Trinity Church
Towns of Manlius and Pompey
Submitted by Kathy Crowell
Miscellaneous Records, Onondaga County Courthouse (B,12):
At a Meeting of Sundry Inhabitants of the Towns of Manlius and Pompey in
the County of Onondaga in the State of New York members of the Protestant
Episcopal Church duly notified for the purpose herein after mentioned in
the time of Morning Service on Sunday the Eleventh day of August instant
and held in the said Town of Manlius on the 26th day of the same month
(namely) to incorporate themselves pursuant to an act of the Legislature
entitled "An act to provide for the incorporation of Religious Societies"
passed the 27th day of March 1801; at which meeting Aaron Wood Esq. was
called to the Chair. After reading prayers it was moved & seconded
that the members proceed to incorporate themselves pursuant to the said
Act, which was unanimously received in the affirmative - and thereupon
the votes being taken, Messrs. Richard Salmon & Aaron Wood were elected
Church Wardens. Also the votes being taken for Vestry men, it appeared
that Messrs. Jonathan Hurd, Charles B. Bristol, Michael Prindle, Ralph
R. Phelps, Nathan Hawley, David Green, Alvin Marsh & John Roberts were
elected to that office. Also resolved that Wednesday in East week
be the day fixed on for the Annual Election of their Successors in the
aforesaid offices forever hereafter; and that the Church hereby incorporated
shall be hereafter known by the name or title of Trinity Church attest
Aaron Wood. Witness Alvan Marsh, Richd. Salmon. Davenport Phelps,
Missy. of ye Prot. Ep. church in ye State of N. York Onondaga personally
came before me Asa Danforth Esquire one of the Judges of ye said County
ye Revd. Davenport Phelps one of the above Subscribing witnesses, and made
solemn oath that he saw the within and above named Aaron Wood Esquire sign
and seal the foregoing Instrument. Sworn before me this twelfth day
of November A. D. 1805. Asa Danforth. Recorded the twelfth
day of November Eighteen hundred and five. Jasper Hopper Clk.
Submitted 7 June 1998