Belmont County OHGenWeb Obituaries

TALBOTT, Mrs. Rebecca C. (Davenport)

Submitted by: Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; 10 Mar 1904:

........"Again it is our sad duty to record the death of another aged resident of Barnesville, one whom we loved and esteemed and whose beautiful character radiated peace and happiness, not only in her home, but upon all about her. The death of Mrs. Rebecca Talbott occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Beckett, in Cambridge, Tuesday, at the age of eighty-seven. The deceased suffered from no special disease and calmly fell asleep to awaken in that blessed country where the old grow young again and sorrow is unknown.
........"Mrs. Rebecca C. Talbott, was born May 5th, 1817, in Clark county, Virginia. She was a daughter of Judge John Davenport, one of Barnesville's honored men. She came to Barnesville when less than two years of age. Her recollections of the little log Methodist meeting house on the hill is quite clear. When Bishop McEndree was here in 1828 he stopped for a week at her father's house, and took great delight in having her comb his long silken hair. She joined the M.E. Church in 1830. On October 13th, 1833 she was married to William A. Talbott and for just sixty years they walked the path of life together, until his death about ten years ago. To them twelve children were born, nine of whom are living. As a Methodist she was a most faithful member. There has never been a day since her conversion that she has not been able to say 'I know in whom I have believed.' For fifty years or more she prepared the bread to be used on sacramental occasions. Mrs. Talbott was associated with the history of Barnesville almost from its beginning to the present time. By the hour she could relate events of interest connected with the town's growth. She always enlivened her stories with humor, of which she had a large fund. When she came to Barnesville in 1818 there were but a few scattered houses along Main street.
........"She has seen the little log Methodist church which gave place to the brick torn down opposite the school building, also the brick on the corner of Chestnut and Church street. The houses to her were wonderfully changed, but the same Father she worshipped with ever increasing delight.
........"Eighty-seven years of age found her in unusually good health, wonderfully clear in mind, cheerfully calm in life, and nothing able to separate her from the love of God. Her life has been a benediction. She was one of the best of wives and mothers, and her home life and relations with her daughters and sons will always be a sweet and blessed memory, which will endure throughout eternity. Sincere sympathy is extended the bereaved ones. The deceased is survived by nine children, four daughters, Mrs. Mattie Walton, of New York. Mrs. Maggie Frasier, Urbana, Ohio, Mrs. John Beckett, Cambridge. Mrs. Charles Loyd[sic], Columbus, and six sons, W.A. Talbott of this place, George H. Talbott, Urbana, Frank Talbott St. Clairsville, and W. R. Talbott of Akron, Ohio, and Charles Talbott, of Oregon. The remains were brought to this place on Wednesday. Funeral services will be held from the home of her son, W.A. Talbott on Thursday afternoon. Interment in Greenmount."

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LLOYD, Mrs. Charles (Talbott)

Submitted by: Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated ca. 28 Mar 1929:

........"The death of Mrs. Charles Lloyd, a former Barnesville girl, occurred at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Fred W. Lane, Cambridge, Saturday, after several weeks' illness. The deceased was born in Barnesville and was a daughter of William A. and Rebecca Talbott and was seventy-seven years of age. For many years, she resided in Columbus but after the death of her husband, ten years ago, she had lived with Mrs. Lane in Cambridge. Mrs. Lloyd had been a Methodist since early in life and was active in that church wherever she was located.
........"Besides Mrs. Lane, she is survived by one son, Walter T. Lloyd, Columbus; also by three sisters and four brothers: Mrs. J.C. Beckett, Cambridge; Mrs. Maggie Frasier, Chicago; Mrs. Mattie Walton, Columbus; W.R. Talbott, Winchester, Va.; George A. Talbott, Urbana; Charles Talbott in California; W.A. Talbott, Cleveland. Funeral was held in the Lane home in Cambridge, Monday morning after which the remains were taken to Columbus for burial. Mr. W.A. Talbott, who has been visiting friends, accompanied by his daughters, Mrs. J.W. Galloway and Miss Emma Talbott, attended the funeral, Mr. Talbott accompanying the funeral cortege to Columbus."

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TALBOT, Charles

Submitted by: Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated 7 Mar 1932; page 228:

"Barnesville, March 10 -- Local relatives have received word that Charles Talbot, a former resident of this city, passed away a few days ago at the home of his daughter in Los Angeles. The particulars of his illness and death have not been learned. The deceased was born in Barnesville 85 years ago, the son of W.A. and Rebecca Talbot. He left Barnesville when he was a young man and for many years lived in Oregon but had resided in California for 15 years. He made his last visit with local relatives in 1920. Surviving are three brothers, George Talbot, of Urbana; Walter Talbot, of Winchester, Va.; W. A. Talbot, of Lakewood, O.; a sister, Mrs. Rebecca Beckett of Cambridge; and a son and daughter in California."

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CUNARD, William Jarrett

Submitted by: Paula Talbert
The following is from the, Wilson Scrapbook; dated 20 Jan 1927:

........"The death of Mr. William Jarrett Cunard occurred at the home of his son, Mr. Fred Cunard on West South street Friday evening January 4, after a lingering illness, the result of a fall four years ago and infirmities of age.
........"William Jarrett Cunard was born near Bethesda, April 1, 1841 and was the son of Luther and Armanda Cunard. He was a farmer and a dealer in horses. More than thirty years ago he came to Barnesville from Wayne township and for nine years was employed by Mr. John Renner at the Renner barn. In later years he was a practical nurse, which profession he followed until he became disabled himself. In this capacity, he was efficient and was a great help to his fellow man. He was a member of the Baptist church at Bethesda and adhered to its principles throughout life.
........"Mr. Cunard is survived by two children, Mrs. Carrie Dickison and Mr. Fred Cunard of this place, his wife who was Miss Keziah Tolbert having died eleven years ago. An account of sickness in the home a private funeral service was held on Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock conducted by Rev. Guy H. Volpitto of Pittsburgh and burial was made in Greenmount."

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TOLBERT, Mrs. Bertha (Pittman)

Submitted by: Paula Talbert
The following is from the Zanesville Public Library's Obituary File; dated 12 Jan 1978:

........"BETHESDA -- Mrs. Bertha Tolbert, 92, of Bethesda, died at Royal Pavilion Health Care Center at Steubenville Tuesday morning. Born Sept. 4, 1885, at Belmont, Mrs. Tolbert was a daughter of the late George and Alice Lingo Pittman. She was a member of South Main St. Church of Christ here.
........"Her husband, Clarence, died in 1962. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Mildred Wickham of Steubenville and Mrs. Mary Louise Cross of Flushing, Mich.; three sons, George of St. Clairsville, Clinton of Barnesville and Harry of Massillon; 12 grandchildren and 26 great-grandchildren. Friends may call at Kelly-Kemp Funeral Home here 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today, where services will be held at 2 p.m. Friday with Rev. Bob Jones officiating. Burial will be in Ebenezer Cemetery here."

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Submitted by: Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; 3 Jun 1965:

Park A. Tolbert, 88, Dies at Hospital
........"Park A. Tolbert, who resided with his granddaughter, Donna Tolbert in Bethesda, passed away Monday, May 31st at 3:30 p.m. at Barnesville Hospital. Mr. Tolbert was 88 years of age. He was born at Morristown on August 17, 1876 a son of Thomas and Hannah Wiley Tolbert and was a retired cigar roller. He was a member of the Bethesda South Main Street Church of Christ. His wife, Mrs. Daisy Bolon Tolbert preceeded with in death in 1959.
........"Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Luree Wepler of Bethesda; one son, ... [unreadable] ... and 11 great grandchildren. Friends are being received at the Kelly-Kemp Funeral Home in Bethesda where funeral services will be held tomorrow (Thursday) at 2 p.m. (DST) by the Rev. William Cook. Interment will be made in the Bethesda Methodist Cemetery."

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FRAME, Amasa

Submitted by: Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated 13 Feb 1896:

........"The death of Amasa Frame occurred at the Plummer homestead, east of town, about noon last Monday. He had been sick for a long time with consumption and death, when it came, was no doubt a welcome release to the weary sufferer. Amasa Frame was born in Harrison county in 1839, and came to Barnesville with his parents when quite young. He was married first to Elizabeth Kennard in 1864. She only lived about eight months. In 1869 he married Rachel Plummer, who with two daughters survive him. He had never been a strong man, and about nine years ago went to Southern California hoping that salubrious clime would be of benefit. But his hopes were not realized, and six months ago he gave up the struggle, and with his family came back to his old home to end his days among his relatives and the friends of his boyhood. For months he has been 'only waiting till the shadows were a little longer grown,' yet, with the open grave just before him, he ever retained his cheerfulness, and patiently awaited the summons. In his younger days we knew him intimately and well, and a nobler, kinder hearted man never lived. He passed into the unknown land, bearing with him the love of those who knew him best, and the honor of the entire community with whom he was associated during the greater portion of his life. His stricken body is at last released from pain, the weary spirit is at rest, and the reward of his honest life is being reaped amid golden sheaves.
........"He leaves behind him a most estimable family -- a wife and two daughters, who have the sympathy of all in their loneliness. Funeral services were held at the meeting house at Stillwater, at one o'clock on Wednesday. Interment in adjoining burial ground."

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HOYLE, Mrs. William (Plummer)

Submitted by: Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated 5 Apr 1928:

........"Funeral services of Mrs. William Hoyle, who died at her home in Cambridge, early Wednesday morning will be held in the Stillwater Meeting House, east of town Friday afternoon at 2:30 according to the rites of the Friends church and burial will be made in the burying ground nearby. Mrs. Hoyle was born July 13, 1849 and was a daughter of Robert and Jane Plummer, one of the pioneer families of Friends of this section. She lived in this community in early life, but for forty-six years she has been a resident of Cambridge where she was well known and highly respected. Though she has not been well for about one month, she and her husband informally celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary. Besides her husband, she is survived by four children, and two sisters, Mrs. Rachel Frame,Salem, Mrs. Elizabeth Stanton, Cleveland. Another sister, Mrs. Mary Doudna died only a few months ago."

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BUNDY, Evelyn C. (Plummer)

Submitted by: Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated ca. 1 Sep 1927:

........"The friends of Mrs. Carver T. Bundy were much surprised and saddened to learn of her sudden death which occurred at her home Saturday morning as the result of a fall at Summit Hotel near Uniontown, Pa. two weeks ago. She and her husband had gone on a little pleasure trip through Maryland and Pennsylvania and she was decending[sic] a flight of steps when the accident occurred. One side and hip were injured but no bones broken. She was brought home and apparently was improving, but internal trouble developed forming a clot of blood on the heart and her death came unexpected.
........"Evelyn C. Bundy was born in Lynn county, Iowa, July 7, 1877 and was the daughter of Abram and Miriam Plummer. When but four years of age, her mother died, and she with her father and brothers came to the old Plummer home where her aunt, Mrs. Mary Plummer Doudna assumed the role of mother and they have always lived in the same home, Mrs. Bundy in turn caring for the aunt in her declining years. Mrs. Doudna is inenty years of age and feels the loss keenly.
........"In 1901 she was married to Carver T. Bundy who with two children, Edith and Ralph, both in the home, survive her. Besides these, she leaves two brothers, Herbert E. Plummer of Louisville, Ky., and Louis Plummer of Manchester, Md. Mrs. Bundy was born and reared in the Friends' faith and adhered to that faith throughout her life. She was endowed with a kind and jovial disposition that acquired her many friends. Funeral was held Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock in the Stillwater meeting house according to the rites of the Friends and burial was made in the cemetery nearby."

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DOUDNA, Mary (Plummer)

Submitted by: Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated 1 Mar 1928:

........"Again we chronicle the death of another of our nonogenarians in the person of Mary Plummer Doudna which occurred at her home two miles east of Barnesville, Tuesday evening about eight o'clock. Mrs. Doudna had only been sick about thirty-six hours and due to her advanced age, treatment would not respond.
........"Mary P. Doudna was born December 11, 1837 in the old Plummer home where she died and was a daughter of Robert and Jane Plummer, pioneer Friends of this section. In early life she married Hosea Doudna and they lived on a farm out Sandy Ridge but at his death, she returned to her fathers home and helped care for her brother Abram's children whose mother died in Iowa. She remained in the old home ever since, using her time and influence for the good of others. The Plummer home was a hospitable one, Mrs. Plummer was clever and kind. She had a sense of humor and friendliness, which made her a welcome visitor in other homes. She retained her mind until the last and was active in her duties. She was well known and highly respected.
........"She was born and reared a Friend and lively strictly to that faith and was among the older members of the Stillwater sect. Mrs. Doudna is survived by three sisters: Mrs. Elizabeth Stanton, Cleveland; Mrs. Rachel Frame, Salem; Mrs. William Hoyle, Cambridge. Besides these she leaves the nephew Carver T. Bundy and family who lived with her in the home and cared for her in her last illness and who were very near and dear to her.
........"Funeral services will be held at Stillwater Meeting house Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock according to the Friends' rites and burial will be made in the burying ground nearby."

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ROBB, Martha

Submitted by: Ellen From the St. Clairsville Gazette #11542

22 May 1913
The death of Mrs. Martha Robb, widow of Joseph Robb, occurred at the home of her brother Matthew Patterson, north of Loydsville, Sunday. Had Mrs. Robb lived until next month, she would have been 88 years of age.

Mrs. Robb's home at Loydsville was burned on Christmas last, and she had never entirely recovered from the shock. Each day she seemed to grow weaker and had been confined to her bed a greater part of the time during the past months. She retained the use of her mental faculties until her death.

Deceased was born and lived all her life in the neighborhood of Uniontown and Loydsville. She was a life-long member of the Uniontown United Presbyterian church and was a woman who was held in high esteem by her friends and neighbors. She was the mother of five Children, three being dead, while Mrs. Maggie Shultz of Connotton and Lee Robb of Loydsville survive. Nine grand children anad five great grandchildren survive.

Funeral services conducted by Rev. Snodgrass, pastor of the Uniontown U.P. church were held Tuesday, after which interment was made in Union cemetery at this place.

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FREW, John

Submitted by: W. S. O'Neil
(Name and date of newspaper unknown but John Frew died Jan. 29, 1979)

John W. Frew, 65, 219 Harbel Drive, St.Clairsville, died Monday in Ohio Valley Medical Center, Wheeling. He was born in Ireland, Oct. 10, 1913, a son of the late James and Jane Blair Frew.
He was an active member of Evangelical Friends Church of East Richland for 48 years and served on the Council of Churches of which he had been president. He was a retired analytical preparation coordinator for Consolidation Coal Co.
Surviving are his wife, Mary Dickerson Frew; a son, Gerald of Kirkwood Heights; two daughters, Nancy Bethel and Beverly Grimes, both of St.Clairsville; a sister, Jean Medley of Cadiz; six grandsons.
Friends received at the Beck Funeral Home, St.Clairsville, this evening, 7 to 9, and Wednesday, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m., where services will be Thursday at 1 p.m. with the Rev. Wayne F. Ickes officiating.

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FREW, Albert

Submitted by: W. S. O'Neil
Name and date of newspaper unknown but Albert Frew died Feb. 25, 1930.


Albert Frew, 33, World War veteran, succumed to an illness of tuberculosis at 11 a.m. today in the home of his brother, James Frew of Oco. The body has been removed to the Johnson Funeral Home, St.Clairsville and will be returned to the place of death where funeral services will be conducted at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon. Rev. B.C. Marshall officiating.

Mr. Frew who had been affiliated with the Flushing post of American Legion and the Bannock Presbyterian Church, was born in Ireland August 19, 1896, the son of Robert and Jennie Forsythe Frew.

Surviving, in addition to his parents, are the following brothers and sisters, Stewart, Andrew and William of ireland; Robert of Scotland; Joseph of Flushing; James of Oco; Mrs. Nancy Frew and Mrs. Mariah Houston of Ireland.

(Note: Although the obituary states that he was survived by his parents, both preceded him in death)

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FREW, James

Submitted by: W. S. O'Neil
(Name and date of newspaper unknown but James Frew died Oct. 1, 1974)

James Frew, 88, Hillview Nursing Home, Flushing, died Tuesday at the home. He was born May 1, 1886, in County Antrim, Ireland, a son of the late Robert and Jennie Forsythe Frew.

He was a member of the Bannock Presbyterian Church, Belmont Lodge 16 F & AM of St.Clairsville and a retired milk hauler and owner-operator of Garden Hills Kennels.

Preceded in death by his wife, Jane Blair Frew, in 1951, he is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Lawrence (Jean) Medley of Columbus; one son, John Frew, of St.Clairsville; one brother, Stuart (correct spelling is Stewart) Frew and a sister, Mariah, both of County Antrim, Ireland; four grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren. A son and daughter also preceded him in death.

Friends will be received at the Toothman Funeral Home, St.Clairsville, where services will be Friday at 1 p.m. with Rev. Wayne Ickes officiating. Burial in Union Cemetery, St.Clairsville.

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Submitted by: W. S. O'Neil
Name and date of newspaper unknown

John Wilson Dickerson, 98, of New Athens, died Sunday afternoon at Hill View Nursing Home, Flushing.

He was born May 14, 1870, in Harrison County, son of John J. and Cynthia Crumbley Dickerson. He was a member of Bannock Methodist Church. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Alice Douglas Dickerson, in 1961.

Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Edith Butler of Bannock and Mrs. Mary Frew of St.Clairsville; four sons, Homer of Glencoe, Glenn of Flushing, Ray and Robert of New Athens, eight grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were held Wednesday at Cadiz with Rev. N. F. Scott and Rev. Roger Wells officiating. Burial was in Long View Cemetery, New Athens.

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Submitted by: W. S. O'Neil
From the Times Leader 1/7/1990

Donald D MacPherson, 76, of 1018 South Hess Mill Road, Wilkshire Hills, Bolivar, formerly of St.Clairsville, died Friday at Doctors Hospital in Massillon. He was born in Lloydsville, Oct. 29, 1913, a son of the late Wesley and Catherine Baughn MacPherson.

He was a member of the Bolivar Wesleyan Church, a past member of the Wesleyan men's group and was a retired employee of East Ohio Gas Co. of Uniontown.

He was preceded in death by one brother; one sister; a great-grandson. Surviving are his wife, Lucille E. Burton MacPherson; two daughters, Barbara MacPherson of North Olmsted and Mrs. Larry (Linda) Dougherty of St.Clairsville; three grandchildren; a brother, Walter of Columbus; a sister, Mrs. Dick (Katherine) Brown of Barnesville.

Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p.m. at the Bolivar Wesleyan Church with Rev. Jeff Mansell and Rev. Richard Wells officiating. Burial follows in Fort Laurens Cemetery, Bolivar. Friends will be received at the Lebold Funeral Home, Boliver, today, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m.

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SELLS, Lulu McWilliams

Submitted by: W. S. O'Neil
Name and date of Newspaper unknown. Died 7/29/66.

Mrs. Lulu M. Sells, 85, of Morristown, died Friday. Her husband, William Sells, died 26 years ago. She was a member of the Morristown Christian Church.

Surviving are five daughters, Mrs. Martha Gatten, RD 1, Belmont; Mrs. Bea Wardle, Bridgeport; Mrs. Mae Jones, Newark; Mrs. Mary Mercer, Mansfield and Miss Laura Sells, Altavista, Va.; three sons; James, RD 1, Belmont; William of Canton and Marion of Flushing; 27 grandchildren, 32 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild; a brother, Charles McWilliams, St.Clairsville and three sisters, Mrs. Orpha Huff, Brilliant; Mrs. Bea Flanagan, Bethesda and Mrs. Ethel Coe, Greenfield.

Services were conducted Monday with burial in Union Cemetery, Morristown.

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Submitted by: W. S. O'Neil

Martha Pittman Flanagan, 77, Johnson Road South, Bethesda, died May 29, 1992 at The Ohio University Hospital, Columbus. She was born Sept. 2, 1914 at Bethesda, daughter of the late Harry and Edith Gregg Pittman.

She was a retired employee of Walters Grocery Store, Bethesda, member of Ebenezer Baptist Church at Bethesda, and past president of the Belmont County Homemakers Extension Group. She also served as a volunteer at Bethesda and Morristown elementary schools.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Ray Flanagan; one sister, Jeanette Patterson; one brother, Robert Pittman.

Surviving are one daughter, Maxine White of Bethesda; one son, Robert Flanagan of Bethesda; six grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Services were held Monday morning from the Kelly-Kemp Funeral Home, Bethesda, on Monday morning with pastor William Hayden officiating. Burial followed in Ebenezer Cemetery, Bethesda.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Ebenezer Baptist Church.

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HEED, Willis B.

Submitted by: Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook, dated 16 Sep 1937; page 305:

"The death of Willis B. Heed, a former Barnesville boy, occurred Tuesday night in Mercy hospital Columbus, following a few days' illness, due to a siege of carbuncles, and came unexpectedly.

"The deceased, a son of the late Jack and Elizabeth Barnes Heed, was born in Barnesville, but when a lad the family moved to Columbus where he finished his education and entered the real estate business and associated with the firm of Heed, Holton Co. He served as a member of the 17th U. S. Infantry during the Spanish-American war and upon return to Columbus was engaged in newspaper circulation for the Columbus Citizen but held to his former business as realtor. He was prominent in Masonic circles, was a member of the board of trustees of Mercy hospital and vice president of the People's Savings association. Besides his wife, he is survived by one daughter, Miss Ruth Heed, and one brother, Mr. Howard Heed, New York City. Burial today, Thursday in Columbus."

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Submitted by: Gina Persons Davis
From the Barnesville Enterprise,1912,located in Mrs. Wilson's Scrapbooks at the Barnesville Public Library.

"Mr. J.A. POULTON, a B. & O. brakeman, formerly of this place was killed Sunday, west of Newark, by being struck by an overhead bridge. The deceased resided at Woodsfield and had been on the road only a short time. The family have the warmest sympathy of their Barnesville friends in their time of sorrow and bereavement."

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