(# 1) North of towns only signal (intersection
where route 77 turns west and Rt. 63 goes north.)
On west side of road. This is an active cemetery
and will be posted at a later date.
(# 2) East of towns only signal (intersection
where route 77 turns west and Rt. 63 goes north.)
on north side of Lewiston Road. Abondoned.
One of my tombstone repair projects!
(# 3) Also east of intersection where route 77
turns west and Rt. 63 goes north.) on north side
of Lewiston Road. Further down the road.
Occassional burials. Quite a list of burials and will
be posted at a later date.
(# 4) Tonawanda Indian Reservation. West side
of Meadville Road 1.4 miles north of Council
House Road, 0.1 miles south of Sky Road.
Active Cemetery.
(# 5) Also known as Council House Cemetery.
West side of Council House Road near Sky Road
on the Tonawanda Indian Reservation.
(# 6) On the north side of the driveway to the
Tonawanda Indian Reservation Long House.
Only a few graves.
(# 7) At the point of the triangle where Meadville
and Parker Roads come together. Tonawanda
Indian Reservation. No stones left, or records,
existance not confirmed.
(# 8) Tonawanda Indian Baptist Church Cemetery.
North of the four corners of Meadville and
Bloomingdale Roads. Up the church driveway
and left of the parking lot on the Tonawanda
Indian Reservation.
(# 9) Located on the northwest side of the four
corners of Meadville and Bloomingdale Road.
Tonawanda Indian Reservation.
(# 10) Thought to be the Peter's Family Plot.
Tonawanda Indian Reservation on Sand Hill Road,
0.2 miles south of Bloomingdale Road. On private
property, quite a distance from the road.
(# 11) Also known as Pierce Farm Plot, School
House Cemetery or Webster Cemetery. East side
of Sand Hill Road, 1.7 miles south of Bloomingdale
Road. Tonawanda Indian Reservation.
(#12) North of Basom. Near south west corner
where route 77 and Judge Road cross. By
group of pine trees. No stones left. Abandoned.
(# 13) Located south of corner of Ledge Road and
Maple Road. On the west side of Maple.
Abandoned. Few stones left standing. This
cemetery is one of my pet projects for tombstone
This cemetery is really in Oakfield. However, there
is a large number of Alabama people buried here.
On route 63, go east through South Alabama. It is
just a small way over the Alabama town line.
This version is good for a quick scan of names and date of
death up to 1988.
This is another way to view Reed Cemetery which is more
detailed then mine. Travis Thaine, an Oakfield student,
collected this information for Oakfield Historian, Nancy Bow.
Nancy shared this with the Roots Web page. It is current to
1999. With inscriptions!