KINNEY, QUINLAN, BELKNAP, JOHNSON Surnames in Onondaga County, NY

KINNEY, QUINLAN, BELKNAP, JOHNSON Surnames in Onondaga County, NY

Submitted by Mary Feeney

James KINNEY and Johanna QUINLAN were parents of five daughters, all
born in Onondaga County, around Van Buren Township, Post Office
    Johanna, 1848-1931
    Catherine J., 1852-1935
    Mary A., 1853-?
    Margaret A., 1867-?
    Agnes, 1872-?
Johanna, my great-grandmother, and her sister Catherine moved to Iowa in
mid 1870s. Johanna married Charles GALLAGHER and Catherine married
William HANDLEY. From my review of census records through 1920, Margaret
and Agnes remained in Onondaga County. Margaret married Arthur Johnson
and Agnes married Frank Belknap. (Agnes Belknap was the enumerator for
the 1920 census of Baldwinsville Village, Van Buren Township, Onondaga,
New York).
Thank you for the surname page. I will appreciate receiving any
information or suggestions where to obtain information about my Onondaga
County ancestors.

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19 June 1998