Central NY Genealogical Society sources |
Each "table" has full bibliography of source(s) by an individual group or individual author. |
- TITLE: Tree talks : Allegany County
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1998.
Genealogy --Periodicals
Cemeteries -- New York (State)
Church records and registers -- New York (State)
Court records -- New York (State)
Marriage records -- New York (State)
Wills -- New York (State)
Allegany County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: various pagings : 29 cm.
- NOTE: Tree talks, 1963-1997.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Broome County abstract of the 1825 New York State Census
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: c1989.
Broome County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1825
New York (State) -- Census, 1825
- SERIES: Tree Talks ;
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Abstract of the 1810 federal census of Broome County
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, NY : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1989.
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Broome County
New York (State) -- Census, 1810
Broome County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Broome County (N.Y.) -- History
Broome County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1810
United States -- Census, 3d, 1810
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: vi, 46 p. : maps ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Issued as vol. 29, no. 4 (Dec. 1989) of Tree talks. Includes index.
- COVER TITLE: Broome County abstract of the 1810 federal census
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Tree talks
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, Central New York Genealogical Society.
Genealogy -- Periodicals
Immigrants -- New York (State) -- Broome County -- Registers
Immigrants -- New York (State) -- Delaware County -- Registers
Deposit (N.Y.) -- History
Broome County (N.Y.) -- History
Delaware County (N.Y.) -- History
- EARLIER TITLE: Cousing huntin' for ...
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: v. maps 29 cm. v. 1- 1961-
- NOTE: Indexes: v. 1-6, 1961-1966. 1 v.; subject index, v. 1-28. 1 v.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Cayuga County federal census abstract 1800 / Central New York Genealogical Society
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
United States. Census Office
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : The Society, c 1984.
Cayuga County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1800
Cayuga County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy -- Sources
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 49 p. : maps ; 28 cm.
- NOTE: Cover title. Includes index.
- SERIES: Tree Talks ;v vol. 24, no. 4, Dec. 1984.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Newspaper Abstracts from early Newspapers of Cayuga Co., N.Y. / Central New York Genealogical Society and Flora B. Daniells and Mable L. Crosby through the Owasco Chapter D.A.R., 1970
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : The Society,
Cayuga County
- NOTES: Covers years approx. 1811-1870, compiled alphabetical order.
- CONTENTS: also contains some Auburn Universalist Church, Auburn St. Peter's Episcopal Church and Fleming Baptist Church records.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Cattaraugus County : abstract of the 1835 New York State census ; with the 1825 New York State census for the Town of Ellicottville
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
Barnello, Kathleen
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : The Society, 1997.
Cattaraugus County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Cattaraugus County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1825
Cattaraugus County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1835
New York (State) -- Genealogy
New York (State) -- Census, 1825
New York (State) -- Census, 1835
Ellicottville (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Ellicottville (N.Y.) -- Census, 1825
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: xx, 110 p. : maps ; 28 cm.
- SERIES: Tree talks ; vol. 37, no. 4, December 1997.
- NOTES: REFERENCE 974.7 CENSUS 1825/1835. Includes index.
- ADDITIONAL TITLES: 1825 New York State census for the Town of Ellicottville -- Cattaraugus County abstract of the 1835 New York state census with the 1825 New York state census for the town of Ellicottville -- Tree Talks Cattaraugus County abstract of the 1835 New York State Census -- Abstract of the 1825 and 1835 censuses of Cattaraugus County Tree talks
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Tree talks : Chautauqua County
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1998.
Genealogy --Periodicals
Cemeteries -- New York (State)
Church records and registers -- New York (State)
Court records -- New York (State)
Marriage records -- New York (State)
Wills -- New York (State)
Chautauqua County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: various pagings : gen. tables ; 29 cm.
- NOTE: Tree talks, 1964-1997.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Chenango county federal census transcript 1810
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
United States. Census Office. 3d Census, 1810
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y.: The Society, 1979.
Chenango county (N.Y.) -- Census, 1810
Chenango county (N.Y.) -- Genealogy -- Sources
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: xxv, 66 p. : maps ; 28 cm
- SERIES TITLE: Tree talks ; vol. 19, no. 4, Dec. 1979
- NOTES: Cover title
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Tree talks : Chenango County
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1998.
Genealogy -- Periodicals
Cemeteries -- New York (State)
Church records and registers -- New York (State)
Court records -- New York (State)
Marriage records -- New York (State)
Wills -- New York (State)
Chenango County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: various pagings : gen. tables ; 29 cm.
- NOTES: Tree talks, 1962-1997.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Tree talks : Columbia County
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1998.
Genealogy -- Periodicals
Cemeteries -- New York (State)
Church records and registers -- New York (State)
Court records -- New York (State)
Marriage records -- New York (State)
Wills -- New York (State)
Columbia County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: various pagings : gen. tables ; 29 cm.
- NOTES: Tree talks, 1969-1997.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Tree talks : Cortland County, federal census transcript 1820
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, NY : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1980.
Registers of births, etc.-- New York (State) -- Cortland County
New York (State) -- Census, 1820
Cortland County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1820 -- Indexes
Cortland County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
United States -- Census, 1820
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: x, 35 p. : maps ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Cover title. Issued as Tree Talks vol. 20, no.4, Dec., 1980.
- ALT TITLE: Cortland County federal census transcript, 1820.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Tree talks : Cortland County abstract of the 1825 New York State census
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1985.
New York (State) -- Genealogy
Cortland County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
New York (State) -- Census, 1825
Cortland County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1825 -- Indexes
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 26 p. ; 28 cm. : maps.
- NOTES: Census and every-name index issue of 'Tree Talks,' 25:4, Dec. 1985. Includes index.
- ALT TITLE: Cortland County abstract of the 1825 New York State census Tree talks.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Tree talks : Erie County
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1998.
Genealogy -- Periodicals
Cemeteries -- New York (State)
Church records and registers -- New York (State)
Court records -- New York (State)
Marriage records -- New York (State)
Wills -- New York (State)
Erie County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: various pagings : gen. tables ; 29 cm.
- NOTES: Tree talks, 1964-1997.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Tree talks : Fulton County
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1998.
Genealogy -- Periodicals
Cemeteries -- New York (State)
Church records and registers -- New York (State)
Court records -- New York (State)
Marriage records -- New York (State)
Wills -- New York (State)
Fulton County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: various pagings : gen. tables ; 29 cm.
- NOTES: Tree talks, 1963-1997.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Genesee County New York State federal census 1810 - Tree Talks
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, c1974
Genesee County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1810
New York (State) -- Census, 1810
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 37 p. ; 28 cm.
- ADD TITLE: New York State federal census 1810.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Tree talks : Herkimer County
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1998.
Genealogy -- Periodicals
Cemeteries -- New York (State)
Church records and registers -- New York (State)
Court records -- New York (State)
Marriage records -- New York (State)
Wills -- New York (State)
Herkimer County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: various pagings : gen. tables ; 29 cm.
- NOTES: Tree talks, 1964-1997.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Abstract of the 1825 New York State census of Herkimer County, New York / by Kathleen Barnello ... [et al.]
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
Barnello, Kathleen
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1999.
Herkimer County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1825
New York (State) -- Census, 1825
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: xv, 112 p. : maps ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Includes index. Issued as: Tree talks, v.39, no. 4 (Dec. 1999).
- ADD TITLE: Herkimer County abstract of the 1825 New York State census. Tree talks.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Abstract of the 1825 New York State census of Lewis County
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1990.
New York (State) -- Genealogy
New York (State) -- Census, 1825
Lewis County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Lewis County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1825
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 34 p. ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Census and every-name index issue of 'Tree Talks,' 30:4, Dec. 1990. Includes index.
- ADD TITLE: Lewis County abstract of the 1825 New York State census Tree talks.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Transcript of the 1868 special census of the village of Lowville, Lewis County : Abstract of the 1870 federal census of the town of Lowville, Lewis County
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1991.
New York (State) -- Genealogy
New York (State) -- Census, 1868
New York (State) -- Census, 1870
Lewis County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Lewis County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1868
Lewis County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1870
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 125 p. ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Census and every-name index issue of 'Tree Talks,' 31:4, Dec. 1991. Includes index. Transcript of the 1868 special census of the village of Lowville, Lewis County included.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Onondaga County federal census abstract 1800 / Central New York Genealogical Society
- AUTHORS: Central New York Genealogical Society
United States. Census Office. 2nd census, 1800
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : The Society, c1982.
Onondaga County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1800
Onondaga County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy -- Sources
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: viii, 27 p. : maps ; 28 cm
- SERIES: Tree talks ; vol. 22, no. 4, Dec. 1982
- NOTES: Cover title. Includes index.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Tree talks : Oneida County, abstract of the 1800 federal census
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Soceity, 2000.
New York (State) -- Census, 1820
Oneida County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1820
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 99 p. : ill., maps ; 28 cm.
- NOTE from Webmaster: the content of this biblio is exactly as recorded from Steele Public Library. Do not know which year 1800 or 1820 it truly covers!
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Tree talks : Orleans County
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1998.
Genealogy -- Periodicals
Cemeteries -- New York (State)
Church records and registers -- New York (State)
Court records -- New York (State)
Marriage records -- New York (State)
Wills -- New York (State)
Orleans County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: various pagings : gen. tables ; 29 cm.
- NOTES: Tree talks, 1963-1997.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Tree talks : Oswego County
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1998.
Genealogy -- Periodicals
Cemeteries -- New York (State)
Church records and registers -- New York (State)
Court records -- New York (State)
Marriage records -- New York (State)
Wills -- New York (State)
Oswego County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: various pagings : gen. tables ; 29 cm.
- NOTES: Tree talks, 1962-1997.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Oswego County : New York State federal census 1820
- AUTHORS: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, NY : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1976.
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Oswego County
Oswego County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Oswego County (N.Y.) -- History
Oswego County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1820
New York (State) -- Census, 1820
United States -- Census, 3d, 1820
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: xx, 38 p. : maps ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Cover title. Issued as vol. 16, no. 3 (Sept. 1976) of Tree talks. Includes index.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Oswego County mortality schedules : federal census 1850 and 1860
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, NY : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1987.
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Oswego County
Oswego County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Oswego County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1850
Oswego County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1860
New York (State) -- Census, 1850
New York (State) -- Census, 1860
United States -- Census, 7th, 1850
United States -- Census, 8th, 1860
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: iv, 55 p. : maps ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Issued as vol. 27, no. 4 (Dec.1987) of Tree talks. Title taken from cover. Includes index.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Abstract of the 1825 New York State census of the town of Otsego, Otsego County, New York
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1995.
New York (State) -- Genealogy
New York (State) -- Census, 1825
Otsego County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Otsego County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1825
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: 17 p. ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Census and every-name index issue of 'Tree Talks,' 35:4, Dec. 1995. Includes index.
- ALT TITLE: Town of Otsego, New York abstract of the 1825 New York State census
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Tree talks : Otsego County
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: Syracuse, N.Y. : Central New York Genealogical Society, 1998.
Genealogy -- Periodicals
Cemeteries -- New York (State)
Church records and registers -- New York (State)
Court records -- New York (State)
Marriage records -- New York (State)
Wills -- New York (State)
Otsego County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: various pagings : gen. tables ; 29 cm.
- NOTES: Tree talks, 1965-1997.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.
- TITLE: Rensselaer County federal census transcript 1800
- AUTHOR: Central New York Genealogical Society
- PUBLISHED: [Syracuse, NY] : Central New York Genealogical Society, c1981.
Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Rensselaer County
Rensselaer County (N.Y.) -- Genealogy
Rensselaer County (N.Y.) -- History
Rensselaer County (N.Y.) -- Census, 1800
New York (State) -- Census, 1800
United States -- Census, 2nd, 1800
- PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: ii, 76 p. : map ; 28 cm.
- NOTES: Cover title. Issued as vol. 21, no. 4 (Dec. 1981) of Tree talks. Includes index.
- HOLDINGS: Go to the home page and do a search to locate this title, the libraries that has this title and its call number.

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