Schoharie, NY Miscellany


Schoharie County NYGenWeb Site
Schoharie County Miscellany

Compiled by
Joseph R. Brown Jr.
transcribed and submitted by Roger Smith

Page 1

 The following are excerpts from an unpublished hand typed manuscript found at the Cobleskill Public Library. There is no date for the compilation. Roger Smith


We learn, that on the first day of the races, on Friday last, in this town, Mr. Grosvenor, of Carlisle, had one of his thighs broken, his horse having stumbled and fallen with him. Mr. Grosvenor was not engaged on the course. � Schoharie Republican, Nov. 11, 1829

In Middleburgh, on Thursday, the 28th ult., a young girl, aged about six years, the daughter of Mr. Jones, of Jefferson, was kicked by a horse, on the forehead; the bones of which were literally crushed to pieces. Dr. Wells, our informant, was called upon, and he removed the whole of the frontis, as far down as the eyes. The brain of the child, very fortunately, was partially injured, if any. The membrane, however, which encloses the brain, was slightly perforated. The accident is remarkable, as, from the nature of the injury, the brain, the most vital of all the functions, escaped serious harm. The child is in a fair way, and 
her recovery is looked for with some anxiety. � Schoharie Republican, Feb. 10, 1830

Mrs. Brownell, of Fulton, in this county, came to her death a few days since, in a melancholy manner. In descending a hill, in a one horse wagon, the horse, it is supposed, became frightened and unmanageable she was thrown out of the wagon with some violence, and when taken up was lifeless, her head having been broken and her body shockingly mangled. She was a widow, and has left, as we are informed, a family of nine children, in indigent circumstances. � Schoharie Republican, Oct. 12, 1830

A serious accident occurred on Wednesday last, 21st inst., at the residence of a Mr. Kelsey, in Acres� Hollow, Middleburgh. It appears that the neighbors of Mr. Kelsey had assembled at his house for the purpose of assisting him in raising a barn. After two bents had been raised they were left standing without being stayed or secured, assurance being given by the boss carpenter, whose name we have not learned, that all was perfectly safe. On proceeding, however, to raise the third bent, in consequence of the jarring of the timber or from some other cause, the two already raised fell with a dreadful crash injuring 15 persons, who were either employed on or standing near the barn. The following are the names of those who were most seriously injured - Elisha Guernsey, supposed to be mortally wounded; had both his thighs broken and was otherwise seriously injured. Mortification was supposed to have taken place the day before yesterday, and he is probably dead. John Best had his thigh broken. Burton Nethaway, injured in the head and was for sometime after deranged. Nicholas Becker, had his breast bone broken in. Mr. Kelsey and William Wilsey were also injured, though less seriously. As above state, there were 15 hurt � one report says 18. � Schoharie Republican, May 27, 1845

One of the men, Mr. Guernsey, injured by the falling of a frame (of which we gave an account last week) has since died. The others are all in a fair way to recover. - Schoharie Republican June 3, 1845

A week ago yesterday, a son of Mr. Wetsel, in Cobleskill, while driving horses attached to a threshing machine, slipped from the platform on which he was standing with one foot, which was immediately crushed in the machinery. -- Schoharie Republican, September 23, 1845 (Thursday)

A lad, 16 years of age, son of Perry Briggs, chairmaker, of Cobleskill, was caught by the band connecting the driving wheel with the machinery in his father�s factory, a few days since, which drew him up to the ceiling over the drum and mangled him in a horrid manner. He was alone in the turning room at the time, and had undoubtedly, from indications, revolved many times round the cylinder. After his discovery and before he could be extricated, it is said his body made at least thirty circuits about the wheel. On being released, both his legs and both arms were found to be broken. One of his legs was literally ground to pumice from the ankle to the knee. Yet strange to believe he was still alive at last account, although no hopes can be entertained of his recovery. � (Patriot) � Schoharie Republican, Jan. 30, 1849

Aged People

Hartman�s Dorf Boys: - Mr. Thomas Bouck, who resides in Hartman�s Dorf in the town of Middleburgh, in this county, went into the harvest field last summer, with his seven sons, each carrying a cradle. The oldest is not over 38 years, and the youngest is 16. The old gentleman is yet apparently in the prime of life. � Schoharie Republican, October 8, 1844

Mr. Francis Becraft, who resides with his son, Jacob Becraft, near Fox Creek Bridge, entered upon his 101st year of his age in July last. He reads the finest print without glasses. Betsey Caesar, a colored woman, residing in the family of Mr. C. H. Schaefer, near this village, is 105 years old. She was captured in Africa when young and brought to this country and enslaved. (Schoharie Patriot) � Albany Daily Argus, September 24, 1850.

Peter Mann, an old and highly respected resident of this town, while on his return from election was thrown from his carriage, by the horses taking fright and running away, and severely injured. The Patriot, in speaking of  aged men in this town alludes to Mr. Mann and his brother, Geo. W. Mann. "Among those who cast their ballots at the polls in this village, on Tuesday last, 
were Peter Mann and George W. Mann, brothers, and oldest men living in this town. Peter Mann is now in his 90th year and for one of that age, possesses his health and faculties to a remarkable degree. He informed us that he had cast his vote at every general election since he was 21 years of age. Mr. Mann has always enjoyed the confidence and esteem of a large circle of friends and acquaintances. Regular and temperate in his habits, and kind and honest in his intercourse and dealings with his fellow citizens, he hopes to close his long and useful life with a conscience void of offence towards God and man. George W. Mann, a younger brother, is now in the 88th year of his age, and is apparently more vigourous than his elder brother. George W. has always resided on the farm he now owns and occupies, on which his great grand-father first settled when he emigrated to this beautiful valley from Germany, about the 1712. The farm has descended from father to son through three generations and may perhaps continue in the family for three generation to come. These two brothers have lived to see their native country emerge from a state of comparative weakness and dependence, to become one of the greatest and most prosperous on this earth." � Schoharie Republican, November 12, 1862

Agricultural Society

The Agricultural Fair will be held at the Court House in Schoharie on the 19th and 20th October. � Albany Argus, 
September 28, 1819

During the fall of 1841 we repeatedly urged upon the farmers of this county the advantages of an Agricultural Society and published a notice calling for a meeting for the purpose of organizing one. The meeting was held and although very few were in attendance a constitution was adopted and officers elected. In the fall of 1842 we again called the attention of our readers to this subject, but it was impossible to get together a sufficient number to elect new officers. On the 7th of  June last, during the session of the court, a meeting of the society was held in the court House and a committee appointed in each town in the county to "procure additional members and to promote the objects of the society generally." At the above meeting, the 
Treasurer, Judge Mann, stated that 35 members had paid the admission fee ($1), and that he had drawn $32 from the State � making in the Treasury $ 67. The committees appointed at the above meeting have paid little or no attention to the subject, and, as far as we are able to learn, the society has remained in status quo since the 7th of June last. � Schoharie Republican, October 10, 1843.

Gov. Bouck was elected President when it was organized. � Schoharie Republican, November 21, 1843

A meeting of the Agricultural Society of Schoharie county will be held at the Court House in the village of  Schoharie on Monday, the first of January next at 12 M., for the purpose of electing officers, and if possible, of devising some means to invigorate and render the society efficient. A general attendance of the members and other persons feeling interested in the improvement of Agriculture, Horticulture and the Household Arts, in the county of Schoharie, is particularly requested.
Schoharie C. H. 
Ralph Brewster,
Schoharie Republican, Dec. 5, 1843

At a meeting of the officers of the Schoharie county Agricultural Society held at the Schoharie C. H. on the first day of April instant, a schedule of premiums was fixed, to be awarded at a Fair of the said society, to be held in the village of Schoharie on the 15th and 16th days of October, 1844
Class 1 Livestock
Class 2 Field Crops
Class 3 Household Manufactures
Schoharie Republican, April 16, 1844

At the annual meeting of the Agricultural Society of Schoharie county was held at the Court House in the town of Schoharie on the 16th day of October, 1844, the following named persons were chosen officers of said Society for the ensuing year, viz.,
Jedediah Miller, PresidentDaniel Larkin, George Goodyear, Peter Hynds, Hezekiah Manning, Charles Grosvenor, Colba Reed, vice-presidents;Ira Dewey, George Manning, Jacob Vroman, Freeman Stanton, Hiram Sexton, members of the Executive Committee.
William Mann, Treasurer
Ralph Brewster, Secretary.
Schoharie Republican, October 29, 1844

Schoharie County Agricultural Society held its annual fair at Middleburgh on the 16th and 17t5h days of October, 1846. Schoharie Republican, November 3 and 10, 1846

Schoharie County Agricultural Society meeting held at the C. H., Jan 1, 1844:

Resolved to hold a Fair next fall, the time and place to be fixed by the Executive committee and a schedule of Premiums made and published on or before the first Monday of April next.
Resolved that a copy of the "Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society" for 1841 and 1842 be distributed to each member of the Society present at the meeting, who has not heretofore been furnished with the same.
Resolved that the Society meet again at the C. H. on the first Tuesday of February next and that the meeting be addressed by the President Jedediah Miller. � Schoharie Republican, January 19, 1844

The annual fair of the Schoharie county Agricultural Society was held at the Court House in this village on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 15th and 16th inst. It was the first fair which has been held by the Society, and after making suitable allowance for the unpleasant state of the weather, and the little interest which has heretofore been given to the subject by the agricultural Community in this county, it may justly be denominated a splendid affair. There was a fine show of horses, 
cattle, sheep and swine; and the exhibitions of horticultural products, and household manufactures, spoke largely in favor of the ingenuity and industry of Old Schoharie.
The address of the President, Jedediah Miller, was well adapted to the occasion. It came spontaneous, in the usual eloquent and happy style of the speaker and abounded with precept and we trust it was duly appreciated and will be treasured by all who heard it. The several committees selected to examine stock, etc., and decide upon the premiums to be awarded, after making their examinations, made the following reports and the premiums were accordingly awarded and paid.

On Horses

The several committees selected to examine and report the premiums to be awarded on horses, after having made their examinations recommended the following:

For the best Stud Horse, owned and kept in the county for four months, next preceding the Fair To Abraham Dietz, of Schoharie $8.00
For second best do To Daniel d. L. McCulloch, Carlisle $5.00
For best 2 year old colt To George H. Hilts, Schoharie $2.00
For best mare and colt To Joseph Wilber, Schoharie $5.00
For second best do To Gideon Shafer, Schoharie $5.00
For best 2 year old Gelding To Barton and Abram Shutts Each a copy of the Transactions of the Amer. Institute
For best yearly Colt To Jacob H. Settle A copy of the Transactions of the Amer. Institute
Respectfully submitted,
John S. Brown,
John Schoolcraft, Jr.,
Peter Z. Swartz.
Committee, Oct. 16, 1844

Neat Cattle The Committee on Neat Cattle recommend the following, viz.,

For best bull To George Manning, Middleburgh $5.00
For the second best do To Marcus Borst $2.50
For the third best do To Peter Hynds, Seward $2.00
For best 2 year Bull To Joseph S. Brown, Carlisle $4.00
For the best yearling Bull To Hiram Sexton, Seward $3.00
For the best yoke of Working Cattle To Joseph S. Brown $5.00
For the second best Working Cattle to Josiah A. Guffin $3.00
For the best pair of Fat Cattle To Jedediah Miller, Cobleskill $5.00
For the second best do To Joseph S. Brown $2.00
For the best pair of 3 year old Steers To Willis and George Goodyear, Cobleskill $3.00
For the second best do, the same $2.00
For the best pair of 2 year old Steers To the same $3.00
For the best second do. To Joseph J. Barton, Schoharie $2.00
For the best pair of yearling Steers To Master Peter Fisher, Schoharie $3.00
For the second best yearling Steer To N. Willard Larkin, Schoharie $2.00
For the best Cow To Daniel L. Dudley, Middleburgh $6.00
For the second best do to John S. Brown, Schoharie $3.00
For the best 2 year old Heifer to Gideon Wilber, Schoharie $3.00
For the second best do to Lambert Sternbergh $2.00
For the best yearling Heifer To Hiram Sexton, Seward $2.00
For the second best do ton Monroe Enders, Schoharie $1.00
For best Calf To Jonathan Guffin $2.00
For the second best do To John S. Brown, Schoharie $1.00
For the third best do To Ichabod White $1.50
For a pair of 3 year old Steers To Henry Warner, Schoharie $2.00
For the best Fat Cow To Marcus Sternbergh, One volume of Trans. Of Amer. Inst.
For a three year old Bull To Charles Couch, Schoharie One Vol. Of Trans. Of Amer. Inst.
For a pair of Working Oxen To N. Willard Larkin, Schoharie $2.00
For a young Heifer To Ira Dewey $2.00
Respectfully submitted,
Charles Grosvenor
John I. Hungerford
Nicholas Russell
Committee, October 16, 1844

Schoharie Fair - 1844 (cont.)

Sheep and Swine

The following premiums are recommended by the committee on sheep and swine.

For the best Boar To Solomon Coonley, Schoharie $3.00
For best Sow and Pigs To Isaac Hanson, Schoharie $3.00
For the best fine wool Buck To Hiram Sexton, Seward $4.00
For the second best do. To John I. Hungerford, Schoharie $2.00
For the best long wool Buck To John Young, Carlisle $4.00
For the second best do. To George Manning, Middleburgh $2.00
For the best Southdown Buck To Gideon Wilber, Schoharie $4.00
For the second best do. To Willis and George Goodyear, Cobleskill $3.00
For the best two Southdown Ewes To Tobias Marcly, Seward $4.00
For the second best do. To Marcus Borst, Cobleskill $2.00
For the best two long wool ewes To John S. Brown, Schoharie $3.00
For the best Bakewell Buck To Charles Grosvenor, Carlisle One Vol. Trans. Amer. Institute
For the second best do. To Jacob J. Barton, Schoharie One Vol. Trans. Amer. Institute
Hezekiah Manning
Peter Hynds
Daniel Larkin
Committee, Oct. 16, 1844

Field Crops

The committee on Field Crops report the following premiums, viz.

For the best acre of Wheat To Augustus Borst, Middleburgh $5.00
For the second best do. To Peter Hynds, Seward $3.00
For the best acre of Corn To Charles Couch, Schoharie $5.00
For the second best do. To Nathan T. Smith, Schoharie $3.00
For the best half acre of Potatoes To Peter Hynds, Seward $4.00
For the best 5 acres of Barley To David Youngs, Schoharie $4.00
Hiram Sexton
Marcus Sternbergh
Joseph I. Brown
Marcus Borst
Jacob Vroman

Domestic Manufactures

For the best 100 lbs. Of Cheese To Mrs. William Engle, Cobleskill $3.00
For the second best 100 lbs do. To Mrs. Charles Grosvenor, Carlisle $2.00
For the best 100 lbs. Of Butter To Mrs. Ira Dewey, Carlisle $3.00
For the second best 100 lbs. Do. To Mrs. William Engle, Carlisle (?) $2.00
For the best bushel of Dried Apples To Mrs. Peter L. Swart, Middleburgh $2.00
For the second best do. To Mrs. Ira Dewey, Carlisle $1.00
For the best 10 yards of Flannel To Mrs. Daniel Larkin, Schoharie $3.00
For the second best do. To Mrs. Marcus Borst, Cobleskill $2.00
For the best 10 yards of Fulled Cloth To Henry Shafer, Cobleskill $4.00
For the second best do. No Competition

A good article of domestic Fulled Cloth well finished, was presented by James S. Waterbury, for the opinion of the committee, but by reason of being partly manufactured out of the county, was not considered entitled to compete for the premium. The committee recommended to be awarded one volume of Agricultural Transactions.

Also, a superior article of Blue Black Broadcloth, containing 17 � yards, manufactured at Austin Factory, at Cairo, in Greene county, presented by Nicholas Russell, of Cobleskill, made from wool taken from his flock in Schoharie Co. The committee recommended that a volume of Agricultural Transactions be also awarded to Mr. Russell.

For the best pair of Woolen Blankets To Mrs. Susan Van Gaasbeck, Middleburgh $2.00
For the second best do.No Competition
For the best Woolen Shawls To Mrs. Hiram Sexton, Seward $2.00
For the second best do. To Mrs. Maria Borst, Cobleskill $1.00
For the best 10 yards of Linen Cloth To Mrs. Peter Dietz, Schoharie $3.00
For the second best do. To Mrs. Lambert Sternbergh, Schoharie $2.00
For the best lb. Of Linen Thread To Mrs. Marion Michaels, Schoharie $1.00
For second best do. No competition

There were no Mittens presented, and there being a premium for that article, and no premium offered for Hose, the committee recommended that Hose be substituted and that such premium be awarded:

For the best pair Worsted Hose To Mrs. Susan Van Gaasbeck, Middleburgh $1.00
For second best do. To Mrs. Maria Borst, Middleburgh $ .50

A piece of carpeting, presented by Jacob Fisher, of Schoharie, -- an excellent article, against which there was no competition.

Also, presented by Mr. Fisher, a lot of very good Worsted Yarns. As the committee deem these two articles worthy of attention by our farmers, they would recommend a premium to be paid to Mr. Fisher of one volume of Agricultural Transactions.

Although on the list of premiums there was nothing awarded for certain articles of needlework, the committee cannot but express extreme pleasure to perceive that several nice specimens of ingenuity and industry exhibited, commanding the admiration of all.

Among these the committee would notice first:

Three Ottmans, of raised Worsted work by Mrs. Mary A. Lawyer, of Schoharie, and awarded a premium of $3.00.

A beautifully worked Collar, presented by Mrs. C. E. Mann, of Schoharie, $1.00

For two second best, presented by Mrs. John Schoolcraft. $ .50

Fifty pounds of superior Manufactured Buckwheat Flour, by John P. Griggs, of Schoharie. The committee awarded 
on volume of Agricultural Transactions. To Mr. Griggs.

Three sides of leather, viz., 1. Calfskin and 2 of Kid by Lorenzo D. Ballard of Carlisle. The committee deemed it an article of sufficient importance to enumerate among manufactured articles, and recommend a discretionary premium to Mr. Ballard of a volume of Agricultural Transactions.

For best Bed QuiltTo Nathaniel Manning, Middleburgh $2.00
For second best do. To Mrs. John A. Bonney, Schoharie $1.00

Master Thomson C. Smith exhibited a monster Blood Beet weighing 10 � lbs. For which the committee would have been happy to award a premium to their young friend, if permitted by the published schedule.

Rare House Plants, sent in by Mrs. M. Michaels, contributed to the appearance of the Exhibition Room.
James S. Waterbury
George Goodyear
George Manning
P. Osterhout, Sen. Ch�m Demosthenes Lawyer, Sec.
Schoharie Republican
October 22, 1844

Agricultural Society

Fair at Middleburgh - 1846

The Schoharie Agricultural Society held its annual Fair at Middleburgh on the 16th and 17th days of October inst. It was attended by a large collection of citizens all manifesting a deep interest in the occasion.

The following report of the several committees shows the premiums awarded and to whom.

The undersigned committee appointed to examine recommend premiums to be awarded On Horses at the Schoharie County 
Fair in October, 1840, report as follows.

On Horses

That the premium

For the best Stud Horse To John Frimire, Fulton $4.00
For the Second best ditto to To Philip Karker, Cobleskill $2.00
For the best Mare and Colt To David Dietz, Schoharie $4.00
For the second best ditto To Uriah Rider, Schoharie $3.00
For the Best two year Colt To Peter Rickert $3.00
Dated Oct. 16, 1846
Cyrus Smith
Wm. Shafer
John Howe

On Neat Cattle

The committee on horn Cattle would respectfully report as follows;

Joshua Aley, 1st best Bull, Middleburgh $4.00
Jacob Hallenbeck, 2d ditto, Middleburgh $3.00
Peter P. Borst, best pair working cattle $4.00
Tobias Mann, 2nd best ditto, Cobleskill $3.00
Hezekiah Manning, best pair yearling Steers, Middleburgh $2.50
Jacob Becker, best Cow, Middleburgh $4.00
P. S. Danforth, 2nd best ditto, Middleburgh $4.00
John O. Benedict, best 2 year old Heifer Middleburgh $2.50
Peter A. Swart, 2nd best ditto., Middleburgh $1.00
James Van Gaasbeck, best 1 year old heifer $2.00
Hezekiah Manning, 2nd best ditto $1.00
Jacob Fisher, best Calf $2.00
Thom P. Danforth, 2nd best ditto $1.00
Wm. I. Borst
Robert McMaster
Thomas Wilber

Sheep and Swine

The committee on Sheep and Swine respectfully report as follow:

Ira Dewey, best fine wool Buck $2.50
Peter I. Borst, 2nd best ditto $1.00
Ira Dewey, best 3 fine wool Ewes $2.50
Peter A. Swart, 2nd best ditto $1.50
Robert McMaster, best long wool Buck $2.50
George Manning, 2nd best ditto $1.50
Long wool Ewes � None presented
Southdowns � None presented
George Manning, best Boar $3.00
Wm. I. Borst, 2nd best ditto $2.00
Lyman Sabford, best Sow and pigs $3.00
George Manning, 2nd best ditto $2.00
Oct. 16, 1846
J. S. Waterbury
Jacob H. Settle
John P. Bellinger

Field Crops

The committee of field Crops would respectfully report as follows:

Peter Hynds, for the best acre of wheat - 41 � bushels $4.00
Nathaniel Manning, 2d best ditto - 33 bushels $2.00
Peter Z. Swart for the best acre of Barley - 37 bushels $3.00
Ralph Manning for the best acre of Corn - 87 bushels $4.00
James S. Waterbury, 2nd best ditto - 60 bushels $3.00
James S. Waterbury, best acre of Oats - 53 bushels $3.00
Peter I. Borst, 2nd best ditto - 40 bushels $2.00
Peter I. Borst, best acre of Rye - 24 bushels $3.00
Peter Hynds, best acre of Peas - 43 bushels $3.00
Peter I. Borst best � acre of Potatoes 101 � bushels $3.00
Nathaniel Manning, 2nd best ditto - 80 bushels $2.00
Oct. 16, 1846
B. H. Vroman
Jacob H. Shafer
Charles Watson

Household Manufactures

The committee on Household Manufactures have attended to the duties assigned them and they leave to report:

First article upon the list of this class examined by the committee, was Cheese.

There was not as much competition as the committee could have desired. They without limitation recommend that manufactured and exhibited by Jacob Angle as the best and entitled to the first premium of the Society.

Having disposed of the Cheese to the entire satisfaction of the committee, and as they hope of the manufacturer entitled to the premium, they passed on to an examination of the articles of Butter.

Here the committee found the labors less arduous than they should have been, and cannot help expressing their regret that in a county where they know so much good butter is made, there should be exhibited a number of competitors for the premium of the Society.

There were but two specimens exhibited to the inspection o f the committee. They decided that Mrs. Nathaniel Manning was entitled to the first premium, and Mrs. R.B. Swart to the second.

The samples of Dried Apples as presented were so nearly equal in quality as to render decision somewhat difficult, though the committee finally awarded to Mrs. Ruth B. Swart the premium for the best bushel of Dried Apples and to Jacob Fisher the premium for the second best.


To Henry S. Dewey the committee recommended the premium for the best 10 yards of Flannel, and to Mrs. J. S. Waterbury the premium for the second best.

Fulled Cloth

To J. S. Waterbury the committee are of opinion the premium should be awarded for the best 10 yards of Fulled Cloth, and to Henry S. Dewey the premium for the second best.

Best Woolen Shawl

To Mrs. Ira Dewey, the committee recommend the premium for the best article exhibited under this head.

Linen Cloth

The specimens of Linen Cloth exhibited to the inspection of the committee were very creditable to the manufacturers: that presented by Mrs. J. Sternburg is entitled to the first premium, and that presented by Jacob Fisher for the second premium of the Society.


To Henry S. Dewey, the committee awarded the premium for the best 10 yards of Diapers.

Men�s Woolen Mittens

To Mrs. E. D. Chase is awarded the premium for the best pair of Men�s Woolen Mittens exhibited.

Woolen Or Worsted Hose

There were two specimens exhibited to the committee of this article, so necessary to our understanding: but they were specimens which in the opinion of the committee reflect great credit upon the manufacturers. In this opinion the committee think they will be sustained by at least several Bachelors, who seemed to give the articles a very scrutinizing inspection. We 
recommend to Miss Maria L. Borst the premium of the Society for the best pair of Worsted Hose.


To Mrs. R. B. Swart, the premium for the best 20 yards of Bagging. To Mrs. George Manning the premium for the second best 20 yards of Bagging.

Linen Thread

To Mrs. A. Myers the premium for the best pound of linen thread, and to Mrs. M. Manning for the second best.


Mrs. Charity P. Vroman is entitled to the premium for the best Coverlet exhibited.

Bed Quilts

Before the committee reached this article upon the list, they became satisfied, from the competition which existed, and from the general appearance of the Quilts exposed to view, that they were in a ticklish spot - and they entered upon the discharge of their duties with not a little distrust of their ability to do justice to the subject committed to their charge.

There were four competitors for the first premium of the Society:

Mrs. Henry Hanson
Miss Maria L. Borst
Mrs. Eggleston
Mrs. J. Sternberg

The committee think they will be justified by the facts, and maintained by the opinion of all who examined the articles, that they were most beautiful specimens, and reflect great credit upon the Ladies who worked them.

The committee find no difficulty in preceding thus far, they are as yet upon safe ground. They have encountered no frown of disapprobation. Each competitor we have no doubt would agree with the committee in saying this much.

But the question is not yet met. Which is the best?

That is the question.

To obviate in some measure the difficulty in which they were placed the committee called to their aid a number of intelligent Ladies, in whose taste and judgment in such matters the committee had great confidence.

But the question could not thus be solved - each Quilt had its friends.

Some Poet, probably loved his ease, and loved his snooze, once indulge in perhaps a well merited song of the Bed ---

�Peace to his bones, the first who spread
The swelling, soft, luxurious bed,
For wearied us are given -----
Oft as I stretch each wearied limb,
I cast a grateful thought on him,
And with his rest in heaven.�

If he sung thus of the bed, in what strains, your committee would ask would he have indulged should the bed have been covered with one of these quilts.

In conclusion the committee being unable to agree on a decision, would recommend to each of the ladies named above a premium of the Society.
Jacob Becker
Peter Hynds
Lyman Sanford
Schoharie Republican
November 3, 1846

Fair at Middleburgh - 1846

Farming Utensils

The committee to whom was referred the duty of examining the articles presented for premiums under the head of Farming Utensils would respectfully report, that the Fanning Mill of John P. Bellinger & Son, manufactured under their direction was the only one presented for their inspection. The committee deem this an excellent Mill and endorse the published recommendations given to it by the proprietors and cheerfully say that the premium of the Society should be awarded to Messrs. Bellinger & Son for the best Fanning Mill.

That the committee further report that they have examined the Plows, and regret that only two kinds were presented for their consideration, but are bound to say that both kinds in their opinion are worthy of extensive patronage and fair specimens of the modern improvements in this most useful and indispensable implement of husbandry. That one of your committee having had but little experience in its use, which he regrets to state, was unwilling to decide between the competitors for a premium, but all your committee would rejoice if at no distant day all the swords that were used at the celebrated battles of Palo Alto and Resaca, De la Palma and Monterey would be turned into like Plow Shares, deeming it far better for our national interest and glory to engage in honest agricultural pursuits than to have our soldiers fight their way to the city of Mexico and revel in the halls of the Montesumas. The Plow is an ancient implement and its followers the most independent class in society. Who has not envied the Plow Boy at early morn as he has gone forth to his daily labor with a light heart and buoyant step, his shrill 
whistle waking the lark and he the while breathing the fresh air of heaven. Who, again we ask, has not envied the plowman�s toil? It is true that the evils which were entailed upon the human race at the fall of Adam have been increasing in number and strength as the children of the transgressor have multiplied and spread. The bodies of men were the receptacle of a high and noble intelligence have been metamorphosed into the tenements of cunning and intriguing spirits; men have done dishonor to the purest and holiest feelings and affections of human beings; they have trampled upon every moral consideration that has intervened between them and their immediate interest and have delighted in producing by deed their sin wrought and feigned and befitting character. Many have become intelligent blasphemers, the very gangrene of immortality and we are almost persuaded to say fit kindling wood for the funeral pile of Pluto. But how few in number is this class compared with the whole mass who come from the Plow? The plowman has no flatteries to give, nor favors to ask, he is the self nominated and self elected governor of his own acres. Compare the plowman�s son with your witty dandy? The first is stout, hearty and robust and would listen to the smashing thunders of 40 earthquakes or surrounded by 10,000 Buffaloes, stamping, bellowing and roaring as if they would scare daylight into a fit of darkness, than to have one of your whining, grunting, asking, Goslin, gabling children of thick population.

Then again compare his daughters with the city belles; the first are ever engaged in some respectable and useful employment and worth at least their weight in gold and they can truly say to the mincing, squinting, for drinking coffee suckled, corset laced, proud compressed Broadway belles, ye know little of our independent and transcendent pleasures. Having said thus much the Plow and the Plowman, we would recommend the premium for the best Plow be given to Daniel E. Chichester for his No. 10 Dutcher�s patent and that the Executive committee of the Society give to Jacob Vroman a volume of the Transactions of the State Society.

And your committee further report having been charged by the Executive committee with the duty of examining some other articles their attention has been directed to another useful farming utensil, and as the skill of the Dentist has not been as yet successfully applied in giving to that noble animal, the horse, a pair of false grinders when old age wears on a pace, they would call especial attention to the Straw Cutter of Mr. Samuel Betts, being Blackmar�s patent and a good machine. Your committee recommend that a premium of $5 be given to Mr. Samuel Betts for his Straw Cutter.

Your committee would also report that their attention was called to the national Hot Air Cooking Stove No. 3. This is another of the improvements of the age. We have examined with scrutinizing and unprejudicial minds the whole machinery of the stove. We have viewed it externally and internally, have considered the materials of which it is composed and neither of your 
committee would oppose very strenuously a desire if such an one was expressed by the manufacturers to have one in our respective kitchens, provided he would give us plenty of pipe and take a roasted pig with us for dinner. Your committee cheerfully recommended to Mr. Levi Sabin a premium for his Stove of $5.

Next in order is that beautiful three seated Rockaway, of those intelligent and enterprising mechanics, Messrs. Winter and Van Camp. This is an excellent carriage, it shows that the genius of enterprise and improvement animate the bosoms of the young men. This carriage it is true would by its purchase give to many a pocket book a June shad appearance, yet there are Ponds from which $350 could be snared and there would still remain therein many fat golden shiners. Your committee 
recommend a premium of $10 to Messrs. Winter and Van Camp and them to all the fair. We come now lastly to speak briefly for we have taken up too much of your time, of a piece of Needle work by Miss Sarah J. Dodge. This is a fine specimen of the handiwork and reflects great credit not only upon the young lady but her instructress - it has no particular name but we have before us in this work a group which will not fail to bring a smile even upon a dominie�s face. The minstrel has every appearance of having just returned from the wars and unless we miss our guess Gen. Taylor has ere thus missed one of his musicians or perhaps the artist has intended to represent one of the fiddlers of old king Cole or the old fiddler himself.

For a very fiddler was he.

And then what sweet music he discourses in the attitude of a Paganani; the little boy and girl can�t keep their shoe wearing, tuft treaders still a single moment, but dance they will and for all of us dance they may.

We would ever encourage a taste for fine needlework -one of the fine arts but our system of female education while will be defective unless / our daughters are taught the new useful branches - Music, Painting, Drawing, Botany, Algebra and Embroidery they learn Housekeeping, Ironing, Mending, etc.

What cares a man for reveling in the luxuries of what is called refined society, or what are the enjoyments of home with a companion who looks down with disgust upon the necessary and indispensable daily duties of the kitchen, street / whose only pleasure is to spin yarn or run the husband in debt at the Mantuamakers and merchants.

The committee rejoices that a better system is being introduced in our schools. The invigorating and uplifting influence of the genius of enterprise and improvements, being felt, our march is onward. The social and moral condition of our race we trust keeps pace with that almost our important engine the intellectual faculties. But the committee dare not go on and would close their report by recommending to the Executive committee to award what may be in their power to Miss Sarah J. Dodge for her needlework.

A volume of the Agricultural Transactions was awarded to James Van Dolson for a large variety of garden vegetables and to Peter I. Borst for his fine Grapes.
Peter S. Danforth

The following officers of the Society were chosen for the ensuing year, viz.,

Rev. Paul Wiedman, President
Peter Hynds, Joseph Courter, Ira Dewey, George Goodyear, 
Peter I. Borst, Robert McMaster, Lyman Sanford, Jacob 
Fisher, Daniel Larkin, Gideon Shafer, Members of the 
Executive Committee.
Peter Miles, Treasurer
Jacob Vroman, Secretary.

On motion, it was Resolved that the next annual Fair of the Society be held at Schoharie.
Ralph Brewster,
Oct. 17, 1846
Schoharie Republican
November 10, 1846

Agricultural Fair: - In consequence of the appointment of the General Parade at Schoharie and Cobleskill on the same days first fixed upon for the fair, it has been thought best to postpone the holding of the Fair at Middleburgh until Friday and Saturday the 16th and 17th days of October next. Dated Sept. 14, 1846
By order of the Ex. Committee
R. Brewster, Sec.

At the Schoharie county Agricultural Fair held at Schoharie in 1852, Dr. George A. Lintner gave the address. He said �Thirty-five years ago I was present at the formation of this Society. William Beekman, first Judge of the County under the old constitution, was chosen President; Henry Becker, vice-president, John Ingold, Treasurer and Isaac Barber, Secretary. Elkannah Watson delivered an address to a large gathering which filled the old Brick Church at Schoharie - Schoharie 
Republican October 19, 1852

This Fair was held at Middleburgh., October 6 and 7th. Awards made Oct. 19, 1852

Fair held 1851 at Cobleskill. Society convened on Oct. 15th in the Reformed Dutch Church at Cobleskill. Annual address by B. P. Johnson. Awards made on the 16th. Schoharie Republican, Nov. 25, 1851

Schoharie County Fair - Cobleskill, 1854

There was a large attendance at Cobleskill, at the Schoharie County Annual Fair. The exhibition was on the grounds of Hon. D. Lawyer, south of �Harmony Hall�, where a tent was pitched for the ladies� department of the exhibition -- admittance 12 � cents only to enter the tent and see a few domestic articles pertaining to the household. The entrance was guarded by deputy sheriffs, constables, etc., who wielded the official staff with all the dignity of a Roman Emperor, demanding the 12 � cents from every little girl and old woman who wished to see the bed-quilts, socks and diapers, with all the greedy penuriousness of a Shylock; and every female who could not muster the 12 � cents was sent back with a sad heart, looking anxiously for some benevolent person to purchase a ticket, that they might enter the tent. The ground upon which the tent was exhibited was accessible to all, free of charge. This course, is unprecedented. The committee pretended it was used to raise funds sufficient to pay the premiums. If that was the object, why not charge to see the stock that all might contribute, and not tax the ladies. The statute provides, that if Schoharie County will raise $97 by voluntary subscriptions, they are entitled to draw an equal amount from the State Treasury. The committee should regulate the premiums according to the funds raised.

Farmers of this county who are worth thousands, pay the dollar, and many enter stock for competition, be entitled to all the privileges pertaining to the Society, and draw from the same $20 for exhibiting pigs and calves. One instance, a wealthy farmer had oats, corn, wheat, potatoes, woolen mittens, and many other articles of quite an inferior kind, upon which there was no competition, drew $11 from the society - and then quarreled with the secretary because they did not award him a premium upon a bushel of dried apples which the committee had overlooked! This is perverting the object of the Fair, from a healthy stimulus rewarding genius and enterprise to a speculating machine - taxing ladies to pay off the miserly nabobs.

For the credit of the county, I hope there will be sufficient enterprise to raise funds to pay premiums, without taxing the fair sex.

The rivalry in horsemanship was rather exciting. An amateur horseman was cutting a figure 8 with a span of bob-tail bays, when a man who thought he could handle the ribbons with equal skill, followed the bays, and the first time he crossed his 8 turned a couple of somersets, and stood with his coat-tails hanging over his head. For his skill and agility, he received three 
hearty cheers.
Cobleskill, Oct. 10, 1854 Trump.
Schoharie Republican, Oct. 18, 1854

Proceedings of the Schoharie County Agricultural Society, and a list of Premiums awarded for 1854.

The Society convened at Cobleskill Oct. 12th, 1854. The articles for exhibition having been fully entered, the committees respectively proceeded to their examinations. On the 12th, the Society again convened at the Lutheran Church and heard the annual address by Henry Smith. After the conclusion of the address it was moved by William Hawver that we now proceed to elect officers for the ensuing year. Moved by A. Ferguson that a committee of five be appointed by the Chair for the selection of said officers. Accordingly the Chair named the following gentlemen as such committee -- Henry Lawyer, Peter Richtmyer, J. Fremyre, D. Lawyer, Jacob Angle.

H. Smith moved that the Secretary now proceed to read the reports of the several awarding committees. They were according read as follows:

Your committee on Horses submit the following report:

Best Stallion - Peter W. Dietz $5.00
2d best do. - Barney Shafer $3.00
Best Span of matched Horses - C. Courter $5.00
2d best do. - Henry A. Stall $3.00
2d best do. - Levi Diefendorf Vol. Trans.
Best Single Horse - David H. Beadle $2.00
2d best do. - Henry L. Russel $1.00
Best Mare and Colt - David G. Rickart $3.00
2d best do. - Jedediah Miller $2.00
Best 3 year old Colt - John Dietz $3.00
2d best do. - Peter W. Shafer $2.00
Best 2 year old Colt - Thomas Kilmer $2.00
2d best do. - Lawrence Hawes Vol. Trans.
Best Yearling Colt - Henry Barkman $1.50
2d best do. - Stephen Myers Vol. Trans.
P P. Hilton
Gideon Schaeffer
Peter S. Cross

Schoharie County Fair - Cobleskill, 1854

The Committee on Cattle have adjudged as follows:

Best Devon Bull - John Fremyre $ 4.00
2d best do. - George L. Hanes $ 2.00
3d best do - Peter Myers Vol. Trans.
Best Durham Bull - Josephus Warner $ 4.00
2d best do - Isaac Hutton $ 2.00
Best Yearling bull - Henry McMaster $ 2.00
2d best do - Jedediah Miller Vol. Trans.
Best Yoke Working Oxen - P. O. Foland $ 4.00
2d best do - Jacob Osterhout $ 3.00
Best Pair Fat Cattle - Joseph I. Brown $ 4.00
2d best do - Joseph I. Brown $ 2.00
3d best do - Joseph I. Brown Vol. Trans.
Best Pair 3 Year Old Steers - Peter Myers $ 3.00
2d best do - Severinus Brown, Jr. $ 2.00
3d best do - John Patrie Vol. Trans.
Best Pair Yearling Steers - Isaac Hutton $ 2.00
No other exhibited
Best 2 Year Old Heifer - Henry McMaster $ 2.50
2d best do - Isaac Hutton $ 1.50
Best Milch Cow - William Denman $ 3.00
2d best do - Peter Stall $ 2.00
3d best do - Josephus Warner Vol. Trans.
Best Calf - John Patrie $ 2.00
2d best do - Peter Myers $ 1.00
Best Pair Two Year Old Steers - Isaac Hutton $ 3.00
2d best do - Peter Stall $ 2.00
3d best do - Isaac Hutton Vol. Trans.

Brazilla McNeil
Isaac Hutton
Jacob Vroman

The undersigned committee on Sheep and Swine award as follows:

Best Fine Wool Buck - J. S. Waterbury $ 2.50
2d best do - J. W. Redington $ 1.50
Best Long Wool Buck - J. W. Redington $ 2.00
2d best do - Josephus Warner $ 1.00
Best Southdown Buck - Freeman France $ 2.50
2d best do - Freeman France $ 1.00
Best Pair Long Wool Ewes - J. Warner $ 2.50
Best Pair Southdown Ewes - Stephen Myers $ 2.50
2d best do - Stephen Myers $ 1.50
Best Boar - David Burnap $ 3.00
2d best do - John C. Shutts $ 2.00

Abram Shutts
R. McDonald
S. R. Earl

Field Crops

Field Crops - Your Committee very much regret that so few samples of grain were offered.

For the best acre of wheat - 30 bushels - Nicholas Russell $ 4.00
No other samples offered
Best acre of Oats - 43 bushesl - John I. Van Dreeser $ 3.00
No other samples offered
Best acre of corn to acre - 43 bushels -John I. VanDreeser $ 4.00
Best � acre of Potatoes - 133 � bushels - Philip Borst, Jr. $ 3.00

There was a beautiful basket of Potatoes for which your Committee could find no owner.

Nicholas Russell
N. Brown
I. Young

Butter & Cheese

Best 25 lbs Butter - John C. Shutts $ 2.00
2d best do - J. Angle 
Report of Institute
Best cwt of cheese - John C. Shutts $ 2.00
No other samples exhibited.

D. McNaughton
D. D. L. McCulloch
Calvin Grovenor

Schoharie County Agricultural Committee Room

The Committee on Domestic Manufactures respectfully report that two of their number were pressed into the business of said committee, too late to make a very minute examination of the assortments, a few of which were well represented.

The Committee have no reason to enter into an extended report in relation to their department for the reason that as a whole, the Domestic Manufactures fell far below the quantity and variety which should be presented on such an occasion. As proof, but one pair of Worsted Hose was on exhibition. The young lady whose hanwrought this beautiful specimen also contributed several articles of handiwork in various classes, demonstrating that our American girls cultivate a taste as well as for the useful as the ornamental branches of education. It is to be regretted that the lady�s example is not imitated by others whose work no doubt would challenge fair competition and contribute to the pleasure of the thousands who convene at the Agricultural Congress of the County.

The Committee proceed to report the result of their labor hastily and perhaps imperfectly performed:

Best Coverlet - A. B. Riley $ 2.00
2d best do - A. B. Riley $ 1.00
Best Bed Quilt - E. G. Baird $ 2.00
2d best do - E. G. Baird $ 1.00
3d best do - Mrs. F. France $ 1.00
Best 10 Yards Rag Carpet -
Mrs. D. D. W. France $ 1.50
Best pair Worsted Hose - Miss M. E. Wood $ 1.00
Best 10 Yards Wool Flannel - Mrs. Westover $ 2.00
2d best do - A. B. Riley $ 1.00
3d best do - A. B. Riley Rep. Of Institute
Best 10 Yards of Fulled Cloth - A. B. Riley $ 2.00
2d best do - A. B. Riley $ 1.00
3d best do - Levi Hutton Rep. Of Institute
Best 10 Yards Satinet - L. Hutton $ 2.00
Best 10 Yards Diapers - Mrs. Philip Borst, Jr. $ 1.50
2d best do - Miss Sarah Borst Rep. Of Institute
Best 20 Yards of Bagging - Mrs. Peter Myers $ 1.50
Best Pair woolen Blankets - Mrs. Van Dreeser $ 2.00
2d best do - Levi Hutton $ 1.00
Best Sample Upper Leather - John M. Miller $ 1.00
Best Sample sole Leather - John M. Miller $ 1.00
Best Calf Skin - John M. Miller $ 1.00

D. Lawyer
J. France
L. W. Baird


H.R. and Z.J. Brown 2 Mounuments which for beauty of finish and good workmanship your committee think cannot 
be excelled $ 2.00

2 Wood Straw Forks - Jason Sexton - Vol. Institute
1 Pair Lamp Matts - Mrs. H. Hawver - $ 1.00
Specimen of Pastil & Water color Paintings and Frames beautifully executed Miss Mary E. Wood - $ 1.00
Lot Domestic Spun Silk. A good article - David Lewis $ 1.00
Case of Water Colors, a splendid article - W. J. Humphrey, Albany. A splendid article - Diploma

1 Shade Top Buggy, with Everett�s Improved Coupling - Wm. Winter (This article the committee thinks too nice to be used except in fair weather and on good roads. The committee would particularly recommend Everett�s Improved Couplings.)

1 Counterpane, a fine article - Miss Sarah Borst $2.00
1 Pellis - Work Atuzha, a beautiful thing - Miss G. L. Church Vol. Institute
1 Bed Spread - Miss L. Church - $ 1.00
1 Oil Painting - Dudley Castle, gilt frame; 1 oil painting and gilt frame, Castle Chillon, 1 oil painting, Irish scene, not framed, and colored Crayon, Fruit & Flowers and 1 Moss Basket - Miss Josephine Courter Diploma and $ 2.00

(Those paintings are highly creditable to the taste and artistic skill of the young lady who presented them. The oil painting not in frame was superior to any exhibited.)

The Committee observed many articles highly worthy of consideration, that were not enumerated on the lists of the society, and would have gladly awarded premiums, had they been able to ascertain the names of the exhibitors. Among which they observed a Pair of What Nots and Pastil Work, 1 Card Basket worked and several Paintings, creditable to the fair hands, who wrought them.

The Committee would add that the articles above noticed and all the articles as well contributed very much to the interest of the occasion, and for beauty of workmanship and artistic taste and skill we think cannot be easily excelled, and they are decidedly of the opinion that too much praise cannot be bestowed upon the exhibitors of the many articles they have had the 
pleasure to examine.

Simeon Morgan
Geo. F. Fox
Theo. Barton

Farm Implements & Mechanics

Best Plow, Scho. Co. No. 2 - Shibley & Woolson $ 3.00
2d best do - Brakeabeen No. 11 - J. B. Waldron $ 1.00 Vol. Inst.
Best Threshing Machine & Spreader D. Anthony $ 5.00
Best 2 Horse Lumber Wagon - J. R. Moran $ 2.00
Samples of Thimble Skeins for one or two Horse Wagons Shibley & Woolson $ 1.00
Superior Neck Yoke - Briggs & Talbot Diploma

The Committee would state that the Agricultural Implements exhibited by the above named parties were of a very superior order, substantially and neatly finished, and speak well for the mechanics of our county in that department of manufactures.

The committee on Plowing, report as follows:

Best Plowing done by Horse Team - Peter W. Dietz, plowman, to C.H. Shafer $ 5.00

The Committee recommend a discretionary premium for second best Plowing done by horse team, Henry Mowers, plowman, to H. L. Russell - $ 2.00
Best Plowing by Ox Team - H. L. Russell $ 5.00

Stephen Myers
Theo. Barber
P. Mowers

Agricultural Society

There was a large attendance at cobleskill, at the Schoharie county Annual Fair. The exhibition was on the grounds of Hon. D. Lawyer, south of "Harmony Hall", where a tent was pitched for the ladies� department of  the exhibition - admittance 12 � cents only to enter the tent and see a few domestic articles pertaing to the household, etc. Schoharie Republican October 11, 

The Society convened at cobleskill, Oct. 12, 1854. The articles for exhibition having been duly entered, the committees respectively proceeded to their examinations. On the 12th, the Society again convened at the Lutheran Church and heard the annual Address by Henry Smith. After the conclusion of the address, it was moved by Wm. Hawver that we now proceed to elect officers for the ensuing year. Moved by A. Ferguson that a committee of five be appointed by the chair named the following gentlemen as such committee: Henry Hawver, Peter Richtmyer, J. Fremyre, D. Lawyer, Jacob Angle.

H. Smith moved that the Secretary now proceed to read the reports of the several awarding committees. 

The Committee to whom was referred the selection of officers for the ensuing year reported as follows:

President, Lyman Sanford, Middleburgh
Vice President, Henry L. Russell, Cobleskil; Gideon 
Schaeffer, Schoharie; John Fremyre, Fulton; Joseph I. Brown, Carlisle.
Executive Committee: Geo. Manning, Volney Danforth, 
Peter G. Swart, Henry Hawver, John P. Bellinger.
Secretary, Nathaniel Manning.
Treasurer: David Becker.

After some remarks by the President relative to the present inefficient manner of raising funds for the support of the Society, and setting forth the necessity of a finance committee, whose duty it should be to attend to this department of business. It was resolved that such be appointed: The following gentlemen were selected: Wm. I. Borst, P. Richtmyer, Wm. Shafer, John 
P. Griggs, David Dietz, Hiram Schoolcraft, Jacob Engle, C. Courter, S.D.W. France, B. McNeill, G. L. Haines, O. Stevens, J.C. Shutts, J. Warner, Seymour Boughton, R. Merchant, F. Shafer, Elisha Hammond, S. Morgan, D. L. Stratton, B. Brayman, Duryea Beekman. Schoharie Republican October 25, 1854

The annual Fair of the Schoharie county Agricultural Society was held at Middleburg on Wednesday and Thursday of last week. The attendance on both days was unprecedently large. Schoharie Republican, October 17, 1855

The annual fair of the Schoharie county Agricultural Society was held at Schoharie October 9 and 10, 1856

The annual fair of the Jefferson Agricultural Society is to be held at the village of Jefferson on the 20th inst. Schoharie Republican, September 6, 1860.

Schoharie county Fair - Cobleskill 1854

The committee to whom was referred the selection of officers for the ensuing year, reported as follows:

President, Lyman Sanford, Middleburgh
vice-president, Henry L. Russell, Cobleskill; Gideon 
Schaeffer, Schoharie; John Fremyre, Fulton: Joseph I. Brown, Carlisle.
Executive Committee: Geo. Manning, Volney Danforth, 
Peter G. Swart, Henry Hawver, John P. Redington.
Secretary: Nathaniel Manning
Treasurer: David Becker

After some remarks by the President, in relation to the present and inefficient means of raising funds for the support of the Society and setting forth the necessity of a finance committee, whose duty it should be to attend to this department of business. It was resolved that such a committee be appointed. The following named gentlemen were selected: Wm. I. Borst, P. Richtmyer, Wm. Shafer, John P. Griggs, David Dietz, Hiram Schoolcraft, Jacob Engle, C. Courter, D.D.W. France, H. 
McNeill, G.L. Haines, O. Stevens, J.C. Shutts, J. Warner, Seymour Boughton, R. Merchant, F. Shafer, Elisha Hammond, S. Morgan, D.L. Stratton, B. Brayman, Duryea Beekman.

After which it was resolved that the thanks of this Society be tendered Henry Smith for his able and interesting address. Resolved that the thanks of the Society be tendered to its officers for the past year, for the systematic and efficient manner in which they have conducted its operations.

Resolved, that the proceedings of the Society be published in the County papers.

Resolved, that a committee of two be appointed by the Chair to solicit of Mr. Smith a copy of his address for publication whereupon the Chair appointed Rev. S. Curtis and A. Ferguson as such committee.

Resolved, that the next annual Fair of the Society be held in the village of Middleburgh.

A. Ferguson, Sec�y
Schoharie Republican
October 25, 1854

Schoharie County Fair - Schoharie, 1856

The Fair of the County Agricultural Society was held on the 9th and 10th inst., and was largely attended by those who came to see; while the exhibition, of itself, was very meager as usual � the lists

"Growing smaller by degrees, and beautifully less," every succeeding year. The show of cattle was very good � horses, sheep and hogs (on four legs) extremely so-so-ish.

Among the small lot of Agricultural Implements on the grounds, we noticed a Straw and Hay Cutter, belonging to our old friend, Capt. Thrall, of Carlisle, which attracted much attention from our farmer friends. It is the best machine of the kind ever exhibited, and should be in the possession of every stock owner in the county. We learn that "the Captain", is now engaged in 
manufacturing a large number of these machines, which will "go off like hot cakes".

Winter & Stafford exhibited several of their superior carriages, which, as usual, attracted much attention. We heard a gentleman remark that he "this Fall attended the Albany and many other Fairs, but saw nothing in the carriage line that would compare favorably with "Wint�s." A well deserved compliment.

In the Court room, we noticed some old acquaintances in the "bed spread" line, and a very light show of fancy articles, generally, if we except a splendid Buggy Harness by C.A. Settle; a beautiful toilet Stand by A. Rickart; a case of Butterflies with pins stuck in them, and some flies with no butter in�em at all; a Yard Reel, made of white whale bone, by Supervisor Young, of Jefferson; and last but not least, a case of prime segars from the establishment of Charley Weidner. Whenever we passed them, our mouth involuntarily "puckered" for a puff.

With the exception of two fancy Parlor Stands, and a chair, our village ladies were unrepresented in handiwork. This is not as it should be. We venture the assertion that some of our Schoharie ladies cannot be excelled in the fabrication of elegant fancy work and they should evince more interest in the success of the Annual Agricultural festival.

Judge Lawyer exhibited some fine quinces, pears and grapes, (sour to us - we couldn�t reach them). Dr. Strobel, some south Carolina corn and pea nuts, raised by himself, in Cobleskill. While A. Brown "took down" all competitors in the vegetable line � not "cabbage," but large potatoes, beets, etc.

For further particulars, we refer our readers to the awards of the Committees, which will be published in our next.

Horace Greeley delivered the address on Friday afternoon, which was received with great satisfaction by the assembled multitude. The Address was characterized by sound practical sense, and clothed in language so simple that the merest child might easily comprehend. Suffice it to say, that it was universally pronounced "first rate."

Schoharie Republican
October 23, 1856

American Revolution

Wm. Root - Ord. Sergeant in the Revolutionary War issues a call to "All the old Revolutionary soldiers who can make it" to assemble at the Schoharie Hotel, on the 4th of July, 1839 "to spend the day in a manner suitable to our age and agreeable to our patriotic feelings."

Schoharie Republican
July 2, 1839


The Manor Troubles In Schoharie: - the Schoharie Patriot of Friday6 has the following particulars of the attempts, heretofore noticed, on the Livingston Manor, to obstruct the administration of justice.

"Several person, while on their way to this village to attend Court as witnesses this week, have been taken into custody of those gentlemen (known as �Indians�) "on authority", and their attendance thus prevented. A number of gentlemen, we are told, while traveling through Scott�s Patent in the town of Broome on their way towards this place, during the past week, were �headed� and put under examination before they were suffered to proceed. The mail coach from Catskill, while on its way to this village on Tuesday last, was stopped near Livingstonville by the same �banditti� � the driver was asked if there were any persons on board going to attend Court as witnesses. On being assured by the driver, that there was none, the coach was allowed to proceed. The Sheriff by order of the Court, summoned a posse of men and proceeded to the town of Broome to 
secure the attendance of several witnesses, but without success -- they were not found."

We learn from the same source that at the May term of the Schoharie Court (Judge Cushman ), the paper called the Helderberg Advocate was presented to the grand jury as a "public nuisance."

Daily Albany Argus,
May 16, 1842

John Mayham of Schoharie, addressed an Anti-Rent Convention at Bern, Jan. 15th, 1845. D. L. Sternbergh was the vice-president from Schoharie county. Abm. Spickerman, Bernville, Scho. Co., was appointed to the State Central committee.

Daily Albany Argus
Jan. 24, 1845

Town elections on Tuesday Last: Resulted in Anti-Rent Supervisors in seven towns; Democrat in three towns and Whig in two (Seward and Carlisle). Politically the Board will stand 7 Democrats and 4 Whigs.

Schoharie Republican
May 27, 1845


SIX CENTS REWARD: - Ran away from the subscriber on the 19th inst., John Curry, an indented apprentice to the farming business. Said Curry is 15 years old. All persons are forbid harboring or trusting said boy, as the subscriber will pay no debts of his contracting, but will pay the above sum of six cents to any person who will return him, but no charge.

James Hankenson
Carlisle, June 21, 1831
Schoharie Republican

ONE OLD SHOE REWARD: - Run away from the subscriber, on the 11thyinst, Jacob Hilton, aged about 18 years, an 
indented apprentice to the shoe making business. All persons are hereby forbid harboring, trusting or employing him, under penalty of the law. To any one who will return the said boy to the subscriber, the above reward, but no charges will be paid.

Jacob De Frate
Schoharie, March 14th, 1832

RAN AWAY: - From the town of Cobleskill, Sch. Co., o the 17th inst., John Van Buren, aged about 16 years. This is to forbid all persons harboring or trusting him on any account. Whoever will return said boy to the subscriber, shall receive a reward of six cents, but no charges.

James Anders, Jr.


The Schoharie Brass Band visited Rensselaerville, December 8, 1843 and gave a concert in the M.E. Church. Among the pieces played were "Bayeaux�s Quick Step," Webster�s "Quick Step", Hewitt�s "Quick Step", and the Charlemont March.

Schoharie Republican, Dec. 12, 1843

The Seward Cornet Band, A.H. Sexton, manager, has been engaged for the County Agricultural Fair Exhibition.

Schoharie Republican, August 3, 1871


A new bank to be called the "Schoharie County Bank" will commence operations in this village in a few days. We have seen several specimens of the engravings, which represent Agricultural scenes and are decidedly neat. The office of Judge Goodyear will be used as the Banking House.

Schoharie Republican, April 20, 1852

Under the laws as passed by Congress the First National Bank of Cobleskill will go into operation as soon as the necessary preliminaries are perfected. The capital stock is put down at $100,000. Charles Courter, Esq., we are informed, will be the President. By his perseverance the Bank goes into operation.

Schoharie Republican, April 28, 1864

Advertisement of the First National Bank of Cobleskill in the Schoharie Republican, June 23, 1864 states that the bank has met all the requirements of the Act of Congress as shown by a certification by Hugh McCulloch.


It is stated that Isaac H. Tiffany, Esq., of Schoharie is about to publish a "Political Chart of the United States of America", giving an analytical view of the government, geography and statistics of every State and territory in the union. It is comprised in six large sheets, with the States and Territories, in alphabetical order, exhibiting all the necessary details under a tabular arrangement, convenient for reference.

(Daily Advertiser) Albany Argus, June 2, 1820

History of Schoharie county and Border Wars of New York by Jeptha R. Simms, of Fultonville. Advertisement states that it will be offered to subscribers at not less than $1.50, if possible, but not to exceed $1.75. William Canada.

Schoharie Republican, May 21, 1844

"Spun Yarn" Schoharie in Olden Time A True Tale. 1 � columns in Schoharie Republican, May 21, 1844

"The Doom of the Tory�s Guard" by the author of "The Bride of the Northern Wilds" (Newton M. Curtis) in Schoharie Republican, March 19 - May 21, 1844 inclusive. 16 Chapters.


NOTICE: Application will be made to the legislature at its next session for an act to extend or renew the charter of the Middleburgh Bridge Company. Also, to extend the distance prohibiting persons from crossing the Schoharie Creek from half a mile to a mile above said bridge.

Schoharie Republican December 27, 1831

Application will be made to the Legislature, at its next session, to extend and amend the charter of the Schoharie and Central Bridge Company. Dated Dec. 24, 1849.

Schoharie Republican, January 15, 1850


The United States Marshall has appointed Ephraim Tradewell, of the town of Broome, his assistant to take the enumeration of the inhabitants of this county, for the sixth census.

Schoharie Republican, February 11, 1840


The June 26, 1832, issue of the Schoharie Republican was largely given up to Cholera.

The Supervisors, overseers of the poor and justices of the peace of this town convened in this village on the 10th inst., and appointed a board of health. This board met on the 11th, and adopted certain regulations, which are published by the present crisis. By proper precaution, we shall have but little to fear from the approach of the prevailing epidemic. This vicinity is 
as healthy as usual, and has been entirely free from malignant diseases.

Schoharie Republican, July 17, 1832

The Cholera which carried terror into many a locality in 1832, visited the usual healthy locality of Schoharie, and Mrs. (John) Orcutt, who then lived nearly opposite the Old Stone Church, was its first victim, her death occurring August 14, 1832. It struck down quite a number of valuable citizens, and care of most of them as well as their burial devolved on John P. Lawyer and Peter B. Lasher; but alas! Both of the nurses were among the latest victims. After having done what perhaps no other two men in Schoharie would have done, they both fell martyrs in the cause of humanity. � Fort Plain, Sept. 24, 1864

Schoharie Republican, Oct. 6, 1864

Small Pox

The Rev. Mr. Pine, Principal of the Jefferson Academy, in this county, was taken with the Small Pox about 10 days ago, and it was reported died yesterday. Several others are expected to have taken the disease. The Polls in that town were held only a few doors from the house in which Mr. Pine was confined, and but a very small vote was taken in consequence.

Schoharie Republican, May 5, 1846

The report of the death of the Rev. Mr. Pine has proved to be unfounded. There are several other cases, however, and we would advise all to be vaccinated as soon as possible.

Schoharie Republican, May 12, 1846


The Lutheran Church lately erected in the town of Summit is to be dedicated to the worship of Almighty god on Sunday the 22d inst. The Rev. G.A. Lintner is appointed to preach the Dedication Sermon. Service to commence at 10 o�clock A.M.

Schoharie Republican, June 4, 1828

The Reformed Dutch Church at Breakabeen, Scho. Co., was dedicated to the service of the Triune God, on Sunday the 23 ult. The Rev. Dr. Paige, of Broome, presided and preached the sermon from Gen. 28th Chap. 17th verse, "And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is the place! This is none other but the house of God, and this is the gate of Heaven." Dedication prayer by the same. The afternoon service by the Rev. Mr. Garrison, of Middleburgh, in the presence of a numerous congregation (Catskill Recorder)

Schoharie Republican, September 9, 1829

Livingston�s Ville, Schoharie County, June 28th 1832

Mr. Editor: - Sir - Through your columns, permit the trustees of the Livingston�s Ville Presbyterian Society, to express their thanks to the friends and assistants for their services in raising the frame of our public house for worship; especially those who 
strictly conformed to the principle of the temperance plan. The raising commenced on Saturday, the 22d instant, and was completed on Tuesday, the 26th instant. Notwithstanding the timber was large and heavy and the frame complex, it came together in a manner that does credit to the mechanic. As it was remarked by the master builder and several others, that they had never before witnessed so large a collection of people at a raising, to behave with so much prudence and discretion. The building is 44 feet by 34, and the belfry plates of the steeple about 51 feet from the ground. Yet no accident happened, and nobody was hurt, and the people assembled and parted in harmony. We especially tender our thanks to the merchant and a 
dealer in spirituous liquors. We are happy to learn he used his utmost endeavor to favor the temperance views of the society.

Schoharie Republican, July 3, 1832

The Methodist Episcopal Church in the village of Schoharie will be dedicated to the worship of Almighty God on Thursday, the 25th inst. The Dedication Sermon by Rev. E. Goss - Notice by David Poor.

Schoharie Republican, April 16, 1844

The Methodist Episcopal Church in the village of Schoharie will be dedicated to the worship of Almighty God, on Thursday, the 25th inst. The Dedicatory Sermon by Rev. E. Goss. Service to commence at half past 10 o�clock A.M. there will be some two or three services during the day.

David Poor
Schoharie Republican, April 10, 1844

The New Reformed Dutch Church, lately erected in this village, will be dedicated to the service of God, on Thursday, the 24th of June, inst. Dedicatory Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Wycoff, of Albany. Services to commence at 12 o�clock A.M. The clergy and public generally are respectfully requested to attend. -. A. Lintner, D.D., assisted by Rev. J. Leffler, Pastor of the church, on Tues.
Schoharie Republican, June 4, 1844

The corner stone of the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Brakabeen was laid by the Rev. Geo. A. Lintner, D.D., assisted by Rev. J. Leffler, Pastor of the church, on Tuesday, the 25th ult.
Schoharie Republican, July 2, 1844

The corner stone of the Evangelical Lutheran Church at Central Bridge was laid by the Rev. G. A. Linter, D.D., assisted by Rev. Messrs., Crounse and Leffler, on the 1st inst.
Schoharie Republican, July 2, 1844

The new Methodist Episcopal Church at Cobleskill village will be dedicated on Thursday, October 4th.
Schoharie Republican, September 26, 1855

The new Lutheran Church at Cobleskill was dedicated on Wednesday 2d inst. The collections raised in the afternoon and evening services amounted to $10,000, upwards of $1,600 was realized from the sale of seats the next day.
Schoharie Republican, July 9, 1868


Victory Arena, & Great Western Circus, will be exhibited in this village today (May 28, 1844). This is the largest and most talented company ever combined under one head. The proprietor S.H. Nichols, having been to an unprecedented expense in fitting for the country everything new and in first class style, thereby he cannot fail of receiving a liberal patronage.
Schoharie Republican, Many 28, 1844

Civil Offences

A Counterfeiter

A man by the name of David Crowell, was last Saturday lodged in the jail of this county for passing counterfeit money. When apprehended, he attempted to swallow about fifty dollars of bad bills, but was prevented by one of the persons by, who, thinking it a shame in these hard times, that so much should be devoured at one meal, caught him by the throat and choked him off. He had only about one hundred dollars of spurious money with him, a considerable portion of which, we understand, are 3� on the Bank of Chenango.
(Schoharie Republican)
Albany Argus & City Gazette, Nov. 17, 1826


A singular case of forgery was disclosed in the town of Cobleskill, on Sunday, the 16th inst by the arrest of Millard M. Boyce. Mr. Boyce was a young lawyer of respectable talents, very good address and fine personal appearance. Being of rather a social disposition, and for ought that was known to the contrary, possessed a good moral character, he had many warm personal friends and enjoyed the confidence of the community in which he resided. He commenced the practice of law about a year since in Cobleskill, and no young man of that profession of the same age could boast of better prospects than 
Millard M. Boyce.

On Sunday the 16th inst. He was arrested by an officer sent by the Cherry Valley Bank, for forging a note of $1,000, using the names of his father, Jedediah Miller and Thomas Smith, Esqs., and after an examination was committed to Cooperstown Jail. Court being in session last week he was arraigned, plead guilty and sentenced to Auburn State Prison for five years.

As soon as the Cherry Valley forgery was known, a Mr. Martin Swart of Cobleskill, who had cashed the note of $1,000 for Boyce some time since, ascertained that it was also a forgery. The money has, we learn all been squandered and there will not be sufficient to pay his debts.
Schoharie Republican, July 18, 1848

Another Escape From Schoharie Jail

This place of detention, like many others of its kind, doesn�t seem to be very confining to its inmates. Another escape has occurred. It was that of a colored individual named Mat. Cole. He got through the same aperture that had been by the white prisoners who escaped a week or two ago, and which had not been seemingly repaired. Cole well thought that if freedom 
was enjoyable and merited by the white man, then it was equally so in his case. He was not, however as lucky as his predecessors. He made tracks for his fond home, which has the local name of "Sunny Side," but to reach it had to cross a creek whose stream was not frozen over. He "plunged in" but the coldness of the water so far retarded his speed that his pursuers, who were on his trail captured him.
Albany Evening Journal, January 8, 1868

Civil War

Gen. Frost, killed at Pea Ridge, was a brother-in-law of the Hon. J.C. Wright, and a native of the town of Duanesburgh. He was a son of the late Surveyor, Dan. Frost, of Mariaville. Also a brother of the late John S. Frost, of Esperance, and a brother-in-law of Daniel Frost, of Fonda.
Schoharie Republican, April 3, 1862

Letter of David Wiley, East Cobleskill, of 134th N.Y. Vol. Regt., from Fair Oaks, Va., June 10, 1862, in Schoharie Republican, June 26, 1862.

Letter by James Tanner, near Fair Oaks, Va., June 11, 1862
Schoharie Republican, July 3, 1862

We are permitted to publish the following letter from Capt. Randall, of the N.Y 12th to Mrs. Cline, of this town, informing her of the death of her son. Mrs. Cline has two or three other sons in the Union cause, all of whom we believe enlisted at the breaking out of the war.
Camp of 12th N.Y.V. near Harrison�s Landing, Va.,
July 6, 1862

Mrs. Cline - My dear Madam: It becomes my painful duty to inform you of the death of your son, Jacob H. Cline. He was severely wounded in the late battle, June 27th. He lived till the morning of the second day after the battle, when he died in the Hospital, where he had been taken for surgical attention. He did his duty bravely and well, and his name will shine with those of others who have so nobly given their lives for their country�s service.

Any information with respect to him you may desire will be cheerfully afforded by me.

In this your hour of sadness accept the assurances of my most sincere sympathy.
Truly yours,
C. B. Randall
Capt. Co. G. 12th N.Y.V.
Schoharie Republican July 31, 1862

Jacob M. Swart, formerly of this town, and a brother of Doct. P.S. Swart, of this village, enlisted in a Regiment which left Syracuse, in May, 1861. He wrote to a daughter, the wife of Mr. Addison Wilber, of Duanesburgh, just prior to the battle of Fair Oaks. He was 52 years of age. (Name not in Warner)
Schoharie Republican, August 7, 1862

Many of our villagers will remember a three quarter white boy, handy at doing chores, known as "Dean�s Tom." He, with a dozen or two other boys enlisted from this village in the 18th N.Y.V. in May, 1861. A young man named Spawn, who enlisted at the same time from this town, and in the same company, has just returned, having been captured and paroled at the last battle of Bull Run. He says Tom was shot at Cain�s Farm, on the 16th of June last, and that he saw him fall just as he had 
discharged his musket at a rebel flag officer leading a body of troops upon our retreating men. Young Spawn says the rebel leader also fell immediately on Tom�s firing.
Schoharie Republican, Oct.30, 1862

The Casualties of War

The 76th � Among the killed and wounded, we find the following men:

Major Groves, killed; Capt. Everett, killed; Corp. H.D. Smith, killed; Charles E. Pratt, killed; Benj. F. Carpenter, killed; Wm. C. Bouck, killed.

Wounded: Lieut. Peter S. Clark, Co. I, of this town. Also the following: residents of this town: J.J. Bice, J.W. Coons, E. Effner and J.D. Carter are reported killed.

The Regiment went into the fight with 28 officers and 72 men.
Schoharie Republican, July 16, 1863

The 134th - Edward Shafer, son of John F. Shafer, late County Clerk, writes from Paroled Camp that he, with 35 others were taken prisoners and afterwards paroled. His clothing was struck three times with balls, one passing through his cap and cutting through the hair of his head, without doing him the least injury.

Charley Gunther, who kept the barber shop in this village up to the time of his enlistment last fall, was wounded three times. All his wounds are slight and scarcely interfere in his getting around as usual. He is among the paroled prisoners.

Wm. H. Wilson, of this village, was slightly wounded.

Abe Rinehart, well known on the road from Albany to this place and Middleburgh, as a peddler of fish and early vegetables, is among the wounded.

Also P. Hogan, D. Lambert, A. Hutton and H. Bamemps (?) 
Schoharie Republican, July 1863

Madison Settle, late of this place, and a brother of Jacob H. and Charles Settle, of this village, was buried at Fort Pillow.

Henry D. Wemple, also of this place, died after the regiment left Port Hudson.
Schoharie Republican, Sept. 10, 1863

Lieut. Charles T. Hunter, late of Conesville, was drowned while attempting to cross the East River, on Friday, March 11th. He embarked from Port Morris for Riker�s Island, in a small row boat, together with seven ladies, one child and two boatmen. When about 40 yards for the island of North Brothers, the boat lurched and became half filled with water. The Lieutenant commenced to bail it out, then it encountered another gale which so frightened the already terrified women that they sprang to the opposite side of the boat, and all were precipitated into the water. The Lieutenant swam nearly to the shore, as if to try his strength, then returned to the assistance of the others, where he twice appeared on the surface, and then sank to rise no more.

He was 22 years of age, and entered the service with the 134th Regiment as a private. He was commissioned as Second and twenty-two days after as First Lieutenant. He was chosen one of the officers of the general court martial of New York where he officiated during the winter and was the chief commander of the steamer United States, used in the transfer of volunteers.
Schoharie Republican, March 24, 1864

Lieut. Col. John Cole, of the 76th Regiment, was wounded in the recent battles between Grant and Lee�s forces. He returned to his home in Middleburgh on Sunday.
Schoharie Republican, Many 19 (Theresa), 1864

We see among the list of wounded, in the battle of May 19th the name of Riley T. Schermerhorn, of Cobleskill village. He was a member of the 7th N.Y. Artillery.
Schoharie Republican May 26, 1864

Col. S. Hosack Mix, killed or wounded.
Schoharie Republican, June 23, 1864

On the 31st inst., the body of the late Lieutenant Charles T. Hunter, drowned in the East River, March 11, 1864, was found six miles from the place of the accident, in the middle of the river, by a fisherman. As the body had so long been immersed in salt water, it was but slightly discolored.

An inquest was held, after which the deceased was taken in charge by his brother, Dr. A.S. Hunter, of New York City and interned in Greenwood Cemetery.
Schoharie Republican, June 23, 1864


Two young ladies of the town of Middleburgh, the one a daughter of Joseph H. Borst, and the other of Peter White, left home on Sunday, and have not been heard of since. They intended to cross the Schoharie Creek above Mr. Borst�s mill dam; and there is reason to apprehend that in attempting to cross it, they were both drowned, as the canoe was found below the dam, the search was making yesterday for the bodies in the vicinity of the dam; but no discovery had been made, that we learned 
when our paper was put to press.
Schoharie Republican, May 31, 1831

We mentioned last week, that two young ladies were supposed to have been drowned, in attempting to cross the Schoharie Creek at Mr. Borst�s mill dam. We regret to say this supposition has proved to be a fatal reality. The bodies were found Tuesday, about three miles below Mr. Borst�s, having floated down the stream with the current.
Schoharie Republican, June 7, 1831

We understand that a lady named Mrs. McMillan, of Delaware Co., was drowned in the Stony Creek, in Middleburgh, week before last. The deceased and her husband were on a journey to visit some of their friends, but warm weather setting in, they concluded to return home without accomplishing their object; when in attempting to cross the stream referred to, which 
ordinarily is very low, but owning to the freshet at that time, was much swollen, their sleigh was upset, and Mrs. McMillan, being encumbered with a cloak, was rendered helpless, and drowned before she could be rescued.
Schoharie Republican, Feb. 14, 1832

We learn that on Saturday the 21st inst, two men, a woman a child, while attempting to ford the Schoharie Creek in a wagon, some where not far from Middleburgh, got out of the proper course into deep water, by which they were dislodged from the wagon and the woman unfortunately drowned. The men succeeded in saving the child and themselves though with much difficulty. The woman was the wife of one of the men, whose name we learn is Peter Cornell. The body of the woman has not 
been recovered, so far as ascertained at present.

We hope this melancholy affair may prove a caution to those who are in the habit of fording the creek. For "what profiteth a man if he gain" 25 cents and lose his own life, or the lives of those in his company?
Schoharie Republican, Oct. 31, 1843


Notice: the subscribers will apply to the Legislature of this state at its next session, for an act of incorporation, granting to him, his heirs and assigns, the exclusive right of erecting, keeping and maintaining a Ferry across the Schoharie river, nearly opposite the dwelling house of the subscriber in the town of Schoharie. Dated Dec. 17, 1831. Jeremiah Bradway.
Schoharie Republican, January 3, 1832

Fire Company

Notice is hereby given, that an application will be made to the Legislature of this State, for an act to incorporate a fire company in the village of Schoharie. Dated Dec. 27, 1831.
Schoharie Republican, January 3, 1832

Horse Thief Society

The Union Anti-Horse Thief Society numbered over 200 members.
Schoharie Republican, March 6, 1862

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