BOND Surname in Onondaga County, NY

BOND Surname in Onondaga County, NY

Submitted by Robert T. Bond

Looking for descendants of George Hopkins Bond, b. 10 Aug 1873,
Syracuse, Onondaga Co.,
NY. His father was William Henry Bond, b. 1843, Beckwith, Lanark Co.,
Ontario, Canada and was married 30 Oct 1872 to Ida C. Hopkins in
Syracuse by the Rev. A. F. Beard (probably Episcopal because the Bond's
from Lanark County, Ontario were members of the Church of England -
Anglican Church today). George married Florence Cherry Woodford on 19
Jan 1901 in Syracuse. George was one of the original founders of the law
firm Bond, Schoejeck & King which is still in existence today at 1
Lincoln Center. Would also like to know when George died and where he is
I'm also looking for Arthur Bond, b. 8 Jun 1877, d. Apr 1966, Syracuse,
Onondaga, NY. who may be a brother of George Bond because I can remember
visiting him once with my father when I was very young and can only
remember that he wasn't married and was somehow related to George. Would
like to determine where Arthur is buried.

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21 June 1998

2 July 2005