Belmont County OHGenWeb obituaries


Submitted by: Cris White Reed
The following from newspaper clipping dated Apr 1938:

Death Claims John Smarkol - Virginia Street Man Dies In Pittsburgh Hospital. Body Brought Here.

John Smarkol, 74, resident of 798 Virginia street, died Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock in Mercy hospital, Pittsburgh, after a month's illness of complications. His condition had been critical since Saturday of last week. Deceased was born in Germany November 1, 1864, and came to this country in 1892, settling immediately in Martins Ferry, where he had resided continuously since. He was last employed in the Patty Coal company mine and was a member of St. John's Lutheran Church.

His wife, Mrs. Mary Smarkol, died in November, 1926. Surviving are the following children: Henry Smarkol, Memphis, Tenn.; Mrs. William Wood, Toledo; Mrs. Jack Cherry, Pittsburgh; Albert Smarkol, at home; Miss May Smarkol, New Lexington, Ohio.

He went to Pittsburgh over a month ago to visit his daughter and while there became ill. One of the Heslop funeral cars went to Pittsburgh last evening and brought the body to the mortuary, where it will remain pending final funeral arrangements, which will not be made until the children arrive.

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JOYCE, Dudley

Submitted by: Jenny Lee
Wheeling Register, Wheeling, Ohio Co., W.VA Dated April 3, 1909.

Joyce Funeral
The funeral services of the lated Dudley Joyce, who died Thursday at his home on Monroe Street, will be held at St. John's church, Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Internment will be at Mt. Calvary cemetery. The deceased was 38 years of age and well known, and is survived by his wife and six children.

Submitted by:Jenny Lee

On Thursday, April 1, 1909, at 10:20 o'clock, DUDLEY JOYCE, at his residence No. 3468 Monroe Street, Bellaire. Funeral, Monday April 5, 1909, at 9 o'clock a.m. Requiem high mass at the St. John's Catholic Church, Friends of the family and members of the A.O.H. No.1, invited to attend. Internment at Rose Hill

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Submitted by: Governor Davis
From the Barnesville Enterprise, 25 May, 1933, located in Mrs. Wilson's Scrapbooks in the Barnesville Public Library.

"The death of John William PERSONS a highly esteemed resident of this place, occurred at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William HAGAR on East Main Street Friday afternoon, followinf several months illness of hardening of the arteries.

The deceased was born on a farm near Sewellsville, in February, 1854, and was the son of James and Margaret PERsONS. He lived in that community and besides farming, he learned brick masonry, and thirty years ago he came to Barnesville where he has since lived and worked on many public buildings here and in this community. He was a member of the First Methodist Church and the Men's Bible class where he attended as long as health permitted. Besides his daughter, Mrs. HAGAR, he is survived by one son, Mr. Elmer W.PERSONS on East Main street;four grandchildren and three great grandchildren. He also leaves two brothers and one sister:George and James PERSONS in Kansas; Mrs. Alice GRIMES, Alliance, Ohio.

Funeral services was held Sunday afternoon in the HAGAR home at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. E.F. WOOD. Burial was made in Greenmount."

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Van FOSSEN, Mrs. John

Submitted by: Governor Davis
From the Barnesville Enterprise, 6 Apr., 1933-17 Feb., 1938, located in Mrs. Wilson's Scrapbooks in the Barnesville Public Library.

"Relatives here were notified of the sudden death of Mrs. John VanFossen which occurred at her home in Tippecanoe City Sunday, Sept.2. Mrs Van Fossen was sixty-two years of age and was born at Fairview, the daughter of Joseph and Sarah Jane PERSONS. She had lived in the Fairview and Smyrna neighborhood after her marriage, but for twent years has been a resident of Tippicanoe City. Besides her husband, she leaves two daughters;also three brother and one sister; J.W. PERSONS, Clifton, IL; Joseph PERSONS, Farmer City,IL; James PERSONS,Flushing; Mrs w.R. PRICE, North Chestnut Street,Barnesville.

The following relatives from here attended the funeral on Wednesday which was held in the First Christrian Church; Mr.and Mrs. W.R. PRICE and Katherine PRICE, Mr. and Mrs. Will PRICE and daughter, Mr.Charles PERSONS, Mrs. Mollie JOHNSON, Mrs. Ida McConnell. Burial was made at Belmont Ridge cemetery, near Tippecanoe."

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PERSONS, James Anthony

Submitted by: Governor Davis
From the Barnesville Enterprise, 18 July, 1940, located in Mrs. Wilson's Scrapbooks in the Barnesville Public Library.

"Funeral service for James A. PERSONS who died in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth COMPANIZA at Flushing Saturday, was held in the Belmont Ridge Methodist Church Tuesday afternoon and burial was made in that church cemetery.

James Anthony PERSONS, a son of Joseph and Jane ARNOLD PERSONS, was born July 11, 1864 at Fairview, Ohio,where he lived for many years. His wife who was Melissa Belle ROMANS preceded him in death ten years ago, but he is survived by eight children and several grandchildren. He also leaves one sister Mrs. Will PRICE,North Chestnut Street, Barnesville;one brother, Joseph PERSONS in Illinois and a number of other relatives in Barnesville.

Mr. PERSONS was a retired B.&lle.O. Railroad employee and was a member of the Brotherhood Railrood Carmen."

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PERSONS, Elizabeth

Submitted by: Governor Davis
Located in the Barnesville Enterprise, 27 Sept.,1906, from Mrs. Wilson's Scrapbooks in the Barnesville Public Library.

"Again we are called upn to record the death of an aged and esteemed resident of this place-Mrs.Elizabeth PERSONS, which occurred at the home of her daughter Mrs. John BAKER, Tuesday afternoon from tumor. The deceased had been sick since last May. Although a great sufferer she bore her affliction with christian fortitude and was ready and willing to obey the Master's summons. Mrs.PERSONS was a faithful member of the Methodist church and remained faithful to life's close.

Mrs. PERSONS came to Barnesville in April 1900, and since that time has made her home with her children Mr. and Mrs. John BAKER of this place, who tenderly cared for her and made her life as happy and peaceful as possible. The deceased was the wife of the late James PERSONS of Guernsey County, who died in 1898.

They were the parents of eleven children. Mathias PERSONS, John PERSONS, Mrs. John BAKER of Barnesville, Fred PERSONS, Cambridge, James PERSONS, Lacygne, KS, George PERSONS, Harper, KS. Mrs R.G. GRIMES, Mrs T.R. NORRIS, Alliance, Ohio, and Mrs. R. ARMSTRONG, Sewellsville, Ohio, and two dead, Mrs. Margaret TAYLOR and Mrs. Kate FOGLE.

Funeral services will be held from the home of Mr. John BAKER on North Lincoln Ave., Thursday afternoon at 2:30 conducted by Rev. J.R. JACOB of the First Methodist Church. Internment in Green Mount."

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Submitted by: Mary Evelyn Staley
Taken from the Wheeling Intelligencer April 1817

Military Rites for McGonigle
Barton Solider who fell in France will be Buried a Washington. D.C.

Barton boy, who gave his life in the World war, will be laid at rest with full military honors in Arlington Cemetery near Washington D.C.

John McGonigle, who was killed in action has been brought back to the United States. Relatives left for that city yesterday to arrange for interment in the national Cementery.

Details of his death have not been learned by his Parents, other than menger offical reports. McGonigle enlisted early in the war, going into the Marine Corps after seeing brillant Service met death in action.

As far as know, McGonigle will have the distinetion of being the only boy from Eastern Ohio to be buried inArlington Cementery, where the nation`s Heroes of all wars are interred. Father J. T. Banahan of Tiltonville, Chaplain of the Martins Ferry post, American Legion will offiate at the funeral to be conducted in Washington. today.

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SMITH, Daniel

Submitted by: Dan Smith Jr
Taken from The Times-Leader Dec. 8, 1976

Daniel Smith

Daniel W. Smith

Daniel W. Smith, 53, Flushing, died Monday afternoon in Wheeling Hospital. Born Jan. 4, 1923, at Flushing, he was the son of Mrs. Georgia McTaggart Smith and the late Ralph A. Smith.

He was the member of the Flushing United Methodist Church, a veteran of World War II, Member of Flushing American Legion Post and had been employed at the Consolidation Coal Co.

He was the member of the board of directors of People Savings and Loan at Flushing, was active in Masonic organizations being a member and pastmaster of Flushing Masonic Lodge, a member of Flushing Eastern Star Lodge, was a past sovereign prince of the Valley of the Cambridge Scottish Rite, was made a 33rd degree Mason in Boston, Mass., in 1966 and was a member of the Aladdin Temple of the Shrine of Columbus.

Surviving in addition to his mother of Flushing, are his widow, Jean Miller Smith; two sons Daniel W. Smith Jr.., David Smith, and two daughters Mrs. Rodney (Janie) Dubinsky and Mrs. Dale (Nancy) Bowers, all of Flushing; four grandchildren.

Friends will be received at the Warren Funeral Home, Flushing today from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Services will be Thursday at 2 p.m. at the funeral home with Rev. Paul Greenwood officiating. Burial in Rock Hill Cemetary, Flushing.

Masonic services tonight at 8 at the funeral home.

Taken from Harrison News-Herald in John Campbell’s column The Mirror on Dec. 16, 1976

A Community loss, deeply felt:

The recent death of Dan Smith, son of Flushing, has taken from our area one with a multitude of friends and one with great interest in many fields.

The mirror recalls Dan Smith as a historian who searched for remote burial grounds from which he would gather records of Pioneer residents, all but forgotten.

Dan was a constant reader of The Mirror and we have been fortunate in having his loyal support.

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Submitted by
Pamela S. Klemm
Barnesville Enterprise
Jan. 1896

Death of Mrs. MORRIS

Juliann LEMASTER MORRIS was born in Mononaghela county, Va., now West Virginia on Jan. 18, 1818 and died in Barnesville, Ohio Jan. 13, 1896.

With her parents she came to Ohio in 1832, and for two years lived on Will's creek. They came to the vicinity of Barnesville where the greater part of her life was spent. In 1834 she united with the M.E. Church at Bethel, in which society she held her membership for about 49 years.

On the 21st of January, 1836 she was united in marriage to Mordecai MORRIS, who yet survives at the advanced age of 82 years. Had she lived eight days longer she would have reached the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage.

She was the mother of fourteen children, seven of whom are still living, and all reside in Barnesville. Sister MORRIS was an exemplary christian, attending faithfully to all her religious duties, especially was she attentive to the means of grace. She was prostrated some weeks ago and at times her sufferings were intense but borne with great patience. To those who conversed with her concerning the foundations of her hope, she gave assurance clear and strong that her faith was firm and her hope was bright. To her aged companion, who asked her what would become of him should she not again get up, she said, "Be satisfied as I am satisfied and all will be right." A few days before her death she talked tenderly and lovingly to her children and grandchildren, assuring them of her gratitude to them for their unfailing kindness to her both in her health and in her sickness. The family have the sincere sympathy of all their friends. The funeral services will take place at the family residence today at 1 p.m., her pastor, Rev. J.R. Keyes, conducting the services.

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Submitted by
Pamela S. Klemm
Crestline Advocate 1892

It is with deep regret that we note the death of Mrs. Lydia A. STRAHL, wife of B.J. STRAHL, which occurred at their home in this city Tuesday evening June 21, 1892 at 6:25 o'clock. Her maiden name was Lydia A. MORRIS. She was born near Barnesville, Belmont County, Ohio in 1841 ans was married April 4, 1865 to B.J. STRAHL who survives her. During their twenty seven years of wedded life she has been a faithful and devoted wife in all the relations in life and has shown herself a lady of the highest type and most estimable character. For many years a resident of this city her acquaintance was wide and she endeared herself to all by her winning qualities and her true womanly disposition. At the time of her death she was 50 years, 8 months and 20 days. The remains were taken yesterday to Barnesville for interment. She will be widely mourned and her sorrowing husband has the sympathy of all.

The remains of Mrs. B. J. STRAHL of Crestline, Ohio were brought to Barnesville for interment. The funeral occurred Friday morning and was attended by a large number of relatives and friends. The remains were interred in the Southern Cemetery. Mrs. STRAHL was a daughter of Mr. Mordecai MORRIS and spent her girlhood days in this place. She was a noble good woman and she has a host of friends here who regret that her useful life has been ended. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. Will SCOLES and Messers, William and Solomon MORRIS of this place.

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Submitted by:
Sharon L. Russell
From the Times Leader, April 1944

Thomas Hill, 77, Taken by Death

Thomas Hill, Jr., 77, of 116 Third St., Bridgeport, died in his home at 5:30PM Sunday following a lengthy illness.

He was well known in Bridgeport and for 56 years was associated with the Hill Machine Shop, founded by his father.

The deceased was born in Bury, England, but was brought to Bridgeport by his parents when only a year old. He had resided in the community ever since. Ill health forced his retirement in 1941.

Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Rose Ehni Hill; four sons, Capt. William F. Hill, stationed at a Texas army camp; Edward Hill of New Philadelphia, Fred Hill of Wheeling and Pfc. Albert Hill, with army in England; three daughters, Mrs. Nell Williams of Martins Ferry, Miss Helen Hill at home, and Mrs. Anna Voltz of Wheeling; one brother, Charles Hill of Bridgeport and three sisters, Mrs. Emma Riley of Uniontown, PA; Mrs. Florence Palmer of Arizona, and Miss Elizabeth Hill of Dayton.

The remains are at the Heslop Funeral Home in Martins Ferry. Services will be held there at 2:PM Wednesday. Rev. J. Harold Gwynne of the Martins Ferry First Presbyterian Church will in charge. Burial will be in the Weeks Cemetery.

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Submitted by
Pamela S. Klemm
Barnesville Enterprise 1892

Death of Mrs. B. J. STRAHL

It is with deep regret that we note the death of Mrs. Lydia A. STRAHL, wife of B.J. STRAHL, which occurred at thier home in this city Tuesday evening, June 21, 1892 at 6:25 o'clock. Her maiden name was Lydia A. MORRIS. She was born near Barnesville, Belmont county in 1841, andd was married April 4, 1865, to B.J. STRAHL. who survives her.

During their twenty seven years of wedded life she has been a faithful and devoted wife, and in all the relations of life has shown herself a lady of this highest type and most estimable character.

For many years a resident of this city, her aquaintance was wide, and she endeared herself to all by her many winning qualities and her true womanly disposition.

At the time of her death she was aged 50 years; 8 months and 30 days. The remains were taken yesterday to Barnesville for internment. She will be widely mourned and her sorrowing husband has the sympathy of all.

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MILLER, Beulah

Submitted by
Dan Smith
Taken from Wheeling News-Register Dec. 3, 1977

Beulah Miller

Beulah Miller, 1900-1977

....... Beulah Miller,77,of Flushing,Ohio, died Friday in Harrison Community Hospital,Cadiz , a daughter of the late John William and Patience Frost of Fairview Oh.
....... She was a member of the Flushing United Methodist Church.

....... Surviving are her husband, Otis Miller; three daughters, Mrs. Robert ( Doris ) Taylor of Westerville, Ohio, Mrs. Harry ( Jane) Bell of Indianopolis, Ind. and Mrs. Dan ( Jean ) Smith of Flushing; a son, Edward of Gahanna, Ohio; a brother, Gerald Frost of Belpre, Ohio; 14 grandchildren; 9 great-greatchildren.

....... She was preceded in death by three-brothers Clyde, Jack and Herman Frost, and one sister Mary Reischman; also one son Warren G. who died in 1951.

....... Friends received at the Warren Funeral Home, Flushing, 7-9 p.m. Saturday and 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Sunday, where services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Monday. Interment in Crestview Cemetery, Barnesville.

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Miller, Otis E.

Submitted by
Dan Smith
From The Times-Leader Feb. 6, 1982
Otis Miller

Otis Miller, 1896-1982

....... Otis E. Miller, 85, of Flushing, died Saturday evening at the Barnesville Health Care Center. He was born July 26, 1896, in Barnesville, a son of the late George and Lenora Persons Miller.
....... A retired miner, he was a veteran of World War I; a member of the Methodist Church, a life member of the American Legion Post #366, and the Masonic Lodge F&AM of Flushing.
....... Preceding him in death were his wife, Beulah, a son, Warren, and a sister, Elizabeth Rattine.
....... Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Robert ( Doris ) Taylor of Westerville, Mrs. Harry ( Jane ) Bell of Indianapolis, Ind., and Mrs. Dan ( Jean ) Smith of Flushing; one son, O. Edward Miller Jr., of Gahanna; 16 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren; two brothers, Kenneth and William Miller, both of Barnesville; and one sister, Mrs. Edna Agar of Barnesville.
....... Friends will be received at the Warren Funeral Home, Monday, from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., where services will be held Tuesday at 2:30 p.m., with the Rev. Paul Greenwood officiating. Burial will follow in Crestview Cemetary, Barnesville.

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Miller, Warren G.

Submitted by
Dan Smith
From The Times-Leader Mar 14, 1951

Warren G Miller
....... Warren G. Miller, 30, of Flushing and World War II veteran, died Wednesday at 9:40 a.m., in University hospital, Columbus, following a year's illness.
....... The deceased was born Oct. 31, 1920, in Barnesville, a son of Otis and Beulah Frost Miller, and was united in marriage to Betty Stout, May 19, 1945.
....... He was a member of the Flushing Methodist Church and Flushing American Legion post 356.
....... Mr. Miller served three years in the U.S. services during World War II, being awarded the Purple Heart and cluster.
....... Surviving are his parents of Flushing; widow; two daughters, Marilyn and Carolyn; three sisters, Mrs. Doris Taylor of Columbus, Mrs. Jane Bell of New Brunswick, N. J., and Mrs. Jean Smith of Flushing; one brother, Eddie, of the home.
....... The body was taken to the Romich-Warren funeral chapel at Flushing, where it will remain for full military services Saturday afternoon at 2:00. Rev. Kenneth Evans and Rev. C.G. Bloor will be officiate. Interment will follow in the Crestview Memorial cemetary at Barnesville.

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SMITH, Georgia

Submitted by
Dan Smith
The Times-Leader, June 20, 1986

......Georgia H. Smith, 88, of Flushing, died Thursday at home. She was born on November 7, 1897 at Pleasants County, W.Va., daughter of the late William and Ida Rymer McTaggart.
...... She was a member of the Flushing United Methodist Church, and St. Mary's, W.Va., Order of Eastern Star.
...... She was preceded in death by her husband, Ralph A. Smith, in 1959; a son, Daniel William Smith, in 1976; five sisters and two brothers.
...... Surviving are four grandchildren, Jane Dubinsky and David Smith, both of Flushing, Nancy Bowers of Brunswick, Maine, Daniel Smith of Zanesville; and eight great-grandchildren.
...... Friends received at Warren Funeral Home, Flushing, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Saturday, where services will be held Sunday at 1 p.m. Burial will follow in Union Cemetary, Flushing.

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Submitted by
Dan Smith
The Times-Leader, June 20, 1986

...... Mabel W. Stratton, 80, of Flushing, died Thursday in Ohio Valley Medical Center, Wheeling W.Va. She was born June 6, 1906 at Harrisville, daughter of the late Thomas and Clara Hall Whinnery.
...... She was a retired nurse and a member of Short Creek Friends Meeting House, Harrisville, and Flushing Red Cross Production Unit.
...... She was preceded in death by two sisters and three brothers.
...... Surviving are her husband, Howard E. Stratton; a son, Lewis of Flushing; three daughters, Mrs. Oliver ( Clara ) Iden of Bloomingburg, Mrs. J. Randall ( Martha ) Giffen of Bellaire, Mrs. C. Edward ( Mary Ellen ) Wall of Ann Arbor, Mich.; 19 grandchildren; two great-grandchildren.
...... Friends received at Warren Funeral Home, Flushing, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9p.m. Saturday, where services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at Short Creek Friends Meeting House. Burial will follow in Short Creek Friends Cemetery, Harrisville.
...... Memorial contributions may be made to the Belmont County Chapter of the American Red Cross, or the American Cancer Society.

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Smith, Ralph A.

Submitted by
Dan Smith
The Times-Leader Feb. 10, 1959

Flushing Bank Official, Dies
Ralph Smith
....... Ralph A. Smith, 65, owner and operator of the Smith Grocery store at Flushing, died unexpectedly this morning at 4:30 at his home.
....... He was born at St. Marys, Ohio, May 17, 1893, a son of the late Daniel and Grace Hull Smith, and before operating his own store he was manager of the M. & K. Store at Flushing for many years. He had resided at Flushing for 39 years. He was a director at the People Savings & Loan Co., at Flushing.
....... Mr. Smith was a member and trustee of the Flushing Methodist Church; secretary of the Sunday School for 36 years; Charter member of the Flushing Rotary club; member of the Flushing lodge F & A.M. No. 298. serving as treasurer of that lodge; Scottish Rite at Cambridge.
....... He was united in marriage on Nov. 18, 1918, to Georgia McTaggart, who survives with a son, Daniel Smith of Flushing; three grandchildren; a sister, Miss Nellie M. Smith of Ravenna, Oh.
....... The body is at the Romich-Warren Funeral Home, Flushing. Final arrangements are incomplete.

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HODGE, Elizabeth Reese

Martins Ferry Daily Times, April 19, 1933
Submitted by
Sharon Hodge Davis

(Deaths and Funeral Announcements)

HODGE, Mrs. Elizabeth Reese, 70, widow of Robert Hodge, in her home 818 N. 5th St, Martins Ferry, Sunday, April 16 at 9:30 p.m. Services were conducted at the place of death Wednesday, April 19, at 2 p.m. with Rev. E. L. Grose officiating. Interment in Riverview cemetery was in charge of the Noble company funeral home.

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HODGE, Robert Gabriel

Submitted by
Sharon Hodge Davis
died 7 Aug 1956; listed in Martins Ferry paper, but further specifics unknown

Robert Gabriel HODGE

Robert G. Hodge, 57, World War I veteran and a business executive at the Hub Department Store in Wheeling, died Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. at his home, 1025 Pearl St, Martins Ferry. Mr. Hodge has been seriously ill for some time.
The deceased was born in Martins Ferry, Sept 30, 1898, a son of Robert and Elizabeth Reese Hodge. He was a member of the First Methodist Church; charter member of the Methodist Men's Club; a past Exalter Ruler and secretary of the Martins Ferry Lodge of Elks and a member of the Masonic Lodge.
Mr. Hodge served on the planning commission of the Huroquis Council of Boy Scouts. He was a buyer for the George R. Taylor in Wheeling, for many years, and at the time of his death was a merchandise manager at the Hub Department Store.
Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Ethel Ashton Hodge; three sons, Dr. James R. Hodge and Dr. Thomas A. Hodge, both of Akron, Richard A. Hodge of the home; two grandchildren, Sharon and Scotty Hodge; two sisters, Miss Catherine Hodge at the Friedhof Rest Home at Pleasant Grove, and Mrs. Leonard Henry of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; and one brother, Abe Hodge of Martins Ferry.
Friends are being received at the heslop Funeral Home, Walnut St, Martins Ferry, where services will be conducted Friday morning at 10:30. Burial will follow in Riverview Cemetery.
Members of the Martins Ferry Masonic Lodge will conduct ritualistic services at Heslop's Thursday night at 7:30; Martins Ferry Lodge of Elks will hold its services at 8.

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ASHTON, James Madison

Submitted by
Sharon Hodge Davis

Source: Bellaire Daily Leader, 26 Jan 1926

Ashton Services To Be Conducted Monday Afternoon

Funeral services for the late James Ashton, 76, retired farmer who passed away in the Martins Ferry Hospital at 7 o'clock Friday evening, following an illness of four weeks and an operation, will be conducted in the family home on the Colerain pike Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. A. D. Mink, pastor of the First Methodist church, and Rev. C. T. Hewitt, pastor of the First Baptist church, will officiate. Interment will be in Weeks cemetery.

The deceased has been a resident of this county practically all of his life. Recently infirmities incident to advanced age caused his retirement from active farming. He had been an active member of the First Methodist church until recently.

He leaves one sister, Miss Mary E. Ashton, of Brookside; a daughter-in- law, Mary B. Ashton, of the Colerain pike, and the following grandchildren: Marion, Robert and Lester Ashton, Mrs Robert Hodge, of this city, and Mrs. Robert Balzer of Wheeling.

The body was taken to the Noble company funeral home and today was removed to the family residence west of town.

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COSS, Theodore

Jan 26, 1902 Martins Ferry Times Leader
Submitted by
Mary Evelyn Staley

Sudden Death of Theodore Coss

Theodore Coss, a highly respected citizen of Martins Ferry, died very suddenly last evening at his home in that City. He had been ill since since last Sunday with pneumonia, but yesterday afternoon was apparently resting very comfortably and was on the way to recovery, and talked to his friends who called. He was left alone for a short time, an when his Son came home about five O`clock and went in to see his Father found him dead. It is though heart failure, resulting from the disease was the cause. Deceased had been a life long resident of Martins Ferry and had a large circle of friends. He was a solider in the Civil War, and was several times wonded, and was a prisoner at Andersonville. He was a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and his Funeral on Sunday afternoon at 2 o~clock will be in charge of that organization. Deceased was 55 years of aged. He leaves a wife and several children to mourn his loss.

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COSS, David

Submitted by
Mary Evelyn Coss Staley
Times Leader, June 23, 1938

Hold David Coss Funeral in Presbyterian Church Monday

Prominent Retired Business Man Died Saturday Morning of Pneumonia

Davis Coss, lifelong resident of the city and retired business man, passed away in the Family Home 25 South Fifth Street, next door to the City Hall. He had been ill of pneumonia for several days and his condition had been critical.

He was born in Martin`s Ferry Son of the late Mr and Mrs William H. Coss in a home were Martin`s Ferry blast furnace of Wheeling Steel is how located. His entire life was spent in the city. He had been a member of the Presbyterian Church nearly half century, one of its trustees for many years, and a member of the Men Bible Class.

Always an active republican, he took a prominent part in his parties activities for many years. He was a member of the Citizens Savings bank since its organization and was affiliated with the Junior Mechanics and Knights of Pythias.

For many Years he was in the hardware business in a building erected by himself on Walnut Street, but sold-out some years ago and had lived a retired life since.

Surviving are a brother, William H.Coss, Beverly Ohio for many years an engineer at Ferry city light plant, and three sisters, Mrs Delora Thomas, Misses Rena and Clara Coss, all of whom made their home with the deceased. The body was taken to the Noble Company funeral home on North Fourth Street, to remain until Monday when it will be taken to the Presbyterian Church for services a 2:30

Rev C.B. Wingerd New Castle, former Pastor of the First Church wii officiate, assisted by Rev R. A. Pelt of the First M.E. Church. Interment will be in Riverview Cemetery.

Active Pallbearers announced last night are H.H. Riethmiller, David Thompson, Smylie Keethler, Charles Porter, and Herman and Fred Thomas. The honorary Pallbearers will be Dr.J.G.Parr, Samuel Thompson, T.E. Pugh. Frank Barr, James Frazier, and Charles Belville.

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Submitted by
Dan Smith
Source: The Times-Leader Oct. 5, 1990

...... Charles F. Albright, 73, of East High St., Flushing, died Friday at Ohio Valley Medical Center. Wheeling. He was born at New Athens, April 28, 1917, a son of the late Charles M. and Pearl McGrew Albright.
......He was a retired master mechanic from Consolidation Coal, Georgetown plant, a member of the Flushing United Methodist Church, Flushing Lodge 298 F&AM, and American Legion Post 366 at Flushing. He was an Army veteran of World War II. ......He was preceded in death by one sister.
......Surviving are his wife, Helen Fritter Albright; one daughter, Mrs. Larry ( Linda ) Alexander of Flushing; one sister, Iris Cannon of Deersville; one brother, Duane Albright of Scio; two grandsons.
......Friends will be received at the Warren Funeral Home, Flushing, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today, where services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. with Rev. Dale Thomas officiating. Burial follows in Rock Hill Cemetary, Flushing. Masonic services will be 7:30 today in the funeral home.

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Submitted by
Dan Smith
Source: The Times-Leader Mar. 29, 1977
Andy Corrandini
......Andy Corradini, 74, Flushing, died Tuesday in Wheeling Hospital. He was born July 25, 1902, a son of the late Felix and Romana Corradini.
......He was a member of St. Paul's Catholic Church of Flushing and a retired employee of Consolidation Coal Co.
......Surviving are his widow, Mary Pilati Corradini; a son, Bert of the home; two daughters, Mrs. Richard (Dolores)Wetmore of Flushing and Mrs. Floyd (Gloria) Brown of Bloomingdale; five grandchildren, three great-grandchildren; one sister, Mrs. Mary D'Agostin of St. Louis. Mo. and a brother, Felix Corradini of St Louis.
......Friends will be received at the Warren Funeral Home, Flushing, today and Thursday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9p.m. Mass of Christian Burial will be Friday at 10 a.m. at St. Paul's Catholic Church, Flushing, with Fr. Louis Marciano officiating. Burial in Rock Hill Cemetery, Flushing. Rosary devotions Thursday night at 8 at the funeral home.

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