Genealogical Society of Utah Sources |
Each "table" has full bibliography of source(s) by an individual group or individual author. |
- TITLE: Card index to street names and house addresses in New York County, for the New York State census for 1905, 1915, and 1925
- AUTHORS: Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: Salt Lake City, Utah : Genealogical Society, 1989.
Election districts -- New York (State) -- New York County -- Indexes
New York County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1905 -- Indexes
New York County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1915 -- Indexes
New York County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1925 -- Indexes
Manhattan (New York, N.Y.) -- Census -- Indexes
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 36 microfilm reels ; 16 mm.
- NOTES: Title from publisher catalog. Title on first frame: Index to New York State census. Records from the N.Y. County Clerk's Office, N.Y., N.Y. Index cards listing 1905, 1915, and 1925 assembly districts, election districts, and state census page numbers for each New York County street address.
- VARIANT TITLE: Index to New York State census
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: County of Genesee, New York, census 1915
- PUBLISHED: Salt Lake City, UT : The Genealogical Society, 1967.
Genesee County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Genesee County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1915
New York State -- Census, 1915
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 1 microfilm reel; 35 mm.
- NOTES: Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society at the New York State Library, Albany, N.Y., Manuscripts & History section, November 1967.
- ALTERNATE TITLE: 1915 state census of Genesee County, New York.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: County of Genesee, New York, census 1905 and 1892
- PUBLISHED: Salt Lake City, UT : The Genealogical Society, 1967.
Genesee County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Genesee County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1905
Genesee County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1892
New York State -- Census, 1915
New York State -- Census, 1892
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 1 microfilm reel; 35 mm.
- NOTES: Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society at the New York State Library, Albany, N.Y., Manuscripts & History section, November 1967.
- CONTENTS: 1905 Genesee County, New York census 1892 Genesee County, New York census.
- ALTERNATE TITLE: 1915 state census of Genesee County, New York.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: County of Genesee, New York, census 1875
- PUBLISHED: Salt Lake City, UT : The Genealogical Society, 1967.
Genesee County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Genesee County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1875
New York State -- Census, 1875
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 1 microfilm reel; 35 mm.
- NOTES: Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society at the New York State Library, Albany, N.Y., Manuscripts & History section, November 1967.
- ALTERNATE TITLE: 1875 state census of Genesee County, New York.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: County of Genesee, New York, census 1925
- PUBLISHED: Salt Lake City, UT : The Genealogical Society, 1967.
Genesee County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Genesee County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1925
New York State -- Census, 1925
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 1 microfilm reel; 35 mm.
- NOTES: Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society at the New York State Library, Albany, N.Y., Manuscripts & History section, November 1967.
- ALTERNATE TITLE: 1925 state census of Genesee County, New York.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Cattaraugus County cemetery records
- PUBLISHED: Salt Lake City, Utah : Genealogical Society of Utah, 1984.
Cemeteries -- New York (State) -- Cattaraugus County
Cemeteries -- New York (State) -- Erie County
Cemeteries -- New York (State) -- Chautauqua County
Chautauqua County (N.Y.)
Erie County (N.Y.)
Cattaraugus County (N.Y.)--History
- NOTES: Filmed at Cattaraugus County Museum, Little Valley, N.Y. Reduction ratio: 42x. DATES INDICATE EARLIEST BIRTH DATE AND LATEST DEATH DATE, NOT DATES OF DEATHS. Microfilm. Salt Lake City Utah: Genealogical Society of Utah, 1984. 1 microfilm reel : positive ; 35 mm.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: [Cemetery records of Cattaraugus, Chautauqua counties, N.Y., and Warren County, Pa.]
- PUBLISHED: Salt Lake City, Utah : Genealogical Society of Utah, 1984.
Cemeteries -- New York (State) -- Cattaraugus County (N.Y.)
Cemeteries -- New York (State) -- Chautauqua County (N.Y.)
Cemeteries -- Pennsylvania -- Warren County (Pa.)
Warren County (Pa.)
Cattaraugus County (N.Y.)
- NOTES: Trims Corners Cemetery records are reported to be the only ones in existence for that cemetery, which is on Oil Creek Road south of Trims Corners, 1st field on the left. This is donated land used for those who cannot purchase cemetery plots. No apparent records are kept by Warren County. Filmed at Marie Colburn residence, Markhams Conrers, N.Y. MSS. "1381785." Microfilm. Salt Lake City, Utah : Genealogical Society of Utah, 1984. 1 microfilm reel : positive; 35 mm.
1. Village of Waterboro: Waterboro Hill Cemetery, 1806-1895
2. Village of Dayton: Dayton Cemetery records, 1828-1982
3. Village of Dayton: St. Paul Catholic Cemetery (some added information for item 2, as well) 1793-1977
4. Town of Artwright: Weaver Cemetery records, 1771-1905
5. Town of Eldred: Trims Corners Cemetery records, 1820-1972.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Cortland County [N.Y.] census
- AUTHORS: New York (State). Secretary of State.
Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: 1970.
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Cortland County
New York (State) -- Census
Cortland County (N.Y.) -- Census
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 6 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
- NOTES: Original record filed with the Secretary of State, State of New York. "Microfilmed for the Genealogical Society by Reproduction Systems at Cortland, N.Y., 16 Nov. 1970"--at start of film.
- NOTES: NYSL has State census records for this county for: 1825, 1835, 1845, 1855, 1865, 1875, 1892, and 1905.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Niagara County [N.Y.] census records
- AUTHORS: New York (State). Secretary of State.
Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: 1972.
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Niagara County
New York (State) -- Census
Niagara County (N.Y.) -- Census
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 3 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
- NOTES: Original record filed with the Secretary of State, State of New York. "Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society of Salt Lake City, Utah, [at] Lockport, New York, 21 March 1972"--at start of film. NYSL has State census records for this county for: 1892 and 1905.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Descriptive inventory of the New York collection / by Arlene H. Eakle and L. Ray Gunn
- AUTHORS: Eakle, Arlene H.
Gunn, L. Ray
- PUBLISHED: Salt Lake City : University of Utah Press, 1980.
New York (State) -- Genealogy -- Manuscripts -- Microform catalogs
New York (State) -- Genealogy -- Bibliography -- Microform catalogs
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Bibliography -- Microform catalogs
Genealogical Society of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints -- Microform catalogs
Genealogy -- Bibliography -- Microform catalogs
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: xliii, 249 p. ; 28 cm.
- SERIES: Genealogical Society of Utah. Finding aids to the microfilmed manuscript collection of the Genealogical Society of Utah ; no. 4
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: 1915 Queens, New York, state census index
- AUTHORS: New York (State) Census
Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: Salt Lake City, Utah : Genealogical Society, 1992.
Election districts -- New York (State) -- Queens County -- Indexes
Queens County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1915 -- Indexes
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 1 microfilm reel ; 16 mm.
- NOTES: Title from [LDS] Family History Library catalog record. Records from the New York County Clerk's Office, New York, N.Y. Index cards listing 1915 assembly districts [A.D.], election districts [E.D.], and state census page numbers for Queens County, N.Y.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: New York City, 1915 state census street address index / series editor, Raymond G. Matthews
- AUTHORS: Matthews, Raymond G.
Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: Salt Lake City, Utah : Family History Library, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1992.
Election districts -- New York (State) -- New York County -- Indexes
New York County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1915 -- Indexes
- NOTES: Records from the New York County Clerk's Office, New York, N.Y. Lists 1915 assembly districts [A.D.], election districts [E.D.], and state census page numbers for New York City.
- CONTENTS: v.1 Manhattan--v.2 Brooklyn
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Mt. Ida cemeteries (new & old), Troy, New York, burial records / Superintendent, Burial Grounds of City of Troy
- AUTHORS: Troy (N.Y.) Superintendent of Burial Grounds
Troy Public Library (N.Y.)
Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: Troy, N.Y. : The Superintendent, 1833-1875.
Registers of birth, etc. -- New York (State) -- Troy
Troy (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Rensselaer County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- NOTES: "Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, at Troy Public Library, Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 21 Oct. 1985."--at head of film. Record books of interment containing name of deceased, where died, date of death, sex, marital status, occupation, age, where born, parents names, residence, and disease.
- CONTENTS: RL. 1. v. 1. Mar. 1, 1833-June 28, 1850; v.2 July 1, 1850-Dec. 11, 1864; v.3 Jan 1, 1865-Sep 2, 1867-- RL. 2. (v.3 cont.) Aug 14, 1867-Nov 30, 1875; v.4 Dec 1, 1875-Feb 27, 1887--RL. 3. v.5 Jun 8, 1887-Nov 29, 1890; Index to new Mt. Ida Cemetery; [Account book 1920s].
- RELATED TITLE: Books of records, names, interments, etc., Troy
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Oakwood Cemetery records
- AUTHORS: Troy Cemetery Association (N.Y.)
- PUBLISHED: [S.l : s.n., 1851-1938]
Cemeteries -- New york (State) -- Troy
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Troy
Oakwood Cemetery (Troy, N.Y.)
Rensselaer County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 5 microfilm reels : ill., maps ; 35 mm.
- NOTES: Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, at Oakwood Cemetery, Troy, Rensselaer Co., N.Y., 29-30 October, 1985.
- CONTENTS: Reel 1. Index of interments: A-Gemmill--Reel 2. Index of interments: Gemmill-Zwierzinski; Record of interments: v. 1 to v. 2, p. 369, 1851-1896--Reel 3. Record of interments: v. 2, p. 370 to v. 3, 1896-1938; Plot books v. 1 to v. 2, p. 371--Reel 4. Plot books: v. 2, p. 372 to v. 5--Reel 5. Plot books: v. 6 to v. 7.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Montgomery County, New York, census records [1855]
- AUTHORS: New York (State). Secretary of State
Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: 1977.
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Montgomery County
New York (State) -- Census
Montgomery County (N.Y.) -- Census
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm.
- NOTES: Original record filed with the Secretary of State, State of New York. Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society of Salt Lake City, 1977. NYSL has State census records for this county for: 1855.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Lewis County [N.Y.] census
- AUTHORS: New York (State). Secretary of State
Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: 1972.
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Lewis County
New York (State) -- Census
Lewis County (N.Y.) -- Census
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 7 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
- NOTES: Irregular page numbering. Stained and faded originals. Original record filed with the Secretary of State, State of New York. "Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, at Lowville, New York, 27 Mar 1972"--at start of film. NYSL has State census records for this county for: 1825, 1835, 1855, 1865, 1875, 1892, 1905. The first part of the census for 1905 is after that for 1892.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Tompkins County, N.Y., state census
- AUTHORS: New York (State). Secretary of State
Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: 1971.
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Tompkins County
New York (State) -- Census
Tompkins County (N.Y.) -- Census
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 6 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
- NOTES: Original record filed with the Secretary of State, State of New York. "Microfilmed by Reproduction Systems for the Genealogical Society of Salt Lake City at Ithaca, N.Y., 23-24 Feb. 1970"--at start of film. Poor original copy. Many pages faded, with smeared ink. NYSL has State census records for this county for: 1825, 1835, 1865, 1875, 1892, and 1905.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Schoharie County [N.Y.] census
- AUTHORS: New York (State). Secretary of State
Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: 1971.
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Schoharie County
New York (State) -- Census
Schoharie County (N.Y.) -- Census
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 7 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
- NOTES: Original record filed with the Secretary of State, State of New York. "Microfilmed for the Genealogical Society by Reproduction Systems at Schoharie, New York, 25 May 1971"--at start of film. NYSL has State census records for this county for: 1825, 1835, 1855, 1865, 1875, 1892, and 1905.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Schenectady County [N.Y.] census
- AUTHORS: New York (State). Secretary of State
Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: 1971.
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Schenectady County
New York (State) -- Census
Schenectady County (N.Y.) -- Census
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 6 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
- NOTES: Original record filed with the Secretary of State, State of New York. "Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society, at Salt Lake City Courthouse, Schenectady, New York, May 1967"--at start of film. NYSL has State census records for this county for: 1835, 1855, 1865, 1875, 1892, and 1905. Poor copy.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: St. Lawrence County [N.Y.] census
- AUTHORS: New York (State). Secretary of State
Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: 1971.
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- St. Lawrence County
New York (State) -- Census
St. Lawrence County (N.Y.) -- Census
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 3 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
- NOTES: Original record filed with the Secretary of State, State of New York. "Microfilmed for the Genealogical Society by Reproduction Systems, at Canton, New York, 27 Nov 1971"--at start of film. NYSL has State census records for this county for: 1905, including the City of Ogdensburg and the St. Lawrence State Hospital. "Irregular page numbering."
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Oswego County [N.Y.] census records
- AUTHORS: New York (State). Secretary of State
Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: 1971.
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Oswego County
New York (State) -- Census
Oswego County (N.Y.) -- Census
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 3 microfilm reels ; 35 mm.
- NOTES: Original record filed with the Secretary of State, State of New York. "Microfilmed for the Genealogical Society [of Salt Lake City] by Reproduction Systems, at Oswego, New York, 10-11 August 1971"--at start of film. NYSL has State census records for this county for: 1905, including the City of Ogdensburg and the St. Lawrence State Hospital. "Irregular page numbering." Many pages are faded or poorly photographed. Reel 2 for 1902 also has maps of the towns. NYSL has State census records for this county for: 1855, 1865, 1875 and 1902.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: [State census records for Richmond County, New York, 1865]
- AUTHORS: Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: [Salt Lake City] : Genealogical Society of Salt Lake City, 1973.
Richmond County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1865
Richmond County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 1 microfilm reel ; 1973.
- NOTES: Title from publisher catalog. Records located in the Clerk's Office, Richmond County Courthouse.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: [State census records for Richmond County, New York, 1875]
- AUTHORS: Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: [Salt Lake City] : Genealogical Society of Salt Lake City, 1973.
Richmond County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1875
Richmond County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 1 microfilm reel ; 1973.
- NOTES: Title from publisher catalog. Records located in the Clerk's Office, Richmond County Courthouse.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: County of Richmond New York census records, 1915
- AUTHORS: Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: Salt Lake City, Utah : Genealogical Society, 1967.
Richmond County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1915
Richmond County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 2 microfilm reel ; 1973.
- NOTES: "Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, at the New York State Library, Albany, N.Y., Manuscripts & History Section."
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: County of Richmond, New York census records, 1925
- AUTHORS: Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: Salt Lake City, Utah : Genealogical Society, 1967.
Richmond County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1925
Richmond County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 4 microfilm reel ; 1973.
- NOTES: "Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, at the New York State Library, Albany, N.Y., Manuscripts & History Section."
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: [Census of the inhabitants of the State of New York, 1855]
- AUTHORS: New York (State). Secretary's Office
Genealogical Society of Utah
- PUBLISHED: Salt Lake City : Genealogical Society of Utah, 1955-1970.
New York (State) -- Census, 1855
New York (State) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 90 microfilm reels : forms ; 35 cm.
- NOTES: Collection of mss. census returns prepared by direction of the Secretary of State of New York.
- CONTENTS: reel 1-3 Albany County.--reel 4-5. Allegany County.--reel 6-7. Broome County.--reel 8-10. Cattaraugus County.--reel 11-12. Chautauqua County.--reel 13. Chemung County.--reel 14-15. Chenango County.--reel 16. Columbia County.--reel 17. Cortland County.-- reel 18-19. Delaware County.--reel 20-24. Erie County.-- reel 25. Essex County.--reel 26. Fulton County.--reel 27-28 Greene County.--reel 29-30. Herkimer County.--reel 31-33. Jefferson County.--reel 34. Lewis County.--reel 35. Livingston County.--reel 36-37. Madison County.--reel 38-39. Monroe County.--reel 40-54 New York County.--reel 55-58 Onondaga County.--reel 59-60. Ontario County.--reel 61-63. Orange County.--reel 64. Orleans County.--reel 65-67. Oswego County.--reel 68-69. Otsego.--reel 70-72. Rensselaer County.--reel 73. Richmond County.--reel 74. Rockland County.--reel 75-76. Saratoga County.--reel 77. Schenectady County.--reel 78. Schoharie County.--reel 79. Schuyler County.--reel 80-82. Steuben County.--reel 83. Sullivan County--reel 84. Tioga County.--reel 85-86. Ulster County.--reel 87. Warren County--reel 88-89. Washington County.--reel 90. Yates County.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.

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