Agnew, John & Mary to D. Fisk 1809 (I, 224) lot 98
Akins, John J. & Mary to A. Alexander 1809 (I,176) lot 15
Anthony, Joseph to Moses Seymour, Jr. 1807 (G,214)) lot 85
Atwater, David by Admrs. to T. Bassett 1806 (F,143) lot 32
Backus, Jabez & Octa to L. Hungerford 1807 (G,87) lot 92
Baker, Electa & Solomon to E. Boylston 1805 (D,338) lot 97
Baldwin, Daniel et al., to J. W. Watkins 1800 (1CF,159) lot 4
Barnum, Martha, & Thomas to G. Wright 1809 (I,314) lot 94
Beach, Miles & ano. to Gideon Castle 1808 (I, 314) lot 94
Beach, Miles & ano. to Gideon Castle 1808 (H,3) lot 11
Beckwith, Nathan by Shff. to Ben Sanford 1806 (F,314) lot 93
Beebee, Nabby & Samuel to J. N. Cummings 1807 (G,148) lot 15
Bennett, Delight & Daniel to Richard Dwelly 1802 (B,133) lot 90
Bettinger, Philip & Margaratha to O. Eaton 1808 (H,183) lot 33
Bingham, Luther & Aby to A. Huntley 1804 (C,349) lot 54
Bishop, Levi & Nancy to J. Sweeting 1805 (D,165) lot 76
Bishop, Daniel, heir of Levi to Gideon Castle 1807 (G,2) lot 76
Bloodgood, Francis A. to Timothy Jerome 1801 (B,55) lot 91
Bogert, Cornelius I. & ano. to L. Fisher 1806 (F,110) lot 36
Bon, John by Shff. &c. to W. G. Tracy 1800 (A,236) lot 42
Bowne, Elizabeth & Robert to J. Delamatter 1802 (B,203) lot 41+
Boyd, Robert to W. Willcox 1808 (H,461) lot 48
Breed, Gershom & Hannah to B. Mooney 1804 (C,397) lot 77
Briggs, Joshua et al. to R. Burnet 1805 (E,60) lot 35
Bristol, Simeon to G. A. Bristol 1806 (F,207) lot 32
Brodwell, Prudence & William P. to D. Hibbard 1806 (E,309) lot
Brown, Nathan & Tamar to B. Sanford 1808 (G,395) lot 93
Brown, Polly to N. Higinbotham 1803 (C,253) lot 91
Bruyn, Blandina & Jacobus S. to W. Cook 1809 (H,606) lot 16
Butler, Ebenezer, Jr. to Elias S. Palmer 1800 (A,250) lot 64
Butler, Ebenezer, Jr. to Elias S. Palmer 1800 (C,481) lot 95
Butler, Ebenezer, Jr. & Rebekah to Truman Lewis 1804 (A,251) lot
Cantine, John J. to F. Chollet 1807 (F,400) lot 15
Carpenter, Benjamin & Charlotte B. to J. Ainslie 1808 (H,170) lot
Carpenter, John by Admr. to D. Moulder 1808 (G,646) lot 69
Carpenter, John by Admr. to N. Kellar 1808 (H,166) lot 69
Carpenter, John by Admr. to Z. Gates 1809 (H,348) lot 69
Chesebrough, Jesse to C. Gridley 1800 (A,285) lot 90
Chesebrough, Jesse to R. Woodard 1800 (A,286) lot 90
Churchill, Daniel to C. Lower 1808 (H,122) lot 96
Clark, Betsey F. & Merrit M. to Thaddeus Clark 2nd 1809 (I,125)
lot 87
Clark, Henry & Mary A. to R. Oliphant 1808 (H,309) lot 97
Clark, Merrit M. to J. Atkinson 1805 (D,199) lot 86
Clarke, Anne, Eli, Eleanor, James B. to S. Sackett 1807 (G,14) lot
Clarke, Eleanor, James B., Maria, Peter et al. to J. Cobb 1800 (A,262)
lot 87
Clarke, Eleanor, James B., Maria, Peter et al., to J. E. Fisher 1800
(A,351) lot 62
Clarke, Eleanor, James B., Maria, Peter et al., to A. Wood 1803 (C,206)
lot 87
Clarke, Eleanor, James B., Maria, Peter et al., to C. Mosely 1803 (C,248)
lot 87
Clinton, James & Mary to D. Olmsted 1801 (A,426) lot 93
Clinton, James & Mary to D. Olmsted 1801 (A,427) lot 93
Clinton, James & Mary to B. Sandford 1803 (C,262) lot 93
Clinton, James to J. Rapalje 1805 (D,512) lot 93
Clinton, James & Mary to J. Farrow 1805 (D,521) lot 93
Clinton, James to J. Post 1805 (E,132) lot 93
Cobb, Content & Jabez to F. McLaren 1801 (B,5) lot 87
Cobb, Content & Jabez to C. Moseley 1803 (C,203) lot 87
Cobb, Content & Jabez to B. Booth 1807 (G,141) lot 62
Cobb, Content & Jabez to W. Ward 1808 (H,224) lot 62
Cobb, Elnathan to J. Furman 1808 (G,494) lot 62
Coleman, Elizabeth & Timothy to J. S. King 1808 (G,604) lot 26
Coleman, Elizabeth & Timothy to I. Stanton 1809 (I,89), lot 26
Colton, Nancy & Walter to E. Moseley 1806 (E,438) lot 97
Colton, Nancy & Walter to J. Delany 1806 (F,193) lot 97
Cooke, William H. to N. Daniels et al., 1807 (G,170) lot 58
Crossett, Anna & John A. Graves 1807 (F,447) lot 92
Cunningham, John to H. Tygert 1808 (H,379) lot 86
Cunningham, John to J. Delany 1809 (I,320) lot 86
Damuth, Peggy & Richard to M. Damuth 1808 (H,357) lot 54
Darling, Benjamin & Fairrozina to M. Beach et al., 1808 (G,364)
lot 11
Darling, Anne Darling, wife of William Porter & heir of Moses to
L. Herrick 1807 (G,100) lot 11
Delamatter, John to A. Eaton 1808 (H,200) lot 44
Delamatter, John to A. Bars 1808 (H,204) lot 44
Delaney, Betsy & John to M. M. Clark 1804 (C,380) lot 86
Delaney, Betsy & John to E. Moseley 1806 (E,440) lot 86
Delaney, Betsy & John to J. Jackson 1806 (F,194) lot 86
Delaney, Elizabeth & John to J. Wood 1809 (I,316) lot 86
Demarest, Henry O. to P. Gebhard & ano. 1808 (H,491) lot 52
Denney, Clark & Phebe to H. Thayer 1808 (H,227) lot 26
Derbyshire, Thomas et al., to J. Agnew 1807 (G,204) lot 98
DeWitt, Jane & Simeon to I. Cross 1803 (C,68) lot 58
Dickhout, Henry by Trus. to J. Rapalje 1800 (A,277) lot 86
D'Lamatter, John to A. Eaton 1808 (H,200) lot 44
D'Lamatter, John to A. Bars 1808 (H,204) lot 44
Doughty, John to M. Hoffman & ano. 1808 (1CR,18) lot 70+
Eaton, Charles to S. Eaton, Jr. 1807 (G,104) lot 50
Eaton, Charles to J. Raymond 1807 (G,132) lot 57
Eaton, Origen & Sophia to J. Hannah 1808 (H,185) lot 33
Eaton, Stephen to G. Eaton 1808 (H,239) lot 53
Eaton, Aaron & Triphena to W. Williams 1808 (H,391) lot 55
Eaton, Charles to A. A. Lathrop 1809 (I,256) lot 57
Edmonds, Samuel et al., to N. Williams 1802 (B,174) lot 78
Edsall, Richard, Jr. to S. Lush & ano. 1801 (1CF,174) lot 26
Edwards, Samuel to E. Gridley 1800 (A,257) lot 90
Edwards, Samuel to A. Gridley 1807 (F,634) lot 90
Ely, Worthington to J. Knowlton 1800 (A,204) lot 78
Ely, Worthington to T. Teall 1800 (A,205) lot 78
Eno, Stephen to J. Bates 1808 (H,531) lot 21
Eno, Stephen to J. Bates 1808 (H,532) lot 21
Failing, Archibald & ano. to G. Castle 1809 (H,3) lot 11
Faling, Ann & John H. to G. Rapp 1803 (C,137) lot 86
Farrar, Elizabeth & John to B. Sanford 1804 (C,520) lot 93
Farrar, Elizabeth & John to T. Dickson 1806 (F,326) lot 93
Farrer, Eleaseth & John to B. Sanford 1808 (G,376) lot 93
Fellows, Rozel to W. Yarrington 1809 (H,608) lot 91
Fisher, Bartholomew & Orpha to F. Hurman 1800 (1CF,166) lot 12
Fisher, Cornelia & John to J. Young 1801 (A,491) lot 62
Fisher, Cornelia & John to J. Young 1801 (A,493) lot 62
Fisher, Hannah et al. to J. Cobb 1800 (A,262) lot 87
Fisher, Hannah & John to H. Ketchum 1805 (D,227) lot 62
Fisher, Hannah & John to J. Cobb 1807 (G,139) lot 62
Fonda, Jelles A. to S. N. Bayard 1807 (G,146) lot 78
Forman, Joshua to J. Rapalje 1805 (D,517) lot 82
Forman, Joshua to D. Thomas 1806 (E,272) lot 93+
Forman, Joshua & Margaret to D. Thomas 1807 (F,590) lot 82+
Foster, James to J. Ludington 1801 (A,461) lot 88
Foster, James to J. Luddington 1805 (D,266) lot 88
Foster, Lebbeas & Sally to C. B. Bristol 1804 (C,302) lot 88
Foster, Lebbeus to S. Weed 1809 (I,129) lot 88
Foster, Lebbeus & Sally to A. Mills 1809 (I,197) lot 88
Foster, Libbeus & Sally to J. Cable 1807 (G,261) lot 88+
Foster, Libbeus & Sally to T. Leonard 1808 (G,624) lot 88
Frink, Ezra to W. W. Sayles 1807 (F,550) lot 68
Furman, John to J. B. Olcott 1809 (I,9) lot 62
Furman, John & ano. to J. B. Olcott 1809 (I,93) lot 62
Furman, Nancy & Russell to M. Johnson 1805 (D,154) lot 97
Gardner, William by Atty. to W. Marvin 1807 (F,512) lot 98
Gardner, William et al. to S. Prescott 1808 (G,657) lot 98
Gardner, William to S. Prescott 1808 (G,659) lot 98 agmt.
Gates, Abigail & Zephaniah to C. Fillmore 1808 (H,20) lot 99
Gates, Abigill & Zephaniah to J. Rickard 1807 (F,620) lot 3
Gates, Zephaniah to D. Bennet 1800 (A,146) lot 90
Gates, Zephaniah to J. Cheesebrough 1800 (A,286) lot 90
Gebhard, Eleanor & Philip to M. Olcott 1808 (H,493) lot 52
Gettmar, Frederick to S. Sackett 1802 (1CF,164) lot 9
Gillchris, Samuel to T. Kerpright 1800 (A,209) lot 18
Goodfellow, Ichabod & Phebe to J. Goodfellow & ano.1808 (H,449)
lot 75
Gould, Jeremiah to S. Gillchrese 1800 (A,212) lot 18
Gridley, Elijah to A. Gridley, Jr. 1807 (F,589) lot 100
Griswold, Joab & Nancy to R. Damewood 1808 (H,359) lot 54
Gros, Lawrence, Jr., to J. James & ano., 1809 (I,148), lot 76
Gross, Johann D. to A. E Timerman 1804 (C,449) lot 49
Hawley, Electa & Nathan to A. Sayles 1808 (G,602) lot 98
Hayward, John et al. to S. Prescott 1808 (G,657) lot 98
Haywood, John & ano. to W. Marvin 1807 (F,512) lot 98
Herring, Abraham & Elizabeth to P. Smith 1807 (G,239) lot 3
Hizer, Rudolph by Shff. to T. R. Gold 1805 (D,200) lot 82
Houser, John by Shff. to B. Sanford 1809 (H,605) lot 82
Howell, Appolos, Cornelia, Benoni H. to T. Redmond et al.1809 (H,618)
lot 6
Hubbard, William to D. Hubbard 1801 (A,403) lot 96
Hubbard, William to D. Hubbard 1802 (B,361) lot 96
Hubbard, William to T. Hubbard 1804 (C,463) lot 96
Hungerford, Aletha & Stephen to H. Vroman 1809 (I,208) lot 92
Hungerford, Aletha & Stephen to J. DePuy & ano. 1809 (I,348)
lot 92
Hunt, Hanrah & Thomas to D. Boardman 1802 (B,439) lot 39
Jerome, Levi to C. Merriman 1800 (A,259) lot 89
Jerome, Levi & Ammerilla to S. Sherwood 1801 (B,20) lot 89
Jerome, Timothy to D. Heeler 1804 (C,412) lot 91
Johnson, Elisha to J. Forman 1808 (G,458) lot 87
Johnson, Moses by Shff. to T. Mumford 1808 (H,456) lot 97
Johnson, Moses to B. Sanford 1805 (E,62) lot 87+
Johnson, Moses by Shff. to T. Mumford & ano. 1806 (F,86) lot 98
Johnson, William to W. Noble et al. 1802 (B,317) lot 94
Jones, Augustus to J. Quackenbush et al. 1804 (1CR,649) lot 36
Kane, Elias to J. G. Moyer 1804 (C,516) lot 39
Kator, Abraham to L. Eno 1806 (E,496) lot 21
Keeler, Abigail to N. Brown et al. 1802 (B,260) lot 91
Keeler, Colman F. to Ben Sanford 1803 (C,58) lot 93
Keeler, Daniel by Shff. to F. A. Bloodgood 1801 (B,54) lot 91
Keeler, Millicent to B. Sanford 1805 (E,146) lot 93
Kennady, Hannah & John to M. Beach et al. 1808 (G,636) lot 84
Kennedy, Joseph to E. B. Cornwell et al. 1807 (G,293) lot 84
Ketchum, Hezekiah & Marey to J. Furman 1808 (G,496) lot 62
Kinne, Cyrus to Z. Kinne 1804 (D,134) lot 50+
Kip, Eliza & James S. to W. Worden 1807 (G,234) lot 51
Kirkland, George W. to H. Newman 1805 (E,49) lot 49
Kirpbright, Thomas by Adm. to E. Alvord & ano. 1804 (C,530) lot
Knowlton, Joshua to Z. Lothrop 1805 (D,217) lot 78
Knowlton, Joshua to W. Chase 1805 (D,245) lot 45
Lacky, Hugh et al. to R. Burnet 1805 (E,60) lot 35
Lamb, John by Marshal to J. Swartwout 1803 (C,131) lot 68
Lamb, Anthony & Mary to D. Alvord 1806 (F,262) lot 19
Landers, Benjamin & Elizabeth to J. Goodfellow & ano. 1808
(H,267) lot 53
Lathrop, Azariah A. & Lucy to P. Mallory 1809 (I,299) lot 57
Lathrop, Zephaniah to J. Weborn 1808 (G,417) lot 78
Laurance, John to E. Butler, Jr. 1803 (C,44) lot 95
Laurance, John to E. Butler, Jr. 1803 (C,45) lot 64
Laurance, John to E. Butler, Jr. 1803 (C,47) lot 95
Leach, Ebenzer & Lettice to Thomas R. Gold 1808 (H,439) lot 79
Leach, Ebenezer to T. R. Gould 1808 (H,439) lot 79
Ledyard, Betsey Youngs to R. Oliphant 1809 (I,14) lot 97
Leech, Ebenezer to T. R. Gold 1807 (F,458) lot 79
Leech, Ebenezer & Lettice to T. R. Gold 1808 (H,439) lot 79
Lewis, Truman by Admrs. to E. Gumaer, Jr. 1809 (I,121) lot 95
Lovejoy, Joshua & Sally to M. Johnson 1804 (C,489) lot 98
Lower, Ann to J. Sherwood 1801 (A,516) lot 85
Lower, Anna to A. Smith 1808 (H,129) lot 96
Luddington, Jared & Sarah to W. Warner 1806 (E,459) lot 79
Lush, Lydia & Stephen to C. Denny 1804 (C,293) lot 26
Mabie, Bartholomew by Shff. to P. Smith 1805 (D,182) lot 58
Mallory, Peter by Shff. to J. O. Wattles 1809 (I,300) lot 57
Martin, John, widow of to J. Webster 1809 (I,190) lot 41
Martin, Robert Jr. by Shff. to P. Marsh et al. 1801 (B,91) lot 79
Marsh, Dorothy & Peter, et al. to W. W. Sayles 1802 (B,165) lot
Marsh, Dorothy & Peter to A. Finck 1802 (B,271) lot 79
Marsh, Dorothy & Peter to S. Spencer & ano. 1804 (C,301) lot
Marsh, Dorothy & Peter to M. Walter 1808 (H,232) lot 79
Marsh, Peter to L. Hall 1800 (A,257) lot 90
Marsh, Peter & ano. to C. Merriman 1800 (A,256) lot 90
Marvin, William to W. Gardner & ano. 1807 (F,515) lot 98
Maxwell, William to S. Beebee 1807 (G,145) lot 15
Mayo, Lemuel to J. D'Lamatter et al., 1803 (C,38) lot ___
Mayo, Lemuel to D. Lole 1805 (D,319) lot 98
McKenna, Patrick & Meliscent to A. Howell 1809 (I,302) lot 6
McMillan, Cornelia & John to M. Hogan 1805 (E,18) lot 28
Merriman, Charles to E. Gridley 1800 (A,254) lot 90
Merriman, Charles to E. Phillips 1803 (C,215) lots 89-90
Merrill, Caleb B. et al. by Shff. to S. Phares & ano. 1808 (I,136)
lots 75-76
Merriam, Munson to A. Kent 1809 (I,255) lot 90
Miller, Gad to D. Chase 1805 (D,74) lot 78
Miller, John to J. Backus 1806 (E,277) lot 92
Morehouse, Benjamin to J. Post 1800 (A,134) lot 94
Morehouse, Benjamin & Ruth to T. Barnum 1800 (A,198) lot 94
Morehouse, Benjamin & Ruth to M. Pratt 1804 (C,325) lot 94
Morehouse, Benjamin & Ruth to R. Sammons 1805 (D,247) lot __
Morehouse, Benjamin & Ruth to J. Smith 1807 (G,150) lot 94
Morehouse, Benjamin & Ruth to W. Eager 1807 (G,203) lot 94
Morehouse, Benjamin & Ruth to P. Albert 1808 (G,431), lot 94
Morehouse, Benjamin & Ruth to J. Post 1808 (H,392) lot 94
Moseley, Charles to Z. Potter 1803 (C,1) lot 87
Mosley, Charlotte & Charles to E. Johnson 1804 (C,465) lot 87
Mosley, Charlotte & Charles to M. Johnson 1804 (C,487) lot 87
Mosley, Charlotte & Charles to J. O. Wattles 1808 (H,302) lot 87
Mosley, Charlotte & Charles to L. Kellogg 1808 (H,544) lot 87
Mosley, Charlotte & Charles to R. Tousley 1809 (I,180) lot 87
Moyer, John G. to D. J. Moyer & ano. 1807 (G,286) lot 39
Moyer, John G. by Shff. to C. B. Bristol 1809 (H,597) lot 39
Mulholland, Charles, Elnior, Daniel to M. Livingston 1801 (A,480) lot
Mulholland, Charles, Elinor to T. Derbershire 1804 (C,536) lot
Mulholland, Daniel, Eleanor to J. Agnew 1807 (G,204) lot 98
Mumford, John P. & ano. to L. Fisher 1806 (F,110) lot 86
Myers, Michael to J. Griswold 1808 (H,395) lot 54
Norton, Ashbel & Polly to W. Eager 1807 (G,202) lot 87
Norton, Elijah & Polly to J. Ludington 1805 (D,271) lot 79
Norton, Elijah & Polly to J. Strong 1806 (E,341) lot 79
Ogden, Nthaniel to J. A. Fonda 1807 (F,343) lot 78
Olcott, Mary to J. B. Olcott 1809 (I,10) lot 52
Olmsted, David to B. Sanford 1803 (C,51) lot 93
Olmsted, David to C. I. Keller 1803 (C,53) lot 93
Olmsted, David to W. Olmsted 1803 (C,265) lot 93
Olmsted, David & Abigail to G. Steward 1808 (G,568) lot 93
Olmsted, David & Abigail to W. Morton 1808 (H,145) lot 93
Ono. Comrs. to J. Fisher & ano.1800 (Awards 1) lot 43
Ono. Comrs. to J. McMillan 1800 (Awards 3) lot 28
Ono. Comrs. to J. Davenport 1800 (Awards 164) lot 13
Ono. Comrs. to E. Stillwell et al. 1800 (Awards175) lot 89
Ono. Comrs. to S. Curwin, Jr. 1800 (Awards 186) lot 17
Ono. Comrs. to J. Suffern 1800 (Awards 197) lot 100
Ono. Comrs. to C. I. Bogart 1800 (Awards 204) lot 60
Ono. Comrs. to C. Loeur 1800 (Awards 227) lot 86
Ono. Comrs. to W. Philander 1800 (Awards 230) lot 53
Ono. Comrs. to R. Troup 1800 (Awards 244) lot 57
Ono. Comrs. to N. Fish 1800 (Awards 258) lot 2
Ono. Comrs. to R. Troup 1800 (Awards 265) lot 92
Ono. Comrs. to J. Fisher 1800 (Awards 274) lot 62
Ono. Comrs. to E. Watson 1800 (Awards 279) lot 35
Ono. Comrs. to R. Troup 1800 (Awards 282) lot 5
Ono. Comrs. to R. Troup 1800 (Awards 289) lot 5
Ono. Comrs. to R. Troup 1800 (Awards 289) lot 30
Ono. Comrs. to J. Sebor 1800 (Awards 306) lot 95
Ono. Comrs. to J. Sanger 1800 (Awards 311) lot 70
Ono. Comrs. to W. Thompson 1800 (Awards 319) lot 29
Ono. Comrs. to R. Troup 1800 (Awards 340) lot 32
Ono. Comrs. to J. Beardslie 1800 (Awards 344) lot 11
Ono. Comrs. to J. Beardslie 1800 (Awards 344) lot 12
Ono. Comrs. to J. Beardslie 1800 (Awards 345) lot 12
Ono. Comrs. to J. DeWitt 1800 (Awards 354) lot 58
Ono. Comrs. to S. Johnson 1800 (Awards 361) lot 42
Ono. Comrs. to J. Rogers 1800 (Awards 380) lot 15
Ono. Comrs. to J. Rogers 1800 (Awards 380) lot 75
Ono. Comrs. to S. Johnson 1800 (Awards 399) lot 42
Ono. Comrs. to S. Johnson 1800 (Awards 399) lot 51
Ono. Comrs. to T. Ritson 1800 (Awards 404) lot 41
Ono. Comrs. to T. Ritson 1800 (Awards 405) lot 50
Ono. Comrs. to T. Ritson 1800 (Awards 405) lot 63
Ono. Comrs. to E. Watson 1800 (Awards 417) lot 25
Ono. Comrs. to R. Troup 1800 (Awards 420) lot 31
Ono. Comrs. to R. Troup 1800 (Awards 420) lot 82
Ono. Comrs. to R. Troup 1800 (Awards 424) lot 17
Ono. Comrs. to R. Troup 1800 (Awards 425) lot 55
Ono. Comrs. to R. Troup 1800 (Awards 425) lot 67
Ono. Comrs. to E. Watson 1800 (Awards 435) lot 34
Ono. Comrs. to E. Watson 1800 (Awards 441) lot 39
Ono. Comrs. to R. Boyd 1800 (Awards 458) lot 48
Ono. Comrs. to B. Morehouse 1800 (Awards 459) lot 94
Owen, Luke by Shff. to W. Wood 1804 (C,448) lot 81
Owen, Oliver et ano. by Shff. to W. G. Tracy 1800 (A,236) lot 92
Peck, Reuben H. to J. Gridley 1800 (A,281) lot 100
Peck, Reuben H. to R. F. St. John 1805 (D,143) lot 100
Peck, Reuben H. by Shff. to E. Gridley 1806 (F,128) lot 100
Peterson, Mary & Simon to P. Shay 1800 (1CF,157) lot 4
Peters, William to I. Reynolds 1808 (H,35) lot 41
Phelps, Ralph R. & Abigail to B. Sanford 1807 (G,92) lot 93
Phillips, Elijah to C. Moseley 1800 (A,337) lot 87
Phillips, Elijah to I. Hamilton 1809 (I,98) lot 69
Phillips, Elijah to S. Weed 1809 (I,131) lot 88
Phillips, Elijah & Susanna to M. Merrian 1804 (C,353) 89/90
Pitkin, Elisha to S. Edmons 1801 (B,101) lot 78
Pitkin, Elisha et al. to N. Williams 1802 (B,174) lot 78
Post, John & Margaret to G. G. Lansing 1808 (G,418) lot 93
Post, Mary to H. Clark 1808 (H,307) lot 97
Pratt, Caleb to R. Peck 1800 (A,255) lot 100
Pratt, Caleb to D. Scovil 1802 (B,253) lot 100
Pratt, Elizabeth & Manoah to J. Right et ano. 1804 (C,470) lot
Prentice, Amy, Jonas to A. Smith 1805 (D,500) lot 32
Prentice, Amy, Jonas to S. Bristol et al., 1805 (D,503) lot 32
Prescott, Frances to W. Gardner & ano. 1809 (I,145) lot__ R. of
Prindle, Michael & Sally to W. Colton 1805 (E,105) lot 97
Prindle, Michael & Sally to Y. Ledyard 1806 (E,258) lot 97
Prindle, Michael & Sally to H. Clark 1808 (H,308) lot 97
Purdy, Joseph to S. Hungerford 1803 (C,81) lot 92
Rapp, Christine & George to N. Keller 1803 (C,139) lot 86
Rapalje, John by Shff. to J. Forman 1806 (E,262) lot 93+
Rapalje, John to D. Thomas 1806 (E,429) lot 86
Rhinelander, William by Atty. to S. Eaton 1808 (H,238) lot 53
Rhinelander, William by Atty. to B. Landers 1808 (H,266) lot 53
Richardson, Johnson to W. Warner 1809 (I,149) lot 56+
Ritson, Thomas by Atty. to C. Kenne 1804 (C,331) lot 63
Ritson, Thomas by Atty. to C. Eaton 1806 (E,311) lot 50
Robbins, Hannah & Nathaniel to W. William 1808 (H,202) lot 55
Roberts, Issabella to S. Philips 1808 (H,367) lot 76 rel. of dower
Roberts, John L. to S. Philips 1808 (H,366) lot 76
Robertson, William to F. FitzSimons 1800 (A,308) lot 14
Root, Ashbel to J. Lovejoy 1804 (C,352) lot 98
Root, Ashbel by Shff. to J. D.Lamater 1804 (D,89) lot __
Royce, Abigal & Samuel to N. Robbins 1801 (A,474) lot 55
Russell, Joel & Polly to C. R. Merrill 1806 (F,34) lot 76
Sackett, Elizabeth K. & Samuel to J. B. Clarke 1803 (B,54) lot
St. John, Recompece to E. Gridley 1806 (F,51) lot 100
Sandford, Benjamin & Sally I. to R. Cummings 1806 (F,217) lot 87
Sandford, Benjamin & Sarah I. to W. Morton 1808 (H,147) lot 93
Sanford, Benjamin & Sally I. to N. Beckwith 1805 (D,141) lot 93
Sanford, Benjamin & Sally I. to R. R. Phelps 1807 (G,89) lot 93
Sanford, Benjamin & Sally I. to R. Wilson 1807 (G,242) lot 87
Sanford, Benjamin & Sally I. to D. Olmsted 1808 (G,378) lot 93
Sanford, Benjamin & Sally to H. Vrooman 1809 (H,656) lot 93
Sanford, Benjamin & Sally to D. Baker 1809 (I,20) lot 93
Sanford, Benjamin & Sally to G. Wright & ano. 1809 (I,22) lot
Sanford, Benjamin & Sally to N. Michles & ano. 1809 (I,77)
lot 93
Sanford, Benjamin & Sally to J. Vrooman & ano. 1809 (I,193)
lot 93
Sanger, Jedediah to J. C. Baldwin 1809 (H,603) lot 70
Sanger, Richard to E. Ward 1809 (I,334) lot 30
Sartwell, Levi to R. Sanger 1808 (H,522) lot 30
Sayles, Lydia & William W. to E. Norton 1802 (R,409) lot 79
Schuyler, Jacob & ano. to C. Merriman 1800 (A,256) lot 90
Schuyler, Jacob & ano. to L. Hall 1800 (A,257) lot 90
Scovil, David to B. Nicholas 1807 (G,65) lot 100
Sebor, Eliza & Jacob to J. Lawrence 1801 (A,449) lot 95
Seely, Gideon to J. S. Roulet 1800 (A,329) lot 27
Seely, Gideon to J. S. Roulet 1800 (A,330) lot 27
Shay, Patrick & Mary & ano. to J. W. Watkins 1800 (1CF,159)
lot 4
Shearman, Samuel to A. Brownson 1801 (A,475) lot 89
Sherwood, Nancy & Samuel to S. Sherman 1801 (A,453) lot 89
Sherwood, James to I. Wood 1803 (C,61) lot 85
Shultz, Peter to J. Odell 1806 (E,267) lot 39
Shutts, Peter heir of Adam to N. Wheeler 1808 (H,513) lot 39
Skinner, Catharine to J. Emerson 1809 (H,633) lot 65
Slawson, Joseph to Z. Gates 1808 (H,347) lot 99
Smith, Anna to S. Bristol et al., 1805 (D,496) lot 32
Smith, Barbary E. to D. Waldo 1806 (F,79) lot 85
Smith, John to A. Eaton 1800 (A,239) lot 54
Smith, John by Shff. to C. B. Merrill 1807 (F,486) lot 85
Smith, John by Shff. to T. M. Wood 1808 (G,416) lot 75
Smith, Abijah & Gemimi to B. Wood 1809 (I,345) lot 85
Spencer, Lorance & Sylvester to E. Leach 1804 (C,495) lot 79
Spencer, Lorance & Sylvester to T. Everts 1804 (C,496) lot 79
Stevens, Hanah & Phinehas to D. Dunham 1806 (F,49) lot 98
Stevens, Phineas to J. Williams 1802 (B,241) lot 98
Stewart, Gilbert & Milley to B. Sanford 1809 (H,564) lot 93
Stillwill, Elias to E. Stillwill, Jr. 1801 (B,12) lot 89
Stilwill, Elias to J. Strong 1801 (B,23) lot 89
Stone, Joseph & Lucy to W. Warner 1806 (E,456) lot 79
Strong, Joseph to E. Stilwell, Jr. 1802 (B,182) lot 89
Suffern, John to J. Foster 1801 (1CF,228) lot 88
Suffern, John to C. Pratt 1808 (H,306) lot 100
Swartwout, John & Mary to E. Stilwell, Jr. 1807 (F,549) lot 68
Swartwout, John & Mary to E. Frink 1807 (F,551) lot 68
Swartwout, John & Mary to I. Hickoc 1807 (F,583) lot 68
Swartwout, John & Mary to H. Hinds 1807 (F,584) lot 68
Swartwout, John & Mary to F. Church 1807 (G,217) lot 68
Swetting, John to J. L. Roberts 1808 (H,367) lot 76
Teall, Dorothy & Timothy to G. Breed 1800 (A,203) lot 77
Teall, Dorothy & Timothy to D. Olcott 1800 (A,291) lot 77
Teall, Dorothy & Timothy A. to J. Carpenter 1800 (A,200) lot 77
Ten Broeck, Peter to W. Cook 1806 (F,303) lot 72
Ten Eyck, Abraham Jr. to J. C. Baldwin 1807 (F,564) lot 71
Thayer, Anna & Hosea to A. Barns 1808 (H,225) lot 26
Thomas, Charles to J. Williams 1807 (G,179) lot 78
Thomas, Daniel to I. Ives 1809 (I,97) lot 93
Thompson, William to G. Sebor 1805 (D,208) lot 29
Townsend, Peter to O. Owen 1801 (B,22) lot 92
Townsend, Peter to A. G. Tracy 1803 (B,504) lot 92
Tracy, Rachel & William G. to S. Hungerford 1803 (C,83) lot 92
Tracy, Rachel & William G. to J. Crosset 1804 (C,427) lot 92
Tracy, William G. to J. Miller 1802 (B,243) lot 92
Troup, Robert to W. F. Vrenburgh 1803 (C,255) lot 30
Troup, Robert to C. Eaton 1807 (G,131) lot 57
Tucker, Anna Ephraim to T. Harvey 1809 (H,572) lot 75
Tyler, Comfort to T. M. Wood 1800 (A,370) lot 36
VanSlyke, Garrett by Shff. to J. James 1808 (H,156) lot 98
VanSlyke, Garrett by Shff. to R. Cummings 1808 (H,156) lot 98
VanRensselear, Jeremiah et al., to E. Gebhard et al., 1808 (H,491)
lot 52
VanWagener, Garrit H. & Sally to D. Churchill 1809 (I,108) lot
VanWagener, Gerret H. & Sally to W. Hubbard 1800 (A,141) lot 96
Veeder, Volkerk to A. Herring 1803 (C,267) lot 3
Vredenburgh, William T. to C. Pollock 1807 (1CF,158) lot 4
Vredenburgh, William T. to L. Sartwell 1806 (E,509) lot 30
Vrooman, Henry to N. Mickles & ano. 1809 (H,659) lot 93
Vrooman, Henry to A. Lee 1809 (I,210) lot 92
Walch, Daniel et al. by Shff. to S. Phares & ano. 1809 (I,136)
lot 75
Walton, Henry & Matilda to J. Worden 1806 (E,510) lot 74
Waldo, Daniel to C. B. Merrill 1807 (F,411) lot 85
Walter, Adam & Elizabeth to P. Marsh 1808 (H,230) lot 79
Ward, Levi & Sally to C. B. Bristol 1805 (D,527) lot 88
Ward, Levi & Sally to C. B. Bristol 1805 (D,530) lot 88
Ward, Levi & Sally to C. B. Bristol 1805 (D,532) lot 78
Ward, Luthera & William to J. Sisson 1806 (E,543) lot 95
Ward, Luthera & William to R. R. Phelps 1808 (H,208) lot 97
Wickham, George D. to S. Burke 1807 (G,33) lot 73
Wileman, Daniel & Olive to J. Wood 1806 (F,309) lot 97
Williams, Job to J. Foster 1801 (1CF,228) lot 88
Williams, Judah to D. Demming 1802 (A,551) lot 78
Williams, Judah to J. Luddenton 1802 (B,239) lot 78
Williams, Judah to D. Demming 1802 (B,262) lot 78
Williams, Judah to P. Smith 1803 (C,266) lot 78
Williams, Judah to G. Miller 1805 (B,75) lot 78
Williams, Judah to L. Foster 1805 (D,268) lot 78
Williams, Juday to L. Ward 1805 (D,270) lot 78
Williams, Nathan to J. Williams 1802 (B,175) lot 78
Williams, Polly & William to T. Davis 1808 (H,195) lot 55
Williams, Polly & William to C. Thomas 1808 (H,455) lot 78
Williamson, Hannah & John to F. Getman 1801 (1CF,163) lot 9
Wilson, Robert to G. I. Van Slyke 1802 (F,529) lot 98
Wilson, Robert & Amelia to J. Meeker 1808 (H,1) lot 87
Wilson, Robert & Amelia to R. Oliphant 1809 (I,16) lot 87
Wilson, Robert & Amelia to J. Meeker 1809 (I,441) lot 98
Wood, Aaron to B. Wood 1808 (H,10) lot 87
Wood, Anna to J. Wood 1808 (H,290) lot 87
Wood, Elizabeth & Jasper to R. Oliphant 1809 (I,17) lot 97
Wood, Jemima to S. L. Wood & ano. 1803 (C,63) lot 86
Wood, Thaddeus M. to J. Allen 1802 (B,168) lot 60
Wood, Walter to D. Boardman 1803 (C,261) lot 39
Wood, Walter to J. Sherwood 1805 (E,4) lot 85
Wood, Walter to A. C. Ford 1806 (E,514) lot 84
Woodruff, Hezekiah & ano. to N. Kellar 1808 (H,166) lot 69
Woodruff, Hezekiah N. et al. to D. Moulder 1808 (G,646) lot 69
Woodward, Reuben to C. Gridley 1804 (C,446) lot 90
Worden, Anna & Jonathan to J. Worden 1809 (H,621) lot 63+
Worden, Lucretia & Walter to F. Blake 1808 (H,116) lot 51
Worden, Lucretia & Walter to P. Bogardus 1808 (H,242) lot 51
Wright, Ebenezer to J. Gridley 1800 (A,282) lot 100
Wynkoofs, Jacob to L. Founda 1801 (1CR,131) lot 51
Wynkoofs, Jacobus by Atty. to M. Hoffman & ano. 1801 (1CR,131)
lot 51
Young, John to J. Furman 1809 (I,31) lot 62
Young, John to J. B. Olcott 1809 (I,93) lot 62
Young, John et al. by Shff. to L. Phares & ano. 1809 (I,136) lot
Submitted 4 April 1998