BRIGGS, HALL, GRINNELL Surname in Onondaga County, NY
HALL, GRINNELL Surnames in Onondaga County, NY
I am primarily searching for the parents of Albert Grinnell b:
1816, in VT
he imigrated to the Onondaga County area abt 1840.
The family settled in the Otisco Valley area namely around Navarino,
or at
that time may have been called Halls Corner.
His wife was Huldah Hall b:1819, m: 1844, her family was settlers
in the
Valley also, she was the daughter of Oren Hall and Betsey Briggs
Hall, the
Briggs family were also settler in that area.
If anyone can help me it will be deeply appreciated.
to Onondaga County Surnames page.
27 July 1998