Hunter Presbyterian Church Minute Book, Vol 1

Hunter Presbyterian 

Minute Book 1
From Feb 13th, 1822 to 1864

Courteously provided by Mrs. June Tompkins, who has this book in her possession.
There are 279 pages in the Minute Book

Transcribed by Jackie Towner

Regular Meetings of Presbytery
Annual 3rd Tuesday in April (at Hudson or Catskill)
Semiannual 3rd Tuesday in Sept at other places

Order of Business
1. Prayer
2. Roll
3. Minutes
4. Other Business
5. Close with prayer

Elders 1850
Wm W Edwards
Milton A Purdy
Stephen Gilbert

Page 1

Hunter, January 23 D. 1822

            A number of those whom it is believed love our Lord Jesus Christ, having in divine Providence become residents in this place agreeably to the advice of Christian friends, met at the house of Caleb Carr to deliberate upon the solemn and interesting subject of forming a _______.

            Present: Rev. David Harrower, Samuel Henson, R. Avery, John Lockwood, Loring Beach, Jesse Barker, William Edwards.

The meeting was opened by a solemn impressive address to a throne of grace by Mr. Harrower, inviting divine direction and blessing upon this interesting undertaking. Rev. Mr. Harrower was requested to preside, Wm Edwards to record the proceedings.

After due deliberation, the following votes were unanimously taken.

1st. That it is both expedient and a duty to unite in forming ourselves into a church.

2nd. That the church be established upon Presbyterian principles.

3rd. That the confession of faith and covenant approved by the Northern Associated


Presbytery and recommended to their churches be adopted, a vote having been taken upon each of the fifteen articles and upon the covenant.

4th. That Mr. Harrower be requested to invite the Rev. David Porter D.D. of Catskill,  Rev. Henry B. Stimpson of Windham and the Rev. Daniel Beers of Cairo, to meet with at the house of Wm Edwards in this place on Tuesday the 12th day of February next for the above purpose.

5th. That the Rev. David Porter D.D. be requested to present a sermon on the occasion.

6th. That Wm Edwards, Harry R. Avery, and John Lockwood are committee to wait upon and invite all who are now members of Presbyterian or Congregational churches, also all who entertain a hope that they have been called from death? to life, who reside within the town, or are likely to unite with us, to meet at Wm Edwards on the afore said 12th day of February, for the purpose of examination and admission into the church, should one, by divine permission be formed.

The meeting was closed by prayer from the Rev. Mr. Harrower.

Tuesday the 12th of February, 1822

A meeting was holden (as by appointment at Mr. Caleb Carr’s? the 23 ult.) at the meeting room in one of the chambers of the New York Tannery – ‘ocupyed’ by Wm. Edwards. Present Rev. David Porter D.D. of Catskill, Rev. David Harrower of Lexington, Rev. Daniel Beers of Cairo. The exercises were as follows; singing – prayer by Doctor Porter, singing – sermon by Beers, concluding prayer by Rev. Mr. Harrower.


The following persons offered themselves for examination; Mrs. John Bray, Harry R. Avery, John Lockwood, Loring Beach, Jesse Barker, Mrs. Lydia Avery, Elcy Inman, Lucy Clark, Sybil Lockwood, Avis Beach, Loly Winchel, and Hannah Bray, by letters of recommendation from the Church of Christ in Lexington; Mr. Samuel Henson and Mrs. Sally Henson with letters of recommendation from the Church of Christ in Windham; Mr. William Edwards and Mrs. Rebecca Edwards with letters of recommendation from the Church of Christ in Northhampton, Massachusetts; and Mrs. Hannah Hanes, who had not united with any church previously. A due examination made after an address to the throne of grace by Doctor Porter. A benediction was pronounced. 17 in all.

Wednesday the 13 of February

 The above persons met at the same place, at 11 o’clock A.M. together with a large and respectable audience. Divine service was opened by singing a psalm. Prayer and sermon by Doctor Porter,

            Mr. Samuel Henson                         Mrs. Sally Henson
William Edwards                             Rebecca Edwards
John Bray
Harry R. Avery                                  Lydia Avery
John Lockwood                               Sybil Lockwood
Loren Beach                                       Avis Beach
            Mr. Jesse Barker
            Mrs. Lucy Clark
            Mrs. Elcy. Inman
            Mrs. Loly Winchel
            Mrs. Hannah Hains and
            Miss Hannah Bray were constituted formed into? 


William Edwards was chosen Elder and Deacon, Harry R Avery and John Lockwood were chosen elders, and were solemnly set apart by prayer offered by Doctor Porter. An address to the Church and to the audience was made by Rev. Mr. Harrower, concluding prayer by the same gentleman. A psalm was sung and a benediction pronounced by Doctor Porter. William Edwards was appointed delegate to the Presbytery, which was to meet in Catskill the 3rd Tuesday of April next.

The word ‘copy’ above the following:

At a meeting of the Church of Christ in Lexington held at the meeting house on the 9th day of February 1822, Rev. David Harrower moderator, Mr. Beach clerk. Meeting opened by prayer by the moderator. Noted that the members belonging to this church residing in the town of Hunter and who are in regular standing in this church shall have a letter recommending them to a church to be formed in Hunter. The following persons made application for letters, viz.

            Harry R Avery                       Elcy Inman
Lydia Avery                           Lucy Clark
John Bray                                Loren Beach
Fanny Bray                             Avis Beach
Hannah Bray                          Loly Winchel
Jesse Barker                            John Lockwood
              Sybil Lockwood

All the above named persons members of this church and in regular standing with us, as such, we recommend them to form themselves into a church in the town where they reside, and when this shall have been regularly done, we shall consider them as dismissed


from our particular watch and care. By order of the church ____David Harrower, Mod.

Meeting adjourned two weeks at this place ? o’clock A. M.

The word ‘copy’ above the following:

Northhampton July 30 1821

This certifies whom it may more immediately concern, that Mr. Wm Edwards and his wife, Rebecca are members of the Church of Christ in this town and when they left us, year since, in regular standing and of good moral character. This general recommendation is given at their request, and by a vote of the church, that the way may be prepared, for organizing a Congregational or Presbyterian Church in Hunter, Green county New York, in which place they reside.

            Solomon Williams pastor of the church

We the subscribers, ministers of the gosp. the particular request to us directed, of a number Christian people in the town of Hunter, if we judge it expedient, to constitute and form them a church of Christ. According to this request we met on the 12th day of February 1822. After prayer and much deliberation, and examining the persons, who presented themselves, we proceeded, according to the constitution of the Presbyterian Church in the United States to form them into a church; to organize them which was done in conformity to the rules and regulations, as prescribed in the book, which contains the articles, and confession of faith of the Presbyterian Church. To the above transaction we offer our signatures

Hunter, February 13th 1822            David Porter
            David Harrower
            Daniel Beers


The Rev. David Harrower with the Elders of the Church by request of Mr. Collins A Brown and his wife Mrs. Abigail Brown Feb 21st 1822 for their examination as candidates for admission into this church. Voted unanimously that Mr. and Mrs. Brown are suitable candidates for admission.

March 1st 1822 Mr. Collins A Brown and Mrs. Abigail Brown were publicly admitted members of the church by a unanimous vote after subjecting to the Confession of Faith and the Covenant. Rev. Mr. Harrower officiated and The Communion Supper of our Blessed Saviour was administered by the same Rev. gentleman.

April 7th 1822 the ordinance of Baptism was administered by the Rev. Mr. Harrower to:

Abigail Ann Brown
Polly Brown
Amos Milton Brown
Sophia Brown
Sally Brown
Joseph Collins Brown
Ogden Augustus? Brown
The children of Mr. Collins Brown and Mrs. Abigail Brown

August 9th 1822 the ordinance of the Supper was administered by the Rev. Mr. Harrower of Lexington.

September 18th 1822 at a meeting of the Sessions Harry R. Avery was appointed Delegate to attend the meeting of the Presbytery a ____- the second Tuesday on October.

October 19th the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper was administered by the Rev. Mr. Stimpson of Windham

December 4th 1822 a present to the church was received from Mr. Arthur Tappan of N.York of a tankard, two goblets and two plates for the communion table.


A record of the names and ages of the Baptized Children of the members of the Church of Christ in Hunter.

            William W. Edwards   born           December 10th 1796
Henry Edwards                                October 22nd 1798
Ogden E Edwards                            November 11th 1802
Alfred Edwards                                August 10th 1804
Rebecca T Edwards                          April 30th 1808
Sarah H Edwards                               June 6th 1810
Ann Maria Edwards                         April 22nd 1812
Thomas C Amory Edwards             April 24th 1814
Elizabeth Edwards                            February 27th 1816
Richard Cunningham Edwards       Oct 16th 1819
Samuel B Avery                                  June 25th 1809
Edmond W Avery                              June 2nd 1811
Louisa A Avery                                  December 15th 1813
Lucy B Avery                                      October 2nd 1816
Daniel B Avery                                   February 14th 1821
Horatio S Lockwood                         September 3rd 1815                   
Harriet A Lockwood                         June 11th 1819
Frederick Bray                                   August 7th 1802
Hannah Bray                                      July 18th 1804
Levi Bray                                            July 17th 1806
Mercy Bray                                         July 8th 1808
Eli Bray                                               February 28th 1810
Fanny Bray                                         November 8th 1811
Betsey Bray                                        November 6th 1813
John Bray                                           March 8th 1815
Abner P Bray                                     September 8th 1817
Wi___ Bray                                        May 4th 1819
Jane Bray                                            February 8th 1822
Abigail Ann Brown                          Nov 11th 1807


            Polly Brown                                       January 14th 1810
Amos Milton Brown                         March 24th 1812
Sophia Brown                                    December 4th 1814
Sally Brown                                       March 30th 1817
Joseph Collins? Brown                    July 14th 1820
Ogden A Brown                               January 22nd 1822 

1823 September 20th

            Lucinda Hains                                23rd of Nov ember 1815
Zenos Goodrich Hains                  25th of August 1817
Chloe Hains                                    5th of May 1820
Lois Hains                                       18th of November 1822
1824 January 11th

            Henry E Purdy                                         22nd of October 1823

The ordinance of Baptism was administered to the children of Jehial Winchel Jun
and Mrs. Martha Winchel, viz:

            Reziah? L Winchel                          June 8th 1812
Samuel Winchel                             June 6th 1815
Priscilla Winchel                             August 11th 1817
Merilla R Winchel                            September 22nd 1819
Sarah N Winchel                               January 28th 1822
   David A Winchel                              February 1st 1824


A complaint against John Bray, a member of the Church of Christ in Hunter for several offenses committed in violation of his recent engagements with the said church.

            First- For profane swearing before Wm N Drover.

            Second- For going on Mr. Bevon’s premises – quarrelling with said Bevon –‘ you would see him in hell as far as was out before you would give him one cent to settle for any _____ you had committed on him.’

            Third-For threatening to shake Bevon’s apple trees and telling him ‘your boys should pick them up.’

            Fourth- For his misconduct towards his wife by abusive and indecent language- that he would not attend Public Worship when she was- prejudicing his children against their mother and finding unreasonable fault with her.

            Fifth- That he did absent himself from Public Worship on the Sabbath that he might watch Bevon and did quarrel with said Bevon on the Sabbath.

            Sixth- That he gives his children no schooling- brought up not to know their duty to God or to ___.

            These are the outlines of the charges we bring against Brother John Bray and being members with said church- do conceive it a duty that we owe God- to our Brethren and to ourselves- so to do - having taken the gospel steps as _____ by The Blessed Redeemer- and having no satisfaction- we make this complaint to the Elders of the Church- and want Mr. Bray’s confession and repentance.

            In testimony where of, we subject ourselves the professed ______ and followers of Christ.                               Signed: Jesse Barker,   Samuel Henson 

To the session of the Church of Christ in Hunter, Nov 4th 1822 


At a meeting of the Church of Christ in Hunter November 15th 1822 at the dwelling house of Harry R Avery –

            Present the Elders of the Church – the meeting opened by prayer – William Edwards was appointed Clerk of the session.

            Present – the complainants and the complained of – viz – Brother John Bray

Witnesses – by written notification – requested to attend at the dwelling house of Brother Samuel Henson the 10th day of December to which time and month the meeting was adjourned and the Rev. Mr. Beers of Cairo was requested to attend.
The witnesses named by the Parties are

            William N Drover
Isaac Bevon – Elizabeth Bevon
Mrs. Fanny Bray
Frederick Bray
Levi Bray
Hannah Bray
Eli Bray
Jehiel Winchel Junior
Anna Winchel
Lydia Avery
John Lockwood 

December 17th 1822 – The session – Persons and most of the above named witnesses met as by adjournment at the dwelling house of Brother Samuel Henson. Rev. Mr. Beers was prevented from attending by sickness in his family –

The meeting was opened by prayer – the complaint was read – Mr. Bray pled guilty to all the charges except the first and third.

In extenuation of the 6th charge Brother Bray pled his 


poverty and remote distance from any school.

William N. Drover refused to attend the meeting.

Isaac Bevon was duly qualified and testified in relation to the first article of the complaint – that in August 1822 Mr. Bray called him a “scape Gallows” said he was poor and did not own an inch of land on God’s earth – and further when – he (Bevon) was attempting to turn Bray’s horses out of his pasture – Bray said to him – “if you come one step further I will squeeze you harder than you was ever squeezed on God’s earth” –

The third article was not duly substantiated – after our deliberation the session unanimously
determined both from Mr. Bray’s acknowledgement and by the witnesses in the case- that he the said John Bray of the improper and irreverent use of God’s holy name – of improperly absenting himself from Public Worship for wrong motives – of quarrelling with Mr. Isaac Bevon -  of unkind treatment toward his wife --- and the sessions recommended to Mr. Bray that he should make a public confession of these his faults – this the said Bray readily and thankfully agreed to do – and it was determined – his confession would be publicly read on the succeeding communion Sabbath.


Hunter Feb 16th 1823

A confession of John Bray

Beloved and much aggrieved brethren and sisters,

I have to lament before you this day my sins – which have occasioned grief in you, not only as they have caused you to suspect a work of grace on my heart, but also as they have given the wicked occasion to speak reproachfully of our holy religion. I humbly confess before you and the world that in an unguarded hour sometime in the last summer, I was guilty of an irreverent use of the name of God, of absenting myself from public worship for wrong motives, of vain jangling with Mr. Bevon and of unkind treatment towards my wife, for which breaches of the divine commands. I do acknowledge (with gratitude to them) the friendly reproof of my Brethren, for these and for all acts seen in me by which you have been aggrieved. I humbly ask your forgiveness and that of all those who have become justly offended with me and moreover I do humbly ask the forgiveness of God for these and all the breaches of His most holy law and I do beg an interest in your prayers, that he would not only forgive these, but that by his restraining grace he would in future keep me in the path of my duty that I may no more offend my God nor my Brethren whom I love. Hoping still for your careful watch and faithful reproof.

            I subscribe myself your much obliged but unworthy Brother, John Bray

 A true copy – Wm Edwards, clerk


Hunter Feb 16th the foregoing confession of Brother John Bray was unanimously accepted as satisfactory.

Attest. W Edwards, clerk

Feb 16th 1823 – an ordinance of the supper was this day administered by the Rev Mr. Beers of Cairo at the dwelling house of Mr. Caleb Carr.

Mar 10th 1823 – A letter of thanks to Mr. Arthur Tappan of New York – for his very liberal donation of furnishing? for the communion table was voted by the session in behalf of the church – and forwarded to him.

Chatham April 15, 1823 Examined and Approved by the Col. Presbytery.

Attest. Daniel Beers, Mod.

1823 April 26th Edmond Avery and Rachel Avery and Mrs. Martin Winchel offered the session of the church (who met this day) a letter of recommendation from the church in (missing) also Milton A Purdy off (missing)

after due examination the above persons was (missing) by the session –

18th of May 1823 Martha and Edmond Avery, Rachel Avery and Milton A Purdy were admitted to full communion as members of this church. The Rev Mr. Harrower read to them the articles of faith and the covenant to which fully attested.

July 12th Deacon Joseph Bassett – Molly Bassett – Nancy Bassett – ?? Bassett – Polly Bassett and Bennett Bassett offered the session of the church a letter of recommendation from the church in Meredith – to the session of this church (who met this month), also – John Hains – Goodrich Baldwin and John _____ offered themselves for admission – by examination, the above persons were approved ______ session – and were admitted

the13th of July.


1823 – Sep 15th  The session of the church met and Deacon Joseph Bassett was appointed a delegate to attend the ____ Presbytery at Austerlitz.

Sept 20th  The children of Mr. John and Mrs. Hannah Hains – Lucinda, Zenas Goodrich, Chloe and Lois were baptized by the Rev. Mr. Stimpson of Windham.

Dec 28th  Loring Beach and his wife, Avis Beach applied for a dismission from this church and a letter of recommendation to the church in Lexington – which was granted by the session.

At a meeting of the Brethren of the church it was deemed expedient that an additional Elder of this church should be chosen – when Deacon Joseph Bassett was unanimously elected.

March 17th  Deacon Joseph Bassett was ordained an Elder of this church by the Rev Henry Stimpson of Windham.

April 18th 1824  At a meeting of the session of the church William Edwards was appointed a Delegate, and John Lockwood substitute to attend the ___ Presbytery at their meeting in Catskill the 20th instant.

The child of Mr. Milton A Purdy and Sally Purdy was baptized (Henry) by the Rev. Mr. Harrower the 11th of Jany 1824.

William Edwards, clerk of the session

Catskill April 20th 1824 Examined and approved by the Col. Presbytery.

Attest. Timothy Woodbridge, Modr


1824 August 19th  At a meeting of the session – present J Bassett, H R Avery, J Lockwood – meeting opened by prayer – Joseph Bassett was chosen delegate

to attend the meeting of the Presbytery at Hudson the __ day of September – for the installation of Mr. Shuster(?)

Attest. Wm Edwards, clerk

September 18th   At a meeting of the session of the church – present – J Bassett, H R Avery, J Lockwood and Wm Edwards.

Meeting opened by prayer – John Lockwood was appointed delegate to attend the semi annual meeting of the Presbytery at Lebanon in October.

Attest. Wm. Edwards, Clerk

1825 January 27th   At a meeting of the session of the church – present – J Bassett, William Edwards and H R Avery – the meeting was opened by prayer.

It appearing to the session from common report – also from the acknowledgment of Brother John Bray to Brother Harry R Avery that Brother John Bray lived in violation of his Christian Duty by the unhappy quarrels which frequently (missing) and his wife being a member of the church of Christ Lexington – and having made an unsuccessful effort to m___ them at the hands of Brother Samuel Henson the 24th instant Session found it their duty to cite to appear before ___. The following citation was made and by order of the session.

Brother John Bray  - it has become our painful duty to state to you that from common report and from your confession to one officer of this church – that your conduct in several particulars has been such as to wound the cause of our Saviour and greatly to grieve your Brothers and Sisters of the church – that we activated by a sense of duty as Elders of the Church – and tenderness toward you – invited you to meet with us at the dwelling house of Brother Samuel Hanson the 24th instant – near your residence and several miles distance from the dwellings of two of us – you 


declined meeting us -  nor even gave us notice that you shant not meet with us – and yesterday you was again invited to a friendly discussion of the subject but declined the invitation. In performance of the rules sanctioned in the Presbyterian Directory we hereby cite you to appear before the session of the church on Tuesday the 8th day of February at 10 o’clock in the forenoon at the meeting room in the New York _____.

            Signed Wm Edwards – clerk of the session

Hunter, January 27th 1825

            Copy of the service of the above.

I hereby certify that I gave the written citation to Brother Bray and left a copy of the same with him.

Hunter, February 8th 1825 signed Harry R Avery

1825 February 8th the session of the church met – present – J Bassett, Wm Edwards, and H R Avery – the meeting opened by prayer – Brother Bray attended agreeably to the citation dated the 27th ultima which was read – and the following questions were put to him:

First – Do you and your wife live in a manner becoming the Professed Followers of our Saviour – and thus be enabled to unite in your prayers – your examples and instructions to your numerous family of little children.

Second -  Do you attend the duty of Family Prayer – how has it been with you since two of your Brethren found it their duty to make a complaint on both these points against you in 1822 (see page 9) and the Public Confession you made soon afterwards (see Page 12th) of these records

To these inquiries our Brother Bray plead guilty and acknowledges with apparent grief and humility – that quarrels between himself and his wife were frequent – even in presence of their children – and sometimes to blows – accompanied with most indecent language – that he had neglected


family prayer - ____having performed that duty since the date of his above alluded to confession.

Under these unhappy circumstances the session unanimously decided the following course to be their duty – which was stated to the offender.

That Brother John Bray be suspended from the Privilege of the Lord’s Table- until reasonable evidence is given of a reformation having taken place – and that this determination be publicly made known on the next communion Sabbath.

The session also decided that notice should be given to the Pastor and some of the Brothers of the church in Lexington that Mrs. Bray’s conduct (as well as her husbands) was highly reprehensible – and request them to attend to her – this was subsequently done – and ___ - the meeting closed by prayer.

(When these records were entered from the files – the following was overlooked and not entered in its proper plan.)

The session met – August 26th 1824 – Mrs. Alma Shafelt offered herself for examination as (missing)

Present; J Bassett, Wm Edwards, J Lockwood __

Meeting opened by prayer – Mrs. Shafelt was unanimously approved – and was admitted as a member of the church the first Sabbath in December 1824.

            W Edwards, clerk of the session

1825 – March 4th. At a meeting of the session of the church – present: J Bufett, J Lockwood, H R Avery – meeting opened by prayer.

Jehiel Winchel Junior presented a letter from the Church of Christ in Lexington – recommending him as a member in good standing in that church – and to be entered into the church of Christ, Hunter – after some discussion – the subject was postponed to the next meeting of the session – Wm Edwards, clerk of the session.

April 5th. The session met – present – J Bassett, Wm Edwards, H R Avery, J Lockwood – meeting opened by prayer –


William Edwards was appointed delegate and H R Avery substitute to attend the Columbia Presbytery at their meeting the 19th instant at Hudson.

Voted two dollars to be paid to the commissioners fund. 

Wm Edwards, clerk of the session 

1825 April 14th. The session met at the house of Mr. Timothy Baily.

Present – J Bassett, W Edwards, H R Avery and J Lockwood.

The meeting was opened with prayer.

Mr. Timothy Baily and Sary?, his wife presented a letter of recommendation from the Church of Christ in Windham to the Church of Christ in Hunter – recommending Mr. and Mrs. Baily as members of that church who residing in Hunter wish to dissolve their communion with the church in Windham and to unite with the church in Hunter.

After a due examination it was unanimously agreed that Mr. and Mrs. Baily were approved and that they be admitted to our church as members.

The subject of Jehiel Winchel Junior’s letter of recommendation from the church in Lexington to the church in Hunter was considered.

It appeared that Mr. Winchel’s letter was dated in June – 1824 – subsequent to which and before he presented his letter he had been guilty of a broach of the fifth commandment by grossly abusing his aged father – and the session were unanimous in deciding that he would not be received upon that letter.

The session judge it proper that it should appear on these records how far this feeble church and society are favored with Gospel ordinances – the communion supper has been administered within the past year five times – most of the members attended at each celebration although they are much 


dispersed among these mountains.

In May 1823 we were encouraged with a grant from the United Domestic Missionary Society of one hundred dollars per year – also with aid from benevolent individuals in New York and Boston. Mr. Erastus Cole was engaged for a year at $300. – to preach three fourth of the time at the Seminary and one fourth at the East Kill, 5 miles distance - $50.00 only was received from the U.D.M. Society and three individuals who had paid $64.00 – paid Mr. Cole the deficiency, $49.77.

In May 1824 it was proposed to hire Mr. Cole another year (if his salary could be raised) – Efforts were made to raise the sum wanted – in addition to the sum granted to us by the U.D.M. Society and what we received from the continued benevolence of individuals abroad. – But it was found these efforts were unsuccessful – From Mr. Cole’s ill health – or some other cause he made few or no Parochial visits – the consequence was that only $78.50 could be obtained in the society – this sum with $50.00 from the U.D.M. Society and $22.50 from our funds accrued was paid in November when he left this town.

Mr. Orton, a missionary employed by the Young Peoples (missing)  the Western District, preached with us one Sabbath in December. The Rev. Henry B. Stimpson has preached four Sabbaths and Mr. William Porter has also preached here four Sabbaths.

When we have had no preaching – meetings have been held in the Meeting Room in the N Y ____ and in the settlement on East Kill on the Sabbath generally.

The church and the society have a fair prospect through favor of raising a permanent salary of $400.00 per year for a residency? – of providing 50 acres of land and comfortable buildings for a parsonage by the benevolent aid of individuals in the cities of New York and Boston – one gentleman in the former 


city himself gives us $500.00 towards our proposed parsonage and $25 per annum for our preacher – to this same individual we are much indebted for his former liberality – also we have encouragement that several large land holders in this town – residing at a distance – will aid us in this intended? undertaking.

With the continued kindness of Providence we hope within the present year to settle some faithful pastor permanently in this ____ moral waste.

            Attest – William Edwards, clerk of the session.

Hudson April 20th 1825. Examined and approved by the Columbia Presbytery

            Henry B. Stimpson, Moderator

1825. July 12th. The Session met at the house of Mr. Parks. Present all the members. The meeting was opened by prayer. Proceeded to discuss the subject of Brother Bray’s suspension. On motion voted to cite him to appear before the session on Wednesday the 27th of July at Brother Lockwood’s at two o’clock. The Session than adjourned to meet at that time and place.

            A true copy from the minutes.                                    Wm Edwards – clerk 

1825. July 27th. The Session met agreeably to adjournment. Present all the members. The meeting was opened by prayer. On motion voted to invite the Rev. S Chapin who was present to act as moderator. Proceeded to take up the subject of Brother John Bray’s suspension. The citation made 


to him on the 12th instant was read; when Mr. Bray, being present had leave to show cause, if any he had, why he should not be excommunicated from the church. He sincerely confessed the charges alledged against him. Brother H. R. Avery also attested to the truth of them. Brother Bray did not pretend that his suspension had had any initial effect to produce a reformation. On motion voted, that, out of tender regard to Brother Bray’s wishes the subject of a further process against him be postponed till the first Wednesday in September next. Proceeded to take into consideration reports concerning Brothers Goodrich Baldwin and John Goodrich, members of this church, and absent from us. On motion voted that William Edwards be a committee to write to the Pastors of the churches where they reside and make inquiries concerning their conduct.

Adjourned in (missing)

A true copy from the minutes.            Wm Edwards – clerk.

1825. Aug.10. The Session met at the school house near the New York Tannery, pursuant to notice. Present; J. Barrett, J. Lockwood and Wm. Edwards. The meeting was opened by prayer. Discussed the subject of giving the Rev. S. Chapin a call to settle with us as our Pastor. On motion voted to adjourn the meeting till Wednesday the 17th inst. then to meet at the house of Br. J. Lockwood at 3 o’clock P.M.

            A true copy from the minutes.            Wm Edwards – clerk.


1825. Aug. 10th. The Session met agreeably to adjournment. A quorum not being present no business was transacted.

            A true copy from the minutes.                        Wm Edwards – clerk.

Aug 23rd. The Session met pursuant to motion at the School House near the New York Tannery. The Rev. B. Stimpson was requested to act as moderator. The meeting was opened by prayer. On motion voted to set apart Saturday the 3rd day of September next as a day of fasting and prayer in this church with a view to the calling of the Rev. Seth Chapin to become our Pastor, and the church be requested to? Meet at the School House near Chancey Greene’s at half past ten o’clock for public worship, and for the purpose of electing our Pastor. On motion adjourned to the above named place and time.

            A true copy from the minutes.                        Wm Edwards – clerk.

1825. Sep. 3rd. The Session and church met agreeably to adjournment at the School House near Chancey Greene’s; when a sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Harrower. On motion the meeting was adjourned till tomorrow after the public services.

            A true copy from the minutes.                        Wm Edwards – clerk.

1825. Sep 4th. The Session and the church met


agreeably to adjournment. On motion voted unanimously to give the Rev. Seth Chapin a call to settle with us as our Pastor.

2. Voted that the Elders subscribe the call in behalf of the church. Adjourned sine die.

            A true copy from the minutes.                        Wm Edwards – clerk.

*margin note ‘Mr.brollin?’ ‘trollin’?

1825. Sep. 6. The Session met at the counting room of William Edwards; The Reverend S. Chapin at the request of the Columbia Presbytery now in session in this place, acted as moderator. Present Wm. Edwards and Joseph Bassett. On motion voted that Dea. Joseph Bassett represent this session as an Elder in the Columbia Presbytery at their present session. The meeting was then adjourned sine die.

            A true copy from the minutes – William Edwards, clerk.

1825. Sep. 7. The Session met pursuant to notice at the school house near the New York Tannery. The meeting was opened by prayer by the Rev. S. Chapin who was this day installed as Pastor over this church and Society by the Columbia Presbytery. Present; Dea. J. Bassett, H. R. Avery and J. Lockwood. The business of attending to the case of Bro. Bray being calculated to remove the very pleasing sensations incited by the interesting exercises of the day, on motion the subject was postponed and the Session adjourned to meet at the house of Br. J. Lockwood on Tuesday the 24th of October next at 3 o’clock P.M. Closed the


meeting by prayer. A true copy from the minutes.            W. Edwards, clerk.

1825. Oct 25th. The Session met agreeably to adjournment. There not being present a quorum no business was transacted. A true copy from the minutes.      W. Edwards, clerk 

1825. Nov. 24th. The Session met pursuant to notice at the counting room of William Edwards. Present; Rev. S. Chapin, Dea. J.Bassett and Br. Wm Edwards. The meeting was opened by prayer. On motion voted to invite Brother John Bray to appear before this session on Tuesday the 29th inst. at the meeting room of the New York Tannery at one o’clock P.M. The Session then adjourned to meet at the above named time and place. Closed by prayer. A true copy from the minutes.            W. Edwards, clerk.

1825. Nov. 29th. The Session met agreeably to adjournment. Present; Rev. S. Chapin, Dea. J. Bassett, Brethren Wm. Edwards and J. Lockwood. The meeting was opened by prayer. On motion voted to proceed to the case of Br. Bray. The following citation was then read.

            “To John Bray member of the Presbyterian Church in Hunter. Brother Bray, whereas, on the 8th of


Feby. last, you were suspended from the privileges of the ordinances in this church by a vote of the session until you should give reasonable evidence of your repentance of the crimes then alleged against you and also confessed by your own mouth; viz.: that of frequent quarrels with your wife, even in presence of your children proceeding sometimes even to blows, accompanied by most indecent language and also of entire neglect of family prayer for several years: and whereas on the 12th of July last you received a citation to appear before the session on the 27th of the same month and show cause if any you had, why you not be excommunicated from the fellowship of this church for your scandalous crimes and your continued imperitence: and whereas this session did then, in tender regard to your wishes, postpone a final decision on the subject until the 7th of Sep. following, hoping this levity and forbearance might lead you to repentance: and whereas providential circumstances rendered it altogether inconvenient to attend to the subject at that time: and whereas at the next adjournment a quorum of the session could not be convened: whereas also we have no evidence of your repentance, but have good reason to believe that you continue in your sins, and are a reproach to the house of Christ, we do hereby sincerely cite you to appear to appear before the session and church on Tuesday the 29th next at one o’clock P. M.


at the meeting room of the New York Tannery and show cause, if any you have, why you should not be cut off from communion with this church, agreeably to the “…” of our Saviour in the 10th of Mathew 17th verse and also to the Apostle’s injunction in the Corinthians’ fifth chapter  1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th verses. By order of the Session.

                        S. Chapin, Mod.

Hunter, Nov. 21. 1825.

Brother Bray acknowledged the above citation had been duly served upon him. After mature deliberation on motion voted:

1st. To postpone a further consideration of the business before us on account of the absence of Br. H. R. Avery, who is an important witness in the case.

2nd. That when we adjourn we will adjourn to this place to meet on Sunday next at 2 o’clock P. M.

3rd. Voted to cite Br. H. R. Avery, Jehiel Winchel Jun. and his wife to attend the next meeting of the Session as witnesses in the case of Br. Bray.

4th. That Brothers Avery and Lockwood be a committee to obtain testimony from the children of Mr. Bray, being at home.

5th. That Brothers E. Avery and B. Bassett be a committee to obtain testimony from a son of his living in this village.


6th. That Dea. Bassett and the Rev. Moderator be a committee to draft some rules for the admission of members into this church de novo and also by letters from sister churches.

7th. That the Session is now adjourned. Closed by prayer. A true copy from the minutes.

            Wm. Edwards, clerk.

1825. Dec. 6th. The Session met agreeably to adjournment. Present; Rev. S. Chapin, Dea. J. Bassett, H. R. Avery, William Edwards and J. Lockwood. The meeting was opened by prayer. H. R. Avery, Jehiel Winchel and J. Lockwood were sworn as witnesses in the case of Brother Bray, he being present. The testimony of the witnesses conspired very clearly and fully to substantiate the painful part that there has been no essential information in the conduct of Brother Bray The Session being by themselves on motion voted unanimously,

1st. That the continued conduct of Bother Bray is such that we cannot restore him to the privileges of the church.

2nd. That he be excommunicated from this church.

3rd. That Mr. Bray’s excommunication be made out and delivered to him. That the Pastor read it in this place of worship on the Sabbath and also at the place of worship at East Kill.


On motion voted to adjourn to meet again in this place at half past six o’clock this evening. A true copy from the minutes.            Wm. Edwards, clerk.

1825. Dec. 6th. The Session met agreeably to adjournment. Present all the members. The meeting was opened by prayer. On motion voted that this session address a letter to the church in Lexington informing them of the painful measure we have been compelled to adopt this day with regard to Mr. Bray; and inform them that in the course of the trial, it has been made to appear highly probable that Mrs. Bray, a member of that body is equally criminal with her husband and “….” as faithful discipline as her husband.

On motion voted, at Wm. Edwards request that he be excused from his office as clerk of this session. The Session then made choice of their Pastor as clerk.

The committee appointed to draft some rules for the admission of members into this Church made the following report, which was accepted and unanimously adopted.

“Persons expressing a desire to unite


with this Church by profession, shall be examined by the Session in regard to their experimental? religion and their doctrinal views. The Session having gained satisfactory evidence of their piety and their correct understanding of the essential doctrines of divine grace, shall admit them to be propounded, and they shall stand propounded at least fourteen days. Having thus stood propounded, they shall then come before the session in presence of the Church, where they shall have leave, if they choose, to freely state in writing or verbally their religious views and feelings, together with their motives for wishing to make a public profession of religion, or answer to such questions as may regularly put to them. Upon their consent to the Presbyterian confession of faith and the rules of Ecclesiastical government prescribed by the General Assembly, and also to the particular articles of faith and the form of covenant adopted by this Church at its formation, and no substantial objection to their admission having appeared, the session shall proceed to vote on their admission by ballot. But every person shall be formally received into the church and acknowledged as a member in presence of the congregation, special cases excepted.

When persons produce a letter of dismiss ion and recommendation from a sister Presbyterian Church it shall be the duty of the Pastor or clerk to lay the letter before


the session. The Session having gained satisfactory evidence of their continued correct views of the doctrines of grace and of their correct deportment during their residence in this place, they shall be propounded and stand propounded for admission, at least fourteen days, by reading the letters before the congregation. Having thus stood propounded and no substantial objection being offered against their reception, they shall be announced as members, in presence of the congregation, by order of the Session. But when persons produce letters from a sister church not Presbyterian, it shall be the duty of the Session also to gain their assent to the confession of faith and rules of church government adopted by the General Assembly. In case such churches are at a great distance, and unknown by any of the Session, it shall be the duty of the session to question those who produce letters of recommendation, more particularly as it concerns their piety and their correct understanding of the doctrines of grace.”

*the remainder of this report next page which was omitted in copying.

On motion voted that a request from Harvey R. Avery, Lydia Avery, Samuel Henson, Martha Winchal and Hannah Cline, to be dismissed from


this church and recommended to the second Congregational Church in Windham, about to become Presbyterian, be granted. On motion voted to adjourn sine die. Closed by prayer. A true copy from the minutes.            Wm. Edwards, clerk.

*“No persons, who regularly attend public worship here, shall be entitled to the privileges of the ordinances of this Church more than one year without a certificate of their good standing in the church to which they belong; nor shall any be entitled to such privileges by virtue of certificate more than one year.”

1826. Jan. 14. The Session met at the School house. Present Elders Bassett, Edwards and Lockwood with the Pastor. The meeting was opened by prayer. Letters were presented by Mary Chapin and Laura Bassett, dismissing them, the one from the Congregational Church in Meredith and the other from the Congregational Church in Barrington, R.I. and recommending them to this church. The confession of Faith and the Covenant adopted by this church was read to them and received their cordial assent. Their assent also to the confession of Faith and rules of Church government adopted by the General Assembly met their aprobation. The candidates also answered such questions as the session put to



to them. On motion voted that Mary Chapin and Laura Bassett be propounded for admission into this church agreeably to their letters of recommendation. On motion voted that this Session hold a stated meeting on the second Thursday of the month prior to the month on the first Sabbath of which the Lord’s Supper be administered; and that a stated church conference be holden immediately after the exercises of each preparatory lecture.

On motion voted that Deacon Bassett be a committee to call on Jesse Barker, a member of this church and converse with him respecting a report in circulation that he is guilty of a violation of the laws of this state by casting in a vote for county officers in two towns at the same election, and make report to the Session.

On motion voted to adjourn sine die. Concluded by prayer.

A true copy from minutes.            S. Chapin, Mod.

Feb. 9. The Session met at the School house in conformity to the vote of last meeting. A quorum not being present no business was done.

            S. Chapin, Mod. 

Feb. 21. The Session met at the counting Room in the New York Tannery. Present the Pastor and



each of the Elders. The meeting was opened by prayer. On motion voted that Mary Chapin and Laura Bassett be received as members of this church.

Proceeded to hear the report of Dea. Bassett on the case of Jesse Barker; the purport of which was that he had seen brother Barker, who acknowledged that, at the election of October last, he did give in two ballots or tickets, the one in Hunter and the other in Lexington: and confused that in so doing he had done wrong.

On motion voted that the session postpone all further proceedings in the case of Brother Barker for further information on the subject.

            Adjourned sine die.

            A true copy from the minutes.            S. Chapin, Mod.

March 27. The Session met at the School House. Present the Pastor and each of the Elders. The meeting was opened by prayer.

On motion voted that the avails of the contributions on communion days be appropriated as they hitherto generally have been, to the Commissioner’s Fund.

On motion voted that the session send letters of thanks to John Tappan Esq. of Boston, for his present of eighteen volumes of valuable books for a ministerial library: to Charles Tappan Esq. of Boston for a large elegant Bible which he has presented to the church for the use of the pulpit, also to Samuel T. Armstrong Esq. of Boston for his present of two volumes of Scott’s Family Bible.

            Adjourned sine die.

            A true copy from the minutes, S. Chapin, Mod.



Apr. 3. The Session met at the Pastor’s house. Present the Pastor and Elders Bassett and Lockwood. The meeting opened by prayer. On motion voted that the Session send the following letter to the Rev. Mr. Evans.

“Rev. and Dear Brother,

            We are sorry to learn, and have been slow of heart to believe, that your intercourse with John Bray, lately excommunicated from the church, is directly contrary to the views, which we entertain of the manner of which Christ and his Apostles require excommunicated persons to be treated: which views are fully expressed, or plainly implied, in the excommunication; a copy of which has been put into your hands. So far as your influence as a minister of the gospel extends, we conceive you are counteracting, though we hope not designedly, the effect, which our act of excommunication is calculated and designed to have.

           Against your thus treating a person excommunicated from a church over which you may be Pastor, we should not presume to remonstrate. But, in the present case, we do feel aggrieved; and deem it our duty in this Christian and affectionate manner to protest against your thus treating one, whom we, in execution of the cause of Christ, have brought under this ultimate measure of discipline.

                        In behalf of the Session, S. Chapin, Mod.
Hunter Apr.3 1826.”



            Adjourned sine die.            A true copy from the minutes, S. Chapin, Mod.

Apr. 13. The Session met at the School House. Present: the pastor with Elders Edwards and Lockwood. The meeting was opened by prayer.

On motion voted that Deacon Joseph Bassett represent this church as an Elder in Presbytery at their Session in Cairo on the 20th instant.

            Adjourned sine die.

A true copy from the minutes. S. Chapin, Mod.

Examined and approved by this Col. Presbytery in session in Cairo April 19th         Signed: David Porter, Mod.

June 16. The Session met at the School House. Present the Pastor with Elders Bassett and Edwards. The meeting was opened by prayer. Mrs. Anna Brown presented a letter of dismissal from the Presbyterian Church in Cairo recommending her to this church. After attending to the request of Mrs. Brown agreeably to our rules in such a case. Voted that she be propounded for admission.

Voted to accept of two vols. Of Scott’s Family Bible presented by Samuel T. Armstrong Esq. of Boston and add them to the church library. Voted that the Pastor reply to a letter from Rev. G. B. Perry of Bradford Mass requesting the history of this church.



Voted that Brother Lockwood be a committee to enquire into the subject of Brother Jesse Barker having married a woman who has another husband living.

            On motion voted to adjourn sine die.

            The meeting was closed by prayer.

            A true copy from the minutes.            S. Chapin, Mod.

 June 30. The Session met at the meeting room after the Preparatory Lecture. Present Elders Bassett and Edwards with the Pastor. The meeting was opened by prayer.

On motion; voted that Mrs. Anna Brown be received as a member of this church.

            Adjourned sine die.

            The meeting was closed by prayer.

            A true copy from the minutes.            S. Chapin, Mod.

Aug. 10. The Session met at the meeting room. Present Elders Bassett and Lockwood with the Pastor. The meeting was opened by prayer. The subject of Brother Jesse Barker’s unlawful marriage was introduced; a further consideration of which was postponed. On motion voted to adjourn to meet at the same place on the evening of the 17th instant. The meeting was closed by prayer.

            A true copy from the minutes.            S. Chapin, Mod.

Aug. 17. The Session met agreeably to adjournment. Present Elders Bassett, Edwards and


Lockwood with the Pastor. The meeting was opened by prayer. Brother Lockwood reported what information he had obtained from Brother Barker and others relative to his marriage; which report was accepted. After some discussion Brother Lockwood with Deacon Bassett was reappointed as a committee; to investigate the subject more particularly; collect the most prominent facts with regard to the subject; reduce them to writing and lay them before the Session.

            On motion voted to adjourn sine die.
The meeting was closed by prayer.
A true copy from the minutes.
S. Chapin, Mod.

Sep. 22. The Session met at the School House. Present Elders Bassett and Edwards with the Pastor. The meeting was opened by prayer. On motion voted that Br. John Lockwood be appointed to attend the meeting of Presbytery at Canaan on the 26th instant as a ruling Elder.

            Voted to adjourn sine die. The meeting was closed by prayer.
A true copy from the minutes.
S. Chapin, Mod.


Feb. 28. The Session met at the Meeting Room pursuant to notice by the Moderator in compliance, on his part, with the following request: vis:

Margin note: “Disapproved from this to page 44.”



            Hunter Feb. 28 1827, 7 o’clock A.M.
Rev. Seth Chapin Pastor of
The Church of Christ in Hunter

                        Sir, We the Elders of said church, respectfully request you to convene the Session of this church at the Meeting Room this day at 9 o’clock in the forenoon.

                                    With due respect,
            Your humble servants,
            Joseph Bassett
            William Edwards
            John Lockwood

Present the Moderator with each of the Elders, Bassett, Edwards and Lockwood.

The meeting was opened by prayer by the Pastor.

On motion by Deacon Edwards voted to choose an assistant clerk. On motion by Deacon Bassett voted that Deacon Edwards serve as assistant clerk.

Deacon Bassett then offered the following resolution (the Pastor not having been previously consulted on the subject) viz:

            “Moved that this Session request the Moderator of the Columbian Presbytery to call a



special meeting of said Presbytery to be holden at the Meeting Room of the New York Tannery on Tuesday the 27th of March coming, that the Presbytery may examine into the state of the church generally and thus be able to decide whether the welfare of the cause of religion here does or does not in their wisdom require the immediate dissolution now subsisting between the Rev. S. Chapin and this church; and that if they find it to be their duty, to dissolve such connection that they proceed to do so.

On motion by Deacon Edwards, seconded by Brother Lockwood, voted unanimously, (the moderator’s opinion not being asked) to adopt and pass the foregoing resolve.

On motion voted that the Moderator be requested to immediately give a certified copy of this resolve.

On motion voted that a copy of this resolve be committed into the hands of Deacon Bassett.

On motion voted to adjourn sine die.

The meeting was closed by prayer by the Pastor.

A true copy from the minutes.
S.Chapin, Mod.


Apr. 2. The Session met at the Meeting Room pursuant to notice by the Moderator in compliance with the following request; viz:

            “Hunter March 27, 1827
Rev. Seth Chapin

            Sir, we take the liberty to request you to commune the Session of the Church (if agreeable to you at the Meeting Room) on Monday the 2nd day of April coming at 10 o’clock in the forenoon. Yours with due respect

                                    Joseph Bassett
William Edwards
John Lockwood, Elders of the Presbyterian Church, Hunter.

Present the Pastor with each of the Elders. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Moderator. On motion voted that Deacon William Edwards attend the next stated meeting of Columbia Presbytery at Catskill on the 17 instant as a ruling Elder.

Note: The writing immediately below the above was crossed out, about 6 lines of writing which appears to refer to an earlier meeting.



On motion voted to adjourn to meet again at the same place on Friday next at 9 o’clock A.M. The meeting was then closed with prayer by the Moderator.

A true copy from the minutes.
S. Chapin, Mod.

Apr. 6. Met agreeably to adjournment. Present only the Pastor, consequently the meeting was not opened. A true copy from the minutes.

S. Chapin, Mod.

Apr. 10. The Session met at the Meeting Room pursuant to notice by the Moderator in compliance with the written request signed by each of the Elders.

Present the Pastor with each of the Elders. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Moderator.

The following motions were then introduced by Deacon Bassett and on motion were voted, the Moderator dissenting and entering his dissent and his reasons in the minutes, viz:

1. “Whereas the Elders of the Church did in pursuance of the vote of this Session passed the 27th of Feb. apply to the Pastor and several members of the Session of the Church in Catskill respecting the proposed extra meeting of the Columbia Presbytery and were advised that such meeting would be attended with much inconvenience to many of its members.



Therefore they advised the Elders not to make the proposed application to the chairman of the Presbytery and application was not made and the Session approve of the doings of the Elders herein.

2. Resolved that the peculiar situation of the Church renders it the duty of the Session to apply to the Presbytery at their meeting the 17th instant to examine into the state of this church and decide whether the welfare of the course of religion here does or does not require the dissolution of the Pastoral relation now subsisting between this church and the Rev. Seth Chapin and if they find it their duty so to do, that they proceed to dissolve said commission. For this purpose the said Presbytery be requested to hold extra meeting at this place on the 28th instant, or as soon thereafter as they conveniently can, that they may personally confer with all the Brethren and sisters of the church and thus obtain a correct knowledge of our situation and of their consequent duty.” To which the Moderator dissented on the ground that such an investigation cannot be made by Presbytery without forestalling or embarrassing the subject of his complaints against the Elders.



3. And whereas it is known to a number of the reverend gentlemen who are members of the Presbytery that the Pastor did in Nov. last make sundry charges against the Elders, both as Elders and as individuals of their having been guilty of heinous conduct toward him; the Elders lost no time in assuring him they felt innocent, which assurance as it respects two of them, viz: William Edwards and Joseph Bassett, he gave no belief to, and the Elders respectedly proposed to the Pastor to submit his complaints to the discussion of Christian friends to be mutually chosen and have their decision obligatory on both parties, this the Pastor declined, and finally declined our proposal that his charges and complaints against the Elders should be decided at the approaching meeting of the Presbytery. But on the 20th of Feb. gave the Elders notice by letters that he had filed his charges against them in the Clerk’s office of the Columbia Presbytery, now the Elders as members of the Session wish it to be distinctly understood that by the foregoing proceedings they have no wish or the most distant intention of evading the charges brought against them by the Pastor; but will rejoice in an early opportunity



to meet those charges before the Presbytery with that deference which is due to their superiors.” To which the Moderator dissented on the ground that the resolve is incorrect and inconsistent.

4. And whereas the A.U. D. M. S. and its predecessor the U. D. M. S. have kindly aided us in supporting the Gospel here and the Pastor is now commissioned as their missionary in this place, the Elders deem it their duty to give the officers of that society due notice of our application to the Columbia Presbytery to dissolve the Pastoral commission if they judge it their duty, between this church and the Rev. Seth Chapin as above stated, therefore the clerk be requested to give the Elders a certified copy of the foregoing, that it may be transmitted by the next mail to the corresponding “….” of said society for their information.” To which the Pastor dissented on the ground that (in his opinion) it is implicitly (this not intentionally) disrespectful to Columbia Presbytery: which body is competent to take care of their own members.

On motion voted to adjourn sine die.

A true copy from the minutes.
S. Chapin, Mod.  

Note: This is the last page with the margin note “disapproved”.



Catskill, April 18. 1827

Examined and approved with the exception of what is recorded; commencing with date of Feb 28. 1827 on page 37 and ending with 44 page inclusive.

                                                            Joel T. Benedict, Moderator

Catskill, Apr 18. 1827

            The Session met at the Courthouse, present the Pastor with the Elders Edwards and Lockwood, the meeting was opened with prayer by the Moderator.

On motion voted that

Deacon Joseph Bassett be appointed to the meeting of the Presbytery as a ruling Elder during the remainder of the present session instead of William Edwards, who has leave of absence. Adjourned sine die. The meeting was closed with prayer by the Moderator. A true copy from the minutes.

            S. Chapin, Mod.

June 19. The Session met at the Schoolhouse. Present the Pastor and each of the Elders. The meeting was constituted with prayer by the Moderator. On motion voted that Deacon Joseph Bassett attend the meeting of the Presbytery now in session in this place as a ruling Elder. Adjourned sine die. The meeting was closed with prayer by the Moderator. A true copy from the minutes.     

S. Chapin, Mod.



July 1. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Rebecca, infant daughter of  Collins A. Brown and to Emaline, infant daughter of Milton Purdy, by the late Pastor.

S. Chapin, clerk.

July 26. Session convened, opened by prayer; present Elders Edwards, Bassett and Lockwood, voted to give Mary Chapin a letter of dismiss ion from this church, and of recommendation to the church in Barrington R.I. agreeably to her request.

Wm Edwards, clerk pro tem.

Sept. 10. Session convened, present J. Bassett, W. Edwards, and J. Lockwood, opened by prayer. Voted that Wm Edwards be the delegate to represent the church at the meeting of Presbytery at “Green..ion”. Voted that Presbytery be requested to appoint, Rev. C.H. Goodrich moderator of this church Session.

Wm. Edwards, clerk pro tem.

1828. Jan 12. Session met, present Rev. C. H. Goodrich, Deacons, J. Bassett, Wm Edwards, J. Lockwood; opened by prayer “..” Moderator; A letter of dissmission was voted to Edmond Avery and his wife Rachel, and a letter of recommendation to the Congregational Church in New Haven, Conn. of which the Rev. Mr. Bacon is Pastor, or to any other church where Providence shall place them.

Wm. Edwards, clerk pro tem.


1828. Jan. 3 Session convened, present C. Durfy, J. Bassett, Wm. Edwards, J. Lockwood. Mr. Durfy was requested to act as moderator; meeting opened by prayer. Mr. Dan Case and his wife, Sylva presented a joint letter of dissmission from the church in Spencertown; also Mr. Ephraim Sheldon presented a letter of recommendation from the Congregational Church in Lee, Mass. Voted that the above named persons be received into this church.

Attest, Calvin Durfy Mod. pro tem.

Mar. 14 Session convened, present C. Durfy, Elders J. Bassett, Wm Edwards.  Mr. Durfy

was requested to act as moderator; meeting opened by prayer. Mr. Charles Peck and his wife, Polly presented a joint letter of dissmission from the Presbyterian Church in Lexington, and a recommendation to this church. William Sedgewick and Hannah Hall, on examination, were approved, voted unanimously, the four above named persons be received into this church.

Attest. Calvin Durfy Mod. pro-tem.

April 6. Session met, opened by prayer; present C. Durfy, Elders, J. Bassett, and Wm Edwards. Mr. Durfy requested to preside; voted that Elder J. Lockwood be the delegate to represent this church at the next meeting of the Presbytery, to be held at Hudson the 15th next; and that Wm Edwards be his substitute.

Attest Calvin Durfy Moderator, pro tem

Hudson, April 15th, 1828. Examined and approved, by the Presbytery of Columbia.

            Timothy Woodbridge, Moderator


April 25-1828. The Session and church convened at the meeting room. Present the Pastor with the Elders J. Bassett and Wm Edwards. The meeting was opened by prayer by the Moderator. On motion resolved to elect one more Deacon in the church. On motion, resolved to elect three additional Elders to the session. Voted that Joseph Bassett be chosen Deacon in the church; and that, Brothers Charles Peck, formerly an Elder in Lexington, Milton Perdy and Dan Case be chosen Elders. Mr. Josiah Brown and his wife, Triphena, and Mrs. Sally Perdy were examined for the purpose of being received as members of the church. Session voted unanimously that their examination be sustained. Closed with prayer by the Pastor.

Attest Calvin Durfy Moderator

May 4. Baptism was administered to Mr. Josiah and Mrs. Triphena Brown by the Pastor.

June 11. The Session convened at the house of Mr. Clark, (Eastkill). Prayer was offered by the Pastor, after which Timothy Baily and his wife, Lucy, having been recommended to this church by, letter from the church in Windham were received. A discourse was preached and the communion of the Lord’s Supper was administered. Session adjourned to meet this afternoon at the house of Timothy Baily.

Attest Calvin Durfy Mod.

June 11. Session met agreeably to adjournment, was opened by prayer by the Pastor, after which, Louisa and Caroline Baily were examined to be received into the church. Voted to receive them.

Closed by prayer.

Attest Calvin Durfy Moderator.


June 19th 1828. Session convened, agreeably to a previous appointment, at the Meeting Room; Letters from the church in Great Barrington were read, recommending Mrs. Maria Durfy, and William Stevens to our watch and fellowship. Voted to receive them.

Mrs. Sophia Tyler, Hiram Mills and Henry Talmadge were examined for the purpose of being received into the church; voted to receive them. Adjourned to meet tomorrow evening at the house of Victory Perdy. Closed with prayer by the Pastor.

Attest Calvin Durfy Mod.

June 20. Session convened according to the above adjournment; was opened by prayer per Moderator; after which Mrs. Anna Perdy was examined with reference to being received as a member of this church; voted to receive her. Adjourned to meet this evening at the dwelling house of Peter Provost; closed with prayer.

Attest Calvin Durfy Mod.

June 20. Session convened, was opened by prayer; session then proceeded to the examination of Peter Provost and his wife, Sally as to their acquaintance with experimental piety. Neither of them being able to read. The Session being satisfied after a careful examination as to their acquaintance with experimental piety, voted unanimously to receive them.

Attest Calvin Durfy Pastor

July 6. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Louis Bassett, infant son of John and Sally Hains. Also to Hiram Mills, and Henry Talmadge, by the Pastor.

Attest C. Durfy


1828. July 23. At a public Lecture meeting at the school house near East Kill, the ordinance of Baptism was administered by the Pastor, to the children of Josiah, and Triphena Brown; namely Horace Russell, aged 13, David, aged 11, Harvey, aged 8, Albert, aged 6, Sadok, aged  4, Sarah, aged 20 months.

Attest Calvin Durfy Pastor

July 27. Session convened at the School room, was constituted with prayer. After some deliberation, voted, that, in view of the church conference, and since Rev Mr. Judd and Rev M. White are expected to attend an important meeting with us here this week, not to attend the special meeting of the Presbytery at Chatham to be holden the 30th of this month. Voted likewise that the reasons of our non attendance be stated in a letter by the Pastor to the Moderator of the Presbytery.

Attest Calvin Durfy Mod.

July 28. The ordinance of Baptism was administered by the Pastor to Jane Gray, daughter of Frederic and Sophiah Tyler. Jane Gray was in her 3 year and dangerously sick at this time.

Calvin Durfy

July 31. At a meeting attended in the new school house in this place at which the Rev Mr. Judd of Bloomfield N. J. preached in behalf of the American E. Society; and the Rev Henry White made a statement relative to the proceedings of the Society and their need of assistance, after which


the following resolution was unanimously adopted; to wit:

Resolved: That this church will endeavor to support one young man in obtaining his education for the gospel ministry under the patronage of the Presbyterian Branch of the American Education Society, by the payment of seventy five dollars annually for seven years.

Resolved, that this payment be made quarterly; the first payment to commence in September 1828.

Resolved, that this vote be signed by the Elders of the church.

William Edwards, Dan Case, Milton A. Perdy, Charles Peck, Elders of the church.

A true copy from the minutes.
Calvin Durfy, Mod.

August 22. The session convened at the house of Mr. Durfy, present Wm Edwards, Don Case, and Milton A. Perdy. Opened with prayer by the Pastor, after which John Case was examined for admission into the church; voted to receive him. Closed with prayer.

Attest Calvin Durfy Mod.

Sept 6. Session convened at the meting room, was opened by pray, when William Burns and his wife, Margaret presented a letter of recommendation from the church in Lexington to this church; voted to receive them. Closed with prayer.

Attest Calvin Durfy Mod.


1828. Sept 7. Session convened at the meeting room, was opened with prayer, voted that Milton A. Perdy be the delegate to attend the next meeting of the Presbytery, to be held at Greenville on the 3rd Tuesday of the present month; and that John Lockwood be his second, closed with prayer.

Attest Calvin Durfy Mod.

Sept 7. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to John Case, by the Pastor.

Attest Calvin Durfy

Nov. 8. Session convened at the house of Peter Provost; was constituted with prayer per moderator, after which Phidelia Fanning offered herself for examination as preparatory to being received into the church. Mrs. Fanning was sustained with examination; voted to receive her, closed with prayer.

Attest Calvin Durfy Mod.

*margin note: Church dedicated.

November 13. 1828. The first Presbyterian meeting house erected in this place was dedicated to the worship of Jehovah, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. The sermon was preached by Rev. David Porter of Catskill.

Nov. 16. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Mrs. Phidelia Fanning, also to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Charles O and Phidelia Fanning and to Mary Ann, Henry, and Rebeckah Edwards, the children of Peter and Sally Provost.

Calvin Durfy Pastor.


Nov. 3. A meeting of the Session was held at the center school house, was constituted with prayer per the Pastor; on motion by brother M.A. Perdy, seconded by brother Dan Case, it was unanimously resolved, that the thanks of this session be presented to Col. William Edwards for having furnished a convenient room in the New York Tannery for holding public worship, from year 1819 to Nov. 1828; and also for furnishing a stove and fire wood, all of which he has gratuitously done. Resolved, that a copy of this vote be communicated by the Moderator to Col. Edwards.

Attest Calvin Durfy, Mod.

Dec. 18. Session convened in the center school house, was constituted with prayer by the Moderator; on motion voted to give William Stevens, agreeably to his request, a letter of dismission from this church, and of recommendation to the Congregational Church in Stockbridge, Mass. Closed with prayer.

Attest C. Durfy Moderator

Feb. 1. Session convened at the house of the Pastor, was constituted with prayer by the Moderator. Mrs. Irena Perdy was then examined as to her acquaintance with experimental piety, preparatory to admission into this church; the question whether she be received was postponed to some future meeting, closed with pray.

Attest- C. Durfy Moderator

Feb. 19. 1829. Mrs. Perdy was received – Attest C. Durfy


1829. March 13. The session convened at the office of Col. Edwards; was constituted with prayer. On motion resolved that Deacon Joseph Bassett be the delegate to attend the special meeting of the Presbytery to be held at Cairo on Tuesday the 17 ultimo. Closed with prayer.

Attest C. Durfy Moderator

March 22. The session convened at the dwelling house of Mr. Dan Case; was constituted with prayer; Mr. Dan Case was elected Clerk of the Session, and Mr. John Lockwood was chosen Treasurer of the church. After some mutual consultation, it was unanimously resolved, that this Session will meet for prayer and consultation, every Friday evening preceding the Monthly “……..” of prayer. Concluded with prayer.

Attest Calvin Durfy Moderator

April 16. The session convened at the school house, was constituted with prayer. A letter from the Presbyterian Church in Canturbury, Orange Co. N.Y. was read, recommending Mrs. Dolly Y. Reynolds to our watch and fellowship. On motion, resolved that she be received. On motion, resolved that William Edwards represent this church, as an Elder in Presbytery at their session in Catskill on the 21. instant. Closed with prayer.

Attest Calvin Durfy Mod.

*Margin note: Mrs. Reynolds removed from this place, not having been publicly received into the church; her letter was given back at her request.

April 19. Session convened at the school house, was constituted with prayer; on motion, resolved that Mr. Charles Peck represent this church in Presbytery at Catskill as a ruling Elder, on the 21 instant; in case Col. Edwards should fail on account of ill health. Closed with prayer.

Attest Calvin Durfy Mod.


1829. Examined and approved by the Columbia Presbytery, Catskill April 22. 1829

S. Woodbridge Moderator

May 3rd. The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered to this church by the Pastor.

Attest C. Durfy, Pastor

June 14. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Arthur Tappan, infant son of William W. and Hellen Edwards, also to Calvin Durfy, son of Milton A. and Sally Perdy; also to Corydon Emmons, and Mary Ann, children of Victory and Anne Perdy, by the Pastor, C. Durfy.

August 31. The Session was convened by appointment at the dwelling house of Mr. John Jones; present the Pastor with the Elders, Edwards and Case. The meeting was constituted with prayer; after which Mrs. Clarissa Jones, the wife of John Jones was examined with reference to being received into the church – voted that her examination be sustained. – concluded with prayer.

Attest Dan Case, Clerk.

Sept 9. At meeting of the Session at the center school house – opened with prayer – present the Pastor with the Elders – Edwards, Case, Peck and Lockwood voted that Dan Case be the delegate to attend the next meeting of the Presbytery to be held at New Lebanon on 15 instant, as a ruling Elder from this church. Concluded with prayer.

Attest Dan Case, Clerk.

Sept 6. The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper was administered by the Pastor.


1829. Dec. 25. The Session convened at the house of Mr. David Ingersoll, and was constituted with prayer. Present the Pastor, with the Elders, Case and Perdy. Mrs. Clarissa Samantha Ingersoll – wife of Mr. D. Ingersoll was examined with a view to her being received as a member of this church. On motion, resolved that her examination be sustained.

A letter from the Bowery Presbyterian Church in the city of New York was read recommending Mr. William W. Edwards and his wife, Hellen, to our watch and fellowship. On motion, resolved, that they be received.

Concluded with prayer.

Attest Dan Case, clerk.

1830. Jan. 3. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Mrs. Clarissa Samantha Ingersoll, by the Pastor; Also to Sarah Sophia, George Frederick; and Hellen Edwards – the children of Frederick and Sophia Tyler.

Att. C. Durfy, Pastor.

Jan. 19. Agreeably to motion, the Session of the Presbyterian Church in Hunter, convened at the office of Col. Wm. Edwards; was constituted with prayer by the Moderator. Present the Pastor with the Elders, Edwards, Case, Peck, Lockwood and Perdy. After mature deliberation the following resolution was unanimously adopted; resolved that we will abstain from the use of ardent spirits ourselves, and from making, vending or giving them to anyone, whither visitors or workmen, except for


medicinal purposes; and we will require those who are admitted into this church to adopt the above resolution. Closed with prayer. A true copy from the minutes.

Attest Dan Case, clerk.

1830. March 7. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Lucinda – infant daughter of Charles and Sally Peck, by the Pastor.

C. Durfy

April 6. The Session convened at the school house; present, the Pastor, with the Elders, Edwards, Case, Peck and Lockwood; the meeting was constituted with prayer by the moderator. After which the following persons were examined on experimental religion, with a view, if the way be prepared, to their being received into the church; - viz. – Frederick Tyler, Henry Man, Ephraim J. Stimson; Mrs. Eliza Man, Laura A. Sedgewick, Mary E. Russell, Sarah H. Edwards, Julia Perdy. Charles Peck was chosen the delegate to represent this church, as a ruling Elder at the next meeting of Presbytery to be held in Hudson April 20, and John Lockwood to be his alternate. Voted to adjourn to meet at this place on Friday evening next, to attend to the examination of the above named persons, as to their doctrinal views of religion. Closed with prayer.

Attest Dan Case, clerk

April 9. Agreeably to adjournment, the Session convened at the school house; present the Pastor with each of the Elders. Mr. Perdy rendered his excuse for his absence from the last meeting. The meeting was constituted with prayer,


the examination of the persons, mentioned above was then resumed, after a careful examination of  their views of the doctrine of grace, voted unanimously that their examination be sustained. Concluded with prayer.

Attest Dan Case, clerk

Examined at the Session of Presbytery at Hudson April 22. 1830 and approved.

C. H. Goodrich – Moderator

Agreeably to notice the Session convened at the dwelling house of Col. Wm. Edwards – April 30 – 1830; and was constituted with prayer by the Moderator. Present the Pastor with the Elders – Edwards - Case and Peck – Ann Marie Edwards offered herself for examination with a view to unite with this church; after a careful examination on Experimental and Doctrinal religion, voted that her examination be sustained. Closed with prayer.

Att. Dan Case, clerk

1830. August 27. Agreeably to notice the Session convened at the school house, and was constituted with prayer. Present, the Pastor with the Elders – Edwards, Case and Peck; absent Lockwood and Perdy. Charles O. Fanning – William Stimson and Hezekiah D. Sharp were examined with a view to their being received as members


of the church; whereupon, resolved that their examination be sustained. Closed with prayer.

Att. Dan Case, clerk

1830. Sept. 3. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Hellen Maria, infant daughter of William W. and Hellen Edwards, by the Pastor.

The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Hezekiah D. Sharp, by the Pastor.

Sept. 15. Agreeably to notice the Session convened at the school house, and was constituted with prayer by the moderator. Present the Pastor with the Elders, Edwards, Case and Lockwood; absent Peck and Perdy. Mr. Lockwood assigned his reasons for being absent from the last meeting of the Session, which were sustained. On motion, resolved that Mr. Lockwood be the delegate to represent this church at the next stated meeting of the Presbytery to be held at Windham Sept. 21, and that William Edwards be his alternate. Closed with prayer.

Att. Dan Case, clerk

Sept 29. The Session convened at the school house, and was constituted with prayer. Present the Pastor with the Elders, Case and Lockwood, absent, Edwards, Peck and Perdy. On motion resolved that a letter of dismission from this church and of recommendation to the church in Lexington be granted to Deacon Joseph Bassett, and his wife, Molly, and to the children, Nancy, Laura,


Sylvia, and Benedict. Concluded with prayer.

Att. Dan Case, clerk

1830. Oct. 27. Agreeably to motion, the Session convened at the school house; and was constituted with prayer by the moderator. Present the Pastor with the Elders, Case, Peck, and Lockwood. Mr. Joseph A. Crane presented a letter of dismission and of recommendation from the Presbyterian Church in Catskill, with a request to unite with this church. On motion resolved to accept the letter, and that Mr. Crane be received as a member of the church.

Att. Dan Case, clerk

Dec. 13. Agreeably to notice the Session convened in the meeting house. The Pastor being absent, the Rev. Mr. Gardner was called to preside. Present the Elders, Edwards, Case, Peck and Lockwood. The meeting was constituted with prayer by the moderator. On motion resolved that a letter of dismission from this church and one of recommendation to the Presbyterian Church in East Windham be granted to Samuel Henson and his wife Polly, to Jesse Barker, to Martha and Loly Winchell. Concluded with prayer.

Att Dan Case, clerk

1830. Dec 24. Agreeably to notice the Session convened at the dwelling house of Mr. Hawver. Present the Pastor with the Elders, Edwards, Case and Lockwood; absent, Peck and Perdy. The meeting was constituted with prayer by the Pastor.


Mrs. Betsy Mann, Mr. Andrew Hawver, and his wife Eliza were examined on experimental and doctrinal religion with a view to their being received into the church. On motion, resolved that their examination be sustained, and they be received. Closed with prayer.

Att Dan Case, clerk

1831. Feb. 14. Agreeably to notice a meeting of the members of the church was held at the house of Frederick Tyler; on motion, resolved to elect Mr. William Burns to the office of ruling Elder in this church.

Att Dan Case, clerk

March 2. Agreeably to notice the Session was convened at the dwelling house of Fredrick Tyler, present the Pastor with the Elders, Case, Peck and Lockwood. The meeting was constituted with prayer. Mrs. Maria Cushman was examined with a view to her being received as a member of this church; on motion resolved that her examination be sustained. Closed with prayer.

Att Dan Case, clerk

March 8. Agreeably to previous notice the Session was convened at the dwelling house of  William Edwards; present the Pastor with the Elders, Edwards, Case, Peck and Lockwood. The meeting was constituted with prayer. Mr. John Tadlock was examined on experimental and doctrinal religion, with a view to his being received as a member of this church. His examination was sustained. Closed with prayer.

Att Dan Case, clerk


1831. April 7. Agreeably to notice the Session convened in the meeting house, and was constituted with prayer. Present the Pastor with the Elders, Edwards, Burns, Peck and Lockwood. Absent Case and Perdy. William Edwards was chosen the delegate to represent this church at the next stated meeting of Presbytery, to be held at Catskill April 19 – William Burns was chosen his alternate. Closed with prayer.

Att Dan Case, clerk

Thus far examined in the Presbytery of Columbia and approved at Catskill, April 20. 1831.                             Calvin Durfy Moderator 

May 1. The Session convened in the meeting house, and was constituted with prayer. Present the Pastor with the Elders, Edwards, Case, Peck, Lockwood and Perdy; absent Burns. A letter of dismission from this church and of recommendation to the Congregational Church in Guildhall was voted to Maria Cushman.

Att Calvin Durfy Mod.

May 1. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Chester Perdy, infant son of M. A. Perdy; to Madison, infant son of Mr. A. Howver; and to infant son of John Pool.

Calvin Durfy Pastor


1831. July 3. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Cornelia, infant daughter of William and Laura Sedgwick. By the Pastor.

August 26. The Session convened at the school house, and was constituted with prayer by the Pastor; the following members were present, William Edwards, &. Charles Peck, absent, Burns, Case, Lockwood and Perdy. A letter of dismission from this Church and of recommendation to the Congregational Church in Jefferson, New York was voted to Mr. Joseph A Coons. Mr. Samuel Chitester and Mrs. Sarah Whelock were examined with a view to their being received into the Church. Voted that this examination be sustained. Closed with prayer.

Att D. Case, clerk

August 28. The Session convened at the school house; and was constituted with prayer. Present the Pastor, with the Elders Edwards, Burns, Case, and Peck; absent Lockwood and Perdy. Lucinda Haines was examined with a view to her being received as a member of the Church, on motion, resolved that her examination be sustained, closed with prayer.

Att Dan Case, clerk

Sept 1. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Laura, infant child of John and Hannah Hains, by the Pastor


1831. Oct 29. Agreeably to notice the Session convened at the house of Mr. Samuel Chitester, and was constituted with prayer by the Moderator. Present the Pastor with the Elders Edwards, Case, and Peck; a letter from the church in Northampton, Mass. Was read recommending Mrs. Sarah Tappan Durfy to the Christian watch and fellowship of this Church; voted that the letter be accepted, and she be received. Mrs. Susanna Chitester was examined with a view to her being received into the church; voted that her examination be sustained, closed with prayer.

Att Dan Case, clerk

December 12. Agreeably to notice the members of the church convened in the school house, and after prayer by the Pastor, it was unanimously resolved to elect two additional Elders, whereupon Wm. W. Edwards and Frederick Tyler were duly elected. Closed with prayer.

Att Dan Case, clerk

Dec. 31. Agreeably to notice the Session convened in the school house, and was constituted with prayer. Present the Pastor with the Elders Edwards and Peck. A letter recommending James R. Fayerweather to our fellowship, a member of the church in Yale College was read and accepted. Miss Harriet Case was examined with a view to her being received into the church – resolved that her examination be sustained. Closed with prayer.

Att Dan Case, clerk


1832. Feb. 12. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to William Porter, infant child of Charles and Sally Peck; by the Pastor.

Feb 13.  Agreeably to notice the Session convened at the school house. Present the Pastor with the Elders, Edwards, Peck, Tyler and W. W. Edwards, absent, Burns, Lockwood and Perdy. George Carr was examined on experimental and doctrinal religion with a view to his being received into the church – resolved that his examination be sustained. A letter of dismission from this church and of recommendation to the 2nd church in Lexington was voted to Hiram Mills. Closed with prayer.

Att D. Case, clerk

Mar. 12. Agreeably to notice the session convened at the office of Col. Edwards, and was constituted with prayer. Present the Pastor with the Elders, Edwards, Lockwood, Tyler and W. W. Edwards. After some deliberation it was unanimously resolved to recall the letter which was voted to Hiram Mills, the 13 of Feb. last. Closed with prayer.

Att D. Case, clerk

April 1. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Sarah Durfy, infant daughter of Peter and Sally Provost, by the Pastor.

April 11. The session convened at the office of Col. Edwards, and was constituted with prayer. Present the Pastor, with the Elders, Edwards, Peck, Tyler, W.W. Edwards, Burns; absent Lockwood, Perdy. On motion resolved that Charles Peck represent this church as a ruling Elder at the next stated meeting of Prebytery to be held in Hudson April 17th; and that John Lockwood be his Alternate. Closed with Prayer.

Att Dan Case Clk

Thus far examined and approved in Presbytery.
Hudson April 18th 1832
Hutchins Taylor, Modr

May 1. 1832 Agreeably to notice from the moderator the session convened at the office of Wm. Edwards, and was constituted with prayer. Present the Pastor, with the Elders, Edwards, Burns, Peck, Tyler, and Lockwood. Absent, W. W. Edwards and Perdy. A letter of dismission from this church, and of recommendation to the Congregational Church in Chester, Mass. was voted to Ephraim Sheldon Junior. Resolved that William W. Edwards be chosen clerk of this session in the place of Dan Case removed from this place. Closed with prayer.

Att W. W. Edwards


1832. May 14. At the call of the moderator the session was convened at the house of Wm. Edwards, and was constituted with prayer. Present, the Pastor with the Elders, Edwards, Peck, Burns, Tyler, W. W. Edwards and Perdy, absent, Lockwood. The case of James R. Fayerweather was made the subject of familiar conversation. After solemn and mature deliberation, it was unanimously resolved that a committee consisting of the moderator, Fredrick Tyler, and W. W. Edwards be appointed to examine into certain reports unfavorable to the Christian character of the said Fayerweather, and report at the next meeting of the session. Resolved that Elders, Peck and Lockwood be a committee to examine into the case of Rachel Avery and report to the session as soon as convenient. Voted to adjourn to meet at the house of Fredrick Tyler on Monday the 21st instant, at 2 o’clock P. M., closed with prayer.

Att W. W. Edwards


At a meeting of the session of the Presbyterian Church in Hunter held at the home of
F. Tyler on call of the moderator, May 21st 1832. Present Rev. C. Durfy (Rev. Mr. Goodrich, by request) Elders, Wm. Edwards, Charles Peck, Frederick Tyler and W. W. Edwards, absent, Wm Burns, John Lockwood and M. A. Perdy. Meeting opened by prayer by the moderator.

The committee to examine into the Christian character of James R. Fayerweather reports that they find the following charges currently reported against the said Fayerweather.

First. Corman? James charges James R. Fayerweather, a member of this church, with having attempted at various times and ways within three or four months past by corrupt conversation and by writing and by other seductive acts to debase the mind and destroy the virtue of Sarah S. Tyler, a girl of 11 years of age, an infant member of this church while a member of his school.

Second. Corman James charges said Fayerweather with lying – by saying to Mr. W. W. Edwards and to Mr. E. J. Stimson that he had not confessed that the first charge was true – when what he had confessed it was true to several different individuals, to wit; to Rev. C. Durfy and F. Tyler – subsequently to Wm Edwards, Timothy Tanner and Charles Peck in presence of the two former. Also by saying, H. D. Sharpe had told him Sarah Tyler had reported he had been attempting


to seduce her – whereas the said H. D. Sharpe had never told him so – and never knew he was so charged by anyone at that time. Also by saying to Frederick Tyler that his daughter had been reporting the same fact all thru the street – whereas it was never

mentioned previous to that time, by Sarah, except to her mother and she had never mentioned it to anyone, and the only reports on the subject was from his own mouth.

Third. Corman James charges James R. Fayerweather with speaking reproachfully of religion and the Bible – indicating infidel sentiments, by saying to Mr. H. A. Edwards he did not believe all parts of the Bible, to wit; the account of the flood and the sun and moon standing still, that he had owned and had read Tom Paine’s works and thought much of them, but took care to keep them out of sight here – by saying to Sarah Tyler he did not believe anything in religion and joined the church because he thought he could get along better in the world – by saying to Sarah Sharpe that he was better employed reading novels, than going to Sunday School Teachers Prayer Meeting – by speaking lightly of religion to sundry other persons named as witnesses.

On motion resolved the report of the committee be adopted.


Resolved that the said James R. Fayerweather be cited to appear before the session and answer to the above charges on Tuesday the 5th day of June next at 2 o’clock P.M. at the study of Rev. C. Durfy.

Resolved that the clerk of this session transmit a copy of the above charges together with the names of the witnesses to said Fayerweather and cite him in the name of this session to answer to them.

Attest Wm W Edwards

A meeting of the session was held at the office of Wm Edwards on notice of the moderator. Present Rev. Mr. Durfy – Elders Wm Edwards, Chas Peck, Fred Tyler and W. W. Edwards.

Meeting opened by prayer by the moderator. The moderator laid before the session a letter from Mrs. Rachel Avery containing a confession of the sin of intemperance and neglecting public worship of God. Resolved that this confession be accepted and that it be read in public from the pulpit on the next Lord’s Day. Resolved that the committee on the case of Mrs. Avery be discharged from the subject. Closed with prayer.

Att. W. W. Edwards. Clerk.

1832. June 17.  The ordinance of baptism was administered to Robert Ogden, infant child of Fred and Sophia Tyler, by the Pastor.

A letter of dismission from this church and of recommendation to the church in Big Hollow was voted to Mr. and Mr. Avery.


1832. July 1.  The ordinance of baptism was administered to Margaret, infant child of  Andrew and Elisa Howver; by the Pastor.

July 1. The session convened at the house of Capt. Tyler at the call of the moderator; and was constituted with prayer, present the Pastor with the Elders; Edwards, Burns, Peck and Tyler; Mrs. Agnes Williamson was examined with a view to her being received into the church. Voted that her examination be sustained. Closed with prayer. W.W. Edwards, clerk.

July 29. The session convened at the school house, and was constituted with prayer; present the Pastor with the Elders, Edwards, Peck, Tyler, and W. W. Edwards. Letters were read recommending Capt. Samuel Patch, Mrs. Ann Ennis, and Miss Elizabeth Pierce to the watch and fellowship of this church; resolved to accept these letters. Concluded with prayer. – Att. W. W. Edwards

1832. Aug. 23. At the call of the moderator, the session convened at the school house, and was opened with prayer. Present the Pastor with the Elders Edwards, Peck, Tyler and W.W. Edwards; a letter was read recommending Miss Sarah Patterson Tappan to the watch and fellowship of this church; voted to accept the letter – concluded with prayer.

Att. W.W. Edwards, clerk.


1832. Aug. 26. The ordinance of baptism was administered to Aroma Andrus, Franklin Lemuel Andrus, the children of Samuel and Susanna Chittester, by the Pastor.

Calvin Durfy

Sept. 16. The session convened in the meeting house and chose Brother John Lockwood to represent this church as a ruling Elder at the next stated meeting of Presbytery, to be held at Spencertown the 18 ult. – Also, a letter of dismission from this church to the church in Fitchville, Ohio was voted to William Burns and his wife, Margaret. This meeting was opened, but not closed with prayer, because the Sabbath School Scholars were reciting, in the house where we were.            Att. C. Durfy Mod.

Oct. 21. The ordinance of baptism was administered to Charles infant son of W.W. and Helen Edwards, this child was dangerously sick.

Oct. 21. The ordinance of baptism was administered to Fidelia Holbrook – infant child of Charles O. and Fidelia Fanning, by the Pastor.


1832. Dec 14. Agreeably to notice from the moderator, the session convened at the center school house; and was opened by prayer from the moderator. Elders present – Edwards – Lockwood – Tyler and W. W. Edwards, absent Peck and Purdy. Letters were read recommending Mr. Stephen Bates, and his wife Elizabeth; Mr. Erastus Day and his wife Indiana and Miss Lucy Tappan to our watch and fellowship; which letters were accepted.

Whereas there are certain rumors in circulation affecting the Christian character of our brother Peter Provost, therefore resolved the Elders Lockwood and W.W. Edwards be a committee to visit Mr. Provost, and examine into the grounds of such rumors and report to the session, as soon as convenient.

Closed with prayer. Att. W. W. Edwards, Clerk

Dec 22. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Sarah Russell – dangerously sick – the daughter of E. J. and M. E. Stimson – by the Pastor.


1832. Dec 27. The session convened at the office of William Edwards, and was constituted with prayer. Present, the Pastor with the Elders Edwards and Lockwood. A letter was read and accepted recommending Doct. Amos L. Williams to the watch and fellowship of this church. Letters of dismission and recommendation were voted to Elder Charles Peck and his wife Sally to the church in Lexington; to Mrs. Sarah Tappan, to the church in Geneva, to Hezekiah D. Sharp to the Pres. Church in Broom in N. Y.

Closed with prayer.
Att. W. W. Edwards, Clerk.

1833. March 3. The session convened at the school house at the call of the moderator, and was constituted with prayer. Present the Pastor with the Elders Edwards and Lockwood; absent Tyler, W.W. Edwards and Purdy. A letter of dismission from this church and of recommendation to the Congregational Church in Brookfield in Conn. was voted to Doct. A. L. Williams. Likewise to William Stimson recommending him to the Second Pres. Church in Troy. Closed with prayer.        Att. W.W. Edwards, Clerk.

1833. March 31. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Henry Savins; a child of Samuel and Susanna Chittester, by the Pastor.


1833. April 14. The session convened at the dwelling house of Frederick Tyler; and was constituted with prayer. Present the Pastor with the Elders Edwards, Lockwood, Tyler and W.W. Edwards. The case of Peter Provost, a member of this church was made the subject of conversation; and it appeared that the following charges were currently reported against him –

1. Common “some?” charges our brother Provost with drinking “___“  spirits to excess at sundry times within the past year and

2nd  with an attempt to destroy the chastity of a young woman, a member of his family. Mr. Provost confessed the above charges before the session – whereupon it was resolved that the charges are sustained upon his confession; whereupon it was voted that Peter Provost be, and he hereby is, suspended from the sacraments of the church till he gives satisfactory evidence of the sincerity of his repentance.

Closed with prayer.
Att. W.W. Edwards.

Examined and approved by Col’a  Presbytery – Apr 17. 1833. David Porter Mod.

1833. June 30. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Lewis James – infant child of Stephen and Elisabeth Bates, by the Pastor. Calvin Durfy.


1833. July 4. The session, at the call of the moderator, convened at the dwelling house of Samuel Patch, and was constituted with prayer. Present the Pastor, with the Elders, Edwards, Lockwood, Tyler, and W.W. Edwards. Mrs. Polly Patch was examined on doctrine and experimental religion with a view to her being received into the church. Whereupon it was voted that her examination be sustained. Closed with prayer.

Att. W.W. Edwards, Clerk.

Aug. 25. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Emily Louisa, daughter of Wm and L. Sedgwick, by the Pastor.

Oct. 27. The ordinance of Baptism was administered to Carlos Mortimer Day, infant son (of) Erastus and Idiana Day, by the Pastor.

Sept. 15. At the call of the moderator, the session convened in the school house, and was opened by prayer; present each of the Elders. On motion, W. Sedgwick was appointed to attend the next stated meeting of Presbytery as a delegate. Closed with prayer.

Att. Calvin Durfy.


1834. Jan. 8. The session was convened in the meeting house, and was opened with prayer by the moderator. Present each of the Elders. A letter of dismission and recommendation from this church to the church in Hopewell, N Y was voted to Stephen Bates and his wife, Elisabeth. Closed with prayer.

Att. Calvin Durfy

March 30. At the close of public worship, the session unanimously voted a letter of dismission and of recommendation to Colins A Brown and his wife, Abigail, to a church to be formed where they now reside. Closed with prayer.

Att. Calvin Durfy.

April 13. The session convened in the school house, and was opened with prayer. Present each of the Elders. Voted that Wm. Sedgwick attend the next stated meeting of Presbytery to be held in Hudson the 15th instant. Closed with prayer.

Att. Calvin Durfy.


1836. May 2. The session convened in the meeting house. Present, Edwards, Lockwood, Purdy and Sedgwick. Began with prayer. Sarah Ann Andrus, and Sarah Dubois were examined with a view to their being received into the church. Voted to sustain their examination. Closed with prayer.

Att. Calvin Durfy.

June 4. At the call of the moderator the session convened in the school house. Present, Lockwood, Tyler and Sedgwick. Opened with prayer. A letter of dismission from this church, and of recommendation to a church about to be formed in Williams College, was voted to John Tollack. Closed with prayer.

Att. Calvin Durfy.

June 20. At the call of the moderator the session convened in the school house; and began with prayer. Present the Pastor with the Elders; Edwards, Lockwood, Tyler, W.W. Edwards and Sedgwick; absent Purdy. A letter of dismission from the Bowery Presbyterian Church in N. York and recommending Aaron W. Harrison to this church was read and accepted. A similar letter from the Congregational Church in Gt Barrington recommending Mrs. Charlotte Purdy to


our watch and fellowship, was read and accepted. Closed with prayer.

Att. Calvin Durfy

Aug. 17. At the close of public worship a letter of dismission from this church, and of recommendation to the Pres. Church in Windham Center, was voted to Mrs. Ann Emrie.

Att. Calvin Durfy.

Sept. 7. At a meeting of the session, opened and closed with prayer, Frederick Tyler, Elder was appointed to represent this church at the next stated meeting of Presbytery.

Att. Calvin Durfy, Mod.

Oct. 1. At a meeting of the session, opened and closed with prayer, John Lockwood, Elder, was appointed to represent this church at the next stated meeting of Synod to be held in Catskill on Tuesday next. Att. Calvin Durfy, Mod.

Dec. 17. At the close of public worship a letter of dismission from this church and recommendation to the church in Molden was voted to Mrs. Sarah N. Lewis.  Att. Calvin Durfy, Mod.

Dec. 26. The session convened at the study of Mr. Durfy and was opened with prayer. Present the Pastor with the Elders, Lockwood, Tyler and Sedgwick. Lewis Quick was examined with a view of


his becoming a member of the church. Voted that his examination be sustained. Closed with prayer.

Att. Calvin Durfy, Mod.

1835. Jan 25. At a meeting of the session at the close of public worship; all the Elders being present, a letter from the Pres. Church in Lexington recommending Mr. Charles Peck and his wife, Sally, to our watch and fellowship was read and accepted.

Att. Calvin Durfy.

Feb. 21. At the close of public worship, the session convened, all the Elders being present, Fredrick Tyler was chosen delegate to attend the special meeting of Presbytery to be holden at Windham the 24 instant.   Att. Calvin Durfy, Mod.

March 29. The ordinance of baptism was administered to Edwin L. Tyler – infant son of Frederick and Sophia Tyler; also to Mary Rebecca, infant child of E.J. and M. E. Stimson; and also to Sarah Cornelia – infant child of M.A. and Sally Purdy; by the Pastor.

March 29. At the call of the moderator the session convened at the close of public worship and appointed William Edwards a delegate to attend a special meeting of Presbytery to be holden at Windham, on Wednesday next. Att. Calvin Durfy, Mod.


1835. April 9. At the call of the moderator the session convened in the school house, and was opened with prayer. Present the Pastor with the Elders, Edwards, Peck, Tyler, Lockwood, Purdy and Sedgwick; absent, W.W. Edwards. Charles Peck was chosen the delegate to attend the next stated meeting of Presbytery, and W. Edwards his alternate; closed with prayer.     Att. Calvin Durfy, Mod.


April 15. The ordinance of baptism was administered to Henrietta Fanning; age 5 days, she died this day.

Calvin Durfy, Pastor.

Thus far examined and approved in presbytery, Catskill April 21st 1835.                              L.B. Waterbury Moderator

1835. July 5. The ordinance of baptism was administered to John James Lockwood; Edward Parker Chichester; and Mary Jane Purdy; by the Pastor. 

July 5. Letters of dismission from this church and of recommendation to the church in Norton, N.Y. were voted Erastus Day, and his wife, and also to Mrs. Lucy Clark, recommending her to the church in Lexington, N.Y.

Att. Calvin Durfy


1835. Aug. 11th. At the call of the moderator session met at the office of Frederick Tyler. Present; pastor, Elders, W. Edwards, Peck, Tyler, and W.W. Edwards. Opened by prayer by Rev. M. Cone? Frederick Tyler was chosen delegate to attend the meeting of Presbytery to be held in a meeting house this day-

A letter of dismission from this church was granted to Elizabeth Pierce recommending her to the old South Church in Boston. Closed with prayer by the Pastor.

Attest. W.W. Edwards, Clerk.


1835. Sept. 29. Session met at the call of the moderator at the school house. Present – our Pastor, Elders, Peck, Lockwood, Tyler, W.W. Edwards, Sedgwick, absent Elder Wm Edwards.

Session opened with prayer by the Moderator – Elder Wm Sedgwick was chosen delegate to Synod, Elder Peck his alternate.

A letter was granted to Sarah Ann Andrews to the Dutch Reformed Church in Roxbury.

Closed by prayer.

Attest. Wm W. Edwards, Clerk.

1835. October 17. Session met at the house of Elder Wm Edwards – opened by prayer. Present Rev. I. N. Lewis – Moderator (by request) Elders William Edwards and Wm W Edwards – absent Elders Peck, Lockwood, Tyler, Sedgwick. –

On motion; Resolved that the session call a meeting of the society to be held on Monday the 19th at 10 o’clock in the forenoon to select a Pastor for this congregation at the church – 

Resolved that the Rev. I.N. Lewis be requested to preside at the said meeting –

Resolved that nothing of this meeting of the congregation be given from the pulpit “___”.

Adjourned – concluded with prayer.

Attest. Wm W. Edwards, Clerk.


1835. Nov. 9. Session met at the call of the Rev. Mr. Buck at the School House, opened by prayer by Rev. Mr. Buck. Present, Rev. J. Judson Buck, Moderator – Elders Wm Edwards and John Lockwood, Peck, Sedgwick and W.W. Edwards, absent Elder Tyler –

Application was made to Mr. Buck from W.E. J. Stimson and his wife for a letter of demission from this church – It was found on communication of the members that Mr. Stimson had commenced a suit in a court of law against Andrew Hawver, a member of our church for slander – without taking any steps of Gospel discipline sometime in May or June last which remains unsettled – to the great scandal of the cause of religion. And other matters were named which were deemed offenses against individuals – There upon resolved – the Reverend Mr. Buck and Elder Wm Edwards be a committee to write a letter to Mr. Stimson advising him of the things laid to his charge before further proceedings be held thereon. Also resolved that a letter be granted to Mrs. Mary E Stimson as soon as she shall designate the church with which she wishes to be connected. Closed with prayer.

Adjourned. Attest. Wm W Edwards, Clerk.


 1836. April 12th. Session met at the School House by request of the Pastor. Opened by prayer by the Moderator. A letter was granted to Mrs. Sarah Sappa Durfy to the church in South Dedham, Mass.

Elder Wm Edwards was chosen delegate to the Presbytery and Elder Milton A. Purdy, alternate for the next stated meeting.

In reference to the next resolution, prayer was offered by Deacon Noah Baldwin of Durham. Resolved in view of the existing state of things, Pastor be requested to invite the conference of churches to meet at this place at their next stated meeting the last Tuesday of this month.

Resolved the clerk be directed to procure a blank book for a record of Baptisms, Burials, and marriages.

These were present at the meeting:

Rev. I. Judson Buck, Moderator. Elders; Wm Edwards, Peck, Lockwood, Purdy, Sedgwick and Wm W. Edwards. Absent; Elder Tyler.  Closed by prayer.

Attest. Wm W. Edwards, Clerk.

Session met pursuant to notice from the pulpit by the Pastor at the School House Thursday eve April 28th 1836.

Present Rev. Mr. Buck Moderator, Elders Wm Edwards, Peck, Tyler, Purdy, Sedgwick, and Wm W. Edwards, absent Elder Lockwood.

Opened by prayer by Elder Peck.

A letter was granted to Mr. Dan Case and his wife from this church to the Reformed Dutch Church in Ashokan, Ulster County.


Mary Tappan offered herself for examination with a view of uniting with this church, sustained on confession of her faith.

A letter was received from the church in Cairo recommending Mrs. A. A. Buck to the fellowship of this church, which was accepted.

On motion when session adjourns, it adjourns to meet in this place on Thursday eve next.

Closed with prayer by Elder Sedgwick.

Attest. Wm W. Edwards, Clerk.

The records up to this date, are approved with the following exception, viz. on page 81 record of several baptisms is made, which is not sessional business; and therefore might not to have been recorded in that place. See Forms of Government Sec. VIII of chap. IX.

Durham, May 3rd 1836

Linus H. Fellows Mod.


Session met pursuant to adjournment May 5th 1836, Thursday evening – Present, Rev. Mr. Buck, Moderator, Elders, Tyler, Sedgwick and Wm W. Edwards. Absent, Wm Edwards, Peck and Lockwood – opened by prayer by Moderator.

Mary Tappan was examined for admission to the church, voted she be admitted on profession of her faith – closed by prayer.

Attest. Wm W. Edwards, Clerk.

Session met Friday evening July 1, 1836. Present Rev. J. Judson Buck Moderator, Elders, W. Edwards, Lockwood, Tyler, Sedgwick and Peck – opened by prayer. Harriett Lockwood and Cloe Hains were examined for admission to the church – examination sustained – closed with prayer.

Attest. Wm W. Edwards, Clerk.

Session met Friday eve Nov 4th 1836 – Present Rev. Judson Buck Moderator, Elders, Peck, Lockwood, Tyler, Wm Edwards, Sedgwick and Purdy – opened by prayer.

Irwin Bray was examined for admission to the church – examination sustained. A letter of dismission was granted to Mrs. Ann Maria Park to the church in Andover, also to Elder


Charles Peck and his wife to the Presbyterian Church in Lexington. Closed with prayer.

Attest. Wm W. Edwards, Clerk.

A special meeting of session pursuant to notice from the pulpit was held at the meeting house Monday eve Nov 21, 1836. Present; Rev. J. Judson Buck Moderator, Elders, Lockwood, Tyler, Wm W. Edwards, Sedgwick and Purdy. Opened by prayer. The following minutes and resolutions were unanimously adopted -

Whereas many in our favored country and hundreds of millions in other lands “___” in ignorance, sin and misery from which nothing but the gospel can deliver them, know little or nothing of it and whereas humanity and the spirit and precepts of the bible require us to do what we can for the survival of their temporal and especially of their spiritual miseries and for securing to them the bliss of heaven, therefore: Resolved: 1. That we as a session of the church of Christ recognize the justice of the claims of  human and pious enterprises to our cordial patronage and zealous application and aspire to act in the capacity of a session as a board for the promotion of the cause of Benevolence in our own congregation and the world –

Resolved: 2. That we are convinced we cannot “___” from this branch of Christian Duty by occasionally and


incidentally aiding the cause of benevolence but are bound to aid it systematically and habitually.

Resolved: 3. In order the more effectually to secure the performance of this important duty that we adopt the following:

 General Rules


A committee of three chosen annually by the session, either exclusively from among themselves or in part from other members of the congregation, shall have charge of each particular object of benevolence which the session will resolve to aid.


A particular month shall be appointed for each object, during which the committee having it in charge shall present it to the congregation for their aid in such manner in such manner as the session shall direct.


During the month appropriated to a particular object no other except in special cases shall be presented for pecuniary aid and it shall be deemed irregular for any agent to solicit funds for any particular object which the session are laboring to promote without their consent.


A meeting of the congregation shall be requested annually on the ______(left blank)_______ when the session shall present a report showing the amount which through the efforts of this committee has been raised by the congregation during the year.

 Resolved 4th that the objects to be patronized by the


 session, the months in which they shall be presented, and the committees having them in charge for one year be as exhibited in the following table.





Sunday schools


Wm Sedgwick, A W Harrison, A H Palmer

Foreign missions


Frederic Tyler, Henry Mann, A W Harrison

Bible society


John Lockwood

Home missions


M A Purdy

Education society


Wm Edwards

Faith? Society


Wm W Edwards

Session closed by prayer.

Attest. Wm W Edwards, Clerk.


At a meeting of the session held pursuant to notice Wednesday evening Dec. 14th 1836. Present; Rev. J Judson Buck moderator; Elders, Peck, Lockwood, Tyler, Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick and Purdy. Meeting opened by prayer.

The following minutes were adopted –


At a regular meeting of session held in the fall of 1835. Present Rev. J.J. Buck Moderator Elders Wm Edwards, Peck, Lockwood, Tyler, Wm W Edwards, and Sedgwick, opened by prayer.

Moderator presented an application from Brother E. J. Stimson for a letter of dismission for himself and wife. Objections were made to granting the request for Mr. Stimson because it was known to the session he had commenced a lawsuit for slander against Andrew Hauver, a member of this church without taking any gospel steps of discipline which suit was believed to be still pending to the great scandal of the cause of religion in this place.

2. Because no church was designated which they wished to join.

Where upon it was voted that the Moderator and Elder Wm Edwards be a committee to write to Mr. Stimson on the subject and to inform him that a letter would be granted to Mrs. Stimson whenever the church was designated that she wished to unite with. Closed by prayer.

At a regular meeting of session 20th July 1836 when Moderator and all the members were present. Opened by prayer. Moderator from committee on the subject laid before the session another letter from Brother E. J. Stimson (marked A) “____” his application for a letter to the Duane P Church, New York. Discussion was had thereon and the Committee


having charge of the matter were instructed to answer Mr. Stimson’s  letter according to expressed views of the session and the moderator was requested to forward with it a letter of dismission for Mrs. Stimson as requested. _

Closed by prayer.

Session met at call of the moderator Aug 1. Present, all the members, opened by prayer – Elder Wm Edwards from the committee “___” “__” the session “___” a letter they had written to Brother E. J. Stimson (marked B) and a letter from him to them (marked C) Discussion was had then Mr. Buck requested to be excused from serving on the committee as it was a case which was unsettled when he became our Pastor he thought the members of the session understood it better than he did – granted and Elder Wm Sedgwick was appointed in his place and committee instructed to continue the correspondence, closed by prayer.

At a meeting of session Aug 7 – Sunday eve all the members present – opened by prayer. Committee presented a copy of a letter they had written Brother Stimson (marked D) and also the original letter they had written him with an answer written on the same sheet (marked E) which they had received in a letter written to the session by Mrs. Stimson (marked F) returning the letter forwarded to her (marked G) by the moderator. –

As Brother Stimson withdrew his request for a letter referring the matter to Presbytery. Committee directed to suspend their correspondence.

Closed by prayer.

At a meeting of session held at call of moderator Oct. 2; all the members present – opened by prayer.


Moderator presented a letter from Brother Stimson (marked H) renewing his application for a letter of demission to the Duane P Church and enclosing an affidavit (marked I) Brother A. Hauver on being called upon by session stated the difficulty between him and Brother Stimson was not yet settled, that the suit was still pending and that he had never given Brother Stimson the receipt. Copy of which was sworn to in paper I – that he felt grieved by Brother Stimson’s statements and had taken the first step of discipline with him on account of it and as soon as he went to New York on business he should proceed with the 2nd step. In view of the circumstances voted we suspend for the present further proceedings in the case. Closed by prayer.

At a meeting of session on call from the moderator Nov 22 1836. Present, Rev. J.J. Buck Moderator, Elders, Lockwood, Tyler, Wm Edwards, Purdy and Sedgwick – opened by prayer. Brother Andrew Hauver met the session by appointment, stated he had seen Brother Stimson alone and in company with Elder Wm Edwards and got no satisfaction from him, that the matter was not settled – that he wishes time to obtain council before making out his charges against him – Moderator read a letter from Brother Stimson (marked K) in which he stated after the interview with Brother Hauver he had paid the costs of the attorneys employed by Brother Hauver. Discussion was had then on the case and the following resolutions were unanimously adopted. In view of the peculiar circumstances of the case and the difficulty between Brother Hauver and Stimson this session do refer this matter to Presbytery for adjudication if they will consent


to act upon it and if they decline acting – for their advice what we shall do.

Resolved that the Moderator and Elder Sedgwick be a committee to prepare the necessary papers to present the whole matter to Presbytery – closed by prayer.

Session met Wednesday eve Dec 9th – Present Rev. J. Judson Buck Moderator Elders Peck, Lockwood, Tyler, Wm W Edwards and Sedgwick – opened by prayer – Elder Tyler moved a reconsideration of the resolution to refer the difficulty between Brothers Hauver and Stimson to the Presbytery – discussion was had thereon when the motion was withdrawn by the mover by consent of the session.

The following resolution was unanimously adopted. Resolved that a council of five neighboring clergymen and their delegates be called to meet at this place on Monday Dec. 19th at ½ past 6 P.M. to advise this session in respect to this difficulty –

Resolved that the Clerk be directed to forward the five resolutions to the following clergymen to request their attendance accordingly      

            Rev. Mr. Cone and delegate from East Durham
Rev. Mr. Fellows and Deacon Baldwin from West Durham
Rev. L. B. Van Dyck and Elder Robinson from Windham Center
Rev. A. Gardner and delegate from East Windham
Rev. Mr. Chapin and Deacon Buel from Lexington

Closed by prayer.

Moderator from Committee presented the following minutes of the case as prepared for the council which was unanimously adopted.


In presenting the subject of difficulty to which the attention of this council is invited. Session would refer to the sessional records in the case. As however those records are rather “___” a more condensed statement may be of some benefit –

            Session would therefore state to council;

  1. That in the spring of 1835 Mr. E.J. Stimson commenced a lawsuit against Mr. Andrew Hauver (both members of this church.
  2. In the fall of 1835 Mr. S. having removed to New York requested a letter of Dismission. Objections were made to granting this letter on the ground that the lawsuit was still pending. The letter was not granted and Mr. S. was informed why it was not granted.
  3. In July 1836 Mr. S. renewed his application for a letter; his letter was accompanied with some explanations relative to the lawsuit.
  4. Subsequently several letters passed between session and Mr. S. and result of which has been a settlement of the lawsuit difficulty, Mr. S. having paid the court on Nov. 18, 1836.
  5. On the settlement of the lawsuit difficulty the way would have been prepared to give Mr. S. a letter, but in the compendium above alluded to Mr. S. had stated that Mr. Hauver had given him a receipt in which it was stated that the lawsuit difficulty was settled. Mr. H. denies that he ever gave Mr. S. such a receipt.

  6. Session requested Mr. S. to produce the receipt but not being pleased with the mode in which the request was made, he refused. He still declines to produce the receipt though he still says he has such a receipt and Mr. H. still denies it.


7. The question which session proposes to council is "what shall be done?" The
    question is not simply whether Mr. H. shall proceed with the prosecution which he
    has commenced against Mr. S. but what shall be done in the “___” on account of the 
    alleged “___” of the receipt. What is the duty of Mr. Hauver? What is the duty of Mr.
    Stimson? What is the duty of Session?

 Voted that Moderator present the foregoing statement to council when convened.

Resolved unanimously we will abide by the advice of council in this matter of difficulty between Brothers Hauver and Stimson.

A letter of dismission and recommendation was granted to Charles O. Fanning and Fidelia his wife to the Congregational Church in Covington? Mass. Also to Mrs. Ann Marie Park to Congregational Church, Andover, Mass.

Closed by prayer –

Attest. Wm W. Edwards, Clerk.


Session met pursuant to adjournment Tuesday, Dec. 20th. Present Rev. J Judson Buck, Moderator, Elders Peck, Lockwood, Tyler, Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick and Purdy – opened by prayer – The following minutes of the Ecclesiastical Council was approved and adopted unanimously –

"At a meeting of the Ecclesiastical Council convened at Hunter on Monday the 19th of December by request of the session of the church of Hunter. There were present Rev. Mr. Cone, Chapin and Van Dyck, ministers – Deacons, Hubbard of West Durham, Buel of Lexington, Baldwin of East Durham and Robinson of Windham Center, Delegates.

Council instituted by choosing Rev. Mr. Cone, Moderator, Rev. L B Van Dyck, Scribe.

The session of the church of Hunter presented to the council a statement of their difficulties in the case of Mr. Stimson, a member of their church who had applied to them for a letter of dismission and recommendation, and asked the advice of council, thereon the council after an examination of the facts and mature consideration unanimously resolved –

1.                  That Mr. Hauver be advised to suspend all proceedings in the case of Mr.

2.                  That the session be advised to withhold a letter of  dismission and recommendation from Mr. Stimson until the difficulties between himself and Mr. Hauver be resolved which may be done on Mr. Stimson’s part by presenting the receipt (which in his letter to the session he says that he holds against Mr. Hauver) to the session.

3.                  That should Mr. Stimson present the receipt above


alluded to. The session of the church be advised to institute such    proceedings in the case of Mr. Hauver as they in their wisdom may think proper.

4.         That unless the matter be previously adjusted upon the principles of the                                 resolution the whole case withers? further proceedings upon the part of
                     session to reform in adjudication to the next stated meeting of Presbytery.

                                    Signed: Mathew Case, Moderator. L. B. Van Dyck, Scribe.

On motion:

Resolved that thanks of this session be rendered to the members of the Council for their compliance with our request. –

Resolved that the clerk be directed to furnish to Brethren Hauver and Stimson a copy of the foregoing resolutions of Council and also to Brother Stimson a copy of the paper submitted by us to the Council.

            Closed by prayer – Attest: Wm W. Edwards, Clerk.

At a regular meeting of session held at the school house Feb. 7th 1837. Present: Rev. J. Judson Buck, moderator, Elders: Lockwood, Tyler, Wm W. Edwards, Purdy and Sedgwick. Opened by prayer –

The following plan for promoting the spiritual interest of the Presbyterian Church of Hunter taken with some modification from the report of the Synod of Albany of the Eldership was unanimously adopted –

1. The Congregation shall be hereby as divided into five districts as follows:

            No. 1 above Capt. Patites? residence

                   2. between No. 1 and Chas Sedgwicks inclusive

                  3. from Mr. Lockwoods to Wm. Sedgwick inclusive

                  4. below Mr. Sedgwicks

                  5. East Kill from I. Ingersolls

2. One Elder and an assistant whom he may select shall be appointed to each district and continue in charge of the district for the term of one year or until another Elder is appointed in his place, as follows:

            No. 1. Brother Lockwood

                    2. Brother Purdy

                    3. Brother Tyler and Wm Edwards

                    4. Bother W. W. Edwards – Mr. Bray

                    5. Brother Sedgwick – Mr. Chittendon

3. It shall be the duty of each Elder to keep a list of the members of the church especially those of his district and hold meetings and visit according to some rule which he may adopt – It shall be his duty to see each member in his district once in six months at least and inquire how their souls “___”. Advise, reprove, comfort and exhort as occasion may require.

4. A full report shall be made to the session of the state of each district by the Elder having it in charge every six months that discipline may be kept up and order may be preserved.

5. It shall be the duty of the Pastor in company with an Elder to visit the church and congregation at least once each year. It is expected the Elders by themselves will visit with the church and congregation in the interval between the pastoral visits.

6. The session shall hold stated quarterly meetings for prayer and for the arrangement of business -


7. It is expected session will make such alterations and amendments to this plan as experience and observation may suggest.

8. The absent members shall be assigned to the care of the Elders and for this purpose we added to the districts as follows –

to No. 1. Sarah Wheelock
                Isaiah Brown and his wife.
            2. Widow Irena Purdy
    Peter Provost and his wife.
3. E. S. Stimson and his wife.
4. Goodrich Baldwin
     Sarah Dubois
    Lucy P Tappan
    John Goodrich
5. George Kerr
    Betsey Mann
    John Carr

Closed by prayer, adjourned to Wednesday eve next.

A quarterly meeting of session was held at the school house Feb 20th 1837. Present: Rev J. J. Buck, moderator. Elders: Lockwood, Tyler, Wm W. Edwards, Sedgwick –

Opened by prayer –

Voted that in view of the importance of fully carrying out our plan of benevolence accepted Nov 21 1836 (see page 88) it was resolved unanimously that our Pastor be requested to invite the Rev D. Porter to visit us to aid the effort for foreign missions designated? for February. Closed by prayer.

Attest: Wm W. Edwards, Clerk.


Thus far examined and approved in Presbytery of Columbia.

Sessions of Presbytery Cattskill, April 19th 1837:

                                             John N Lewis, Moderator of Presbytery.

At a meeting of session held at the school house pursuant to “___” April 26th 1837. Present, Rev J. Judson Buck, Moderator. Elders, Wm Edwards, Lockwood, Tyler, Wm W Edwards, Purdy and Sedgwick. Opened by prayer. Moderator presents the following papers from Presbytery, to wit:

                        “The following minute was adopted by the Presbytery of Columbia at the session in Catskill, April 18th 1837. The committee in the reference from Hunter made the following report. 1st that in view of yon committee it is expedient that the Presbytery proceed to issue the case referred to them by the session of the church in Hunter. 2nd that the proceedings of the session of said church thus far have been in order and that they be sustained. The report was accepted and adopted.”

                        A true extract from the minutes.
            Thomas M Smith, stated Clerk.

“ The following minute was adopted by the Presbytery of Columbia at the session in Catskill, April 19th 1837 in relation to the case from the session of the church in Hunter – 1st that Presbytery direct the session to require Mr. Stimson to produce to session –


with as little delay as possible his receipt from Mr. Hauver and when such receipt from Mr. Hauver is presented to session they be required to give Mr. Stimson a letter of dismission agreeably to his request. – 2nd in case Mr. Stimson shall neglect or refuse to present the above mentioned receipt to session at least twenty days before the next stated meeting of Presbytery the session be directed to inform the stated Clerk of Presbytery of such fact and it shall be the duty of the stated Clerk without delay to cite Mr. Stimson to appear before Presbytery at its next stated meeting specifying the time and place of said meeting, to answer to answer in the premises.”

                        Thos. M Smith, Stated Clerk

On motion resolved the clerk of session be directed to transmit a copy of the foregoing papers to Mr. Stimson and cite him as we are therein directed to produce the receipt of Mr. Hauver alluded to in his correspondence with session dated 21 October 1835 to this session at Hunter within as little delay as possible.

On motion adjourned, closed by prayer.
Attest. Wm W Edwards, Clerk.


Mr. E. J. Stimson, New York. Sir, in conformity with the foregoing resolution you are hereby required to produce to session at Hunter with as little delay as possible the receipt of Mr. Hauver reported to in said resolution.

Hunter April 27, 1837

            By order of the session,
Wm W. Edwards, Clerk.


At a meeting of session held April 17th 1837. Present, Rev J J Buck, moderator, Elders, Wm Edwards, Lockwood, Tyler and Sedgwick, opened by prayer.

Elder Wm W Edwards was chosen delegate to Presbytery and Elder Sedgwick his alternate. Closed by prayer.

            Attest. Wm W Edwards, Clerk. 

At a meeting of session informally Wednesday eve, June 22, a letter of dismission “__”

Mrs. A A Buck from this church and of recommendation to the church in Malden.

            Attest. Wm W Edwards, Clerk.

At a meeting of session at the schoolhouse on Wednesday eve Nov 22nd 1837. Present, Rev John F Ingersoll, Moderator. Elders, Lockwood, Tyler, Wm W Edwards, Purdy and Sedgwick, opened by prayer.

L W Mathias, H Chittendon was rec’d in the church by letter from the Dutch Reformed Church in Prattsville. Mrs. Mary W. Ingersoll was received by a letter from the church in Austerlitz, NY – closed by prayer.

            Attest. Wm W Edwards, Clerk.


At an informal meeting of session held after service March 23 1838. Mrs. Thankful Ingraham was rec’d as a member of this church by a vote of the session as a letter from the church in West Durham.

At an informal meeting of session April 10th after service – Elder Wm Edwards was chosen delegate to attend Presbytery and Elder Wm W Edwards was chosen alternate.

            Attest. Wm W Edwards, Clerk.

Thus far examined and approved by the Presbytery of Columbia at their session in Hudson, April 17th 1838.

                        L H Van Dyck, Moderator.

Hunter August 3rd 1838. Session met at house of Rev J F Ingersoll in compliance with the call of the moderator. Meeting opened with prayers. Present, Rev. J F Ingersoll, moderator. Elders, Wm Edwards, Frederick Tyler, John Lockwood, Wm Sedgwick, Milton A Purdy and Wm W Edwards – It being announced by the moderator that there was in his hands a complaint of Elder Wm W Edwards vs. Elder John Lockwood upon motion resolved that there be a judicial committee


appointed to examine said complaint and report thereon immediately.—

Elders Frederick Tyler and Wm Sedgwick were appointed this committee.
Committee reported that the complaint is in order and recommend that session go into an investigation of the case.—the complaint reports accepted and adopted. Upon motion resolved that Rev J F Ingersoll and Wm Sedgwick be appointed a committee to confer with the parties to see if the difficulty cannot be settled. Resolved that when session adjourns we adjourn to meet Tuesday the 14th inst. At the house of the moderator at 2 o’clock P.M., closed with prayer.

            Attest. John F. Ingersoll, Moderator.

Tuesday August 14th 2 o’clock P.M. Session met agreeably to adjournment, opened with prayer -  Present Rev J F Ingersoll, Elders, Wm W Edwards, Milton A Purdy.

In consideration of the small number of the session present upon motion voted to adjourn to meet at the same place on Friday the 17th inst. At ½ past 7 o’clock P.M. Closed with prayer.                              Attest. John F Ingersoll, Mod.


1838 August 17th ½ past 7 o’clock P.M., session met at the house of the Moderator pursuant to adjournment – opened with prayers. Present, Rev John F Ingersoll, Elders, Wm Edwards, Frederick Tyler, John Lockwood, Wm W Edwards, Wm Sedgwick, Milton A Purdy –

Minutes of last meeting were read, Elders, Wm Edwards, Frederick Tyler, John Lockwood and Wm Sedgwick revealed their reasons for absence from the last meeting of session which were sustained.

            Committee appointed to confer with Elders Wm W Edwards and J Lockwood reported – see report. Their report was accepted –

Upon motion resolved to have an interlocutory meeting – Interlocutory meeting being closed and it appearing from conversation had during that meeting that the efforts of the committee have failed of effecting a settlement of the difficulty between Elders Wm W Edwards and John Lockwood – Upon motion resolved that we present at the next meeting of session to investigate the case, that the parties be required to appear at the time and place to which we shall adjourn prepared to present to


 trial and that the moderator furnish citation for such witnesses as shall in accordance with the rules of the committee respectively  wish to have cited.

            Voted to adjourn to meet at the center school house on Friday the 24th of Inst. at 3 o’clock P.M. Closed with prayers.

            Attest. John F Ingersoll, Mod.
            Friday August 24th, 3 o’clock P.M.

Session met at the center school house having opened with prayer. Present, Rev John F Ingersoll, Elders, Wm Edwards, Frederick Tyler, Wm Sedgwick, Milton A Purdy, John Lockwood and Wm W Edwards. Minutes of last meeting were read – proceeded to take the testimony in the case of the complaint of Elder W.W. Edwards against Elder John Lockwood, after making some progress in the investigations, upon motion voted to adjourn to meet at the house of the moderator Monday 27th at 11 o’clock A.M. Closed with prayer.

            Monday 27th session met agreeably to adjournment – opened with prayer, present, Rev’d John F Ingersoll, Elders, Wm Edwards, Frederick Tyler, Wm Sedgwick, John Lockwood, Wm W Edwards and M.A. Purdy. Resolved to have an interlocutory meeting.


Interlocutory meeting being closed and the difficulty between Elders Wm W Edwards and John Lockwood   having been amicably adjusted. Elder Wm W. Edwards asked leave to withdraw his complaint in the case whereupon motion resolved that he have leave.

            Elder Frederick Tyler being about to remove from this place asked for himself and wife for letters of dismission and recommendation from this church to the 1st Congregational Church in Hartford, Conn.

            Whereupon upon motion resolved that the request of Mr. Tyler for himself and wife be granted that the clerk furnish the written letters accordingly.

Adjourned sine die
Closed with prayer,
J F Ingersoll, Mod.


 A meeting of session was held on call of the moderator at the house of Wm W Edwards Dec 14th 1838. Present Rev J F Ingersoll, moderator – Elders, Lockwood, Wm W Edwards, Purdy and Sedgwick. Opened by prayer by the moderator.

            Pastor presented the resolve of the Presbytery in the case of E J Stimson which was read. Whereupon it was resolved that the names of Ephraim J Stimson and Mary E Stimson (they having united with the Murray Presb. Street Church) be erased from the list of our members. Closed with prayer.

            Attest. Wm W Edwards, Clerk.

March 26th 1839. Session met at the house of the moderator in compliance with his call. Present Rev J F Ingersoll, Mod. Elders Lockwood, Wm W Edwards, Purdy and Sedgwick, opened with prayer.

            Upon motion made and seconded the Mod. and Elder John Lockwood were appointed a committee to visit Hiram Mills ( a suspended member of this church) and report to session whether he gives any evidence of repentance and whether there appears to be a probability that further efforts would be successful in bringing him to walk with the church in the faith and order of the gospel


The clerk of session Wm W Edwards tendered his resignation which was accepted and Wm Sedgwick was chosen clerk.

Resolved that the clerk be directed to endeavor to ascertain the present residence of James R Feyerweather if living, and report to session.

            Whereas common place reports charge Goodrich Baldwin a member of this church now resident in Catskill with a departure from the faith as a renunciation of the Calvinistic doctrine embraced in our confession of faith and with a belief in the doctrine of universal salvation. Therefore resolved that charges on the ground of common pleas be entertained against him. 1st. For a renunciation of the Calvinistic doctrines embraced in our confession of faith – 2nd. For embracing the heretical doctrine of universal salvation and that the clerk be directed to cite the said Goodrich Baldwin to appear before the session to answer to these charges on Monday the 22nd day of April at the house of the Pastor at 7 o’clock P M giving him a copy of the charges and names of the witnesses (Wm W Edwards


and Milton A Purdy) to sustain them.

            Adjourned to meet at the house of the Pastor Monday the 22nd of April next at 7 1/2 o’clock P M. Closed with prayer.

            Attest. John F Ingersoll, Mod.

            April 14th 1839. Session met at the center school house at the call of the moderator. Present Rev J F Ingersoll, Mod.- Elders, Lockwood, Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick and Purdy.

            Elder Wm Edwards was appointed to attend the meting of Presbytery to be held in Catskill on Tuesday 16th next and Wm W Edwards was appointed his alternate.

            Mr. Hiram B Tucker and his wife were received as members of this church by a vote of session upon a letter from the Congregational Church of Plymouth Hollow, Conn.

            Closed with prayer.
Attest. John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Thus far examined and approved by Presbytery at its session in Catskill April 16th 1839 with the following exception, that record mentions in one place a complaint and in another a report without recording either informing where they can be found.

            B. Johnson, Mod.


April 22nd. Session met agreeably to the last adjournment –

            Opened with prayer – present Rev J F Ingersoll, Mod., Elders Purdy, Lockwood, Wm W Edwards and Sedgwick. Minutes of the last meeting were read.

Note: the following text was marked out.

‘Resolved that Elder Wm W Edwards be directed to serve upon Goodrich Baldwin a citation (to be furnished by the moderator) requiring him to appear before the session on Monday the 6th of May next at the home of the moderator to answer to the charges entertained against him.’

            The clerk of session reported that he had sent a citation to Goodrich Baldwin informing him of the charges entertained against him and requiring him to appear before session to answer to them as directed by the resolution of session (page 110) – he also presented a letter which he had received from Mr. Baldwin by which it appeared that the citation had been duly received.

            Therefore whereas Mr. Baldwin has not appeared before the session as directed –

            Resolved that Elder Wm W Edwards be directed to serve upon the said Goodrich Baldwin a citation (to be furnished by the Mod.) requiring him to appear before the session on Monday the 6th of May next at 8 o’clock P M at the house of the Moderator to answer to the charges entertained against him.


The committee appointed to visit Hiram Mills (see page 109) reported that they had performed the duty assigned to them and that in their opinion Mr. Mills gives no evidence of repentance, but that there appears to be no probability that further efforts would be successful in bringing him to walk with the church in faith and order of the gospel.

            This report was accepted – after which resolved that the further consideration of the case of Mr. Mills be deferred till the next meeting of session.

            Adjourned to meet at the house of the Moderator on Monday the 6th of May next at eight o’clock P M.

            Closed with prayer.

                        John F Ingersoll, Mod.

May 6th 1839. Session met agreeably to the last adjournment; opened with prayer. Present Rev J F Ingersoll, Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, John Lockwood, M A Purdy and Wm Sedgwick.

Elder Wm W Edwards reported that he had complied with the directive of the session at its last meeting in conveying to Goodrich Baldwin a communication (which he supposed was a citation) furnished by the Moderator. The Mod. stated that the communication spoken of by Mr. Edwards was a citation in “__” “__” according to the directive of our


Book of Discipline requiring Mr. Baldwin to appear before the session this Monday –

            Whereas charges affecting the Christian character of Goodrich Baldwin have been entertained against him (see page 110) and after being regularly cited time and again to appear and answer to the charges entertained against him neglects to do so, therefore – Resolved; that the “_____” present to investigate the charges against him and that Elder Wm Sedgwick manage his defense.

            Elder Wm W Edwards in the case of Mr. Baldwin testified that something like two years ago he was appointed as a committee by the session to look after the absent members of the church –

            Mr. Baldwin was “______”  the number assigned to him, he wrote a letter to Mr. B. enquiring into his religious state, saw him shortly after writing the letter to him, he said that he had designed to answer the letter. Witness does not recollect whether Mr. B. then “___” his belief in the doctrine of universal salvation – Something like a year ago witness went to New York in company with Milton A Purdy, when going down the river in “____” a steam boat they found that Mr. Baldwin was on board and they then took an opportunity to converse with him


upon the subject of religion when he unequivocally answered that he held the Calvinistic doctrine in abhorrence and that he fully believed the doctrine of universal salvation – in the conversation then had with Mr. Baldwin he attempted to defend the doctrine of universal salvation at considerable length – witness “___” to be faithful and to convince him of his errors, but without success.

            Witness has also sent a letter written within a few days past to Mr. Wm Sedgwick purporting to be from Mr. Baldwin and of the genuiness of which he is fully satisfied in which Mr. Baldwin expresses his abhorrence of the Calvinistic doctrines and his belief in the doctrine of universal salvation.

            Elder M A Purdy testified that something like a year ago he went to New York in company with Wm W Edwards. When on board the steamboat going down the river, Mr. Edwards mentioned to witness that Goodrich Baldwin was on board and said it would be a good opportunity to converse with him – they accordingly went to Mr. Baldwin and commenced conversation upon the subject of religion. Mr. Baldwin “___” his belief in the doctrine of universal salvation. In answer to his enquiry by witness he said he unequivocally that he believed all men would be saved


he also argued against and endeavored to “_____” the Calvinistic doctrines. Witness was fully satisfied from his manner and the tone of his conversation that he held the Calvinistic doctrine enhanced in our confession of faith in utter abhorrence.

After hearing the testimony in support of the charges against Mr. Baldwin – Resolved that they are fully sustained. And whereas it appears upon investigation that the said Goodrich Baldwin has “___” renounced the faith which he professed to embrace when he was received as a member of this church; and has embraced and openly advocates the heretical and dangerous doctrine of universal salvation and persists in his errors after faithful efforts to reclaim him, therefore – Resolved that he be and he hereby is excommunicated from the church. Resolved that the pastor be requested to publish the sentence of excommunication from the pulpit upon the next Lord’s Day.

            Resolved that the clerk be directed to inform Mr. Baldwin of the sentence.

            Case of Hiram Mills (see pages 109-113) thus taken up –

Whereas Mr. Mills has been for several


years suspended from the communion of the church for neglecting all the instruction of religion and refusing to walk with the church, and whereas he still persists in this course and manner has in conversation with members of the session boldly called in question the Divine Authority of the Scriptures and repeated efforts to reclaim have proven utterly ineffectual, therefore, resolved that he be and he hereby is excommunicated from the church.

Resolved that the Pastor be requested to publish the sentence of excommunication from the pulpit upon the next Lord’s Day and that the clerk inform Mr. Mills of the sentence passed against him.

Adjourned to meet at this place “__” week from this evening at 8 o’clock.

Closed with prayer.
Attest. John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Monday evening May 13th 1839

Session met at the house of the Moderator agreeably to the last adjournment.

Opened with prayer –

Present Rev. John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Elders Wm W Edwards, Lockwood, Purdy, Sedgwick, Chichester.

Whereas session has received information that James B Fayerweather, a suspended member of this church (see page 68 “__ __”) has become connected with the Episcopal Church


in Illinois. Therefore, resolved that his name be taken from the book without further proceedings in the case.

A request was presented by Elder Lockwood from Miss Mary Tappan for a letter of dismission from this church and recommendation to the Congregational Church of  Chapin? Ville, NY. Resolved that her request be granted.

Elder Wm Edwards appeared in session and gave reason for late attendance which was sustained.

Adjourned. Closed with prayer.
John F Ingersoll, Mod.

July 10th 1839 7 ½ o’clock P.M. session met at the Center School house at the call of the Moderator. Present Rev. John F Ingersoll, Mod.; Elders Lockwood, Sedgwick, Purdy. Opened with prayer.

A request was presented by the Moderator by Henry Mann and his wife for a letter of dismission from this church and recommendation to the Dutch Reformed Church of Cobleskill, NY. Whereupon resolved that this request be granted.


Benjamin Hendricks presented a letter for himself and wife, of dismission and recommendation from the Dutch Reformed Church of Woodstock with a request to be received as members of this church. Whereupon resolved that their request be granted. Closed with prayer.

            Attest. John F Ingersoll, Moderator.

            At a meeting of the session called at the close of public worship, Sabbath Sept 15th 1839, Elder Wm W Edwards was appointed to attend the stated meeting of the Presbytery of Columbia to be held at Canaan Center, Tuesday the 17th inst. and Elder Samuel Chichester was appointed his alternate.

            Attest. John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Feb. 19th 1840 Session convened at the Center School house at the call of the Moderator. Opened with prayer. Present Rev John F Ingersoll, Mod. – Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Wm Sedgwick, M A Purdy, Samuel Chichester. The Moderator and Elders Wm W Edwards and Samuel Chichester were appointed a committee to devise and report to session at a future meeting a plan for raising money for the various Benevolent Societies.


Whereas Alexander H Palmer and wife as session understands belong to Presbyterian Church and who have resided in our midst for a number of years, have not resumed their relations and neglect to attend with us refuse the ordinances of religion, and are thus neglecting to walk according to the rules of the gospel and of the standards of our church. Therefore resolved that the moderator be requested to associate with him one of the Elders and call upon Mr. Palmer and wife and converse with them respecting this their neglect of duty and report to session at a future meeting.

Adjourned – closed with prayer.
John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Sabbath eve March 15th 1840. Session met at the church at the close of Public Worship at the call of the Moderator.

Present Rev J F Ingersoll, Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Wm Sedgwick, M A Purdy, Samuel Chichester.

The committee appointed at the last meeting of session to devise and report a plan for raising money for the various Benevolent Societies reported. Their report was accepted and adopted and is as follows –


That collection be made for the Foreign Board: Home Missionary, Tract, Bible, Seaman’s Friend, and Education Societies annually in the following manner.

That the subject be presented from the desk upon the Sabbath and that slips of paper be circulated through the house for subscriptions.

That some one member of the session be appointed by the Pastor to take charge of the subscription cards; solicit subscriptions from such members of the church and Society as may be absent; collect the subscriptions; transmit the money to the society for which it was collected and report as soon as may be to the congregation through the Pastor  -

That the collections be made for the different societies in the time and order following; for the Foreign Board in March; for the Tract Society in May; for the Home Missionary Society in July; for the Bible Society in Sept; for the Seaman’s Friend Society in Nov; for the Education Society in Feb.

That the various objects be presented upon a Sabbath as near the middle of the months respectively as may be convenient.

            Adjourned, John F Ingersoll, Mod.


April 13th 1840

            Session met at the house of Col Wm Edwards at the call of the Moderator. Present the Moderator, Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Samuel Chichester, M A Purdy, Wm Sedgwick, John Lockwood.

            Opened with prayer. Minutes of the last two meetings were read and approved. The Moderator reported that in the case of A H Palmer and wife (see page 120) he had associated with him Elder Wm Edwards and they had called upon Mr. and Mrs. Palmer and enquired of them respecting their church membership and conversed with them concerning their covenant obligations that they learned  that they are both members of Presbyterian churches. Mr. Palmer of the old church Windham. Mrs. P. of the 1st free Presbyterian church, NY. That Mr. Palmer had not taken a letter from that church to this and had for some time neglected to come to the communion because he considered it probable that he was deceived with reference to the “____” of his hopes and that he “app____ded” he was not a Christian he ought not to partake of the sacrament.

            Mrs. Palmer when she left NY that a letter from the church to which she


belonged, desiring to unite wherever she might be located, but had neglected to present it because she had not considered herself settled before she came to Hunter and when she had visited hoping her husband would unite with her. She said she still wished to be connected with the people of God but upon enquiry did not say whether she would take mission to him her “____” “___” and henceforth walk with this church in the faith and order of the gospel.

            The report was accepted and the Moderator requested to ask the advice of Presbytery in the case.

            Elder Wm Edwards was appointed to attend the meeting the meeting of Presbytery to be held in Hudson on the 3rd Tuesday of April inst and Elder Wm Sedgwick was appointed his alternate.

            Oliver Car presented for himself and wife a letter of dismission and recommendation from the Presbyterian Church in Lexington to the Presbyterian Church in this place which was accepted and they were received as members of this church.

            Bloomfield Wheelock presented himself for examination for admission to the privileges of the church


whereupon he was examined in reference to his acquaintance with experimental and doctrinal religion and his examination was sustained.

Adjourned, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

April 20th 1840

Session convened at the house of Col Wm Edwards at the call of the Moderator.

Present the Moderator, Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Wm Sedgwick, M A Purdy, Samuel Chichester.

Opened with prayer.

Elizabeth I. Edwards and Elizabeth C Platt presented themselves for examination for admission to the privileges of the church. Whereupon they were examined concerning their acquaintance with experimental and doctrinal religion and their examination sustained.

John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Sept 9th, session met at the center school house at the call of the moderator. Present, Rev J F Ingersoll, Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, John Lockwood, M A Purdy. Elder Wm Edwards was appointed to attend the meeting of Presbytery of


Columbia to be held in this place Tuesday 15th inst. And M A Purdy was appointed his alternative – adjourned.

Closed with prayer.

            J F Ingersoll, Mod.

Jan 26th 1840 (as written) Session met at the house of Alexander H Palmer at the call of the moderator. Present the Moderator, Elders Wm Edwards and Milton A Purdy.

Opened with prayer –

Mrs. “Derentine?” Palmer wife of Alexander H Palmer appeared before the session and requested to be received as a member of this church. Mrs. Palmer stated that she was previously a member of the 1st free Presbyterian Church in New York, but that in 1834 she took a letter from that church to the Presbyterian Church at Middletown Point, NJ., but as she resided in that place but a short time, she did not present the letter and that for various reasons, which she now deemed insufficient she had “___” neglected to transfer her relation to any other church. She laid the letter referred to before session – whereupon as session are informed that the 1st free Presbyterian church in New York is no longer in existence as a separate church, resolved that the letter be recorded


as evidence of the good standing of Mrs. Palmer up to the time of its date (April 9th 1834) and that session now proceed to an examination of Mrs. Palmer to her Christian character and conduct since that period, with a view to receiving her if the way be “____” as a member of this church.

Session having attended to the examination of Mrs. Palmer and she assuring members of full acknowledgement of her neglect of duty in so long delaying the transfer of her church relation. Resolved that her examination be sustained and that she be and hereby is received as a member in good and regular standing of this church.

            Adjourned, closed with prayer.

                        John F Ingersoll, Mod.         

Feby 3rd 1841. Session met at the center school house at the call of the Moderator. Present the Mod, Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Wm Sedgwick and Milton A Purdy—Whereas there are several individuals residing in our midst who are members of other Presbyterian or Congregational churches and who while they attend upon the worship of God and unite in the observance of the Lord’s 


 Supper with us, neglect to transfer their church relation, therefore- Resolved that the Moderator and Elder Wm Edwards be a committee to visit these individuals and invite them to transfer their relation to this church.

Adjourned, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Feby 21st 1841. Session was convened at the church at the close of the public service by the call of the Moderator. Present the Mod., Elders, Wm Edwards, Wm Sedgwick, M A Purdy and Samuel Chichester. The Moderator presented the request of Oliver Coe and his wife for letters of dismission from this church and recommendation to the Presbyterian Church in East Windham. Whereupon resolved that their request be granted.

            Adjourned, John F Ingersoll, Mod.

March 10th 1841. Session convened at the center school house at the call of the Mod. Present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, Wm Sedgwick, M A Purdy. The Moderator presented a letter from the Presbyterian Church in Windham Center dismissing and recommending to this church Mrs. “Sarah” Phillips with


a request from her to be received as a member of this church. Whereupon, resolved that the letter be accepted and Mrs. Philips accordingly received.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

March 14th 1841. Session convened in accordance with the call of the moderator at the close of the meeting for prayer at the center school house. Present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, Wm Sedgwick and Milton A Purdy. Minutes of the last six meetings were read and approved. Elder Wm Sedgwick was appointed to attend the meeting of the Presbytery of Columbia to be held in Catskill Tuesday the 20th inst. And M A Purdy was appointed his alternate.

Adjourned, John F Ingersoll, Mod.

May 12th. Session convened at the center school house at the call of the Mod. Present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Wm Sedgwick and Milton A Purdy – opened with prayer – The Moderator stated to session that he received some time in the winter a letter from the Congregational Church of Truxton N. J. making some enquiries concerning a Mr. Jehiel Wilcox an absent member of their


church – that he replied to the enquirers and had just received another letter from that church from which the following is an extract. “At the monthly church meeting of the Presbyterian or Congregational church in Truxton held April 21,1841 it was resolved that the session of the Presbyterian Church in Hunter be requested to take up the case of Mr. Jehiel Wilcox and proceed in it as they should – then he a member of that church, and that they send us the evidence in the case with such advice as their more intimate knowledge of the circumstances enable them to give.” Whereupon it was resolved that session will comply with the request of the church of Truxton and Rev. John F Ingersoll and Elder Wm Edwards then appointed as a committee to visit Mr. Wilcox and labor with him as they shall find the case requires, and report at a future meeting of the session.

            Adjourned, closed with prayer, John F Ingersoll, Mod.

July 12th. Session was convened at the church by a call of the Mod. Present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Wm Sedgwick and M A Purdy. The Mod. presented for Mrs. Elizabeth


Hinman a letter of dismission and recommendation from the Congregational Church of West Durham, with the request of Mrs. Hinman to be received as a member of this church. Whereupon it was resolved that she be received.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Friday August 27th 1841, ½ past 7 PM. Session convened at the center school house at the call of the Mod. Elders, Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Purdy and Chichester. Session was occupied with the case of Mr. Wilson (see p. 129) a member of the church in Truxton, for the minutes in this case, see file paper marked “A 1841 – 2”

            Adjourned to meet in the same place in two weeks at ½ past 7 in the evening. Closed with prayer,

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Friday Sept 7 1/2 past 7 PM, session met at the center school house agreeably to the last adjournment. Opened with prayer – present the Mod., Elders W W Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy, and Chichester. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. There were further proceedings in the case of Mr. Wilcox. Which see as above.

            As member reports charge Benjamin Hendricks, a member of this church with a “___” of ingenuousness and honesty in


in his ordinary business transactions; and a member of session on knowing to something of this which in their opinion need explanation. Therefore, resolved that a committee of three be appointed to visit Mr. Hendricks, converse with him, and make such enquiries upon the subject as they shall deem necessary and report at a future meeting of session. Elders Wm W Edwards, Purdy and Sedgwick were appointed this committee.

            Adjourned to meet in the same place one week from this evening at ½ 7 ---

            Closed with prayer,
John F Ingersoll, Mod.

 Friday Sept 17 ½ 7 PM. Session met at the center school house agreeably to the last adjournment. Present the Mod. Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester. Further proceedings in the case of Mr. Wilcox. Which see above.

Elder Purdy was appointed to attend the meeting of Presbytery of Columbia to be held at Spencertown Tuesday the 21st inst. At 2 PM. Adjourned to meet in the church next Lord’s Day evening at 8 o’clock. Closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Sabbath evening 8 o’clock. Session met at the church agreeably to the last adjournment. Opened with prayer. Present the Mod. Elders W W Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy,


Chichester. Session was occupied with the case of Mr. Wilcox. Minutes of which are as above. Adjourned, closed with Prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Oct. 13th 1841. Session was convened at the center school house at the call of the moderator. Present the Mod. Elders Wm Edwards, Wm Edwards and Purdy. Minutes of the last two meetings were read and approved.

Adjourned, John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Oct 31st. Session convened at the church at the call of the Mod. Present the Mod. Elders W.W. Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy, Chichester. The moderator presented in behalf of James M Edwards, a letter of dismission and recommendation from the Congregational Church of Middleburg VT, with the request of Mr. Edwards to be received as a member of this church. He was accordingly received. Adjourned, closed with prayer,

John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Dec 31st. Session convened at the center school house at the call of the Mod. Present the Mod. Elders W. W. Edwards and Sedgwick.

Mrs. Elizabeth H Schaffner presented a letter of dismission and recommendation from the Reformed Dutch Church of Westerlo, NY with a request to be received as a member of this church.


He was accordingly received Adjourned, closed with prayer,

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Feb 14th 1842.  Session convened at the house of the Moderator in accordance with his call. Opened with prayer. Present the Mod. Elders Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester. The Mod. read a copy (of) the records of the proceedings of session in the case of Mr. Wilcox, a member of the Congregational Church in Truxton. The copy was approved and it was resolved that the Mod. be directed to transmit it to that church.

A letter was presented by the Mod. from Mrs. Sally Provost a member of this church now residing in Hudson, NY asking for a letter of dismission from this church and recommendation to the Presbyterian Church in Hudson. Whereupon it was resolved to give Mrs. Provost a letter of dismission and recommendation which shall certify to her good standing up to the time she removed from this place. It was also resolved that the Mod. be directed to address a letter to the session of the church in Hudson requesting them to enquire into the case of Mr. Provost who is a suspended member of this church and inform us concerning him. Adjourned, closed with prayer,

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.


Feb. 23rd 1842. Session convened at the center school house at the call of the Mod. Present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, W.W. Edwards, Sedgwick and Purdy. Elder W. W. Edwards asked to be excused from serving on the committee in the case of Mr. Hendrick (see pgs 130 -1). His request was granted and Elder Wm Edwards was appointed in his place. Adjourned, closed with prayer,

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Feb. 28th. Session convened at the office of Elder Wm Edwards in accordance with the call from the Mod. at ½ 6 PM. Opened with prayer, present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, W.W. Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy, Chichester –

The Mod. presented in behalf of Mrs. Elizabeth Andrus a letter of dismission and recommendation from the Dutch Reformed Church of Roxbury, NY, with the request of Mr. Andrus to be received as a member of this church. She was accordingly received.

The committee in the case of Benjamin Hendrick reported that they had had several interviews with Mr. Hendrick and had enquired to some extent into the reports circulated respecting him. That from their enquiries it appeared that a number of  individuals strongly “____” and say they are ready to testify to facts which involve falsehood and dishonesty on the part of Mr. Hendrick. Report accepted.


Mr. Hendrick appeared in session by request and the Mod. stated to him in general terms what was the present state of his case as it appeared from the report of the committee and enquired of him what position he should take. Whether he was prepared to make confession of wrong in the matters referred to, and if so to what extent; or whether he maintained his innocence. Mr. Hendrick not being prepared to make confession that would at all meet the charges prepared against him by common “___”; it was resolved that a committee of three be appointed with instructions to make out charges of falsehood and dishonesty against Mr. Hendrick on the ground of common “___”; to enquire further into the facts and report at the next meeting of session. Elders Wm Edwards, Wm Sedgwick, and Samuel Chichester were appointed this committee. Adjourned to meet at the same place next Thursday evening at 7 o’clock. Closed with prayer,

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Thursday evening March 3rd 7 o’clock. Session convened at the office of Elder Wm Edwards agreeably to the last adjournment. Opened with prayer. Present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, W.W. Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester. Committee in the case of Benjamin Hendrick reported. Their report was accepted, amended and finally adopted as follows:


Common “____” charges Mr. Benjamin Hendrick a member of this church with the sins of dishonesty and falsehood.

Charge I

Common “___” charges Mr. Hendrick with the sin of dishonesty.

Specification 1st. Mr. H – was one of the trustees of the school district of the year 1839 – 40 and while in his office he applied to his own use monies belonging to the district. The default was discovered by his successor in office who then obliged to institute a legal process to obtain the funds from him – witnesses – Mr. M H Chittenden, Mr. James Douglas, Mr. Justus Ingersoll, and Mr. Amos Conelly.

            Specification 2nd. On numerous instances within the year preceding last Sept Mr. H – obtained goods from the store of H. Hatch requesting that no charge should be mad of them as he would pay for them at a specified time which he did not do. When Mr. Hatch called for payment Hendrick would put him off with frivolous sentence voicing that he had no intention of paying for them. Witnesses Mr. Hiram Hatch, Mansfield Hatch and Mrs. Hatch.

            Specification 3rd. Within the same time and under circumstances similar to those detailed in specification 2nd Mr. Hendrick obtained goods from the store of W W Edwards voicing a desire to avoid paying for them.


Witnesses Mr. A H Palmer, Mr. W A Dickinson, Mr. W W Edwards ----

            Specification 4th. In several instances Mr. Hendrick engaged to do work for individuals to whom he was indebted, to apply on what he was owing them; and then instead of so applying the work, he charged it to the individuals and turned in the accounts to Mr. Wm Sedgwick – namely in the case of Dr. Amos J Hurd, case of Milton A Purdy, case of Giles Green, case of George Chamberlin, case of Hiram Hatch:

Witnesses; A J Hurd, M A Purdy, G. Greene, G. Chamberlin, H Hatch, Wm Sedgwick, Mr. Sedgwick’s book.

Charge II

Common “___” charges Mr. Hendrick with the sin of


            Specification 1st. In regard to the “­­­____" mentioned in the 1st specification under the charge of dishonesty, Mr. Hendrick made different and contradicting statements. He made out three different bills which did not agree with each other, and denied having appropriated any of the school money to pay Justus Ingersoll for factory cloth which he afterward acknowledged he had done.

Witnesses; Mr. M H Chittenden, Mr. James Douglas, Mr. Amos Conelly, Mr. Justus Ingersoll


            Specification 2nd. In the autumn of 1840 Mr. H told Mr. A H Palmer while they were on their way to Cairo that “ Mr. Wm Sedgwick owed him (Hendrick) $313., a part of which a part of which was for money loaned by him to Mr. Sedgwick. All which was untrue. Witnesses; Mr. A H Palmer, Mr. Wm Sedgwick.

            Specification 3rd. Having been entrusted some time last summer by Mr. D Castle with a quarter of lamb to carry to Mr. Nathan Peet, who was at the time ill. Mr. H appropriated it to his own use, and has since made the declaration that he offered it to Mrs Peet and he declined taking it , which is not true.

Witnesses; Mr. D Castle, Mr. John Castle, Mr. Nathan Peet, Mrs. Catherine Peet, Mr. Wm Edwards, Mr. M A Purdy, Mr. Wm Sedgwick.

            Specification 4th. Mr. Hendrick agreed to make a seat to Mr. Hatch’s wagon in payment for the use of his horse and wagon. When the seat was finished, Mr. Hendrick told Mr. Hatch explicitly that it should not be charged to him since it was already paid for by the use of the horse and wagon. Notwithstanding this he did enter the charge against Mr. Hatch. Witnesses; Messers H Hatch, W Sedgwick and Mr. Sedgwick’s books.


            Specification 5th. Mr. Hendrick promised Mr. Hatch about the middle of last summer that if he (Hatch) would not press the payment of his account but let it be until the 1st of Sept he (Hendrick) would then either pay it in money, or give him an order on Mr. Wm Sedgwick. But when Mr. Hatch after waiting as requested urged him to redeem his promise he utterly refused to do it. Witnesses; Myers H Hatch and Wm Sedgwick.

The clerk was directed to furnish Mr. Hendrick with a copy of  these charges with the names of the witnesses to sustain them, and also to cite him to appear before the session to answer to the charges at the center school house the 17th of March inst. At 7 o’clock PM.

Adjourned to meet at the center school house the 17th inst. At 7 PM, closed with prayer,

                        John F. Ingersoll, Mod.

Thus far examined and approved by the Presbytery at their session in the city of Hudson April 19th, 20th 1842.

            Gideon N Judd, Mod.


March 17th 1842. Session convened at the center school house at 7 PM agreeably to the last adjournment – opened with prayer. Present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, W W Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy, and Chichester.

The clerk of session reported that he had cited Benjamin Hendrick to appear before the session at this time and place to answer to the charges prepared against him. Mr. H appeared, declared his innocence of the first charge, and stated that he was ready for trial.

            Mathias H Chittenden was called as a witness and testified –

That he was chosen one of the trustees of this school district in the fall of 1840. Mr. Hendrick was one of his predecessors. At the annual meeting Mr. H was called upon to account for the public money he had received. The account Mr. H rendered showed the balance in his hands to be about eight dollars, and he stated that that was all that remained in his hands. – The trustees not being satisfied with his account called a special meeting of the district. Mr. H then came forward with an account showing the balance in his hands to be a little more than by the first account. The trustees were still dissatisfied and a few days after they


called another meeting of the district which Mr. H did not attend. A suit was afterwards brought against Mr. H before Esq. Sedgwick by the trustees. Before coming to trial witness with one of the other trustees called upon Mr. H with the account as they made it, showing a balance in favor of the district in Mr. H’s hand of about fifteen dollars. Mr. H presented a third account showing a balance in his hand of about nine dollars, and declared that that was all there was in his hands ---

Mr. Hendrick finally settled, allowing the fifteen dollars which the trustees claimed, saying that “as he had had some cotton cloth of Mr. Justus Ingersoll, one of the school commissioners, he would pay them for it, or words to that effect.

Cross examined – At the annual meeting Mr. H said he was not ready to make his report and wanted a special meeting called after Mr. Philips (who was then absent) should return –

The trustees told him the papers were all there and the account could as well be made out then as at any other time. The amounts that Mr. H admitted to be in his hand as public money, was written one or two dollars correct – excepting the amount he had received of Justus


Ingersoll in cotton cloth. Thinks that the money collected by Mr. H and an old school bill have been applied to his own use – Direct examination. At the time witness called on Mr. H with one of the other trustees (Mr. Conally) before the final settlement. Mr. H admitted that he had received the cotton cloth of Mr. Ingersoll as public money, and this made the difference between the 9 and 15 dollars. Adjourned to meet in the same place the following day at ½ past 6 PM – closed with prayer,

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Friday March 18th ½ past 6 PM session met pursuant to adjournment, opened with prayer. Present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, Purdy and Chichester. Mr. Hendrick appeared in defense. Mr. Chittenden further testified that at the annual meeting of the school district Mr. H denied having collected a school bill in his hands. It appeared afterward that he had collected about six dollars which he finally answered to his successors in office. Mr. James Douglas testified that he was elected one of the trustees of this school district in Sept 1840. Mr. Hendrick was one of his predecessors after witness was elected a special


meeting of the district was called to settle with Mr. H. At that meeting Mr. H presented a bill which showed him to be owing the district about nine dollars stating that that was all he did owe them. He afterwards allowed about fifteen dollars, adjourned, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

April 27th session convened at the office of Wm Edwards at the call of the moderator to proceed with the case of Mr. Hendrick, opened with prayer. Present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick, and Purdy. Mr. H appeared in defense. Mr. Hiram Hatch testified Mr. Hendrick has dealt some with witness. When witness began business Mr. H applied for credit, gave him credit to be turned with Wm Sedgwick at a given time. When the time came Mr. Sedgwick agreed to accept an order from Mr. Hendrick for $20.00 if witness would procure one. Witness wrote an order and took to Mr. H to sign, but he refused to sign it, saying he had not settled with Mr. Sedgwick, was going to settle within a week. Witness let that time run by and again applied to Mr. Hendrick to make the terms with Mr. Sedgwick.


He replied as before that he had not settled with Mr. Sedgwick, on being pressed for reasons why he would not do it as Mr. S would accept the order; he replied that it would make a difference with him by making Mr. S account larger. Witness continued to apply to Mr. Hendrick to make the terms until he (Hendrick) left Mr. Sedgwick. He always evaded it putting him off from time to time, till last he said he was going to quit Mr. Sedgwick and it was too late. When witness first applied to Mr. H to make the terms, he agreed to do it at a given time. When that time came Mr. Sedgwick was willing, but Mr. H refused to sign the order. While the old account was standing. Witness gave Mr. H further credit with the express understanding that he should bring Mr. Sedgwick’s book every Saturday night. For three weeks the book was brought as agreed, the fourth week he did not bring the book, and on being applied to repeatedly he promised to bring it at certain times which he never fulfilled. At another time sold him some things for cash to be paid on a certain day, the things not to be charged, he did not pay for them as agreed, and on being applied to he evaded it offering to bring Mr. S’s book, which witness refused as it


was not according to agreement. Afterward witness agreed to put it in book, but the book was not brought.

Then Elder Chichester appeared in session and gave reasons for late attendance which were sustained.

 Mr. Hatch proceeded with his testimony agreed with Mr. Hendrick to make a seat for his wagon for which Mr. H was to have the horse and wagon to go to Prattsville. The seat was not to be charged on Mr. Sedgwick’s book. After talking about it and agreeing exactly how it should be paid for, Mr. H made the seat. Sometime afterwards Mr. Sedgwick asked witness if he knew the seat was charged to him (witness) on his (Sedgwick) books. Witness afterward saw the charge on Mr. Sedgwick’s book in Mr. Hendrick’s hand writing, but crossed off by Mr. Sedgwick as he “__” because he (Mr. S) had known the understanding how it was to be paid and crossed it off to avoid difficulty.

Amos Connelly testified that he was a trustee of this school district in 1839 and 40. Mr. Hendrick was trustee also in 1839. After Mr. H went out he rendered an account which was not correct. He admitted he had collected the amount on the


school bill, but could not make out the balance, as the trustees claimed; the trustees sued him and Mr. H settled for all they claimed. Witness that it an error, but whether designed or not, could not say. When the trustees settled with Mr. H he admitted the amount was correct. Witness did not know of anything which produced this change in his mind.

Cross examined at the time witness came to the shop of Mr. Hendrick in company with Mr. Chittenden after the suit was commenced witness showed Mr. H in figures how it was, the same as he had done before. When he professed to be convinced and settled. Had figured it up and shown him time before how it was –

Alexander H Palmer testified that he has been clerk in the store of Mr. Wm Edwards for some time past. Mr. Hendrick had an account at the store in 1839 and 40. This account was settled when they settled with Wm. Sedgwick. This account was stopped after a time because Mr. Sedgwick refused to terms any more. After this Mr. Hendrick brought a passbook of Mr. Sedgwick and what he had was entered on that. This book by an understanding with Mr. S was considered an order when it appeared.


After a time, witness thinks in the fall of 1840 or winter of ’41, Mr. H came without the book and wanted some articles, saying Mr. S had company and he did not like to go up and ask him for the book. The next time he came he brot the book, but took was unwilling to have what he obtained before put upon it, wished it to remain till Saturday. Monday he came and brot the book but took up so much of the three dollars (which was all that was to be charged at a time in the book) that witness could not get on the former articles. Mr. H promised to make Mr. S agree to have them put on the book, as he would bring an order. Witness could never get the amount on the book, it was about six dollars and the balance about four dollars was charged to Mr. H after he left Mr. Sedgwick.

Witness did not consult Mr. Edwards about this transaction until Mr. E enquired of him about it, and he put a stop to it immediately after.

Thinks that at the commencement of the transaction he (witness) told Mr. H that Mr. S would not allow that more than three dollars should be put upon the book at once. Mr. H came more than once a week.

Witness rode to Cairo with Mr. H in May 1840. In conversation about business Mr. H asked witness what he thought of


Mr. Sedgwick’s circumstances, said Mr. S owed him considerable, something over three hundred dollars, a good deal of it for borrowed money ….

Elder Wm W Edwards testified that he opened an account with Mr. H in 1839 with an understanding that it should be turned on Mr. Sedgwick’s account and in six months. Settled with Mr. S then after this arrangement; at both which time Mr. Hendrick’s account was reckoned in. About July 1840 found Mr. H’s account was running up pretty fast, spoke to Mr. S about it and asked him if it was all right. Mr. S was surprised to find how it was and declined continuing the arrangement longer.

Witness then negotiated with Mr. H to come and work for him, while that negotiation was pending witness supplied him with things from the store. After a time Hendrick found he could not “___” Mr. S and gave up coming to work for witness. Witness then told him he could not let him have things from the store any longer unless he brought Mr. Sedgwick’s day book. Witness supposed he brought that book whenever he wanted anything. One day early in the winter of


1841 he came without the book in a great hurry, wanted some buck wheat flour, said he had an arrangement with Mr. Palmer to enter what things he took on the back of the day book, and have them entered in Mr. Sedgwick’s pass book every Saturday night. Witness then turned to the back of his day book and found something more than six dollars charged to Mr. Hendrick. I told him the account could not be transferred to Mr. Sedgwick’s book in that way because Mr. S had limited the charges to three dollars at a time. Mr. H seemed much offended, in a great hurry, said he would bring an order it should all be made right Saturday night…Mr. Palmer was absent, let him have the flour he wanted. It was not settled Saturday night, stopped all transactions of the kind. The next time he sent Mr. Sedgwick’s pass book when witness was in the store he entered the amount of the buck wheat flour into it. The articles charged on the back of the day book were never paid for. Witness had told Mr. H previous to his obtaining the articles which were charged on the back of the day book that he could not let him have anything without Mr. Sedgwick’s pass book.

            Adjourned to meet in the same place Monday next at 2 PM, closed with prayer.

                        John F Ingersoll, Mod.


Monday May 2nd 2 PM session met at the office of Wm Edwards pursuant to adjournment, opened with prayer. Present the Moderator, Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, and Purdy.

            Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Elder Sedgwick appeared in session and gave reasons for late attendance which were sustained.

            Elder Purdy testified that in the summer of 1840 Mr. Hendrick agreed to fix a wagon for him. The work to terms on a debt Mr. Hendrick owed Victor Purdy. It was particularly stipulated that the account was not to go onto Mr. Sedgwick’s books. Witness afterward found the work charged to Mr. Sedgwick’s books and he settled it with him. When the account was brought against witness by Mr. Sedgwick, witness was dissatisfied with it, told Mr. S what the agreement was with Mr. Hendrick. When witness settled with Mr. Sedgwick and the account above referred to was brought in and allowed, witness went to Mr. H for an explanation. Mr. H said it was not charged on Mr. Sedgwick’s books, he went home with witness and examined Mr. S’s books and found it there in his own (Hendrick’s) handwriting. He appeared surprised and stated that the work


was done in his absence and must have been noted by his journey man on a scrap of paper and then copied by himself after his return without thinking of his agreement with witness.

            Elder Sedgwick testified that he heard the testimony of A H Palmer before the session at its last meeting respecting his conversation between him (Palmer) and Mr. Hendrick on their way to Cairo in the spring of 1840: thinks he was owing Mr. H nothing at the time referred to, might have owed him five or ten dollars, probably however not anything. Thinks Mr. H must have been “___” him. Once borrowed twelve dollars, never more than about that sum. The twelve dollars referred to was borrowed in the spring of 1840.

            Delany Castle testified that some time last summer he gave Mr. Hendrick a quarter of lamb to give to Nathan Peet?  Sometime afterwards Mr. H told witness that he took the lamb to Mr. Peet and Mrs. Peet said the Doctors said her husband must not eat it and as she was going to quarterly meeting the next day she could not dispose of it, and so he kept it. After the talk about it Mr. H paid witness for


the meat. Mr. Hendrick always told the same story in substance. Witness took another quarter down to Mr. Peet and whilst there Mr. H came in. There were present Peet, his wife, Hendrick and witness. Mr. Hendrick then told the story before them all, and the Peets would not make any reply to his statement. Witness thinks rather strange that they did not deny Mr. H’s statement if he did not tell the truth.

            Elder Chichester appeared in session and gave reasons for late attendance which were sustained.

            Adjourned to meet at the same place tomorrow at 2 PM, closed with prayer.

John F Ingersoll, Mod.

            Tuesday May 3rd 2 PM session met pursuant to adjournment.

Opened with prayer. Present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester.

            Resumed the consideration of the case of Mr. Hendrick. The question being in sustaining or not sustaining the charges entertained against him.

                        1st charge – Dishonesty

                           Elder Wm Edwards – sustained
            Wm W Edwards – sustained
             Sedgwick – sustained
             Purdy – not sustained
             Chichester – not sustained

                        2nd charge – Falsehood

                          Elder Wm Edwards – sustained
            Wm W Edwards – sustained
                           Sedgwick – sustained
            Purdy – not sustained
            Chichester – sustained

Resolved that both the charges are sustained.

Resolved that Mr. Hendrick be and is hereby suspended from the church fellowship of this church till he shall give evidence of repentance.

Resolved that the Pastor and Elder Wm Edwards be appointed a committee to announce to Mr. Hendrick the decision in his case and to labor to bring him to repentance – adjourned closed with prayer.

John F Ingersoll, Mod.

August 3rd 1842. Session convened at the center school house at the call of the Mod. at 7 o’clock PM. Opened with prayer – present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick and Chichester.

            The committee appointed in the case of


Benjamin Hendricks reported that they had performed the duty assigned to them by informing Mr. H of the decision of session in his and by endeavoring to convince him of his error and to bring him to a sense of his duty in the case. What the result was or should be committee would not say. After frequent conversations with him however they had not discerned any evidence of penitence. The report was accepted.

The Mod. stated that he had informed Mr. H of this meeting and requested him to be present, but as Mr. H did not appear and as the Mod. engaged to see him again and endeavor to persuade him to meet the session before proceeding with his case. It was resolved that session adjourn to meet at the house of the Mod. tomorrow at 7 PM, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

August 4th 7 PM session met at the house of the Mod. pursuant to adjournment, opened with prayer. Present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester. Mr. Hendrick appeared before session and was “______” with concerning his present views and feelings respecting his case.

His statement being wholly unsatisfactory


to the session it was resolved that the sentence suspending him from the fellowship of this church be published from the pulpit the next Lord’s Day, adjourned, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

August 24 ½ past 6 o’clock session met at the center school house at the call of the Moderator, opened with prayer. Present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick and Purdy, absent Elder Chichester. Minutes of the last four meetings read and approved. Elder Wm W Edwards was appointed to write to Hiram Tucker an absent member of this church to enquire of him in reference to his present situation as to church privileges and also to suggest to him the propriety and necessity of making some explanation relative to certain business transactions with individuals in this place. Adjourned to meet at the same place tomorrow at 1 PM, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

August 25 1 o’clock PM, session met at the center school house agreeably to adjournment, opened with prayer. Present the Mod., Elders Wm Edwards, Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick and Purdy – absent Elder Chichester – case of 


B Hendrick was called up for further consideration, but in view of the absence of Elder Chichester was deferred till the next meeting of session. Adjourned, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Sabbath Sept 18th 1842, Rev. Dr. Williston in the absence of the Moderator and by his request called the session together at the close of public worship. Present Elders Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester. Elder Purdy was appointed to attend the stated meeting of the Presbytery of Columbia to be held in Durham Tuesday the 20th inst.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Oct 27th session met at the center school house at the call of the moderator, opened with prayer. Present the Mod., Elders Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick and Purdy, absent Elder Chichester.

Elder Purdy reported that he had attended the meeting of Presbytery at Durham in accordance with his appointment – report accepted. Elder Wm W Edwards reported that he had written to Hiram Tucker (see last page) but had received no answer, his report was accepted.


Adjourned to meet at the church the next Lord’s Day at the close of the afternoon service - closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Lord’s Day Oct 30, session met at the church pursuant to adjournment, opened with prayer. Present the Mod., Elders Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester. Elder Chichester gave reason for absence from several late meetings of session and was excused.

Case of Benjamin Hendrick was taken up and whereas has now for a considerable period been suspended from the fellowship of the church upon the charges of falsehood and dishonesty in the opinion of the session fully proved against him and whereas all efforts have proved ineffectual to bring him to repentance, and he has now removed from the place without making any satisfaction for his offences, therefore resolved unanimously that he be and he hereby is excommunicated from the church. Resolved that the Pastor be requested to publish the sentence of excommunication from the pulpit. Adjourned, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.


Lord’s Day Dec 4th 1842. Session convened at the close of public worship in the church in accordance with the call of the Moderator. Present the Mod., Elders Sedgwick, Purdy, and Chichester, absent Wm W Edwards.

The Mod. presented a letter in the usual form from the Presbyterian Church of Geneseo, NY recommending Mrs. Sarah H Lewis, wife of Rev. John N. Lewis, to the fellowship of this church, with the request of Mrs Lewis to be received as a member of this church. Whereupon resolved that she be and hereby is received – adjourned.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Lord’s Day April 16th 1843. Session convened at the close of public worship in the church in accordance with the call of the Moderator. Present the Moderator, Elders Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester.

Elder Sedgwick was appointed to attend the meeting of the Presbytery of Columbia to convene in Catskill Tuesday next at 2 o’clock PM – adjourned.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Lord’s Day May 28th session convened at the church at the close of public worship in accordance with the call of the Moderator. Present the Mod, Elders Wm W Edwards,


Sedgwick, Purdy, and Chichester. The Moderator presented a request from Mrs. Elizabeth C Tobey (late Miss Platt), wife of Mr. Franklin Tobey of West Stockbridge for a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Congregational Church of that Stockbridge Village – whereupon it was resolved that her request be granted, adjourned.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Sept 13th 1843. Session convened at the center school house in accordance with the call of the Moderator. Present the Mod., Elders Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester. Elder Wm W Edwards was appointed to attend the meeting of the Presbytery of Columbia at New Lebanon to commence Tuesday the 18th Inst at 2 PM and Elder Wm Edwards was appointed his alternate, adjourned.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Oct 18th, session convened at the center school house in accordance with the call of the Moderator – opened with prayer. Present the moderator, Elders Wm Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester, absent Wm W Edwards. Minutes of the last eight meetings were read and approved.


Resolved that the residence of Elder Wm Edwards in the city of New York for some months past is a sufficient reason for his absence from the late meeting of session and for his name not appearing in records of those meetings.

George Schaffner appeared before the session for examination with a view to being received to the privileges and fellowship of the church. After particular examination respecting his acquaintance with experimental and doctrinal religion his examination was sustained and it was resolved that he be propounded from the pulpit upon the next Lord’s Day as a candidate for admission to the church and if no reasons appear to the contrary and the way be opened in the providence of God he be received at the next celebration of the Lord’s supper, adjourned, closed with prayer

John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Dec 20th 1843. Session met at the center school house at the call of the Moderator. Opened with prayer. Present, Moderator, Elders Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester. Elder Wm W Edwards gave reason for absence from the last meeting of session, and also for not attending the meeting of Presbytery at New Lebanon in Sept, which reasons were sustained in both cases.


The Moderator stated to session that he kept back Mr. Schaffner from presenting himself for admission to the church at the last communion in view of statement made to him which charged Mr. Schaffner with the use of profane language on a certain occasion shortly before the service of communion. He stated moreover that after diligent enquiry into the case and conversation with Mr. Schaffner concerning it, it appeared to him (the moderator) that there was reason to believe that Mr. Schaffner had made use of improper language on the occasion referred to. The case was submitted for the consideration of session. Whereupon it was resolved to meet at this place one week from this evening at the close of the meeting for prayers to consider this case of Mr. Schaffner.

Adjourned, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Wednesday evening Dec 27th session met at the center school house pursuant to adjournment. Opened with prayer, present the Mod., Elders Wm W Edwards, Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester.

Mr. Schaffner appeared before the session and made a statement of the circumstances of the case in which he is charged by report with the use of profane language and also a confession, which statement and confession he had previously made in substance to individual members of session.


Whereupon it was resolved that his confession be sustained and that after a brief statement of case from the pulpit he be again propounded upon the next Lord’s Day for admission to the church and that if the way be prepared in the providence of God and no reasons appear to the contrary he be received at the next “___mental” occasion.

Adjourned, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Feb 28 1844. Session convened at the close of a meeting for prayer at the center school house in accordance with the call of the Moderator. Present the Mod., Elders Wm W Edwards, Purdy, and Chichester, absent Elder Sedgwick.

The case of Peter Provost a suspended member of this church (see pg. 75). Elders Edwards and Purdy stated that Mr. Provost was in the place and attended the meeting for prayer Wednesday evening of week before last, that he stated to them that he had come for the purpose of endeavoring to secure a restoration to church fellowship by a removal of the sentence of suspension that was placed against him, that he made a full confession in reference to the matter for which he was suspended, and appeared to them to be truly penitent. Elder Edwards also stated that he had received a letter from L.H Van Dyck an Elder of the 1st Presbyterian


Church in Hudson certifying to the regularity of his habits for a considerable time past, and stating that there should be nothing in the way of receiving Mr. Provost to that church if he was restored to good standing in this and regularly dismissed. The Mod.confirmed the statements in reference to the letter from Mr. Van Duck. Mr. Provost wished for a letter of dismission from this church and recommendation to the 1st Presbyterian Church in Hudson. Whereupon resolved:

1st that the sentence of suspension against Mr. Provost be and hereby is removed. 2nd that a letter of dismission and recommendation according to his request be granted certifying to his good standing up to the time of his removal from this place.

Adjourned, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

April 10th session convened at the center school house at the close of the meeting for prayer in accordance with the call of the Moderator –

Present the Mod., Elders Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester, absent Wm W Edwards. The minutes of the last four meetings were read and approved. Elder Sedgwick gave reasons for absence from the last meeting of session which was sustained.


Elder Chichester was appointed to attend the meeting of the Presbytery of Columbia to be held at the Pres. Ch. in Hudson Tuesday the 16th at 2 PM.

Adjourned, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

These records thus far, approved by the Presbytery of Columbia at their session in the city of Hudson, April 17 1844.

            Timothy Woodbridge, Mod.

Thursday May 30th 1844 session convened at the church in accordance with the call of the Mod. Present the Mod., Elders Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester, absent Wm W Edwards.

Opened with prayer. The following persons presented themselves for examination with a view to being admitted to the church, namely; Victory Purdy, Erastus S. Purdy, Enos C Andrus, Oscar Lewis, Sidney Fowler and his wife Catherine, William Inman, Henry E Purdy and Mary Ann Purdy. These persons were examined as to their acquaintance with experimental and doctrinal religion, after which it was moved and seconded that their examination be sustained. The question was however deferred till the next meeting of session.


Adjourned to meet next Tuesday evening at the house of the Moderator at 8 o’clock, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Tuesday evening June 4th 8 o’clock, session met at the house of the Mod. in accordance with last adjournment, opened with prayer. Present the Mod., Elders Purdy, Sedgwick and Chichester, absent Wm W Edwards. Minutes of last meeting read and approved.

Elder Chichester reported that he fulfilled his appointment to attend the meeting of Presbytery of Columbia at Hudson in April last. His report was accepted.

The question of sustaining the examination of the individuals who were examined at the last meeting of session was taken up and in the case of each and all, it was unanimously sustained. Whereupon resolved that Victory Purdy, Erastus S Purdy, Enos C Andrus, Oscar Lewis, Sidney Fowler and his wife Catherine, William Inman, Henry E Purdy and Mary Ann Purdy be and they hereby are received as candidates for admission to this church and that if the way be opened in the providence of God, at the next celebration of the Lord’s Supper, upon making a public profession of their faith by


 assenting to the formulary of doctrine and adopt the covenant employed in the reception of members, and upon the ordinance of baptism being administered to those of them who have not been baptized they be received as members of this church in full and regular standing. Adjourned, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

 June 20th, 6 o’clock PM session met at the house of the Moderator in accordance with his call: opened with prayer. Present the Mod. and Elders Sedgwick, Purdy and Chichester, absent Wm W Edwards. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Mrs. Catherine Jones and Miss Emily M Ingersoll presented themselves for examination as candidates for admission to the church. They were examined as to their acquaintance with experimental and doctrinal religion. Their examination was sustained and it was resolved that they be and hereby are received as candidates for admission to the church and that if the way be opened in the providence of God at the next celebration of the Lord’s Supper upon their making a public profession of their faith by assenting to the formulary of doctrine and adopting the covenant employed in the reception of members and upon the


evidence of baptism being administered Miss Ingersoll (Mrs. Jones having been baptized in infancy) they be received as members of this church in full and regular standing – adjourned – closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Dec 6th 1844 session convened at the church at close of Public Worship by the call of the Mod. Present the Mod. and Elders Wm W Edwards and Wm Sedgwick. The Moderator presented a request from Mrs. Sarah H Lewis wife of Rev. John N Lewis, for a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Presbyterian Church in Newbury NY. Whereupon resolved that her request be granted.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Sabbath May 4th 1845 session convened at the church at the close of Public Worship in accordance with the call of the Moderator. Present the Mod. and Elders Wm W Edwards and Milton A Purdy – Elders Wm Sedgwick and Samuel Chichester having removed to Poughkeepsie NY  presented through the Moderator requests for letters of dismission for themselves and their wives from this church and recommendation to the Presbyterian Church in that place. Whereupon


resolved: that these requests be granted, adjourned.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Sabbath May 18th 1845 session convened at the church at the close of Public Worship in accordance with the call of the Moderator.

Present the Moderator, Elders William W Edwards and Milton A Purdy. Elder William W Edwards presented a request from Jane M Edwards for a letter of dismission from this church and recommendation to the 1st Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn NY. Resolved that his request be granted. Adjourned.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Feb 28th 1846 session convened at the center school house at the call of the Moderator. Present the Moderator, Elders Wm W Edwards and Milton A Purdy. A request was presented by the Mod. from Mrs. Sarah Phillips a member of this church, for a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Presbyterian Church of Oakfield, Genesee Co NY. Resolved that a letter be granted certifying to her good standing at the time of her removal from this place.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Sabbath April 12th 1846 session convened by a call from the Moderator at close of Public Worship at the church. Present the Moderator, Elders Wm W Edwards and M A Purdy. Elder Wm Edwards was appointed to attend the approaching meeting of Presbytery


to convene at Hudson Tuesday the 21st inst.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

These records thus far examined and approved by the Presbytery of Columbia at their Session in Hudson with the following exception, the minutes of the previous meeting was not read.                       J Edwin Rockwell?, Mod.

Sabbath May 24th 1846 session convened at the church by the call of the Mod. at the close of Public Worship. Present the Moderator, Elders Wm W Edwards, and Milton A Purdy. A request was presented by the Mod. from Miss Emily M Ingersoll for a letter of dismission from this church and recommendation to the Congregational church of St Clair Michigan in which place she is now residing. Her request was granted.

Wm W Edwards was appointed to attend the session of Presbytery to be held in Windham commencing Tuesday next at 3 o’clock PM. Milton A Purdy was appointed his alternate.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.

Sabbath June 21st session convened at the church by the call of the Moderator at the close of Public Worship – Present the Moderator, Elders Wm W Edwards and Milton A Purdy. Elder Wm W Edwards reported that he attended the meeting of Presbytery in Windham agreeably to his appointment. His report was accepted. Elder Milton A Purdy was appointed to attend


a meeting of Presbytery to be held in Durham and to commence Tuesday the 23rd of June Inst at 2 o’clock PM.                        John F Ingersoll, Mod.

July 20th 1846 session convened at the house of the Moderator in accordance with his call. Present the Moderator, Elders Wm W Edwards and Milton A Purdy.

Opened with prayer, minutes of the last two meetings were read and approved. Elder Milton A Purdy reported that he attended the meeting of Presbytery at Durham in accordance with his appointment.

The Mod. presented a request from Elder Wm Edwards, his wife Rebecca and their daughter, Elizabeth T for letters of dismission and recommendation to the 2nd Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn NY. Also from Oscar Lewis for one to the Presbyterian Church in Poughkeepsie NY. Also from Mrs. Mary W Ingersoll to the 1st Congregational Church in Franklin NY. Their requests were severally granted. Elder Wm W Edwards was chosen clerk. Adjourned, closed with prayer.

            John F Ingersoll, Mod.


April 14th 1847 – Session met in accordance with call of the Moderator, in the center school house - present – the Moderator and Elders – W W Edwards and M A Purdy. Opened with prayer. A request from Sydney Fowler for a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Presbyterian Church of Poughkeepsie. The same request was presented by his wife, both of which were granted. W W Edwards was appointed to attend next meeting of Presbytery at Catskill. Session adjourned.

            Henry Osborn, Mod.

Thus far examined and approved by the Presbytery of Columbia at its session in Catskill April 20th 1847.

            Linus H Fellows, Moderator

August 8th 1847 – Session met at Centre School house in accordance with the call of the Moderator. Present the Moderator – and Elders W W Edwards and M A Purdy. Opened with prayer. On motion of W W Edwards, voted to recommend to the church, the election of two elders on the next Sabbath – also resolved, that session meet next week, Monday and Friday evenings for the examination of any persons who may wish to unite with the church – session adjourned.

            Henry Osborn, Mod.


May 27th 1847 (This should have been entered before the last record.)

            Session met at the house of the Moderator in accordance with his call. Present – the Mod. and WW Edwards and M A Purdy, Elders – opened with prayer. The Moderator presented a letter from the session of the Presbyterian or Congregational Church in Renssalearsville dismissing Elder Stephen Gilbert and his wife, and Justin Fordham and his wife and recommending to the fellowship of this church. The letter was found in order and on motion of W W Edwards the above named persons were received into fellowship with this church – session adjourned – being closed with prayer –

            Henry Osborn, Mod.

Aug 18th – at the meeting of this church, as noticed last Sabbath – Elder Stephen Gilbert was chosen and installed Elder of this church – the election of another Elder deferred.

            Attest. H Osborn


Monday evening Aug 16th 1847

            At the call of the moderator session met at the school house in the upper village. Present the moderator, Elders W W Edwards, M A Purdy and Stephen Gilbert – opened with prayer. Mr. G Fromer and his wife, Miss C Peat, and Mr. C Perdy presented themselves for examination as candidates for admission to the church. They were examined as to their acquaintance with experimental and doctrinal religion, and their examination was sustained. Further action on the question was deferred to the next meeting of session. Elder Perdy presented a request from Mr. William Luman for a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Presbyterian Church at Lexington Heights. His letter was granted. Session adjourned to meet Friday evening next in the school house in the lower village. Closed with prayer – Henry Osborn, Mod.

Friday evening Aug 20th 1847

            Session met according to adjournment at the school house in the lower village. Present the moderator and Elders W W Edwards, M A Purdy and Stephen Gilbert. Opened by prayer. Mr. H Brant and his wife, Mr. Jacob Schlager and his wife and Mr. Calvin Perdy presented themselves for examination as candidates for admission to the church. They were examined as to their acquaintance with experimental and doctrinal religion. The examination of each and all of them was sustained and it was voted that they be and hereby are received as candidates for church fellowship that they be propounded next Sabbath and that they be publicly received if the way is opened, on profession of faith and assenting to the covenant, at the next communion season. Voted also that Mr. G Fromer and his wife examined at the last meeting of session, be and hereby are received as candidates for church fellowship, that they be propounded


next Sabbath and if the way is open be publicly received on profession of faith and assenting to the covenant at the next communion season. On motion the decision of the question relative to receiving into church fellowship Miss C Peat and Chester Perdy examined at the last meeting of session was deferred to the next meeting. The moderator and Elder S Gilbert were appointed a committee to advise with Miss C Peat and Mr. C Perdy in regard to connecting themselves with the church, to report at next meeting of session. The moderator was appointed to inform the candidates of the decision of session upon their examination. Session adjourned to meet Wednesday evening next at the center school house. Closed with prayer – H Osborn, Mod.

Hunter Aug 23rd 1847

            According to adjournment session met in the center school house, present the moderator and elders W W Edwards, M A Perdy and Stephen Gilbert. Opened with prayer, Committee appointed to advise with Miss C Peat and Mr. C Perdy reported and report was accepted – voted that their application for reception into church fellowship be deferred two months. Session adjourned, closed by prayer – H Osborn, Mod.

Hunter Oct 21st 1847

            Session met at the call of the moderator, at his house, present the moderator and Elders W W Edwards, M A Perdy and Stephen Gilbert. Opened with prayer – minutes of the last meeting read and approved – voted that Chester Perdy whose application for admission to the church was deferred at the last meeting two months, be and hereby is received as a candidate for church fellowship, that he be propounded next Sabbath and if the way is open, be publicly received on profession of faith and assenting to the covenant, at the next communion season. 


Voted that the application of Miss C Peat for admission to the church be deferred two months. Session adjourned to meet next Wednesday evening in the Center school house. Closed with prayer – H Osborn, Mod.

Hunter Nov 3rd 1847

            Session met in the center school house according to adjournment. Present the moderator and Elders W W Edwards and M A Perdy, opened by prayer. It was voted that the application of Miss C Peat for admission into the church, deferred two months at the last meeting be reconsidered. After much serious conversation it was voted that Miss C Peat be and hereby is received as a candidate for church fellowship that she be propounded at the meeting tomorrow (fast day) and if the way is opened be publicly received on profession of faith assenting to covenant and submitting to the ordinance of baptism, next Lord’s Day. Expected business not coming up, session adjourned.

            H Osborn, Mod.

Hunter Dec 31st 1847

            Session met in center school house at the call of the moderator. Present the moderator and Elders W W Edwards, M A Perdy and S Gilbert – opened with prayer – minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Elder Gilbert stated reasons for being absent from the last meeting and was excused. Moderator presented a letter from the first Pres. Church of Livonia, dismissing Mr. Sheldon T Gilbert and his wife, and recommending them to the fellowship of the Pres. Church of Chapin Hills – the letter was not presented to the session of the church at Chapin Hills – they staying there but a few months –being presented here – it was found in order and Mr. S Gilbert and his wife were received into communion with this church – session adjourned.            H Osborn, Mod.


April 11th 1848

            Session met at the call of the moderator in the center school house, after prayer meeting, opened. Present the moderator and Elders, W W Edwards and S Gilbert. Opened with prayer, on motion, Elder M A Perdy   was appointed delegate to attend Presbytery at Hudson next Tuesday. Elder S Gilbert was appointed alternate. Session adjourned.

            H Osborn, Mod.

Thus far examined and approved by the Presbytery of Columbia at this session in Hudson April 19th 1848.                   Gideon N Judd, Mod.

Sept 15th 1848

            Session met at the call of the moderator at the center school house. Present the moderator and Elders W W Edwards and S Gilbert. Opened with prayer. Moderator presented a letter from Mr. Andrew Hawver requesting a letter of dismission, for himself and wife, and recommendation to the Presbyterian Church in Andes, NY. His letter was granted, adjourned.               H Osborn, Moderator

Jan 1st 1849

            Session met at the call of the moderator at the house of W W Edwards. Present the moderator and Elder W W Edwards and M A Perdy, opened with prayer. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Elder Perdy gave reasons for being absent from the last meeting of session which were sustained. Mr. Adam Traub presented himself before the session, for examination, with a view to being received into fellowship with this


church. He was examined in experimental and doctrinal religion. His examination unusually interesting from the circumstance that he had been a German and had been in this country only for a month was very satisfactory to the session. And it was voted that his examination be sustained, that he be and hereby is received as a candidate for church fellowship, that he be propounded at the preparatory lecture and if the way is prepared be publicly received on the profession of his faith, and assenting to the covenant at the communion session next Sabbath. After some remarks and prayer, session adjourned.

            H Osborn, Moderator

July 2nd 1848 This minute should have been inserted on the preceding page.

            Session met at the call of the moderator previous to the Public Service, in the center school house. Present the Moderator and Elder W W Edwards. The Moderator presented letters from the Presbyterian Church of Rensaelaerville, dismissing Mr.  Henry Osborn and Mrs. Sally Osborn, Miss Helen Osborn and Mr. Miner Osborn and Mrs. Lucy M Osborn, also a letter from the Presbyterian Church in Elmira dismissing Mrs. I Ingersoll, and recommending them to the fellowship of this church, all letters being found in order, these six persons were received into the communion of this church, session adjourned, closed with prayer.             H Osborn, Moderator

April 13th 1849

            Session met at the call of the Moderator in the church immediately after public service, opened with prayer. Present the Moderator and Elders W W Edwards, M A Perdy and Stephen Gilbert. W W Edwards was appointed to attend as delegate the annual meeting of Presbytery at Catskill April 17th. Stephen Gilbert was appointed his alternate. Adjourned -             H Osborn, Moderator


Thus far examined by the Presbytery of Columbia at their meeting in Catskill April 18th 1849 and approved.                                             Edward Hopper, Moderator

April 26th 1849

            Session met at the call of the moderator at his study, and was opened with prayer. Present the moderator and Elders M A Perdy and Stephen Gilbert. Minutes of the last meeting read and approved. Wilson Wheelock presented himself before session for examination with view to being received into fellowship with this church. He was examined in experimental and doctrinal religion, and his examination was sustained. Voted that he be and hereby is received as a candidate for church membership, that he be propounded, at the preparatory lecture tomorrow and if the way be prepared, that he be publicly received, on profession of his faith, assenting to the covenant of this church, and submitting to the ordinance of baptism, next Lord’s Day. Session adjourned, closed with prayer.                         H Osborn, Moderator

June 16th 1849

            Session met at the call of the moderator, after prayer meeting at the house of Mr. Lockwood. Present, Moderator and Elders, M A Perdy and S Gilbert. Opened with prayer. Charles Beach presented himself to the session for examination with view to uniting with this church. He was examined in experimental and doctrinal religion and the examination was sustained. Voted that he be and hereby is received as a candidate for church membership, that he be propounded next Lord’s Day and if the way is prepared, be publicly received at our next communion


season, on profession of faith and entering into covenant the church and submitting into the ordinance of baptism. Session adjourned, closed with prayer.

            H Osborn, Moderator

Aug 24th 1849

            Session met at the house of the Moderator pursuant to his call and was opened with prayer. Present the Moderator and Elders M A Perdy and S Gilbert. Miss Eliza and Miss Julia (Lelia?) Ingersoll presented themselves before the session for examination with view to be received into church fellowship. They were examined in experimental and doctrinal religion, and the examination was sustained. Voted that they be and hereby are received as candidates for church membership, that they be propounded next Lord’s Day, forenoon and if the way is prepared, be publicly received in the afternoon on profession of faith entering into covenant with the church, and receiving the ordinance of baptism. Session adjourned, closed with prayer.             H Osborn, Moderator

 Aug 29th 1849

            Session met at center school house after prayer meeting, at the call of the Moderator – opened with prayer – present the Moderator and Elders W W Edwards and Stephen Gilbert. Elder Edwards’ reasons for not attending the three last meetings of session were ill health and absence from town. Miss Jane Quick presented herself before the session for examination with view to being received into fellowship with this church.


She was examined as to her knowledge of experimental and doctrinal religion and her examination was sustained. Voted that she be and hereby is received as a candidate for church membership, that she be propounded next Lord’s Day morning and if the way is prepared be publicly received in the afternoon at the communion, on profession of faith, entering into covenant with this church of Christ, and receiving the ordinance of baptism. Session adjourned, closed with prayer.

                        H Osborn, Moderator

Sept 16th 1849

            Session met at the call of the moderator, in the church after public service, opened with prayer. Present the Moderator and Elders, Wm W Edwards, M A Perdy and Stephen Gilbert. M A Perdy was appointed delegate to the semi annual meeting of Presbytery at Spencertown, Tuesday the 18th of Sept. Elder Edwards stated that he had received two silvered plates (for his taking the contributions of the church) as a present to the session Mr. L R Schuyler of Jersey City, whereupon it was voted that the thanks of the session be communicated by the Moderator to Mr. Schuyler for his very generous and acceptable gifts. After some conversation upon the spirit condition of the church and congregation, session adjourned.                    H Osborn, Moderator


Dec 11th 1849

            Session met in the church at the call of the moderator. Present the moderator and Elders W W Edwards, M A Perdy and Stephen Gilbert, opened with prayer. On motion of W W Edwards it was voted, that our communion service be attended, the second Sunday in the month of April and November, instead of the first, session adjourned.

                        H Osborn, Moderator

Dec 2nd 1849

            Session met at the call of the moderator, after Divine Service, in the church, and was opened with prayer. Present the Moderator and Elders W W Edwards, M A Perdy and Stephen Gilbert. M A Perdy was appointed delegate to the special meeting of Presbytery in Catskill on the 4th inst., session adjourned.

                        H Osborn, Moderator

Dec 29th 1849

            Session met at the house of Elder W W Edwards at the call of the Moderator, and was opened with prayer. Present the Moderator and Elders W W Edwards, M A Perdy and Stephen Gilbert.


Elder M A Perdy stated that the reason he was prevented from attending the special meeting of Presbytery in Catskill, the 4th inst, by sickness.

            Miss Helen Edwards presented herself to the session for examination with a view of being received into fellowship with this church. She was examined in experimental and doctrinal religion, church ordinances and government. It was voted that her examination be sustained, and that she be and hereby is received as a candidate for church membership, that she be propounded next Lord’s Day and be publicly received if the way is prepared on profession of faith and entering into covenant with the church at our next communion season. Session adjourned and closed with prayer.

            H Osborn, Moderator

Feb 24th 1850

            Session met at the call of the moderator in the church after public service, opened with prayer. Present the Moderator and Elders W W Edwards, M A Perdy and Stephen Gilbert. The Moderator presented a letter from the Congregational Church of West Durham, dismissing Mr. Lot Reichtmyer and his wife, and recommending them to the fellowship and care of this church. His letter was found in order, and on motion of Elder W W Edwards


Mr. Lot Reichtmyer and his wife were received to fellowship with this Church of Christ.

            Wm W Edwards, Clerk

March 17th 1850

            Session met at the call of the moderator after Public Service. Present, Moderator and Elders Wm W Edwards and Stephen Gilbert, opened by prayer by the Moderator. The Pastor stated to session he had applied to the Society to unite with him in application to the Presbytery to dissolve the Pastoral relation between him and this church and Society and that the Society had unanimously concurred in his request – on motion resolved that this session also concur in the said request. Rev. H Osborn on motion resolved the clerk of session be and is hereby authorized to grant letters of dismission to any of our members applying for the same during the recess of session

                                                                        Wm W Edwards, Clerk

March 19th 1850 – at the above meeting a letter was granted to Mrs. Lucy Osborn by the Presbyterian Church in Windham. Session adjourned and closed with prayer.

                                                                        Wm W Edwards, Clerk

Friday, July 5th 1850 – The Church met in the Center School House, immediately after Preparatory Lecture, agreeably to public notice given last Sabbath for the purpose of choosing a Deacon in place of Deacon S P Gilbert removed: whereupon it was voted to defer the election of said Deacon until next preparatory


 lecture immediately after Service. Adjourned.

            At the close of the church meeting, session convened agreeably to previous notice: Present the Moderator and Elders, W W Edwards and Stephen Gilbert. The Book not being present the reading of the minutes of last meeting was omitted. Elizabeth Lockwood and Anna Metz appeared before session desiring to be examined with a view to entering fellowship with this church. The examination having proved satisfactory, it was resolved that said Elizabeth Lockwood and Anna Metz be received into this church on profession of their faith upon their assenting to the articles of Faith and the covenant at the ensuing communion on next Sabbath PM. Adjourned with prayer.

                                                A Trotter, Moderator 

July 14th 1850. Sabbath – Session met upon the call of the Moderator, immediately after divine Service, to appoint a delegate to the special meeting of Presbytery in Catskill on the PM of Wednesday the 17th inst – whereupon Elder Wm W Edwards was duly appointed; all the Elders with the Moderator being present – adjourned with prayer.

                                                A Trotter, Moderator

Aug 30th 1850 – The church met in the church pursuant to adjournment, immediately after Preparatory Lecture to attend to the business of electing a Deacon – attendance respectable – and the choice fell upon Mathias H Chittenden, who was thereupon declared to be duly elected to that office; and having signified his willingness to accept the appointment, he will, if the Lord will, be ordained


and installed as Deacon in this church on the ensuing Sabbath. Immediately after church meeting, session met at the same place in accordance with the call of the Moderator. Present the Moderator and Elders M A Purdy and S Gilbert. Opened with prayer, minutes of the last three meetings were read and approved. Mrs. Sarah Ann Cook appeared desiring to enter into fellowship with this church on profession of her faith. After due examination, session voted to sustain her application, and that she be publicly received according to the usual forms at the next communion. On motion it was also voted that a letter of dismission and recommendation be granted deacon S P Gilbert and wife to whichever of the Presbyterian churches in Elmira, God in his Providence may cast their lot. Adjourned with prayer.                              A Trotter, Moderator

Sept 16th 1850 – Session met on the call of the Moderator at the office of W W Edwards, to appoint a delegate to the semi-annual meeting of Presbytery at Greenville on the 17th inst – Present, Moderator and Elders W W Edwards, M A Purdy and S Gilbert. Elder Gilbert was appointed delegate to said meeting and Elder Purdy his alternate, Adjourned.

                        A Trotter, Moderator

Oct 6 1850 – Session met immediately after divine service to act upon request of Charles F Beach for a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Presbyterian Church in Big Hollow. Said request was affirmed and a letter ordered. Present, Moderator and Elders Wm W Edwards and S Gilbert. Adjourned.             A Trotter, Moderator


Nov 3 1850 – Session met immediately after divine service – Present the Moderator and Elders W W Edwards, M A Purdy and S Gilbert. Letters of recommendation were presented by the following individuals, viz: John M Tremain and Eliza A his wife from the 3rd Presbyterian Church in Albany, and Phebe D Trotter from the Ref. Dutch Church in Roxbury; which letters being found in order, it was voted that the said individuals be received as members of this church. Adjourned.

                                                                                                A Trotter, Moderator

Dec 8th 1850 - Session met in the church immediately after divine service – Present the moderator and Elders W W Edwards, M A Purdy and S Gilbert, On motion letters of dismission and recommendation were granted to Victory Purdy, Anna Purdy and Mary A Purdy to the Presbyterian Church in Po’keepsie. (Rev Mr. Ludlow’s). Adjourned.

                                                                                                A Totter, Moderator 

Feby 28th 1851 – Session met upon the call of the Moderator immediately after preparatory Lecture in the church, whereupon the Moderator and Elders W W Edwards, and S Gilbert were present. Letters of dismission and recommendation were presented by Reuben P Post and his wife Almeda from the Presbyterian Church in Durham, and by Ephraim Brandon from the Ref Dutch Church in Coxsackie. The said letters being found in order, the persons named were severally received as members of this church. Adjourned.

                                                                                                A Trotter, Moderator


March 21st 1851 – Session met upon the call of the moderator at the Parsonage study – opened with prayer by the moderator. Present moderator and Elders, Edwards and Purdy – absent Elder Gilbert. Moderator stated the object of the meeting to be to consider the case of Brother J P Fordham, charged by common fame with having violated his temperance pledge. Bro. Fordham being present, all preliminary proceedings were waived, and he stated that, on two different occasions during the past winter he had been led to drink some brandy for what he considered necessary medicinal purposes, and continued to use of the liquor until he had brought a reproach upon his own character and the cause of the Redeemer – that he regretted deeply that he had done so, and was willing to submit to whatever the session deemed his duty in the premises. Bro. Fordham having retired, upon due deliberation the session adjudged it to be the duty of Mr. Fordham, both for his own good and the cause of religion, to make a public confession on the subject.

Resolved that Elder Edwards be a committee to make known to Bro. Fordham the judgment of session in relation to the matter. Adjourned with prayer by Elder Edwards.

                                                                                                Alex Trotter, Moderator

Apr 6 1851 – Session met at the call of the Moderator in the church immediately after divine service – Present, Moderator and Elders Edwards, Purdy and Gilbert – Elder Gilbert was appointed to attend the next annual meeting of Presbytery at Hillsdale and Elder Purdy was appointed his alternate – Adjourned –

                                                                                                A Trotter, Moderator

P.S. Neither of the above delegates being able to attend meeting of Presbytery, it was agreed that Elder Edwards should go in their place.    A.T.


April 11 1851 – At the request of Bro. J P Fordham, Moderator convened the session at his study. Present the Moderator and Elders W W Edwards, M A Purdy and S Gilbert – Bro. Fordham also being present – opened with prayer by the Moderator. Minutes read – the object of the meeting being stated. Bro. Fordham then made a statement of his feelings and peculiar circumstances pertaining to the matter of his offense as brot (sic) before session on the 21st ultimo, desiring if session could be satisfied and the cause of Christ not suffer by it, that a public confession should not be insisted on. Session then being left alone, considered the matter fully; and being themselves satisfied with the penitence and confession of Bro. Fordham made to them and in view of his peculiar state and circumstances, resolved that the public confession adjudged on the 21st ultimo to Bro. Fordham be waived. Bro. Fordham was then called in and apprized of the decision of the session. Closed with prayer – Adjourned.

                                                                                    Alexander Trotter, Moderator  

The minutes of session thus far, examined and approved at the meeting of Presbytery at Hillsdale April 16 1851

                                                                                            H. E. Niles, Moderator


Page 189 missing


Aug 24 1851. Session convened in the church immediately after public worship at the call of the moderator. Present, the moderator and the Elders W W Edwards, M A Purdy and S Gilbert. Voted a letter of dismission to Mrs. Clarissa S. Ingersoll and of recommendation to the Presbyterian Church of Owasso MI. Adjourned.

                                                                                        Alex Trotter, Moderator

Sept 16 1851. Session met upon the call of the moderator in the High School room. Present, Moderator and Elders W W Edwards and M A Purdy. Elder Purdy was appointed to attend the meeting of Presbytery at Durham this afternoon. Adjourned.

                                                                                        A Trotter, Moderator

Sept 28th 1851. Pursuant to the call of the moderator, session met in the church immediately after public worship to consider a communication from Rev. G A Howard, committee of Presbytery to confer with the churches in relation to a division in Presbytery into two, as proposed by the church of Hudson, making the Hudson River the dividing line. Present the moderator and Elders W W Edwards, M A Purdy and S Gilbert. The proposition to divide our Presbytery as proposed above, was unanimously affirmed by session, and the clerk directed to communicate the action to the committee by the second Tuesday in October at or before 3 o’clock PM. Adjourned,

                                                                                        A Trotter

1852 Jan 21. Session convened at the Parsonage Study. Present Moderator and Elders W W Edwards and M A Purdy. Elder Edwards presented a request from Elder Stephen Gilbert for a letter of dismission for himself


and wife, Maria and of recommendation to the First Congregational church in Elmira. The said request was granted, and the letters ordered, closed by prayer by Elder Purdy. Adjourned.                               A Trotter

1852, May 2. – Session met in the center school house agreeably to call. Present the Moderator and Elders W W Edwards and M A Purdy. Mrs. Jemima Adams presented a letter of dismission and recommendation from the Presbyterian Church in Warrensburg, NY, which being found in order was approved and Mrs. A received on entering into covenant. Session also feeling satisfied with the examination of Misses Mary Elizabeth Chamberlin and Laura Haines who had before been examined in regard to experimental piety, voted to receive them into the communion of the Church on profession of their faith; whereupon they were all publicly received in the afternoon, Miss Chamberlin receiving the ordinance of Baptism.

                                                                                                        Alexander Trotter

1852, June 6 – Session convened in the church immediately after divine service upon the call of the Moderator, to appoint a delegate to attend meeting of Presbytery at Rensalaerville on Tuesday next. Moderator and Elders W W Edwards and M A Purdy being present. Elder Edwards was appointed said delegate and Purdy alternate. Deacon Mathias H Chittenden requested a letter of dismission and recommendation with a view to uniting with a new Presbyterian Church soon to be organized in Callicon, and his letter was voted. Adjourned.                   A Trotter, Moderator


Thus far the minutes of session examined and approved at the meeting of Presbytery at Rensalaerville June 9 1852.

                                                Ch Richards, Moderator

1852 Aug 22 1852 – Session met at the office of the clerk. Present Elders Edwards and Purdy – Rev. John B Fish of Delaware Presbytery being present was invited to act as moderator – opened by prayer by the Moderator. On motion of Elder Edwards, seconded by Elder Purdy, it was resolved that there be an election of two or three elders as the church may decide best by a vote to that effect and one deacon – at the close of the next preparatory lecture. Closed by prayer by Moderator.

                                                                        Wm W Edwards, Clerk

Oct 3rd 1852. The church met in the meeting house in compliance with previous notice. Opened with prayer. Church voted to choose 2 Elders and one deacon. Proceeded to ballot. Henry Osborne and George Fromer were chosen Elders and R P Post, Deacon. Mr. Osborne had before been ordained to the office he accepted. He accepted the appointment. Mr. Fromer declined ordination. Mr. Post was publicly set a part to his office on the ensuing Sabbath. Meeting closed with prayer.

                                    John B Fish, Moderator


Sept 15th 1852. Session convened immediately after public worship. Present the moderator and Elders M A Purdy and Henry Osborne, voted letter of dismission to Henry W Brandt and Ruth, his wife and of recommendation to the Presbyterian Church of Susquehanna – Adjourned.

                                    Jno B Fish, Moderator

Oct 24th 1852. Session convened immediately after public worship – Present the Moderator and Elders M A Purdy and Henry Osborn, voted letters of dismission to John M Tremain and Eliza A, his wife and of recommendation to a Presbyterian and Congregational Church in Brooklyn. Adjourned.

                                    Jno. B Fish, Moderator

December 31st 1852. After Preparatory Lecture, session met, opened with prayer, Present Moderator and Elders Osborne and Purdy. John G Herbert and Gottlieb Oppliger presented themselves asking admission into the church, they were examined on religious experience and doctrinal knowledge, the latter through an interpreter and were received as members of the church, the more public form of this act is reserved for the coming Sabbath. Between the meetings of session last named it had been agreed upon by the members of session to grant unto Deacon Jacob Schlager and Harriet, his wife letters of dismission and recommendation to the church at Susquehanna, which letters were accordingly given. Closed with prayer by the moderator.

                                                                        Jno. B Fish

Sabbath Jan 2nd 1853. The above named persons were received by the church and communed with us.


Jan 6th 1853. Session without a meeting granted to Mrs. Roxaline Fordham a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Congregational Church of Elmira. Also a conditional letter to Justin P Fordham. These letters were approved by all the members of session now residing in Hunter.

                                                                            Jno. B Fish

March 14th 1853. Jno. G Herbert requested a letter of dismission which I gave, having no session and no opportunity to assemble the church before he will leave Hunter.

                                                                            Jno. B Fish

April 29th, at the close of preparatory lecture a letter of dismission from the church of Sidney and recommendation to the church in Hunter that had been given to Mrs. Nancy Fish was read to the church and she was received on it.

                                                                                Jno. B Fish

May 15th, Sabbath after 2nd service, session met at the call of the moderator, opened with prayer. Present John B Fish and Elders, Purdy, Edwards and Osborne. Appointed the moderator with Elders Purdy, Edwards and Osborne to draw up a memorial to Presbytery, embracing some of the facts and difficulties in the way of the peace and prosperity of the church and asking council and aid from them. Adjourned to meet at the call of the moderator – closed with prayer.

                                                                        Jno. B Fish, Moderator

May 22nd Sabbath morn before public service, session met and opened their meeting with prayer. Present the Moderator, Elders Edwards and Osborne. The committee appointed at the last meeting presented their memorial 


which was adopted by the session and is as follows –

            The church of Hunter to the Pres. Of Catskill; Fathers and Brethren Greeting –

In a time of trouble, we the undersigned Elders of this church looked to you for advice and assistance. It is known to you brethren that our church was agitated a year ago and you will remember at that time you kindly came to our assistance. We then felt very much encouraged and stimulated to go on our way, and we fondly hoped that peace was restored and that prosperity would attend our future labors. But Brethren we have been disappointed. We are constrained to return to you, saying, the result of measures for peace then adopted have not been so happy as was anticipated. The root of the evil has not been eradicated. And the cause we love has suffered to the present hour. Some members of the church are so alienated from their brethren, they are seldom seen in the sanctuary, and are never present at sacramental seasons. They decline doing anything for support of the gospel in this place, and we do not know that the great duty of sending it abroad receives any attention from them. Separate meetings have been held the past winter by the Rev. Mr. Trotter within the bounds of this society without consultation with or the concurrence with our minister or the Elders. The tendency of which must be obvious to Presbytery. We feel more deeply the injury done us because we are constrained to ask aid from the Home Missionary Society. We feel sorry to cast ourselves on the charities of the Christian Public, while we


hold in Christian Fellowship some who should pray for the gospel here, but refuse to do so. Besides all this we have lost no small part of our members and strength since the 1st of Nov last. The removals have been of brethren and sisters of our church most esteemed among us. From the number of 33 members now residing within our bounds, we have to deduct several who refuse us their fellowship and aid. We would not Brethren thus publish how weak we are, but our condition seems to demand it of us. For the question pressed upon us, how in our weakened condition can we carry out the laws of the great Head of the church in kind faithful efficient discipline? We are perplexed but not in despair, we fondly hope for the return of brethren and sisters of our church who have withdrawn themselves from us, and we are permitted to say that one young man has been hopefully made a subject of divine grace a few months since and has united with the church. We think brethren that if this unhappy division can be healed, or any measure devised by which peace, harmony and brotherly love can be restored to the church, and Christian brethren and sisters unite in making the true light shine; that other things in this community favor the expectation of the conversion of some now in the broad way to death, so heavy has been the cloud on our path, we have been looking forward with some raised expectations to this meeting of your respected body. And we now rejoice in this opportunity to submit the matter to you, hoping, praying, that He who loved the church and gave himself for it, will aid you in your deliberations and that He will deliver us from our


unhappy position. Signed William E Edwards, George Fromer, Henry Osborn, M.A. Purdy, Elders

At the same time it was determined that the church be requested to choose one or more to the office of Elders, and accordingly brother George Fromer was thus chosen unanimously, and on Sabbath the 5th of June he was regularly ordained to that office.

                                                                                              John B Fish, Moderator

Omitted. At the meeting above recorded Elder Edwards resigned his office as clerk of the session and Elder Henry Osborn was chosen in his place.

September 12th 1853. Session gave a letter of dismission at their request to R P Post and Almeda, his wife recommending them to the Congregational Church in Elmira.

                                                                                                            H Osborn, Clerk

Dec 7th 1853. Session met at the Center School House on the call of the moderator – Present Rev. J B Fish, moderator and Elders M A Purdy and H Osborn, meeting opened with prayer. Bro. Henry Osborn was duly appointed as delegate to attend the meeting of Presbytery to be held in Catskill on the 13th of December inst. Closed with prayer.

                                                                                                               H Osborn, Clerk


Thus far examined and except for some informalities, approved by the Presbytery of Catskill in session at Catskill: Dec 14th 1853.

                                                                                                    Alexander Trotter, Mod. 

January 22 1854. Session met after public service on call of Moderator. Members of session all present, meeting opened with prayer. The object of the meeting as stated by the Moderator was to take into consideration the low state of religion in the church and devise such means and measures as may be thought most expedient in restoring brotherly love and unity in the church – and instrumental through the grace of our divine Redeemer  in gathering souls into the Kingdom of Christ. On motion of Brother Edwards, resolved that the session hold a weekly session at prayer meeting on Friday evening with particular reference to the above object. Meeting closed with prayer.

                                                                                                            Henry Osborn, Clerk 


March 7th 1854. Session met at the Parsonage according to appointment. Present J B Fish, Moderator and Elders Purdy, Edwards, Osborn and Fromer, opened with prayer. An invitation having been given to any who desired admission to church privileges to present themselves, the following persons were duly examined by session in relation to experimental religion and their belief and knowledge of the doctrine. Vis: Christian Oswalt, Sophia Oswalt, Elizabeth Ann Brandow, Cornelia Purdy, Harriet Purdy, Mary Jane Purdy, Maria Purdy, Catherine Hensler, and George Mertz. The examination of the above named individuals, having proved satisfactory, it was resolved that they be received into this church upon their assenting to the articles of Faith and the covenant. Adjourned to meet at the center school house on Wednesday evening the 8th inst at the close of prayer meeting. Concluded with prayer.

                                                                                                                Henry Osborn, Clerk 

April? The above named individuals entered into covenant with church.

March 8th. Session met at center school house pursuant to adjournment – Moderator and Elders all present, meeting opened with prayer. No business came before them – adjourned – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                    Henry Osborn, Clerk. 


April 23rd 1854. Session met directly after divine service on call of Moderator, session all present.

            Whereas common fame charges Samuel Patch and Lewis L Quick members of this church with habitual neglect of attendance on public worship and also neglecting to contribute for the support of the gospel – therefore resolved that the clerk be and hereby directed to cite them to appear before the session on Monday the 8th day of May next at the meeting house at 2 o’clock PM then and there to answer to the above charges. And whereas common fame charges Deon Richtmeyer a member of this church with habitual neglect of attendance – therefore resolved that the clerk be and hereby directed to cite her to appear before the session on Monday the 8th day of May next at the meeting house at 2 o’clock PM then and there to answer to the above charge.

Adjourned to May 8th 1854 at the meeting house at the meeting house – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                              Attest. H Osborn, Clerk 


May 8th 1854. Session met at the meeting house pursuant to adjournment – Present Moderator and Elders, Edwards, Purdy, Osborn and Fromer – meeting opened with prayer. The citations as directed at the last meeting of sessions were made out by Moderator and served by the clerk on the above named Samuel Patch, Lewis L Quick and Deon Richtmeyer. Lewis L Quick appeared before session and admitted the charges preferred against him so far as relates to his attendance on public worship with this church and his contributions for the support of the gospel in this church and society are concerned. Resolved that Br. Quick be admonished by the Moderator and be instructed in regard to his duty in the future as relates to this church – which was done in presence of the session. Mrs. Deon Richtmeyer also appeared before the session – and admitted the charge preferred against her to be true. Resolved that she be admonished by Br. Edwards, which was done accordingly in presence of the session.


Whereas Br. Samuel Patch does not appear before the session – therefore resolved that the Moderator cite him to appear before the session on Friday next at the center school house at 6 o’clock PM then and there to answer to the charges preferred against him. Adjourned to meet at center school house on Friday 12th inst at 6 o’clock PM. Closed with prayer.

                                                                                                Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk 

May 12th 1854. Session met at center school house pursuant to adjournment. Present Moderator and Elders, Purdy, Edwards and Osborn, Br. Fromer absent – meeting opened with prayer. The citation as directed by session at their last meeting was made out on the 9th inst and served on Br. Patch this afternoon. Session deeming the notice insufficient in regard to time resolved to adjourn until Friday the 19th inst at this place at 6 o’clock PM and that the Moderator issue a notice to be served on Br. Patch by Elder Edwards accordingly. Adjourned, closed with prayer.    

                                                                                                Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk 


1854 May 19th Session met at the appointed time and place. Opened with prayer. Present Moderator and Elders Edwards and Purdy. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. Patch being present was enquired of concerning the charges preferred against him. He admitted their truth. Made a feeble effort to justify his conduct. The Moderator by order of session and in their presence admonished Mr. Patch and assured him the session could not recede from their position, while willing to wait his return to duty. Adjourned – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                John B Fish, Moderator 

June 12th Session met at Parsonage house on call of the Moderator. Present Moderator and Elders Edwards, Purdy, and Osborn, opened with prayer. Br. Wm W Edwards was appointed as delegate to attend Presbytery at Windham Center 13th inst.

Whereas Calvin B Purdy has united with the Campbellites – a sect not holding the faith and doctrines of this church – therefore resolved that his name be erased from the roll of this church – Milton A Purdy, Sally Purdy, Chester Purdy, Cornelia Purdy, Harriet Purdy and Henry E Purdy requested letters of dismission and recommendation to a Presbyterian Church to be found in Bedford, Ohio, which was granted, closed with prayer.

                                                                                                    Henry Osborn, Clerk 


1854 June 25th Session met in church directly after divine service – Present J B Fish, moderator and Elders, Edwards, Osborn and Fromer – Miss Helen O Rickard requested a letter of dismission and recommendation to the 1st Congregational Church in Westfield, Conn., which was granted by session – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                    Henry Osborn, Clerk 

July 1st session met at the call of the moderator at the house of Mr. E Atwater. Meeting opened with prayer. Present Rev. J B Fish, Moderator and Elders, Edwards and Fromer. The following persons presented themselves for examination and admission to the church. Viz: E Leonard Ingersoll, Edwin Atwater, Ruth A Atwater, Sylvia D Ingraham, Lucretia F Ingraham and Eveline Baldwin. Session examined the above named persons on experimental religion and views of “_____”. Their examinations were sustained, and they were invited to come forward on the morrow (Sabbath) and give their public assent to the confession of faith and covenant of the church, preparatory to their taking their seat with the church at the Lord’s Table – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                    J B Fish, Moderator

July 2nd By order of session the above named persons entered into covenant with the church.                                      
Henry Osborn, Clerk 


1854 August 13th Session met at call of Moderator in church directly after divine service. Present J B Fish, Moderator and Elders Edwards, Osborn and Fromer. Bloomfield J Wheelock and Justin P Fordham in a communication from M A Purdy requested letters of dismission from this church with a view of uniting with a Presbyterian Church about to be formed in Bedford, Ohio. Session being informed that Mr. Fordham did not present his letter voted January 6th 1853 (page 194) granted the above request of Mr. Wheelock and Mr. Fordham. Closed with prayer – adjourned.

                                                                                                        Henry Osborn, Clerk

Augt 3 Session met in the church directly after divine service, present Moderator and Elders Edwards and Fromer – Catherine Hensler requested a letter of dismission and recommendation to Presbyterian Church in Chester, Warren Co., NY which was voted by session – Adjourned. Closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Henry Osborn, Clerk

Sept 19th Mr. Christian Oswalt and Sophia his wife requested letters of dismission and recommendation to the Presbyterian Church in Rens Ville which was granted without a formal meeting of session. By order of session.

                                                                                                       Henry Osborn, Clerk


1854 Dec 10th Session met directly after divine service in the meeting house. Session all present – Br. Henry Osborn was unanimously appointed delegate to attend the meeting of Catskill Presbytery to be held in Durham on the 12th inst. Closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

Thus far examined and approved by Catskill Presbytery in session at Durham Dec 14th 1854.                                                                                               L W Roe, Moderator

Dec 17th Session met on call of Moderator in church directly after divine service. Present J P Lestrade, Moderator and Elders Osborn and Fromer – on motion of Elder Osborn it was unanimously resolved that there be an election of two elders at the interval of divine service on next Lord’s Day – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk


1854 Dec 24th The members of the church met in the meeting house in compliance with previous notice – meeting opened with prayer and other religious exercises – after which the church proceeded to ballot for two elders, which resulted in the choice of Mr. Erastus S Purdy and Br. E Leonard Ingersoll, M.D. – closed with prayer.

                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk of Session

Dec 31st Brs. E S Purdy and E L Ingersoll, “Elders” elect were duly ordained and set apart to that office by Rev. J P Lestrade – Moderator of Session.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

1855 January 10th Session met at Center Schoolhouse pursuant to previous notice – meeting opened with prayer – present Rev. J P Lestrade, moderator and Elders Osborn, Fromer, and Ingersoll. The following persons presented themselves for examination with a view of uniting with the church on profession of faith – viz: Daniel James Adams and Charlotte Purdy who being duly examined by session in regard to experimental religion, and the doctrines of the bible as held by this church – it was unanimously resolved that their examination be sustained and that they


be received as members of the church by assenting to its articles and entering into covenant therewith. A communication was received from Wilson T Wheelock requesting a letter of dismission from this church which after due consideration by the session was unanimously voted – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                            Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

January 13th  Session met in the meeting house on call of the Moderator directly after preparatory lecture – meeting opened with prayer – present Rev. J P Lestrade, Moderator and Elders Osborn, Fromer, Purdy, and Ingersoll. Mr. Isaac Ammerman And Mr. Robert Elliott presented themselves before the session for examination with a view of uniting with the church – and giving satisfactory evidence in regard to experimental religion, and the doctrines of the bible – the session voted unanimously to receive them, on their assenting to the articles of faith and entering into covenant with the church – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                            Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

January 14th Isaac Ammerman, Robert Elliott, Daniel James Adams and Charlotte Purdy, duly entered into covenant with the church.

                                                                                                                Henry Osborn, Clerk


1855 February 4th Session met directly after divine service on call of moderator. Present J P Lestrade, Moderator and Elders Osborn, Purdy and Fromer. Mrs. Nancy Fish requested a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Presbyterian Church in Big Hollow and Misses Elisa and Adelia Ingersoll requested letters of dismission and recommendation to the Reformed Dutch Church in Hudson, - which requests were all granted by session – closed with prayer by Br. Purdy.

                                                                                                               Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

May 6th Session met on call of the Moderator directly after morning service in the meeting house – session all present – Miss Mary Jane McDonald having been previously examined by session in regard to experimental religion and her views of the doctrines as held by the Presbyterian Church – it was unanimously resolved that her examination be sustained and that she be received into communion with the church upon her assenting to the articles of faith and entering into covenant – Mrs. Disentine? Palmer requested a


letter of dismission and recommendation to the Pres. Church in Conklingville, Saratoga County – which request was granted – closed with prayer by moderator.

                                                                                                                Attest. H Osborn, Clerk

May 6th Mary Jane McDonald united with the church by assenting to its articles of Faith and entering into covenant.

                                                                                                                    H. Osborn, Clerk

June 3rd Session met on call of Moderator directly after  divine service – Elders and moderator all present – Elder E L Ingersoll was duly appointed as a delegate to attend the meeting of Catskill Presbytery to be held at Malden on Tuesday the 12th inst – Elder George Fromer was appointed as alternate – closed with prayer by Br. Ingersoll.

                                                                                                            Attest H Osborn, Clerk

Sept 2nd Session met on call of Moderator in the church directly after the morning service – session all present except Br. E L Ingersoll – Mrs. Mary Scribner presented herself before the session for examination with a view and desire to unite with the church – after being duly examined in regard to experimental religion and the doctrines of the bible as held by this church – session


voted unanimously that her examination be sustained – and that she be received into communion with the church – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                                Attest H Osborn, Clerk

Sept 7th Session met in the meeting house directly after preparatory services – session all present except Br. G Fromer. Mrs. Mary C Lestrade presented a letter of dismission and recommendation from the Allen Street Pres. Church, New York which being found in due form – session voted unanimously that she be received as a member of this church – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                                    Attest. H Osborn, Clerk

Sept 23rd Session met in meetinghouse on call of moderator directly after divine service, session all present – Sarah Ann Cook requested a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Pres. Church, Bedford, Ohio, which request was unanimously granted by session, closed with prayer.

                                                                                                               Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk


1855 October 14th Session met in the meetinghouse during the interval of public worship – meeting opened with prayer. Present Rev. J P Lestrade, moderator and Elders Osborn, Ingersoll and Fromer – Mrs. Mary Scribner presented herself before the session for examination with a view of uniting with the church, and upon examination upon experimental religion, and the doctrines of the gospel as held by this church – session voted unanimously to receive her into communion with the church – closed with prayer.

Duplication pages 210 and 211 – Henry Osborn, Clerk
(Above paragraph crossed out)

Nov 11th Mrs. Mary Scribner united with the church by assenting to its articles of faith and entering into covenant.

                                                                                                                            H Osborn, Clerk

Dec 2nd Session met during interval of Public Worship – meeting opened with prayer, present Moderator and Elders Osborn and Fromer. Mrs. Grace Linsley and Stimpson Haines presented themselves for examination for admission into the church, and after being duly examined, session voted unanimously to receive them – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                                    Henry Osborn, Clerk


1855 Dec 7th Session met in meeting house on call of the Moderator. Present Rev. J P Lestrade, Mod. and Elders Osborn and Ingersoll, opened with prayer, Br. George Fromer was appointed delegate to attend meeting of Catskill Presbytery at Cairo on the 12th inst and Br. Osborn alternate – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                                     Henry Osborn, Clerk

Dec 23rd Session met during interval of public worship on call of moderator. Present Rev. J P Lestrade, Moderator and Elders Fromer and Osborn, Mrs. Harriet Haines and Miss. Dorcas Jane Gray presented themselves for examination with a view of uniting with the church, and being duly examined session voted to unanimously that they be received as members of the church – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

1856 January 6th Session met on call of the moderator directly after Divine Service. Present J P Lestrade, Moderator and Elders Fromer and Osborn. Br. E S Purdy and Charlotte his wife, and Mary Jane Purdy and Charlotte Purdy requested letters of dismission and recommendation to the Pres. Church in Bedford, Ohio which were granted by session – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                                H Osborn, Clerk


1856 January 20th Session met in meetinghouse on call of Moderator directly after morning service – Present Rev. J P Lestrade, Moderator and Elders Fromer, Ingersoll and Osborn – meeting opened with prayer – Mrs. Orilla McCoon presented herself before the session for examination with a view of uniting with the church, and being duly examined upon experimental religion and the doctrines of the bible as held by our church, the session voted unanimously that her examination be sustained and that she be received as a member of the church upon assenting to its articles of faith and entering into covenant – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                    Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

January 20th Mrs. Grace Linsley and Mrs. Orilla McCoon united with the church by duly assenting to the articles of faith and entering into covenant.

                                                                                                                        H Osborn, Clerk

January 22nd Session met at the Parsonage in accordance with previous notice. Present, Rev. J P Lestrade, Moderator and Elders Fromer, Ingersoll and Osborn – meeting opened with prayer – resolved that the record on page 212 of the examination of Mrs. Mary Scribner


be erased, there being a duplicate on pages 210 & 211 - - Resolved that the minutes thus far be approved – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

May 25th Session met in meeting house in the interval of Divine Service – Present Rev. J P Lestrade, Moderator and Elders Fromer, Ingersoll and Osborn – Mrs. Harriet Beach requested a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Presbyterian Church in Springfield, Otsego Co., NY which was voted by session. Br. E L Ingersoll was duly appointed as delegate to the meeting of Presbytery at Malden on Tuesday 27th inst – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

June 8th Session met on call of Moderator in the meetinghouse directly after Divine Service – Present Rev. J P Lestrade, Moderator and Elders, Osborn, Fromer and Ingersoll – Elder Osborn was duly appointed as delegate to attend the meeting of Catskill Presbytery at Ashland, on Tuesday the 10th inst – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk


1856 July 11th Session met in church on call of the Moderator directly after preparatory lecture. Present Rev. J P Lestrade, Moderator and Elders Edwards, Ingersoll and Osborn -   Miss Mary Edwards presented herself before session for examination with a view of uniting with the church, and being duly examined in regard to experimental religion and the grounds of her hope, session voted unanimously to sustain her examination and receive her into communion with the church upon assenting to its articles of faith and entering into covenant therewith – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

July 13th Miss Mary Edwards united with the church by assenting to its articles of faith and duly entering into covenant therewith.

                                                                                                                            H Osborn, Clerk

Sept 7th Session met on call of Moderator at the house of Br. Fromer. Meeting opened with prayer – Present Rev. J P Lestrade, Moderator and Elders Fromer, Ingersoll and Osborn – Mr. John G Schantz and Margaretha his wife came before session for examination with a view of uniting with the church; and after being duly


examined in relation to experimental religion and the doctrines of the bible as held by this church; session voted unanimously to sustain their examination and receive them into communion with the church – Mrs. P L Trotter and Maria North requested letters of dismission and recommendation, the former to Centreville, NY and the latter to Bradford, Ohio – which requests were granted – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                                    Henry Osborn, Clerk

Oct 5th Session met in meetinghouse directly after Divine Service – session all present – Elder Henry Osborn was duly appointed as delegate to attend the meeting of Albany synod at Hudson on Tuesday 14th inst – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                                   Henry Osborn, Clerk

Dec 7th Session met in meetinghouse during interval of Divine Worship – members of session all present – Br. E L Ingersoll was duly appointed delegate to attend meeting of Centreville Presbytery at Centreville on Tuesday 9th inst at 2 o’clock PM. Mary Jane McDonald requested


a letter of dismission and recommendation to one of the Evangelical churches in the city of New York, which request was unanimously granted by session – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

Thus far examined and approved by Presbytery of Catskill in session at Centerville, Dec 9, 1856.

                                                                                                            Sanford W Roe, Moderator

1857 January 5th Session met at the Parsonage on call of Moderator, session all present – meeting opened with prayer – Whereas “general rumor” accuses Br. Lewis L Quick with improper conduct – and improper, unchristian and profane language in an affray with William Smith on or about the 16th of December 1856 – Therefore resolved that a committee of two members of session be appointed to visit Br. Quick, and confer with him touching the truth of


said charges, (or reports) and learn his views and feelings, on the subject, and also to ascertain (if charges be true) whether he manifests a spirit of contrition and repentance – Brothers E L Ingersoll and H Osborn were duly appointed said committee. Resolved that said committee report at the next meeting of session. Adjourn to meet at the parsonage on Monday 12th inst at 7 o’clock PM – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                                        Henry Osborn, Clerk

January 12th Session met at the parsonage pursuant to adjournment – members of session all present – meeting opened with prayer – the committee in case of Br. Quick submitted the following report – in writing and on file marked A. The substance of which is that they had visited Br. Quick and had an interview with him in relation to his affray with Wm Smith on the 16th of Dec. last – also in regard to his being in the habit of using profane language, and he (Br. Quick) admitted that he drew his knife and during the affray and told Smith he would stab him if he did not let him go – and after he


(Quick) got away from Smith he caught a crowbar and threw it at him – He (Quick) says he does not recollect using any profane language on the occasion and claims that what he did and said at the time was in self defense and therefore justifiable.

On motion of Br. Fromer the report was unanimously accepted and the committee discharged.

On motion resolved that a committee of two be appointed to make inquiries of Wm Smith, Oliver Ingalls and others in regard to what transpired at the time of the affray between Br. Quick and Wm Smith in the month of December last – and also learn whether Br. Quick has been in the habit of using profane language prior to said affray – and report at the next meeting of session. Ingersoll and Osborn were appointed said committee – adjourned to meet at call of Moderator – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                                Attest. H Osborn, Clerk

January 21st Session met at Br. Ingersoll’s office on call of the Moderator – session all present – meeting opened with prayer.

The committee appointed on the 12th inst made the following report, Viz:

That they had made diligent inquiry in regard to the matters set forth in


the resolution of instructions submitted to them, and they suggest in view of the information they have received from the various sources within their reach, that it is highly expedient that Br. Quick be cited before the session to answer in the premises. On motion resolved that the report be accepted and committee discharged. On motion resolved that Br. Lewis L Quick be duly cited to appear before session on the 9th day of Feb. next at 1 o’clock PM at the meeting house, to answer to the following charge, and specifications: Viz: -

Charge – conduct unbecoming a Christian.

First – In going upon the premises of Wm H Smith in Hunter on the 16th day of Dec last and provoking an affray with said Smith.

Second – In engaging in a quarrel with said Smith on the 16th of Dec last, and using at that time, highly improper and profane language

Third – In the progress of said quarrel, drawing a knife and threatening therewith to stab said Smith to the


heart, and in carrying said threat into execution so far as to cut his pantaloons and boot leg, and break the skin of his leg, and also in cutting said Smith with said knife in two or more places, and in continuing to use said knife in attempts to cut said Smith until it was wrested from him.

Fourth – In seizing a crowbar and thrusting it at said Smith, with the expression “Damn you I will throw this through your guts or body.”

Fifth – In using profane language on the occasion referred to in the above specifications, and also in having used and been in the habit of using profane language  on various occasions prior to said time –

Adjourned to meet at meeting house on the 9th day of Feb next at 1 o’clock PM – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

Feb 9th session met at the meeting house pursuant to adjournment – session all present – meeting opened with prayer – minutes thus far read and approved.


Rev. J F Ingersoll being present was invited was invited to sit as corresponding member, Br. Quick having been duly cited to appear before the session to answer to the above charge and specifications, and being present – the session proceeded to the investigation of the case – and after having examined a number of witnesses in relation to said charges and specifications; the proceedings were stayed for the purpose of receiving a written communication from Br. Quick – communication read and is as follows, Viz

“To the Rev. Moderator of the session of the Presbyterian Church in Hunter,

            Rev. and Dear Sir, Will you permit me through you, to make the following communication to the session; In regard to the charge which has been entertained against me, and that is now under judicial investigation before the session; I am desirous to meet the whole case in the true spirit of our holy religion, and in a way that shall be satisfactory to all the members of the Church abd especially in a way that shall meet the approbation of God.

            And first “Dear Brethren, I am most ready to confess and hereby” do confess, that in the quarrel I had with William H


Smith on the 16th of last December, I did not act as becometh a professed follower of the Saviour – and I confess that; my unchristian conduct on that occasion has been just cause of offence and grief to my brethren of the church, it has done dishonor to that blessed name by which we are called, and it has given occasion to the enemy to speak reproachfully.

            I confess in particular, that I exhibited a temper which was not the Christian temper that I used violent and menacing language and engaged in a personal scuffle, in all which I was acting directly contrary to the injunction of our Saviour, which teaches us to bless those that curse us, and pray for them that despitefully use us.

            And though I have no knowledge or recollection of using profane language, yet as the only spectator of the scene testifies that I did, I acknowledge that it is possible in the excitement and heat of the quarrel, I might have done so unconsciously, and if so, I do most heartily deplore and bewail it, asking my brethren to forgive me, and praying that God will forgive me.

            And I further confess and acknowledge, that I find occasion for deep humiliation before God, in the cause of all this outbreak of unsanctified feeling and unhallowed passion -


it is that I have not habitually maintained a more intimate and humble walk with God; for while I have not habitually neglected the daily duties of religion, such as reading the words and prayers, yet I now see and feel, that had I herein been more earnest, serious, constant and watchful, I might thereby have been saved from the sin and humiliation which I now humbly confess and deplore –

            Brethren of the session and the church, I ask your forgiveness – I ask you to join me in praying God that He will forgive me, and that henceforth I may have grace to adorn my profession.

                                                                                                                    (Signed) Lewis L Quick

Resolved unanimously that the foregoing communication and confession from Br. Quick be accepted by the session as satisfactory, and that the whole proceedings in the case be stayed.

            Resolved that the communication of Br. Quick be read publicly in church on the Sabbath; to which Br. Quick consented – meeting closed with prayer.

                                                                                                            Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk


1857 Feb 22 session met at the meeting house on call of Moderator – session all present – meeting opened with prayer – Elisha Howes came before session for examination, with a view of uniting with the church, and being duly examined in regard to experimental religion, and the doctrines of the bible; session voted unanimously that his examination be sustained.

Mrs. Katherine Connelly presented a letter of dismission and recommendation from the R.D. Church of Shandaken, which being found in order; session voted unanimously that she be received into communion with the church.

Closed with prayer.

                                                                                                               Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

April 5th Session met at the house of Cyrus Hanks, on call of Moderator, session all present. Meeting opened with prayer – Mrs. Eliza Hanks presented herself before session for examination with a view of uniting with the church – and after being examined in regard to experimental religion, and the doctrines of the Bible, session voted unanimously to sustain her examination, and that she be received into communion with the church – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                              Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk 


1857 June 7th Session met at Parsonage on call of  Moderator – session all present – meeting opened with prayer – Henry Osborn was duly appointed delegate to attend the meeting of Catskill Presbytery to be held at Livingston Ville on the 9th inst.Closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

1858 January 2nd Session met at the house of Br. Elliott on call of Moderator, meeting opened with prayer, Br. Fromer absent. Mrs. Robert Elliott came before session for examination with a view of uniting with the church and after having examined her in regard to experimental religion and the doctrines of the Bible – session voted unanimously that her examination be sustained – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

January 10th Mrs. Mary Ann Elliott wife of Br. Robert Elliott united with the church by assenting to our articles of faith and entering into covenant.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk


1854 March 14th Session met in church during interval of Divine Service, on call of Moderator, session all present – Mrs. George Mitz and Lydia Howard came before session for examination with a view of uniting with the church, and after being duly examined, session voted unanimously voted that their examinations be sustained, and that they be received into communion with the church, closed with prayer.

                                                                                                               Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

March 14th Mrs. George Mitz and Lydia Howard united with the church by duly assenting to our articles if faith and entering into covenant herewith.

                                                                                                               Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

March 25th  session met in school house on call of Moderator directly after prayer meeting – session all present – Br. Wm W Edwards (through the Moderator) presented in communication in writing requesting a letter of dismission from the church and recommendation to the Plymouth church in Brooklyn NY which was unanimously voted by session, closed with prayer.

                                                                                                            Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk


1858 April 25th session met on call of Moderator during the interval of Divine Worship – session all present – on motion resolved unanimously that Henry Osborn represent this church as delegate at the meeting of Presbytery in Catskill on Tuesday 27th inst. –closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

Thus far examined and approved by the Presbytery of Catskill held at Catskill April 28th 1858.

                                                                                                        Edward Stratton Moderator

May 7th session met in meeting house directly after preparatory lecture, Br Fromer absent – Mr. Uriah Hanks and Florilla his wife presented letters of dismission and recommendation from the 1st Presbyterian Church of Cambridge, NY which being found in order, session voted unanimously that they be received into fellowship with this church, closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk 


1858 Sept 12th session met in meeting house on call of Moderator directly after morning service – Br. Ingersoll absent – Mr. David B Dewey presented a letter of dismission and recommendation from the 1st Congregational Church in Walton, NY which being found in order; it was unanimously resolved that he be received into fellowship with this church, closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

Sept 20th session met on call of the Moderator in the meeting house directly after divine service – session all present – Br. Fromer was duly chosen delegate to attend the meeting of Presbytery at Osborn Ville on Tuesday next – and Br. Ingersoll was chosen alternate, closed with prayer.

                                                                                                           Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

1859 April 24th session met on call of Moderator directly after morning service – session all present. Br. Fromer was duly chosen delegate to represent this church in Presbytery at Durham on the 26th inst and Br. Osborn was appointed his alternate, closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk


Administrations of the Lords Supper


May 29

By Rev. S Chapin


July 24

By Rev. S Chapin


Sept 4

By Rev. S Chapin


Nov 13

By Rev. S Chapin


Jan 1

By the Pastor


March 5

By the Pastor


May 7

By the Pastor


July 2

By the Pastor


Sept 3

By the Pastor


Nov 5

By the Pastor


March 4

By the Pastor


Jan 13

By Rev. G H Goodrich


March 23

By Rev G H Goodrich


May 4

By the Pastor, C Durfy


June 11

By the Pastor, at Mr. Clarks, East kill


July 6

By the Pastor, “


Sept 7

By the Pastor, “


Nov 16

By the Pastor, “


Jan 4

By the Pastor, “


March 8

By the Pastor


May 3

By the Pastor


July 5

By the Pastor


Sept 6

By the Pastor


Nov 1

By the Pastor


Jan 3

By the Pastor


March 7

By the Pastor


May 2

By the Pastor


July 4

By the Pastor


Sept 3

By the Pastor


1859 May 4th session met at Br. Fromers on call of Moderator – meeting opened with prayer, Miss Mary F Roe came before session for examination with a view to uniting with the church – and after being duly examined by session in regard to experimental religion and the doctrines of the Bible – session voted unanimously to sustain her examination, and that she be received into communion with the church – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                    Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

May 8th Miss Mary F Roe united with the church by duly entering into covenant.

                                                                                                            Attest. H Osborn, Clerk

Sept 18th session met in the meeting house during interval of divine service, Moderator and session all present – Br. Elisha Howes requested a letter of dismission And recommendation to the Pres. Church in Centre Ville Allegany County, NY which was unanimously voted – Br. H Osborn was duly appointed delegate to attend Pres. At Malden on Tuesday 27th inst – closed by prayer.

                                                                                                    Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk


1859 Dec 6th session met at the parsonage on call of Rev. C O Reynold Moderator, session all present – meeting opened with prayer – John Burtiss and Celinda his wife presented a letter of dismission and recommendation from the first Pres. Church in Cambridge, NY which letter being found in order, session voted that they be received into fellowship with this church – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

1860 January 1st John Burtiss and Celinda his wife, Stimpson Hains and Harriett his wife united with the church by entering into covenant therewith.

                                                                                                                Henry Osborn, Clerk

Feb 27th session met at the parsonage on call of Moderator; session all present – meeting opened with prayer.

Mrs. Sarah Hard and Miss Lucy Hard presented themselves for examination with a view of uniting with the church – and being duly



examined in regard to experimental religion and the reason of’ their hope – session voted unanimously to sustain their examination – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                                            H Osborn, Clerk

March 2 session met in the meeting house directly after preparatory lecture – Mrs. Emiline Green and Miss Roxa E Beach came before session with a view of uniting with this church – and being examined, session voted unanimously to sustain their examination, closed with prayer. At the same time Bros. Robert Elliott and Edwin Atwater were duly elected “Ruling Elders” by the church, in place of Wm W Edwards and E L Ingersoll (removed)

                                                                                                               Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

March 5th Mrs. Sarah Hard and Miss Lucy Hard and Miss Roxa E Beach united with the church by assenting to its confession of faith and duly entering into covenant therewith.

                                                                                                                         Henry Osborn, Clerk



April 22 session met during interval of divine service – Br. Fromer was duly appointed as delegate to represent this church in Pres. To convene in Cairo on Tuesday 24th inst – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                              Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

May 4th session met on call of the Moderator directly after preparatory lecture in the meeting house – session all present – the following persons presented themselves for examination, with a view of uniting with the church. Viz. Antone Scherer and Caroline his wife, John Miller and Christina his wife, Jacob Schoulderer and Hannah his wife, Conrad Fromer, Sen. And Mary his wife, George Metz, Conrad Fromer Jr and Grace Shaws? The above named persons were duly examined and their examinations unanimously sustained by the session.* Br. Isaac Ammerman and Julia his wife requested letters of dismission and recommendation


to the 2nd Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, NY and Mrs. Grace Linsley requested a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Blue Mountain R.D. Church, Ulster County, NY and Mrs. Mary C Lestrade requested a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Allen Street Pres. Church New York City,  and Mrs. Adams and Daniel Adams to Pres. Church Cambridge, NY. The above requests were all granted by session, closed with prayer.

                                                                                                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

* Margin note: The letters of Br. Ammerman and wife were not forwarded and they returned to this church.

May 6th the persons examined on the 4th all united with the church by assenting to our articles of faith and entering into covenant herewith.

                                                                                                            Attest Henry Osborn, Clerk

Sept 16th session met during interval of divine service, Br. Fromer was appointed delegate to attend Pres at Rensselaer Ville, Albany County on Tuesday 25th inst.

                                                                                                              Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

At same time a letter of dismission and recommendation was voted to Br. D B Dewey to Pres. Church White Hall, NY.

                                                                                                                                H Osborn, Clerk


1860 Nov 4th session met in meeting house on call of moderator directly after communion service – Mrs. Catherine Jones requested a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Pres. Church of Jewett Heights which was unanimously voted by session – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                            Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk

Dec 16th session met on call of moderator directly after divine service – session all present, except Elder Atwater. Elder Henry Osborn was chosen as delegate to attend a special meeting of Catskill Presbytery to be held at Windham Centre on the 25th inst at 2 o’clock PM.

                                                                                                            Attest Henry Osborn, Clerk

1861 January 5th session met on call of moderator at Br. Fromers – meeting opened with prayer – Mrs. Annie Miller was duly examined as a candidate for admission into the church on profession of faith – and her examination was unanimously sustained by session – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                            Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk


1861 Jan 6th Mrs. Annie Miller united with the church by assenting to its articles of faith, and entering into covenants therewith.

                                                                                            Attest Henry Osborn, Clerk of session

April 21st session met directly after divine worship, session all present, Henry Osborn was appointed as delegate to represent the church in Catskill Presbytery at Centre Ville, on Tuesday next, and Br. Edwin Atwater as alternate.

                                                                                                                      Attest H Osborn, Clerk

Sept 15th session met directly after divine service in the church, session all present. Elder Henry Osborn was duly appointed as delegate to attend the meeting of Catskill Presbytery, at West Durham on Tuesday 24th inst, and Elder George Fromer was appointed alternate.

                                                                                                                Attest Henry Osborn, Clerk

1862 April 15th session met in the meeting house on call of Moderator, session all present, except Elder Atwater – meeting opened with prayer. Elder H Osborn was duly chosen as delegate to attend the meeting of Catskill Presbytery at Greenville on 22 inst.

                                                                        (over) *the rest missing

1862 April 15th Mr. Sylvanus Parker and Julia his wife, presented letters of dismission and recommendation from the Presbyterian Church in Ashland, Green County to the session with a desire of uniting with this church, which letters being found in order, session voted unanimously that they be received into fellowship with the church – closed with prayer.

                                                                                                               Attest Henry Osborn, Clerk

Thus far examined and approved by the Presbytery of Catskill at its meeting in Greenville April 23, 1862.

                                                                                                     A.   O. Pelouliet, Moderator

April 28th session met at the parsonage on call of Moderator, session all present – meeting opened with prayer. The following persons presented themselves before the session for examination with a view of uniting with the church; viz H S Lockwood, Mrs. Sarah A Lockwood, Mrs. Ellen Campbell, Mr. Michael Sax, Mrs. Rhoda Sax, Mr. John W Goodrich, Mrs. Ann Goodrich, Mr. Leverett Canine, Mrs. Temperance Canine, Mr. Lazarus Whittaker, Mr. Francis Goodrich,


Mrs. Asenoth Goodrich, Mrs. Sarah Ingals, Mr. John J Miller, and Mrs. Caroline Breckett. On motion resolved that the examination of the above named persons be unanimously sustained by the session, meeting closed with prayer.

                                                                                                                       Attest H Osborn, Clerk

May 4th the above named persons all united with the church by assenting to its articles of faith and entering into covenant and Mr. Sylvanus Parker and wife by letter.

                                                                                                                    Attest H Osborn, Clerk

July 2 session met at center school house on call of Moderator, session all present, meeting opened with (prayer); the following persons came before session for examination with a view of uniting with the church viz; Mr. H W Ingraham, Miss Emma M Ingraham, Mr. James Kinkade, Mrs. Sarah Kinkade. Mrs. Florilla Wells, Mrs. Mary Rose, Miss Lydia Cline, Miss Josephine L Smith, Wm D Perry, Helen C Perry, Emma L Wells, Mary E Lockwood, Sarah E Chamberlin, Margaret A Schantz, Jacob Schantz, George Fromer, Jr, Theodore J Fromer, Harriet A Fromer, Nelson Green, Wm W Burtis, John Mastling and Wm Douglas. Session after duly examining the above



named persons on experimental religion, voted unanimously to sustain their examination: Mrs. Mary Jane Douglas presented a letter of dismission and recommendation from the Presbyterian Church in Cambridge, NY with a request to unite with the church by said letter. Session finding the letter in order voted unanimously to receive her into communion with the church, meeting closed with prayer.

                                                                                                            Attest Henry Osborn, Clerk

July 6th the above named persons all united with the church by assenting to its articles of faith and entering into covenant therewith.

                                                                                                                    Attest H Osborn, Clerk

Sept 7th Miss Eliza Chamberlin united with the church by assenting to its articles of faith and entering into covenant therewith, after having been duly examined by session.

                                                                                                                    Attest H Osborn, Clerk

Carried to page 275


Record of marriages solemnized by me while Pastor of the Presbyterian Church in Hunter, NY.

                                                                                                                                John F Ingersoll

70 in 8 years 1838 to 1846

1837 Oct 9th

Lazarus Whittaker of Livingston, NY  and Maria daughter of Wm Thompson    

At the house of Wm Thompson in this town

1838 March 3

Hiram Inman and Clarissa Quick both of this place

At the home of Wm Quick in this town

Sept 9

George Stewart and Mary Ann Hunter both of Prattville

At the house of Robert J Kerr of this town

Sept 11

Anthony Dorman of Blenhem, NY and Caroline Mann of this place

At the house of Andrew Hauver

Sept 20

Henry Brandt of this place and Ruth, daughter of Oliver Cor

At the house of Oliver Cor Esq. residence in Lexington

Oct 15

Charles Butler of this place and Caroline, daughter of Worcester Perkins

At the house of Worcester Perkins

Dec 18th

Wm Dedrick of this place and Harriet, daughter of Ethan I.Bailey

At the house of Ethan I. Bailey in this town


1839 July 23rd

Alfred E Morgan of Rochester, NY and Harriet Palmer of this place


August 3rd

Uriah T Hains and Hannah Britt both of this place


Sept 10th

Charles Corban and Elsy Inman both of this place


Sept 12th

Sullivan Kibber and Phebe Berger both of this place


Oct 10th

Robert Smith of Windham and Margaret Hall of this place



Ezra Margison and Sally Burns both of this place


1840 Oct 6

Joseph Polock and Emily Perkins both of this place

At the house of Worcester Perkins

Oct 21st

George Schaffner and Huldah Laughpaugh both of this place

At my house

Nov 14th

Benjamin Schemmerhorn and Clara ___ both of this place


1841 Feb 20th

Clark Sanford and Cornelia Dick both of this place



1841 Feb 23

Norman Lockwood and Anna Jones both of this place

At the house of John Jones

March 31st

Jonathan Thomson and Mrs. Hannah D Kress? both of this place


March 4th

Nathan Peet and Catherine Hare both of this place


April 15th

Benjamin Jones of this place and Catherine Peck, daughter of Dea. Charles

At the house of Dea. Charles Peck in Lexington

May 18th

Frederick Clark and Sarah Wolcott both of this place

At my house

June 19

Oscar Lewis and Mary Ann Whitman of this place

At the house of Dr. Hurd of this place

June 19

Theodore Witzel and Lucy Whitman both of this place

At the house of Dr. Hurd


Jeremiah Thomson and Lydia Van Aiken of Kingston, NY

At the house of Wm Thompson of this town

Sept 18

Abraham Hains and Maria Britt both of this place

At the house of Wm Thompson in this town


1841 Sept 19

John Johnson of Lexington and Ester Jones of this place


Sept 22

Lewis Quick and Lucinda Hains all of this place

At the house of John Hains

Oct 3rd

John H York and Eliza Jane Hains both of this place

At my house

Oct 17

Levi Hains and Hannah Simpson both of this place

At my house

Oct 20

Sidney Fowler and Catherine Gillen both of this place

At my house

Oct 27

Ira Vanvolkenburg of Lexington and Sally Patch, daughter of the above Samuel

At the house of Samuel Patch in this town

Nov 4th

Wilson Shufelt and Ruhanna Burgess both of this place


Nov 11

Elias Hoag and Deborah Swift both of  Otego, NY

At my house

1842 Feb

Asahel Wolcott of Andes, NY and Lydia Mosier of this place

At the house of  Frederick Clark in this town


1842 May 2

Anson Johnson of Lexington and Amanda Green, daughter of Silas

At the house of Capt. Silas Green  in Lexington

July 28

Francis Whitman and Dolly Twaddle both of this place


July 30

James Simpson and Elizabeth Braden both of this place

At my house

August 2nd

Bloomfield J Wheelock and Adaline C Platt both of this place

At my house


Wm Wooden and Mary Kerr Both of  this place



Charles T Disbrow M.D. and Mary C Ingersol all of this place

At the house of David Ingersoll Esq.


John Neal and Phebe Jones both of this place

At my house


Mr. ____ Hough of Windham and Lois Hains daughter of John

At the house of John Hains in this town


Martin Eagleston of Catskill and Hannah Bailey, daughter of Ethan

At the house of Ethan T Bailey in this town


1843 Feb

Capt. David Curtiss and Rachel Jones both of this place


March 12th

Franklin Tobey of West Stockbridge, Mass. And Elizabeth C Platt of this place

At the Presbyterian Church in this place

Nov 12th

Harlie Jones and Susan Ann Travis both of this place


1844 Jan 31

Harvey Burgess and Caroline Brewer both of this place


Feb 5th

James Cochran and Lanan? Peet both of this place


Feb 14

Philo Snider of Saugerties and Selina Burhans, daughter of Wm

At the house of  Wm J Burhans Esq. in this town

Sept 1st

Hiram Knapp and Elizabeth M Coon both of this place


Sept 3

Justus Ingersol and Eliza Landon both of this place

At the house of Widow Lester

Sept 14th

Francis Goodrich and Asenath Jones both of this place

At my house


1844 Dec 2nd

Alfred Twaddle and Semaris Howard both of this place

At my house

1845 March 30

Cornelius Cornish of Lexington and Olivia Whitman of this place


June 2nd

William Inman and Frances Eagleston all of this place

At the house of Zebulon Eagleston

July 3rd

Moses J Ingersol of the same place and Sarah A Brown, daughter of  Anson

At the house of Anson Brown Esq. in Austerlitz, NY

July 9th

Enos C Andrus of New York City and Elizabeth Whitman of Poughkeepsie

At the house of Samuel Chichester of Poughkeepsie, NY


Michael Showers and Catherine Brewer both of this place

At the house of Sanford Howard

Oct 1st

Charles H Andrus M.D. of Windham and Louisa Coles of Durham

At the house of  Dr. Coles in Durham, NY

Nov 1st

Albert Barley and Elizabeth Wolcott all of this place

At the house of Frederick Clark


1845 Dec 28

Columbus Pierce and Mrs. Fanny Smith both of this place


1846 Jan 8

John Martin and Mary Jane Miller both of this place


March 30

Frederick Beach of this town and Mrs. Amanda Johnson of Lexington

At the house of Capt Silas Greene in Lexington

May 12

Giles Hains of this town and Julia Ann Elliston of Windham


May 24

Thule Burnham of Prattville and Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson of this place


May 30

Arnold Reynolds and Amy Perkins both of this place


June 3

Lorenzo Robinson M.D. of ____ and Mary Lockwood of this place


June 4

Jesse Hains and ____ Kerr Both of this place


July 17

Aza bishop of Woodstock and Ann Brown of this place

At my house

July 26

Horatio S Lockwood and Sarah A Platt both of this place

At the Presbyterian Church in this place

72 marriages


Infant Baptisms in the Presbyterian Church, Hunter NY while the church was under the pastoral care of Rev. John F Ingersoll 

1837 Oct

Mary Elizabeth

Daughter of Wm W and Helen A Edwards

1838 Nov

Frances Rebecca

Daughter of  Wm W and Helen A Edwards

1839 August

Lucius Egbert

Son of Wm and Laura Ann Sedgwick



Son of  Samuel and Susan Chichester


William Kellog

Son of Rev. John F and Mary W Ingersoll



Daughter of Andrew and Eliza Howard


Sarah Ann

Daughter of Benjamin and Catherine D W Hendricks


Polemon Alphonzo

Son of Samuel and Susan Chichester


Edward Dwight

Son of Wm W and Helen A Edwards


Maria and Charlotte Talmadge

Daughters of Charlotte wife of Erastus S Purdy


Alvah, Watson, Hellen, Sarah, Elizabeth, Milo and Abner

Children of Frederick Bray



Son of _____ wife of Sanford Cline


Mary Cordelia

Daughter of  Julia, wife of Isaac Ammerman



Amelia, Willard, John, Walter and Erastus Purdy

Children of Julia, wife of Isaac Ammerman


Wm Henry Harrison

Son of Charlotte, wife of  Erastus S Purdy


James Edwin

Son of  Lewis and Lucinda Quick


Eunice Marilla and Mary Rebecca

Daughters of Thankful, wife of Horace Ingraham


Julia Louisa

Daughter of Wm W and Helen A Edwards


Lucilia Adelaide

Daughter of Wm and Laura A Sedgwick

1843 June

Charles Sidney

Son of Samuel and Susanna Chichester


Edward Walter

Son of Charlotte, wife of Erastus S Purdy

1844 Feb

James Wilson

Son of Bloomfield J Wheelock


Hannah Elizabeth

Daughter of Lewis and Lucinda Quick


Edward Milton

Son of Oscar Lewis


John Randolph

Son of Sidney and Catherine Fowler

1845 Oct


Son of Julia, wife of Isaac Ammerman


John Franklin

Son of Lewis and Lucinda Quick


1846 July

Frances Elizabeth

Daughter of Bloomfield J Wheelock


Mary Statira, Charles Henry Strong, William Harrison and Sarah Margaret

Children of Derantine, wife of Alexander H Palmer


Mary Jane, Alanson Hervey, Albert William and Sarah Rebecca

Children of Mathias H Chittenden

Baptisms in the Pres. Church of Hunter while under the pastoral care of Rev. Henry Osborn

Sept 5 1847

Mrs. Jacob Schlager

On profession of faith

Sept 12

Nancy Hannah, Charlotte, Henry and Harriet S

Children of Henry Brant


Freelove and Adelbert

Children of Jacob Schlager

Oct 24th


Son of Mr. Fromer

Nov 7th

Catherine Teal

On profession of faith

May 1849

Wilson Wheelock

On profession of faith



Daughter of Jacob Schlager



Daughter of Mathias Chittenden


Winfield Scott

Son of Henry Brant


1849 July 1st

Charles L. Beach

On profession of faith

Aug 26th

Eliza and Adelia Ingersol

On profession of faith

Sept 2nd

Jane H Quick

On profession of faith

1852 Sept 9th

Rev. John Fish baptized Hellen, infant daughter of Henry W Prescott? and his wife

Baptisms by Rev. J P Lestrade 

1855 Jan 2

Wm David

Son of Rev. A Trotter

Jan 7th

Emily Adelia, 9 yrs , Julia Ann, 8yrs, Caroline Elizabeth, 6 yrs, and Franklin Wilson, 4 yrs

Children of Erastus S and Charlotte Purdy

Jan 14th

David James Adams

On profession of faith

1856 May 22

Laura Jane and Charles Quick

Children of Lewis Quick and wife

July 13

Kate, 2 yrs and Ellen, 5 months

Daughters of A E Green and wife

1859 July 8th

Edmund Francis and Harvey Fermilian

Children of  Robert Elliott and wife

Baptisms by C O Reynolds 

1860 Nov 4th

Helena Frances

Daughter of Robert Elliott and wife

1862 July 11th

John F

Son of H S and Sarah Lockwood



Son of Sarah Ingals


Frank J.

Son of Sarah Hard


Ann Alphoretta Trank? (Traub?)

Adopted daughter of Sarah Hard


George Darwin

Son of Lucy Connelly


Christina Caroline and John Conrad

Children of John and Christina Miller




Adopted son of H W and Thankful Ingraham


Lewis Elmer

Son of Mary Jane Douglass


Mary Ann and Celia  Ellen

Daughters of Ellen Campbell


Francis Edwin, Sarah and Adda Ann

Children of J W and Ann Goodrich


Charles and Henry

Sons of Caroline Brockett


Aspacia, Frederick and Chester Smith

Children of Orilla McCoon

Baptisms by W Howell Buchanan 

1889 June 9

Edna, Elnora and Elphina

Daughters ?????

Aug 18th

Theodoris Wilkinson

Child of Rev. and Mrs. W

Sept 8

Mabel Chase

Child of Arthur Orwill and Lilly


Marriages solemnized by Rev. Henry Osborn, pastor of the Pres. Church of Hunter, NY      


William Havelin and Chloe Ingraham both of this place

At the house of Mr. Ingraham

Aug 24 1847

Mr. Margison and Miss Hains both of this town

At the house of Mr. Hains

Oct 1847

Mr. Miller and Miss Margaret Douglas both of this town

At the house of Mr. Douglass

Jan 1st 1848

Mr. Lewis Lane of Woodstock to Miss Rebecca Howard of this town

At the house of Mr. Hommel

Jun 15th 1848

Mr. Chauncy Hains and Miss Elizabeth Ann Hains both of this town

At the house of Samuel Hains

Sept 17th 1848

Mr. McRiley and Miss Marilla Hall, both of this town

At the house of Mr. Mathews

Nov 20th 1848

Mr. Green and Miss Smith both of this town

At the house of B G Wheelock


Mr. Jones and Miss Inman both of this town

At the house of Mr. Thompson


Sept 20th 1849

Judson Howard and Esther Green both of this town

At the pastor’s house

Oct 24th 1849

Adam Traub, formerly of Germany and Fanny Hard of this place

At the house of Dr. Hard

Dec 21st 1849

Mr. H Hains of this town and Miss Emmond of Eastkill

At my house

Dec 29th 1849

Mr. Phillip H. Klum and Miss Harriet Jones both of this town

At the house of S Jones

Marriages by J P Lestrade       

Nov 25th 1854

Stephen L North of Olive, Ulster Co. to Miss Maria Purdy of Hunter

At the house of her father Erastus Purdy

Nov 25th 1854

Mr. Shepard Davis to Miss North all of Olive, Ulster Co.

At the house of Erastus Purdy

Dec 17th 1854

Mr. Francis Whitman to Miss Louisa Ann Winter

At the house of E L Ingersoll MD


Jan 1855

Lewis Borner of Germany to Barbara Pfafflin of Germany

At the house of Mr. Geo Fromer

Jan 8th

Daniel Burger of Hunter to Miss Sylvia D Ingraham

At the house of Wm Ingraham

Aug 16

Robert Elliott to Miss Mary Ann Caldwell

At the house of Moses Rider, all of Hunter

Aug 30th

Jacob Miller to Miss Ann Fromer

At the house of Geo Fromer all of Hunter

Aug 30th

Conrad Fromer to Miss Phebe Jones

At the house of Geo Fromer all of Hunter

Sept 17th

J B Parker to Stata C Paine

At the house of Mrs. Parker Ashland

Nov 15th

Edwin B Cline to Miss Catherine Swarts all of Hunter


Nov 22nd

Stephen Brown to Miss Mary Scribner, all of Hunter



1856 July 12th

John A Troub of Hunter to Miss Sarah Bray of East Kill

At the house of Geo Fromer

Dec 31st

James Brown to Louisa Cline, all of Hunter

At the house of S Cline Esq.

Jan 1st 1857

Edwin O’Conner of Catskill to Susan Carl of Hunter

At he house of O Carl

Jan 24th

William A Rose to Mary T Hanks of Cambridge NY







Sep 7 1825

Rev. Seth Chapin. Late of Hanover, Mass And formerly of Hillsborough, NH

June 20 1827

April 23rd 1828 by the Presbytery of Columbia

Rev. Calvin Durfy of Great Barrington, MA


Oct 21st 1836 by the Presbytery of Columbia

Rev J Judson Buck formerly of Cain NY


Oct 5th 1837 by the Presbytery of Columbia

Rev. John F Ingersoll

July 22nd 1846 dismissed by the Presbytery of Columbia

Nov 12th 1846 by the Presbytery of Columbia

Rev. Henry Osborn

Abt Mar or April 1850 dismissed by the Presbytery of Columbia


Rev. A Trotter supplied the pulpit for 2 ½ years



Rev. J B Fish for 2 years until

Oct 1st 1854

January 2nd 1855 by Catskill Presbytery

Rev Joseph  P Lestrade of NY

Sept 27th 1859 dismissed by Catskill Presbytery

Oct 27th 1859

Rev. C O Reynolds

Resigned March 18th 18—dismissed by Presbytery


Ruling Elders    




1822, Feb 13

William Edwards

Dismissed July 1845


Harry R Avery

Dismissed  Dec 6th 1825


John Lockwood

Died  April 23rd 1841

 1824 Dec 28

Joseph Bassett

Dismissed Sept 29 1830

1828 April 25th

Charles Peck

Dismissed Dec 27 1832


Dan Case



Milton A Purdy

Dismissed June 12 1854   page 203

1831 March 27

William Burns

Dismissed Sept 16 1832

1832 Jun 1

William W Edwards

Dismissed March 25 1858


Frederick Tyler

Dismissed Sep 1838

1833 Sept 15

William Sedgwick

Dismissed  1840

1835 Jan 25

Charles Peck


1839 May 5

Samuel Chichester

Dismissed 1845

1847 Aug 15

Stephen Gilbert

Dismissed  Jan 21 1852 page 190

1852 Oct 3rd

Henry Osborne


1853 June 5

George Fromer

Dismissed Jan 15th 1865

1854 Dec 31

Erastus S Purdy

Dismissed Jan 6 1856


E Leonard Ingersoll


1860 May 6th

Edwin Atwater


1863 May 11th

Isaac Ammerman



Horatio Lockwood


1866 April 1st

John Burtis





1822 Feb 13

William Edwards

Dismissed July 1846


Shelden Gilbert

Dismissed Aug 30 1850


Jacob Schleger

Dismissed Dec 31st 1852

1850 Sept 1

Mathias H Chittenden

Dismissed Jan 6th 1852  page 119

1852 Oct 3

R P Post

 Dismissed Sept 12th 1853  page 191


A catalogue of the members of the Presbyterian Church in Hunter 






1822 Feb 12

Samuel Henson


Dec 13 1830



William Edwards


July 1846



John Bray



Dec 6 1825


Harry R Avery


Dec 6 1825



John Lockwood

April 1841




Lorin Beach


Dec 28 1823



Jim Barker


Dec 13 1830


1822 Feb 21    

Collins A Brown


March 30 1834


1823 May 18

Edmund Avery


June 1833



Milton A Purdy


June 12 1854


1823 July 12

Joseph Bassett


Sept 24 1820



Bennett Bassett





John Hains





Goodrich Baldwin



May 1839


John Goodrich



No letter

1825 Sept 7

Seth Chapin


Jan 20 1827


1828 Jan 13

Dan Case


Apr 28 1836



Ephraim Sheldon Jr


May 1 1832


1828 Mar 13

Charles Peck


Dec 27 1833



William Sedgwick




1828 May 4

Josiah Brown




1828 April 23

Calvin Durfy


Aug 1835


1828 June 11

Timothy Baily




1828 July 6

Peter Provost


Feb 28 1844 p162

Was h—ded out Feb 28, 1849


Hiram Mills



May 183-


Henry Talmadge

Dec 14 1831 In Great Barrington




William Stevens


Mar 31 1829








1822 Feb 12

Sally Henson


Dec 13 1830



Rebecca Edwards


July 1842



Lydia Avery


Dec 6 1825



Sybil Lockwood

July 28 1856




Avis Beach


Dec 28 1823



Lucy Clark


July 5 1835



Elcy Inman





Loly Winchel


Dec 13 1830



Hannah Hains

Oct 22 1833




Hannah Bray




1822 Feb 21    

Abigail Brown


Mar 30 1834


1823 May 18

Rachel Avery


June 1833



Martha Winchel


Dec 13 1830


1823 July 12

Molly Bassett


Sep 24 1830



Nancy Bassett





Sylvia Basset





Polly Bassett


June 31 1829


1826 Feb 21

Mary Chapin


July 26 1827



Laura Bassett


Sep 24 1830


1826 June 30

Anna Brown




1828 Jan 13

Sylva Case


Apr 28 1831


1828 Mar 23

Polly Beach





Polly Peck


Dec 27 1832



Hannah Hall




1828 May 4

Mary Beach





Triphena  Brown


Feb 1839



1828 May 4

Sally Perdy


June 12th 1854


       June 11

Lucy Baily

Oct 10 1828



       July 6

Maria B Durfy

Aug 5 1830




Sophia Tyler


Sep 1833



Anna Perdy





Laura Baily





Caroline Baily




1828 Sep 7

Margaret Burns


Sep 16 1833


       Nov 16

Phidelia Fanning


Dec 10 1836



Sally Provost




1829 Mar 8

Wd. Irena Perdy

July 28 1848



       Sep 6

Clarissa Jones

Mar 26 1861



      Dec 25

Helen Ann Edwards




1830 Jan 3

Clarissa Samantha Ingersoll


Aug 24th 1854


       May 2

Ann Eliza Mann


July 1834



Mary E Russell





Laura A Sedgwick





Julia Perdy (Mrs. Ammerman)





Sarah H Edwards


Dec 17 1834



Ann Maria Edwards


Dec 1836


1831 Mar 6

Betsy Mann


1848 Sep



Eliza Hawvers





Maria Cushman


May 1 1831


       Sep 4

Sarah Wheelock





Lucinda Hains




       Nov 6

Sarah Tappan Durfy


Apr 12 1836



Susanna Chichester




1832 Jan 1

Harriet Case


Apr 26 1836


      July 1

Elizabeth Pierce


Aug 11 1835



1828 Sep 7

William Burns


Sep 16 1833



John Carr




1829 Dec 25

William W Edwards


Mar 25 1858


1830 May 2

Frederick Tyler


Sep 1838



Henry Mann


July 1837


        Sep 3

Charles O Fanning


Dec 10 1836



William Stimson


Mar 3 1833



Hezekiah Davis Sharpe


Dec 27 1832


        Nov 14

Joseph A Crane


Aug 26 1831


1831 Mar 6

Andrew Hauver


Sep 1848


        May 1

John Satlock


Jun 4 1834


       Sep 4

Samuel Chitester




1832 Jan 1

James R Fayerweather




        Mar 4

George Carr


Became a minister



Samuel Patch




1833 Jan 6

Stephen Bates


Jan 8 1834



Erastus Day


July 5 1835



Amos S Williams


Mar 3 1833


1834 July 6

Aaron W Morrison

Dec 23 1836



1835 Jan 4

Lewis Quick





Charles Peck




1836 Apr 28

Mary Tappan


May 1839


        July 1

Harriet Lockwood


May 25 1856



Cloe Hains




        Nov 4

Frederick Bray




       May 2

Sarah Dubois





Sarah Ann Andrews


May 1838


1837 Nov 22

Mathew H Chittenden


June 6th 1852



1832 July 1

Agnes Williamson


June 30 1837



Ann Emrie


Aug 17 1834


         Sep 2

Sarah P Tappan


Dec 27 1832


1833 June 6

Elizabeth Bates


Jan 8 1834



Lucy Pierce Tappan


Moved away



Indiana Day


July 5 1835


         July 7

Polly Patch

April 24 1860



1834 May 4

Sarah Ann Andrus


May 1836



Sarah Dubois


Gone to the Episcopal


         July 6

Charlotte Purdy


Jan 6 1856


1835 Jan 25

Sally Peck




1836 Apr 28

Mrs. A A Buck


June 20


1837 Apr 23

Mrs. Mary W Ingersoll


July 1843


1839 Apr

Mrs. Tucker


Moved away


   “    July

Mrs. C D W Hendricks



Oct 30th 1842 p157


Mrs. Thankful Ingraham




1840 April

Mrs. Carr


Feb 1841



E T Edwards


July 1842



E C Platt


May 1843


1841 Feb

Mrs. D Palmer


1855 May 6



Mrs. Sarah Phillips


Feb 28 1846



Mrs. E Hinman





Mrs. E H Schaffner



June 1848

1842 Feb

Mrs. Eliz. Andrus





Mrs. Sarah H Lewis


Dec 1844


1844 July

Mrs. Catherine Jones


Nov 4 1862



Mrs. Catherine Fowler


Apr 1847



Miss. Emily M Ingersoll


May 1846



Miss Mary Ann Purdy


Dec 8th 1850



April 1839

Hiram B Tucker


Moved away


July     “

Benjamin Hendricks



Oct 30th 1842 p157

1840 Apr

Oliver Carr


Feb 1841



Bloomfield Wheelock


Aug 13 1854


1841 Oct 31

Jonas M Edwards




1844 Jan

Geo Schaffner


June 1848



Victory Purdy


Dec 8th 1850



Sidney Fowler


Apr 1847



Oscar Lewis


July 1846



Erastus T Purdy


Jan 6 1856



Enos C Andrus


Apr 1860 to?



Wm Inman


Aug 16th 1847 to Lexington



Henry E Purdy


Jun 12 1854


1847 May 27

Stephen Gilbert





Maria Gilbert





Justin B Fordham


Jan 6 1853



Rosalie Forham




        Sep 5th

Henry Brant





Mrs. Brant





Jacob Schlager


Letter Dec 6 ‘52



Mars. Harriet Schlager


Letter Mrs. Harriet



George Fromer


Jan 1866



Mrs. May Fromer





Calvin Purdy



United with the Campellites

        Nov 7th

Chester Purdy


June 12 1854



Catherine Teat




Jun 2 1848

Sheldon Gilbert


Aug 30 1850



Evaline E Gilbert




July 2 1848

Mrs. Julia Ingersoll


Apr 8 1864



July 2 1848

Mr. Henry Osborn


0ct 28 1866



Mrs. Sally Osborn





Miss Helen Osborn


June 25 1854



A Melvin Osborn





Mrs. L M Osborn


Mar 17 1850


Jan 14 1849

Mr. Adam Traub




May 6 1849

Wilson Wheelock


Mar 14 1856


July 1 1849

Charles F Burch


Oct 6 1850


Aug 26 1849

Eliza Ingersol


Feb 4 1855



Adelia Ingersol




Sep 2 1849

Jane H Quick

July 5 1861



Jan 6 1850

Helen Edwards




Mar 3 1850

Lot Reichtmeyer





Deon Reichtmeyer




July 7 1850

Elizabeth Lockwood





Anna Metz

Sep 11 1854



Sep 1 1850

Sarah Ann Cook


Sep 23 1855


1851 Mar 2

Reuben A Post


Sep 12 1853



Almeda Post





Ephraim Brandow


Mar 1861?


1850 Nov 3

John M Tremain





Eliza A Tremain





P. D. Trotter


Sep 7 1856


1852 May 2

Mrs. Indiana Adams


May 1 1860



Miss Mary E Chamberlin





Laura Hains




1853 Jan 2

John G Herbert


Mar 14 1853


Apr 29

Nancy Fish


Feb 4 1855





Died & Dismissed


1854 Apr 2

Christian Oswalt

Sep 19 1854



Sophia Oswalt




Elizabeth Ann Brandow

Mar 1866



Cornelia Purdy                    

June 12 1854 Letter



Harriet Purdy




Mary Jane Purdy

Jan  6 1856 Letter



Maria Purdy

Sep 7 1856 letter



Catherine Henderson

Died Aug 3 1854



George Mertz



July 2

E Leonard Ingersoll




Edwin Atwater




Ruth A Atwater




Sylvia L. Ingraham




Lucretia F Ingraham




Evaline Baldwin



1855 Jan 14

Isaac Ammerman




Robert Elliott




Daniel Jas Adams

May 4 1860 Letter



Charlotte Purdy

Jan 6 1856 Letter


May 6

Mary Jane McDonald

Dec 7 1856 Letter


Sep 9

Mary C Lestrade

May 4 1860 Letter


Nov 11

Mrs. Mary Scribner



1856 Jan 20

Mrs. Grace Linsley

May 4 1860 Letter



Orilla McCoon



July 13

Miss Mary Edwards



Sep 13

Mr. John G Schantz




Mrs. Margaretta Schantz



1857 Mar 8

Mrs. Catherine Connelly




Mr. Elisha Howes

Sep 18 1859 Letter



May 10 1857

Mrs. Eliza Hanks

Dismissed Apr 26 1863


1858 Jan 10

Mrs. Mary Ann Elliott



         Mar 14

Mrs. George Nib




Miss Lydia Howard



         May 9

Mr. Uriah Hanks




Mrs. Florilla Hanks



         Sep 12

Mr. David R Dewey

Dismissed Sep 16 1860


1859 May 8

Miss Mary F Roe



1860 Jan 13

John Burtis




Celinda Burtis




Stimpson Hains




Harriet Hains



       Mar 4

Mrs. Sarah Hard




Miss Lucy Hard




Miss Roxa E. Beach



       May 6

Anton Scherver




Mrs. Caroline Scherver




John Miller




Mrs. Christina Miller




Jacob Schoulderer




Mrs. Hannah Schoulderer




Conrad Fromer Sen.




Mrs. Mary Fromer




George Metz




Conrad Fromer Jr




George Schanz



1861 Jan 6

Mrs. Annie Miller




1862 May 4

H S Lockwood

Died Aug 4 1889



Sarah A Lockwood

Died Oct 17, 1867



Ellen Campbell




Michael Sax




John W Goodrich




Ann Goodrich




Leverett  Conine

Dismissed May11 1863



Temperance Conine




Lazarus Whitaker




Francis Goodrich




Asenath Goodrich




Sarah Ingals




John J Miller




Caroline Brockett




Sylvanus Parker

Dismissed June 1865



Julia Parker



        July 6

H W Ingraham




Eunice M Ingraham




James Kinkade




Sarah Kinkade




Florilla Wells




Mary Rose




Lydia Cline




Josephine L Smith




Wm D Perry

Dismissed by letter



Helen C Perry




Emma L Wells



Aug 1808-57





1862 July 6

Mary E Lockwood




Sarah E Chamberlin




Margaret A Schantz




Jacob Schantz




Geo Fromer Jr

Jan 4 1866



Theodore J Fromer




Harriet A Fromer




Nelson Green




Wm W Burtis




John Mastling




Wm Douglass




Mary Jane Douglass



          Sep 7

Eliza Chamberlin



1863 May11

Mrs. Maria Whitaker



         July 5

Solomon Peck




Mrs. Abi Peck




Mrs. Sarah Troube



Aug 1865

Mrs. Sumner Green

By certif. from M E Ch. Hunter


Apr 1 1866

Miss Sarah Quick



April 7 1867

Fanny Toby



July 28

Addison P. Loomis

By certif. from M E Ch. Hunter



Mrs. A P Loomis




Miss M B Judd

By certif. from Cong. Ch. South Hadley Mass



Theo Frelinghuysen Judd




Charles Stedman Judd




1868 Apr 26

Geo Chamberlin




Nathaniel Twaddle




Margaret T. Twaddle




Mrs. Emeline Ponthen?




Mrs. Rebecca Carroll




Martha A Graham




Celia Campbell




Lester Baldwin




Charles Frieman




Daniel Ingalls




George A Whitaker




Tina Ingraham




Mrs. L. Ingraham




Mary Ingraham




Susan E Scribner




Charles Hard M D




Lewis Ingalls




----- Biddle







July 11

------- Howes




------- Howes




Mrs. M Schliss




Maximillian Schliss




Willis Baldwin




Alfretta Traub




(Two pages missing or mis-numbered.) 

1862 Oct 20th  Session met on call of Mod. at the parsonage, session all present, meeting opened with prayer. Cyrus R Hanks came before the  session for examination with a view of uniting with the church, and after being duly examined, session voted unanimously to sustain his examination, closed with prayer.

            Attest. H. Osborn, Clerk 

1863 April 26th Session met on the call of the Mod., directly after divine service – Bro Fromer absent – Mrs. Eliza Hanks requested a letter of dismission and recommendation to the Pres. Church in Norwalk, Ohio – which request was granted by the session – Bro E Atwater was chosen delegate to attend meeting of Pres. At Durham on Tuesday next, and H. Osborn, alternate.

            Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk 


    Thus far examined and approved by Presbytery in session in Durham Feb 28 1863

                                    L H Fellows, Moderator 

May 9th Session met in the church directly after preparatory lecture – meeting opened with prayer – Mrs. Mariah Whitaker came before session for examination, with a view of uniting with the church – session voted unanimously to sustain her examination – Bro Leverett Conine and Temperance his wife requested letters if dismission and recommendation to the Pres. Church in Matteawan NY which were voted by session. Meting closed with prayer.

                        Attest. H Osborn, Clerk 

May 11th Mrs. Mariah Whitaker united with the church by assenting to its articles of faith and entering into covenant therewith –

            Bro. J. Ammerman and Bro. H S Lockwood were duly ordained ruling Elders, having been previously elected by the church.

                        Attest. H Osborn, Clerk 

July 3rd Session met in the meeting house directly after preparatory lecture – meeting opened with prayer; Mr. Solomon Peck


and Mrs. Sarah Troube came before session for examination with a desire of uniting with the church; after being duly examined, session voted unanimously to sustain their examination –

Mrs. Abi Peck presented a letter of dismission and recommendation, from the Pres. Church in Jewett, with a desire and request of uniting with the church thereon – the letter being found in order, session voted unanimously that she be received into fellowship with the church. Rev. C O Reynolds was unanimously elected Moderator of the session. Meeting closed by prayer.

                        Attest. H Osborn, Clerk 

(Two margin dates of Aug 31 1863 and Dec 1863 no indication as to reference to session minutes. Also barely discernable note “no Aug 1844 can ___  ___ remitted) 

July 5th Mr. Solomon Peck, Mrs. Abi Peck and Mrs. Sarah Troube united with the church by assenting to our article of faith and entering into covenant therewith.

                        Attest. H Osborn, Clerk 

1864 April 8th Session met at the house of H Osborn on call of the Moderator – Bro. Fromer absent – meeting opened with prayer by Mod. Mrs. Julia Ingersoll made a request by the Mod., for a letter of dismission 


and recommendation to the Pres. Church in Catskill, which was unanimously voted by session –

Br. H S Lockwood was duly appointed as delegate to attend the meeting of Catskill Presbytery at Ashland on the 26th inst and Br. H Osborn as alternate. Meeting closed with prayer by Ammerman.

                        Attest. Henry Osborn, Clerk 

Thus far examined and approved in session Presbytery at Ashland April 26th 1864.

                                    Elias L Bung, Moderator 

(Following two pages not numbered and not in sequence) 


At a meeting of session held Oct 18th 1836 at the school house. Present Rev. J Judson Burk, Moderator; Elders – Wm Edwards – Peck, Lockwood, Tyler, Wm W Edwards, Purdy – Sedgwick.

Opened by prayer.

A letter from Mr. E J Stimson was read asking a letter for himself and wife to Duane Street Church, New York. 


At a meeting of session held Aug 27th. Present Rev. J Judson Burk, Moderator; Elders Wm Edwards, Peck, Lockwood, Purdy, Sedgwick, Wm W Edwards – opened by prayer – by Elder Sedgwick.

Elders Wm Edwards and Sedgwick presented a letter they had written to Brother E J Stimson, this answer ____.

Brother A Hauver witnessed the session he felt grieved with the conduct of Brother Stimson in commenting and confession ____  ____ for slander? against him?

(The rest largely illegible)

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