A. E. Hull, M. D.
A. E. Hull, M. D.

Information on this page is from History of Rensselaer Co., New York by Nathaniel Bartlett Sylvester, published in 1880.

DR. A. E. HULL, of Berlin, is a son of Dr. Emerson Hull, also of that village, who, for many years, was the leading practitioner in that part of the county. His grandfather, Rev. Justus Hull, performed active service in the Revolutionary war, and subsequently spoiled a good soldier by entering the ministerial profession. He was the first pastor of the Baptist Church of Berlin, and for half a century was a leading member of the denomination. Dr. Hull was born in Berlin in the year 1844. He enjoyed, in boyhood, the benefits of such instruction as was obtainable in the common schools of that locality. When thirteen years of age he repaired to the Sand Lake Academy, an institution of considerable note at that period, and there attended for two years. At the age of sixteen he began the study of medicine with his father, and three years later attended a free course of lectures at the Albany Medical College. A year later, after a competent examination, he was licensed to practice medicine by the County Medical Society of Rensselaer County, and commenced practice in connection with his father, where he continued for two years. He then attended a course of lectures at Bellevue Medical College, in the city of New York, and, resuming practice as before, soon completed all his professional studies at the Albany Medical College, and received its diploma.

Upon the occasion of the death of his father a large share of the lucrative and extensive practice which he had enjoyed devolved upon the son. Though still a young man, Dr. Hull has already attained a prominent position in the profession and is destined, with care and fidelity to duty, to rank among the foremost in the county. A brother is enjoying an extensive practice at Lansingburgh.

After the close of his professional studies Dr. Hull was united in marriage to Miss Juliette Brimmer. One son has been the fruit of the union.

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Debby Masterson

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