Located here is a list of places in Onondaga County that you can either do research in or request information from. At the bottom of this page is a list of Free-Lance Researchers.
Onondaga County Clerk , Onondaga County Courthouse, 401 Montgomery Street, Syracuse, New York 13202
Onondaga Historical Association Museum and Research Center, 321 Montgomery St., Syracuse, NY. 13202
Museum Phone 315-428-1864 | Fax: 315-471-2133; Museum Hours: Wed-Fri 12:00-4:00, Sat-Sun 11:00-4:00. It is closed Mon & Tues.
Research Center Phone 315-428-1862 | Fax: 315-471-2133; Research Center Hours: Wed-Sat 1:00-4:00. It is closed Sun, Mon & Tues.
Onondaga County Public Library , Local History and Genealogy Department , 447 South Salina St., Syracuse, NY 13202-2494 PHONE: 315-435-1800
Onondaga Masonic Districts Historical Society (OMDHS) , Phoenix Temple, Main Street, Phoenix, NY
By appointment only.
It has holdings of over 7,000 books, archives and artifacts for Onondaga and Oswego Counties.
To reach the founder, archivist and current Director of OMDHS, email Gary Heinmiller
Office of Vital Statistics , 421 Montgomery Street, 9th Floor Civic Center, Syracuse, New York 13202
- Your request must clearly state "For Genealogical Purposes Only."
- Years available for Genealogy:
- City of Syracuse/Onondaga County Birth and Death records from 1873 to present;
- City of Syracuse Only - Marriage records from 1873 to 1907
Syracuse City Hall
For Vital Records outside of Onondaga County (except New York City (except births occurring in Queens and Richmond counties for 1881-1897)): New York State Department of Health Vital Records
Original records of births and marriages for the entire state begin with 1881, deaths begin with 1880, EXCEPT for records files in Albany, Buffalo and Yonkers prior to 1914. Applications for these cities should be made directly to the local office.
Vital Records Information website to obtain information on other counties in New York State.
Free-Lance Researchers
These are names of people who have notified the Onondaga Co. Public Library or the Onondaga County USGenWeb site coordinator that they do research. OCPL does nor recommend or certify researchers, nor do they endorse any researchers. The Onondaga County USGenWeb also does nor recommend or certify researchers, nor do they endorse any researchers.
J. Roy Dodge, 138 Mather St., Syracuse, NY 13202 (315 428-0500), genealogical
searches limited to Onondaga County, NY
Finger Lakes House Histories, Rick Porter ,
7475 Morgan Rd, Apt. 16-8, Liverpool, NY 13090 (315 218-6593)
Researching house, land, and individuals with the idea of establishing the history of a particular property. Researching for private individuals and non-profit organizations, such as historical societies and living history museums.
Kathleen M. Guthrie, 104 Merriweather Dr., Syracuse, NY 13219 (315 487-5893),
genealogical searches in Cayuga and Onondaga Counties
Roberta M. Kincaid, CGRS, 365 Shackelton Pt. Rd., Bridgeport, NY 13030 (315
633-2619), genealogical searches including Madison, Oneida and Onondaga
Sheilah Kirker, P.O. Box 109, Central Square, NY 13036 (315 668-2216),
genealogical searches done at the Onondaga County Public Library, Local
History and Special Collections.
Beverly Sierpina, 7765 New Rte. 31, Baldwinsville, NY 13027 (315 635-6754),
genealogical searches in Onondaga County.
Harold J. Witter, P.O. Box 371, Skaneateles, NY 13152 (315 685-8140),
genealogical searches in Madison and Onondaga Counties.
Michael - please click here for his information