Town of Stockbridge Early Industries
Town of Stockbridge Early Industries

    Industry             Product(s)            Lifespan                              Notes 
Stringer, Barr & Co.   tools & scythes,      1824-1892         Also known as Holmes, Stringer & Co.; Stringer, Dexter 
                       fruit & hop evap-                       & Co. then became the Munnsville Plow Co. (Munnsville) 
                       orating stoves, 
Munnsville Plow Co.    plows                 1892-1920         Destroyed by fire (1920). Oneida Valley Clipper was their 
                                                               best known brand of plow. Following the fire co. moved 
                                                               to Oneida & was reorganized as the current Oneida Found- 
                                                               ries. (Munnsville) 
F. E. Conley Quarry    quarried limestone    1897-1936         Employed 30 workmen in 1898. First pulverized limestone 
                                             1939-present      produced in NYS here in 1906. Steam shovels introduced in 
                                                               1925. Eastern Rock Products, Inc. took over in 1929. 
                                                               Closed in 1936; reopened in 1939 as the Munnsville Lime- 
                                                               stone Corp. (Munnsville) 

Note: This information provided (with permission) from the Madison County Historical Society publication Country Roads Revisited. MCHS for information publications & services the Society can provide.
Date: Tuesday, March 09, 1999 12:54 AM

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