1875 Census Index for Cattaraugus County NY






Please note:  This index (of surnames of heads of households only) was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread. The page number refers to the page of the microfilm of the state census, which can be ordered through your local LDS Family History Center. Our many thanks to the Cattaraugus County Memorial and Historical Museum for making these indices available through the Internet.    The 1875 index shows surname only. Laura Greene,  Coordinator [email protected]

Transcribed by
Michelle Pakulak

NAME: Page #  NAME: Page #  NAME: Page #  NAME: Page # 
Ackler 294 Eagan 301 Mack 315 Slemonds 309
Adams 290 Earl 335 Malone 315 Smith 297
Akers 290 Eastman 330 Maloney 277 Smith 337
Aldrich 285 Eckhart 274 Maloney 279 Smith 284
Allen 336 Eddy 288 Maloney 276 Smith 310
Allen 297 Edwards 335 Malsone 280 Smith 301
Allen 302 Ehret 305 Maney 314 Smith 313
Ames 290 Ehret 290 Maridon 281 Smith 277
Ames 314 Eldridge 291 Mark 295 Smith 317
Amidon 324 Elliott 306 Market 313 Smith 276
Anderson 312 Elliott 313 Markham 322 Smith 330
Ansley 304 Essig 337 Markham 318 Smith 321
Armstrong 327 Etner 274 Marona 297 Smith 337
Arnold 291 Eunerli 321 Martin 314 Snyder 278
Askhley 291 Evason 322 Maskal 288 Sopekwick 296
Auchenback 304 Mathews 309 Sour 293
Austin 305 Falby 332 Mattison 291 Space 306
Ayers 321 Farnham 333 May 278 Spauldin 283
Farnham 303 Maybee 307 Spoor 285
Bailey 334 Farquhason 303 Maybee 283 Spore 278
Baker 281 Fellows 334 McCarty 305 Spore 297
Baley 298 Fellows 336 McCarty 316 Springer 306
Ballard 290 Fellows 336 McCarty 322 Stapleton 292
Ballett 303 Fellows 335 McCarty 318 Stebbins 293
Banton 284 Fellows 336 McCleary 311 Stebins 323
Bardusky 282 Felts 307 McDonell 306 Stephens 306
Bargy 319 Finch 282 McDonell 275 Stephens 306
Bargy 293 Finch 281 McFall 314 Stewart 329
Bargy 292 Fish 311 McGuire 298 Stickley 316
Barker 281 Fitch 307 McGurty 287 Stiles 333
Barlow 329 Fitzgerald 303 McIntire 296 Stockworth 294
Barnes 309 Flanders 291 McKibbin 321 Stonce 280
Bartlett 313 Flanery 276 McKinna 308 Stone 335
Barton 294 Flynn 278 McKoon 309 Stone 335
Bean 278 Ford 331 McMahon 321 Strans 282
Beers 318 Forehan 318 McMahon 318 Stratton 324
Bellings 285 Fox 275 McNally 279 Stratton 333
Bellknap 329 Fox 292 McNally 280 Sullavan 330
Benden 280 Foy 333 McNema 276 Sullavan 315
Bennet 274 France 327 McQuilley 309 Sullivan 322
Bennett 288 France 335 Messenger 289 Sullivan 318
Benson 333 France 290 Messenger 290 Sweeney 316
Benson 299 Franey 321 Metzler 276 Sweeny 278
Benson 300 Franey 337 Metzler 275 Sweeny 297
Beriller 313 Frank 289 Miles 305 Sweeny 280
Berinskay 295 Franklin 329 Miles 317 Sweeny 326
Berinskay 294 French 336 Miles 277 Sweet 313
Berinsky 295 Frisby 327 Miles 304 Swinger 319
Beriuska 275 Frisby 328 Milks 283
Berry 332 Fullmer 318 Miller 283 Taylor 300
Bidwell 309 Furman 325 Millholand 290 Thompson 302
Bissel 336 Mills 313 Thompson 321
Blink 312 Gaffney 316 Mills 297 Thompson 322
Bloodgood 304 Gallagher 301 Mitchell 278 Thompson 334
Bloodgood 311 Gallagher 275 Moffat 322 Tinney 334
Boardman 283 Gange 310 Moffat 291 Tompkins 281
Bois 311 Gant 304 Moffat 322 Tonkel 276
Bonghin 302 Gardner 307 Monehan 299 Townsand 295
Booth 314 Gasper 336 Moon 297 Tubbs 306
Bordaux 293 Gates 327 Mooney 297 Tubbs 335
Boutwell 288 Gillis 307 Moore 277
Boyer 334 Gleason 317 Moore 319 Vannettin 336
Boyer 334 Gohr 274 Moore 309 Vannornam 328
Boyer 335 Goldstine 299 Moore 319 Vedder 290
Boyington 330 Goodell 306 Morison 319 Vela 293
Brace 288 Goodman 323 Moshier 286 Velie 310
Brady 312 Goodsell 298 Mudgett 277 Velie 310
Brainard 328 Gould 308 Mueller 305 Vickery 284
Brainard 321 Gould 307 Mulcha 274 Vreeland 304
Brainard 325 Grant 278 Mulcha 275 Vreeland 274
Brennin 330 Grant 306 Mulquin 278
Briggs 288 Graves 329 Mulquin 279 Wade 297
Brink 306 Graves 329 Murpha 316 Wait 276
Brink 295 Graves 329 Murphy 321 Wait 336
Bro 277 Gray 336 Murry 302 Wait 298
Brodrick 315 Green 319 Myer 276 Wait 336
Brown 337 Green 322 Wait 294
Brown 297 Green 328 Nadolski 278 Wait 316
Brown 277 Griffin 286 Nary 280 Wallace 286
Brunson 313 Griffin 282 Naudien 296 Wallace 337
Buck 294 Griffin 311 Nelson 330 Wanholder 308
Buckley 320 Griffin 321 Nelson 332 Ward 326
Buckley 332 Griswold 327 Nerhot 325 Warn 328
Buffington 306 Griswool 337 Nerhut 317 Washburn 303
Burns 311 Groesch 315 Newell 283 Wasmer 275
Burr 337 Groughan 318 Newman 296 Watkins 321
Burt 325 Grover 333 Newton 284 Watterman 324
Burt 302 Grover 333 Nickles 331 Weegar 302
Burton 327 Gunn 337 Nickleson 318 Welch 315
Butterfuss 309 Gussett 328 Nies 304 Wells 318
Byron 326 Nobles 310 Wentz 2283
Hagen 275 Nodulsky 296 Westinghouse 305
Caddagan 330 Haight 314 Nodulsky 294 Whalon 284
Cadimers 321 Hall 332 Nolduski 292 Whalon 285
Callen 320 Hall 324 Nolti 276 Whalon 321
Carden 299 Hall 291 Noonan 285 Whalon 331
Carly 321 Haller 293 Noondan 286 Wheeler 288
Carney 326 Hallett 314 Normanda 309 Wheeler 288
Carpenter 304 Hallock 277 Normile 300 Wheeler 302
Carr 310 Hallock 322 Normile 287 Wheeler 289
Casey 274 Hallock 321 Nuell 293 Wheeler 302
Casey 314 Hanks 292 Whipple 298
Casper 334 Hanna 327 Oaks 277 Whipple 313
Castagan 305 Hannan 279 Olshoffsky 310 Whipple 285
Chamberlain 329 Hanson 317 Osgood 331 White 275
Chamberlain 320 Harkness 299 O'Brien 302 Whitmore 327
Chambers 288 Harkness 285 O'Brien 279 Wholer 281
Champlin 322 Harrison 320 O'Brien 282 Wilcox 317
Champlin 323 Hart 291 O'Brien 303 Wilder 319
Champlin 322 Hartle 335 O'Brien 303 Wilder 319
Charlesworth 274 Harvey 282 O'Brien 290 Williams 306
Chase 292 Hasley 302 O'Connor 316 Wilson 294
Chase 334 Hastings 325 O'Day 333 Wilson 334
Chase 311 Hays 320 O'Day 333 Wilson 336
Childs 325 Heller 313 O'Donnell 301 Wilson 329
Childs 331 Heller 311 O'Donnell 301 Winden 302
Chittester 298 Henshaw 325 O'Donnell 301 Wood 335
Christie 337 Henshaw 29? O'Donnell 293 Wood 314
Churchill 307 Herold 308 O'Hare 287 Woodmansee 335
Clancy 279 Herold 284 O'Keefe 287 Woodworth 328
Clark 285 Herrick 287 O'Leary 286 Woodworth 326
Clark 284 Herrick 319 O'Neil 321 Woodworth 331
Clark 300 Herson 286 Wooler 293
Clark 332 Hevenor 298 Page 289 Woolman 329
Cleveland 331 Hevenor 298 Palmer 312 Worth 288
Cloud 302 Hevenor 299 Palmer 307 Worth 288
Cobb 309 Hill 299 Palmer 303 Wright 304
Colgrove 303 Hill 319 Parker 280 Wright 313
Colgrove 316 Hillman 279 Parker 325 Wright 310
Colvill 276 Hinchey 277 Parker 325 Wright 323
Colvin 284 Hoag 300 Parks 336 Wright 297
Colvin 283 Hodge 323 Paugh 295 Wright 325
Cone 313 Hofket 322 Paul 282 Wright 324
Congdon 326 Hogan 281 Peabody 325 Wright 309
Conklin 320 Hogan 281 Peck 315 Wyman 287
Conklin 326 Holden 329 Peck 330 Wyman 283
Conklin 301 Hollister 290 Pelton 301
Conklin 328 Horth 307 Persons 313 Yennins 336
Conley 321 Horth 304 Peters 323 York 307
Connell 313 Howard 306 Phillips 313 York 295
Conner 308 Howard 329? Phillips 319 Young 328
Connors 311 Howe 283 Pickett 312
Connors 283 Howe 336 Pickett 311 Zeliff 285
Connors 280 Hoyt 297 Pickett 308 Zerr 300
Connors 316 Hoyt 296 Pierce 291 Zimbar 312
Conroy 276 Hughs 331 Pierce 292 Zimbar 312
Cooper 329 Hugnenin 305 Pierce 292 Zimbar 312
Coughlin 331 Hulbert 317 Pixley 325 Zimmerman 300
Covil 296 Hulbert 303 Pixley 324 Zink 335
Cowles 313 Hunt 309 Plough 318
Cox 315 Hutchings 323 Potter 289
Coyle 307 Power 320
Craig 277 Ingstrum 306 Powers 321
Cramer 288 Pratt 325
Crandall 305 Jackson 327 Pratt 313
Crang 337 Jacobs 322
Crawford 289 Jacobs 288 Quant 329
Crawford 289 Jenks 313 Quigley 315
Crawford 308 Jepson 327 Quigley 316
Crawford 304 Jobes 324 Quigley 316
Cronin 327 Johns 310 Quinn 334
Crook 323 Johnson 302 Quirk 301
Crooks 295 Johnson 295
Crooks 296 Johnson 299 Radger 313
Cross 308 Johnson 317 Randolph 297
Cross 283 Jones 319 Randolph 321
Cross 312 Jones 324 Read 299
Crowley 282 Redy 284
Crutty 314 Keffe 278 Reed 320
Crutty 286 Kehneson 316 Reed 291
Cunningham 286 Kelley 313 Reed 311
Curley 312 Kelly 317 Reed 313
Curry 305 Kelsey 326 Reynolds 294
Curtis 323 Kenan 311 Reynolds 331
Curtis 306 Kendall 330 Richards 325
Cutting 311 Kendall 303 Richmire 302
Kendell 331 Roach 284
Daily 324 Kenengar 311 Roberts 309
Daley 321 Kerns 287 Ronan 289
Darrow 277 Keting 302 Root 294
Davenport 307 Keting 279 Roshley 281
Day 278 Kidder 295 Rowland 274
Day 276 Kidder 295 Ryan 278
Dayton 315 King 288 Ryley 275
Dean 297 King 335
Dean 298 King 313 Sadler 282
Debell 320 Krieger 295 Sample 314
Delberto 336 Krieger 304 Sanders 310
Dempsey 324 Sanderson 317
Denel 313 Lamb 289 Scantlin 292
Denter 283 Lambert 274 Schaick 304
Devanport 301 Lane 326 Schlesinger 299
Devine 320 Langton 328 Schrader 296
Dewitt 310 Langton 329 Schrader 289
Dewitt 311 Laning 275 Schrader 288
Dewter 310 Lavery 298 Schrader 292
Doloff 281 Leach 296 Scott 291
Donelon 287 Lee 300 Scribner 321
Donelon 305 Leffinwell 330 Searles 309
Donelon 278 Lemonds 304 Sears 297
Donelon 287 Lenien 318 Seaver 300
Donelon 288 Leonard 298 See 333
Donlin 280 Leonard 303 Sehrader 280
Donlon 287 Lindsey 326 Senear 328
Downs 301 Lindsley 337 Senear 307
Downs 300 Litchfield 326 Seymour 317
Doyle 284 Litchfield 325 Seymour 308
Drach 311 Little 297 Shafeer 332
Drachslin 316 Little 303 Shafer 332
Drackslin 321 Louis 320 Shaw 320
Drake 326 Lounsberry 279 Shay 332
Drake 321 Lovell 279 Shelden 311
Drake 323 Luce 305 Sherman 314
Drake 304 Luce 323 Sherman 323
Driffinbadt 281 Luke 321 Shey 332
Driscall 330 Lynch 286 Shey 331
Driscoll 332 Lynch 309 Shields 325
Dugnid 289 Lyon 324 Shirley 301
Dundas 293 Lyons 276 Sickler 323
Dunn 315 Lyons 288 Simons 322
Durgee 328 Simpson 295
Dye 331 Slat 278
Dye 317 Slatt 313