute of honor to his dead comrades. There were eight children come to bless their home, five of whom are living- Mrs. Lizzie Heed, Mrs. Annie Kennard, and Messrs., John, Clyde, and Will Bulger. These with seventeen grandchildren and two brothers, Mr. George Bulger, of St. Joseph, Mo., Mr. Milton Bulger of Ashland, Ky., and two sisters, Mrs. S.C. Smith, Barry Ill., and Miss Rebecca Bulger, of this place are left to mourn his loss.
The funeral services were held at his home at one o'clock, Thursday, conducted by Dr. A.J. Hiatt.
The interment will be made at the Norther Cemetery with the beautiful solemn burial services of the Grand Army. Robert Hilles Post and Woman's Relief Corps will attend in a body.
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CALHOUN, Anna Blanche nee TAYLOR
Submitted by:
John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 8 Oct 1903, pg. 1
The death of Mrs. Calhoun occurred at her home on East Henderson St., Saturday morning from pneumonia. The deceased had been in usual health until the birth of her babe about six months ago when she contracted a severe cold which developed into pneumonia, which caused her death. Mrs. Calhoun as a kind good woman devoted to her husband and children, whose home is now left desolate. A member of the Methodist Church, she was faithful to her vows, and always glad to do all in her power to help those about her to lead better lives. Although desiring to live for the sake of her family, she was resigned to will of Him in whom she trusted, and leaves a husband, three children, one a babe three months old, a mother, a sister, and five brothers to mourn her loss. Sincere sympathy is extended them in their sad affliction. Funeral services were held Monday at 10 o'clock conducted by Dr. M.J. Shutz, of the Methodist Church, assisted by Rev. Mr. Tylock of the Christian Church. Interment in Greenmount.
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DALE, Rebecca nee TAYLOR
Submitted by:
John Settles
Source: Gallipolis Daily Tribune, Gallipolis, OH APRIL 13, 1936
Mrs. Rebecca A. Dale, most of whose life was spent here, died at 6:20 Sunday morning at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. (Cora) Cadot, 292 Sixteenth Ave., Columbus, Ohio. She would have been 96 in July.
Until quite recently, Mrs. Dale had been remarkably active and spry, with the result that the news of her passing came as a shock to her old friends here a week or two ago. She contracted a cold and pneumonia developed on Thursday.
Mrs. Dale was the widow of Capt. James W. Dale. She is survived by, in addition to the daughter, one son, Hyde, who in recent years had been with her and the Cadots.
Funeral services will be held at the D. Harvey Davis Funeral Home, Summit Street & Sixteenth Ave. at 8 o'clock tonight. The funeral party will leave Columbus at nine Tuesday morning and will arrive at Mound Hill Cemetery, where interment is to be made at about 1 o'clock.
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DAVIS, Mahala nee GRIMES
Submitted by:
John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 16 Jan 1908, pg. 8 MORRISTOWN SECTION
Mrs. Mahala Davis, an elderly woman residing on Church St., died Sunday evening about eight o'clock. She has been an invalid for several years. She was taken with an attack of grip about a week ago which ended her life. Funeral to be held Tuesday afternoon. She is survived by her husband William Davis, and several grown and married children of former marriages.
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GARDENER, Lillian Schoolar
Submitted by:
John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 1 Oct 1908, pg. 9
Mr. & Mrs. John Gardener buried their infant child in the French Cemetery, Thursday of last week. Much sympathy is extended to them in their bereavement.
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GRIMES, Clayton Dallas
Submitted by:
John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 3 Jul 1975
Clayton Dallas Grimes, 90, of Morristown, died Wednesday, July 2nd at his home. He was born at Egypt Valley, December 23, 1884, a son of the late Noah and Isabelle Thompson Grimes.
He was a member of the K of P Lodge of Morristown and a retired carpenter.
Preceded in death by his wife, Eliza Grimes, in 1966, he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Jessie Efaw of Morristown; two grandchild and two great-grandchildren.
Friends were received a the Kelly-Kemp Funeral Home in Morristown, where services were held Saturday, July 5th at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Paul Hollingshead officiating. Burial was made in Morristown Cemetery.
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KNOX, Ruth
Submitted by John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 15 Jul 1920
Wilson Scrapbook
Ruth KNOX, (should read Lucy H. KNOX), nee SMITH
Daughter of Joseph D. Smith & Louisa HEFLING
(Formerly a native to Belmont Co., OH)
Mrs. Ruth Knox, formerly of this city, died at the home of her son, C.B.Knox, of Columbus, Sunday. The cause of her death was from no particular malady,but resulted from the infirmities of advanced years.
The decedent was eighty-eight years of age. Her maiden name was Ruth Smith and she was born in Harrison County. She lived there during her girlhood and also resided for a time at Temperanceville. When fifteen years of age she was married to Robert Knox. Since the death of her husband she made her home with her son at Columbus.
Mrs. Knox was a worthy and devoted member of the Methodist Church and an everyday christian. The beautifying influences of a pure religion and happy cheerful nature were spread over a life and character both spotless and peaceful. While upon this earth her friends were many and is going to another and better world she leaves a memory that will be cherished by all who knew her.
She is survived by four sons, J.W. Knox, C.B. Knox, E.H. Knox, and George Knox.
The body was brought here for burial and funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon. Burial at Harmony Cemetery.
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KNOX, Robert
Submitted by: John Settles
Barnesville Enterprise, 1 Sep 1910, page 4
The death of Robert Knox, one of the well known residents of this county
occurred at his home near Atlas, Tuesday night.
Mr. Knox was in his eighty�fifth year and about five weeks ago,
fell and injured himself, so as to cause
his partial paralysis, from which he did not recover.
Mr. Knox was born in Jefferson County, and came to Barnesville about
thirty�five years ago, and soon
after went to a farm where he died.
In 1863 he was married to Miss Lucy Smith,
who survives him. Mr. Knox was a life long member of the Methodist Church.
He was a gentle, manly man, who pursued the even tenor of his way,
doing whatever he found to do. In his own time and way, and wanting
no reward but an approving conscience.
He was kind to his family, loyal to his friends, and true to his church.
He was the father of seven boys, four of whom are living, and occupying
honored positions in life.
Funeral service will be held Thursday
afternoon, conducted by Rev. Mr. Palmer. Interment at Harmony.
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LANDREY, Della Louise "Dell", nee TAYLOR
Submitted by: John Settles
Source: Muncie Star, Muncie, IN, 17 Feb 1973
Della Louise "Dell" LANDREY, nee TAYLOR,
Daughter of James L. "Lafe" TAYLOR & Rachel F. SMITH
(Formerly a native to Belmont Co., OH)
Della L. Landrey, 81, 4808 E. Jackson, wife of Joseph Landrey,
died Friday evening at Ball Memorial Hospital after an extended illness.
She was born in Mt. Olivett, Ohio, and spent her early years in Fairview,
Ohio. She came to Delaware County in 1958.
Mrs. Landrey was a member of Selma United Methodist Church.
Surviving besides her husband are five daughters, Mrs. Bertha Shipley,
Long Beach, Calif.; Mrs. Cora Thuran and Mrs. Mickey Kelly,
both of Canton, Ohio; Mrs. Eleanor Murphy, Muncie, and Mrs. Elsie Murphy,
South Bend; fours sons, Frank Gardiner, Canton; William Gardiner,
Elyria, Ohio; Mack Gardiner, Napoleon, Ohio, and John Gardiner,
Farmland; two stepdaughters, Mrs. Lucille Minor, Chicago, and
Miss Helen Landrey, Washington, D.C.; two stepsons, Ralph Landrey,
Bloomington, and William Landrey, Yorktown; a brother Russell Taylor,
Massillon, Ohio, and 29 grandchildren and 55 great�grandchildren.
Services will be held at the Meeks Mortuary at 1 p.m. Monday with Rev.
Thomas Murphy and Rev. Charles Fields officiating. Entombment will be
in Elm Ridge Mausoleum.
Friends may call at the mortuary from 2 until 5 and from 7 until 9 p.m.
Sunday and any time before the services Monday.
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LEE, Emma Coella "Ella", nee TAYLOR
Submitted by John Settles>
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 25 Feb 1943
Mrs. Ella Lee of Hendrysburg was brought here (Morristown)
for burial Sunday. She was a former resident.
She leaves to mourn her loss five daughters and two sons.
Several from here attended the funeral services at the Sells Home.
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LEE, John W.
Submitted by: John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 12 Feb 1904, pg. 2
John W. LEE,
Son of Isaiah LEE & Delilah TALBOTT
John Lee died Wednesday, February 10, of pneumonia, after about a week's
illness. He made a trip to Barnesville on one of the recent coldest days
with his team and was taken ill soon after. Funeral services were held
at the home conducted by Rev. J.R. Stewart, Friday afternoon.
Mr. Lee was about fifty two years of age, was born and grew up in this
neighborhood, and was an industrious man. He leaves a wife and nine children,
also three brothers and a sister. The funeral was largely attended.
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LEE, Minnie
Submitted by: John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 20 Mar 1884, pgs. 1 & 8
Minnie LEE,
Daughter of John W. LEE & Emma Coella "Ella" TAYLOR
MARCH 20, 1884
Minnie Lee, a bright and promising six year old daughter of Mr. & Mrs.
John Lee, died at the residence of her grandfather, Mr. R. Taylor,
of Olivet, Ohio, on Wednesday night of pneumonia.
Interment at Morristown Cemetery on Friday. Minnie was one of those
children who will be sadly missed by all who knew her, dispensing
gladness and sunshine in the hearts of those with whom she came in
contact. The parents and friends of the deceased have the heartfelt
sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement.
MARCH 20, 1884
Minnie, a bright six year old daughter of John Lee, was buried on Friday.
She had been attending school at Olivet and some two weeks ago was
prostrated by pneumonia, resulting in her death. This is a sad bereavement
to the parents who realize that their eldest born and idol of the
household faded away like a stricken flower. They have the sympathy
of their many friends in their sorrow. And may they realize that the
lovely flower, freed from blight and death, is transplanted to bloom on
the eternal shore.
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Submitted by: John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 23 Aug 1906
Elmer G. NEIBCH,
Son of George NEIBCH & Mary HINES
It is with sorrow we announce the death of Elmer Neibch, son of Mr. & Mrs.
George Neibch which occurred at their home on Cherry St., Saturday afternoon.
The young man had not been well all summer, but was only sick eight days with
typhoid fever which soon proved fatal on account of a weak heart and low
vitality. Only twenty years old, he little dreamed his life work was so
nearly ended.
Young Neibch was an employee in the foundry department of
the Watt Mining Car Wheel Co. and was a valued and efficient workman well
liked by his employers and associates. Ambitious to succeed he was never
satisfied until he became one of the best mechanics in his line.
Kind and good to his mother his place will be missed in the home circle
as well as at his work where he was always faithful and trusted.
Funeral services were held from the Neibch home Monday afternoon
conducted by Rev. P.U. Hawkins of the Second Methodist Church.
Interment in Greenmount.
The Junior Order of American Mechanics attended in a body and performed the
last said rites to a beloved brother. Mr. Forest Watt had charge of this
part of the service which was very impressive.
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SEARS, Emily, nee TAYLOR
Submitted by: John Settles
Source: St. Clairsville Gazette, 16 Aug 1866, pg. 3
Daughter of James D. TAYLOR & Mahetable "Hetty" COOPER
Died August 1st after a short and painful illness, Emily daughter of James
D. and Hetty Taylor, in the thirty-fifth year of her age.
She was a dutiful and affectionate daughter and died with a hope of blessed
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SMITH, Curtis G
Submitted by: John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 22 Jan 1899
Wilson Scrapbook
Curtis G. SMITH,
Son of Joseph D. SMITH & Louisa HEFLING
The death of Mr. Curtis G. Smith occurred at his home north of town last
Sunday. Mr. Smith had been feeble for a long time and suffered much with
asthma. A severe cold combined with a grip was more than his weakened system
could withstand and a long list of others who succumbed to this malady,
he passed away.
For a number of years Mr. Smith has not been in active business, but in
younger years he was one of the most active influential fruit growers
we had in this section of the state and was an authority on all matters
pertaining to growing of small fruits. He was one of the pioneers in the
early days of the strawberry culture here and probably did as much as any
other man to make the business a success. He was an enthusiast on the
culture of other small fruits as well as the strawberry, and was an authority
in many respects.
Mr. Smith belonged to a large and well known family whose lives made an
impress on the early history in this section. But two are left of a family
of fourteen children. Dr. J.N. Smith of Indiana, and Mrs. Robt. Knox, of
Atlas. Funeral services were held at the home of his son, John, on Bond
Avenue, on Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Dr. Hiatt of the Methodist Church.
Interment in Greenmount Cemetery.
Mr. Smith leaves a wife and five children to whom sincere sympathy is
extended to them in their affliction.
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SMITH, Lydia, nee BRYANT
Submitted by: John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 14 Mar 1907, pg. 4
Lydia A. SMITH, nee BRYANT,
Daughter of Aquilla & Susan BRYANT
Lydia Smith
We are again called upon to chronicle another death which makes the fifth
in our community during the past winter. On Tuesday of last week at the
house of her daughter, Mrs. J.L. Taylor, occurred the death of Mrs. Lydia
Smith, widow of the late Curtis Smith near Barnesville. Her death resulted
from that dreaded disease, pneumonia from which she suffered intensely for
about seven weeks, but which she bore with much patience. We had not the
privilege of being intimately acquainted with her, she having been here
since last fall, but we have every reason to believe she possessed in
common with her late husband, the highest trait of a noble christian
character, and was loved by all who knew her as evidence by the magnificent
display of flowers that covered her casket. She leaves five children,
Mrs. J.L. Taylor who tenderly cared for her during her last sickness,
Mrs. Lou Aiken of Carroll City, Iowa, Clarence of Cambridge, Edward of
Alliance, and John of Barnesville, to mourn the losses of a kind
and affectionate and loving mother. Funeral services were held Friday,
conducted by Rev. D.E. Cole and Rev. John Miller, Ph.D. Interment in
Greenmount Cemetery, Barnesville.
Mr. & Mrs. Lafe Taylor wish to extend their thanks to their neighbors and
especially Mrs. Frank Lynn, Mrs. Rev. J. B. Miller and Mrs. Henry C. Brady
for their kindness and sympathy during the sickness of their loving mother,
Mrs. Smith.
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Submitted by: John Settles
Source: Barnesville Enterprise, 23 Aug 1906, pg. 8
Dr. J.N. SMITH, probably Joseph SMITH
Son of Joseph D. Smith & Louisa HEFLING
(Formerly a native to Belmont Co., OH)
The death of Dr. J.N. Smith occurred recently at his home in Oklahoma.
Dr. Smith lived here in the long ago and in 1853 taught school on
North Chestnut St. where Mrs. Jane Davis now resides. Maj. Moore,
Thomas Shankland and a number of others went to school to him and have
many pleasant memories of those old days. Dr. Smith was a brother of
William and Curtis Smith, of this place, both of whom preceded him to
the better land. One sister, Mrs. Robert Knox of Atlas, mother of our
townsman J.S. Knox, is the only surviving member of the family.
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SMITH, Charlotte D., nee HILTON
Submitted by: John Settles
Barnesville Enterprise, 26 Oct 1905
Wilson Scrapbook
Mrs. Charlotte Smith
Again we are called upon to record the death of one of the old time and
esteemed residents of Barnesville, Mrs. Charlotte Smith, whose death
occurred at her home in this place, Tuesday night, at the age of seventy-six.
The deceased has been an invalid for the last year, but her wants were
carefully looked after, and everything done to make her last days peaceful
and happy. Mrs. Smith was the widow of the late William Smith, know as
"Squire" Smith. She was a life long member of the Methodist Church, and
while she was able did what she could for the uplift of humanity. A good
wife and mother her life was not lived in vain, and when the call came she
was glad to go where the old grow young again and all is peace and joy.
Five children are left to mourn the loss of a good mother, Herman Smith,
of Benwood, W.Va., Charles, of Washington, Penna., Frank, of California,
Howard, of Marietta, and Miss Mary Smith of Akron. Sympathy is extended
the bereaved children and other relatives in their affliction.
Funeral services will be held from the late residence of the deceased,
on North Chestnut Street Thursday afternoon, conducted by Dr. J.S. Secrest,
Presiding Elder of the Barnesville District.
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