1875 Census Index for Portville, Cattaraugus County NY






Please note:  This index (of surnames of heads of households only) was made many years ago for the Cattaraugus County Museum at Little Valley, NY and has been digitized by a team of Cattaraugus County researchers.  There will be errors, given the difficulty in deciphering some of the handwriting of the original census records.  Please check the names carefully, as your family's name may have simply been misspelled or misread. The page number refers to the page of the microfilm of the state census, which can be ordered through your local LDS Family History Center. Our many thanks to the Cattaraugus County Memorial and Historical Museum for making these indices available through the Internet.    The 1875 index shows surname only. Laura Greene,  Coordinator [email protected]

Transcribed by Doug Fairbanks

******The Town of  Portville  can be found on the  3rd  (Volume 3) of  3 microfilms of the 1875 NY State Census for Cattaraugus County made by the LDS church. The Film number is  FHL US/CAN Film  584492 ********


Name Page   Name Page   Name Page
Alderman 198 Hadley 182 Radley 186
Alexander 193 Hadley 199 Ragan 207
Allen 203 Hale 181 Real 184
Ames 168 Hall 169 Reamer 193
Andrews 166 Hallett 187 Reaves 182
Archibald 194 Hamilton 161 Relon 171
Archibald 204 Hamilton 177 Relon 172
Archibald 205 Handy 184 Reynolds 165
Armstrong 168 Handy 184 Reynolds 172
Armstrong 169 Hanks 196 Reynolds 172
Ashton 175 Hartley 199 Reynolds 173
Hatch 168 Reynolds 174
Bagan  196 Hatch 168 Reynolds 174
Baker  169 Hatch 189 Reynolds 179
Baker 169 Haurahan 187 Reynolds 179
Baker  170 Henchy 200 Reynolds 181
Baker  196 Hepenstall 202 Reynolds 185
Barber  160 Herrington 173 Reynolds 186
Barber  160 Hewett 167 Rice 196
Barber  160 Holcomb 166 Rice 196
Barber  162 Holcomb 169 Richardson 181
Barber  166 Holcomb 170 Roach 201
Barber  204 Holcomb 172 Robarts 167
Barnes 162 Holcomb 172 Robarts 171
Barnes 179 Holden 202 Robarts 199
Barns 180 Hollands 188 Robins 177
Barrett 193 Hollenby 186 Robins 201
Bartlett 198 Holley 185 Robinson 183
Barry 188 Holman 173 Robinson 203
Bates 169 Holmes 161 Rock 177
Baxter 193 Holmes 170 Rockfellow 164
Beach  197 Holmes 170 Rogers 180
Beals  205 Holmes 203 Rogers 180
Bedford 167 Hooker 172 Ronan 192
Bedford 167 Hooker 205 Rood 173
Bennehoff 162 Hopkins 196 Rose 181
Bennett 164 Hornblower 161 Rosenbury 192
Bennett 197 Horton 177 Rossen 196
Bennie 182 How 163 Rouse 178
Bennie 196 How 194 Ryan 165
Bennie 200 Hulett 194
Berger 162 Humphry 185 Sanderson 178
Bergher 204 Humphry 187 Sanderson 178
Berlow 161 Hunt 175 Sawtell 175
Berry 202 Hunt 183 Sawyer 198
Besecker 181 Huntly 183 Scott 173
Bishop 185 Scott 174
Booie 172 Ingles 177 Scutt 195
Booth 160 Searl 164
Booth  186 Jackson 195 Shafer 185
Borst  183 Jackson 196 Shafer 185
Borst 187 Jackson 205 Shafer 186
Borst  190 Jandrew 193 Shafer 181
Bostwick  176 Jandrew 194 Shafer 189
Bosworth  181 Jenks 177 Shean 188
Boughton  161 Jobe 172 Shehan 178
Boughton  196 Jobe 179 Shehan 179
Boyle  203 Jobe 180 Shenflen 196
Brant  168 Jobe 181 Sherry 167
Brazee  160 Jobe 181 Sherry 170
Bride  204 Johnson 164 Sherwood 204
Brooks  187 Johnson 174 Shine 165
Brooks  206 Jones 168 Shine 199
Brown 160 Judge 185 Sias 165
Brown 166 Judge 206 Simmons 183
Brown 175 Simpson 195
Brown  206 Kaily 200 Sixter 202
Brunery  186 Kayes 186 Skiver 160
Budgere  189 Kayes 190 Skiver 199
Burbanks 164 Kearns 202 Smith 160
Burch  160 Kelheir 206 Smith 161
Burch  171 Keller 166 Smith 163
Burdick  162 Keller 169 Smith 178
Burdick  162 Kerus 198 Smith 178
Burdick 187 Ketchum 204 Smith 182
Burdick  187 Keyes 200 Smith 183
Burdick  197 Keys 195 Smith 186
Burlingame  164 King 182 Smith 187
Burnside 175 King 183 Smith 188
Burnside 178 Kinney 192 Smith 188
Bush  176 Kinney 507 Smith 197
Button 201 Knickbocker 201 Smith 197
Button 207 Knight 183 Smith 204
Butler 161 Kratts 181 Snider 164
Snidicar 161
Cachman  174 Lachor 171 Southworth 184
Camp 164 Lackey 196 Spaulding 168
Camp  206 Lamb 167 Squires 197
Carr  164 Lang 160 Steavens 180
Carr  204 Lang 179 Stevens 198
Casey  187 Langdon 162 Stevens 205
Chadwick  175 Langworthy 161 Stonner 201
Chadwick  176 Langworthy 162 Stout 203
Chamberlain 195 Langworthy 199 Strait 205
Champlin  167 Larabee 202 Strickland 169
Chappel  180 Lattimer 184 Strong 161
Chappel 189 Lawrence 167 Stuart 181
Clark 172 Levens 206 Sullavan 173
Clark 177 Lewis 189 Sullavan 191
Clark 181 Link 182 Sutton 182
Clark 181 Livington 199 Swarts 192
Clark 187 Livington 206 Swarts 192
Cleveland 180 Loop 203 Swarts 192
Coats 163 Lord 165 Swarts 192
Coats  163 Love 179 Sweany 185
Colerich  174 Low 171
Collins 165 Low 193 Thomas 205
Collins  187 Lowe 173 Throop 189
Collins 192 Lowery 190 Thurstring 170
Colwell  199 Lowry 187 Tinker 200
Comstock  197 Lowry 194 Tinker 201
Comstock  206 Ludden 165 Traver 180
Condon  188 Lyons 182 Traver 182
Condon  189 Trinkle 197
Conner  168 Main 162 Trobridge 196
Conners  199 Main 163 Truesdell 195
Conrad  178 Magarus 198 Tull 189
Constantine  184 Magarus 198 Turner 190
Cook  186 Malery 171 Tyler 186
Cooly  198 Manard 180 Tyler 201
Coon  164 Mann 167
Corhen  192 Mapes 205 Ulercy 176
Coss  202 Maroney 182
Cossett  197 Martin 199 Valentine 206
Cotton  189 Mathers 203 VanValkenburgh 167
Coughlin  177 Maxson 163 VanValkenburgh 168
Coughlin  181 Maxson 163 VanWort 197
Cramer  198 May 194 Varney 163
Crandall  183 May 196 Voorhees 183
Crandall 162 Maynard 182
Crandall  163 McClure 199 Wainman 167
Crandall  163 McDougald 194 Wainman 198
Crandall  164 McDonell 192 Wakefield 172
Crandall  169 McGuire 189 Wakefield 172
Crandall  193 McGuire 190 Wakefield 172
Crandall  196 McIntosh 166 Wakefield 174
Crandall 196 McIntosh 202 Wakefield 176
Crane 163 McLoury 173 Wakely 183
Cronan 170 McLoury 174 Wales 169
Crowley 173 Meddaugh 162 Wales 191
Meloy 198 Walis 182
Danninagan 195 Meloy 202 Walton 166
Davidson 206 Mersereau 206 Walworth 184
Davis 177 Merwin 201 Warden 197
Davis 181 Metcalf 187 Warden 201
DeForest 189 Middaugh 160 Warner 183
DeForest 193 Middaugh 165 Warner 184
Delaney 164 Middaugh 204 Warner 195
Demming 167 Middaugh 205 Webb 206
Dennis 183 Middaugh 207 Webb 207
DeShutler 163 Miller 173 Welch 172
Deyer 207 Miller 174 Welch 196
Dibble 165 Miller 176 Welch 198
Dickenson 195 Millgate 175 Welch 198
Dolen 202 Millgate 175 Welch 206
Donaldson 164 Millgate 176 Weston 189
Done 166 Millgte 177 Weston 191
Dorman 199 Mills 195 Wetherby 171
Dowling 200 Minihan 178 Wheeler 162
Drake 173 Minihan 178 Wheeler 165
Dunford 200 Mitchell 187 Wheeler 198
Dunning 196 Monger 166 Wholtman 192
Dupee 183 Monger 183 Wicker 173
Durfey 180 Moore 183 Wickwire 184
Dusenbury 197 Moore 183 Wickwire 185
Dusenbury 199 Moore 189 Wickwire 187
Dygert 196 Myres 165 Wickwire 188
Wickwire 191
Eastern 179 Newell 180 Wickwire 193
Eastman 171 Nicholds 165 Wilcox 164
Eastwood 177 Norris 167 Wilcox 191
Elliott 160 North 163 Wildrick 181
Elliott 165 Wilkins 200
Elliott 166 Oakley 191 Williams 169
Elliott 206 OHare 190 Williams 183
Elliott 207 Oliver 206 Wilson 171
Elster 204 Oliver 207 Wilson 186
Evens 174 OMeara 202 Wilson 195
Evens 176 Orcott 190 Wilson 196
Evens 180 Orcott 191 Wilson 203
Everts 202 Ostrander 166 Witherell 183
Otto 204 Witherell 191
Fain 165 Wood 189
Fairbanks 180 Packard 162 Wood 193
Fairbanks 181 Packard 207 Woodmancy 201
Fairchild 169 Page 172 Woodruff 175
Fairchild 170 Palmer 163 Woodruff 176
Fane 175 Parker 178 Woodruff 179
Fane 177 Parker 195 Woodruff 179
Farley 164 Parks 187 Woodruff 179
Fenfhter 174 Parrish 180 Woodruff 179
Ferris 197 Parrish 180 Woodruff 188
Finger 203 Parrish 191 Woolhiser 171
Fish 175 Parrish 197 Woolhiser 181
Fisk 163 Parrish 198 Woolhiser 182
Fitch 177 Parrish 205 Worthington 168
Fitch 197 Patterson 192 Wright 195
FitzGibbons 190 Patterson 192 Wright 198
FitxGibbons 190 Peasley 166 Wright 198
FitzPatrick 178 Peckham 184 Wright 200
FitzPatrick 185 Packham 207 Wright 201
Florance 191 Peltier 160 Wyatt 173
Flyte 172 Percival 195 Wyatt 174
Foot 169 Percival 200 Wyatt 179
Foot 175 Peters 192 Wyley 191
Ford 173 Petit 173
Ford 178 Petty 174
Franklin 176 Phillips 195
Freeman 161 Pilon 201
Frier 199 Platner 194
Fritz 183 Potter 195
Fulford 194 Price 167
Prier 196
Gaben 202 Prier 206
Gage 183 Prince 163
Gage 188 Prince 171
Galatin 205 Procter 168
Galligar 202
Garriety 195
Gaston 203
Gaton 203
Gaton 204
Geise 180
Gilbert 202
Gillett 201
Godfry 198
Grans 194
Greyham 181
Gridley 189
Grierson 166
Griffin 176
Griffin 186
Griffin 188
Griffin 190
Gross 206