The Baptist church of Junius and Tyre was organized in 1807, during a religious revival, but its origin was in the pious zeal of Asa Smith and Margaret, his wife, and Caleb Woodworth and Rebecca, his wife, Baptist pioneers who came, the former in 1803, the latter in 1805. They held meetings at their respective homes, on alternate Sabbaths, for prayer and praise. Dan. Ralph or Rolfe, who came in 1804, and Samuel Messenger, in 1807, were licentiates among the early settlers and occasionally preached. The latter was ordained in 1808, and served the church as pastor until 1815. Before his time preaching was furnished by Elder Irish, coming from Scipio, and elder Caton, form Romulus, also by home missionaries, among whom were Elders Rathbone and Hartwell. In 1815 there were forty-seven members. For two years there was no settled pastor, then Jeremy F. Holman came in 1817, was ordained in 1819 and remained till 1821. During his four years pastorate the membership increased to ninety-four. Rev. Luther Goodrich was pastor for a year and was followed, January 1st, 1823, by Rev. William W. Brown. He remained until March 13, 1828. Rev Roy G. Lewis succeeded him, is recorded as standing moderator in a covenant meeting, December 3, 1828, was ordained June 16, 1830, and closed his pastorate September 3, 1831. Rev. Luther Goodrich became pastor for the second time a few weeks later, and remained until the close of 1833, when he embraced the doctrines of Alexander Campbell and withdrew from the fellowship of the Baptist church. Some of the members followed him. Elder Brown again supplied the church for a season, until, in July, 1835, Nathan Baker, a licentiate, became the pastor. He was ordained in 1837 and remained until 1839.
      It was during the pastorate of Elder Baker that the first house of worship was erected - the meeting house which still exists. There was also a great growth in the society. But an unhappy difficulty arose. Elder William w. Brown not favoring the progressive tendency of the church, and holding fast to Gill's "Body of Divinity," went over to the Old School Baptists at Melvin Hill, taking with him his family and some others. Jacob Blane was pastor from April, 1840, to April, 1841. G.N. Roe followed for a year. In November 1842, Rev. E. Blakely was settled over the church, remaining till March, 1845. During his pastorate, the membership reached 150, its maximum. Rev. Anson Graham followed and remained five years. Rev. Silas Gilbert served as supply for a time and was ordained in July, 1846, but closed his labors, March 1st, 1852. Rev. A. N. Jones followed in April and remained four years, when death severed his relations with the church. Rev. James Parker was pastor from January to November, 1857. Rev. Bethel H. Brasted supplied the pulpit for a few months and then was ordained to the pastorate, October 7, 1858. Rev. E.M. Buyen followed him, from February to November, 1859. Rev. N. Ferguson served until June, 1862. Rev. W.K, Cushman then supplied the pulpit for a few months.
      July 1, 1863, the church engaged a licentiate of their own membership to supply their pulpit. So efficient did he prove and so abounding in the fruits of the ministry, that he was ordained elder in 1864, and Rev. Pulaski E. Smith, commenced a pastorate that has continued to the present time, and marks an era of prosperity in the history of the church. In 1868, the meeting house was repaired at an expense of $1,500. About three years later, a larger shed was built and the old one repaired - afterwards that was rebuilt. In 1893, the meeting house was again repaired. This time there was a complete renovation of the exterior and interior. A tower was built and a bell put in. The galleries were removed. Stained glass windows took the place of the old ones. The audience room was arched and frescoed and newly seated. These repairs cost about $2,000. His first revival was in the winter of 1867, at which time a large number of persons united with the church. Other revivals followed t intervals of three or four years. The last one occurred in the spring of 1894. In none of these revivals has the church ever received any outside help from evangelists. Notwithstanding the large numbers added to the church during all of these years, the removal of the young people to other parts has kept the membership about the same in numbers. Churches in cities and towns, and in the western States, are replenished at the expense of our country churches in the East. This church is as prosperous at the present time as it has been at any period of its long history. The Sunday school, the Y.Y.S.C.E. and the other organizations of the church are doing good work.
      The first deacons of whom record is made were elected September 20, 1823. They were the two first on the list given herewith, which embraces all to the present time, viz.: Theophilus Cross, Samuel Hart, Mr. Burdick, John Hutchins, Alanson Morehouse, Caleb Woodworth, Rodman Hart, John Graves, L.P. Russell, William B. Olin, William Avery, J.M. Graves, S. H. White. Those who have served as clerk are, in their order, as follows: Asa Smith, J.F. Holman, W.W. Brown, William B. Olin, Caleb Woodworth, William A. Goodwin, C.L. Smith, J.W. Yury.
      The Sunday school consists of about 100 members. Its officers are as follows: Superintendent, Mrs. Alfred Morehouse; organist, Mrs. Sarah Alleman; chorister, J.W. Yury. Young Peoples' Society of Christian endeavor has a membership of seventy-nine, and its officers are: President, Adolph Smith; vice-president, Mrs. Emory Story; recording secretary, Miss Bertha White; corresponding secretary and treasurer, Miss Hazel Alleman. Farther Light Missionary society - membership, twenty; president, Mrs. David Compson; secretary Miss Jennie Demarest. Ladies' Aid society - President, Mrs. Barny Craft; secretary and treasurer, Mrs. Robert White; and twelve vice presidents for distribution of the work; Woman's Missionary Society - President, Mrs. P.E. Smith; secretary, Mrs. L.B. Morehouse.
Phebe E. Hutchins | Levi H. Gear | Luzilla H. Barrett |
James M. Graves, Deacon | Cornelia E. Barrett | Robert J. Bennett |
Sarha A Vandenburg | William W. Morehouse | Julia Bennett |
Truman Decker | Robert White | John F. Long |
Mary Decker | Ezra J. White | Wilber D. Hill |
Spencer H. White, Deacon | Elizabeth W. White | Elizabeth G. Birdsey |
Charlotte S. White | Emily Easton | Minnie s. Avery |
Rev. W.B. Olin | Martha Hill | Julia A. Bowen |
Margaret Olin | H.L.D. Arnold | Alfred A. Dubois |
Mary E. Bradley | Deannie Dunham | Charles A. Avery |
Alfred J. Morehouse | Mary M. Dunham | Nettie Yury |
Lavancia B. Morehouse | Ella B. Arnold | Philip H. Lape |
M.A. Barrett | Nelson Opdyke | George Earls |
Mary A. Compson | Eliza J. Opdyke | Helen Earls |
Hester W. Haines | Alice Olin Thorne | Foster White |
Frances A. Smith | Charles Barrett | David Weaver |
Mary A. Smith | Louise Demarest | Hayes Demarest |
Nettie White | Jennie Olin Serven | Jennie Demarest |
Sarah Alleman | Josephine Weaver | May Demarest |
Jennie Burgdorph | Pearl Compson | Arthur VanArsdale |
Lily Hill | Herbert Compson | William Kraft |
A.E. Pierson | Hugh Compson | Fred VanKirk |
Barney Kraft | May Burtless | Edith R. Kinnitz |
Kate Kraft | Kate Burtless | Leona R. Morehouse |
David Goodwin | Karl Burtless | Irena Russell |
Mary E. Goodwin | Burney Burtless | Edith Bennett |
John W. Yury | Robert E. Graves | Joseph Hill |
Lena Yury | Leroy Morehouse | Mrs. J. Hill |
E. Payson Smith | Burton Morehouse |