PERRIGO Surname in Onondaga County, NY

PERRIGO Surname in Onondaga County, NY

Submitted by Laurel Auchampaugh

Can anyone tell me of the Perregaux who came to this country with
the Marquis De LaFayette?
Just this week while searching for my Perrigo ancestors and
parents of Nelson Perrigo of Ononadaga County 1824-1874, I found this
obituary from the Auburn Daily Bulletin March 25, 1921. What a find!
"Perrigo death recalls long life of Patriots"
In the death of Edward L. Perrigo of 31 Grant Ave ,Auburn New
York lost one of its oldest and most faithful workers and the nation one
of its most Patriotic citizens. The forefathers of this veteran of the
Civil War came over with the Marquis De LaFayette to fight for American
Independence in the dark days that turned the gloom of Valley Forge into
the glorious sunlight of Yorktown.
The early father of the family was named Perregeaux, but this
became Americanized into the present contraction. He was a Huguenot and
to his descendant who lived in Syracuse, Edward L was born 73 years ago.
(note : the obituary goes on to tell how Edward became a drummer
boy at age 14 in the Civil War, and "fired with the zeal of his
forfathers". It was a lengthy article, very unusual at that time )
I am researching the Perrigo Family trying to determine my
gr-grandmothers and my ancestry. Any help or
direction would be most helpful. I was thrilled with the Obit....
It gave me part of my history....

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31 July 1998