Mary, daughter of one of the most influential first families of Rehoboth, Massachusetts and related, both by blood and through her marriage to nearly every other first family in the American colonies, was one of the first female counterfeiters in America.
HIELSCHER, Ernestina
Ernestina was ill-tempered and family lore has it that her husband killed himself to get away from her.
LISLE, Lady Alicia Breckenshaw
The wife of one of the judges at the trial of King Charles I, Lady Alicia was arrested for harboring religious fugitives. She was last woman to be publicly beheaded in England.
STICKNEY, Sarah Morse
Sarah seemed to always be in trouble in 17th century New England. She was ordered whipped for fornication, she was found guilty of slander, and in general left a plethora of court records.
Fined by the New Haven, CT court for flirting with a married man, her brother, Benjamin later murdered her with an axe.
TUTTLE, Mercy & Elizabeth
Sisters of Sarah, Elizabeth was an adulterer who often threatened to murder her husband in his sleep while Mercy killed her oldest son with an axe.
WILLIAMS, Edna (Wean, Mountain)
Edna had one love affair too many and was murdered!
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