Belmont County Obituaries:
Belmont County Obituaries
Please include reference source and date of material where possible.
MCGONE(I)GAL, Mrs. Mary McClain
Submitted by:
Mary Evelyn Staley
From the Wheeling News, Saturday, Aug 7, 1920
The McGonigal Funeral
Funeral services for the late Mrs Mary McGonigal, who died Friday night at the home of her
Daughter, Mrs Augest Mauck, in Kinsey`s Addition, near Stop 8 on West Main Street,
Bridgeport, will take place Monday Morning at 9 o`Clock.
Requiem high Mass will be held at St Anthony`s Catholis Church on West Main Street, in
charge of Rev O.H. Von Lintel. Interment will be in St Anthony`s Cemetery.
Deceased was one of the oldest and best known residents of the City. She was near the
Century mark when she died, being 96 years of age. She was born in Ireland and during her
entire lifetime had been affliated with the Catholic Church. She was the Widow of the late
James McGonigal, who pass away about 20 years ago. She leaves three Daughters, Mrs Augest
mauck, Mrs Dennis McGee, and Mrs Anthony Riley, to mourn her loss.
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GATTEN, Dennis B.
Submitted by:
Bill O'Neil
Name and date of newspaper unknown.
Dennis B. Gatten, 85, National Road, Morristown, died Saturday at home.
He was born March 10, 1905 in Kentucky, son of late Seymore and Addy Belle Alexander.
He was a retired employee of Saginaw Mining Co., a Protestant and a member of the
Morristown Fire Department.
Surviving are his wife, Martha Sells Gatten; a son, David of Belmont; six daughters, Mrs.
John (Helen) Poland of Flushing, Mrs. Paige (Virginia) Welsh of New Jersey, Jane Bouska of
New Philadelphia, Mrs. John (Rose) Racketa of Medina, Mrs. Gene (Sharon) Magnani of
Belmont and Mrs. Fred (Faye) Wells of Barnesville; a brother, Delbert of Lore City; a
sister, Mildred Trimmer of Bethesda; 21 grandchildren; 30 great-grandchildren.
Friends will be received , 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. today, at Kelly-Kemp Funeral Home,
Bethesda, where services will be held at 1 p.m. Tuesday, with Robert Merritt officiating.
Burial follows in Holly Memorial Gardens, Pleasant Grove.
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CUNARD, Katharine
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
Barnesville Enterprise, Thursday, 3 Aug 1905
This sweet and lovable child, the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunard, of West South
street has been called to take her place among the angel throng in the better world.
Friday morning soon after the midnight hour, and after one weeks illness with cholera
infantum, the little life was closed, and grief almost inconsolable came into the hearts
of those who idolized the sweet and affectionate little tot. Little Katherine was a few
months past three years old, and every one that knew her loved her for her peculiarly
laughing, good natured and winsome ways. Only a babe, though she was, the child had won
the endearing affection of everyone, and there is not a heart that knew her but loved her
and is not saddened by her death in the innocence and prattle of babyhood, and the
sympathy of all go out to the bereaved parents and family in the crushing hour of their
Funeral services were held at the residence Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, and
interment in the Northern cemetery.
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JENNINGS, Mrs. Sarah Jane (Taggart)
Submitted by:
Bill and Ann Callahan
From The Daily Independent, Bellaire, Ohio, Thursday June 16, 1887
Mrs. Sarah Jane Jennings, wife of J.G. Jennings, died at her home in the Fourth ward this
morning at 8 o'clock, of a complication of diseases. Deceased was an estimable woman, a
kind and indulgent mother and cherished wife. She was a daughter of Joseph Taggart, Esq.,
of the vicinity of St. Clairsville, and was married to Mr. Jennings Jund 2d, 1846. This
union, covering a period of almost half a century, was a most happy one, and the sudden
breaking of the golden cord now is peculiarly sad. Nine children were born to them, eight
of whom, seven girls and one boy, are still living. All are grown, and nearly all are
married, only two remaining at home. Mrs. Jennings had been a consistent member of the
Presbyterian Church since its organization here, and lived to see her children grow in
excellence as they grew in years. Affectionate and tender, the family ties are broken in
sincere and bitter sorrow, while deep in the innermost recesses of the hearts steeped in
grief rankles the thought that one so kind and true as Mother might have longer been spard
to the fruition of a well spent life. But her fate is the common fate of all, and with a
firm conviction of a home in that house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, she
went to her reward. The family have the heart-felt sympathy of a large circle of friends
in their sore bereavement. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon
at the family residence. Interment in Rose Hill Cemetery.
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HEED, Mrs. Jack
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; ca. 1937:
........"The remains of Mrs. Jack Heed of Columbus, a former well-known and native
resident of Barnesville, were brought to Barnesville Monday when burial was made in the
Southern cemetery. Funeral service was held in the home Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
........"Mrs. Lizzie Heed, 88, a daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Barnes, was born in
Barnesville where she lived during her younger and early married life, the family moving
to Columbus many years ago. She was the widow of John H. Heed and is survived by two sons:
Willis and Howard Heed, real estate men in Columbus, and two grandchildren; also by one
brother, Mr. Frank (Doc) Barnes of Barnesville.
........"Mrs. Heed was a sister-in-law of Mr. Charles Heed, cigar manufacturer of
this place."
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MUMMA, Mrs. Anna
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; Thurs., 14 Jan 1943:
Husband and Mother of Mrs. Roy Barlow Die the Same Day
........"Mrs. Roy Barlow was doubly bereaved last Thurs., Jan. 7, by the sudden death
early that morning of her husband, and the death that evening of her mother, Mrs. Anna
........"Mr. Barlow's death was caused by heart trouble which he had discovered he
was suffering from, only a week before. He had continued in his work as a shipping clerk
at the Hanlon Paper Company where he had been employed for 34 years. In the morning as he
was eating breakfast, the telephone rang, and he went to answer it as Mrs. Barlow said she
feared it was bad news from her mother who had been seriously ill for some time. Mr.
Barlow suffered a hemorrhage, and died at once. Mrs. Mumma lived until that evening."
........"Roy Barlow was the son of Charles, and Anna Barlow, and was born June 30,
1887, in Barnesville where he spent his entire life. He was a man of the finest character
and held great esteem and regard in this city.
........"Besides his wife, formerly Miss Pearl Mumma, Mr. Barlow is survived by two
sisters Mrs. Cora Helm, and Miss Daisy Barlow of East Main Street, and two nephews. The
funeral services were held from the Campbell Funeral Home Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clcok.
They were conducted by Rev. C. Clare Davis pastor of the First Methodist Church, and
interment was made in the Southern Cemetery."
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TALBOTT, Ellery B.
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Whetstone; Wed., 22 Apr 1914:
........"The sudden death of this well known citizen occurred at his home next to
Speidel at about 10:30 o'clock Monday morning. He had been in his usual health and his
death at this time was unexpected, and heart disease is given as the cause of his demise.
He was 78 years of age and is survived by four children, Mrs. Lincoln Lynn and Mrs.Whit
Humphrey, Morristown; Otto Talbott, Marietta and Herman B. at home. He also leaves two
sisters, Mrs. Mary J. Bailey of Missouri, Mrs. Fanny Gossett, Lodysville[sic] and three
brothers, Israel and Marion, Spiedel, and L.C. Talbott, Middleport, Ohio. The funeral was
held Wednesday morning at ten o'clock conducted by Rev. R.S. Strahl and interment was made
at Spiedel.
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GILHAM, Charles S.
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; 2 Jan 1941:
........"Charles S. Gilham, 69, well known resident near Bethesda passed away at his
home Monday evening following a lingering illness.
........"Deceased was a son of Charles C. and Celia Adams Gilham was born in the Rock
Hill community, was a member of the Rock Hill Baptist Church and affiliated with Masonic
........"Besides his wife who was Miss Bertie Talbert, he is survived by one daughter
and two sons: Mrs. Gladys Murphy, Zanesville; Gerald Gilham, Yorkville; Bernard Gilham of
the home: three grandchildren.
........"Funeral services was held today Thursday in the Kelly mortuary, Bethesda and
burial made in the Rock Hill cemetery."
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TALBOTT, Mrs. Ellsworth (Mary Hatcher)
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated 20 Apr 1922:
Bethesda Resident Is Taken By Death
........"Ms.[sic] Ellsworth Talbott of Bethesda died at the Ohio Valley hospital at
Wheeling at 10 o'clock P.M., Sunday from pneumonia.
........"Mrs. Talbott was 57 years of age and had spent the most of her life in the
neighborhood of Bethesda, where she was honored and respected by a large circle of
friends. Her maiden name was Mary Hatcher. She was married in 1896 to Ellsworth Talbott
who survives her.
........"Mrs. Talbott was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and a devout
Christion[sic] woman.
........"Besides her husband, she leaves to mourn her loss, a mother, a sister and a
........"Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. J.M.
Atkinson of Bethesda."
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Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated 5 Nov 1925:
........"The death of Mr. Eli McKnight occurred at his home on East Main street
Monday evening, October 26, after a long illness of Brights disease.
........"Eli. W. McKnight was born at Olivet and was seventy-six years of age. He
spent his early life in that neighborhood and at Morristown where he was married to Miss
Samantha Tolbert who passed away in 1909.
........"Thirty-two years ago they moved to Barnesville where Mr. McKnight followed
the occupation of a teamster and in later years, he has been city weighmaster and only
gave it up a week prior to his death.
........"Mr. McKnight has no immediate survivors, but leaves three nieces and one
nephew; Mrs. Goldie Carleton of Cleveland who was raised in the McKnight home and who
cared for him during the last sickness; Mrs. Cora Jenkins, Bethesda; Minnie and Clyde
McKnight of Speidel.
........"Funeral was held Wednesday afternoon at one o'clock at the Campbell Funeral
Home on West Main street, conducted by Rev. A.M. Flax of the Christian church and burial
was made at Morristown."
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Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from Wilson Scrapbook; dated 10 Dec 1936; page 254:
........"After many months of failing health, Mr. Carl R. Talbott, an esteemed
resident of Euclid avenue, peacefully passed away at the Belmont County sanatorium early
Sunday morning where he had been under treatment for about ten days.
........"The deceased was born near Hendrysburg April 1, 1900, the son of Wilbur and
Alice Goodman Talbott. More than twenty years ago, he came to Barnesville where he has
since made his home except the period of time in the service of the United States Marine
corps. For a number of years and until health prevented, he was employed with the T. &
A. Rogers Lumber Company. Mr. Talbott was a member of the First Christian church and
highly respected among neighbors and co-workers. He was much interested in beautifying his
home, in cultivating and growing flowers; he was a member of the Barnesville Gun club from
which he derived great pleasure. Besides his wife, who was Miss Hazel Major, he is
survived by his mother and one sister: Mrs. Alice Talbott, Mrs. Frances Slocum, of
........"The body was in care of the Campbell Funeral directors and on Tuesday
afternoon at two o'clock funeral service was conducted in the home by Rev. S. E.
LaFollette of the First Methodist church. Burial was made in Crestview Memorial
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HEED, Chester W.
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; dated Aug 1953:
Belmont Man Drowns On Fishing Trip
........"Chester W. Heed, Belmont cigar manufacturer. lost his life by drowning
Wednesday at Beverly. He was on a fishing trip there, and slipped from the dam.
........"The funeral services were held from the late home Saturday afternoon at 2
o'clock. They were conducted by Evangelist Charles Rock of the Bethesda Church of Christ,
and burial was made in the Belmont Cemetery. Kelly-Kemp was in charge.
........"Mr. Heed was a son of Roy and Claudia Boughner Heed, and was born in Belmont
July g[sic] 1907. He leaves his mother, three aunts, two uncles, and several
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LEE, Mrs. Martha (Fields)
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; 2 Apr 1936:
........"Mrs. Martha Lee, a well known and prominent resident of Morristown, passed
away at the Barnesville General hospital Wednesday night as the result of a broken hip
which she suffered one week previous. She was eighty-six years of age and owing to her
advanced years was not able to overcome the shock. She was the widow of Mr. Isaiah Lee,
her maiden name was Fields and she had always lived in the Morristown community. Her only
survivors are one niece and three nephews; Mrs. Henry Fisher, Youngstown; Ross Taylor,
Cleveland; George and Robert Taylor, Morristown.
........"Funeral service was held Saturday afternoon in the Morristown Methodist
church, of which the deceased was a member, and burial was made in the Morristown
cemetery. Owing to the impossibility of her pastor, Rev. Deem, getting out of Wheeling,
Rev. F.A. Shiltz of Hendrysburg conducted the service."
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DOWDELL, Mr. Clarence
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; 9 May 1895:
........"Mr. Clarence Dowdell died Saturday morning, May 4, 1895, at the home of his
father near town. He had been in poor health for a year or more suffering with lung
trouble but had been able to sit up and walk about and had driven into town on Monday. On
Wednesday he began rapidly to sink and soon passed away at the early age of twenty-six
years leaving a young wife and two little boys. Funeral was held Sunday afternoon,
services by his pastor, Rev. Kerr, at Ebenezer church. The church was crowded to full
capacity, and a great number of persons were unable to get in; showing how much our people
sympathize with the bereaved ones. The deceased was born and reared in the home where he
died, and has a host of friends who hoped he might be spared to rear his children. He was
a member of the Baptist church at Ebenezer. Those from a distance attending the funeral
were, J.H. Colvig and family of Barnesville, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Waddell and Miss Annie
Keckley, Mt. Pleasant; Clyde Dowdell, Wheeling. The sympathy of our people is with the
bereaved friends."
The following is from the same issue as above, just farther down in the same column:
........"Thomas Heskett, the well known B&O conductor, attended the funeral of
his nephew, Clarence Dowdell, last Sunday.
........"The funeral of Clarence Dowdell, last Sunday is said to have been the
largest ever held at Ebenezer. It was estimated that 700 persons were in attendance."
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TALBOTT, Mrs. Winfield S.(Carroll)
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook #7; dated about 8 Feb 1917:
........"Mrs. Winfield S. Talbott, only daughter of Daniel and Mary J. Carroll, was
born January 1, 1858, and departed this life December 18, 1916, being almost 59 years of
age. She was the mother of three children, two of whom have preceeded her to the great
........"She leaves to mourn her death, an only daughter, Mrs. D.E. Hibs, and two
brothers, John T., and Henry S. Carroll, and five grandchildren, also a host of friends.
With the exception of a few months, she has lived her life on her farm near Hendrysburg.
Since the death of her husband five years ago, she has lived alone with her Bible and
domestic cares. She was a devoted mother and a lover of home. Her Bible was her greatest
solace, she never failing to read it each and every day. She joined the church when a
child and lived ever after, close to its teachings. Death had no terror for her. She
closed her eyes as a child and fell asleep. Methink I can hear her Father say as her feet
touched the cold and chilly waters, "Fear not I am with thee." A Friend."
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Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from Obituaries from Belmont County Newspapers, ca. 1941-1981.; page 132:
........"W. Earl Gossett, 78, of Morristown, died Sunday, July 24th at Barnesville
Hospital. Born at Lloydsville, May 7, 1899, he was a son of the late John and Ella Inez
McFarland Gossett.
........"He was a member of the Evangelical Friends Church of East Richland, a life
member of the NRA and a retired operator of the Arrowhead Motel at Morristown.
........"Surviving are his wife, Evelyn Pickering Gossett; three sons, Dale and
Norman of R.D. 1, Belmont and Raymond of Morristown; one sister, Mrs. Helen Wilkinson of
Bay City, Texas; three brothers, Paul of Bannock, Jay of Dallas, Texas and Herbert of
Salesville; seven grandchildren and four great- grandchildren.
........"The body was taken to the Kelly-Kemp Funeral Home in Bethesda where friends
were received. Final rites were held Wednesday, July 27th at 1 P.M. at the funeral home.
Reverend Wayne Ickes officiated. Burial was made in Morristown Union Cemetery."
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TALBOTT, Mrs. Jeanette (Mumma)
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; Thurs., 14 Apr 1955:
Mrs. Jennie Talbott Long Ill, Claimed
........"Mrs. Jeanette Mumma Talbott -- 'Jenny', as she was affectionately known to
her many friends -- passed away Tuesday morning at the Barnesville Rest Home where she had
been a patient for a number of years. The remains were taken to the Sells Funeral Home at
Hendrysburg, and services will be held there at 1 o'clock Thursday. They will be conducted
by the Rev. Loren Kuhn, pastor of the Flushing Methodist Church, and the Rev. Dean
McElroy, pastor of the Hendrysburg Methodist Church. Burial will be made in the
Hendrysburg Cemetery.
........"Mrs. Talbott was the daughter of Oliver and Mary Van Fossen Mumma, and was
born in Belmont County July 10, 1871. She was married to Alonzo Talbott who preceeded her
in death in 1951.
........"The only survivors are a brother, Bert Mumma of Morristown, a sister, Mrs.
Emma Boyd of Barnesville, and several nieces and nephews."
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TOLBERT, Berkley
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; 24 Aug 1899:
........"Berkley Tolbert died Monday at noon after a long illness of a complication
of diseases. He leaves a wife, son and daughter, who have the sympathy of our people in
their time of sorrow. Funeral Wednesday afternoon. Interment at Ebenezer."
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BARNES, Waldo Smith
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the, Wilson Scrapbook; dated ca. 5 Nov 1931:
........"Mr. Waldo Smith Barnes, who passed away Monday morning, October 26, 1931, at
1:05 o'clock, was born in Washington County, Ohio, April 14, 1859. He was the son of Otho
and Marinda Barnes.
........"To his first marriage were born two children, Mr. Millard O. Barnes of Lore
City, Ohio, who passed away six years ago, and Mrs. Thomas Ward of Jacksonville, Florida,
who now survives him. Other survivors are his present wife, Lillian Brown Barnes of
Cambridge, to whom he was married Dec. 1, 1892; one brother, Mr. Willard Barnes, his
mother, Mrs. M. L. Barnes, two sisters, Mrs. A. O. C. Ahrendts and Mrs. Ray Depew all of
Barnesville, Ohio; three granddaughters, Mrs. Arthur Holmes of Moundsville, W. Va.; Mrs.
Edward Giles, Jacksonville, Florida; Mrs. Leroy Neil, Tulsa, Oklahoma. He also leaves
three great grandchildren, two nieces, one nephew and a large circle of friends in this
........"Mr. Barnes was a resident of Barnesville for a number of years and was a
well known mechanic and after moving to Cambridge he became an auto mechanic, in which
work he was engaged when stricken in his last illness. He was a faithful member of the
First M. E. church in Cambridge.
........"Funeral services were held at the home on Steubenville avenue, Cambridge,
Ohio, at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and interment made in Northwood cemetery in that
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Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from Obituaries from Belmont County Newspapers, ca. 1941-1981; page 134:
........"Dale Gossett, 59-year old Belmont Rt. 1, resident, died Thursday, December
14, 1978, in Barnesville Hospital. He was an employee of the Belmont County Auditor's
office in weights and measures; a member of the East Richland Friends Church; an honorary
member of the Ohio State Assn. of Twp. Trustees; a member of the St. Clairsville American
Legion Post 159, the St. Clairsville Veterans of Foreign Wars; secretary-treasurer of the
Percheron Horse Assn., vice president of the Belmont Co. Fair Board and a veteran of World
War II.
........"Born December 4, 1919 in Bannock, he was a son of Evelyn Pickering Gosset
and the late Earl Gossett.
........"In addition to his mother, he leaves his wife, Lucille Brown Gossett; a
daughter, Kaye Schneider of Lima; two brothers, Raymond of Morristown and Norman of Rt. 1,
........"Friends were received at Kelly-Kemp Funeral Home Friday. Services were held
from the East Richland Friends Church Saturday at 1 P.M. with the Rev. Wayne Ickes
officiating. Burial was made in Holly Memorial Gardens, Pleasant Grove."
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BOLON, Mrs. Myrtle (Talbert)
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated 27 Jun 1940:
Mrs. John Bolon of Bethesda Passes Away
........"Mrs. Myrtle Bolon, wife of John Bolon, prominent Bethesda business man,
passed away at her home in Bethesda Friday, June 21, at 6:25 A.M. She had been ill for
several weeks.
........"Mrs. Bolon was the daughter of William and Amanda Flanagan Talbert, and was
born at Bethesda on July 31, 1873. She is survived by her husband, three sons, Raymond C.
and William L. Bolon of Bethesda and John C. Bolon o Dayton, three grandchildren, one
brother, Frank Talbert of Columbus, and three sisters, Mrs. Frank Kimble of Tiffin, Mrs.
Alice Peters and Mrs. Belle Waddell of Bethesda."
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TALBOTT, Mrs. Minerva (Millison)
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated 30 Apr 1925; page 177-178:
Mrs. Minerva Talbott Dies After Long Illness
........"Mrs. Minerva Millison Talbott passed away at her home near Bethesda on
Sunday evening April 19, after an illness of about 14 months. She was born 79 years ago
within a mile of the place of her death. She was married to Berkley Talbott on Dec. 24,
1868. Two children, Mrs. Dora Kirk of Cadiz and Ross Talbott, of Bethesda survive. She has
been a faithful Christian since the age of 17, and at the time of her death was a member
of the Bethesda Christian Church. Funeral services were held at the home on Tuesday at 2
P.M., and burial took place in Ebenezer cemetery. Her pastor, Rev. Mr. Stevens, was in
charge of the services."
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Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; 16 Jun 1887:
........"The death of Mr. John Talbott, an aged resident of Goshen township, occurred
at his residence near Burton's Station, Tuesday night of last week, after a long illness,
from dropsy. Mr. Talbott was one of the prominent men of that region, a large farmer, and
favored with ample means. He was in the seventy-sixth year of his age, and left a large
and estimable family. The remains were interred in the cemetery at Ebenezer Thursday
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Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; dated 2 Aug 1906; page 188; cut-out from the
Barnesville Enterprise:
........"The death of Otho Barnes an aged and well known resident of this place
occurred at the home of his son Waldo in Cambridge, last Friday. He was a son of the late
Henry Barnes, and was born in Barnesville December 2, 1832, nearly seventy-four years ago,
and nearly all of his life was spent in this vicinity. He was a man of many excellent
qualities, sober, industrious, honest and had the respect and confidence of his friends
and neighbors in a high degree. He was the father of seven children, five of whom are
living. Mrs. George Mason, of Marietta, Mrs. Ashton Ahrendts, of East Liverpool, Mrs. Ray
Depew and Willard Barnes, of this place, and Waldo Barnes of Bambridge[sic]. For some time
he has been visiting his children and it was while he was at his son Waldo's in Cambridge
that he was stricken with paralysis about four weeks ago from which he failed to rally and
death came as a welcome release last Friday. The remains were brought here on Saturday and
taken to Bethel where funeral services were held in the church on Sunday afternoon
conducted by Rev. J.R. Jacob of the Methodist church. Interment in the cemetery
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BOLON, Raymond Carle
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from, Obituaries from Belmont County Newspapers ca. 1941-1981. page 79:
........"Raymond Carle Bolon, 81, Bethesda, died Wednesday evening at Walnut Creek
Nursing Home, Walnut Creek, Ohio. He was born at Bethesda Sept. 25, 1897, a son of the
late John Frederick and Myrtle Tolbert Bolon.
........"He was retired operator of the R.C. Bolon Transfer Co., Bethesda; a member
of Bethesda United Methodist Chruch, a past president of Bethesda- Belmont-Morristown
Rotary Club.
........"Surviving are his wife, Martha McFadden Bolon; one son, Robert Bolon,
Northfield, Ohio; two grandchildren; a brother, William Lowell Bolon, Zanesville; one
sister, Martha J. Jenkins, Cicero, Ind.
........"Friends will be received at Kelly-Kemp Funeral Home, Bethesda, Friday, 2 to
4 and 7 to 9 p.m., where services will be Saturday at 1 p.m. with the Rev. John Jackson
officiating. Burial in Ebenezer Cemetery, Bethesda."
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BOLON, Martha (McFadden)
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from, Obituaries From County Newspapers ca. 1941-1981.; page 323:
........"Martha McFadden Bolon, 82, of Bethesda, died Thursday, July 17, 1980 at the
Walnut Creek Nursing Home. She was born February 22, 1898 at Bethesda, a daughter of the
late Melvin and Mary McFadden.
........"She was a member of the Bethesda United Methodist Church and the Beth-Park
Garden Club. She was preceded in death by her husband Raymond in 1979, a brother Boice
McFadden, and one sister Cora Gregg.
........"Surviving are a son Robert of Northfield; two grandchildren, and two
great-grandchildren. Friends were received at the Kelly-Kemp Funeral Home, Bethesda, on
Saturday where services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday with the Rev. John Jackson officiating.
Burial was made in the Ebenezer Cemetery, Bethesda."
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LEE, Robert E.
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; Aug 1953:
R.E. Lee, Long Ill, Dies In Hospital
........"Robert E. Lee, for many years a resident of Barnesville, passed away last
Thursday night at the OVG Hospital in Wheeling. His death followed a long illness.
........"Mr. Lee was the son of the late Chester and Sarah Hinkle Lee, and was born
at Morristown, January 18, 1902. He was married to Martha Amelia Keating, and she and
three sons preceded him in death. He leaves only one brother, Howard Lee of St.
Clairsville, one sister, Mrs. Belle Wright of Belmont, and a host of friends.
........"While he lived in Barnesville, Mr. Lee was employed by the M-K Company. He
was a member of the Eagles lodge here, and will be remembered by many as a fine baseball
player of the Twilight League period. He was a member of the Morristown Christian Church.
After leaving Barnesville he went to Detroit where he made his home for several years, and
was employed by the automobile industry."
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TALBOTT, F. Marion
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; 1 Oct 1926:
"F.M. Talbott is not so well as he has been."
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; 6 Oct 1926; page 6:
Barnesville R.D. 4
........"Those from a distance attending Marion Talbott's funeral were, Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Gilham and Chester Lee and daughter of Yorkville, Earl Murphy of Zanesville, Waldo
Barnes of Cambridge, Willard Barnes and Wilbur Lee of Barnesville, Mr. and Mrs. John
Gossett of Bannock, Mr. and Mrs. L.W. Talbott of Hendrysburg, Mr. and Mrs. H.B. Talbott of
Barton, Otto Talbott of Neffs, Mrs. Jessie Lynn and daughter, Mary, and Mrs. Daisy
Humphrey of Morristown."
TALBOTT, F. Marion
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Barnesville Enterprise; 8 Oct 1926, front page:
Marion Talbott Taken by Death
Rev. W.C. Patterson Was in Charge of Services at
Speidel Church Wednesday
........"Marion Talbott died Monday at 11 o'clock, Oct 4, after being confined to
her[sic] bed since the 29th of Sept. He had a cancer for a number of years but never
complained of his suffering.
........"Mr. Talbott was born Feb. 15, 1839 near the home where he always lived. He
was a son of William Talbott, one of a family of 11 children, all of whom preceded him in
death. He is survived by 1 daughter, Mrs. Bertie Gilliam[sic] of the home, 3 grandchildren
and 2 great-grandchildren.
........"Mr. Talbott was faithfully cared for by his daughter, her son, Bernard, and
great-granddaughter, Eunice Murphy.
........"Funeral services were held at the Speidel M.E. Church, Wednesday at two
o'clock with Rev. W.C. Patterson officiating. Burial was made at Speidel Cemetery."
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GOSSETT, Evelyn Pauline (Conley)
Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from Obituaries from Belmont County Newspapers, ca. 1941-1981.; page 134:
......."Evelyn Pauline Gossett, Bethesda, Route 1, died Tuesday evening at 9:10 P.M.
at Barnesville Hospital. Born June 23, 1930, at Lamira, she was a daughter of Marguerite
Conley and the late Oland Conley.
........"She was a member of the Mt. Zion Methodist Church, and was graduated from
St. Clairsville High School in 1949.
........"Surviving are her husband, Donald, a daughter Gayle of the home; two sons,
Dennis of Route 1, Bethesda, and Donald, Jr. of the home; and grandson.
........"Friends will be received at Kelly-Kemp Funeral Home in Bethesda after 2 P.M.
Thursday. Funeral services will be held at the funeral home Friday at 2 P.M. with the Rev.
Gail Smith conducting the services. Burial will follow in Union Cemetery in
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Submitted by:
Paula Talbert
The following is from the Wilson Scrapbook; 7 Mar 1940:
........"Funeral Services for Isaac Delaney Spiedel resident who passed away at his
home Wednesday morning, was held in the Campbell Funeral home Friday afternoon conducted
by Evangelist James Gallagher. Burial was made at Hunter. Deceased, a son of James and
Rebecca Lamp Delaney was born July 3, 1879 at Hunter where he spent his early life and was
a well known farmer for many years in Spiedel community. Besides his wife, Mrs. Freda
Delaney, he is survived by one brother and two sisters: Samuel Delaney, Hunter; Mrs.
Dagan, Millersburg; Mrs. Mildred Powell, Barnesville."
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