Will of Joseph Hills
Last Will and Testament of Joseph Hills
Submitted by John Hills, Portland, Oregon
The will was presented May 29, 1829 in the Revolutionary War
Pension case S47276 where Obed Hills asked the Federal Department of
War to require certain competing individuals to prove their rights to
the Revolutionary War pension of Joseph Hills of Fabius, Onondaga
County, NY. The pension was for an amount of $12 per month for
service as an artillery artificer. Faced with this will,
the other individuals withdrew their claims.
In the name of god Amen- I Joseph Hills of the town of Fabius in
the County of Onondaga & State of New York being of sound mind and
memory do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament in manner and
form following 1. To Witt! First and principally I resign my soul with
the utmost humility into the hands of Almighty God hoping for a blessed
Immortality through the merits of our Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ
and my body I desire may be decently buried at the discretion of my
Executor-- And as for such temporal estate as the lord in his great
goodness and mercy hath entrusted me with, I give devise and dispose of
the same in manner following 1Viz I give and bequeath all my estate
both real and personal general and particular of every same and nature
wheresoever it may be sitauted to my well beloved son Obed Hills.
And I hereby declare this only is to be my Last Will & Testament
and I do hereby appoint my said son Obed Hills executor of this my last
Will and Testament. In witness whereof I the said Joseph Hills
have hereunto set my hand and seal at Fabius this fifteenth day of July
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty nine.
Joseph Hills (signed) and a seal affixed.
Signed Sealed Published and Delivered by the said Testator as and
for his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who have
subscribed our name as witnesses thereto in the presence of the said
Grant T Stockham (or Starkham)
Russel Hills
Elisha Sheldon
At the time Obed Hills presented this will he was resident of
Cusswego, Crawford Co., Penn. The Russel Hills listed as a
witness was another son of this Joseph Hills.
to Onondaga County Court House Records page.
to Onondaga County NY Gen-Web page.
5 January 2005