Onondaga County Ads and Ad Cards

Onondaga County Ads and Ad Cards

Ad Cards Page

tpA. C. Chase, Chase Music Hall

tpA. C. Chase, Chase Music Hall, back

tpA. Lesser & Son

tpBarney, West & Smith

tpOtto F. Baumgras

tpBrand & Bauer


tpChase & Moody

tpChase & Moody, dealers in Pianos, Organs and Music. No 115 South Salina Street, Syracuse, NY

tpC. P. Hale & Co. Druggists - Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil

tpC. P. Hale & Co. Druggists - back

tpF. Humbert, Furniture

tpFrancis & Company

tpFrancis & Company

tpFrancis & Duffy (Front)

tpFrancis & Duffy (Back)

tp Hayden Bro's Retail Woolen Mills Ad

tpH.E. Clark, Groceries & Provisions

tpH. Rinn & Sons

tpH. Rinn & Sons

tpH. Rinn & Sons

tpH. Rinn & Sons

tpH. Rinn & Sons

tpH. Rinn & Sons

tpH. Rinn & Sons

tpH. Rinn & Sons

tpH. Rinn & Sons

tpH. Rinn & Sons

tpH. Rinn & Sons

tpH. Rinn & Sons

tpIngalls and Co.

tpIngalls and Co. back

tpInvincible and Helper Stoves

tpInvincible and Helper Stoves, back

tpJ. A. Sheridan, Dealer in The Carpenter Coleman Organ, 78 Cedar St., Syracuse, NY

tpL.H. Layden

tpMrs. L. Lacy Fancy Goods

tpMcBride & Garrett

tpThe Merchants National Bank & Trust Company

tpMilton S. Price, The Great Leading Dry Goods, Carpets and Furniture Dealer of Central NY, Syracuse, NY

tpMilton S. Price, Syracuse, NY, back

tpM. Rauch, Dealer in all kinds of Furniture

tpPeter Snavely, Groceries and Provisions, Cor. Division & McBride Strs., Syracuse, NY

tpP.S. Ryder, Leading Photographer, 72 So. Salina St., Syracuse, NY

tpRosenblum Bros., Leading Boot & Shoe Dealers, Syracuse

tpRosenblum Bros., Leading Boot & Shoe Dealers, Syracuse

tpRosenblum Bros., Leading Boot & Shoe Dealers, Syracuse

tpRosenblum & Sons, Leading Boot & Shoe Dealers, Post-Office Building, Syracuse

tpRosenblum & Sons, Leading Boot & Shoe Dealers, Post Office Building, Syracuse

tpRosenblum & Sons, Leading Boot & Shoe Dealers, Post Office Building, Syracuse, back

tpRosenblum & Sons

tpS.H. Starin Hosiery

tpSmith & Dalton Druggists

tpSmith & Dalton Druggists

tpSyracuse Belles and The Stadium at Syracuse University

tpSyracuse Chilled Plow Co., Syracuse, NY

tpSyracuse Chilled Plow Co., Syracuse, NY

tpT.D. Hammond, Furniture

Ads From:  _Fest-Ausgabe zur Fünfzigjährigen Jubelfeier der Gründung des Syracuse Turn-Verein, 1854-1904, und des Dreikigsten Bezirks-Turnfestes vom West-New York Turnbezirk, abgehalten vom 2ten bis 5ten Juli 1904, in Syracuse, N.Y._, copyright 1904 by Wilhelm Schmidt, Pinzer-Union Publishing Co., Syracuse. (Subtitle: "Fünfzig Jahre Deutschen Strebens"). This roughly translates as:  "Commemorative Publication of the Fifty-Year Jubilee of the Syracuse Turn-Verein, 1854-1904, and the district celebration held from the 2nd to the 5th of July 1904 (Fifty Years of German Striving)."

Submitted by Michelle Stone.  

The use of this book was kindly donated by Diana Hall and Jen Baldwin.

The Syracuse Paper & Pulp Co., pages 190-191

The Syracuse Paper & Pulp Co., pages 190-191

L.C. Smith & Bros Typewriter Co., from page 209

Mirbach's Home Laundry, William Mirbach, proprietor, from page 232

J. Winter, Jr., Photographer, page 244

F. Marty & Co., floor wax, page 245

Pinzer-Union Publishing Co. (steamship agent), page 252

Pinzer-Union Publishing Co., page 253

The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., pages 260-261

The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., pages 260-261

The Solvay Process Co., pages 262-263

The Solvay Process Co., pages 262-263

Created  27 January 2002

Updated 14 January 2006