The Trustees of the Wedding Chappel Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Manlius Center


Town of Manlius

Submitted by Kathy Crowell

Miscellaneous Records, Onondaga County Courthouse (G,443):

"State of New York Onondga County:  We the undersigned two of the members of the congregation hereinafter mentioned do hereby certify that on the 28 day of March instant the male persons of full age belonging to a congregation in which divine Worship is celebrated according to the rites of the Methodist Episcopal Church and not already incorporated met at the place of public worship heretofore occupied by the said Congregation in the Town of Manlius in said County for the purpose of incorporating themselves and did then and there Elect by plurality of voices Jacob Hevener, Ralph Chapin, George Northup, Jacob Crouse, Henry T. Adams, Frederick Reals and Peter Reals as Trustees of the said Congregation and the said persons did then and there also determine by the like plurality of voices that the said Trustees and their successors should forever hereafter be called and known by the Name or title of "The Trustees of the wedding Chappel Society of the methodist Episcopal Church of Manlius Center."  Witness our hands and seals this 29 day of March 1853 John W. Lewis, Cor. Van Alstyne.  Signed and Sealed in the presence of Rev. David Stowe, State of New York, Onondaga County. On this 29th day of March 1853 before me came John H. Lewis and Cornelius Van Alstyne known to me to be the Individuals described in and who executed the above Certificate and acknowledged that they Executed the same.  Ralph Justice of the Peace, Recorded March 30, 1853 at 4 1/2 O'clock P.M.  E. P. Hopkins, Dep. Clk."

Submitted 7 June 1998