TOWN OF MANLIUS:  1783-1799

Manlius originally embraced the present town in addition to Dewitt, and parts of Salina and Onondaga.  Onondaga was split off in 1798, Salina in 1809, Dewitt in 1835, and one lot was ceded to the town of Cicero.

Spellings are as they appear in courthouse records, so be sure to check alternate spellings.

Submitted by Kathy Crowell.  E-mail:  [email protected]


Abeel, David, John, Mary to Gideon Seeley, 1797 (1CR,492) lot 27
Adams, Ahijah to C. Kinne 1794 (1CR,89) lot 50
Adams, Ahijah to C. Kinne 1794 (1CF,192) lot 50
Adams, Ahijah to C. Kinne 1795 (1CF,193) lot 50
Adams, James to B. Willson (Cay R1, 515) lot 43
Adams, James to R. Smith 1796 (1CR,280) lot 43
Adams, James to G. Barthlomew & John Fischer 1794 (1CF,188) lot 43
Adkins, James to Ichabod Rogers 1795 (1CF,169) lot 15
Anthony, John to A. Finch & Peter Marsh 1796 (1CR,292) lot 85
Aorson, Aaron by Shff. to L. Lispenard 1794 (1CR,85) lot 48
Arden, Jacob, et al. to J. D. Gros 1795 (2CF,84) lot 49
Barrick, Samuel, heir of Dirrick to E. Watson 1795 (1CF,211) lot 65
Bayard, Mary & Stephen N. to F. Ritson 1798 (1CR,600) 50+
Bills, Thomas by Assignees to J. Sebor 1796 (1CR,355) lot 95
Bills, Thomas by Assignees to E. Goodrich 1796 (1CR,366) lot 95
Bills, Thomas by Assignees to P. DeWitt 1799 (1CF,233) lot 95
Bingham, Luther to J. Smith 1799 (A,37) lot 54
Bissell, Moses to A. Adams, Jr. 1793 (1CF,191) lot 50
Bloom, Albert to W. DeWitt 1795 (1CF,235) lot 97
Bloom, Albert to E. Gridley 1798 (1CF,236) lot 97
Blum, Albert to P. Sternberg, et al., 1797 (1CR,517) lot 97
Boice, Peter to B. Wallace et al., 1797 (1CR,440) lot 78
Boice, Peter to B. Wallace et al., 1797 (1CR,453) lot 78
Boice, Peter & Linda to B. Lawrance 1794 (1CF,220) lot 78
Bois, Peter to S. Wright 1796 (1CR,354) lot 78
Boise, Peter to E. Farnham 1795 (1CF,218) lot 78
Boise, Peter by Assignee to W. Duer 1795 (1CF,220) lot 78
Booth, Reuben to S. Bostwick 1795 (2CF,95) lot 98
Brower, Jeremiah, Jr. to W. I. Vredenburgh 1795 (1CF,203) lot 60
Brown, Richard to W. I. Vredenburgh 1789 (1CF,234) lot 96
Broughton, Bartholomew to W. Smith 1795 (1CF,217) lot 77
Buis, Peter to N. Ogden 1797 (1CR,111) lot 78
Cadwise, George et al., to Johann D. Gros 1795 (2CF,84) lot 49
Caldwell, James to W. I. Vredenburgh 1795 (1CF,185) lot 40
Canaday, John to P. Townsend & ano., 1795 (1CF,223) lot 84
Carey, James by Assignee to J. Sebor 1796 (1CR,355) lot 95
Carpenter, Abigail & John to T. Teal 1797 (1CR,482) lot 77
Case, Stephen & ano. to S. Crane 1794 (1CF,207) lot 63
Caulking, Ebenezer to C.  Tyler 1798 (1CR,537) lot 86+
Charlesworth, John M. to F. VanWagenen 1795 (1CF,194) lot 54
Charlesworth, John to P. VanAlstyne & ano. 1795 (1CF,195) lot 54
Cheacy, John, heir of Stephen to J. Briggs 1795 (1CF,181) lot 35
Cody, Joseph to C. Kinne 1794 (1CR,87) lot 65
Cody, Joseph to C. Kinne 1794 (1CF,211) lot 65
Connelly, Michael to W. Duer 1798 (1CF,211) lot 23
Conolly, Michael to B. Livingston 1793 (2CF,64) lot 73
Cooper, Katharine & Thomas to W. Cooper 1797 (1CR,475) lot 84
Cooper, William to P. Ten Broeck 1796 (1CR,388) lot 73+
Cornwall, Solomon to J. Suffern 1799 (1CR,133) lot 100
Cornwall, Solomon to J. Suffern 1795 (1CF,201) lot 100
Crane, Sayrs to S. Kellogg 1794 (1CF,208) lot 63
Crosby, Adams to B. Fisher 1795 (1CF,225) lot 12
Cunningham, John & Mary to H. Dickhout 1797 (1CR,443) lot 86
Danforth, Asa to G. Breed 1795 (1CR,210) lot 77
Danforth, Asa to T. Teall 1794 (1CR,136) lot 77
Danforth, Asa to J. Carpenter 1798 (1CR,546) lot 59
Darling, Moses to R. Bleecker 1794 (1CF,164) lot 11
Davis, Benjamin to E. Gridley 1795 (1CF,209) lot 63
Davis, Benjamin to B. Moore 1795 (1CF,209) lot 63
Decker, Christopher to W. Thompson 1798 (1CF,176) lot 29
Deifendorff, Johnannas to W. Sayles 1796 (1CR,402) lot 79
DeWitt, Esther & William to J. Atkinson 1795 (1CF,237) lot 97
DeWitt, Moses to B. Morehouse 1795 (2CF,171) lot 94
Dexter, Samuel Jr. to A. Ward, Jr. 1798 (1CR,524) lot 61+
Dickhout, Henry to W. A. Fabricius 1797 (1CR,442) lot 86
Doughty, John to M. Hoffman & Ano. 1795 (2CF,93) lot 70+
Dowling, Andrew to P. Knapp 1783 (1CR,123) lot 75
Dowling, Andrew to P. Knapp 1799 (1CR,126) lot 75
Duer, William by Shff. to J. Greenleaf 1797 (1CR,416) lot 78
Duer, William to J. Greenleaf 1797 (1CR,417) lot 23
Duer, William to J. Greenleaf 1798 (1CR,524) lot 61
Dunn, Margaret & Richard to S. N. Bayard 1796 (1CR,284) lot 41+
Dutch, Mary & Stephen to W. Duer 1795 (1CF,178) lot 30
Edsall, Richard Jr. to S. Lush & Ano. 1795 (1CF,173) lot 26
Edwards, Richard to E. Watson 1795 (2CF,50) lot 35
Eggs, Samuel to S. Dutch 1795 (1CF,197) lot 57
Eggs, Samuel to E. Ogden 1795 (1CF,198) lot 57
Eggs, Samuel to N. Miler 1793 (1CF,200) lot 57
Elliott, Francis to A. Jones 1795 (1CF,180) lot 36
Elliott, Francis to A. Jones 1795 (1CF,180) lot 36
Elliott, Francis to A. Jones 1795 (1CF,181) lot 36
Ely, Worthington to E. Pitkin 1799 (A,42) lot 78
Ely, Worthington to E. Pitkin 1799 (A,43) lot 78
Farnham, Ebenezer to D. Quinton 1795 (1CF,219) lot 78
Featherly, Thomas to D. Dunham et al., 1795 (1CR,181) lot 37
Fetherly, Thomas H. to Charles Nukenk 1795 (1CF,182) lot 37
Fetherly, Thomas H. to P. Schuyler et al., 1795 (1CF,182) lot 37
Fetterly, Thomas to C. Newkirk 1798 (1CR,590) lot 37
Fisher, Leonard & Susan to C. I. Bogart et al., 1796 (1CR,306) lot 36
Foster, Elizabeth & James to J. Mead 1797 (1CR,412) lot 98
Gardner, David by Adm. to I. Pratt 1795 (2CF,95) lot 94
Godwin, William to J. Stringham 1795 (1CF,231) lot 91
Graham, Charles to J. Hopkins 1794 (1CF,204) lot 61
Gray, James by Adm. to S. Loudon, Jr. 1795 (1CF,86) lot 45 (see below)
Gregg, James by Adm. to S. Louden, Jr. 1795 (2 F,86) lot 45 (see above)
Gregg, James by Adm. to S. Loudon, Jr. 1795 (2CF,80) lot 45
Greenleaf, James to S. Dexter, Jr. 1798 (1CR,539) lot 61
Gridley, Elihu to W. Ward 1798 (1CF,236) lot 97
Griffin, David to J. Rosevelt 1795 (1CF,169) lot 14
Griffin, Joseph to O. Ball 1795 (1CR,542) lot 88
Griffin, Joshua to C. Cunningham 1799 (1CR,627) lot 88
Griffin, Joshua to J. Suffern 1798 (1CF,226) lot 88
Hardenburg, Gerodus, Philip, Catharine, Mary, John L., Leonard, Maris to J. Hardenbergh  1796 (1CR,336) lot 58
Hardenburg, Jane, widow of & exr. of Abraham, to J. Knowlton 1797 (1CR,425) lot 45
Harris, Henry by Assignees to J. Sebar 1796 (1CR,355) lot 95
Hetfield, Moses to B. Morehouse 1796 (1CR,305) lot 94
Higgins, Ashur to N. Masters 1796 (1CR,312) lot 50
Hitchcock, Apollos & Roxana to O. Phelps 1794 (1CF,191) lot 50
Hitchcock, Brampton to G. Bartholomew & ano. 1794 (1CF,206) lot 61
Hithcok, Brampton to G. Bartholomew & ano. 1794 (1CF,206) lot 62
Hopkins, Ruben et al., to T. Platt 1795 (2CR,95) lot 94
House, Henry to A. Crosby 1790 (1CF,223) lot 12
Hull, Abiather by Atty. to H. Hunt 1798 (1CR,530) lot 39
Hunt, William to J. Mead 1797 (1CR,412) lot 87
Hunt, William to J. Chipman 1797 (1CR,437) lot 87
Hunt, William to G. Fisher 1799 (1CF,224) lot 87
Hunt, William to A. Maxwell 1795 (1CF,226) lot 87
Jackson, Jeremiah to J. Carpenter 1799 (A,21) lot 81
Johnson, William to D. Gardiner 1795 (1CF,233) lot 94
Jones, Augustus to J. Quackenbush et al. 1795 (1CF,26) lot 36
Jones, Rebecca et al., to J. Jones 1798 (1CR,588) lot 67
Kennedy, John to L. Owens 1795 (1CR,194) lot 84
Killum, Reuben to R. Edsall, Jr. 1795 (1CF,172) lot 26
Knapp, Phinehas to J. Huntley 1795 (1CF,216) lot 75
Knights, William to J. Brower, Jr. 1799 (1CF,202) lot 60
Lawrence, John to C. Lauer 1796 (1CR,105) lot 86
Lester, John S. to B. Peltom 1796 (1CR,285) lot 44
Lester, John S. to W. Radclift 1797 (2CF,205) lot 44
Lewis, Nicholas to D. Campbell 1797 (1CR,450) lot 96
Lispenard, Ann D. & Leonard to R. Boyd 1798 (1CR,535) lot 48
Livingston, Catharine to T. Cooper 1799 (1CR,203) lot 73
Louden, Samuel Jr. to A. Stewart 1795 (2CF,80) lot 45
Lovett, Anna & John to E. Mead 1797 (1CR,486) lot 86
Lower, Conrad to J. Cunningham 1794 (1CR,88) lot 86
Lower, Conrad to H. Phillips 1795 (2CF,202) lot 86
Marselius, Alexander & Dolly to W. W. Sayles 1796 (1CR,317) lot 79
Marsh, Peter to Z. Gates 1797 (1CR,413) lot 90
Marsh, Peter to E. Caulking 1797 (1CR,461) lot 79
Masters, Nicholas to Z. Tomlinson 1798 (1CR,565) lot 50
Maxwell, Anthony & Eve to J. Carpenter 1799 (1CF,226) lot 87
McCluskey, Peter by Adm. to S. Dutch 1795 (1CF,177) lot 30
McCluskey, Peter by Adm. to S. Dutch 1795 (1CF,178) lot 30
McLean, John to J. Van Rensselear 1795 (1CF,195) lot 52
McLean, John to J. Van Rensselear 1795 (1CF,196) lot 52
Mead, Edmund & Theodoshe by Atty. to C. Brewster 1797 (1CR,518) lot 86
Mercelis, Alexander to J. Smith 1796 (1CR,102) lot 79
Meredith, Margaret & Samuel to C. Lauer 1796 (1CR,105) lot 85
Morehouse, Benjamin & Ruth to J. Whitney 1796 (1CR,323) lot 94
Morgan, John I. to P. Marsh 1796 (1CR,352) lot 90
Morrow, Patrick to W. Bell 1795 (1CF,183) lot 38
Mulholland, Charles & Daniel to R. Wilson 1799 (A,51) lot 98
Myers, John & Maria to J. Smith 1797 (1CR,422) lot 54
Nottingham, Margaret widow of Garton to J. Hardenburgh 1796 (1CR,336) lot 58
Ogden, Edmund to H. Platner 1795 (1CF,199) lot 57
Onondaga Comrs. to J. Fisher et al., 1799 (Awards 21) lot 62
Onondaga Comrs. to A. Adams et al. 1799 (Awards 28) lot 50
Onondaga Comrs. to J. Dill et al. 1799 (Awards 37) lot 46
Onondaga Comrs. to J. Lawrance 1799 (Awards 45) lot 64
Onondaga Comrs. to R. Bowne 1799 (Awards 46) lot 44
Onondaga Comrs. to G. D. Wickham 1799 (Awards 54) lot 73
Onondaga Comrs. to C. Tyler 1798 (Awards 70) lot 79
Onondaga Comrs. to S. Ward et al. 1798 (Awards 75) lot 97
Onondaga Comrs. to P. Townsend 1798 (Awards 119) lot 92
Onondaga Comrs. to U. Forbs et al. 1798 (Awards 120) lot 99
Onondaga Comrs. to N. Ogden 1798 (Awards 120) lot 78
Onondaga Comrs. to U. Forbs et al. 1798 (Awards 121) lot 32
Onondaga Comrs. to J. M. Hughes et al. 1798 (Awards 123) lot 23
Onondaga Comrs. to G. H. Van Wagner 1798 (Awards 124) lot 96
Pelton, Benjamin to R. Brown 1799 (1CR,604) lot 44
Pelton, Benjamin to D. Abeel & ano. 1795 (1CF,175) lot 27
Peterson, Simon to W. J. Vredenburgh 1789 (1CF,158) lot 4
Pierpont, John to J. Smith 1790 (1CF,179) lot 32
Platt, Israel to M. Hatfield 1795 (2CF,98) lot 94
Putnam, William to D. Howell 1798 (1CF,161) lot 6
Rhinelander, Mary & William to T. Cooper 1795 (1CR,205) lot 84
Rhodes, Zaidok to J. Walls 1795 (2CF,94) lot 80
Richardson, John to J. Walworth 1795 (1CR,170) lot 66
Roberson, William to D. Griffin 1795 (1CF,169) lot 14
Robinson, Edmund to S. Townsend 1795 (1CF,232) lot 92
Rogers, Ichabod to D. Collin 1795 (1CF,170) lot 15
Roosevelt, Catharine & Cornelius C. to J. S. Kip 1796 (1CR,287) lot 51
Runnion, Benjamin to H. Hart 1795 (1CF,214) lot 71
Sackett, Elizabeth K. & Samuel to H. A. Coster & ano. 1798 (1CR,570) lot 4
Sackett, Samuel to C. I. Bogert 1799 (1CF,165) lot 9
St. Lawrence, George to A. McDougall 1792 (1CF,210) lot 64
Sallsberry, John to J. Caldwell 1795 (1CF,184) lot 40
Salmon, William to J. Blanchard 1795 (1CF,201) lot 59
Santford, John to M. Connolly 1799 (1CF,215) lot 73
Seaman, Peter & ano. to J. Jones 1792 (1CF,213) lot 67
Seely, William to B. Sutton 1797 (1CR,458) lot 86
Shaffer, John A. by Atty. to J. Richardson 1797 (1CR,445) lot 55
Sheldon, Joseph to S. Cornwell 1797 (1CR,133) lot 100
Sherwood, Samuel to E. Stilwill 1794 (1CR,136) lot 89
Sheldon, Joseph to M. G. Rynson 1797 (1CR,427) lot 100
Sheldon, Joseph to S. Cornwell 1798 (1CF,201) lot 100
Shutts, John, Jr., Abraham, Jr. brothers & heirs of Peter to S. Visscher 1796 (1CR,391)  lot 39
Smith, Barbarus & John to L. Bingham 1798 (1CR,569) lot 54
Smith, Garshom W. to J. Vredenburgh 1795 (1CF,215) lot 72
Smith, John to W. Sails 1796 (1CR,102) lot 79
Smith, John to L. Mason 1797 (1CR,480) lot 54
Smith, Peter to E. Caulking 1796 (1CR,107) lot 60
Smith, Walter to J. Vredenburgh 1795 (1CF,218) lot 77
Stake, John to G. H. VanWagener 1794 (2CF,85) lot 53
Stewart, Alexander & Elizabeth to A. Hardenburgh 1794 (1CR,144) lot 45
Stewart, Alexander et al., to S. Loudon, Jr. 1795 (2CF,80) lot 45
Stewart, Alexander et al., to S. Loudon, Jr. 1795 (2CF,86) lot 45
Suffern, John to J. Williams 1795 (2CF,99) lot 88
Tappen, George to J. Davenport 1795 (1CF,168) lot 13
Tappen, Peter to G. Tappen 1795 (1CF,167) lot 13
TenBroeck, Peter to G. Cuyler 1799 (1CR,642) lot 72
TenBroeck, Peter to G. Cuyler 1799 (1CR,647) lot 72
Thompson, Alexander to J. J. Morgan 1795 (1CF,231) lot 90
Thompson, Alexander Jr. to D. Millington 1799 (1CR,606) lot 43
Tollock, Carlile & Sophia to S. Sacket 1798 (1CR,571) lot 4
Tomlinson, Gideon to V. Tomlinson 1798 (1CR,597) lot 31
Travis, Joseph to N. Fish 1795 (1CF,155) lot 2
Tyler, Comfort to E. Caulkings 1796 (1CR,324) lot 36
ValAlstine, Philip & ano. to J. Mayer 1795 (1CF,195) lot 54
VanDebogart, Nicholas to J. Grant 1795 (1CF,176) lot 28
VanDebogart, Nicholas to J. McMillan 1795 (1CF,176) lot 28
Vandermark, Cornelius & Elizabeth to A. Morse 1799 (1CF,212) lot 66
VanDyke, Cornelius to L. Jerome 1795 (1CF,229) lot 89
VanDyke, Cornelius to L. Jerome 1795 (1CF,229) lot 89
VanDyke, Cornelius to S. Sherwood 1795 (1CF,230) lot 89
VanKleeck, John et al. to J. Jones 1798 (1CR,588) lot 67
VanKleeck, Peter et al., by Extrs. to J. Jones 1792 (1CF,213) lot 67
VanWagener, Garrit H. to J. Jones 1796 (1CR,211) lot 96
VanWagener, Garrit H. by Atty. to N. Lewis 1796 (1CR,361) lot 96
VanWagener, Gerrit H. & Sally to B. Walker 1799 (2CF,90) lot 53
VanWagener, Tunis to S. Veeder & ano. 1795 (1CF,194) lot 54
VanWagener, Tunis to R. Booth 1794 (2CF,95) lot 98
Veeder, Simon & ano. to J. Mayer 1795 (1CF,195) lot 54
Vredenburgh, William T. to J. Carpenter 1795 (1CF,214) lot 69
Vredenburgh, William T. to W. Constable 1795 (1CF,215) lot 72
Vredenburgh, William T. to J. Caldwell 1795 (1CF,215) lot 72
Vredenburgh, William T. to J. Carpenter 1795 (1CF,218) lot 77
Vredenburgh, William T. to G. H. VanWagenen 1795 (1CF,234) lot 96
Vredenburgh, William T. & Elizabeth to C. F. Bogert 1795 (2CF,92) lot 60
Walls, John W. to I. Vredenburgh 1795 (1CF,222) lot 80
Walter, Adam & Michael to A. Finck et al., 1797 (1CR,472) lot 79
Walter, Adam, Michael, Jacob to R. Martin, Jr. 1798 (1CR,557) lot 79
Walter, Christian, George, Maria to P. Marsh et al. 1796 (1CR,292) lot 79
Walter, Jacob to A. Marcisales (or Manisales) 1796 (1CR,102) lot 79
Walworth, John by Atty. to J. Richardson 1796 (1CR,408) lot 50
Walworth, Juliana to J. A. Schaeffer 1794 (1CR,169) lot 55
Watson, Elkanah to H. Smith 1797 (1CR,572) lot 25
Watson, Elkanah to T. B. Bridgen 1795 (2CF,32) lot 21
Way, John  to J. Tinker 1795 (1CF,206) lot 63
Way, John to B. Davis 1795 (1CF,209) lot 63
White, Nathaniel to J. Ely 1796 (1CR,319) lot 25
Wilcox, Anna & Samuel to J. M. Hughes 1796 (1CR,410) lot 23
Wilcox, John to B. Pelton 1795 (1CR,187) lot 46
Williams, Job to E. Phillips 1796 (1CR,403) lot 88
Williamson, James to V. Veeder 1795 (1CF,156) lot 3
Williamson, James to V. Veeder 1795 (1CF,156) lot 3
Williamson, James to S. Veeder & ano. 1795 (1CF,156) lot 3
Williamson, John to F. Getman 1795 (1CF,162) lot 9
Willsey, Jacob to W. Tylee 1796 (1CR,291) lot 80
Wiltse, Jacob to W. Ely 1795 (1CF,221) lot 80
Wiltse, Jacob to Z. Rhoads 1795 (1CF,222) lot 80
Wood, Aaron to R. Loomis 1795 (1CR,208) lot 87
Woodworth, John to Z. Tomlinson 1798 (1CR,563) lot 31
Wright, Barrick to W. J. Vredenburgh 1795 (1CF,214) lot 69
Wright, Beruch & Jane to W. Heteltass 1796 (1CR,389) lot 69
Youngs, Alexander to A. Wood 1799 (A,12) lot 87
Youngs, Christopher to H. Platner 1795 (1CF,170) lot 17
Youngs, Christopher to S. Corwin, Jr. 1793 (1CF,171) lot 17

Submitted 4 April 1998