Little Utica Methodist/Episcopal Church and School House

Little Utica Methodist/Episcopal Church and School House

Town of Lysander

Submitted by Diane Dickinson Titus

Little Utica ME Church

Here is a picture of the church and country school adjacent to the church. The school is utilized by the church for classes and so forth. My Aunt Laura Dickinson was a teacher in that school about 1935-36.
There use to be sheds for horses and carriages, all behind the church. I remember them being used at church activities outside. I have a picture of one of the sheds, all the others are torn down. This church serves probably a three mile radius of local residents from Oswego County and Onondaga County.
Many of the local families are descendants of the residents from the early 1800's. I have pictures of the church windows and information on who presented them. These date back to mid-1800's.

Little Utica Carriage Shed

Photo of the sheds that were located behind the Little Utica Church whose purpose was to house the horse and buggies during church services. Originally there were six or seven of these building attached together.  In the 1940's, ice cream socials, games, and other outdoor social events were held in these buildings also.

SOS Class 1925

Photo of SOS class of 1925.  These are young people whose teacher was Mable Scriber and she taught this class through the 1950's.  To be a member of the SOS class one had to be high school age or at least 14 years of age. SOS stands for Serve Our Savior.

Names of SOS class of Little Utica circa-1925

1st row Ruth Colling Smith, Jennie Cook See Howard See,
Mildred Blanchard Dickinson ,Volney Smith,Hilda Blanchard Kozma, Dorothy

2nd row, Myrtis Cook White{Foster] , Gladys Bunyea, Lena Richael Lory ,Mabel
Scriber,teacher, Lew Scriber, Luther Coville, Ruth Chapman Coville, Ethel

3rd row Elizabeth Morgan Kisselsteine , Raymond Coville,Brewster Paine,
Robert Morgan, Fred Richael,Harry Smith, John Gilbert, Ernest Richael,
Franklin Reddout

4th row Earl Smith, Howard Morgan, Neil Stebbins, Leonard House, Nile
Stebbins, Alfred White, Lester Dickinson, Walter Bellows, John Bellows

SOS Class 1950

Photo of SOS class of 1950.  Some of the 1950's SOS class is made up of children of the 1925 class.  To be a member of the SOS class one had to be high school age or at least 14 years of age. SOS stands for Serve Our Savior.

Names of 1950 SOS class at Little Utica:
L to R front row: Audrey Butler Laura Upson, Diane Dickinson ,Suzanne Horner, Ellen Jones, Mabelle Scriber, teacher
Middle back row Gordon Coville,Bob Anthony, Fern Brown, Carolyn Brown, Shirley Jones , Elma Johnson
Back row: Gordon Coville, Glen Blakeman , Bobby Cook, Wayne Dickinson, Stanley Dickinson, Rod Dickinson
This picture was taken in the choir area behind the pulpit of the main auditorium of the church

Little Utica Sunday School Class 1938

This picture is of the Little Utica Sunday School Class of 1938.

This church bulletin records the dedication services to honor the men who served in World War Two that took place in the Little Utica Church August 24, 1947.  These men lived in Little Utica and Lysander.

WWII Dedication 2

WWII Dedication 1

newspaper 1

newspaper 2

Windows of Little Utica Church and dedication

The oar, William Fancher and Eunice


The book Ephraim Bogardus

Eliza D. Bogardus

Hattie I. Bogardus



Crown /Cross Frank Whitbeck

Carrie Whitbeck


Chalice, Harvey A. Dunham

Rhoda Dunham


Cup, Mr. And Mrs. Dwyer




Rev John E. Showers


S. Alta Showers

In Memory of

Hastings M. Merrifield

Betsey A. Merrifield

George W. Whitbeck

Lois A. Whitbeck

Frank V. Whitbeck

Carrie L. Whitbeck

Henry L. Huntington

And wife

Mary . L. Huntington



Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Smith

Mr. And Mrs.C. H. Fancher

John E. Durston and wife

Annie R. Durston

Mr. And Mrs. Alanson Dunham

Mr. And Mrs.Harry M. Dunham

Benjamin C. Coppernoll

H. Adelia Coppernoll



To the Glory of God in loving memory of

Our classmate,Paul Blanchard

Presented by the SOS class 1927


Note on some of these families.

Census of 1855 Lysander

Hastings Merrifield 28 born Vt.

Betsey """"" 25 born Oneida

Martha 1

Willis A. 2/12

George Coppernoll 68 born Montgomery lived here 15 years

Margaret 67 born Montgomery

Nancy 30 born Montgomery tailoress

Benjamin 27 born Oneida

Catherine Van Slyke 29 niece

John Bogardus 48 born Greene

Harriet 48

George E. 13

Ephraim Bogardus 77 father Greene lived here 30 yrs

Harriet Wilcox 10 niece

Harvey Dunham born 1834 Onon. Co

Wife, Mary, born Rensalaer Co

Child Henry born 1854

John Durston born 1799 in England

Sarah born 1800 in Eng.

John, son born 1840

George Whitbeck born Greene Co 1825

Louise, wife


Maria born 1851

Leonard 1855

Submitted 16 November 2002
Updated 23 August 2003