MEEKER Surname in Onondaga County, NY

MEEKER Surname in Onondaga County, NY

Submitted by Andrea Meeker

Meeker Genealogy

William Henry Meeker Sr.
b.Jan 24 1835 Syracuse NY
1st Marriage
Mary Stebbins
b.abt 1829 Syracuse NY
d. ?
They had 2 children
John Samuel b aft 1850 Syracuse NY
Sadie b. aft 1850 Syracuse NY
Williams second marriage
Nov 24 1860 Birmingham CT
Ellen Barnes 1839/1842 Goshen Litchfield CT
They had 5 known children:
William Henry Jr. b. abt 1863 CT
Mary b. abt 1865 Syracuse NY
Charles Henry b.Nov 24 1866 Syracuse NY d. Oct 9 1835 New Haven CT
Ward b. abt 1870 Syracuse NY
George b. abt 1873/74 Syracuse NY
The 1870 Syracuse "Village of Geddes" Census gives the above ages as follows.
William Sr. 35
Ellen 27
William Jr. 7
Mary 5
Charles 2

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15 January 2000