Fredonia Baptist Church, Fredonia, NY

Transcript of Record Book B of the Fredonia Baptist Church
spanning 1832 through 1841

by Maggie Ball and Wendy Straight


The Fredonia Baptist Church, or at times called the Fredonia Baptist Society or the Baptist Society of Pomfret, was formed in 1808. Zattu Cushing was the founder, and his barn was the first meeting house. The society built a wooden structure on the present site in the early 1820s. It served until 1852 when the present brick building was erected. Today's address is 19 Church St, Fredonia, NY  14063.

Book B of the Fredonia Baptist Church records is a large (10" by 15"), leather-bound volume of minutes of church meetings and lists of members from 1832 to 1841. The minutes are signed by the various church clerks of the period. During most of this era, the church is known as the First Baptist Church in Pomfret.

Transcript files

Entries dated 1832
Entries dated 1833
Entries dated 1834
Entries dated 1835
Entries dated 1836
Entries dated 1837
Entries dated 1838
Entries dated 1839
Entries dated 1840
Entries dated 1841
Entire transcript (305 kB)

Church archivist


Last updated Dec 2006.