The first church and congregation of the Disciples of Christ in Waterloo was organized April 1, 1853, by Elder W. A. Belding, preacher and evangelist. The meetings were first held in the court house; afterwards the congregation met in a hired hall, over the McClintock store, now the Fox block, on Main street. They continued to meet in said hall until abut the first of January, 1854, when they bought the Baptist meeting house, on East Main street, where they met regularly for public worship until the autumn of 1871, when they purchased a lot on Williams street. They then decided to move the church building on to this lot, which they accordingly did, and repaired the house at a cost of about $2,000. The interior of the house has been very much changed and improved within the last four or five years. The pastors who have served the church are Reverends Andrew Smith of Pompey, N.Y., C.L. Straight of Tonawanda, N.Y., D.O. Thomas of Caemarthen, Wales; Albert Laughlin, of Irvington, Ind., Joshua C. Goodrich, of Auburn, N.Y., Clayton C. Crawford of Charlottetown, Price Edward's Island, the present pastor. The first officers, elected April 1, 1853, were Godfrey Selmser and Sparling Drake, elders; William Hough and John Dunlap, deacons. The charter members are: Sparling Drake, William Hough, John Dunlap, Godfrey Selmser, William VanKrik, Ralph VanKirk, Cornelia VanKirk, Amy Croft, Rebecca Thorp, Maria Jackson, Hannah Roberts, Mrs. Betsy Snook, Lydia Osborne, Artilla M. Sabin, Mrs. Sparling Drake, Theresa Drake, Mary Jackson, Cornelia Jackson, Susan A. Knight, Elizabeth VanDorn, Harriet Orsborn, Anna VanWei, George W. Hough, Helen King, Mrs. Charity Hendrickson, Thomas Jackson.