Ainslie, Adam to O. Tyler & ano. 1827 (KK,146) lot 70 agmt.
Ainslie, John, Margaret to A. Chapin 1825 (FF,433) lot 80
Alderman, Abigail, Lot Jr. et al. to J. Reynor 1821 (AA,75) lot 86
Alexander, Alexander by Maria, Extx. to S. Squire 1828 (NN,266) lot
Alexander, Joseph to C. Dibble 1824 (DD,193) lot 93
Alexander, Joseph to M. Cadwell 1824 (DD,376) lot 93
Alexander, Joseph, Maria to J. B. Ives 1827 (II,283) lot 93
Allen, Rowland, Sally to A. Wilcox 1826 (HH,225) lot 85
Austin, Elizabeth, Edmund et al. to J. Emmons 1821 (AA,8) lot 42
Avery, Lucretia to A. Smith 1820 (X,387) lot 87
Badger, Luther to M. Cadwell 1821 (Z,519) lot 93
Badger, Luther to N. Stuart 1823 (CC,185) lot 82+
Badger, Eunice, Luther to A. Barnum & ano. 1823 (CC,487) lot 92
Badger, Eunice, Luther to I. N. Brewster 1825 (EE,405) lot 92
Badger, Eunice, Luther to G. Miller 1825 (FF,462) lot 71
Badger, Eunice, Luther to E. C. Rust 1825 (FF,499) lot 93
Badger, Eunice, Luther to H. Gillespie 1825 (GG,4) lot 92
Badger, Eunice, Luther to L. Hawley 1828 (MM,35) lot 92
Badger, Eunice, Luther to F. Green 1828 (MM,111) lot 92
Badger, Eunice, Luther to G. Reals 1828 (NN,293) lot 55
Badger, Luther to W. Campbell & ano. 1825 (GG,34) lot 92
Badger, Luther to I. W. Brewster 1828 (NN,294) lot 55
Badger, Luther & ano. by Shff. to D. Kellogg 1825 (FF,208) lot
Badgley, Anthony to J. Forman, et al. 1825 (GG,87) lot 29
Badgley, Egbert, Eliza to A. Foot 1824 (EE,111) lot 40
Badgley, Egbert, Elizabeth to W. Wisner 1827 (II,460) lot 40
Badgley, Egbert, Elizabeth to H. Church 1827 (LL,202) lot 40
Badgley, Egbert, Elizabeth et al. to J. B. Benedict & ano.
1829 (OO,468) lot 40
Baldwin, Betsey, Jonas C. to J. Henigen 1822 (AA,447) lot 70
Baldwin, Betsey, Jonas C. to D. Balsley 1823 (CC,383) lot 85
Balsley, Charity, John to D. Balsley 1823 (CC,384) lot 85
Balsley, Cynthia, John et al. to J. Yelverton 1829 (QQ,59) lot 74
Balsley, Denis to M. Hull 1822 (AA,383) lot 84
Balsley, Peter to J. Balsley 1825 (GG,47) lot 85
Balsley, Peter, Elizabeth to J. Smith 1826 (HH,434) lot 85
Balsley, Peter, Elizabeth to J. Smith 1826 (HH,435) lot 85
Balsly, Jacob to A. Wilcox et al. 1825 (FF,343) lot 85
Bancroft, Maria, Stephen Jr. to J. Clark et al. 1824 (DD,594) lot 71
Bangs, Clarissa, Reuben H. to J. Kirkland 1822 (AA,274) lot 37
Bangs, Clarissa, Reuben H. et al. to A. Breed 1823 (CC,291) lot 77
Bangs, Clarissa, Reuben H. et al. to O. Teall 1823 (CC,465) lot 78+
Bangs, Clarissa, Reuben H. et al to H. Sage 1825 (EE,387) lot 69
Bangs, Clarissa to Reuben H. to J. F. H. Clarke 1828 (LL,392) lot 78
Barden, Abram to O. O. Gilson 1828 (MM,8) lot 92
Bardon, Eleanor, John to S. Watkins 1826 (HH,213) lot 39
Barns, Appleton to A. Barns, Jr. 1822 (BB,82) lot 26
Barns, Betsey & ano. to A. P. Downer 1825 (EE,512) lot 86
Barns, Cyrenius, Sally to C. Meeks 1828 (NN,195) lot 26
Barns, Leva to S. U. Gridley 1825 (GG,42) lot 90
Barse, Betsey, Jacob B. to L. Gridley 1827 (II,377) lot 90
Barse, Betsey, Jacob B. to J. Smith 1829 (PP,499) lot 54
Barse, Betsey, John to W. Fillmore 1827 (LL,127) lot 45
Barse, Elizabeth, Jacob B. to G. L. Taylor 1824 (DD,442) lot 75
Barse, Elizabeth, Jacob B. to H. Edwards 1824 (EE,239) lot 75
Barse, John to J. McViccar & ano. 1827 (KK,89) lot 45
Beach, John A. to Asa Nims 1821 (AA,132) lot 98
Beard, Beach, Frances et al. to Lyman Morgan 1828 (NN,492) lot 31
Beardsley, James to Benjamin Wood 1829 (PP,314) lot 87
Beckwith, Gurden to E. Gay 1824 (EE,23) lot 56
Beckwith, Wealthy et al. to E. Gay 1826 (FF,208) lot 56
Beebe, Alathea, James et al. to A. Burt 1823 (CC,469) lot 75
Belknap, Elijeh, Mary to Z. Lothrop or Lathrop 1823 (CC,120) lot 49
Bender, Hannah, Jacob et al. to J. Gates 1829 (QQ,112) lot 58
Bender, Peter to E. Calendar 1827 (LL,178) lot ____
Bends, Gilbert to M. Cadwell 1822 (BB,200) lot 93
Bends, William to G. T. Houghtaling 1826 (HH,113) lot 92
Bennett, Martha, Reuben to J. Peck 1823 (CC,145) lot 97/86
Bennett, Martha, Reuben to A. Smith 1824 (DD,605) lot 97
Bennett, Martha, Reuben to A. Lull 1826 (HH,390) lot 97
Bentley, Niles to N. Bentley, Jr. 1828 (LL,469) lot 56
Bentley, Niles to L. Jennings 1829 (OO,107) lot 48
Betinger, Catharine, Phillip to C. VanTassell 1824 (DD,345) lot 33
Bickford, Dearborn B. to W. Brown 1820 (Y,293) lot 62
Birdseye, Victory, Electa et al. to L. Morgan 1828 (NN,492) lot 31
Black, Rebecah, Thomas to G. L. Taylor 1820 (Y,171) lot 67
Black, Rebecah, Thomas to N. Ellis & ano. 1820 (Y,220) lot 67
Black, Richard by Shff. to C. Morris 1820 (Y,202) lot 62
Blake, Harvey by Shff. to L. Badger 1823 (DD,42) lot 35
Blake, Henry, Isabella to C. Morris 1820 (X,457) lot 51
Blake, Homer, Hector by Shff. to C. Morris 1820 (Y,120) lot 51
Blake, Lois to C. Morris 1820 (X,456) lot 51
Blake, Mary, Senca to C. Morris 1820 (X,458) lot 51
Blakeman, Eben, Sally to N. Mason 1821 (AA,59) lot 75
Blakeman, Eben, Sally to W. F. Curtis 1825 (GG,53) lot 65-71
Blakeman, Eben, Sally to J. Welsh 1826 (GG,390) lot 12
Bogardus, David to M. O. Beebe 1828 (NN,441) lot 52
Bogardus, Gideon to P. Bogardus 1827 (LL,306) lot 62-51
Bogardus, Henry by Shff. to C. Whitford 1820 (X,374) lot 41
Bogardus, Henry by Mas. & Henry P. et al. to G. Frolhingham &
ano. 1827 (LL,41) lot 40-41
Bogardus, Henry P., Irene to S. R. Mathews 1827 (KK,73) lot 41
Bogardus, Peter to G. Bogardus 1827 (LL,305) lot 51
Bogert, Cornelius I. by Atty. to H. Higbie 1823 (CC,515) lot 60
Bogert, Cornelius I. to J. C. Baldwin 1827 (KK,359) lot 60
Bogert, Cornelius I., Susan to O. Forman 1828 (MM,436) lot 9
Bon, Jon by Shff. et al. to T. M. Wood 1825 (FF,69) lot 92
Bond, Ephraim to T. Wetherby 1820 (Y,62) lot 49+
Bond, Ephraim to H. Seymour 1827 (KK,426) lot 49+
Bond, Joshua to N. Williams 1829 (PP,374) lot ___
Booth, Benjamin to Z. Lathrop 1823 (CC,122) lot 77
Booth, Benjamin, Mary to C. Lewis 1822 (BB,196) lot 62
Booth, Benjamin, Mary to J. I. Merrill & ano. 1823 (BB,442) lot
Booth, Benjamin, Mary to P. Comstock 1825 (EE,485) lot 60
Boylston, Edward by L. Comm. to J. O. Wattles 1824 (EE,37) lot 96
Brackett, Eliza M. B., James to P. Mayher 1824 (DD,214) lot 25
Brackett, Levi, Mary to H. Willcox 1820 (Y,77) lot 86
Brackett, Levi, Mary to S. Tousley 1820 (Y,228) lot 86
Brayton, Albert P. to J. Kirkland 1820 (Y,219) lot 37
Brayton, Albert P. to R. Cuningham 1821 (Z,557) lot 37
Brayton, Albert P. to R. H. Bangs 1822 (BB,287) lot 37
Brayton, Cynthia to A. P. Brayton 1820 (Y,218) lot 37 R. of Dower
Brayton, Isaac by Adm. to A. Mason 1820 (Y,14) lot 37
Breed, Allen & ano. to O. Teall 1823 (CC,462) lot 77
Breed, Allen, Amelia et al. to E. Kinne 1825 (EE,359) lot 77
Breed, Allen, Amelia to H. Sage 1825 (EE,387) lot 69
Breed, Allen, Amelia to S. Strong 1825 (FF,237) lot 77
Breed, Allen, Amelia to S. Strong 1825 (FF,238) lot 77
Breed, Allen, Amelia to N. Breed 1820 (Y,465) lot 77
Breed, Allen, Amelia to N. Breed 1822 (AA,269) lot 77
Breed, Allen, Amelia et al. to O. Teall 1823 (CC,465) lot 77-78
Breed, Elizabeth, James to R. Kinne 1826 (II,244) lot 50
Breed, Elizabeth, James to J. Norris 1828 (NN,438) lot 50
Breed, Gershom to A. Breed 1823 (CC,287) lot 77
Breed, Hannah to H. Moseley 1820 (Y,464) lot 77 rel. of dower
Breed, James to N. Breed 1820 (Y,465) lot 77
Breed, James to A. Breed 1823 (CC,292) lot 77
Breed, James to O. Teal 1828 (LL,464) lot 77
Breed, Jonas to J. C. Kinne & ano. 1829 (QQ,17) lot 50
Breed, Noyes to H. Moseley 1826 (GG,500) lot 77
Brewster, Abigail to J. C. Brewster 1823 (BB,510) lot 70
Brewster, Isaac W. et al. to Trus. of Union Cong. Soc. of Manlius 1828
(NN,227) lot 92
Brewster, Isaac W., Belinda to J. Grinnel 1828 (NN,292) lot 55
Brewster, Jonas C. to J. Davison 1828 (MM,218) lot 70
Brewster, Jonas C. to J. Davison 1828 (MM,219) lot 70
Brewster, Jonas C. to C. Bevier 1828 (MM,292) lot 70
Brewster, Morris T. to J. C. Brewster 1823 (BB,511) lot 70
Brewster, William by Exr. to J. C. Brewster 1824 (DD,550) lot 70
Brewster, William by Exr. to C. Brewster 1828 (MM,117) lot 70
Briant, Hannah, John to P. Young 1826 (GG,496) lot 62
Briggs, Lydia, Noah et al. to F. Reals & ano. 1822 (BB,315) lot
Briggs, Lydia, Noah to G. Reals 1822 (BB,321) lot 54
Brisbin, John C. to O. Smith 1824 (EE,4) lot 97
Bristol, Charles B. by Shff. to C. V. V. Leonard 1823 (CC,166) lot
Bristol, Cornelia, Moses to H. Moseley 1822 (AA,427) lot 87
Bristol, George A. by Admn. to U. Bristol 1821 (Z,161) lot 32
Bristol, William to A. B. Bristol et al. 1821 (Z,160) lot 32
Britton, Abraham by Shff. to J. Grinnel 1820 (X,367) lot 55
Britton, Anna to H. Britton 1828 (MM,239) lot 11
Britton, Anna, Archibald to S. Whitaker 1820 (Y,453) lot 11
Britton, Anna, Archibald to H. Britton 1825 (EE,452) lot 12
Britton, Betsey, Jesse D. to R. Cooper 1826 (HH,172) lot 21
Britton, Betsey, Jesse D. to D. S. Miller 1826 (HH,173) lot 21
Britton, Dorcas, Hiram to J. Welch 1829 (QQ,20) lot 12
Britton, Jesse D. by Shff. to F. Curtis 1820 (X,394) lot 11
Brown, Betsey, John C. to E. Cobb 1823 (CC,409) lot 71
Brown, Nathan, Polly to N. Gates 1824 (DD,350) lot 91
Brown, Samuel et al. to J. Peck 1823 (M,317) lot 86-90 f. afft.
Bronson, Armanda, Nathaniel to A. Leib 1820 (Y,468) lot 89
Bronson, Samuel to S. Clark 1822 (BB,43) lot 62
Brownell, Clark W. to Philophe to I. Hall 1823 (M,414) lot 97 f. afft.
Brunson, Amos, Lee, Armanda, Nathaniel, Polly to A. Leib 1820 (Y,468)
lot 89
Bryant, Hannah, John to P. Young 1826 (GG,496) lot 62
Budlong, Samuel to R. Williams 1826 (GG,401) lot ____
Buel, Matilda et al. to J. Mathews 1828 (NN,174) lot 16
Buell, Luther, et al. to J. Peck 1823 (M,317) lot 86-90 f. afft.
Bulkley, Christopher to R. Bulkley 1826 (II,239) lot 2
Bullman, Polly, Benoni to A. Parks 1826 (HH,433) lot ___
Burk, Silas to H. Burk 1828 (MMN,130) lot 73
Burk, Silas to E. Burk 1828 (MM,131) lot 73
Burr, Augustus A. to E. White 1821 (Z,549) lot 75
Burr, Augustus A. to S. Pukford or Pickford (Pulford?) 1822 (BB,105)
lot 75
Burr, Concurrence, Horace to J. Hoskins 1825 (EE,295) lot 75
Burr, Horace by Shff. to Trustees of Town of Manlius 1823 (DD,184)
lot 74
Burr, Levi S. to M. Avery 1827 (II,369) lot 24
Burt, Aaron, Lucy to T. Starr et al. 1825 (FF,393) lot 75
Burt, Aaron, Lucy to P. Flint 1829 (PP,335) lot 74
Burton, Betsey, William to W. B. Sims 1826 (HH,101) lot ___
Burton, Elizabeth, Smith to E. Keeler 1823 (DD,110) lot 48
Butler, Israel by Shff. &c. to T. M. Wood 1825 (FF,69) lot 92
Button, Jesse D. by Shff. to F. Curtis 1820 (X,394) lot 11
Cadwell, Abel, Clarrina to Nehemiah Gates 1824 (DD,350) lot 91
Cadwell, Abel, Clarena to Stephen W. Cadwell 1827 (KK,442) lot 91
Cadwell, Altana, Elisha to Matthew Cadwell 1824 (DD,377) lot 93
Cadwell, Alina, Stephen W. to Thomas Sherwood 1828 (MM,464) lot 97
Cadwell, Elisha, Stephen to W. Cadwell 1822 (BB,215) lot 92
Cadwell, Elizabeth, Rowland et al. to Reuben Bennett 1820 (Y,98) lot
Cadwell, Elizabeth, Rowland et al. to James Jackson 1821 (Z,121) lot
Cadwell, Elizabeth, Rowland et al. to Thomas I. Gilbert 1828 (NN,337)
lot 97
Cahill, Miles, Margarette to Stilmon Mory 1826 (HH,470) lot 54
Calendar, Ann, Ezekiel to J. Easton 1825 (FF,175) lot 88
Calendar, Ann, Ezekiel to J. A. Pinney, Jr. et al. 1829 (PP,185) lot
Calendar, Ann, Ezekiel to Julius Easton 1824 (Z,145) lot 88
Callendar, Ann, Ezekiel to H. Weatherby et al. 1824 (DD,404) lot 78+
Campbell, Daniel, Silas to D. Ely 1826 (HH,290) lot 96
Campbell, Daniel to A. Estes 1826 (II,213) lot 96
Campbell, John to J. Berry 1820 (Y,394) lot 53
Campbell, William & ano. to Joseph Alexander 1826 (GG,274) lot
Campbell, William to A. Sherwood 1828 (MM,114) lot 92
Cantine, John to T. Luirbrick 1829 (OO,256) lot 15
Capron, Elisha to A. M. Capron 1828 (NN,51) lot 46
Capron, Elisha to A. Smith 1828 (NN,70) lot 46
Capron, Elisha to A. Smith 1829 (S,470) lot 46 f. afft.
Capron, Elisha to J. McViccar 1829 (PP,134) lot 75
Carpenter, Ann, Nehemiah to D. Hair 1827 (KK,451) lot 13
Carpenter, Benjamin by Shff. to S. Higginbotham 1828 (NN,429) lot 81
Carpenter, Benjamin by loan comm. to S. Higginbotham 1828 (NN,430)
lot 81
Carpenter, Lucy, Stephen to C. Bulkley 1824 (DD,386) lot 29+
Carpenter, Nehemiah to J. Emmons 1821 (AA,5) lot 42
Carr, Ebenezer, Rebecca to D. Scouten 1826 (II,104) lot 67
Carr, Ebenezer, Rebecca to G. L. Taylor 1827 (II,347) lot 67
Carr, Ebenezer, Rebecca and David Scouten & Agenlina to Thomas
Quirk 1829 (PP,471) lot 67
Carrier, Dudley, Charity to L. Shults 1829 (PP,270) lot 11
Carter, Mary to A. Warner et ano. 1820 (Y,111) lot 75
Cary, Elisha to A. Chapman 1821 (Z,504) lot 62
Caswell, Jedediah et al. to J. Peck 1823 (M,317) lot 86+ f. afft.
Chamberlain, Pirce to H. Willcox 1826 (HH,284) lot 78+
Chamberlain, Pierce to J. Everson 1827 (KK,151) lot 79
Chapman, Benjamin to E. Carey 1821 (Z,505) lot 62
Chapman, Hannah, Moses to P. Burke 1829 (OO,202) lot 80+
Chase, Benjamin, Elizabeth et al. to W. C. Hilton et al. 1829 (OO,239)
lot 54+
Chase, Nathan to B. Chase 1820 (Z,28) lot 44
Childs, Catharine, Perry G. to D. P. Clark 1820 (Y,51) lot 88
Childs, Perry et al. to J. Hickox 1826 (HH,291) lot 86
Church, George to A. Smith 1828 (LL,505) lot 97
Clark, Charlotte, Orange to H. Moseley 1826 (HH,362) lot 85+
Clark, Chloe, John to B. Watson 1822 (AA,290) lot 87
Clark, Chloe, John to O. Clark 1823 (CC,74) lot 85+
Clark, Chloe, John to J. L. Sherwood 1824 (EE,106) lot 96+
Clark, Daniel to A. Smith 1820 (Y,33) lot 87
Clark, Daniel P. to P. G. Childs 1820 (Y,48) lot 88
Clark, David, Esther to T. Bush 1826 (HH,263) lot 51
Clark, Electa, Ira C. to N. Williams 1824 (DD,409) lot 97+
Clark, Electa, Ira C. to O. Smith 1824 (EE,1) lot 97
Clark, Electa, Ira C. to O. Smith 1824 (EE,1) lot 97
Clark, Henry to A. Chapin 1829 (OO,355) lot 71
Clark, John to A. Chapin 1826 (HH,57) lot 71
Clark, Jacintha, William A. to D. Mather 1820 (X,369) lot 87
Clark, Martha to L. Clark 1822 (BB,64) lot 75
Clark, Polly, Robert J. to J. Clark 1826 (GG,541) lot 62
Clark, Polly, Robert J. to J. Clark 1826 (II,135) lot 62
Clark, Polly, Robert J. to A. Chapin 1827 (II,352) lot 71
Clark, Samuel to C. Morris 1826 (GG,276) lot 62
Clark, William A. to H. Moseley 1822 (AA,241) lot 87
Coakley, Cornelius to H. Edwards 1826 (II,217) lot 48
Coakley, Cornelius to H. Edwards et ano. 1826 (II,256) lot 48
Coakley, Cornelius to N. Bishop 1828 (MM,382) lot 38
Coats, Truman to G. Reals 1822 (BB,319) lot 34
Cobb, Elnathan to O. Teal & ano. 1828 (XX,465) lot 38+
Cobb, Elnathan, Julia to J. Clark, Jr. 1822 (CC,201) lot 62
Cobb, Elnathan, Julia to J. Young 1828 (MM,101) lot 62
Collin, David to J. Collin 1822 (BB,304) lot 66
Collin, David to D. Collin, Jr. 1825 (FF,521) lot 67+
Collin, David, Anna to F. Pratt 1826 (GG,474) lot 55
Collins, Isaac, Margaret M. to H. Mosely 1825 (FF,410) lot 87
Collins, Lyman to N. Carpenter 1827 (LL,162) lot 13
Collins, Mary D., Stacy B. to F. Collins 1825 (FF,357) lot 87
Colton, Dolly, David to J. Marsh 1826 (II,241) lot ___
Comstock, Prudence to I. Pullman 1827 (LL,199) lot 60
Conner, Ebenezer et al. to J. Peck 1823 (M,317) lot 86+ f. afft.
Cook, Asenath to William M. Leaden 1826 (GG,542) lot 21
Cook, Asenath, William to W. B. Cook 1828 (MM,155) lot 16
Cook, Asenath, William to A. Cook 1828 (MM,157) lot 16
Cook, Asenath, William to D. S. Miller 1828 (MM,323) lot 21
Cook, Asenath, William to S. Rust 1828 (MM,325) lot 21
Cook, Catharine, Joseph to P. P. Haner 1829 (OO,491) lot 46
Cook, Lucius, Sophia et al. to R. Bennett 1820 (Y,98) lot 86+
Cook, Lucius, Sophia et al. to J. Jackson 1821 (Z,121) lot 76
Cook, Mary A., Worthy to S. Palmer et ano. 1824 (EE,135) lot 75
Cook, Sally, William B. to A. Cook 1828 (MM,156) lot 16
Cook, Samuel by Shff. to H. Seymour et ano. 1822 (AA,453) lot 72
Coolidge, James to E. Root 1826 (HH,33) lot 86
Cooper, Cutler to G. Heath 1827 (LL,101) lot 92
Cooper, Cutler et al. to L. Hawley 1828 (NN,311) lot 92 lease
Cooper, Cutler to O. O. Gilson 1828 (NN,487) lot 92
Cooper, Gardner, Sally to A. Griffin 1828 (NN,496) lot 21
Crocker, Eliza, Isaac to L. Badger 1821 (AA,48) lot 92
Crocker, Isaac by Shff. to L. Badger 1824 (EE,166) lot 81+
Cross, Ebenezer, Waity to R. Burnett 1826 (II,66) lot 58
Cross, Ichabod to E. Cross 1826 (II,68) lot 58
Crossett, Caroline, William L. to J. C. VanSlyke 1823 (CC,302) lot
Crossett, Caroline, William L. to S. Budlong et al. 1826 (GG,404) lot
Crossett, William L. to S. Tousley 1824 (DD,611) lot 86
Cummings, Robert & ano. to G. V. Denniston 1821 (L,9) lot 98
Cunningham, John by Loan Comm. to J. Grinnell 1824 (DD,616) lot 86
Cunningham, John, Mary to S. Wilcox 1826 (HH,283) lot 86
Cunningham, Robert to J. Foot 1824 (EE,192) lot 15
Cunningham, Robert to C. Cunningham 1829 (PP,13) lot 37
Cunningham, Robert to E. Kirkland 1829 (PP,15) lot 37
Curtis, Elisabeth, William T. to A. Liddell 1825 (GG,54) lot 71
Curtis, Fisher, Susan to A. Britton 1822 (BB,109) lot 11
Curtis, Elizabeth, William T. to J. Smith 1829 (PP,500) lot 65
Curtiss, Ebenezer M. to E. Gay 1822 (AA,238) lot 48
Curtiss, Ebenezer M., Sally et al. to E. Smith & ano. 1828 (NN,502)
lot 56
Danforth, Margret, Samuel to S. R. Mathews 1827 (II,263) lot 41
Daniels, Maria L., George C. to J. Meyers & ano. 1824 (EE,75) lot
Darling, Caroline, Comfort to D. Carrier 1827 (II,334) lot 11
Darling, Comfort to B. Darling 1828 (MM,239) lot 11
Davenport, John, Mary S. to A. Britton 1824 (EE,450) lot 12
Davenport, John, Mary S. to E. Blakeman 1826 (GG,386) lot 12
Davenport, John, Mary S. to E. B. Perkins 1828 (NN,13) lot 13
Davenport, John, Mary S. to E. B. Perkins 1828 (NN,14) lot 14
Davenport, John, Mary S. to I. Carhart 1829 (PP,358) lot 13
Davis, Anthony to J. Yelverton 1823 (DD,55) lot 55
Davis, Joseph, Polly to H. Ketchum 1820 (Y,389) lot 71
Davis, Mary, Thomas to W. H. Davis & ano. 1826 (HH,324) lot 55
Davis, Nathan, Sylvia et al. to M. Hunt 1822 (BB,122) lot 81
Davison, John to J. Bowering 1829 (QQ,137) lot 70
Day, Asa, Susan to A. J. Stephens 1828 (MM,417) lot 6
De Graff, Eve, John to O. Teal 1828 (NN,148) lot 52
DeLamatter, Abraham, Parmela to A. D'Lamatter 1820 (Z,27) lot 87
DeLamatter, Abraham, Parmela to J. Grinnel 1823 (CC,29) lot 86
DeLamatter, Edward to I. D'Lamatter et al. 1825 (EE,516) lot 14
DeLamatter, Hannah, Isaac to J. D'Lamatter 1828 (NN,392) lot 36
DeLamatter, Hannah, Isaac to J. D'Lamatter 1828 (NN,393) lot 68
DeLamatter, Isaac, Zoa et al. to J. Mathews 1828 (NN,174) lot 16
DeLamatter, John, Zoa to R. Kellog 1822 (BB,280) lot 49
DeLamatter, John, Zoa to J. Lathrop 1823 (CC,121) lot 49
DeLamatter, John, Zoa to L. Tryon 1826 (HH,322) lot 98
DeLamatter, John, Zoa to D. Torry 1827 (LL,232) lot 49
Denney, Charles, Sabrina et al. to John McViccar 1826 (HH,311) lot
DePuy, Jacobus to J. Norris 1821 (L,175) lot 94
DePuy, Jacobus by Mar. et al. to F. A. Stewart 1823 (CC,387) lot 82
DePuy, Jacobus by Mar. et al. to L. Badger 1824 (DD,269) lot 92+
Derbyshire, Thomas et al. to A. Yelverton, Jr. 1824 (DD,518) lot 98
Derbyshire, Thomas et al. to B. Farr 1826 (HH,391) lot 98
DeVoe, Cornelius to J. I. Devoe 1828 (NN,114) lot 62
DeVoe, Deborah, John J. to P. Bogardus 1821 (Z,112) lot 51
DeVoe, Deborah, John I. to J. J. Merill 1828 (NN,115) lot 62
DeVoe, John I. to C. Devoe 1828 (NN,117) lot 62
DeWitt, Jacob R. by Mar. et al. to F. A. Stewart 1823 (CC,387) lot
DeWitt, Jacob R. by Mar. et al. to L. Badger 1824 (DD,269) lot 92+
Dickison, John D. to H. Walton 1826 (II,60) lot 33
Diefendorf, Barbara, Abraham, Henry, Elizabeth B. et al. to F. Schell
1821 (Z,227) lot 55
Dill, Else, John to J. Cook 1826 (HH,336) lot 46
Dill, Else, John to N. Carpenter 1827 (LL,161) lot 42
Dill, John to E. Capron 1824 (EE,237) lot 46
Dill, John to J. Cook 1828 (MM,377) lot 46
Dixon, Amme, Thomas to J. Humphrey 1825 (FF,139) lot 93
D'Lamather, Edward to J. D'Lamather & ano. 1825 (EE,516) lot 14
D'Lamatter, Abraham, Parmela to A. D'Lamatter 1820 (Z,27) lot 87
D'Lamatter, Abraham, Parmela to J. Grinnel 1823 (CC,29) lot 86
D'Lamatter, Hannah, Isaac to J. D'Lamatter 1828 (NN,392) lot 36
D'Lamatter, Hannah, Isaac to J. D'Lamatter 1828 (NN,393) lot 68
D'Lamatter, Isaac, Zoa et al. to J. Mathews 1828 (NN,174) lot 16
D'Lamatter, John, Zoa et al. to R. Kellogg 1822 (BB,280) lot 49
D'Lamatter, John, Zoa to Z. Lathrop 1823 (CC,121) lot 49
D'Lamatter, John, Zoa to L. Tryon 1826 (HH,322) lot 98+
D'Lamatter, John, Zoa to D. Torrey 1827 (LL,232) lot 44
Downer, Abner P., Rachel to S. Warner 1826 (HH,143) lot 86
Downer, Abner P., Rachel to L. Brown 1829 (PP,318) lot 86
Downer, Elisha Jr., Mary et al. to H. Ward 1820 (Y,100) lot 97
Downer, Elisha Jr., Mary to R. Bennett 1820 (Z,87) lot 97
Downer, Elisha, Jr. Mary to A. Smith 1823 (DD,6) lot 97
Downer, Elisha, Mary to E. Ward 1827 (KK,152) lot 97
Downer, Elisha, Mary et al. to E. Ward 1827 (KK,153) lot 97
Downer, Elisha, Mary et al. to A. Norton 1827 (KK,157) lot 97
Downer, Elisha, Mary et al. to A. Norton 1827(KK,161) lot 97
Dunchee, Robert to I. W. Brewster et al. 1829 (PP,164) lot 92
Dunning, Hannah, Lee to S. Messenger 1825 (EE,487) lot 86+
Durham, Betsey, Eber to E. Ewers et al. 1821 (Z,325) lot 87+
Durham, Betsey, Eber to E. Hall, Jr. 1821 (Z,383) lot 59
Durham, Betsey, Eber to C. Phinney 1822 (AA,217) lot 88
Durham, Betsey, Eber to O. Teall 1822 (BB,284) lot 59
Durham, Eber to O. Teall & ano 1827 (LL,13) lot 38
Dwelly, Elisabeth, Godfrey to P. Bender 1825 (FF,385) lot ___
Dwinnel, Isral, Jr. to J. M. Thomas 1826 (GG,388) lot 93
Dwinnell, Israel to I. Dwinnell, Jr. 1826 (GG,391) lot 93
Dygert, Henry, Margret to P. Dygert 1820 (Y,83) lot 16
Dygert, Peter by Shff. to T. Starr et al. 1822 (BB,34) lot 16
Dygert, Peter by Shff. to T. Starr et al. 1822 (BB,235) lot 16
Dygert, William et al. by Comrs. to W. Dygert et al. 1823 (D.P. 97)
lot 26+ decree
Eager, Fanny, Samuel, George, William, Sally et al., heirs of George
to D. Colton 1822 (BB,301) lot ____
Eager, William by Shff. to P. Goodsell 1821 (Z,212) lot 92
Eager, William to J. Norris 1821 (Z,554) lot 94
Eager, William by Shff. to P. Goodsell 1822 (BB,44) lot 83+
Easton, Artemisia, Julius to A. Mills 1826 (GG,233) lot 88
Eaton, Aaron to F. Real 1822 (BB,320) lot 55
Eaton, Abigail, Frederick, Asel wid of Abul,heirs of Roswell et al.
to W. C. Hilton et al. 1829 (OO,239) lot 54+
Eaton, Betsey, Nathan to A. Smith 1828 (PP,77) lot 98
Eaton, Cadinial, Mary to F. Prat 1826 (GG,478) lot 76
Eaton, Harvey, Sally to S. L. Miller et al. 1825 (FF,300) lot 40
Eaton, Lydia, Ralph to H. Moseley 1820 (Y,467) lot 77
Eaton, Lydia, Ralph to B. Breed 1823 (CC,286) lot 67
Eaton, Lydia, Ralph to P. French 1824 (DD,473) lot 67
Eaton, Lydia, Ralph et al. to E. Kinne 1825 (EE,359) lot 77
Eaton, Lydia, Ralph to S. Strong 1825 (FF,236) lot 77+
Eaton, Origen, Sophia to E. Badgley 1827 (II,459) lot 40
Eaton, Origen, Sophia to A. Burt 1827 (LL,155) lot 75
Eaton, Orrigen et al. to J. Peck 1823 (M,317) lot 86+ f. afft.
Eaton, Phanely, Stehen to J. Peck 1821 (AA,167) lot 98
Eaton, Phanely, Stephen to N. Williams 1822 (BB,389) lot 98
Eaton, Samuel et al. to Man. School Dist. No. 28, 1828 (NN,183) lot
Edwards, Anne, Joseph To E. Capron 1820 (Y,2740 lot 98
Edwards, Anne, Joseph to H. Moseley 1826 (GG,466) lot 86
Edwards, Clarissa, Joseph to D. Ely 1827 (IKI,309) lot 97
Edwards, Clarissa, Joseph to H. Moseley 1826 (GG,469) lot 87
Edwards, Clarissa, Joseph to H. Moseley 1826 (GG,464) lot 98
Edwards, Ebenezer, Esther to E. Gay 1821 (Z,487) lot 57
Edwards, Eliza H., Hervey to E. Hulbert & ano. 1829 (OO,104) lot
Edwards, Harriet, Samuel L. to J. R. Lawrence 1822 (AA,302) lot 70
Edwards, Harriet, Samuel L. to E. Ward 1827 (KK,154) lot 97
Edwards, Hervey, Eliza H. to J. Bearse (or Barse) 1826 (GG,260) lot
Edwards, Hervey, Eliza H. to J. Kirkland 1827 (KK,358) lot 48
Edwards, Samuel, Sally to J. B. Sherwood et al. 1828 (MM,183) lot 49
Ellis, Horace to B. Scott, Jr. 1827 (KK,169) lot 49
Ely, John by Atty to P. Magher 1825 (GG,156) lot 25
Emmons, Jonathan to Z. Kinney 1821 (AA,7) lot 42
Eno, Stephen to G. Cooper 1825 (GG,68) lot 21
Eno, Stephen to J. Britton 1826 (HH,174) lot 21
Eno, Stephen to N. Marshall 1828 (MM,246) lot 21
Eno, Stephen to T. Tyrrel 1829 (PP,21) lot 21
Everson, Elizabeth, John to J. V. H. Clark 1826 (HH,181) lot 88+
Everson, Elizabeth, John to P. Bender 1826 (II,96) lot 59
Everson, Elizabeth, John Jr. to J. Bender 1825 (FF,282) lot 79
Ewers, Elihu to J. B. Moore 1821 (Z,327) lot 87+
Fargo, Daniel to A. Story 1824 (EE,62) lot 65
Farr, Joseph, Sally to A. Farr 1821 (Z,328) lot ___
Farr, Joseph, Sally to S. I. Rider 1822 (L,475) lot 98 f. afft.
Farr, Joseph, Sally L. to A. P. Lyman 1828 (Q,388) lot 87 f. afft.
Favor, Daniel, Olive to A. Thomas 1825 (HH,27) lot 86
Fillmore, Cyrus, Jemima to W. Fillmore 1826 (EE,85) lot 99
Fillmore, Cyrus, Jemima to G. Phinney 1826 (GG,242) lot 99
Fillmore, Mary, William to B. H. Tryon 1827 (KK,481) lot 99
Fish, Elizabeth, Nicholas to S. Carpenter 1822 (BB,240) lot 2
Fleming, Asenath, John to J. Yelverton 1826 (II,65) lot 84
Fols, Dinah, George to D. Thompson 1824 (EE,60) lot 75
Fols, Dinah, George to O. Hubbs et al. 1826 (HH,401) lot 56
Folts, Elizabeth, Jacob C., Elizabeth, Warner to H. Van Alstine 1820
(Y,129) lot 58
Fones, Daniel to C. Remington, Jr. 1827 (KK,155) lot 98
Foot, Amelia to H. Wetherby 1826 (HH,491) lot 40
Foot, Amos, Mary to S. Tousley 1821 (AA,197) lot 86
Foot, Asa, Amelia to E. Wilbor 1828 (NN,8) lot 29
Foot, Asa, Amelia to G. Ostrom 1829 (OO,181) lot 29
Forbes, Abbey, John G. et al. to S. I. Keeler 1829 (QQ,66) lot 91
Forbes, John G. to W. H. Sabin 1825 (FF,272) lot 91
Ford, Philip by Shff. to T. W. Ford 1826 (HH,198) lot 20
Forman, Joshua, Margaret et al. to J. Wilson et al. 1820 (X,420) lot
Forman, Joshua, Margaret et al. to A. Harroun 1821 (Z,517) lot 29
Forman, Joshua, Margaret 1828 to D. Merrill 1828 (MM,134) lot 29
Foster, Electra, Samuel M. to E. Calender 1827 (LL,176) lot 90
Foster, Hannah, William to M. Davenport 1829 (OO,442) lot 48
Foster, Thomas, Sally to J. Everson 1825 (EE,383) lot 59
Foster, Thomas, Sally to P. Bender 1825 (FF,283) lot 59
Fox, Eunice et al. to D. C. Hopkins 1824 (DD,275) lot 86
Fox, Guy by Admn. to A. Smith 1828 (LL,342) lot 97+
Freeman, Charles to J. Everson 1823 (CC,349) lot 69
French, George A. to H. Chawgo & ano. 1828 (NN,180) lot 58
French, Philemon to T. French et al. 1828 (NN,108) lot 67
Frost, Mary, Quarters to R. Kinne 1826 (GG,428) lot 50
Frothingham, Gideon & ano. to H. P. Bogardus 1827 (LL,42) lot 41
Fryer, Elizabeth, Thomas to M. Bristol 1821 (K,406) lot 87 f. afft.
Fuller, Thomas to J. Fitch 1829 (PP,360) lot 97
Garrison, Delilah, Daniel to W. Garrison 1822 (BB,353) lot 72
Gates, Nehemiah, Phebe to D. Seager & ano. 1827 (LL,269) lot 91
Gay, Charlotte, Erastus to E. M. Curtiss 1822 (AA,239) lot 48
Gay, Charlotte, Erastus to D. Wilcox 1825 (FF,388) lot 56
Gay, Charlotte, Erastus to E. French 1827 (LL,209) lot 56
Gay, Charlotte, Erastus to I. N. Mead & ano. 1829 (QQ,111) lot
Gay, Daniel, Ralph to E. Gay 1825 (FF,363) lot 56
Gay, Elisha, Samuel et al. to E. Gay 1822 (AA,235) lot 56
Gay, Erastus to J. Raymond 1828 (MM,485) lot 48
Gay, Harvey et al. to E. Gay 1822 (AA,237) lot 56
Gay, Jain, Justus to J. B. Ives 1827 (LL,36) lot 93
Gay, Justus to E. Gay 1825 (FF,365) lot 56
Gay, Justus et al. to E. Gay 1826 (II,208) lot 56
Gilbert, Olive, Thomas J. to J. A. Sherwood 1820 (Y,102) lot 75+
Gilbert, Olive, Thomas I. to N. Williams et al. 1828 (NN,316) lot 97+
Gilbert, Olive, Thomas I to N. Williams et al. 1828 (NN,340) lot 97
Gilbert, Olive, Thomas I. to N. Williams 1828 (NN,341) lot 97
Gillespie, Harriet, Hugh to J. Humphrey 1827 (LL,57) lot 92
Gilson, Oliver O. et al. to L. Hawley 1828 (NN,311) lot 92 agmt.
Goodfellow, Betsey, Ichabod, Phebe, Tobias et al. to J. McViccar 1826
(HH,311) lot 75
Goodfellow, Catherine, John to G. L. Taylor 1825 (NN,380) ot 75
Goodfellow, Moses, Mary et al. to I. Stanton & ano. 1824 (N,59)
lot 74 f. afft.
Goodsell, Peter to A. Gurnsey 1820 (Y,168) lot 92
Goodsell, Peter, Lucy to A. Goodsell 1824 (DD,245) lot 83
Goodsell, Peter, Lucy to R. J. Auburn 1825 (NN,403) lot 94
Gordon, Esech, Patty to P. Wadsworth 1825 (GG,75) lot 60
Granger, Amos P., Charlotte to A. Foot 1820 (Y,459) lot 86
Granger, Amos P., Charlotte to A. Nims 1822 (AA,344) lot 87
Granger, Hezekiah L., Eunice to T. I. Gilbert 1825 (FF,110) lot 97
Granger, Hezekiah L., Eunice to E. Williams 1826 (HH,428) lot 87
Granger, Hezekiah L., Eunice to E. S. Williams 1826 (II,81) lot 87
Granger, Hezekiah L. Eunice to A. Nims 1828 (MM,67) lot 86
Graves, Anna, Sheldon et al. to N. Hibbard 1826 (GG,300) lot 87
Green, Abigail, Jareb to A. Story 1820 (Y,169) lot 75
Green, Abigail, Jareb to S. Tousley 1820 (Y,327) lot 75
Green, Abigail, Jareb to G. L. Taylor 1823 (CC,293) lot 75
Green, Calista, Thomas to L. Hawley 1829 (OO,216) lot 92
Green, Calista, Thomas to A. P. Gould 1829 (OO,441) lot 92
Green, Thomas et al. to Union Cong. Soc. of Man. & Pompey 1828
(NN,227) lot 92
Gregory, Lydia, Samuel to A. Walter 1826 (HH,501) lot 69
Gregory, Lydia, Samuel to D. Maulter or Moulter 1826 (HH,502) lot 69
Gridley, Abel by Adm. to C. Gridley 1825 (GG,39) lot 100
Gridley, Abel, Salina to C. Gridley 1827 (KK,23) lot 100
Gridley, Abigail E., Elijah to S. W. Gridley 1829 (OO,169) lot 90
Gridley, Clement by Admr. to J. Gridley 1825 (FF,157) lot 90
Gridley, Jabez to E. Gridley 1825 (FF,160) lot 90
Gridley, Leva, Sarah, Samuel U., heirs of James et al. by Comrs. to
S. Gridley et al. 1823 (DP,101) lot 90 Decree
Grinnel, John to A. Martin 1820 (X,344) lot 75
Grinnel, John, Sabra to S. Tousley 1821 (AA,157) lot 97
Grinnel, John, Sabra to S. Tousley 1824 (DD,306) lot 86
Grinnel, John, Sabra to J. Clark 1824 (DD,546) lot 86
Grinnell, John, Sabra to H. Willcox 1826 (HH,283) lot 86
Groesbeeck, Cornelius, Jane to T. Donnelly 1829 (OO,211) lot 81
Guernsey, Austin, Adelia to T. Green 1824 (DD,444) lot 92
Gumaer, Benjamin Jr. et al. by Shff. to D. Kellogg 1825 (FF,208) lot
Gumaer, Elias Jr. to E. Rose 1824 (DD,260) lot 95
Gumaer, Elias by Shff. to D. Kellogg 1825 (FF,533) lot 74+
Gumaer, Elias, Mary to J. Hadley 1827 (KK,148) lot 93
Gumaer, Hannah, Elias to R. Conier 1822 (AA,301) lot 63
Gumaer, Peter E., Mary to M. Hull 1827 (II,307) lot 54
Gumair, Elias to D. Ely 1824 (EE,95) lot 84
Hadley, Jacob, Sabney to T. I. Gilbert 1821 (Z,130) lot 98
Hair, Daniel, Sarah to A. Hair 1827 (KK,452) lot 13
Hall, Eunice, John to A. Day 1822 (BB,340) lot 6
Hall, George to J. Yarrington 1822 (AA,406) lot 91
Hall, George, Theodica to J. G. Forbes 1825 (FF,460) lot 91
Hall, George, Theodocia et al. to S. G. Keeler 1829 (QQ,66) lot 91
Hall, Jonathan C. to R. Knox 1826 (GG,399) lot 97+
Hamilton, Catharine, Isaac to D. Moulter & ano. 1828 (NN,478) lot
Hamilton, James by atty. to A. Wood 1822 (BB,12) lot 98
Hamlin, Eli, Loviseyr to R. Johnson 1820 (X,408) lot 98
Hammond, Jabez D., Miranda to H. Edwards 1827 (KK,201) lot 23
Hammond, Jabez D., Miranda to P. Eaton 1828 (NN,49) lot 23
Hammond, Jabez D., Miranda to W. Acker & ano. 1829 (OO,175) lot
Hardenburgh, Abram G., Mary to N. Phillips 1826 (II,46) lot 45
Hare, Daniel, Sarah to J. A. Sherwood 1821 (Z,258) lot 65
Hare, Daniel, Sarah to H. Ward 1821 (Z,410) lot 65
Harrington, Chancellor by Shff. to J. C. Brisbin 1823 (DD,61) lot 97+
Harrington, Lucretia to T. C. Clark 1822 (BB,388) lot 97
Hart, Susan, Truman to J. A. Sherwood 1820 (X,482) lot 59
Hart, Susan, Truman to H. Rightmyer, 1824 (DD,548) lot 59
Hart, Susan, Truman to H. Wrightmyer 1824 (EE,118) lot 59
Hart, Susan, Truman to P. Thompson 1826 (II,1010) lot 59
Hart, Susan, Truman to A. Mabie 1826 (II,203) lot 59
Hart, Truman to D. Sheldon 1820 (Y,61) lot 59 rt. of way
Hart, Truman to H. Rhoades 1824 (DD,271) lot 59
Harter, Lawrence, Jr., Maria to J. B. Johnson 1820 (Y,82) lot 56
Hawley, John, Ruben et al. to A. Burt 1823 (CC,469) lot 75
Hawley, Lemuel, Polly to J. Millin 1822 (BB,15) lot 92
Hawley, William to H. R. Hawley 1829 (OO,292) lot 32
Hearsey, Almira, John to W. Burton & ano. 1826 (HH,102) lot ___
Heath, George to C. Cooper 1824 (OO,328) lot 92
Heath, Hawley E. by Gdn. et al. to D. Cotton 1822 (BB,301) lot ___
Helmer, Margaret, Hannah, James Jr., Peter et al. to N. Marsh 1829
(OO,235) lot 79
Hennegin, Joseph, Rhoda to P. Henegen 1822 (AA,448) lot 70
Henry, Hannah, Robert to J. Johnson 1824 (DD,453) lot 88
Hibbard, Isaac V. V., Nancy, Robert, Fanny, Polly, Samuel to S. P.
Judson et al. 1826 (PP,56) lot 63
Hibbard, Jonathan, Sophia to N. Hibbard 1826 (GG,301) lot 86
Hibbard, Smith to L. Dunning 1828 (NN,133) lot 95
Hickox, Ebenezer, Mary to A. Smith 1828 (MM,409) lot 86+
Hickox, Isaac et al. to A. Smith 1828 (NN,262) lot 68
Higbee, David to J. Higbee 1821 (Z,308) lot 60
Higbee, David, John to P. Higbee 1828 (NN,467) lot 60
Higbee, Hendrick to J. Higbee 1823 (CC,489) lot 60
Higbee, John, Nancy to D. Higbee 1821 (Z,307) lot 60
Higbee, Joseph, Lois to Dan Torry 1821 (AA,118) lot 49
Higinbotham, Niles, Lucy to R. Kinyon 1822 (BB,191) lot 91
Higinbotham, Sands, Tempy to E. Willard 1821 (Z,315) lot 81
Higinbotham, Sands, Temperance et al. to M. Hunt 1822 (BB,122) lot
Higinbotham, Sands, Temperance to T. Donnelly 1829 (OO,205) lot 81
Higinbotham, Sands, Temperance to G. M. Richardson 1829 (PP,98) lot
Higinbotham, Sands, Temperance to T. Donnelly 1829 (QQ,133) lot 81
Higley, Lyman W., Minerva by atty. to J. Hoyte 1826 (HH,58) lot 62
Hitchcock, Gaius to J. Mayer & ano. 1824 (DD,587) lot 57
Hoar, Aaron C., Clarissa to S. Pulford 1823 (CC,366) lot 75
Hoar, Aaron C., Clarissa to F. Pratt 1826 (GG,477) lot 76
Hoar, Aaron C., Clarissa to H. Johnson 1828 LL,335) lot 98
Hoar, Aaron C., Clarissa to A. Bliss 1829 (OO,244) lot 25
Hoar, Aaron C., Clarissa to M. Bird 1829 (OO,402) lot 74
Hobb, John to W. Hamilton 1822 (AA,419) lot 93
Hodgman, Elizabeth, widow of Samuel to J. Emmons 1821 (AA,8) lot 42
Holbrook, David to H. L. Holbrook 1823 (CC,106) lot 92
Holbrook, George W. to D. Holbrook 1826 (GG,189) lot 92
Holbrook, George W. to D. L. Scudder 1828 (MM,73) lot 93
Holbrook, George W., Sally to P. Tobey et al. 1828 (MM,289) lot 93
Holbrook, Henry L. to H. P. Holbrook 1823 (DD,68) lot 92
Holbrook, Hiram, Mary A. et al. to C. G. Houghtaling et al. 1828 (NN,484)
lot 93+
Holbrook, Hiram G., Mary A. et al. to J. Slocum 1829 (PP,43) lot 93
Holbrook, Hiram G., Mary A. et al. to M. Chapman 1829 (OO,392) lot
Holbrook, Hiram P. to J. S. Coonley 1826 (HH,374) lot 92
Hopkins, Daniel C., Martha P. to G. Grinnell 1828 (MM,466) lot 86
Hopkins, Daniel C., Martha P. to John Brown 1829 (PP,315) lot 86
Hoskins, Hannah, Philo S. to P. Sennett 1826 (II,223) lot 75
Hoskins, Ores H. to J. Haskins or Hoskins 1825 (EE,298) lot 75
Hoskins, Orris H. by Admr. to M. Bird 1829 (PP,88) lot 74+
Hoskins, Orris, Mary to O. Eaton 1829 (PP,206) lot 75
Houghtaling, Conradt, Emily to F. Fowler 1829 (PP,312) lot 93
Houghtaling, Garet T. to A. Sherwood 1828 (MM,112) lot 92
Howell, Catharine, Benoni H. to A. Day 1822 (BB,341) lot 6
Hoyt, Charity, Keeler to L. Cook et al. 1821 (Z,107) lot 76
Hoyt, John C. by Admrs. to S. A. P. Lyman 1828 (LL,426) lot 87
Hoyt, Joseph, Mary J. to J. Millard 1829 (OO,198) lot 62
Hubbard, David to W. Nettleton, Jr. 1828 (MM,294) lot 96
Hubbs, Anne, Obidiah et al. to E. Smith 1828 (NN,502) lot 56
Hughes, David, Elloner to S. R. Matthews 1823 (DD,2) lot 41
Huggins, Julia, Spencer C. to G. L. Taylor 1827 (LL,261) lot 67
Hull, Morris by Admr. to H. Mosley 1826 (GG,459) lot 87+
Hull, Morris by Admr. to D. Ely 1825 (EE,460) lot 54+
Humphrey, Betsey, James to N. Squire 1825 (FF,138) lot 93
Humphrey, Betsey, James to H. P. Holbrook 1829 (PP,179) lot 92
Humphrey, Eunice, John to J. B. Sherwood et al. 1828 (MM,182) lot 49
Humphrey, James to G. W. Holbrook 1827 (II,364) lot 93
Hungerford, Mary, Lydia to J. Hobbs & ano. 1822 (AA,418) lot 93
Hungerford, Stephen et al. to Union Cong. Soc.of Pomp. & Man. 1828
(NN,227) lot 92
Hunt, Montgomery to R. Richardson 1827 (KK,104) lot 81
Huntington, Charles P., Mary to P. Perit 1823 (DD,59) lot 25
Huntley, Abigail, Jasper to W. Worden, Jr. et al. 1825 (EE,293) lot
Huntley, Abigail, Jasper to children of Ichabod Goodfellow by his present
wife, Phebe,1829 (PP,132) lot 75
Huntley, Adam S., Harriet H. et al. to F. Reals & ano. 1822 (BB,315)
lot 54
Huntley, Adam S., Harriet to A. Cook 1827 (KK,419) lot 54
Huntley, Adam S., Harriet H. to S. P. Judson 1827 (LL,270) lot 54
Huntley, Ira to P. Huntley & ano. 1822 (AA,412) lot 54
Huntley, Jasper by Exr. to A. Breed 1823 (CC,288) lot 75
Huntley, Jasper by Exr. to S. Holstead (or Halstead) 1823 (CC,304)
lot 75
Huntley, Jasper by Exr. to I. Goodfellow 1825 (EE,517) lot ___
Huntley, Lydia, William et al. to A. Story 1826 (HH,397) lot 54
Huntley, Timothy, Sarah to T. Starr et al. 1822 (BB,3) lot 75
Huntley, Timothy, Sally to T. Goodfellow 1829 (OO,176) lot 75
Huntley, William by Shff. to S. Hungerford 1826 (GG,505) lot 48
Huntly, Daniel, Betsey to E. M. Curtis 1824 (DD,303) lot 57
Hyde, Betsey, John W. to C. Coats 1821 (Z,167) lot 75
Ittig, Delia, George to G. Real 1822 (BB,317) lot 55
Ives, Eunice, Jon to J. B. Ives 1824 (LL,34) lot 93
Ives, John B. to E. C. Rust 1828 (MM,27) lot 93
Ives, John B., to J. G. Low 1828 (MM,465) lot 93
Ives, John B. et al. to Union Con. Soc. of Manlius 1828 (NN,227) lot
Jackson, James, Mary A. to Trust. of Man. M.E. Ch. 1821 (Z,184) Lot
Jackson, James to J. Peck 1823 (CC,210) lot 86+
Jackson, James, Mary A. to J. J. Merrell 1829 (OO,325) lot 87
James, John & ano. to G. V. Denniston 1821 (L,9) lot 98 f. afft.
James, William to T. Todd 1823 (CC,228) lot 98 Rel.
Jenkins, Josiah to L. S. Burr 1827 (GG,369) lot 24
Jenkins, Josiah to T. Jenkins 1827 (LL,75) lot 24
Jenkins, Timothy to L. S. Burr 1827 (GG,320) lot 24
Johnson, Abigail, Jesse to I. Remington 1824 (DD,542) lot 88
Johnson, Abigail, Jesse to T. Cranston et al. 1825 (FF,338) lot 88
Johnson, Abigail, Jesse to A. Mills 1826 (GG,234) lot 88
Johnson, David, Elizah to S. Spencer 1821 (Z,319) lot 26
Johnson, Esther, John B. to A. Smith 1822 (BB,132) lot 56+
Johnson, John B. et al. to J. Peck 1823 (M,317) lot 86+ f. afft.
Johnson, Moses to J. G. Vought 1826 (O,576) lot 98 f. afft.
Jones, Eunice, Henry to Pardon Sennett & ano. 1825 (FF,359) lot
Judson, Edither, Samuel P. to Z. H. Judson 1828 (LL,382) lot 54
Judson, Zephiah H. to J. Mabie 1828 (MM,223) lot 54
Keeler, Daniel by Shff. to G. Hall et al. 1825 (FF,456) lot 91
Keeler, Ebenezer to H. Edwards 1826 (P,344) lot 48 f. afft.
Keeler, Ebenezer to E. Cobb 1828 (Q,398) lot 38+ f. afft.
Keeler, Eunice, Isaac et al. to C. Cooper 1824 (EE,227) lot 92
Keeler, Eunice, Isaac to P. Tobey 1825 (FF,186) lot 92
Keeler, Eunice, Isaac to E. C. Rust 1825 (FF,288) lot 92
Keeler, Fanny, John, Lydia to T. Green 1825 (EE,362) lot 92
Keeler, Lucy, Samuel G. to F. P. Snow 1829 (PP,454) lot 91
Keller, Elizabeth, Nicolas to J. Bender 1825 (FF,284) lot 69
Kellogg, Aaron to J. Mills 1825 (FF,530) lot 63
Kellogg, Abram, Maria to S. Kimball 1826 (HH,242) lot 63
Kellogg, Ashbel, Susan to Z. Lathrop 1825 (FF,408) lot 60
Kellogg, Clarissa, Ralph to S. R. Mathews 1822 (BB,281) lot 49
Kellogg, Daniel et al. to N. Low et al. 1820 (X,422) lot 48 r. of judgt.
Kellogg, Daniel to Union Cong. Soc. Manlius 1827 (II,427) lot 93
Kellogg, Daniel, Laura to J. Hadley 1827 (II,423) lot 93
Kellogg, Daniel, Laura et al. to S. Eaton & ano. 1827 (LL,318)
lot 33
Kellogg, Henry, Sally A. to P. Kellogg 1820 (Y,143) lot 63
Kellogg, Henry, Sarah to P. Kellogg 1820 (Y,146) lot 74
Kellogg, Julia A. to P. Kellogg & ano. 1820 (Z,55) lot 73 l. lease
Kellogg, Maria, Abram to G. Reynolds & ano. 1825 (EE,251) lot 63
Kellogg, Olive, Phineas to J. A. Kellogg 1820 (Z,55) lot 73
Kellogg, Pearl et al. to R. Kellogg 1822 (BB,280) lot 49
Kellogg, Pearl, Lucy A to N. Bunell 1820 (Y,145) lot 49
Kellogg, Pearl et al. to R. Kellogg 1822 (BB,280) lot 49
Kellogg, Pearl, Lucy M. to P. Kellogg 1826 (HH,86) lot 73
Kellogg, Philo to H. Kellogg 1822 (AA,264) lot 63
Kellogg, Phineas Jr. to C. P. Kirkland 1823 (M,472) lot 73 f. afft
Kellogg, Phineas Jr. to A. Wilcox 1824 (DD,28) lot 73
Kellogg, Phineas, Olive to G. Adams 1829 (PP,19) lot 73
Kellogg, Seth B. to A. Smith 1820 (Y,35) lot 87
Ketcham, Betsey, Jeremiah to J. A. Balsley 1823 (NN,472) lot 84
Ketcham, Hezekiah to F. Bishop 1820 (Y,328) lot 97+
Ketcham, Hezekiah to N. Williams 1822 (M,99) lot 97 f. afft.
Kilts, Catharine, Christian et al. to N. Marsh 1829 (OO,235) lot 79
Kincade, James O. to L. Kincade 1828 (NN,427) lot 16
Kincade, Lyman, Tamar to G. Willsey 1828 (NN,172) lot 15
King, William M. to S. Tousley 1829 (OO,44) lot 71
Kinne, Betsey, Moses to Z. Kinne 1820 (X,366) lot 63
Kinne, Asenath, Cyrus to D. Collins 1823 (CC,162) lot 55
Kinne, Comfort, Cyrus to Daniel Hare 1821 (Z,257) lot 65
Kinne, Cyrus by Exrs. to H. Ward et al. 1821 (Z,406) lot 65
Kinne, Cyrus to E. Kinne 1823 (BB,474) lot 63
Kinne, Cyrus, Olive to J. Breed 1826 (II,225) lot 50
Kinne, Elizabeth, Phineas to N. M. Smith 1828 (NN,66) lot 63
Kinne, Eunice, Prentis to A. Burt 1829 (PP,207) lot 63
Kinne, Ezra by Shff. to J. Norris 1828 (NN,446) lot 50
Kinne, Ezra by Shff. to R. Kinnie 1829 (OO,85) lot 50
Kinne, Ezra et al. to J. Thompson 1825 (FF,7) lot 41+
Kinne, Ezra et al. to E. Breed 1825 (GG,12) lot 50
Kinne, Ezra to J. Thompson 1824 (EE,230) lot 41+
Kinne, Ezra to O. Teal 1825 (EE,360) lot 77
Kinne, Ezra to M. Frost 1826 (GG,427) lot 50
Kinne, Ezra to C. Kinne 1826 (GG,429) lot 50
Kinne, Ezra to J. Norris 1827 (II,306) lot 50
Kinne, Ezra, Japheth, Prenti, Zebulon, Mary, Temperance, Betsey, Moses
heirs of Cyrus to C. Kinne 1824 (DD,207) lot 65
Kinne, Ezra, Mary to A. Burt 1823 (CC,468) lot 63
Kinne, Lucy, Zebulon to A. Burt 1829 (PP,208) lot 63
Kinne, Moses to T. Starr 1828 (MM,489) lot 65
Kinne, Polly, Rite to E. Breed 1827 (KK,309) lot 50
Kinne, Sila to R. Kinne 1826 (II,135) lot 50
Kinne, Zachariah to M. Cole 1826 (GG,256) lot 65
Kinne, Zachariah to N. Bunnel & ano. 1827 (II,346) lot 50
Kirkland, Charles to P. Kellogg 1823 (DD,65) lot 73
Kirkland, Charles P. to J. Sweeting or Swetting 1820 (Y,363) lot 44
Kirkland, Edward to R. Cunningham 1829 (PP,12) lot 37
Kirkland, Edward to R. Cunningham 1829 (PP,14) lot 37
Kirkland, Joseph, Sarah to E. Kirkland 1824 (EE,8) lot 37
Kirkpatrick, William et al. to R. Williams et al. 1821 (AA,207) lot
Knowlton, Robert to J. Hibbard, Jr. 1821 (Z,194) lot 97
Knox, Robert, Susan to R. Williams et al. 1826 (GG,406) lot 97 +
Lamb, John to T. Starr 1825 (FF,396) lot 44
Lamb, John to T. Starr 1825 (FF,397) lot 44
Landers, Daniel D., Lucy to A. Bliss 1829 (OO,243) lot 34
Lasher, Azubah et al. to A. Story 1826 (HH,397) lot 54
Lasher, Esther, Zephaniah to H. Russell 1820 (Y,103) lot 60
Lasher, Esther, Zephaniah to H. Moseley 1822 (BB,80) lot 77
Lasher, Frederick to E. Rhoads 1820 (X,477) lot 74
Lasher, Frederick to E. Rhoades 1820 (X,478) lot 74
Lasher, Frederick to J. H. Beach 1820 (Y,427) lot 98
Lasher, Frederick, Lucretia to S. Graves 1827 (LL,128) lot 98
Lasher, Frederick, Lucretia to T. M. Wood 1828 (R,464) lot 54 f. afft.
Lasher, Lucy, Zephaniah to J. Umphrey 1824 (EE,216) lot 49
Lasher, Lucy, Zephaniah to D. Torrey 1827 (II,272) lot 60
Lasher, Zephaniah et al. to R. Kellogg 1822 (BB,280) lot 49
Lasher, Zephaniah to D. Torry 1825 (FF,408) lot 60
Laurence, Christina, James R. to J. Jones 1823 (CC,413) lot 70
Laurence, John by Exr. to G. L. Marshall 1822 (AA,319) lot 21
Leaycraftsby, George by Assn. to J. D. Gros 1829 (1CR,84) lot 49
Leonard, Ann, David H. to J. Cowles or Coles, Admrs. of 1824 (EE,10)
lot 62
Leonard, Ann, David H. to W. Barker 1821 (AA,34) lot 62
Leonard, Ann, David H. to G. D. Coles 1829 (OO,310) lot 52
Leonard, Cornelius V. V., Maria et al. to J. V. H. Clark 1826 (HH,183)
lot 78
Leonard, David H. to S. Clark 1826 (O,532) lot 62 f. afft.
Leonard, Enoch by Exrs. to R. H. Bangs 1826 (GG,258) lot 78
Lewis, Angelica, Gradus to H. Ward 1821 (Z,403) lot 65
Lewis, Anna, Charles to J. D. Edgerton 1827 (KK,406) lot 62
Lewis, Hannah, Thomas et al. to N. Hibbard 1826 (GG,300) lot 87
Lewis, Job to J. Bristol 1827 (KK,454) lot 32+
Liddle, Adam, Melinda to E. Liddle 1821 (Z,525) lot 71
Liddle, Elizabeth, widow of John to A. Liddle 1820 (Y,359) lot 71
Liddle, Elizabeth to J. Higbe 1821 (Z,526) lot 71
Liddle, Elizabeth to A. Liddle 1829 (OO,65) lot 71
Lipe, Abraham, Mary to Thomas Clark 1820 (Y,444) lot 89
Littlefield, Ruth, Thomas to C. Dibble 1822 (AA,492) lot 93
Lloyd, George to W. Lloyd 1829 (OO,183) lot 14
Loucks, Isaac, Lany to N. Marsh & ano. 1829 (OO,234) lor 58
Loveless, Lucretia to H. Blake 1820 (X,455) lot 51
Ludington, Amanda, Julia A., Liberty G., Sally, Jenet, Jared by Gdn.,
heirs of Jared to E. Callender 1821 (Z,507) lot 88
Lush, Lyntie, Richard to J. Taylor et ano. 1825 (EE,285) lot 9
Lush, Lydia heir of Stephen to A. Walradt 1827 (KK,473) lot 39
Lusk, Richard et ano. to H. P. Bogardus 1827 (LL,42) lot 41
Lyman, Samuel A. P. to F. C. Hoyt 1828 (LL,425) lot 87
Lynd, Archless W., Esther et al. to N. Williams 1825 (EE,454) lot 86
Lynd, Archless W, Esther et ano. to N. Williams 1825 (EE,456) lot 86
r. of dower
Mabie, Abraham, Ann to D. Scouten 1820 (Z,68) lot 59
Magher, Jane C., Peter to A. Thompson 1824 (KK,478) lot 25
Main, Lydia, Paul R. to H. Ward 1822 (AA,449) lot 65
Maine, Paul R. to D. Beebe, Jr., heirs of 1827 (LL,317) lot 65 rel.
of mort.
Maltby, Benjamin et al. to P. Kellogg 1828 (NN,377) lot 63
Marsh, Alvan by Shff. to A. Smith 1822 (BB,135) lot 97
Marsh, Alvan, Susan et al. to H. Ward 1820 (Y,100) lot 97
Marsh, Alvan, Susan et al. to I. H. Osborn 1824 (DD,466) lot 97
Marsh, Alvan, Susan et al. to E. Ward 1827 (KK,153) lot 97
Marsh, Alvin, Susan to I. H. Osborn 1823 (CC,116) lot 97
Marsh, Catharine, Nicholas et al. to J. Gates 1829 (II,112) lot 58
Marsh, Dorothy et al. to N. Marsh 1829 (OO,235) lot 79
Marsh, John H. to N. Marsh 1829 (NN,452) lot 79
Marsh, Peter to R. Burnett & ano. 1821 (AA,3) lot 79
Marshall, George L. Fanna to D. S. Miller 1828 (MM,324) lot 21
Marvin, Dudley et al. to W. Bristol 1821 (Z,61) lot 32
Mason, Aaron, Huldah to A. P. Brayton 1820 (Y,17) lot 37
Mather, David, Nancy to H. P. Potter 1820 (X,370) lot 87
Matthews, Betsey, Samuel R. to S. Danforth 1827 (II,262) lot 41
Matthews, Samuel R. to S. Benedict 1829 (OO,469) lot 40
McArthur, Robert to A. Rowe 1828 (MM,366) lot 97
McCall, George C., William, heirs of George to S. Reed et al. 1824
(DD,310) lot 80
McCall, William by Atty. to J. Ryder 1820 (Y,448) lot 40
McFarlan, Robert by Exrs. to A. Thompson 1821 (Z,129) lot 41
McIntyre, Archibald to J. D. Lamatter (DeLamatter) 1822 (Z,559) lot
McIntyre, Archibald to H. Ellis 1827 (KK,164) lot 49
McKee, Daniel to T. Webber 1826 (GG,356) lot 98
McMillen, Joseph to J. Reed 1823 (CC,191) lot 94
McViccar, John by Comrs. to W. Dygert et al. 1823 (DP,97) lot 26+ Decree
McViccar, John, Rhoda et al. to J. Stevenson 1827 (II,389) lot 26
McViccar, John & ano. to W. Fillmore 1827 (LL,126) lot 45
McViccar, John, Rhoda to F. Pratt & ano. 1828 (LL,414) lot 65/75
McViccar, John, Rhoda to N. Williams 1829 (PP,371) lot 65
Mead, Elisha, Submit to W. Mead (or Meed) 1827 (LL,107), lot 16
Meed, Elisha, Submit to W. Meed (or Mead) 1827 (LL,107) lot 16
Merrick, Ebenezer, Hopestill to E. West 1827 (KK,336) lot 98
Merrill, Abiah, David to J. Wilson 1820 (X,421) lot 30
Messenger, Clarissa, Stephen to J. D. Merrick 1828 (MM,363) lot 86/97
Meyers, Anna, Hendrich S. to D. H. Meyers 1829 (OO,420) lot 58
Meyers, David H., Julia A., Cara, Jacob to E. Gay 1828 (MM,454) lot
Meyers, David H., Julia A. Jacob to P. Bender 1829 (OO,137) lot 58-59
Meyers, David H. Julia A., Jacob to W. B. Sims 1829 (OO,139)
lot 58-59
Mickles, Nicholas, Sally to M. Cadwell 1821 (Z,518) lot 92
Mickles, Nicholas, Sally to E. Rust 1825 (FF,185) lot 92
Miller, John et al. to Union Cong. Soc. of Man. & Pomp. 1828 (NN,227)
lot 92
Miller, Lany, Samuel to S. L. Miller & ano. 1823 (CC,192) lot 40
Miller, Leah, Samuel to J. Wilson 1822 (AA,397) lot 40
Miller, Maria by Atty., Morris S. by Atty. to J. Britton 1825 (FF,493)
lot 11
Miller, Samuel L. Rachel to A. Miller 1828 (MM,108) lot 40
Millin, Amy, John to C. Cooper 1824 (DD,456) lot 92
Mills, Asher, Margaret to J. Easton 1825 (FF,176) lot 88
Mills, Elizabeth, John to Hervey Annnibal 1826 (HH,17) lot 53 (or 63)
Molder, David, Polly to J. Bender 1825 (FF,286) lot 69
Moore, Henry B., Louisa M. et al. to W. Tryon 1826 (HH,321) lot 99
Moore, Henry B. to E. Ewers & ano. 1824 (DD,571) lot 87/98
Morey, Davenport to J. Norris 1821 (Z,554) lot 94
Morey, Stilman to J. W. Salsbury 1825 (FF,507) lot 63
Morgan, John to L. Davis 1823 (BB,480) lot 26
Morgan, Lyman, Lucretia to O. Willcox 1828 (NN,493) lot 31
Morris, Betsey to Orville Presby. Society 1822 (BB,124) lot 62
Morris, Betsey to Orville Presby. Society 1822 (BB,125) lot 62
Morris, Betsey, Charles to A. Dean et al. 1823 (BB,282) lot 62
Morris, Betsey, Charles et al. to D. H. Leonard 1826 (GG,275) lot 62
Morris, Betsey, Charles to D. Van Slyck 1826 (II,88) lot 62
Morris, Charles, Betsey to Trustees of Orvill Presby. Soc. 1822 (BB,124)
lot 62
Morris, Charles, Betsey to Trustees of Orvill Presby. Soc. 1822 (BB,125)
lot 62
Morris, Charles, Betsey to A. Dean et al. 1822 (BB,282) lot 62
Morris, Charles, Betsey to D. H. Leonard 1826 (GG,275) lot 62
Morris, Charles, Betsey to D. Van Slyck 1826 (II,88) lot 62
Morris, Thomas to J. Richardson 1822 (AA,260) lot 55/56
Morse, Mary et al. to S. Tillotson 1823 (DD,50) lot 87
Morse, Phebe, Samuel to E. Gay 1825 (FF,364) lot 56
Morse, Stoughton by Adm. to S. Tillotson et al. 1823 (DD,47) lot 87
Moseley, Charles, Charlotte to H. Moseley 1822 (AA,268) lot 87
Moseley, Charles, Charlotte to C. Whitford 1822 (AA,291) lot 87
Moseley, Charles, Charlotte to A. Nims 1822 (AA,343) lot 87
Moseley, Charles, Charlotte to T. Moseley 1822 (AA,513) lot 87
Moseley, Charles, Charlotte to H. Moseley 1822 (BB,26) lot 87
Moseley, Charles, Charlotte to E. S. Williams 1826 (II,80) lot 87
Moseley, Charles, Charlotte to A. Norton 1827 (KK,160) lot 96
Moseley, Charles, Charlotte to N. Marsh 1828 (NN,449) lot 78
Moseley, Charles, Charlotte by A. Gen'l to D. Moseley 1829 (PP,237)
lot 87
Moseley, Charles, Charlotte to S. N. Dexter 1829 (II,131) lot 87
Moseley, Charlotte to T. Moseley 1822 (AA,513) lot 87
Moseley, Daniel, Lydia to C. Moseley 1829 (II,47) lot 87
Moseley, Harry, Susan to A. Smith 1822 (BB,136) lot 87
Moseley, Harry, Susan to D. Ely 1824 (EE,457) lot 80
Moseley, Harry, Susan to E. Ewers & ano. 1826 (GG,590) lot 97
Moseley, Harry, Susan to E. S. Williams 1826 (II,83) lot 87
Moseley, Harry, Susan to S. Field 1827 (II,424) lot 85-96
Moseley, Harry, Susan to E. Ewers & ano. 1828 (MM,88) lot 98-86
Moseley, Mary A. Thomas to C. Moseley 1826 (GG,458) lot 87
Moseley, Mary A., Thomas to A. Smith 1826 (HH,293) lot 97
Moseley, William H. et al. to S. Tillotson 1823 (DD,50) lot 87
Moulter, David, Polly to J. Bender 1825 (FF,286) lot 69
Moulter, David, Polly to W. Walter 1826 (II,1) lot 69
Mulholland, Daniel to S. L. Edwards 1823 (DD,128) lot 98
Mulholland, Daniel, Eleanor et al. to B. Farr 1826 (HH,391) lot 98
Mulholland, Daniel, Perthena to S. L. Edwards 1826 (GG,268) lot 98
Mulholland, Daniel, Perthena to H. Johnson 1829 (PP,371) lot 98
Mulholland, Eleanor et al. to A. Yelverton, Jr. 1824 (DD,518) lot 97
Mumford, Angelina S., William W. to S. L. Edwards 1828 (NN,488) lot
Mumford, Mary S., Thomas to W. W. Mumford 1827 (KK,116) lot 98
Mumford, Thomas to J. G. Vought 1826 (GG,317) lot 98
Myer, Peter T. to W. Cook 1825 (EE,439) lot 21
Neely, Alexander by Shff. to J. Bailey et al. 1828 (NN,10) lot 14
Neely, Alexander to G. Lloyd 1826 (II,136) lot 14
Neely, Alexander to T. D. Perkins 1828 (MM,492) lot 14
Neely, Alexander, Lydia to A. R. Bliss 1827 (KK,334) lot 25
Nellis, John J. J. to N. Van Slyke & ano. 1827 (KK,207) lot 86
Neven, Daniel by Exrs. to D. D. Landers 1828 (MM,469) lot 34
Nevin, Daniel by Exrs. to S. J. Lape 1829 (OO,490) lot 34
Nims, Lemuel C., Phylinda et al. to D. C. Dow 1822 (AA,493) lot 97
Nims, Lemuel C., Phylinda et al. to O. Smith & ano. 1824 (EE,2)
lot 97
Northrup, Elijah to O. Teall 1823 (DD,88) lot 38
Norris, Harriet, James W. to P. Tobey 1827 (KK,36) lot 92
Norris, Harriet, James W. to J. D. Edgerton 1827 (KK,407) lot 62
Norris, James to J. W. Norris 1826 (HH,384) lot 92
Norris, James to M. Vantasseal 1827 (NN,439) lot 50
Norris, James, Sarah to J. W. Norris 1827 (KK,35) lot 92
Norton, Ashbel, Mary to A. Estes 1829 (OO,462) lot 96
Norton, Ashbel, Mary to A. Russell 1829 (PP,462) lot 97
Norton, Ashbel, Polly to L. Cooke et al. 1822 (AA,304) lot 96
Norton, John T. to H. Moseley 1826 (GG,470) lot 78
Olcott, Daniel, Thedy et al. to E. Gay 1822 (AA,237) lot 56
Olcott, Josiah B. et al. to J. Thompson 1825 (FF,7) lot 41-50
Olcott, Josiah B. to E. Kinne 1823 (BB,473) lot 41
Olcott, Cerilla, Josiah B. to L. Sweating, Jr. 1826 (HH,387) lot 41
Oliphant, Martha, Robert to J. Hibbard, Jr. 1821 (Z,195) lot 86
Osgood, Calvin, Lucy to H. Moseley 1826 (HH,394) lot 77
Otis, David, Melana et al. to D. H. Leonard 1826 (GG,275) lot 62
Paddock, Nathan, Meheteble to H. Ketchum 1820 (Y,397) lot 97/86
Palmer, Charles Sanford, heir of Elias to S. Palmer et ano. 1829 (DP,115)
lot 64 Decree
Palmer, Denison to S. B. Palmer 1829 (OO,332) lot 64
Palmer, Denison, Almira to P. Flint 1829 (PP,336) lot 64
Palmer, Lovina, Uriah to A. Freeman 1825 (EE,519) lot 78
Palmer, Sanford, Wealthy to S. B. Palmer 1822 (BB,241) lot 64
Palmer, Sanford, Wealthy to D. Palmer 1822 (BB,242) lot 64
Palmer, Sanford, Wealthy to D. Palmer 1825 (EE,437) lot 64
Palmer, Sanford, Wealthy to M. B. Hutchins1826 (II,109) lot 75
Palmer, Sanford B. to D. Duncan 1829 (OO,55) lot 64
Parker, Hannah, Orra to S. Sloan 1824 (EE,133) lot 97
Peck, John et al. to J. Peck 1823 (M,317) lot 86-90 f. afft.
Peck, John, Phebe to G. Fox 1821 (AA,52) lot 86
Peck, John, Phebe to A. Smith 1823 (CC,119) lot 86/97
Perit, Pelatiah to A. Neely 1823 (DD,60) lot 25
Perkins, Thomas D. by Shff. to E. Delamater 1825 (EE,515) lot ___
Perkins, Thomas D. to S. Shepard 1829 (QQ,9) lot 14
Perssons, Rhoda, Russel to T. Starr 1820 (Y,239) lot 75
Philips, Nicholas to H. Harter 1826 (HH,152) lot 45
Philips, Nicholas to J. Barse 1826 (II,2) lot 45
Phillips, Amanda, Elijah to D. B. Bickford 1822 (AA,382) lot ___
Phillips, Amanda, Elijah to C. Morris et ano. 1826 (GG,277) lot 62
Phillips, Amanda, Elijah to N. P. Randall et al. 1826 (HH,247) lot
Phillips, Elijah to J. Griswold 1825 (EE,386) lot 69
Phillips, Henry H. et al. to S. R. Mathews 1827 (KK,285) lot 40
Phillips, Nicholas to L. Schults 1827 (PP,268) lot 45
Phillips, Peter et al. to J. McViccar 1826 (HH,311) lot 75
Phinney, Rhoda, Zenas to H. B. Moore 1826 (GG,498) lot 99
Phinney, Rhoda, Zenas to W. Tryon 1826 (HH,321) lot 99
Pickard, Dorothy, John et al. to J. Yelverton 1829 (QQ,59) lot 74
Plaunt, Abraham to E. Ward 1821 (AA,185) lot 97 rlse. of mort.
Porter, Seth J. et al. to Trustees of Union Cong. Ch of Man. &
Pompey 1824 (NN,227) lot 92
Post, Mary to A. Norton 1827 (KK,159) lot 97
Potter, Electa, Heman B. to I. Collins 1824 (EE,234) lot 87
Pratt, Caleb, Loly to B. Nichols 1829 (OO,30) lot 100
Pratt, Charlott, John to B. Nichols 1829 (OO,29) lot 100
Pratt, Joshua, Sarah to F. Pratt 1826 (GG,480) lot 76
Pratt, Nancy, Seymour to N. Williams 1829 (OO,417) lot 100
Pratt, Seymour to J. Pratt 1824 (EE,131) lot 100
Pratt, William, Synthia to J. Pratt 1826 (GG,476) lot 76
Prindle, Ella, Olive to S. Hibbard et al. 1824 (N,85) lot 63
Pulford, Maria A., Schuyler to J. White 1824 (DD,494) lot 75
Quirk, Lavinia, Thomas to E. Carr 1825 (FF,526) lot 67
Quirk, Lavinia, Thomas to D. Scouten 1825 (FF,528) lot 67
Quirk, Thomas to D. Scouten & ano. 1825 (GG,10) lot 67
Randall, Eliza, Nicholas P. et al. to R. Williams et al. 1821 (AA,207)
lot 97+
Randall, Nicholas P. to H. Moseley 1820 (Y,463) lot 86
Randall, Nicholas P. to H. L. Granger 1820 (Z,88) lot 86
Randall, Nicholas P., Sibel D. to H. Moseley 1823 (DD,140) lot 77
Randall, Nicholas P., Sibel D. to W. H. Davis & ano. 1826 (HH,248)
lot 55
Ransier, George to G. Ransier, Jr. 1829 (OO,277) lot 79
Raymond, Asa, Celina D. to E. Edwards 1820 (Z,76) lot 57
Raymond, Betsy, James, Jr. to D. Fone et al. 1821 (Z,449) lot 98
Raymond, Betsy, James Jr. to G. Fox 1821 (ZZ,49) lot 86
Raymond, Betsy, James Jr. to D. C. Hopkins 1821 (AA,158) lot 86
Raymond, Eunice, John to N. Williams 1822 (M,97) lot 57 f. afft.
Raymond, Joseph to E. Gay 1822 (AA,236) lot 48
Raymond, Joseph to E. Gay 1829 (QQ,110) lot 48
Raymond, Joseph, John to J. Webb et al. by Gdn. 1826 (HH,320) lot 57
Raymond, Joseph, Lydia to J. P. Raymond 1828 (MM,486) lot 57
Raymond, Joseph, Lydia to W. Young 1828 (MM,487) lot 57
Raynor, Betsey, James to J. O. Wattles 1822 (AA,342) lot 87
Raynor, Betsey, James to A. P. Downer 1825 (EE,512) lot 86
Real, Adam by Shff. to F. Real et al. 1822 (BB,318) lot 54
Reals, Cathren, George to A. Bliss 1829 (OO,215) lot 34
Reals, Frederick Jr., Roxana et al. to W. C. Hilton et al. 1829 (OO,239)
lot 54 Par.
Reals, George to I. W. Brewster 1828 (R,382) lot 55 f. afft.
Reals, George, Katharine to J. Mabie 1828 (NN,233) lot 54
Reals, Godfrey to F. Reals 1822 (BB,314) lot 54
Reed, Elizabeth et al. widow of Joseph to A. Stark 1826 (GG,369) lot
Reed, Elizabeth et al. widow of Joseph to H. Tryon 1826 (GG,371) lot
Reed, Jonathan, Rhoda, heirs of Joseph et al. to E. Reed & ano.
1826 (GG,265) lot 94
Reese, Hannah to R. Eaton 1829 (OO,215) lot 58
Reese, Hannah to W. Marsh & ano. 1829 (OO,233) lot 58
Reese, Hannah, Frederick to Mark P. Thompson 1820 (Y,303) lot 58
Remington, Eunice, Illustrious to J. Everson 1829 (QQ,155) lot 88
Reynolds, Gideon, May et al. to P. Kellogg 1828 (NN,377) lot 63
Rhoades, Elijah to H. Reese 1823 (DD,143) lot 58
Rhoades, Hervey to T. Hart 1824 (DD,273) lot 59
Rhinelander, William by Exrs. to P. Kellog 1829 (OO,169) lot 53
Rhinelander, William to J. Philips 1829 (PP,176) lot 53
Rhoades, Ana, Elijah to J. Jackson 1829 (PP,493) lot 76
Richardson, Betsey, Robert to G. M. Richardson 1829 (PP,239) lot 81
Roberts, Annis to J. Johnson 1825 (FF,232) lot 90
Roberts, Issabella W., John L. to L. Jennings 1829 (OO,106) lot 48
Roberts, John L. to Agt. of J. Roberts 1820 (K,222) lot 48
Robinson, Emily, William P. to J. A. Pinney, Jr. 1829 (PP,186) lot
Robison, Hugh to L. Eames 1829 (PP,48) lot 56
Rogers, George P. by Atty. to J. Jackson 1820 (Y,197) lot 75
Rogers, John, Mary A. et al. to G. P. Rogers 1827 (LL,152) lot 75
Root, Benjamin M. to D. L. Scudder 1828 (MM,11) lot 92
Root, Benjamin et al. to Trus. of Union Cong. Soc. of Man. & Pom.
1828 (NN,227) lot 92
Root, Ezekiel et al. to J. Peck 1823 (M,317) lot 86+ f. afft.
Root, Ezekiel to R. Bennett 1820 (Y,36) lot 86
Root, Ezekiel to J. Coolidg 1820 (Y,153) lot 86
Root, Ezekiel, Nancy to S. L. Edwards 1820 (Y,154) lot 87
Root, Ezekiel, Nancy to J. Caswell 1820 (Y,272) lot 87+
Rose, Jesse D. to N. Rose et al. 1822 (BB,223) lot 70
Rose, Moses D. by Exrs. to H. Gillespie 1829 (OO,437) lot 92
Rose, Thomas et al. by Mar. to F. A. Stewart 1823 (CC,387) lot 82
Rose, Thomas by Mar. to L. Badger 1824 (DD,269) lot 92+
Roswell, Joel, Polly to J. Jackson 1824 (N,380) lot 76 f. afft.
Row, Elizabeth, John to M. E. Ch. of Man., Trus. of 1829 (PP,356) lot
Rowe, Ebenezer, Mary to A. Row 1824 (EE,19) lot 97
Rowe, Ebenezer, Mary A. to E. Carr 1827 (LL,206) lot 97
Rowe, Ebenezer, Mary A. to A. Rowe 1827 (LL,239) lot 97
Rushmore, Jacob, Jr. et al. to I. H. Osborn 1823 (CC,118) lot 87
Russell, Amos, Susanna to E. Gordon 1825 (GG,73) lot 60
Russell, Amos, Susanna to W. Clark 1826 (GG,344) lot 92
Russell, Amos, Susanna to W. Clark 1826 (GG,497) lot 60
Russell, Catharine, Howland to A. Kellogg 1825 (FF,407) lot 60
Russell, Joel, Polly to J. Jackson 1821 (NN,380) lot 76 f. afft.
Rust, Charlotte P., Elijah C. to C. Cooper 1824 (EE,227) lot 92
Rust, Charlotte P., Elijah C., Eliza to Trus. Man. Sch. Dist. No. 5,
1827 (LL,100) lot 92
Rust, Elijah, Eunice to L. Hawley 1822 (AA,428) lot 92
Rust, Elijah, Eunice to E. C. Rust 1824 (DD,321) lot 92
Rust, Elijah by Admn. to I. Keeler 1825 (FF,188) lot 92
Rust, Elijah, Eunice to G. W. Holbrook 1826 (GG,191) lot 92
Rust, Elijah, Eunice to G. W. Holbrook 1826 (GG,344) lot 92
Ryder, Jacob et al. to J. B. Benedict & ano. 1829 (OO,468) lot
Sabin, William H. et al. to N. Low et al. 1820 (X,422) lot 48 R. of
Sabin, William H. to S. Tousley 1820 (Y,230) lot 86
Sabin, William H., Sally et al. to J. Wilson et al. 1820 (X,420) lot
Sabin, William H., Sally et al to A. Harroun 1821 (Z,517) lot 29
Sabin, William H., Sally et al. to S. Eaton & ano. 1827 (LL,318)
lot 33
Sabin, William H., Sally et al. to D. Merril 1828 (MM,134) lot 29
Safford, Harriet, Silas B. et al. to J. Mathews 1828 (NN,174) lot 16
Sage, Betsey H., Hezekiah, Jr. to J. Everson 1825 (EE,385) lot 69
Sandford, Benjamin et al. by Mar. to L. Badger 1824 (DD,269) lot 93+
Sanford, Benjamin et al. by Mar. to F. A. Stewart 1823 (CC,387) lot
Sanger, Jedediah to C. P. Kirkland 1823 (DD,63) lot 73
Sanger, Jedediah by Mar. &c. & ano. to A. Smith 1824 (EE,22)
lot 86
Sayles, William W. to H. Sayles 1828 (NN,62) lot 68
Scouten, David, Angelina et al. to T. Quirk 1829 (PP,471) lot 67
Scovel, Amasa, Eliza et al. by Comr. to S. Gridley et al. 1823 (DP,101)
lot 90 Decree
Scovill, Amasa, Eliza & ano. to E. Gridley 1824 (DD,520) lot 90
Scudder, Daniel L. to G. W. Holbrook 1828 (MM,72) lot 93
Scudder, Daniel L., Lydia to G. Heath 1828 (MM,13) lot 92
Scudder, Daniel L., Lydia to P. Tobey 1828 (MM,76) lot 93+
Scudder, Daniel L., Lydia to A. Sherwood et al. 1828 (NN,483) lot 92
Seaman, Catharine to A. Smith & ano. 1820 (Y,95) lot 86
Sebor, Eliza, Jacob to A. Badgley 1825 (GG,86) lot 29
Sennett, Pardon to S. V. Carr 1829 (PP,318) lot 75
Sheldon, Daniel to H. Van Alstyne 1820 (Y,58) lot 59
Sheldon, Daniel to E. Upham 1829 (PP,37) lot 59
Sherman, Jenkin, Laurana by Atty. to J. A. Sherwood 1823 (DD,127) lot
Sherwood, Abigail, John P. to T. Hart 1824 (DD,425) lot 59
Sherwood, Achsah, Jacob L. to S. Sherwood & ano. 1828 (MM,327)
lot 85+
Sherwood, Allatha, James to S. L. Edwards 1823 (DD,127) lot 98
Sherwood, Allida, James A. to E. Hall, Jr. et al. 1821 (Z,385) lot
Sherwood, Allida, James A. to J. B. Barse 1826 (II,42) lot 65
Sherwood, Amos & ano. to J. Alexander 1826 (GG,274) lot ___
Sherwood, Amos, Mary to J. Thorn 1827 (KK,344) lot 92+
Sherwood, Amos, Mary to W. Campbell 1828 (MM,116) lot 92
Sherwood, Andrew, Clarissa to S. Sherwood 1829 (OO,440) lot 85
Sherwood, Jacob L., Samuel to J. B. Sherwood 1828 (OO,286) lot 49
Sherwood, Salmon to A. Sherwood 1829 (PP,203) lot 85
Shew, Jacob to T. Green 1824 (DD,445) lot 92
Shoemaker, Abraham to R. Shoemaker, Jr. 1823 (CC,528) lot 35
Shoemaker, Barbary, Rudolph Jr., Mary to D. Kerker 1823 (CC,529) lot
Shoemaker, Margaret, Rudolph R. to N. Phillips 1822 (AA,224) lot 35
Shoemaker, Rudolph, Jr. to I. H. Osborn 1824 (DD,568) lot 25
Shoemaker, Rudolph R. to A. Shoemaker 1827 (II,289) lot 35
Shults, Lewis to J. B. Barse 1826 (GG,259) lot 54
Sims, William B. to G. Miller 1827 (KK,468) lot ___
Sims, William B. to P. Bender 1829 (QQ,109) lot 59+
Sisson, James to J. Sisson, Jr. 1823 (CC,99) lot 95
Sisson, Hannah, James to L. Dunning 1828 (NN,134) lot 95
Sloan, Naomi M., Samuel to A. Smith 1825 (EE,279) lot 97
Smith, Azariah et al. to D. C. Hopkins 1824 (DD,275) lot 86
Smith, Azariah et al. to I. H. Osborn 1824 (DD,466) lot 97
Smith, Azariah to Manlius M'f'g Co. 1820 (Y,279) lot 98+ Rel. of J.
Smith, Azariah to Trus. of town of Man. 1822 (BB,314) lot 87
Smith, Azariah to E. Fox 1828 (LL,344) lot 86+
Smith, Azariah to J. Hibbard, Jr. 1821 (Z,197) lot 86
Smith, Azariah to S. Tousley 1821 (AA,199) lot 86+
Smith, Azariah, Zilpah to J. B. Johnson 1820 (Y,80) lot 87
Smith, Azariah, Zilpah to M. Wisewell 1821 (Z,311) lot 86
Smith, Azariah, Zilpah et al. to R. Williams et al. 1821 (AA,207) lot
Smith, Azariah, Zilpah to H. Moseley 1822 (BB,24) lot 87
Smith, Azariah, Zilpah to S. Tillotson 1823 (BB,474) lot 97
Smith, Azariah, Zilpah to A. Mills 1824 (DD,496) lot 86
Smith, Azariah, Zilpah to H. L. Granger 1824 (DD,511) lot 97
Smith, Azariah, Zilpah to T. I. Gilbert 1824 (EE,113) lot 97
Smith, Azariah, Zilpah to H. Moseley 1824 (EE,238) lot 87
Smith, Azariah, Zilpah to R. Williams et al. 1827 (KK,487) lot 97
Smith, Azariah, Zilpah to O. Smith 1828 (LL,334) lot 97
Smith, Azariah, Zilpah to Trus. of Pompey & Man. Bap. Ch Soc. 1829
(PP,321) lot 86
Smith, David C. et al. to Trus. of Union Cong. Soc. of Man. & Pompey
et al. 1828 (NN,227) lot 92
Smith, Diany, Sylvester G. to J. Cook 1828 (MM,378) lot 54
Smith, Elijah et al. by Shff. to J. Bailey et al. 1828 (NN,10) lot
Smith, Ezra to Z. Lathrop 1824 (DD,209) lot 49
Smith, George P.,Permelia to S. Whitney 1829 (PP,233) lot 86
Smith, Jane, Nathan M. to S. Burk 1829 (PP,388) lot 63
Smith, Joseph, Sophia to A. Smith 1820 (Y,98) lot 87
Smith, Joseph, Sophia W. to E. G. Kneeland 1829 (OO,395) lot 87
Smith, Orlando to J. Wilkie 1829 (OO,423) lot 97
Smith, Orlando, Dorothy D. to J. Wilkie 1829 (OO,424) lot 97
Smith, Peter by Atty to P. Ely 1827 (II,308) lot 95
Snyder, William, Tamor to H. Willcox 1826 (HH,286) lot 86
Sowl, Ambrose, Mary to E. West 1827 (KK,335) lot 98
Spencer, Augustus, Sarah to O. Teal 1821 (Z,320) lot 88
Spencer, Sylvester to O. Teal 1823 (DD,87) lot 26
Squier, John by Shff. to L. S. Burr 1829 (OO,490) lot 26+
Squier, John, Mary to S. Foom 1820 (Y,23) lot 15
Squier, John, Mary, Samuel to T. Starr & ano. 1824 (EE,105) lot
Squier, Margaret, Samuel to L. Kinkade 1828 (NN,171) lot 15
Squier, Margaret, Samuel to L. Kinkade 1828 (NN,171) lot 15
Squier, Margaret, Samuel to S. Squiers 1828 (NN,267) lot 26+
Stafford, Amos, Phebe to J. Whitman 1820 (X,413) lot 88+
Stafford, Amos, Phebe to J. Whitman 1820 (X,414) lot 98
Stanton, Benjamin to P. Tobey 1824 (EE,74) lot 93
Stanton, Betsey, Isaac et al. to I. Stanton & ano. 1824 (N,59)
lot 74 f. afft.
Stanton, Isaac to W. Worden 1822 (AA,259) lot 26
Stanton, Nehemiah P., Myra to R. Stilwell 1826 (II,255) lot 97
Stanton, Nehemiah P., Myra to T. I. Gilbert 1828 (NN,315) lot 97
Stark, Almira, Silas et al. to E. Reed & Ano. 1826 (GG,265) lot
Stark, Almira, Silas et al. to H. Tryon 1826 (GG,371) lot 94
Stark, Almira, Silas to J. Sisson, Jr. 1826 (HH,74) lot 94
Starr, Thomas & ano. to W. Fillmore 1828 (LL,126) lot 45
Starr, Thomas et al. by Comrs to W. Dygert et al. 1823 (DP,97) lot
26+ Decree
Starr, Thomas, Susannah to H. Ward 1821 (Z,412) lot 75
Starr, Thomas, Susannah to A. C. Bliss 1822 (BB,2) lot 75
Starr, Thomas, Susanna to J. White 1824 (DD,495) lot 75
Starr, Thomas, Susanna to J. McViccar 1824 (FF,394) lot 75
Starr, Thomas, Susanna et al. to J. Stevenson 1827 (II,389) lot 26
Starr, Thomas, Susanna to C. Stark 1828 (NN,64) lot 74
Starr, Thomas, Susanna to A. DeLana 1828 (NN,168) lot 16
Starr, Thomas, Susanna to A. Burt 1829 (PP,209) lot 65
Starr, Thomas, Susanna to A. Burt 1829 (QQ,115) ___
Stebbins, Charles, Eunice et al. to J. Hickox 1826 (HH,291) lot 86
Stebbins, Elijah, Harriet to I. Curtiss 1821 (AA,16) lot 97
Stebbins, Elijah, Harriet to I. Curtiss 1821 (AA,18) lot 97
Stewart, Anna, Nathan to D. Reels 1823 (DD,5) lot 82
Stewart, Anna, Nathan to F. A. Stuart 1823 (DD,69) lot 82
Stewart, Anna, Nathan to M. Cadwell 1824 (DD,378) lot 93
Stewart, Gilbert by Mar. to L. Badger 1824 (EE,165) lot 82+
Stewart, Nathan to D. Scudder 1826 (II,157) lot 93+
Stilwell, Fanny, Rogers et al. to O. Smith & ano. 1824 (EE2) lot
Stilwell, Fanny, Rogers to J. L. Sherwood 1824 (EE,46) lot 86
Stilwell, Fanny, Rogers to T. I. Gilbert 1828 (NN,339) lot 97
Stone, Emily, Erasmus et al. to C. Cooper 1824 (EE,227) lot 92
Stone, Emily, Erasmus to E. C. Rust 1825 (FF,287) lot 92
Stone, Harriet, William G. to M. Chapman 1829 (OO,393) lot 93
Stone, William G. et al. to Trus. Cong. Soc. of Man. & Pomp. et
al. 1828 (NN,227) lot 92
Story, Amos, Sally to A. Keif 1826 (II,159) lot 65+
Strong, Selah & ano. to O. Teall 1823 (CC,462) lot 77
Strong, Selah, Mary et al. to E. Kinne 1825 (EE,359) lot 77
Strong, Selah, Mary to H. Moseley 1825 (FF,239) lot 77
Strong, Selah, Mary to I. Hecox 1828 (NN,60) lot 58
Stuart, Ann, Josephus B. et al. to J. V. H. Clark 1826 (HH,183) lot
Stuart, Frederic A. to N. Stewart 1826 (II,156) lot 82
Stuart, Josephus B. by Mar. to L. Badger 1824 (DD,268) lot 93
Sweeting, Eliphalet to J. Swetting 1828 (NN,184) lot ___
Sweeting, Lewis by Shff. to E. Sweeting 1827 (KK,210), lot 51
Sweeting, Mason, Lydia to H. Kellogg 1822 (AA,263) lot 63
Swetting, John & ano. to C. P. Kirkland 1820 (Y,361) lot 44
Swetting, John to G. L. Taylor 1820 (Y,364) lot 44
Taylor, George L., Phebe et al. to A. Breed 1823 (CC,465) lot 77+
Taylor, George L., Phebe et al. to H. Sage 1825 (EE,387) lot 69
Taylor, Lucy, William et al. to H. Ward 1820 (Y,100) lot 97
Taylor, Lucy, William to I. H. Osborn 1824 (DD,465) lot 97
Taylor, Lucy, William to H. L. Granger 1824 (DD,510) lot 97
Taylor, Lucy, William to A. Lull 1824 (DD,534) lot 97
Taylor, Lucy, William et al. to E. Ward 1827 (KK,153) lot 97
Taylor, Thaddeus to A. Stafford 1820 (X,224) lot 98 f. afft.
Taylor, William to H. L. Granger 1821 (Z,200) lot 87
Teague, Jesse et al. to A. Smith 1828 (NN,262) lot 68
Teal, Catherine, Oliver et al. to E. Keller 1824 (EE,56) lot 38+
Teal, Oliver & ano. to E. Durham 1827 (LL,13) lot 58
Teal, Oliver to R. H. Bangs 1828 (LL,466) lot 38+
Teal, Oliver, Katharine to J. L. Hardenburgh 1829 (OO,54) lot 77+
Teale, Clarendy, Nathan to D. Thompson 1829 (OO,476) lot 47
Teale, Clarinda, Nathan, Catharine, Oliver et al. to H. Sage 1825 (EE,387)
lot 69
Teale, Nathan to O. Teall 1823 (CC,459) lot 78+
Teale, Timothy to O. Teall 1823 (CC,460) lot 78
Teall, Catharine, Oliver, Nathan et al. to A. Breed 1823 (CC,291) lot
Teall, Dorothy, Timothy to O. Teall 1823 (CC,464) lot 47
Teall, Nathan et al. to O. Teall 1823 (CC,465) lot 77+
Thomas, Anna to J. Caswell 1827 (KK,282) lot 86
Thomas, David to C. Luther 1825 (FF,457) lot 4
Thomas, James M., Ruby et al. to E. Gay 1826 (II,208) lot 56
Thomas, James M., Ruby to F. Fowler 1829 (PP,306) lot 93
Thomas, John by Agt. & Atty. to A. Smith 1829 (OO,159) lot 32
Thompson, Andrew to E. Gates 1820 (Y,347) lot 41
Thompson, Andrew to H. P. Bogardus 1820 (Z,61) lot 41
Thompson, Andrew to J. B. Olcut 1820 (Z,69) lot 41
Thompson, Andrew to Z. Kinne 1820 (Z,99) lot 41
Thompson, Andrew to J. B. Olcott 1821 (Z,425) lot 41
Thompson, Andrew to E. Kinne 1823 (BB,472) lot 41
Thompson, Andrew to S. Eaton 1826 (GG,457) lot 41
Thompson, Darlin, Rosannah to E. Capron et al. 1820 (X,428) lot 75
Thompson, Darlin, Rosanna to A. Story 1824 (EE,61) lot 75
Thompson, Darlin, Rosanna to J. McViccar 1825 (FF,395) lot 75
Thompson, James, Mehetable to J. Gridley 1821 (Z,318) lot 90
Thompson, James, Mehetibel to C. Lewis 1822 (L,364) lot 62
Tillotson, Mary A., Samuel to F. Moreley 1825 (EE,329) lot 97
Tillotson, Mary A. H. B. Moore 1826 (GG,241) lot 87
Tirrell, Jacob, Phebe to H. Ward 1821 (Z,404) lot 75+
Tirrell, Jacob, Phebe to A. Breed & ano. 1823 (EE,290) lot 76
Titus, Lovisa, widow of James to G. L. Taylor 1828 (NN,379) lot 75
Tobey, Pomeroy, Lois to E. Keeler 1825 (FF,289) lot 92
Tobey, Pomeroy, Lois to W. G. Stone 1825 (FF,318) lot 93
Tobey, Pomeroy, Lois to L. Hawley 1825 (GG,84) lot 92
Tobey, Pomeroy, Lois to B. M. Root 1827 (KK,38) lot 92
Tobey, Pomeroy, Lois to L. Hawley 1827 (KK,439) lot 92
Tobey, Pomeroy, Lois to T. Green 1828 (MM,110) lot 92
Tobey, Pomeroy, Lois to W. Campbell et al. 1828 (MM,115) lot 92
Tobey, Pomeroy, Lois to O. O. Gilson & ano. 1828 (MM,119) lot 92
Tobey, Pomeroy, Lois to H. P. Holbrook 1828 (MM,287) lot 82
Tobey, Pomeroy, Lois to H. P. Holbrook 1828 (MM,287) lot 93
Tobey, Pomeroy, Lois et al. to C. G. Houghtaling 1828 (NN,484) lot
Tobey, Pomeroy, Lois et al. to M. Chapman 1829 (OO,392) lot 93
Tobey, Pomeroy, Lois et al. to J. Slocum 1829 (PP,43) lot 93
Tomb, Samuel to R. Cunningham 1820 (Y,407) lot 15
Tousley, Betsey, Sylvenus to L. Dunning 1823 (BB,500) lot 86+
Tousley, Harriet, Sylvenus to J. Peck 1820 (Y,88) lot 86
Tousley, Harriet, Sylvenus to S. L. Edwards 1820 (Z,97) lot ___
Tousley, Harriet, Sylvenus to D. Tompson 1821 (Z,260) lot 75
Tousley, Harriet, Sylvenus to E. Phillips 1822 (ZZ,380) lot 86
Tousley, Harriet, Sylvenus to J. Rowling 1822 (BB,59) lot 86+
Tousley, Harriet, Sylvenus to J. Grinnil 1823 (CC,31) lot 86
Tousley, Harriet, Sylvenus to S. Williams 1826 (GG,402) lot 86
Tousley, Harriet, Sylvenus to G. Miller 1826 (HH,107) lot 72
Tousley, Harriet D., Sylvenus et al. to A. Davis 1826 (HH,246) lot
Tousley, Harriet D., Sylvenus et al. to U. H. Davis & ano. 1826
(HH,248) lot 55
Tousley, Harriet D., Sylvenus to A. Thomas 1827 (KK,281) lot 86
Tousley, Harriet D., Sylvenus to Pomp. & Man. Bapt. Ch. & Soc.
1829 (PP,322) lot 86
Tousley, Sylvenus to F. Lasher 1820 (Y,12) lot 86
Tousley, Sylvenus to A. Smith 1820 (Y,35) lot 86
Tousley, Sylvenus to N. P. Randall & ano. 1820 (Y,94) lot 86
Tousley, Sylvenus to J. Raynor, Jr. 1820 (Y,429) lot 86
Tousley, Sylvenus et al. by Mast. to A. Smith 1822 (BB,130) lot 87
Tracy, William G. to M. Gilson 1828 (MM,109) lot 92
Travis, Chlo, Silas to S. Davis 1820 (Y,266) lot 26
Trotter, John, Sarah T. E. et al. to J. Willard 1828 (LL,355) lot 81+
Troup, Jennet, Robert to D. Collin 1822 (AA,284) lot 55
Truesdell, Beebe to D. Beebe 1826 (LL,47) lot 65
Truman, Abigail, Josiah to J. Luddington 1825 (FF,115) lot 68
Tryon, Hannah, William et al. to E. Reed & ano. 1826 (GG,265) lot
Tryon, Hannah, William et al. to A. Stark 1826 (GG,369) lot 94
Tyler, Jene to G. C. McCall & ano. 1821 (AA,21) lot 80
Tyler, Job, Jane to A. Whitman 1825 (FF,427) lot 80
Tyler, Job, Jene to G. Gould Jr. & ano. 1823 (CC,367) lot 80
Tyrrel, Job & ano. to C. P. Kirkland 1820 (Y,361) lot 44
Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah to H. V. Hart 1821 (AA,111) lot 52
Van Slyck, Harmanus, Margaret J. to J. L. Sherwood 1824 (EE,48) lot
Van Slyck, Harmanus, Margaret to J. J. J. Nellis 1827 (KK,204) lot
Van Slyck, Richard to H. Van Alstine 1820 (Y,131) lot 38
Van Slyke, Daniel to J. Mc Emtee 1827 (XX,337) lot 62
Van Slyke, Garret, Joseph, Hannah by Shff. to W. K. Fuller 1820 (K,9)
lot 59 f. afft.
Van Slyke, Hannaus, Margaret to J. Yelverton 1822 (BB,21) lot 86
Van Tassel, Isaac to P. Eaton 1828 (NN,48) lot 22
Van Tassel, Isaac, Polly et al. to W. C. Hilton et al. 1829 (OO,239)
lot 54+
Van Velsor, James et al. by Shff. to L. Badger 1828 (NN,151) lot 55+
Van Velzer, John to T. Starr & ano. 1822 (AA,485) lot 49
VanAlstine, Hunter, Elizabeth to H. Sponenbergh 1829 (OO,165) lot 38
VanCamp, Cornelia et al. to T. Schell 1821 (Z,227) lot 58
Vandenbergh, Andrew, Diana to L. Hawley 1825 (FF,209) lot 92
Vantaseal, Mathias to M. Wetenhall 1828 (NN,440) lot 50
Veeder, Margaret, Simon et al. to A. Kellogg 1826 (GG,517) lot 3
Veeder, Margaret, Simon to A. Kellogg 1826 (GG,518) lot 3
Vought, John G. to T. Mumford 1826 (GG,316) lot 98
Vrooman, Anna, John to H. Moseley 1827 (KK,399) lot 87
Vrooman, Jacob, Olive to A. Smith 1820 (X,386) lot 86+
Vrooman, Onnatee, Barent H. to A. Kellogg 1826 (GG,517) lot 3
Vrooman, Onnatee, Barnet H. to A. Kellogg 1826 (GG,518) lot 3
Wadsworth, Pratt, Maria to W. Ainslie 1824 (DD,301) lot 70
Wadsworth, Pratt, Maria to W. Clark 1826 (EE,514) lot 70
Wadsworth, Pratt, Maria to W. Clark 1826 (GG,494) lot 60
Wales, Charles to J. Marsh 1825 (FF,348) lot 94
Walter, Adam, Elizabeth 1827 (II,438) lot 69+
Walton, Henry to trus. of H. Walton 1821 (Z,287) lot 33+
Walton, Henry, Margaret to M. Brenerstuhl 1828 (NN,375) lot 33
Ward, Ebenezer to J. Ward 1822 (BB,234) lot 30
Ward, Ebenezer to J. Ward 1825 (FF,215) lot 30+
Ward, Ebenezer to D. Ward 1825 (FF,502) lot 30+
Ward, Ebenezer to A. Harrower 1828 (LL,362) lot 40
Ward, Ebenezer to A. Harrower 1828 (LL,362) lot 40
Ward, Erastus to E. Rowe 1821 (AA,169) lot 97
Ward, Erastus, Luthera, William et al. to H. Ward 1820 (Y,100) lot
Ward, Erastus, Orpha to E. Rowe 1821 (AA,171) lot 97
Ward, Erastus, Orpha to S. L. Edwards 1823 (CC,300) lot 97
Ward, Erastus, Orpha to E. Rowe 1827 (KK,111) lot 97
Ward, Erastus, Orpha to A. Norton 1827 (KK,156) lot 97
Ward, Heman et al. to A. Smith 1826 (HH,295) lot 97
Ward, Heman to R. Bennett 1820 (C,326) lot 97
Ward, Heman, Luthera, William to A. Smith 1824 (N,31-32) lot 71 f.
Ward, Heman, Rebecah to Trus. of Trin. Presby. Soc. of Man. 1820 (X,335)
lot 97
Ward, Heman, Rebecah to A. Smith 1822 (BB,133) lot 97
Ward, Heman, Rebecca to H. Moseley 1825 (FF,240) lot 97
Ward, Heman, William, Luthera, Rebeccah et al. to E. Ward 1827 (HH,153)
lot 97
Ward, Henry, Elizabeth to J. McViccar 1821 (Z,407) lot 65
Ward, Henry, Elizabeth to T. Starr 1821 (Z,409) lot 65
Ward, Henry, Elizabeth to J. Steward 1822 (ZZ,341) lot 65
Ward, Henry, Elizbaeth to G. L. Taylor 1824 (DD,441) lot 75
Ward, Henry, Elizabeth to R. H. Bangs 1825 (EE,328) lot ___
Ward, Henry, Elizabeth to D. Beebe & ano. 1827 (LL,46) lot 65
Ward, Henry, Elizabeth to Sarah & Hiram Coats 1829 (PP,133) lot
Ward, Henry, Elizabeth to W. L. Crossett 1829 (PP,258) lot 65
Ward, Jeremiah to E. Ward 1827 (II,494) lot 30+
Ward, Lucy (now Taylor) heir of William to H. L. Granger 1824 (DD,510)
lot 97
Ward, Luthera, William to E. Gumaer, Jr. 1823 (CC,107) lot 74
Ward, Luthera, William to E. Gumaer, Jr. 1823 (CC,108) lot 85
Ward, Luthera, William to A. Smith 1826 (SS,235) lot 97
Ward, William by L. Comrs. to E. Phillips 1822 (BB,45) lot 62
Warner, Abner to J. B. Barse 1821 (Z,181) lot 75
Warner, Abner, Eliza S. to L. Carter & ano. 1820 (Y,294) lot 16
Warner, Elisha, Hezia to M. Clark 1822 (AA,247) lot 75
Warner, Olive, Sylvenus to J. Caswell 1828 (MM,213) lot 86
Warner, Salmon to C. Kinne 1823 (CC,163) lot 55
Warner, Sylvenus et al. to A. Smith 1826 (HH,295) lot 97
Watson, John to H. Mosely 1826 (GG,463) lot 87
Wattles, Hannah, James O. to S. B. Kellogg 1820 (Y,31) lot 87
Wattles, Hannah, James O. to D. Clark 1820 (Y,33) lot 87
Wattles, Hannah, James O. to L. Badger 1820 (Y,383) lot 86+
Wattles, Hannah, James O. to W. A. Clark 1820 (Y,409) lot 87
Wattles, Hannah, James O. to A. Nims 1822 (AA,346) lot 87
Wattles, Hannah, James O. by Mas. to A. smith 1822 (BB,130) lot 87
Wattles, Hannah, James O. to T. M. Wood 1826 (GG,596) lot 75+
Wattles, Hannah, James O. to T. M. Wood 1828 (MM,330 lot 97
Wattles, Hannah, James O. to W. L. Crossitt 1829 (PP,246) lot 86
Wattles, James O. by Mas. &c. to A. Smith 1824 (EE,22) lot 86
Webster, Catharine, Joshua to A. Thompson 1821 (Z,240) lot 41
Wells, Asenath, Henry et al. to E. Stebbins 1821 (AA,12) lot 97
Wells, Asenath, Henry et al. to E. Stebbins 1821 (AA,14) lot 97
Wells, Asenath, Henry et al. to D. C. Dow 1822 (AA,493) lot 97
Wells, Orpha, Richard & ano. to I. H. Osborn 1823 (CC,118) lot
Wendell, Gerret et ano. to J. Hearsey 1823 (CC,130) lot 88
West, Ebenezer, Jane to I. I. West & ano. 1827 (KK,341) lot 98
West, Emily, Ither I., to S. Budlong et al. 1827 (KK,484) lot 98
West, James to I. I. West 1827 (KK,342) lot 98
West, Josiah to G. W. Holbrook 1826 (GG,282) lot 93
West, Simeon by Shff. to D. Kellogg 1825 (FF,13) lot 33
Weston, Achsah, Hezekiah to J. Norris 1820 (X,358) lot 62
Wetherby, Betsey, Tarbel to P. Chamberlin 1820 (X,416) lot 98
Wetherby, Betsey, Tarbel W. to E. Bond 1820 (Y,253) lot 60+
Wetherby, Betsey, Tarbel W. to F. Bush 1826 (HH,262) lot ___
Wetherby, Betsey, Tarbel W. to H. Wetherby 1822 (AA,218) lot 88+
Wetherby, Heber, Sally to A. Mills et al. 1825 (FF,211) lot 78
Wetherby, Heber, Sally to J. Everson 1825 (FF,327) lot 78+
Wetherby, Heber, Sally to G. Ransier 1828 (OO,279) lot 88+
Wetherby, Heber, Sarah to H. Runyan 1828 (MM,254) lot 40
Wetherbee, Tarbel W. et al. to Man. Sch. Dist. 28 1828 (NN,183) lot
Wethey, Tarbel W. et al. to Man. Sch. Dist. No. 28 1828 (NN,183) lot
Wethy or Wetherby, Betsey, Tarbel to P. Chamberlin 1820 (X,416) lot
Whipple, Jeremiah, Lydia to W. James 1824 (EE,134) lot ___
White, Abigail, James to J. Yelverton 1828 (MM,297) lot 75
White, Elisha, Sally to E. Hyde 1828 (NN,371) lot 75
White, Eunice, Nehemiah to S. Brown 1820 (Y,8) lot 86+
White, Eunice, Nehemiah to A. Smith 1820 (Y,36) lot 86+
White, Eunice, Nehemiah to E. Capron 1820 (Y,275) lot 86
White, Eunice, Nehemiah to I. C. Clark 1820 (Y,313) lot 98+
White, Eunice, Nehemiah to J. Hibbard 1821 (Z,193) lot 97
White, Eunice, Nehemiah to J. Peck 1821 (AA,165) lot 87+
White, Eunice, Nehemiah to A. Duell & ano. 1827 (II,375) lot 97
White, Eunice, Nehemiah to A. Duell 1827 (II,376) lot 97
White, Lois to A. Chapin 1824 (DD,509) lot 71
White, Lydia, Rand to H. Moseley 1826 (HH,392) lot ___
White, Moses, Roxanna to E. Blakeman 1824 (DD,334) lot 71
White, Nehemiah to W. James 1820 (Y,460) lot 97
Whitford, Caleb to W. McHarg et al. 1821 (Z,276) lot 98
Whitford, Caleb to R. H. King 1821 (Z,276) lot 98
Whitford, Caleb et al. by Mas. to G. Frothingham 1827 (LL,41) lot 40+
Whitman, Abiel et al. to Union Cong. Soc. 1828 (NN,227) lot 92
Whitman, Ruth, William to E. L. Williams & ano. 1820 (X,450) lot
Wiborn, Bevil et al. to R. Kellogg 1822 (BB,280) lot 49
Wiborn, Bevil to J. Ealden 1828 (MM,505) lot 49
Wickham, Abigail, Ebenezer to E. Blackeman 1821 (Z,213) lot 75
Wilcox, Asel by Shff. to A. Smtih 1827 (KK,165) lot 73
Wilcox, Caty, heir of Ebenezer to A. W. Lynd 1825 (EE,456) lot ___
Wilcox, Ebenezer, heir of Ebenezer to N. Williams 1825 (EE,156) lot
Wilcox, Henry to H. L. Sherwood 1824 (EE,47) lot 86
Wilcox, Mary A. by Gdn., Caty by Atty. heirs of Stephen to N. Williams
1825 (EE,454) lot 86
Wilcox, Mary A. by Gdn, heir of Ebenezer to A. W. Lynd 1826 (EE,457)
lot ___
Wilcox, Stephen to D. Willcox 1820 (X,429) lot 208
Wilcox, Stephen to D. Willcox 1820 (X,430) lot 199
Wilcox, Stephen, Tophath to J. Cunningham 1820 (G,79) lot 16
Wilcox, William, Susanna to J. Wilcocks 1820 (X,351) lot 48
Wilkee, John, Mary et al. to R. Bennett 1820 (Y,98) lot 86+
Wilkee, John, Mary et al. to J. Jackson 1820 (Z,121) lot 76
Wilkee, Mary, John et al. to T. I. Gilbert 1828 (NN,337) lot 97
Willard, Elias & ano. to J. Hearsey 1823 (CC,130) lot 88
Willard, Rachel to H. Wetherby 1825 (FF,329) lot 88+
Willcox, Abel to H. Edwards 1828 (NN,42) lot 73
Willcox, Asel, Hellenda to heir of S. Willcox & ano. 1822 (AA,266)
lot 48
Willcox, Asel, Hellenda to P. Willcox & ano. 1822 (AA,430) lot
Willcox, Asel, Hellenda to A. Willcox & ano. 1822 (AA,431) lot
Willcox, Asel, Hellenda to H. Willcox 1822 (AA,432) lot 73
Willcox, David to J. Willcox 1822 (AA,266) lot 48
Willcox, David to J. Raymond 1822 (BB,167) lot 48
Willcox, David to E. Nobles 1826 (II,217) lot 48
Willcox, Emily to A. Wilcox 1829 (QQ,85) lot 73
Willcox, Henry, Phebe to S. Sherwood 1826 (II,155) lot 86
Willcox, John to W. Huntley 1823 (DD,21) lot 48
Willcox, John, Louis to D. Wilcox 1820 (X,353) lot 48
Willcox, John, Louis to L. Jennings 1829 (OO,108) lot 48
Willcox, Mary to A. Wilcox 1829 (QQ,84) lot 73
Willcox, Merritt S. to A. Willcox 1827 (KK,448) lot 73
Willcox, Samuel to A. Wilcox 1823 (BB,478) lot 73
Willcox, Samuel to A. Wilcox 1826 (HH,455) lot 73
Williams, Charlotte, Nathan to J. McViccar & ano. 1820 (Y,151)
lot 65
Williams, Charlotte, Nathan et al. to J. Reunor 1821 (AA,75) lot 86
Williams, Charlotte, Nathan to J. C. Bond 1822 (BB,428) lot ___
Williams, Charlotte, Nathan to J. McViccar 1826 (HH,313) lot 65
Williams, Charlotte, Nathan to G. Church 1826 (II,14) lot 97
Williams, Charlotte, Nathan to G. Tibbits 1829 (OO,418) lot 100
Williams, Clara H., Russel to F. May & ano. 1827 (KK,483) lot 97+
Williams, Clara H., Russel to F. May 1827 (KK,485) lot 97+
Williams, Daniel P. et al. to J. Peck 1823 (M,317) lot 86+
Williams, Ebenezer, Jane, Olaff 1821 to J. T. Norton (Z,547) lot 78
Williams, Ebenezer, Jane to H. Moseley 1826 (II,84) lot 87
Williams, Ebenezer S., Jane to H. Moseley 1823 (CC,440) lot 87
Williams, Ebenezer S., Jane to A. Smith 1828 (LL,345) lot 87
Williams, Ebenezer S., Jane to J. Williams, Jr. 1828 (LL,423) lot ___
Williams, Ebenezer S., Jane to A. Rowe 1828 (MM,30) lot 87
Williams, Elizabeth, Joseph to N. Williams 1822 (BB,390) lot 36
Williams, Elizabeth, Joseph to J. Williams, Jr. 1827 (II,361) lot 98
Williams, Elizabeth, Joseph, Joseph, Jr. to J. Williams 1828 (LL,424)
lot 98+
Williams, Job to E. Wright 1821 (Z,301) lot 100
Williams, Job to E. Williams 1827 (KK,14) lot 99
Williams, Nathan to A. Smith & ano. 1821 (AA,47) lot 97+
Williams, Nathan to M. Kinne 1822 (AA,295) lot 65
Williams, Nathan to J. D Lamatter 1824 (DD,295) lot 48
Williams, Nathan to T. I. Gilbert & ano. 1828 (MM,373) lot 97
Williams, Nathan, Polly to R. McArthur 1828 (MM,367) lot 97
Williams, Polly to E. Rowe 1821 (AA,168) lot 97
Williams, Ruby to S. Williams 1826 (GG,403) lot ___
Williams, Silas to S. Messenger 1828 (MM,362) lot 86
Williams, William by Shff. to J. Matthews 1823 (CC,318) lot 38
Wilson, George, Margaret to E. Warner 1820 (Z,84) lot 83
Wilson, Joseph, Polly to S. Miller 1823 (CC,193) lot 40
Wilson, Joseph, Polly to W. Wheeler 1828 (MM,107) lot 29
Wisewell, Moses, Martha to G. Fox 1821 (AA,51) lot 86
Wisewell, Moses, Martha to I. H. Osborn 1823 (CC,115) lot 87
Wisner, William to J. Ryder, Trus. of 1827 (LL,76) lot 40
Wisner, William et al. to J. B. Benedict & ano. 1829 (OO,468) lot
Wood, Jedediah to P. R. Reed 1823 (CC,27) lot 88
Wood, Jedediah, Rebekah to C. Clark 1822 (AA,360) lot 88
Wood, Jedidiah to P. R. Reed 1829 (PP,509) lot 88
Wood, Jedidiah, Rebekah to A. Russ 1827 (II,486) lot 65
Wood, Patty, Thaddeus M. to R. Williams et al. 1821 (AA,207) lot 97+
Wood, Patty, Thaddeus M. to L. Badger 1825 (FF,68) lot 92
Wood, Patty, Thaddeus M. to M. Tuttle & ano. 1829 (PP,59) lot 86
Wood, Paulina, Walter to A. Shoemaker 1823 (CC,526) lot 35
Wood, Paulina, Walter to B. Smith 1823 (DD,355) lot 35
Wood, Thaddeus M. by Mas. et al. to A. Smith 1822 (BB,130) lot 87
Wood, William S. to J. Richards 1827 (LL,133) lot 36
Woodruff, Abigale, Hezekiah N. to S. Higinbotham 1828 (NN,431) lot
Woodruff, Abigail, Hezekiah to A. P. Gould 1829 (OO,330 ) lot 92
Woodruff, Romanta to S. Park 1824 (DD,415) lot 26
Woodworth, Jacob, Sally to B. G. Wiborn 1823 (CC,182) lot 49
Worden, Anna, Jonathan et al. to A. Breed 1823 (CC,291) lot 77
Worden, Anna, Jonathan to O. Teall 1823 (CC,463) lot 77
Worden, Anna, Jonathan et al. to O. Teall 1823 (CC,465) lot 77+
Worden, Anna, Jonathan et al. to E. Keeler 1824 (EE,56) lot 38+
Worden, Anna, Jonathan et al. to H. Sage 1825 (EE,387) lot 69
Worden, Anna, Jonathan to J. Millard 1825 (FF,223) lot 62
Worden, Anna, Jonathan to L. Burk 1829 (PP,25) lot 12+
Worden, Fanny, Jonathan & ano. to E. Durham 1827 (LL,13) lot 58
Worden, George C. to J. S. Worden 1827 (KK,355) lot 75
Worden, Walter to J. Hoskins 1825 (EE,296) lot 75
Wyborn, Mason by Adms. to B. Booth 1826 (HH,408) lot 77
Yearrington, Joseph to M. Chapman 1822 (AA,514) lot 91
Yelverton, Abijah, Jr. by Shff. to J. Yelverton 1829 (ZZ,150) lot 74+
Yelverton, Abijah, Jr. to J. H. Beach 1820 (K,310-311) lot 98 f. afft.
Yelverton, Abijah, Jr., John, Sally L. to S. L. Edwards 1824 (DD,517)
lot 98
Yelverton, Abijah, Jr., Sally L. to J. Yelverton 1820 (Z,3) lot 87
Yelverton, Abijah, Jr., Sally L. to M. McBurney 1829 (OO,155) lot 98
Yelverton, John to W. McHarg et al. 1820 (Z,377) lot 98
Yelverton, John to A. Davis 1822 (DD,55) lot 55
Yelverton, John to O. Nettleton 1825 (FF,264) lot 96
Yelverton, John to A. Neely 1829 (OO,415) lot 75
Young, Calvin to J. Young 1821 (Z,531) lot 62
Young, Elizabeth, John to H. Ketcham 1820 (Y,388) lot 62
Young, Elizabeth, Seth to J. C. Van Slych 1824 (DD,229) lot 62
Young, John to C. Young 1820 (X,368) lot 62
Young, John to P. G. Van Slyke 1823 (CC,303) lot 62
Young, John to L. W. Higley 1823 (DD,4) lot 62
Young, John to J. Young, Jr. 1824 (DD,257) lot 62
Young, John to T. Blanchard 1824 (DD,302) lot 62
Young, John to B. Simmons 1826 (HH,5) lot 62
Young, John to J. Worden 1826 (HH,500) lot 62
Young, John to Man. Sch. Dist. No. 10 1827 (KK,405) lot 62
Young, John to J. D. Edgerton 1827 (KK,409) lot 62
Young, John to W. Ogden 1827 (KK,409) lot 62
Young, John to H. Ripley 1827 (KK,457) lot 62
Young, John to P. Young et al. 1828 (MM,98) lot 62
Young, John to N. Young 1828 (MM,99) lot 62
Young, John to J. Young 1828 (MM,100) lot 62
Young, John to J. Young 1828 (MM,102) lot 62
Young, John, Jr. to P. G. Van Sylke 1824 (DD,231) lot ___
Young, John, Prudence to Trus. of M.E. Church of Man. 1826 (HH,59)
lot 62
Young, John, Prudence to J. Clark & ano. 1826 (II,134) lot 62
Young, John, Prudence to M. Olcott 1827 (KK,410) lot 62
Young, John, Prudence to M. Olcott 1827 (KK,411) lot 62
Submitted 4 April 1998