KENYON/KINYON Surname in Onondaga County, NY
Surname in Onondaga County, NY
Primary focus is on descendants of the KENYON/KINYONs who emigrated
Onondaga Co. from Washington Co., NY about 1800-1805 including
the brothers:
Samuel KENYON b. 1759; Robert KENYON b. 1770; Benjamin KINYON b.
1779; and
Barber KENYON b. 1787 and all their descendants who lived in Onondaga
County. These brothers settled in the Marcellus, Amber, and
Manlius areas
of the county. Samuel Kenyon and Benjamin Kinyon remained in Onondaga
while Robert Kenyon and Barber Kenyon moved on to Orleans Co.,
NY in early
1830's, leaving descendants behind.
to Onondaga County Surnames page.
12 June 1998