New York Indorsed Land Papers, 1643-1676

New York Indorsed Land Papers,

Source: New York State Land Papers

One of the most useful New York genealogical records is the type that deals with land, because, especially early in its history, New York was heavily involved with agriculture. One type of land record involves transfers from the colonial government to the first private owners. What follows is an index to the earliest years of the New York Land Grant Appliction Files from the New York Secretary of State's Office.


Record# Surname FirstName Location Year

2 -- Doughty, Francis Rev -- Mespath, LI -- 1642
40 -- Gildersleeve, Richard -- Hempstead, LI -- 1668
4 -- Hansen, Hans -- Mespath, LI -- 1647
38 -- Hicks, John -- Hempstead, LI -- 1668
8 -- Hoogland, Cornelis -- Dirksen Ferry, LI -- 1660
9 -- Jacobsen, Joris -- Ferry, LI -- 1660
3 -- Kieft, Gov -- Mespath, LI -- 1647
1 -- Kieft, Gov -- Mespath, LI -- 1642
37 -- Nicolls, Gov -- Hempstead, LI -- 1668
39 -- Seaman, John -- Hempstead, LI -- 1668


New York Indorsed Land Papers, 1643-1676 RecordNo Surname FirstName Location Year
205 Addison Anthony Marbleton 1676
200 Adriansen Jan Kingston 1676
29 Andriesen Arent Albany 1664-1667
107 Andros Gov Delaware Bay 1675
97 Andros Gov Staten Island 1675
99 Andros Gov Kingston 1675
189 Andros Gov Albany 1676
204 Andros Gov Marbleton 1676
206 Andros Gov Esopus 1676
35 Anthony Cleyne (free Negro) Manhattan Island 1664-1667
65 Archer John Crabb Island 1671
191 Ashfordby William Marbleton 1676
223 Bateman Henry Assincke Island 1676
85 Bayard Nicholas New Orange 1673
142 Berriman Thomas Staten Island 1676
131 Berryman Tho: Fresh Kill 1676
51 Bersford Christopher Marbleton 1670
21 Betts Mr. Flatbush 1667
92 Bigs Jan Marbleton 1675
115 Biliau Peter Staten Island 1676
137 Bissell Jon: Karle's Neck 1676
81 Blanchan Matthias Hurley 1673
30 Blanchan Matthew Esopus 1664-1667
77 Bleecker Jan Jans Albany 1672
66 Breunx Crabb Island 1671
24 Bronckx Mr. Westchester 1667
22 Bronckx Mr. 1667
171 Bront Rutt Josta Jan Staten Island 1676
17 Budd John Westchester 1666
52 Cage Richard Marbleton 1670
159 Canon Andrew Staten Island 1676
138 Carr Thomas Karle's Neck 1676
160 Casee Jon: Staten Island 1676
208 Chambers Thomas Capt Esopus 1676
198 Chambers Capt Kingston 1676
89 Champion John Oyster Bay 1674
150 Charleton Richard Staten Island 1676
123 Christead Hans Fresh Kill 1676
173 Chrushshuron Jon: Staten Island 1676
145 Churchill William Staten Island 1676
195 Claesen Tjerck Kingston 1676
33 Claesen Sybout New York City 1664-1667
193 Clause Charrat Esopus 1676
76 Clute Jan Albany 1672
90 Colve Gov Staten Island 1674
84 Colve Gov New Orange 1673
86 Colve Gov Staten Island 1674
185 Commin George Staten Island 1676
126 Corbet Georg: Fresh Kill 1676
119 Cornewell Richard Fresh Kill 1676
130 Cortelijau Ja: Fresh Kill 1676
118 Cortelijou Ja: Staten Island 1676
101 Cortelijou Jaques Staten Island 1675
120 Cortelijou Ja: Fresh Kill 1676
58 Corteljou Ja: Manhattan Island 1671
68 Corteljou Jaques Nayack 1672
62 Crum Gysbert Marbleton 1671
216 Curtese Gabriell Manhattan 1676
172 Curtise Richard Staten Island 1676
166 Curtisse Samuel Staten Island 1676
98 Davenport Nathaniel Capt Staten Island 1675
154 Davison Tho: Staten Island 1676
109 De Laet Johanna Madam Kingston 1676
73 de Wit Tierok Claessen Esopus 1672
161 Dodiman Richard Staten Island 1676
133 Doughty Elias Karle's Neck 1676
2 Doughty Francis Rev Mespath, LI 1642
110 Ebbing Jeronimus Kingston 1676
125 Edsall Jon: Fresh Kill 1676
20 Everts James Eastchester 1667
220 Fabretius Jacobus Manhattan 1676
153 Fitz Garratt John Staten Island 1676
194 Franse Aron Esopus 1676
53 Fredericksen Carsten 1670
157 Gannepaine Samuell Staten Island 1676
105 Garretsen John Staten Island 1675
158 Garrison Jon: Staten Island 1676
134 Gibbs Tho: Karle's Neck 1676
40 Gildersleeve Richard Hempstead, LI 1668
169 Gleane Anthony Staten Island 1676
13 Goulding William Neversink, NJ 1665
91 Gouwanes Pieter Jansen and sons Staten Island 1674
184 Guyon Jaques Staten Island 1676
111 Hall George Kingston 1676
212 Hall George Marbleton 1676
93 Hall George Kingston 1675
4 Hansen Hans Mespath, LI 1647
162 Harny Richard Staten Island 1676
43 Helme Izrail Calcoon Hook 1668
224 Hendricks Herman Assincke Island 1676
38 Hicks John Hempstead, LI 1668
163 Hinchman Jon: Staten Island 1676
122 Hoagland Christopher Fresh Kill 1676
71 Hoogeboom Cornelis Kingston 1672
100 Hoogeboom Cornelis Kingston 1675
8 Hoogland Cornelis Dirksen Ferry, LI 1660
217 Howell C. Southampton 1676
202 Hussey Frederick Marbleton 1676
170 Hutchison Ralph Staten Island 1676
79 Hymans Albert Hurley 1673
94 Indians Machicander Schotax Island 1675
74 Indians Maquaes Schenectady 1672
44 Jacobse Hendrick Calcoon Hook 1668
28 Jacobsen Caspar Albany 1664-1667
27 Jacobsen Caspar Kings Co 1664-1667
9 Jacobsen Joris Ferry, LI 1660
6 Jansen Gerrit Ensign Fort Orange 1653
23 Jessup Westchester 1667
167 Joanes Tho: Staten Island 1676
63 Joesten John Marbleton 1671
124 Jonson Carston Fresh Kill 1676
55 Joosten Jan Marbleton 1671
214 Kerton Thomas Marbleton 1676
215 Kerton Jon: Marbleton 1676
3 Kieft Gov Mespath, LI 1647
1 Kieft Gov Mespath, LI 1642
57 Kipp Jacob Manhattan Island 1671
182 Lakman Louis Staten Island 1676
139 Laurense Thomas Karle's Neck 1676
135 Lawrense William Karle's Neck 1676
144 Lea Francis Staten Island 1676
121 Leete Samuel Fresh Kill 1676
213 Leette Sam: Marbleton 1676
219 Loten James Cedar Creek 1676
72 Lovelace Gov Esopus 1672
54 Lovelace Gov Marbleton 1671
59 Lovelace Gov Delaware Bay 1671
61 Lovelace Gov Marbleton 1671
82 Lovelace Gov Albany 1673
50 Lovelace Gov Marbleton 1670
49 Lovelace Gov Staten Island 1670
47 Lovelace Gov Mamaroneck River 1668
69 Lovelace Gov The Old Company's Bowery And Dominies Bouwery 1672
67 Lovelace Gov Nayack 1672
80 Lovelace Gov Hurley 1673
114 Marlett Gideon Staten Island 1676
102 Marlett Gideon & sons Staten Island 1675
106 Marlett Gideon & sons Joshua & Paulus Staten Island 1675
175 Marshall Edward Staten Island 1676
179 Martiline Jon: Staten Island 1676
183 Martino Francois Staten Island 1676
221 Matison Cornelius Manhattan 1676
196 Mattison Mattys Kingston 1676
78 Mattyson Jan Kingston 1673
168 Moore Thomas Staten Island 1676
176 Morgan Thomas Staten Island 1676
218 Morris Lewis Bronx 1676
201 Mot Michael Kingston 1676
7 Muyden Mighiel N. Amsterdam 1657
95 Myndertsen Barent (master shoemaker) Schotax Island 1675
128 Newton Henry Fresh Kill 1676
146 Nicholls William Staten Island 1676
42 Nicolls Gov Calcoon Hook 1668
12 Nicolls Gov The Little Plains 1665
37 Nicolls Gov Hempstead, LI 1668
56 Nicolls Mr. Between Bostwick And Newton 1671
45 Nicolls Gov Katts Kill 1668
26 Nicolls Gov Kings Co 1664-1667
18 Nicolls Gov Eastchester 1667
209 Norwood Andrew of Barbadoes Staten Island 1676
75 Norwood Andrew Staten Island 1672
41 Packaponchie (Sachem) Massepeage 1668
186 Paulessen Paulus Esopus 1676
15 Pell Mr. 1666
143 Perrin Daniel Staten Island 1676
19 Pinckney Philip Eastchester 1667
178 Proll Wolford Staten Island 1676
148 Puddington Elias Staten Island 1676
174 Pullion Jacob Staten Island 1676
192 Quicke Thomas Esopus 1676
164 Regrence Paulus Staten Island 1676
48 Richbell John Mamaroneck River 1668
16 Richbell Mr. 1666
116 Rider Robert Staten Island 1676
108 Roads John Delaware Bay 1675
103 Roadsby William Staten Island 1675
96 Roosa Human Albertsen Hurley 1675
222 Ryder Ro: Manhattan 1676
104 Ryder Ro: Staten Island 1675
152 Ryder Jon: Staten Island 1676
210 Ryder Ro: Staten Island 1676
149 Ryder Robert Staten Island 1676
141 Ryder Ro: Staten Island 1676
34 Sanders Manuel Manhattan Island 1664-1667
211 Schapemos Matias Derricke Jonson Kingston 1676
39 Seaman John Hempstead, LI 1668
180 See Isaac Staten Island 1676
127 Sharpe Jon: Fresh Kill 1676
117 Sheartree Francis Staten Island 1676
70 Siecken Dirck The Old Company's Bowery And Dominies Bouwery 1672
113 Simpson Peter Brooklyn 1676
197 Skipmouse Dirck Jansen Kingston 1676
32 Slecht Cornelijs Barents Esopus 1664-1667
151 Smith Thomas Staten Island 1676
14 Spicer Sam Neversink, NJ 1665
129 Stillwell Richard Fresh Kill 1676
10 Stuyvesant Gov Esopus 1663
5 Stuyvesant Gov Fort Orange 1653
31 Swartwout Roelloffe Esopus 1664-1667
132 Taylor Henry Karle's Neck 1676
199 Ten Broeck Wessel Kingston 1676
165 Thorne Joseph Staten Island 1676
177 Tisen Barne Staten Island 1676
207 Trophagen William Esopus 1676
181 Trophagen William Kingston 1676
203 Tunison Claes Marbleton 1676
156 Turcoate Staten Island 1676
64 Turneur Daniel Of New Harlaem Crabb Island 1671
187 Turnier Jackeline (widow) New Harlem 1676
188 Turnier Daniel New Harlem 1676
46 Van Bremen Jan Katts Kill 1668
11 van Holsteyn Hendrick Cornelissen Esopus 1663
83 Van Schellijne Cornelijs (shoemaker) Albany 1673
25 Vander Donck Westchester 1667
190 Vander Heyden Jacob Tyse Albany 1676
87 Vander Linde Roelloffe Staten Island 1674
36 Verdun Thomas New York City 1668
140 Wandall Thomas Staten Island 1676
136 Wandall Thomas Karle's Neck 1676
112 Wantenaer Albert Cornelissen Brooklyn 1676
147 Welch William Staten Island 1676
88 Williams Robert Oyster Bay 1674
60 Young Thomas Delaware Bay 1671
155 Younge Thomas Staten Island 1676


This page was last updated September 15, 2000.