Niagara Frontier Chapter, United States Daughters of 1812 <body topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0><script <table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0 height="100%"><tr> <td valign="top" width=200 BGCOLOR="#BBBBBB" TEXT="#080000" background="005007c3.gif"> <bR> </td> <td valign="top" width="100%" BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#080000"> <bR> <div> <B> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="2" CELLSPACING="1" WIDTH="559" BORDERCOLORLIGHT="#C0C0C0" BORDERCOLORDARK="#808080" FRAME="BOX" RULES="ALL" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0" BGCOLOR=#C0C0C0 > <tR> <tD VALIGN=TOP HEIGHT= 1326 WIDTH="553"><div> <IMG SRC="00784840.gif" border=0 width="132" height="132" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></div> <bR> <div> <B>Welcome to the Niagara Frontier Chapter</B></div> <div> <B>Our Motto: &quot;Liberty, Fraternity and Unity</B> </div> <bR> <div> <IMG SRC="009f50f0.gif" border=0 width="501" height="15" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></div> <bR> <bR> <div> Our chapter meets the second Saturday of the month at the Community Room of the Lockport Public Library. No meetings during the winter months.</div> <bR> <bR> <div> <B>The Purpose of the Society</B> </div> <div> To preserve and increase</div> <div> knowledge of the history of the American people by the preservation</div> <div> of documents and relics, the marking of historic spots, </div> <div> the recording of family histories and traditions, </div> <div> the celebrating of patriotic anniversaries, and especially the emphasizing</div> <div> and teaching of heroic deeds in the civil, military and naval life</div> <div> of those who molded this government of the United States </div> <div> and saved it from foes both within and without,</div> <div> between the close of the American Revolution and the close of the War of 1812. </div> <div> In general, its one purpose is the promotion of patriotism. </div> <bR> <div> <IMG SRC="009f50f0.gif" border=0 width="501" height="15" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></div> <bR> <div> <B>Membership</B></div> <div> Any woman over 18 years of age, </div> <div> of good character, and any child up to 21 years of age,</div> <div> who offers satisfactory proof of lineal descent from an ancestor</div> <div> who rendered civil, military, or navel service during the years 1784-1815</div> <div> is eligible to membership, provided the applicant is </div> <div> acceptable to the society. Membership is by invitation only. </div> <bR> <div> <IMG SRC="009f50f0.gif" border=0 width="501" height="15" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></div> <bR> <div> <B>Links</B></div> <bR> <div> <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" TITLE=""><U>New York State Webpage U.S Daughters of 1812</U></A></div> <bR> <div> <A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" TITLE=""><U>National Society Webpage</U></A><FONT SIZE="3" COLOR="#000000" FACE="Arial" ><A HREF="" TARGET="_blank" TITLE=""> </A></FONT></div> <bR> <bR> <div> <IMG SRC="009f50f0.gif" border=0 width="501" height="15" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></div> <bR> <div> <B>Contact Us</B></div> <div> If you are interested in joining the Niagara Frontier Chapter, </div> <div> please contact Jeanette Brooks at: &nbsp;<A HREF="" TARGET="_top" TITLE=""></A></div> <div> or</div> <div> 2237 Youngstown Lockport Road</div> <div> Ransomville, NY 14131</div> <bR> <bR> <div> <IMG SRC="00aa7490.gif" border=0 width="423" height="73" ALIGN="BOTTOM" HSPACE="0" VSPACE="0"></div> <bR> <div> <I>The War of 1812 Star is copy written &copy; and is the property </I></div> <div> <I>of the National Organization of the Daughters of the War of 1812.</I></div> <div> <I>This webpage last updated July 26, 2007</I></div> <bR> <div> <I>Site Maintained by </I><A HREF="" TARGET="_top" TITLE=""><I>JJ</I></A><I>.</I></div> <bR> </tD> </tR> </TABLE></B></div> <bR> <bR> <bR> <bR> <bR> <bR> </td> </tr></table></body>