Belmont County OHGenWeb Obituaries
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from, Obituaries from Belmont County Newspapers, ca. 1941-1981.; page
........"Rosie M. Saffell, 87, resident of 326 East South Street, Barnesville, passed
away Monday April 23rd at 6 A.M. at the Barnesville Nursing Home.
........"Born in Hendrysburg, Ohio on February 3, 1886, she was a daughter of the
late Charles and Ella Talbott Saffell. She was a member of the Morristown Christian
........"Surviving are three nieces, Mrs. Gertrude Hines and Mrs. Dortha Thompson,
both of Barnesville and Mrs. Beatrice Wheeler of Akron. Two brothers and one sister
preceded her in death.
........"Friends were received at the Campbell & Plumly Funeral Home on North
Chestnut Street where funeral services were held Wednesday, April 25th at 2 P.M. The Rev.
Robert Merritt officiated and interment was made in Hope Cemetery, Hendrysburg.
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GOSSETT, Miss Etta
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from a newspaper cut-out pasted into Maria Frances Talbott Gossett's
family Bible:
........"ETTA, daughter of Jacob and Frances Gossett, of Loydsville, O., departed
this life Jan. 21, 1889, in the 17th year of her age. She was taken with Consumption about
a year ago, and has been steadily declining ever since. Etta was a bright young girl,
beloved by all who knew her. She was a kind and loving daughter and sister and a universal
favorite among her companions. Two years ago, under the ministry of the Rev. J. R. Hissom,
she was converted and united with the M.E. Church at Loydsville, and has since lived an
earnest, consistent Christian life. Before her death she called her friends to hr bedside
and asked them to meet her in heaven. Her sister had preceded her to the heavenly home
about four years and of her she said, 'Carrie is waitiiing for me at the gate.' She
complained of being 'so tired,' she asked that her Saviour might take her away and give
her rest. Funeral services were held at her home in the presence of a large number of her
friends and neighbors. She was buried in the M. E. cemetery at Morristown, where her
remains await the resurrection of the just. Father, mother, and two brothers are left to
mourn her loss."
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SOMMERS, Mrs. Sarah
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Saturday Whetstone; 3 Jul 1909:
........"The death of Mrs. Sarah Sommers, a highly respected widow lady, occurred at
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Barlow, on South Broadway, Wednesday evening, June
30. The deceased had been a sufferer from bronchial trouble for twenty-five years, the
immediate cause of her death being tuberculosis. Mrs. Sommers was 83 years of age, and we
learn, had been a lifetime resident of this place or vicinity, her maiden name being Heed.
The deceased was a member of the Main Street M.E. Church, and by all known was much
beloved for her many good traits of character, her kindly nature and her general worth as
a neighbor and a helping friend. There are many friends who regret her death, but feel
that though now gone from them forever, in the other world she is safe and free from pain
throughout all eternity. Funeral services were held at the residence of her daughter
yesterday afternoon at one o'clock, conducted by Revs. P. U. Hawkins and Batelle McCarty
and interment made in the churchyard at Bethel."
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Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; Thurs., 29 May 1958:
Glenn C. Talbott Bethesda Veteran, Died on Saturday
........"Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock DST this (Wednesday) afternoon at
the Latham Funeral Home, Bethesda, for Glenn C. Talbott. Mr. Talbott, in ill health for
several years, passed away Saturday morning at 3:05 at the Barnesville General Hospital,
where he had been a patient for several days.
........"Mr. Talbott was the son of Ross and Dora Powell Talbott, and was born
February 25, 1903 in Bethesda, where he spent his entire life except for his military
service in World War II. He was engaged in business as a paint contractor, with his
father. He was a member of the Bethesda Methodist Church, the American Legion, and the
'Farmers' and Sportsmen's Club.
........"On January 13, 1945 he was united in marriage to Vallie Weigle, and she
survives him. Other survivors are his parents, one sister, Mrs. William Zellers of
Bethesda, and one nephew, Capt. Richard Zellers who has been stationed at Fort Leonard
Wood, Mo. but is being discharged.
........"The Rev. Francis Smith will conduct the funeral services today, and Epworth
Post of the American Legion will conduct the military rites at the burial in Ebenezer
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MCKNIGHT, Samantha (Talbert)
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; Thurs., 15 Apr 1909:
........"After a short illness, Mrs. Samantha McNight, beloved wife of Eli McKnight,
passed quietly away Sunday evening at her home on East Main street. She had a complication
of diseases and had been afflicted for a long time but was only confined to her bed a few
days. Few had such energy and ambition, she seemed determined not to succumb to the deadly
disease that was preying upon her body yet ever ready to submit to her Master's will. She
united with the Christian church of Morristown at the age of fifteen and her life proved
that she kept the faith. She had a smile and cheerful word for everyone, loved her home,
was a devoted wife and a neighbor not soon to be forgotten. It was her delight to be
continually remembering others with some little token, usually flowers, of which she
always had an abundance and was ever ready to help the poor and needy to the best of her
........"Mrs. McNight was fifty-eight years of age and always lived in this county,
the early part of her life being spent near Morristown. Her maiden name was Talbert and
she was one of twelve children one sister and five brothers having preceeded her to the
land of rest. Of the five brothers survive, three are in Kansas, M.A. of Chapman; T.A. of
Abilene and J.E.C. of Carleton; E.A., of Malta, O., and E.F. Talbert, of this place. In
1878 she was married to Mr. McNight to whom two children were born, both dying in infancy.
Then a little niece, Miss Goldie Talbert was adopted by them as their own until she was
married a few years ago to Mr. Will Carleton. They now reside in St. Paul, Minn. Sincere
sympathy is extended the bereaved ones especially the grief stricken husband who is left
alone. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 9:30 A.M. at the McNight home, conducted
by Rev. P.U. Hawkins, of the Main Street Methodist church. The remains will be taken to
Morristown for interment."
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TALBOTT, William
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated 9 Dec 1886:
........"AN OLD PIONEER GONE -- Mr. William Talbott, an aged and esteemed resident of
this section, died at the residence of his son, Ellery Talbott, of Burton's Station, last
Monday. Mr. Talbott had reached the advanced age of ninety years but until within a few
hours of his death retained all his faculties, and was a remarkably vugorous man. His
death was not the result of any special disease, but was simply the giving out of the
vital powers, having already lived beyond his allotted three score and ten. The deceased
was one of the ancient landmarks of this neighborhood, and there are few of the older
citizens who do not remember the well known figure of this gentleman, who for so many
years traded in Barnesville. Mr. Talbott leaves a number of children who are worthy
citizens and do honor to his name. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon, and the
remains interred in the Goshen graveyard."
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HEED, Joseph
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated 8 Jun 1911:
........"Joseph Heed. There is no thought of the mind of man so awful and so real as
the stupendous thought of death. Some lay their lives down early, others later. But sooner
or later all must surrender their trust to God. When familiar footsteps falter and fail
when death comes so near that we can feel his chilly breath, when beloved eyes are glassy
and smiling lips are cold, when the golden bowl is broken and the silver cord is severed,
we pause, we wander, we weep, and especially when we see one stricken down in the midst of
usefulness, do we wonder why, but it is not for us to know. It is enough for us to know
that there is a God supreme and that all of us should be submissive to His will. Man
proposes and God disposes. We plan but our plans are not always for the best. The way is
often dark, the pall hangs heavily over this community, but God willed it so and we bow
reverently to this decree. This unseen hand has taken away the life of a dear friend,
dearly beloved, and marked for his victim, Joseph Heed, of this place.
........"Joseph Heed was born in 1850, and died in June 1, 1911. He lived an honest
and upright life and died a triumphant death, trusting in the Lord, and telling his
friends that there was a place in heaven for him and that he was ready to die. He told his
family not to worry or grieve, but to prepare to meet him. He said he had not left them a
great fortune, but he hoped he had left them an honorable record, which he valued higher
than gold. All that medical skill and loving hands could do was done, but naught availed,
and he fell asleep to awaken in that brighter, better country, where suffering and sorrows
are unknown. He will be greatly missed in the community, as well as in his home. The
deceased leaves a wife, one daughter, and three sons, Charley, Burt and Roy Heed, and Mrs.
Dora Dunn and one sister and other relatives. The funeral was held Saturday at 2:30 P.M.,
conducted by Rev. Clark, of Glencoe, and Rev. M.M. Brown, of Belmont. Interment was made
in the Belmont Cemetery. The floral offerings were many and beautiful, bearing testimony
to the respect and love held for Mr. Heed by relatives and friends.
"A Friend."
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LEE, Wilbur
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated 1936:
........"The death of Mr. Wilbur Lee occurred at the home of his granddaughter, Mrs.
Charles Kocher in Belmont Monday, following several months' illness. Mr. Lee lived alone
and recently he was taken to the Kocher home for care and treatment.
........"The deceased was born at Morristown but for twenty years had been a resident
of Barnesville where he was employed in the Watt Car Wheel Works until health failed. He
is survived by one son, Fred Lee, Barnesville; two brothers and one sister: Chester Lee,
Morristown; Orion and Henrietta Lee in Kansas; also by three grandchildren and one great
........"After death, the body was in charge of the Campbell Brothers at their
funeral home but funeral service will be conducted Thursday afternoon at the Kocher home
in Belmont and burial will be made at Morristown."
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WADDELL, Mrs. Isabelle "Belle" (Tolbert)
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; Thurs., 11 Jan 1951:
Bethesda Woman Passed Away Monday
........"Mrs. Isabelle (Belle) Waddell, life-long resident of Bethesda, passed away
Monday morning at the Secrest Rest Home. She had suffered a broken hip four years ago and
had been an invalid since that time.
........"Funeral services were held from the Kelly-Kemp funeral home Wednesday
afternoon. The Rev. C.B. Jones of the Ebenezer Baptist Church conducted the services.
Burial was made in Ebenezer cemetery.
........"Mrs. Waddell was born September 17, 1862, the daughter of the late William
and Amanda Flanagan Tolbert, in Bethesda. She was married October 10, 1888, to Carl
Waddell, who preceded her in death in 1898. She was a member of the Ebenezer Baptist
........"She is survived by a brother, Frank Tolbert of Denver, Colorado, and several
nieces and nephews."
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ROWLEY, Faye (Lee)
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from Obituaries from Belmont County Newspapers, ca. 1941-1981.; page 481:
........"Faye Rowley, 84, of Morristown, died Friday, September 12, 1980 at
Barnesville Hospital. She was born March 26, 1896 at Morristown, a daughter of the late
John and Emma Taylor Lee.
........"She was a member of the Morristown Christian Church. She was preceded in
death by her husband, Welday Rowley in 1969.
........"Surviving are a daughter, Millie Criswell of Fullerton, Calif.; two sisters
Nellie Bowles and Viola Ault, both of Newark; four grandchildren, five great-
........"Friends were received at the Kelly-Kemp Funeral Home, Morristown, where
services were held at 1 P.M. on Monday with the Rev. Dick Bishop officiating. Burial was
made in the Morristown Union Cemetery."
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Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from a newspaper cut-out pasted into Maria Frances Talbott Gossett's
family Bible:
........"Jacob Gossett, one of the best known residents of the Bannock neighborhood,
died Sunday evening following an illness extending over a period of two years. Deceased
was over 80 years of age and had been confined to his bed almost a year. He had lived on a
farm all his life, and besides his wife, two sons, John and Will survive.
........"Funeral services, conducted by Rev. Bourne, were held Wednesday afternoon
and interment made in the Morristown cemetery."
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TALBOTT, William
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; 27 Feb 1908:
........"William Talbott died in this place Feb. 21st and was buried on the 23rd at
Ebenezer Cemetery. Aged 69 years, 7 months. He was highly respected and had spent his
entire life in and near Bethesda.
........"Mr. Manuel Talbott from Malta, Morgan Co. and Mrs. Anna Secrest of Pleasant
City, were here in attendance at the William Talbott funeral."
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SAFFELL, Clarence Ellsworth
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from, Obituaries from Belmont County Newspapers, ca. 1941-1981.; page
Clarence E. Saffell Dies at Hendrysburg
........"Clarence Ellsworth Saffell passed away Wednesday morning, June 22 at 6
o'clock at his home in Hendrysburg.
........"He was born in Kirkwood Township, July 2, 1884, a son of Charley and Nancy
Talbott Saffell. Mr. Saffell was a member of the Methodist Church at Hendrysburg.
........"Surviving are two sisters, Miss Rosie Saffell of the home, Mrs. Sarah Bishop
of Barnesville, and three nieces.
........"The body was taken to the Campbell Funeral Home on North Chestnut Street
where final rites will be held Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock DST. Rev. Harold Hopkins will
officiate and burial will be made in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Hendrysburg."
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HEED, Jacob
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from, Wilson Scrapbook #3:
........"The death of Mr. Jacob Heed, which occurred at his home on South Chestnut
street, Tuesday afternoon, removes an old time resident and one of Barnesville's prominent
citizens. He had complained of not feeling well for some days but was not seriously ill
until the night before his death. His trouble was neuralgia and the disease affected his
heart. Mr. Heed was seventy years of age. He was born in Louden county, Virginia, in 1827,
and came with his parents to Ohio when but two years of age. They stopped first at Lewis'
Mills and afterwards removed to Morristown. Mr. Heed was married in 1848 to Miss Annie
Gallagher, an esteemed lady, who with three sons, John, Albert and Charles survive him. In
early life he learned the trade of brick mason which vocation he followed for more than
thirty years. He was a careful business man, saving and industrious and acquired a
competency. In 1878 he started in the cigar business in Barnesville and was succeeded some
years later by his sons. For many years Mr. Heed had been recognized as one of the
prominent men of the town. First and foremost in the advocacy of all projects and
enterprises for the betterment of Barnesville he was in many ways of great value to the
community. In his home life he was one of the kindest of husbands and most generous of
fathers and in the little circle around the home fireside will be sadly missed. Especially
does the bereavement fall with crushing weight upon the lonely wife who for so many years
has so faithfully shared her husbands joys and sorrows, finding her greatest happiness in
ministering to his comfort and welfare. To her the old home will be dark and desolate and
life never the same again, but happy thought the earthly life will soon be ended and in
that strange country the Beyond we shall meet our loved and lost to be parted no more
forever. The bereaved family have the sincere sympathy of our people in their sad
affliction. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon. The Masonic order of which
the deceased was a member will attend in a body. Interment in the Southern Cemetery."
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TALBOTT, William C.
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; Thurs., 20 Feb 1908:
........"Our community was shocked last Sunday morning when the news was received
that W.C. Talbott had died the evening before at Battle Creek, Mich., where he had gone to
be treated for anemia. 'Billy' as he was familiarly called was born Oct. 31, 1872, being
the oldest child of F.M. and Mary A. Talbott of our community. In March 1900 he was
married to Miss Nora Michael, who, with the father and mother and two sisters, Mrs.
Charles Gilham and Miss Freda Talbott, are left to mourn the loss of a kind husband,
dutiful child and an affectionate brother.
........"It has been truly said that 'Death is ever sad.' We think it much more so
when it comes to those who are an honor to society, who are useful to a community, a
blessing to their home and who have a bright prospect for the future before them. Such a
one was Billy Talbott. We had the privilege of knowing him all his life, the honor of
being one of his first school teachers. We found him in childhood an obedient and studious
pupil, in youth polite, modest, courteous, and amiable, and in manhood an upright honest
and noble character and it seems to us that the poet had in his mind's eye just such a
character when he sung:
.....His life was gentle and the elements
.....So mixed in him that nature
.....Might stand up and say to all the world,
.....This is a man.
........"He was at the high tide of a useful career when he was called to go and his
friends left to mourn. Why this untimely breaking of the bands of mortality; why this
dispensation we can not decree, we cannot fathom but it is the Divine will that must be
done and to its mandate we must bow, and that, we must accept. Have we the power to accept
it with resignation? We trust so. We now see through a glass darkly; let us trust and
abide in the hope of that bright vision yet to come, for the eye of faith and hope makes
radiant the shore beyond. Our heart goes out to that grief stricken mother who idolized
him as only a mother can who has an only son. No language can soften the grief of that
heart. I would that language had not so great limitations, so that it were possible for me
to say something that would fall with softening effect upon that mothers heart.
........"It is a pleasure to believe that death does not end all; that in the
language of the poet -- 'There's a land that is fairer than day', that ourfiends have not
gone from us forever but that -- 'In the sweet by-and-by we shall meet on that beautiful
shore' -- where there is no more sorrow or death or parting, where all that is best in man
survives and all that is unworthy is left forever behind; where the weaknesses and
jealousies and animosities of this life fade into insignificance and are forgotten.
Billy's life work is ended and he has gone to that 'Mysterious world untraveled by the sun
Where Times far wandering tide has never run.' Yes, his work on earth is done and he is at
rest. Peace to his memory and tears and sympathy for those loved ones he left behind. His
body will arrive this afternoon, Monday. Funeral services will be held at his late home
Wednesday 10 A.M., and as we understand, will be in charge of the K. of P's. of which
order he was an honored member.
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Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; 14 Jan 1897; page 1:
........"The remains of Carle C. Waddell, who died at his home in Pleasant City,
Ohio, Monday night, Jan. 3d, were brought here Tuesday and the funeral took place
Wednesday from the home of his father-in-law, Wm. Tolbert, Rev. Kerr conducted the
services. Interment at Ebenezer. He had been a sufferer from a complication of diseases
for five years, the immediate cause of his death was heart disease. For the last five
months he had suffered constantly, but bore it with fortitude, going about the house and
attending to his business until the last morning of his life. The deceased was a good
husband and faithful friend, always doing what he could to make his home a happy one. He
was married to Miss Belle Tolbert, Oct. 10, 1888, in Barnesville by Rev. C.E. Manchester.
In 1890 he and his wife united with the Baptist church at Ebenezer, under the pastorate of
the Rev. Dr. Sedgwick. There being no Baptist church at Pleasant City, he was a regular
attendant at the Lutheran church and Sabbath school. He was a member of the K. of P. order
and the Lodge here participated in the funeral services, Rev. A.W. Todd followed Rev. Kerr
as representative of the order. Mr. Waddell leaves no children but for the past two years
little Francis Doudell, Mrs. Waddell's neighbor had made his home with them, and had been
cared for with a father and mother's love. A large number of our people and many relatives
and friends from Belmont and other places attended the funeral. Mrs. Waddell has the
sincere sympathy of her many friends in the sore bereavement in losing her loving husband
in the full strength of his manhood, being only 39 years of age. "Earth hath no
sorrows, that heaven cannot heal.""
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TALBOTT, Sarah Elizabeth (Murphy)
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated 16 Jun 1938:
........"The death of Mrs. F.M. Talbott, a former well known resident of the
Hendrysburg community, occurred in Cambridge Saturday, due to several years of declining
........"Sarah Elizabeth Talbott, 79, a daughter of James and Luctricia[sic] Tracy
Murphy, was born in the Hendrysburg neighborhood and was the widow of Francis Marion
Talbott. Besides the above named son, she is survived by four other children: J.R.
Talbott, Freeport; I.A. Talbott, Clarksville; Mrs. Clarence Baker, Uniontown; Mrs. Milo
Phelps, Grafton, and several grandchildren.
........"The body in charge of the Sells Funeral directors was taken to the Salem
M.E. Church, of which the deceased was a member, where funeral service was held Monday
afternoon, and burial was made in the cemetery nearby."
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BRADFIELD, Charles Earl
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from, Wilson Scrapbook; dated 1936:
........"The death of Mr. Charles E. Bradfield, of Bond avenue a well known former
business man, occurred at his home Sunday evening following several years of declining
health due to multiple sclerosis. About twelve years ago he suffered a nervous breakdown,
but partially recovered, and was active in his business until 1929, since which time his
condition became chronic. He gradually weakened under this disease, making him more
helpless which confined him to his bed part of the time for several months. On Saturday,
he lost consciousness from which he never rallied and in death found relief.
........"Charles Earl Bradfield was born in Barnesville June 16, 1882, and was a son
of John William and Sarah Clark Bradfield, pioneer families of this community. He
graduated from our public school in 1899 and later entered the Riverview Military academy
in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., where he graduated in 1901. He next took a course in Princeton
University and graduated from that institution in 1905. After acquiring his education, he
became secretary of the Barnesville Glass Works, relinquishing that position after two
years' service, and became associated with his father in the firm of T. & J. Bradfield
and was one of the incorporators of the company soon after the death of his father in
1921. He was active in the management of the business until 1929 when they closed out the
store, and he retired from the business world on account of impaired health but did not
lose interest in the welfare of the town and community and spent his time among his
flowers and shrubs and found recreation and pleasure in the beautification of his grounds.
He had always taken a part in civic affairs and gave generously of his time and means to
all public movements and was interested in athletics of different kinds. He assisted in
Boy Scout activities or anything that was worthwhile. He was a member of the Presbyterian
church since quite young and fraternally he was a Mason. He was a charter member of thee
Rotary Club and was an active member of all of these organizations as long as he was able
to do so. He was at one time a director of the First National Bank but retired from that
board since health failed.
........"In 1907, he was married to Miss Frances E. Smith, daughter of Judge and Mrs.
W. F. Smith, and to this union three children were born: Mrs. Donald Fowler, Bellaire;
Miss Sarah Bradfield, a student in the Conservatory of Music at Oberlin College; William
Earl Bradfield, who died in infancy. Besides the wife and daughters, he is survived by
twin granddaughters, Joan Bradfield and Jean Adams Fowler; his mother, Mrs. Sarah Clark
Bradfield; two sisters: Mrs. Frank L. Harrison, Columbus; Mrs. Earl B. Watt, Barnesville.
........"Funeral service was conducted in the home Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock
by his pastor, Rev. D. B. Davidson of the Presbyterian church and burial was made in the
family plot in the Southern cemetery."
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TOLBERT, Belle (Jones)
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Whetstone, 1 Mar 1911:
........"The death of Mrs. Belle, the good wife of Mr. Erastus F. Tolbert, occurred
at her home on South Chestnut street, near the Catholic cemetery. Sunday morning, February
26, 1911, at ten o'clock. Mrs. Tolbert had been a patient sufferer from tuberculosis for
nearly a year, and during her illness had received the best medical care and attention
from her physician and friends, but the disease was too serious to be allayed and death
came as a welcome relief from her suffering. Deceased was a daughter of George and Emily
Jones, of the Leatherwood neighborhood, and was born February 6, 1866. She was married to
Mr. Tolbert January 1, 1889, and had been a resident of this vicinity about all her life.
To this union were born seven children, four girls and three boys, and they are Clara,
Blanche, May, Vivian, John, Hollis and James. Deceased was a member of the First Methodist
Episcopal Church of this place, and her pastor, Dr. Battelle McCarty, assisted by Rev.
S.H. Flory, of the Main Street church, conducted the funeral services which took place at
the family home Tuesday morning at ten o'clock and the remains interred in the burying
ground at Bethel church south of this place. In the death of this good woman the sympathy
of the community is extended the bereaved husband and father, and especially do the small
children come in for much pity in the loss of their mother."
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LEE, Albert
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from Obituaries from Belmont County Newspapers, ca. 1941-1981.; page 440:
........"Albert Lee, 78, of Barnesville, died Friday, September 9, 1983 in
Barnesville Hospital. He was born Feb. 16, 1905, in Morristown, a son of W.O. and
Annabelle Medley Lee.
........"A retired lineman of Ohio Power Co., he was a member of the Morristown
Christian Church and the Power Veterans Association.
........"Preceding him in death were his wife, Geraldine Lee, in 1964, and two infant
........"Surviving are two brothers, Charles, Morristown, and Richard, Pittsburgh;
six sisters, Elsie Major, Martha Barbe and Mrs. Howard (Lorell) Wilhelm, all of
Morristown; Bertha Pettigrew and Emma Calmbacher, both of St. Clairsville, and Mrs. Frank
Damsel, Barnesville."
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