Durham School Minutes No 2 1813-1906

Durham School Minutes No. 2

1813 - 1896

Original Minute book in the possession of Milan Paddock who has provided this transcription



At a meeting convened at the school house in the town of Durham on the 23rd day of September, 1813 in District No. 2 On motion

Harris Giddins was chosen Moderator

Anson Strong, Clerk

Hermon Hervey, Zoeth Smith, & Stevens Jones as Trustees.

Deliverance B. Hervey, Collector. 

Resolved that we will raise by a tax on the inhabitants of said district the sum of forty dollars for the purpose of purchasing a stove or fireplace for the use of said house. 

Resolved that this meeting be adjourned until the first Monday of October next at the school house. 


At an annual school meeting in District No. 2 in the town of Durham, November the 13th 1815.

Obed Hervey appointed Moderator

Deliverance B. Harvey chosen Clerk

Obed Hervey, Harris Giddens, John Hays as Trustees.

1st voted tax of seven dollars.

2nd Daniel Loomis, Collector.

3rd That the price of Bark or Wood be the same as allowed last year.

4th Voted that the next annual school meeting be held on the second Tuesday in April at 6 O’clock PM. 

April 3, 1820 

The inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham being meet agreeable to an adgarnment made on the second Tuesday of April 1819 and after calling to order

1st Appointing Peltiah Riehaves Moderator

2nd Appointed D. B. Hervey Clerk

3rd Appointed Stevens Jones, Trustee

4th Appointed Aaron Taylor, Trustee

5th Appointed Obed Hervey, Trustee

6th Appointed Zoath Smith Collector

7th Appointed that the District should be new ridge boards be put on and the roof mended, and new Clable*** just on the liveaches in the sides & that their shall be a fence be put on the top of the chimney and a lock put on the desk.

8th Voted a tax of 4 dollars to the man that shall the work agreeable to this vote.

9th Voted that the wood shall be furnished by the subscribers as follows that good sound wood shall be 6/per ceave bench ie/ per ponce.

10th Voted that the public money be applied to the benefit of the last winter’s school.

11th Voted that the next annual meeting be held on the first Monday of Nov next at 4 O’clock in the afternoon. 

Peltiah Riehaves Moderator

D. B. Hervey, Clerk 


At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the town of Durham convened at the school house Nov 5th 1821

Ebenezer Knapp was chosen Moderator

Stevens Jones appointed Clerk

Amos Smith, Anson Strong, Hermon Hervey as Trustees

James Goft, Collector

Voted that the trustees shall make an Annual Return to the Clerk of all monies received from Com. Of Schools & how the same has been expended.

Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first of November next on Monday.


At an annual meeting of the Taxable Inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the town of Durham convene; do at the school house on the last Monday of October 1822

Deliverance B. Hervey chosen Moderator

Stevens Jones, Clerk

Abraham I Van Etten, Arron Taylor, Benjamin Giddins, Trustees

Thomas E. Knapp, Collector

Voted that the trustees shall make all necessary repairs to the School House and make out the bill & have it Collected with the School Master, &

Voted to have the Public Money applied to the Winter School

Voted that the Annual Meeting be held the 2nd Monday in October at 6 O’clock P.M.


Durham November 3rd, 1823

Being met according to adjournment

Harris Giddins was chosen Moderator

Stevens Jones appointed Clerk

Anson Strong, Harris Giddins, Hervey as Trustees

Peter Boomhour was chosen Collector.

Voted that the Trustees make such repairs to the School House that they shall think proper, and make out a bill of the same.

Voted that none but good sound Wood be allowed or credited to any, and that such shall be six Shillings a cord and Hemlock bark 12/ a cord.

Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the last Monday of October next.


At a meeting of the Taxable Inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the town of Durham convened at the School House October the 23rd, 1824.

Ebenzer Knapp was chosen Moderator

Anson Strong appointed Clerk

Zoeth Smith, Stevens Jones, Abraham I Van Etten as Trustees

Aaron Taylor appointer Collector

Voted that the School house be bank,d on the outside to the satisfaction of the Trustees.

Voted that Jeremiah D. Gleason shall have Four Dollars for the same and repairs of the house as directed. Voted that this meeting be adjourned until the last Monday in October next. 

Anson Strong, Dis. Clerk.


At a meeting of the Taxable Inhabitants of District No 2nd in the Town of Durham convened at the School House on Monday the 31st of October 1825.  Stevens Jones was chosen Moderator, & Anson Strong appointed Clerk.

Peter Boomhower, Herrick Aldrige, Aaron Taylor as Trustees.

Amos Smith was Appointed Collector.  Reported by the last trustees that they have received Twenty-one Dollars and seventy six cents and applied it to paying the Teacher of last winter’s school.

Voted that this meeting be adjourned until the second Monday of October next at 6, O’clock P.M.


At a meeting of the taxable inhabitants of school District No. 2 of the town of Durham convened at the school house October 30th 1826.

1st Ebenezar Knapp was chosen moderator.

2nd D. B. Hervey was appointed clerk.

The trustees for the last year report that they have received of the public money of the school commissioners of the town $23 00/00 and that the same was applied to paying the teacher for the last winter school.

Jeremiah D. Gleason, Russel Goff, Hermon Stevens trustees appointed.

Stevens Jones was elected collector.

Voted that when any glass shall be broken by the scholars by throwing anything against it their parents or masters shall within 48 hours thereafter supply the breach with new glass, and that if they shall neglect to do it, after being duly notified by the teacher for 48 hours, it shall be the duty of the teacher to notify one of the trustees and he shall make the repairs and charge the same to the said parent or master of such child so offending.

Voted that the trustees for the present year shall repair the school house as they shall think proper and that the expense of the same be in the school house bill for the ensuing winter and collected the same as the teachers wages.

Voted that the arrearages for the repay of the school house shall be placed to the school bill for the ensuing winter and collected the same as the teachers wages.

Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the 2nd Monday of October 1827 at 6 O’clock in the after noon.

D. B. Hervey, Clerk


At a special meeting of the freeholders and inhabitants of the school district No. 2 on account of the town of Durham convened by the order of the trustees of the 2nd District as a substitute for their annual meeting at their schoolhouse October 16, 1828.

First voted John S. Hervey Moderator.

Secondly voted D. B. Hervey, Clerk

Thirdly resolved that for the purposes of supporting the school, that when any one shall consider him or her self injured by the neglect or misconduct of the teacher, the employer shall state his cause of complaint to the teacher and if their cannot cannot be a satisfaction given, the complainant shall complain to the trustees and they shall inquire into the matter of complaint with the complainant and the teacher, and if they cannot be reconciled, the trustees shall order a meeting of the proprietors of said school and state the complaint to said proprietors and if a majority of said proprietors shall judge the complaint to be made without just cause the said complainant shall be left to pay his equal proportion of the school bill for the whole time the said school shall be continued and keep in such proportion shall be ascertained by the names following.  That is to say that the teacher shall, when such complainant shall take his scholars out of the school, note the time of such taking out on his minutes of record and shall make an estimate of the proportion that he or she would be bound to pay of the school that has already thought and that they shall if the school shall continue any longer shall make out the bill in the claim proportion that he had sent when he so left the school and shall collect the same in the same proportion.  But if a majority of the meeting shall judge the complaint just, he shall be at liberty to withdraw.

Fourthly, resolved that the following men shall be trustees for the insuring year:

Anson Strong

Isaac Higley

John N. Hervey

Fifthly, resolved that Amos Smith be our collector.

Sixthly, the old trustees made their report to the meeting in the manor following, tat they have received of the School Commissioner of the town of Durham $21.25 and that they have paid the amount to the teacher of the past winters school who was inspect according to law. 

Seventhly, resolved that the trustees be instructed to pay two thirds of the public money to the teacher of the winters school, and that the remainder shall be paid to the teacher of the summer school.

Eighthly, resolved that the trustees shall repair the house not to exceed #5.00 and that the said expense of such repairs shall be collected in the next winters school bills.

Ninthly, resolved that our next annual school meeting be held at the schoolhouse on the first Monday in October 1829 at 6 O’clock.

John N. Hervey, Moderator

DB Hervey, Clerk


At an Annual School meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2nd.  Meeting was opened agreeable to previous notice Durham October 5th, 1829

1st. Chose James Goff Moderator, Stevens Jones, Clerk

2nd. Chose DB Hervey, Trustee

3rd. Chose Fletcher Smith, Trustee

4th. Chose John Jerames, Trustee

5th. Chose Anson Strong, Collector

6th. Voted that good hard wood cut into a suitable length for the stove shall be six shillings per cord and each employer shall get his coto of wood by the first day of January next.

The old trustees reported that they had received from the Commissioners of Schools $22.41, paid to the teacher of the Winter School $14.94.

Adjourned this meeting till the first Monday in October next 6 O’clock PM.


At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the town of Durham convened on the 27th day of October 1830 at the schoolhouse of said district.

1st. Chose Loath Smith, Moderator

2nd. Chose DB Hervey, Clerk

3rd. Chose Jeremiah D. Gleason, Trustee

4th. Chose Hermon Hervey, Trustee

5th. Chose Anson Strong, Trustee

6th. Chose Zoeth Smith, Collector

7th. Resolved that this meeting be adjourned to the 1st Monday in October next.

Zoath Smith, Moderator

DB Hervey, Clerk 


At he annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District 2nd of the Town of Durham convened agreeable to adjournment October 3rd, 1831.

1st. Voted Fletcher Smith, Moderator

2nd. Voted DB Hervey, Clerk

3rd. Voter that Ezra Wather be Trustee

4th. Voted that Peter Boomhour be Trustee

5th. Voted that Zoeth Smith be Trustee

6th. Voted that Fletcher Smith be Collector

7th. The former trustees report that they collected of School Commissioners $23.19 and that they have paid out to the winter teacher of the same $15.09 and also paid said teacher over that $2.91.

8th. Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first Monday in October next at 7 O’clock PM.

Fletcher Smith

DB Hervey


At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2nd in the town of Durham met at the school house according to adjournment on the first Monday in October in 1832.

Moderator         Gilbert Braynard

Clerk                  Charles Pierson

Trustees             Stephens Jones

                            Gilbert Branerd

                            William Gedden

Parish Joice Collector

Voted that it be the duty of each employer to get his full coto of wood by the first of January next insuring that the Winter School and that none but good sound wood be credited to any and that such shall be six shillings a cord superficial and Hemlock Bark twelve Shillings and in case that any should neglect to get their coto of wood, it shall be the right of the Trustees to furnish the same and for so doing they should be allowed one dollar per cord.

Mr. Baumhauer reported on the 2nd of October by the hand of Ezra Wither stating that they received for said district Twenty One Dollars and 55 cents.  That they applied sixteen dollars and 16 cents to the Winters School and the remainder 5ive dollars and thirty nine cents was handed over to Mr. Jones, one of the Trustees for 1832.

Resolved that this meeting be adjourned to the first Monday in October next.

Charles Pierson, Clerk


At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of school district No. 2 in the town of Durham held at their school house on the first Monday of October 1833 according to adjournment.

First, voted Fletcher Smith, Moderator

Second, voted DB Hervey, Clerk

Thirdly, voted Ezra WatherTrustee

Fourthly, voted Isaac Higley, Trustee

Fifthly, voted Moses R. Earle, Trustee

Sixthly, voted Gilbert Branerd, Collector

Seventhly, Voted that the Trustees collect the teachers wages

Eighthly, voted that the Trustees shall have the right to exonerate such poor inhabitants from having their quota of the school bill, as they shall judge proper.

Ninthly, Voted that the Trustees shall add to the insuring winters school bill the amount of all sums of all money now due to teachers after their services previous to this date.  The former Trustees report that they have received of School Commissioners of the Town of Durham $22.31 and have ------ for winters $14.87and is now remaining in their hands $7.44.

Tenthly, Voted that the next annual meeting be held on the first Monday of October 1833 at 7 O’clock PM.

Fletcher Smith, Moderator

DB Hervey, Clerk.


At a meeting of the freeholders and inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the Town of Durham called by the trustees as a substitute for the annual meeting due, notice having been given to be held on the 21st day of October 1824.  William Vedder was chosen Moderator and Samuel Smith, Clerk.

Thirdly, Elijah Salsbury, Trustee

Fourthly, Chose Russell Gaffe, Trustee

Fifthly, Chose Charles Witmore, Trustee

Sixthly, Chose Georg Broefret, Collector

Seventhly, resolved that the next annual District Meeting shall be held on the first Monday in October next, at the schoolhouse at 6 O’clock PM.

William Vedder

Samuel Smith 


At a meeting of the Freeholders and inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the Town of Durham called by the Trustees as substitute for the Annual Meeting due notice having been given to be held on the 12th day of October 1835.

Charles Wetmore was chosen Moderator and Astrander Veddr, Clerk

Thirdly, D. B. Hervey, Trustee

Fourthly, Samuel Deinbar, Trustee

Fifthly, Elijah Salisbury, Trustee

Sixthly, Asahel Jones, Collector

Seventhly, resolved that our next annual District meeting shall be held on the first Monday in October next at the School House at 6 O’clock PM. 1836

Astrander H. Vedder, Clerk

Charles Wetmore, Moderator

Vote:  That it is the duty of each employer to get his full coto of wood or money by the first February of the ensuing Winter School and that none but good sound wood or United States money to be ------ any and that such shares be six shillings an cord superficial. 


April 5th, 1836

D.B. Hervey has reviewed public money      $21.67

Paid to William Cook for Winter School      $14.00 


At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the Town of Durham met at the School House according to an adjournment on the first Monday of October 1836.

Moderator, D.B. Hervey

Clerk, A.H. Vedder

Trustees: Samuel Smith, John Strong, Charles Wetmore.

Collector: Thomas B. Carter

Voted:  That it will be the duty of each employer to get his full coto of wood by the first of January next insuring the Winter School and none but good sound wood that is worth $1.00.  All those that do not get their wood by the time, Trustees has it to get at the rate of 10 Shilling per coto.

The next annual school meeting District No. 2 shall be held on the first Monday in Oct next at 6 O’clock at the school house.

DB Hervey, Moderator

A.H. Vedder, Clerke

Nov 5, 1836 Charles Wetmore by ½ days work          5”  0”

Nov 5th Samuel Smith by ½ days work                       5”  0”

            Store account                                                        3”  0“

Nov 4  Putty, Glass & nails

18. 1” nails                                                                         0”  8”

      1 Puib & cup C. Wetmore                                          5”  0”

Nov 20 7 Plains Glass  @4                                                2”  4”

     ¾ Putty      1/                                                                0”  9”

Iaben Hubbard to work done                                          4”  0”

Isaih Boin ½ day work 6/                                                 6”  0”

Samuel Smith drawing same. Tending mason              6”  0”

                        Setting six pains glass.                              4”

                        Cleaning school house


At a meeting of the freeholders and taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the Town of Durham called by the Trustees as substitute for an annual meeting and notice haven been given to be held of the ……Monday of October next.  1837.

First. Voted D.B. Hervey, Moderator

Second. Voted A. H. Vedder, Clerk

Third. Ransome Griffin, Trustee

Fourth. Voted D. B. Hervey, Trustee

Fifth. Voted M. B. Earl, Trustee

Sixth. Voted Rufsele Goff, Collector.

Voted: That it will be the duty of each employer to get his full coto of wood by the first of January next ensuing winters the Winter School wood that it should be good and sound wood at $1.25.

Voted: The next annual school meeting shall be held on the first Monday in October next at 6 O’clock in the evening at the school house district No. 2 for 1838

  1. H, Vedder, Clerk

Voted that the district would not pay for the ….. furnished by C. Wetmore last winter.

Also voted that the Trustees shall have one dollar pr day.

Voted: That the Trustees shall collect the School Bill.

D.B. Hervey, Moderator

A.H. Vedder, Clerk

October 16, 1837

Received from the Commissioner of ……. School by the Trustees of District No. 2 in the town of Durham           $15.79 

Paid to the teacher of the Winter School              $10.50 

Balance of hand:                                                       $ 5.29

Oct 1, 1838       D.B. Hervey


The meeting of the freeholders and inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the town of Durham held pursuant to at 7 O’clock on the first Monday evening in Oct 1838.

First, voted William Vedder, Moderator

Second, voted A. H. Vedder, Clerk

Third, voted Rufses Goff, Trustee

Forth, voted Elijah Salisbury, Trustee

Fifth, voted Thomas Cantor, Trustee

Sixth, voted Samuel Law, Collector

Voted that it will be the duty of each employer to get his full coto of wood by the first of January next inducing winter, that it should be good hard wood at $1.25.

Voted that the school meeting in the District No. 2. That the next school meeting in the Town of Durham shall be on the first Monday in Oct next at 6 O’clock in the PM.


South Durham, March 30, 1839

A meeting was called by the Trustees of School District No. 2 for the purpose of establishing a District Library. 

Voted that Rusell Goff moderate.

2nd. Voted that there shall be a District Library.

3rd. Voted that there shall be thirteen dollars raised in the District by tax.

4th. Voted that those books set fourth in the circular will answer the purpose.

5th. Voted the A.H. Vedder, Librarian

6th. Voted that all books be returned on the last day at 6 O’clock.

7th. Voted that no person shall keep any book longer than sixty days.

8th. Voted that no family shall draw more than 2 books at a time.

9th. Voted that if the book not returned within sixty days shall be a fine of one Shilling. Voted that all fines done to the Library shall be applied to the X________X.

10th. Voted that all damages done to any books belonging to said Library shall be assessed by the Trustees & Librarian of said Library.

11th. Voted that all the money collected from such as shall be imposed and collected shall be applied to the benefit of such library.

12th. Voted that all the books purchased for the said library shall be numbered.

13th. Voted that there shall be a book procured by the Trustees of the Librarian to keep record of the Library books.

14th. Voted that the Librarian shall inspect the book and note the damage.

15th. Voted that any persons refusing to pay their fine shall not be entitled to draw another book until such fine is paid.

Moderator: Rusell Goff

Librarian:  A. H. Vedder

South Durham March 30th, 1839


Received April 2nd, 1839

Publicke Money

                                    Teachers Money            $29.45

                                    Library Money                  7.36


Trustees In the hands of E. L. Polisbury.

Public.    Public money applied to Winter School $19.00


                        The number of Scholars

Sent to Winter School

Thirty Six    April 3, 1839

South Durham, April 10, 1839

  1. Voted Rusell Goff, Moderator
  2. Voted 2nd  that the old trustees shall repair the school house.

To the Trustees of School District No. 2 in Town of Durham.

Take notice that we have this day attended your school district in the following manner to wit. Thomas Day Simpeson & Ferrand. John Curtis and Daniel Loomis were residence & of said District N0. 2 and residing near the gate upon the Miredlen Turnpike at the South Corner of said School District together with the land and tenements now are and occupied by them and lying near said Town of Windham and detached and set off from said District No. 2 in said Town of Durham and attached to School District No. 17 in the Town of Windham and you are further notified that said alteration will take effect three months from the service of this notice.

Dated at Durham this 12th day of November, 1838

Alman Marks                           Commissioner of Community Schools in the Town of Durham

Ransom Arsh

Albert Luttle                             Commissioner of Community Schools in the Town of Windham

Silvester Hitchcock

  1. H. Vedder  Clerk  in District No. 2 – 1839

April 22, 1839

A special school meeting was called for the purpose of repairing the school house.

1st. Votes Moses B. Earl, Moderator

2nd. Voted Calvin Rickerson, Clerk

3rd. Voted the school house be repaired.

4th. Voted that there should be fifty dollars raised to repair said school house.

5th. Voted that the house shall be repaired by the first of November next.

                        Astrander H. Vedder

                        District Clerk

Nov 9, 1839

At a special meeting which was called for the purpose of choosing District Officers and moving the site of School House.

1st. Russel Goff was chosen Moderator.

2nd. Calvin Rickerson was chosen clerk.

3rd. Voted that the site of the School House remain where it is.

            Russel Goff, Moderator

            Calvin Rickerson, Clerk.


At meeting called as an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants and Freeholders at the School House in District No. 2 held pursuant to notice William Vedder was chosen Moderator, Russel Goff Clerk.

Oct 5th, 1840                                       (1840)

Voted an adjournment to meet on the 6th.

At a meeting of Freeholders & taxable inhabitants pursuant to adjournment, Thomas B. Carter was chosen Moderator & Calvin Rickerson was chosen Clerk.

Voted that:

D. B. Hervey, Calvin Rickerson, & William Vedder be Trustees

Voted H. M. Hervey as Collector

Voted that wood shall be one Dollar per Cord.

Voted that the wood shall be furnished by the first of January.

Voted that the District refund the money to the Trustees which they expended over the appropriations which is eighteen Dollars and twenty Seven Cents.

Voted that the money be raised by tax.


The annual meeting was call to order on the fourth day of October 1841 by choosing Elijah C. Salisbury Moderator and Calvin Rickerson, Clerk

Voted 1st.  Moses B. Earl, Andrew Miller, & Calvin Rickerson, Trustees

2nd. That wood be one dollar per cord.

3rd. That H. M. Hervey, Collector

4th. Calvin Rickerson, Clerk for the ensuing year.

5th. That this meeting be adjourned for one year on the first Monday of October next.

Public Money

Winter School                          $20.00

Summer School                       $15.00


Oct 3rd, 1842. At the annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2, Moses B. Earl was chosen Moderator, John Strong, Clerk.

Voted: Charles Wetmore, Ellsworth Strong, D. B. Hervey, Trustees

Voted William Vedder, Collector, Edwin Hervey, Librarian.

Voted wood one dollar a cord

Moses B. Earl, Moderator

Calvin Richardson, Clerk


Oct 2, 1843. Trustees Report.

At the annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2, D. B. Hervey was chosen Moderator, Calvin Richardson, Clerk.

William Vedder, 3 Years Trustee

Samuel Smith, 1 Year Trustee

Jacob Frise, 2 Years Trustee

Voted Charles Wetmore, Collector

Voted Edwin A. Hervey, Librarian

Voted wood one dollar per cord.

John B. Strong, Clerk pro-term

Voted Charles Wetmore is to fix the School House for $8.50

D. B. Hervey is to inspect the wood.

Voted that the money be raised this ______


Oct 7, 1844. At the annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2, D. B. Hervey was chosen Moderator and W. P Wright, Clerk.

Voted that D. B. Hervey be Trustee in vacancy

Voted that C. Wetmore be Collector

Voted that E. A. Hervey be Librarian

Voted that all books taken from the library returned within 30 days under the penalty of 6 cts for over that time.

Voted that the penalty be collected by the Trustees at the close of the year, and that the persons refusing to acknowledge the fine at the time of returning the books be disbarred the further use of the library.

Voted that wood be valued at $1.00 per cord.

Trustees report that:

They have rec’d for teachers wages                         36.39

They have rec’d for Library                                       9.11

Library money applied:

For maps                                                                       8.34

One book                                                                         .75

The money rec’d for teachers wages has been applied thus:

            Two thirds to Winter School

            One third to Summer School

Voted that the Annual Meeting be held on the first Monday of October 1845 at 6 O’clock PM

D. B. Hervey, Moderator

W. P. Wright, Clerk

Jan 1, 1843.  The trustees forwarded the report to the Town Superintendents according to law.


At a meeting called as annual meeting, the taxable inhabitants and freeholders at the schoolhouse in said District No. 2 held pursuant to adjournment, D. B. Hervey chosen Moderator. Elijah Newcomb chosen Clerk.

Calvin Richerson chosen Trustee

Charles Wetmore chosen Collector

D.B. Hervey chosen Librarian

$27.08 was applied to the payment of the Winter’s School, $14 to the Summer School

$10.37 library money was paid out for Halbrooks apparatus and books.

The District voted to raise by direct tax to raise money sufficient to furnish a box stove and make all repairs necessary in side of the house and out.  Voted that the house shall be painted red trim with white.  Voted that there shall be a back house built.  All who send to school shall furnish their proportion of wood by the first of January next.  If not, the Trustees shall furnish it and charge them $1.25 per cord.

The meeting adjourned to Oct next at 6 O’clock in the afternoon at the schoolhouse.

Oct 6th, 1845

D. B. Hervey, Moderator

Elijah Newcomb, Clerk


Oct 5, 1846  At the annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 in Durham, Calvin Rickerson chosen Moderator Herman M. Hervey, Clerk John B. Strong, Trustee Charles Wetmore, Collector D.B. Hervey, Librarian.

Voted that the Trustees shall make the necessary repairs on the school house and put it in the school bill. 

Voted two thirds of the public money apply to the winter school.

The meeting adjourned to the first Monday in October next at 6 O’clock

Calvin Rickerson

Elijah Newcomb


August 9th, 1847.  At a special meeting of taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of Durham pursuant to notice given by order of the Trustees at the School House of said district.

Voted the library money now in the Trustees hands be applied to balance the last Winters school bill and the remainder be applied to the summers school bill.

D.B. Hervey, Moderator

Elijah Newcomb, Clerk

Oct 11th, 1847.  At a special meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of Durham pursuant to notice given by order of the Trustees at the school-house of said District.

D.B. Hervey chosen Moderator

H.M. Hervey, Clerk

D.B. Hervey, Trustee

Charles Wetmore, Collector

William Buck, Librarian

Voted that the repaired new stove be put in the Summer School bill and repairs yet to be made in the Winter School.

Voted that the library money shall be applied to the payment of teacher’s wages.

Voted that two thirds of the public money be applied to the winter school.

The Trustees report that $50.50 has been appropriated to this district by the Town Superintendent of Common Schools.

The meeting adjourned to the first Monday in Oct next at 6 O’clock.

D.B. Hervey, Moderator

H.M. Hervey, District Clerk


Oct 9th, 1848

At an Annual Adjourned meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of Durham pursuant to adjournment:

D.B. Hervey chosen Moderator

Elijah Newcomb Clerk

Jacob Freese Trustee in place of J.B. Strong

Austin Newcomb Trustee

Samuel Smith Collector

D.B. Hervey Librarian

Voted that the Trustees make all necessary repairs on the house and the expense be put in this last Summer School.

Trustees report that $59.50 (has) been appropriated to this District from the Town Superintendent.

Voted that the wood be furnished as formally.

Voted that the wood be furnished for the benefit of the school shall be used for no other purpose.

Voted that our next Annual Meeting be held on the first Monday in Oct next at 6 O’clock.

D.B. Hervey, Moderator

H.M. Hervey, Clerk


At an Annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. two

D.B. Hervey was chosen Moderator

Elijah Newcomb was chosen Clerk

Jacob Freese was chosen Trustee in A. Newcombs place.

Charles Wetmore chosen Trustee

Henry C. Hervey chosen Librarian

Andrew Goff chosen Collector

$56.35 has been appropriated to said school from Town Superintendent.

$11.27 of the amount has been laid out for Library books.

Voted the Trustees repair all the benches in the pleusterreny and ceil over the same from the desk the first windows on the east side.

Voted the next Annual Meeting be held on the first Monday in Oct next at 6 O’clock PM.

D.B. Hervey, Moderator

Elijah Newcomb, Clerk


October 28, 1850

At an adjourned meeting of the inhabitants of School District No. 2 Russel Goff was chosen Moderator & Calvin Rick Clerk.

Voted to adjourn meeting for four weeks.

November 25, 1850

At an adjourned meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2

Charles Wetmore chosen Moderator

Voted there be eight months free school

Voted the wood be raised by tax in proportion to the number of days sent

Voted the Trustees furnish four sollen cords in two weeks

Voted the rearranges on the school bills and the repairs on the house be paid by direct tax

Voted the meeting be dissolved.

Charles Wetmore, Moderator

Elijah Newcomb, Clerk


Oct 6, 1851

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the Town of Durham

Eliakim Beach chosen Clerk

Elijah Newcomb Trustee

D.B. Hervey Librarian

Alexander Mead Collector

Voted the Library money ($5.38) be applied to the last summers school bill

Voted the wood be furnished by the Trustees and be paid in the rate bill

Voted to give Andecco Goff $125 for putting in all the glass that is out & repairing the roof & banking the house on the bill be put in the last summers school bill

Voted the meeting be adjourned to the first Monday in Oct next at 6 O’clock P.M.

Jacob Freese, M.D.

Elijah Newcomb, Clerk


Oct 4th, 1852

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of the School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

Calvin Rickerson chosen Trustee

Eliakim Beach Jr. chosen Clerk

Ebeyander F. Mead, Collector

Voted Deliverance B. Hervey be Librarian

Voted that the wood be provided by the Trustees and raised by a ______

Voted that the surplus public money after the teachers are paid be paid to Miss Lunis, the balance we owe for her wages for teaching this school

Voted that there be ten Dollars raised by tax on the taxable inhabitants of this district and to be laid out by the Trustees at the best of their judgment

Voted that this meeting be adjourned to the first Monday of October next

M.B. Earl, Moderator

Eliakim Beach, Jr. Clerk

Oct 3rd, 1852

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of the School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

Voted that Henry C. Hervey be Clerk

2nd  That Eliakim Beach Junior be Trustee

3rd That Alexander Mead be Collector

4th That D.B. Hervey be Chairman

5th That if any lites are broken by the scholars, if it is ascertained by whom – the parents or guardian shall be notified of the same and shall be replaced by them & if the said glass is not supplied within 3 days, it shall be done by the Trustees & collected from said parent or guardian.

6th. That the Trustees make all necessary repairs to the School House & that the expense for the same be collected by a legal tax on the District

7th. That the meeting be adjourned until the first Monday in Oct next

D.B. Hervey, Moderator

Eliakim Beach Jun Dis’t Clerk


Oct 2nd, 1854

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of the School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

Voted that Charles Wetmore be Chairman

Voted that Henry C. Hervey be Clerk

Voted that Ellsworth Strong be Trustee

Voted the E.A. Sheldon be Collector

Voted that D.B. Hervey be Librarian

Voted that the patrons have the privilege of furnishing their share of the wood if done previous to the first of January and if there is not then a sufficient quantity, the remainder shall be furnished by the Trustees.

Voted that the ________ shall be allowed $1.25 per cord & the Trustees to furnish it at cost.

Voted that the meeting be adjourned until the first Monday of Oct next at 6 O’clock PM

     Whitman, Moderator

H. C. Hervey, Clerk


Oct 1st, 1855

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of the School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

1st. Voted that Charles Whitman be Librarian

2nd. Voted that H.C. Hervey be Clerk

3rd. Voted that Jacob Freese be Trustee

4th. Voted that E.A. Sheldon be Collector

5th. Voted that the wood be furnished as last year

6th. Voted that 2/3 of the public money be applied to the Winter term and the remaining 1/3 be applied to the summer term

7th. Voted that the meeting be adjourned until the first Monday of Oct next at 6 O’clock P.M.

Charles Whitman, Moderator

H.C. Hervey, Clerk


Oct 6th, 1856

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of the School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

1st. Voted that D.B. Hervey be Moderator

2nd. Voted that H.C. Hervey be Clerk

3rd. Voted that C. Rickerson be Trustee

4th. Voted E.A. Sheldon be Collector

5th. Voted that C. Wetmore be Librarian

6th. Voted that the wood be furnished as heretofore

7th. Voted that the house be repaired by Jacob Freese & have his charges be collected by rate bill of the next term

8th. Voted that the claim of C. Rickerson of the amount of 6/-be raised by the last summer’s school bill.

9th. Voted that the claim of A. Jones $3.00 raised by the next term school bill.

10th. Voted that the claims of E. Newcomb be raised by the last summer’s school bill.

11th. Voted that no claim shall be allowed here after for wood that is not cut and corded & the account rendered to the teacher of that term.

12th. Voted that the next annual meeting be held at the school house on the first Monday of Oct next at 6 O’clock P.M>

D.B. Hervey, Moderator

H.C. Hervey, Clerk


Oct 5th, 1857

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

1at. Voted that Charles Wetmore be Moderator

2nd. Voted that Henry C. Hervey be Clerk

3rd. Voted that William Wetmore be Librarian

4th. Voted that Eliakim Beach be Trustee

5th. Voted that the wood be furnished as last year

6th. Voted that the Trustees make all necessary repairs and receive compensation for the same.

7th. Voted that William Wetmore be Collector

8th. Voted that the next annual meeting be held at this house on the first Monday of Oct. next at 6 O’clock P.M.

Charles Wetmore, Moderator

Charles C. Hervey, Clerk


Oct 4th, 1858

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

Oct 12

Voted that Mr. Eliakim Beach be chosen Chairman.  Martin L. Newcomb Clerk. Motioned and seconded that this meeting adjourn until Oct 19th, 1858

Trustees           Jacob Freese

                          Eliakim Beach

Oct 19th, 1858

Being met pursuant to an adjournment of the taxable inhabitants of the School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham


1st. Jacob Freese chosen Moderator

2nd. Henry C. Hervey as Clerk

3rd.      Albert Paddock, Trustee 2nd class

           Ellsworth Strong, Trustee 3rd class

           J. Wolvern, Trustee 1st class

4th Jacob Freese, Collector

5th Deliverance B. Hervey, Librarian

6th.That D.B. Hervey Rec. $.50 for wood furnished last winter to be raised in the next winter school bill

7th. That the wood be furnished as last year

8th. That two new benches be furnished by the Trustees and make necessary repairs to the old ones

9th. Voted that the Trustees bank the house & make other necessary repairs and the money expended be raised by tax with the school bill.

Jacob Freese, Moderator

Charles B. Newcomb, Clerk Pro Term


Oct 11th, 1859

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

1st. Voted that D. B. Hervey be Moderator

2nd. Voted that H.C. Hervey be Clerk

3rd. Voted that P.C. Wolven be Trustee

4th. Voted that E. A. Sheldon be Collector

5th. Voted that D. B. Hervey be Librarian

6th. Voted that wood for fire be furnished as formerly

7th. Voted that all Library out books be returned 2 weeks to the Librarian

8th. Voted that 2/3 of the public funds be applied to the Winter Term & 1/3 to the Summer Term

9th. Voted that this meeting be adjourned

D.B. Hervey, Chairman

H.C. Hervey, Clerk


Oct 7th, 1860

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

1st. Voted that E. Newcomb be Moderator

2nd. Voted that H.C. Hervey be Clerk

3rd. Voted that Jacob Freese be Trustee

4th. Voted that E.A. Sheldon be Collector

5th Voted that D.B. Hervey be Librarian

6th. Voted that 2/3 of the Public funds be applied to the winter term

7th. Voted that this meeting be adjourned

Elijah Newcomb, Chairman

H.C. Hervey, Clerk


Oct 7th, 1861

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

1st. Voted that Jacob Freese be Moderator

2nd. Voted that the meeting be adjourned to tomorrow evening in order to comply to the requirements of the statutes

H.C. Hervey, Clerk

Jacob Freese, Moderator

Oct 8th, 1861

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

1st. Voted that Jacob Freese be Moderator

2nd. Voted that H.C. Hervey be Clerk

3rd. That Ellsworth Strong be Trustee

4th That D.B. Hervey be Librarian

5th. That E.A. Sheldon be collector

6th. Report of the Trustees read and voted that it be accepted.

Jacob Freese, Moderator

H.C. Hervey, Clerk

The next meeting the 2nd Tuesday in Oct


At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

1st. Voted that Jacob Freese be Chairman

2nd. Voted that E. B. Earl be Clerk

3rd. Voted that Eliakim Beach be Trustee

4th. Voted that D. B. Hervey be Librarian

5th. Voted that Peter ……. Be Collector

6th. Report of Trustees read

7th. Voted that the report be accepted

8th. Voted that this meeting be adjourned

Jacob Freese           Moderator

E.B Earl                     Clerk


Oct 13th, 1863

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

1st. Voted that M.S. Newcomb be Chairman

2nd. Voted that E.B. Earl be Clerk

3rd. Voted that M.S. King be Trustee

4th. Voted that D.B. Hervey be Librarian

5th. Voted that E.A. Sheldon be Collector

6th. Report of Trustees read

7th. Voted that this report be accepted

8th. Voted that this meeting be adjourned

M.S. Newcomb, Moderator

E.B. Earl, Clerk


Oct 11th, 1864

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

Voted 1st that E.A. Sheldon be Chairman

Voted 2nd. That E.B. Earl be Clerk

Voted 3rd that there be but one Trustee in District

Voted 4th that Eliakim Beach be Trustee

Voted 5th that D.B. Hervey be Librarian

Voted 6th that Leonard Rickerson be Collector

Voted 7th that this meeting be adjourned

Edward A. Sheldon, Moderator

E.B. Earl, Clerk


Oct 10th, 1865

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

Voted 1st. that Samuel Smith be Chairman

Voted 2nd. That Armenius Smith Clerk

Voted 3rd that be three trustees in said District

Voted 4th that Albert Paddock Trustee

Voted 5th that Peter Wolven Trustee

Voted 6th that Matthias Frounce Trustee

Voted 7th that Edwin A. Sheldon Librarian

Voted 8th that John Armstrong Collector

Voted 9th that this meeting be adjourned.

Samuel Smith, Moderator

Armenius Smith, Clerk

This meeting was void

South Durham           Armenius Smith

Oct 25th, 1865

Special school meeting called of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the Town of Durham

Voted 1st that A. L. Lounsbury, Chairman

Voted 2nd that Armenius Smith, Clerk

Voted 3rd that Peter Wolven, Trustee

A.     Lounsbury, Chairman

B.     Armenius Smith, Clerk

 This meeting was for the purpose of electing one trustee in the place of three, three being illegal.  Armenius Smith


October 9th 1866

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham

Voted 1st. that John H. Decker, Moderator

Voted 2nd. that A. Smith, Clerk

Voted 3rd. that Albert Paddock, Trustee

Voted 4th that E.A. Sheldon, Collector

Voted 5th that D.B. Hervey, Librarian

Voted 6th that this meeting be adjourned

John H. Decker, Moderator

A. Smith, Clerk


Oct 8th, 1867

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham, the subsequent business was transacted.

First E.A. Sheldon, Chairman

2. George S. Barnes, Clerk

3. Trustees Report read and accepted

4. Trustee hands $3.19

P.F. Wolven, Trustee

Collector John Armstrong

5. Librarian H.H. Hervey

6. That this meeting be adjourned

E.A. Sheldon Chairman

G.S. Barnes, Clerk


June 22nd, 1868

At a special meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham, the subsequent business was transacted.

First.  E.A. Sheldon Chairman

2nd Albert Paddock Trustee to fill vacancy of P.F. Wolven, deceased

3rd. Motion and seconded that this meeting be adjourned

George S. Barnes, Clerk

The above meeting was void.

George S. Barnes, Clerk

October 13, 1868

At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham, the subsequent business was transacted.

1st. O. Earl Chairman

2nd. George S. Barnes Clerk

3rd. Armenius Smith Trustee

4th Trustee Report read and accepted.  Money in the hands of Trustee

5th E.A. Sheldon, Collector

6th. Nathan Faunsbury, Librarian

7th. That the Trustee have power to make necessary repairs on school house also to purchase a new stove & pipe and the cost of the above to be raised by tax

8th That this meeting be adjourned

George S. Barnes


At an annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 of the Town of Durham held in said school house Oct 19th, 1869 the following business was transacted

1st. Trustees Report voted on and passed

2nd. Collection Report voted and passed

3rd. Trustee N. Lounsbury

4th Collector D.M. Olmstead

5th Librarian E.A. Sheldon

6th Voted that there shall be $10 raised to replenish the District Library.

7th Voted that the old lumber on hand be sold to the highest bidder

These is now in the hands of Trustee $5.45. Voted that the public money be used for that purpose.

8th. voted there be nine months at least school kept during the ensuing school year.

9th. Voted that there be built a wood house and spring on the north west corner attached to the building (12 feet long in width)

10th voted that said building be built within three months

11th. Voted that fifty dollars be raised for the purpose of putting up said building , said money to be raised by tax*

12th Voted that it be left in the hand of trustee to be optional with him whether he hires it done by the job or hires it done by the day.

Voted the balance over $50 be raised with the next school bill.

13th. Voted that there be twenty Maple trees set out on the school house site to be protected by racks. Also, that there be six posts set for the purpose of tying horses.

14th. Voted that this House be used for Public Worship as if it has been customary here-to-fore.

14th Voted that there be purchased hooks for the windows and a zinc for the stove.

15th Voted that this meeting be adjourned till the 2nd Tuesday in Oct 1870

N. Lounsbury Chairman

A.H. Battersky Clerk


At a special school meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 held in school house Dist. 2

April 9th, 1870

E. Beach chosen Chairman

Moved & seconded that S.B. Goff be elected trustee – carried

Moved & seconded that A. Smith be elected Clerk – carried

Moved & Seconded that the Trustee finish the wood shed and all that is necessary – carried

Moved & Seconded that be authorized by District to collect the remaining tax in his hand and that the Trustee finish the work necessary of wood house & that his bill be paid by collection prior to N. Lonnsbury bill

Minutes read and approved

Moved & carried that this meeting be adjourned

A.     Smith, Clerk

 Oct 11th, 1870

At an annual school meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the Town of Durham held in the school house Oct 11th, 1870

The following business was transacted:

1st. Trustee Report paper

2nd. S.B. Goff elected District Clerk

3rd. George H. Sanford elected Trustee

4th. Daniel Olmsted elected Collector

5th E.A. Sheldon elected Librarian

6th. Moved and seconded that – wood shed as built by N. Lonnsbury be accepted by this meeting according to his bills in Collectors hands – carried

7th Moved & seconded that the vote as taken at last annual school meeting in reference to ten Dollars voted to be applied to buying books for School Library be rescinded – carried

Moved & seconded that that all the Library money belonging to District be applied towards the payment of teachers wages for past summer school – carried

Moved & seconded that $20 for 4 cord of wood prepared for the stove & $1.50 for cleaning School House be put in tax list – to be made out for teachers wages during past summer now to be collected – carried

Moved & carried that the Trustee collect from N. Lonnsbury$3.45 in his hands as shown by minutes of last annual school meeting – carried

The Trustee received $3.70.  One Dollar to be kept for contingent expenses remainder to be applied on tax for teachers wages last summer

Minutes read and approved


Stillman B. Goff  Clerk


At an annual school meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the Town of Durham held in the school house Oct 10th, 1871, the following business was transacted.

Daniel Olmsted was elected Trustee

S.B. Goff elected District Clerk

Geo Sanford elected Collector

E.A. Sheldon elected Librarian

Trustee’s Report – called for report – money paid for repair

            Gin lemp                                                       .25

            …. Put in window                                       .60

            Broom                                                            .38

            Cleaning School House                             2.50



Report – receive to be put in tax list

One dollar in Trustee hand last year                 1.00



$2.73 to be raised.  Moved that $2.03 to be raised in tax list – to be levied on inhabitants for summer school wages.  Carried.

Minutes approved.

Moved that the meeting be adjourned.

S.B. Goff

District Clerk


 At an annual school meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the Town of Durham held in the school house of said district Oct 8th, 1872, the following business was transacted.

On motion Daniel Olmsted was chosen Chairman

1st. Moved & seconded that S.B. Goff be District Clerk – carried

2nd. Moved & seconded that Armenius Smith be Trustee – carried

3rd. Moved & seconded that Geo Sanford be Collector – carried

4th. Moved & seconded that S.B. Goff be Librarian – carried

5th. Trustee Report – called for report. Had ten cents in his hands paid for contingent expenses

            For lock to door                                             .50

            Broom                                                              .38





                                                                     Bal            .78

 Paid teachers wages in part by draft – on Supervisor              $109.30

Due teachers                                                                                     $  57.70

Moved to second that report be received and amount due teachers & Trustee be put on next tax list – carried

5th. Moved & seconded that $ 2.88 paid by Daniel Olmsted for A. Buttersby taxes (not collectable) 1n 1870 when collected be put in tax list & refunded – carried

6th. Moved & seconded that $20 be raised by tax for wood – carried

7th Moved & seconded that Trustee hire teachers board in on place – carried

8th. Minutes read & approved.

9th. Moved that the meeting be adjourned – carried

S.B. Goff            District Clerk


 At the annual school meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the Town of Durham in the school house of said district, Oct 13th, 1874, the following business was transacted.

 1st. On motioned carried that David Mattice was chosen Chairman

2nd. That E.A. Sheldon was chosen Clerk

3rd. That John Simpson was chosen Trustee

4th. That Armenius Smith was chosen Librarian

5th. That Trustee read his report – Read and accepted balance due A. Jones late Trustee 2.27

6th. Motion carried that teacher bill for the sum of 1874 be put in the bill and collected with bill due late trustee – Total $ 90.27

7th. That 3 cords of wood shall be furnished by Trustee and fitted for stove

8th. That Trustee shall see that all repairs need on school house be done and bill allowed

9th. That teacher shall board around district

10th. That this meeting adjourn to meet at the next annual meeting.

David Mattice – Moderator

E.A. Sheldon – Clerk


At the annual school meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the Town of Durham in the school house Oct 9th, 1877, the following business was transacted.

1st. Moderator David Mattice chosen

2nd.Clerk E.A. Sheldon chosen

3rd. Trustee A. Freese chosen

4th. Librarian E.L. Walker chosen

5th. Late Trustee read report.

6th. Collector James Walker chosen

7th. Motion seconded & carried that Trustees bill presented at annual meeting be rejected.  Motion seconded & carried that we adjourn twenty minutes to consider the books to be used in School District No. 2.  Time up – called to order.

8th. Motion seconded & carried that the following book be adopted – Parker & Watson National Reader and Speller Barnes Brief History of United States Brown & Clark Gramers Monteith Geographies Independent Series Thomsonoses Arithmetic & Davies Primary Arithmetic Supervisory Copy Book Davies New Elementary Algebra & Geometry

9th. Motion seconded that 2 cords of good Maple wood seasoned and fitted for stove be furnished by Ostrander Goff delivered at school house at $4.30

Motion & seconded that ______ Trustee make it his business to investigate the bill of late Trustee in regards to public monies paid by orders on supervision whether legal Carried.

10th. Motion seconded that that there be 7 months school kept in coming year (4 in winter 3 in summer)

11. Motion seconded that this meeting adjourn to meet at next annual meeting.

David D. Mattice

E.A. Sheldon Clerk

At a special meeting called December 11, 1877 at School House District No. 2 the following business was transacted.

That the following book be adopted by a 2 thirds vote

1st. Parker & Watson National Spelling & Reader

2nd. Barnes Brief History of the United States

3rd. Brown Grammar

4th Monteath Geography

5th Davis Arithmetic

6th. Davis Algebra & Geometry

7th. Payson _____ Scriber Penmanship

Carried by 2 thirds vote

Motion seconded that meeting adjourn

David D. Mattice Chairman

E.A. Sheldon Clerk


At the annual school meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 in the Town of Durham met at the school house in said district Oct 10th, 1876, the following business was transacted.

  1. On motion, E.L. Walker was chosen chairman. Carried
  2. Move & second that E.A. Sheldon District Clerk. Carried
  3. Move & Second that T. Taylor be Trustee. Carried
  4. Move & second that T. France be Collector. Carried.
  5. That Eli L. Walker be Librarian. Carried.
  6. That Trustee read his report. Carried.
Trustee bill for repairing School House in 1876    $26.11

Received from District                              $20.87

Balance due Trustee                                  $ 5.24

Teachers wages for Winter Schools        $80.00

Wages for Summer School                       $57.00

Balance due teachers for Summer School  $33.00 Dollars

Gave order for Public Money                  100.00 Dollars

                                                                           School kept. 

  1. Move & second that there should be 7 months
  2. Three months Winter School kept and four month Summer School
  3. Move & second that three cords of good merchantable seasoned 4 foot hard wood be furnished and fitted for stove.
  4. Move & second that wood for stove be given to the lowest one. Motion second that Ostrander Goff furnish 3 cords of good seasoned hard wood and fit it for stove at $4.50 per cord. Carried.
  5. Moved and second that lock be furnished for school house.
  6. Move & second that teachers board around district. Carried.
  7. Move & second that this meeting be adjourned till the 2nd Tuesday in October 1877

Eli L. Walker            Chairman

E.A. Sheldon            Clerk


Annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2. Met at the school house Oct 8th, 1878. The following business was transacted.

  1. Moses Yale Moderator
  2. E.A. Sheldon, Clerk
  3. Late Trustee gave report. Accepted.
  4. Daniel Holmstead chosen Trustee
  5. Eli L. Walker Librarian
  6. John Armstrong Collector
  7. That 3 cords of good merchantable hard wood be procured and fitted for stove. Motion carried. That Trustee furnish wood suitable for stove. Motion carried that this meeting adjourn to meet at next Annual Meeting in said School House October 14th, 1879.

Moses Yale, Moderator

E.A. Sheldon, Clerk


An annual school meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 met in the school house in said District October 14th, 1879. The following business was transacted.

Moderator chosen M. Yale

E.A. Sheldon, Clerk

Ostrander Goff, Trustee

Late Trustee gave report. Accepted.

Public Moneys received                                  $112.71

Received by tax                                         51.31


Paid teacher wages 7 months 2 week 2 days            $146.78

Paid repair for stove                                                         15.00

For cleaning School House                                                1.50


  1. Trustee bill accepted
  2. Cyrus Yale, Collector
  3. Motion & second that 3 cords wood fitted for stove shall be furnished by Albert B_____ at four dollars per cord delivered at School House.
  4. That school be kept 8 months
  5. That this meeting adjourns till next annual meeting.

Moses Yale

E.A. Sheldon, Clerk


Annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 met at school house in said district Oct 12th, 1880. The following business was transacted.

  1. Thomas Taylor chosen Chairman
  2. George Paddock, Clerk
  3. O. Goff, Trustee
  4. Trustee gave report – accepted

Teachers Wages                                    120.59

Teacher $                                                159.00

Wood                                                        13.00

Cleaning School House                            1.00

Lock paid and ____                                   1.00

For repairs on School House                   1.00


  1. Eli L. Walker, Librarian
  2. James L. Sanford, Collector
  3. That 4 cords of wood be furnished & Trustee to be bought where he can by the cheapest & fitted for stove.
  4. Moved & seconded that this meeting adjourn till next annual meeting.

G.E Paddock, Clerk

Thomas Taylor,


At the annual school meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2, Town of Durham Oct 11th, 1881. The following business was transacted. 

Voted 1st.             George E. Paddock, Clerk

                               E.A. Sheldon, Chairman

Voted 2nd.            Moses Gale for Trustee

Voted 3rd.             Theodore Claver, Collector

Voted 4th.             E. L. Walker, Librarian

Voted 5th.             That Trustees report be accepted.

Voted 6th.             That Trustee furnishes the wood on best terms he can make

Voted that the meeting adjourn.

G.E. Paddock, Clerk


At a special meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2, held at M. Gales, in the building used for special purposes, July 1st, 1882.  The following business was transacted.

 1st. George H. Sanford chosen Chairman of the meeting.

2nd. Motion made & seconded that we build a school house 18 X 24 Ft. Dimension on the foundation.  Carried.

3rd. Motion & seconded it be built with 10 foot posts, covered with Novetty siding, first class, roof covered with first class pine shingles, balance frame.  Carried.

4th. Motion made & seconded that the floor be of 1 ¼ inch flooring.  Carried.

5th. Motion made & seconded that we put 6 windows in the building – 12 light windows 8 X 10 glass- with small window over the door, the length of small window to be equal to the width of door.  Carried.

6th. Moved & seconded that the plan of the seats & desks be left to the building committee. Carried.

7th. Motion made & seconded that the painting of the school house be left to the building committee.  Carried.

8th. Motion made & seconded that the building of the school house be let to the party who will build it the cheapest.  Carried.

9th. Motion made & seconded that we appoint a building committee of three.  Motion lost.

10th. Motion made & seconded that the building of the school house be left to the Trustee.  Carried.

11th. Motion made and seconded that the Trustee be authorized to raise the sum of $400 to build a new school house.  Carried.

 I hereby certify that the above is a correct record of the proceedings of the meeting.

George E. Paddock, Dist. Clerk

At the Annual meeting of the taxable inhabitants of School District No. 2 met at school house in said district Oct 10th, 1882. The following business was transacted.

1st.       Thomas Taylor chosen Moderator

2nd.       E.A Sheldon, Clerk Pro-Term, G. Paddock, for term

3rd.       Teara France chosen Trustee

4th.        George Paddock chosen Clerk

5th.        Frank Bush chosen Collector

6th.        Alan Vincent chosen Collector

7th.        Motioned & second that 3 cords of wood by furnished, fitted for the stove by Trustee.

8th.        Moved & second that present f_____ be improved to get school house In____

9th.        Motioned & second that Trustee shall build an out-house to be used as a water closet

Do stove pipe

Motion & second that meeting adjourns until 10 of October 1883


At the Annual meeting of the inhabitants & patrons of School District No. 2, town of Durham, the following business was transacted Oct 9th, 1883.

Moses Gale was chosen Chairman

George E. Paddock chosen Clerk

John Simpson elected Trustee

Joseph Armstrong chosen Collector

Theodore Claver chosen Librarian

Trustee’s report read & accepted

Motion made & carried that the meeting adjourn till next annual meeting.

George E. Paddock, District Clerk


At the regular Annual meeting of the taxpayers & patrons of School District No. 2, held Aug 26th, 1884, the following business was transacted.

On motion, Thomas Taylor was chosen Chairman

George E. Paddock was chosen Clerk for the ensuing year

Trustee’s Report read and accepted

On motion, Joseph P. Porter was elected Trustee

Joseph Armstrong chosen Collector

Alanson Vincent chosen Librarian

Motion made and carried that the Trustee be authorized to raise $12.00 for wood and incidental expenses for the ensuing year.

Motion made and carried that the meeting be adjourned till the next annual meeting

George E. Paddock, District Clerk


At the annual meeting of the tax payers & patrons of District No. 2, Town of Durham, held Aug 25, 1885, the following business was transacted.

George E. Paddock was elected Clerk

Moses Gale, Chairman

Daniel Olmsted was elected Trustee for the ensuing year

Willard S. Whitman was elected Collector

John Simpson was elected Librarian

Motion made & carried that the Trustees Report be accepted

Motion made and carried that the Trustee be authorized to add $12.00 to the tax list for incidental expenses for the next ensuing year

Motion made and carried that the meeting be adjourned till the time of the next annual meeting

George E. Paddock  District Clerk


At the regular annual meeting of the tax payers and patrons of School District No. 2, the following business was transacted.

George E. Paddock was elected Clerk

Trustees Report read and accepted

John Simpson was elected Trustee

Joseph P. Porter was elected collector

Motion made and carried that $15.00 be added to the tax levy for wood

Motion made and carried that the meeting be adjourned.

George E. Paddock,  Clerk


At the regular annual meeting of the tax payers and patrons of School District No. 2, Town of Durham, held Tuesday, Aug 30th, 1887, the following business was transacted.

Ostrander Goff was chosen Chairman

George E. Paddock chosen Clerk

Trustees and Collector’s Reports read and accepted

William S. Woodworth elected Trustee

Joseph P. Porter was elected Collector

Motion made and carried that $15.00 be added to the next tax levy for wood & incidental expenses for next year

On motion, the meeting adjourned till the next annual meeting

George E. Paddock


At the annual meeting of the tax payers & patrons of District No. 2 Town of Durham, the following business was transacted.

James Weitzel chosen Chairman

George E. Paddock elected Clerk

Edward Smith elected Trustee

George H. Sanford elected Collector

Thomas Taylor elected Librarian

Trustee’s report read & accepted

On Motion, meeting was adjourned until next annual meeting.


At the regular annual meeting of the tax payers and patrons of School District No. 2, Town of Durham, held Aug 6th , 1889, the following business was transacted.

O. Bush Chairman

George E. Paddock chosen District Clerk for the ensuing year

Trustee’s report read and accepted

Motion made & carried that the Trustee be elected by ballot.

Ostrander Goff elected Trustee

Willard S. Whitman chosen Collector.


At the regular annual meeting of the tax payers and patrons of School District No. 2, , the following business was transacted Aug 5th, 1890.

1st.       George E. Paddock was elected clerk for the ensuing year

2nd.            Trustee’s report read &and accepted

3rd.       Josiah T. Gale elected Trustee for the ensuing year

4th.       Linus Hopson elected Collector

5th.       Thomas Taylor Librarian

6th.       On motion, the Trustee is instructed to insure the house.

7th.       On motion, the meeting adjourned.

George E. Paddock, Clerk


At the annual meeting of the tax payers and patrons of School District No. 2, Town of Durham, held Aug 4th, 1891, the following business was transacted.

George E. Paddock was chosen Clerk for the ensuing year

Trustee’s report read and accepted by vote of the District

Wilbur Sanford was chosen Trustee

Hiram Woodworth was chosen Collector

On motion the meeting adjourned

George E. Paddock, District Clerk


At the regular annual meeting of the tax payers and patrons of School District No. 2, Town of Durham, held Aug 2nd , 1892, the following business was transacted.

Wilbur M. Sanford elected Chairman

George E. Paddock elected Clerk

Trustee’s report read & accepted

Matthias France elected Trustee

Ostrander Goff elected Collector

Motion made and carried that the Trustee be authorized to raise the sum of $25.00 in the next tax list for necessary expenses

Amt in Collector’s hand $1.42

George E. Paddock, Dist. Clerk


At the regular annual meeting held Aug 22nd, 1893, the following business was transacted.

Ostrander Goff chosen Chairman

George E. Paddock, Clerk

Trustee’s report read and accepted

Joseph Armstrong chosen Trustee for ensuing year

Thomas Taylor chosen Collector

Voted that the Clerk be empowered to call special meetings by posting notices in same manner as annual meetings are called


At the regular annual meeting, held Aug 7th, 1894, the following business was transacted.

Ostrander Goff elected Chairman

George E. Paddock elected Clerk

Trustee’s report read and accepted by unanimous vote

Edgar N. Barnes elected Trustee

William H. Paddock, Collector

Voted to instruct Trustee to have School House insured soon as convenient

Motion made and carried that the meeting adjourn


At the annual meeting in District No. 2, Town of Durham, held Aug 6th, 1895, the following business was transacted.

George H. Sanford, Chairman

G.E. Paddock was elected Clerk

Trustee’s report read and accepted

Ostrander Goff was elected Trustee by ballot

Wm. H. Paddock was elected Collector by ballot

Meeting adjourned

G.E. Paddock, Clerk


At the annual meeting of the tax payers and patrons of School District No. 2, Town of Durham, held Aug 4th, 1896, the following business was transacted.

Ostrander Goff was chosen Chairman

George E. Paddock elected Clerk for ensuing year

Trustee’s report read and accepted

Ira M. France elected Trustee

John Moore Collector

On motion, it was voted the Trustee be authorized to make any necessary repairs

On motion, it was voted to adjourn

George E. Paddock

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